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11-07-21, 15:28
So they're going to disarm Canada by force most likely within a year or two. The Liberal government has demanded gun owners hand over their guns for a fraction of the price they were purchased for or have them deactivated. All the effective semi auto rifles, any firearm that produces 10k joules of energy or more (50 cal - 20mm) and handguns. There will also be magazine bans. Many semi auto rifles and every handgun is registered plus the RCMP have sales records and previous registries that were supposed to be scrapped. This means door to door confiscation.

All the court challenges are dead in the water since the courts are controlled by the Liberals.

There is no call to arms or militias forming up. If you try to suggest anything like that on a Canadian gun form Liberal moderators and fudds (the kind that will never use guns to fight against tyranny) jump all over the one suggesting it and ban and delete the comments. Even guys with rebellious no compromise avatars and Molon labe in their sig try to shut down any resistance. The main excuse being it will give the Liberal media ammunition which doesn't make any sense since there's nothing left to lose. It's difficult and in some cases expensive to become a member at most ranges in Canada and chances are good the fudds will get you banned from the range for suggesting armed resistance. It's why I do all my shooting in the forest. Some even say go join the fat open carry militia types in the US that wave Gadsden flags despite being shown pictures of US soldiers with the flag and pictures of open carry protesters that come in all shapes and sizes. It's demoralizing to say the least.

This effectively cuts off the line of communication and prevents any kind of meaningful organization and resistance. The few if any that do resist will be picked off one by one and will have no way of calling for help. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there's a point in losing your life like this. It will accomplish nothing and your people will be enslaved anyway.

Just recently a harmless 70 year old gunsmith was taken out during a raid and that has many gun owners shitting themselves. There's guys tearing down their ARs and selling parts because they're so scared.

“They shot a gunsmith,” Pringle said Thursday. “You have to put that in there. He has guns because he’s a gunsmith. He had a customer with him too. That’s what Rodger has always done. He was a gunsmith. He kept to himself. He was harmless.”

Dan Nagy, owner of Eli’s Guns and Archery in Simcoe, was stunned to learn of Kotanko’s death. In an email Thursday, Nagy said Kotanko was a friend and a mentor.

“Rodger was instrumental in teaching me my trade of gunsmithing,” Nagy said. “Everyone in the firearms community will mourn his loss. He was well-known and a well-respected community member and always under-charged his customers for the work he did.

To all the brave Americans here, please fortify your homes to buy time for your firearms community to converge on a house being unjustly raided. Keep your lines of communication open so you can react quickly. Save up and buy 50 BMG rifles. Protect your rights if something like what is happening in Canada happens to you. Registration will lead to confiscation.

Look at how many went to the open carry protest in Virginia in 2019.

Gun-control group urges Trudeau to name new minister to advance Liberal promises


During the recent election campaign, the Liberals promised to make it mandatory for owners of the banned firearms, which include the Ruger Mini-14 used at Polytechnique, to either sell them back to the government or have them rendered inoperable at federal expense.

Bill C-21 also would have given municipalities the power to ban handguns. The Liberals promised during the campaign to expand that authority to entire provinces or territories, a plan that still falls short for those, like PolySeSouvient, who want a truly national ban to avoid a patchwork of handgun laws.

-- implementation of the buyback program "as soon as possible" given that the amnesty for current owners ends next April 30;

-- prohibition of numerous models that were not covered by the regulations;

-- a new legal definition of "prohibited" firearms to make the ban on various guns permanent;

-- elimination of loopholes and exceptions related to magazines to ensure universal compliance with legal limits on the number of rounds; and

-- improved police access to sales records to allow data collection without a search warrant so officers can better trace the origin of a non-restricted firearm and detect patterns such as mass purchases.

Trudeau did in fact name a new public safety minister that is even more anti gun than the previous one.

His shit eating grin tells you just how much he really cares about public safety.


11-07-21, 15:44

11-07-21, 16:06

11-07-21, 19:02
The few if any that do resist will be picked off one by one and will have no way of calling for help. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there's a point in losing your life like this. It will accomplish nothing and your people will be enslaved anyway.

You cannot know who or what your example of sacrifice would inspire. If those with courage are really as few and far between as you may fear then your nation is already lost. But consider the possibility that there are more brave men than you know, and that the enemies of freedom that have carefully infiltrated positions of power are using that power to make you believe you are already defeated. If it is the latter then after enough are killed in their own homes the rest may finally stop waiting for the tyrants to come to them.

11-07-21, 19:25
You cannot know who or what your example of sacrifice would inspire. If those with courage are really as few and far between you may fear then your nation is already lost. But consider the possibility that there are more brave men than you know, and that the enemies of freedom that have carefully infiltrated positions of power are using that power to make you believe you are already defeated. If it is the latter then after enough are killed in their own homes the rest may finally stop waiting for the tyrants to come to them.This!!!

