View Full Version : Ancient Egyptians Lost Tech?

11-04-21, 12:24
A topic of never ending fascination to me, since i was a kid. While I didn't take time to track down/confirm claims/facts made in this vid, seems very compelling evidence to me. I will never believe 500 ton blocks of granite were moved by humans using pulleys and wood and cut by bronze chisels...Either they had a tech that's been lost in time we can't fathom, or, well, you know... 👽


Alex V
11-04-21, 12:35
It was aliens...

11-04-21, 13:32
All that has been debunked. Let me go find it…

11-04-21, 14:02
All that has been debunked. Let me go find it…

But the people who debunked it, how do we know they're not aliens? :D


11-04-21, 14:17
Is that the ‘liquid rock’ geopolymer tech? Not that crazy. The Romans had some really sweet concrete technology. The geopolymer stuff is interesting. A ‘ceramic’ coffee mug that you can drop from a third story window. I actually have a book on it and some stuff in my garage to play with it. I was looking at it as filler for 3D printed plastic parts.

11-04-21, 14:35
Is that the ‘liquid rock’ geopolymer tech? Not that crazy. The Romans had some really sweet concrete technology. The geopolymer stuff is interesting. A ‘ceramic’ coffee mug that you can drop from a third story window. I actually have a book on it and some stuff in my garage to play with it. I was looking at it as filler for 3D printed plastic parts.

Nope, solid granite. The Romans did have some really impressive concrete tech, those seams, etc of blocks weighing up to 500 tons, were supposedly done with basic hand tools. But, there is some interesting tech they used with abrasives to make impressive cuts apparently:


11-04-21, 15:05
All that has been debunked. Let me go find it…

While he's addressing AA specifically, gives some convincing intel:


11-04-21, 19:25
If it was aliens, I'm greatly disappointed in the basic, building block design. Not to mention the earlier, very imperfect pyramids.

If ET was responsible for the Bent Pyramid no wonder they left.


Now if anyone finds a 5,000 year old Frank Loyd-Wright I'll reconsider.

11-04-21, 20:15
You can accomplish plenty when you're not distracted by sports and asses on Instagram...

11-04-21, 21:53
You can accomplish plenty when you're not distracted by sports and asses on Instagram...

People also need to understand Rome wasn't built in a day. These projects were done in the span of a lifetime, sometimes more than a generation. People say lots of silly shit when it comes to topics like aliens and ancient structures. People like to say things like "Even with modern technology we couldn't build the pyramids" which is of course complete shit. We'd simply never spend the money to build the pyramids, but if we were willing to invest billions of dollars we could certainly do it.

Even the Egyptians finally perfected the art after much smaller beta structures and things like the Step and Bent Pyramid where they learned as they built. If they didn't eventually arrive at the Giza pyramids, they'd have been pretty disappointing as empires go. While Rome didn't have three magnificent examples, Rome had thousands of magnificent examples that were more complex but not as gigantic.

An early first clue that the aliens didn't come help build the pyramids is that Egypt was conquered by Alexander and later became a client state to Rome. If they had the help of advanced alien species, or gods if you will, Rome would have never dared. Rome would have been just another extension of the vast Egyptian empire.

But for some reason, when people look at ancient history, they sometimes stop being critical thinkers.

11-04-21, 22:04
The seven wonders of the ancient world.....that right.....aliens!!

11-05-21, 05:52
Got distracted but the reason ancients all built pyramids is that’s all you can build with stone blocks without it tipping over.

11-05-21, 14:25
Got distracted but the reason ancients all built pyramids is that’s all you can build with stone blocks without it tipping over.

Pretty much. That's why it's the first structure children build with building blocks.