11-07-21, 20:59
Trudope is following in the steps of his father....Fidel

11-07-21, 21:38
Right now, Canadians have more reason to resist than even just guns. He's already telegraphed his intention for a totalitarian dictatorship in the name of climate crisis. Canada is planning on limiting personal vehicle use to travel only for work, food rationing, energy rationing (basically Canadians won't be able to use electricity for anything except essentials), and pretty much everything you say against the government can get you arrested. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some sort of genocide is in the works up there. From what I've seen, Trudeau pretty much rules by decree; he's a Canadian Putin. The problem is, Canada is a lot like Europe, it seems, in how citizens view the government. While the U.S. was based on the idea of rebellion and questioning authority, the Canadians, at least the suburban and urban ones, seem to have the European view that generally, the government knows best and you should trust them more often than not.

11-07-21, 22:12
The problem is, Canada is a lot like Europe, it seems, in how citizens view the government. While the U.S. was based on the idea of rebellion and questioning authority, the Canadians, at least the suburban and urban ones, seem to have the European view that generally, the government knows best and you should trust them more often than not.

This shows the contrast between citizens vs. subjects.

Canadians are subjects of the crown and act like it.

11-07-21, 22:27
Could not have said it better !

11-07-21, 23:16
You cannot know who or what your example of sacrifice would inspire. If those with courage are really as few and far between as you may fear then your nation is already lost. But consider the possibility that there are more brave men than you know, and that the enemies of freedom that have carefully infiltrated positions of power are using that power to make you believe you are already defeated. If it is the latter then after enough are killed in their own homes the rest may finally stop waiting for the tyrants to come to them.

In 2020 a Canadian in a reserve unit of the armed forces drove all the way from Manitoba to Ottawa with his M14 and went looking for Trudeau. His main goal was to warn us about the communist takeover. Nothing but condemnation from the firearms community. Him and his actions are not going to be remembered.


The military reservist who allegedly stormed the grounds of Rideau Hall last week with multiple firearms wrote a two-page letter which sources say included personal financial issues and government grievances, including references to his actions sending a wake-up call and fears Canada was falling into communist dictatorship.

Right now it's not looking good. Many members I see on the forums that are confirmed legit are encouraging compliance. Even some veterans. This has to be the result of decades of social conditioning and trying to be seen as law abiding gun owners that aren't a menace to society. They are seriously mind ****ed and I don't think Canadians dying in their own homes would change anything.

I beleive 99.99% are going to line up and hand in all their registered guns. The rest will be easy pickings. Some have said they will bury their unregistered semi autos which is absurd when now is the time to use them. They know homes will be raided and people could die but they still don't intend on using them against this kind of tyranny. I ask them if they realize the situation in Canada will be far worse in the future and I get no replies.

I'm a younger Canadian and bought my first gun in 2012 and didn't know anything at all about how much gun control there was in Canada or the state of mind of Canadian gun owners. Compliance with the full auto and belt fed ban and confiscation plus a few other semi autos already happened. The mentality back then was at least we still have some semi autos and handguns.

Now it's at least we still have milsurps and bolt actions. It's a clever tactic by the gun grabbers. I think this is another reason why the vast majority of the community rabidly condemns armed resistance. They carry on like nothing has happened and are perfectly fine with a government that threatens to kick in their door if they do not comply. Cheerfully talking about their 22s and which bolt action rifle they're going to get for Christmas. It's probably the most pathetic thing I have ever witnessed in my life. I'm convinced they are so neutered and spineless that they would stand there and watch people get ripped out of their homes and loaded up on to trucks and railway cars.

Wouldn't any Canadian willing to fight be better off fighting in America? I'm not sure if you guys are looking for reinforcements.

Just seems like such a waste to die in Canada for nothing.

11-07-21, 23:19
Trudope is following in the steps of his father....Fidel

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's tribute complimenting Fidel Castro as "remarkable" and a "larger than life leader who served his people" drew criticism and derision.

Trudeau under fire for expressing admiration for China's 'basic dictatorship'

The Trudeau family's love of tyrants

And please for the love of God get the Marxism out of your schools. It's capable of destroying entire nations.

The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

11-07-21, 23:24
This shows the contrast between citizens vs. subjects.

Canadians are subjects of the crown and act like it.

This is accurate.

The photo ops with confiscated ARs will be disgusting. Picture 10's of thousands of customized ARs all in one spot, some all mangled. Your Liberal media and government will use that as an example for their gun control agenda.

11-07-21, 23:38
So I know a fun game. Let's let Mr. Low Post count whip us up into a frenzy to the point where we explain our detailed manifesto for saving our beloved Republic BY FORCE on the internet.

Seriously arfcom is that way, sorry they closed down assweb years ago.

Besides, everyone knows that when Canada completely disarms, PHASE ONE is occupy Canada by force. The hardest part is knowing what to do with the rest of the week when we knock it out on thursday and what, if any, diplomatic relations we should then establish with the US.

I don't know all the details but I'm pretty sure at the last meeting it was decided that Quebec would become North Georgia.

11-07-21, 23:52
So I know a fun game. Let's let Mr. Low Post count whip us up into a frenzy to the point where we explain our detailed manifesto for saving our beloved Republic BY FORCE on the internet.

Seriously arfcom is that way, sorry they closed down assweb years ago.

Besides, everyone knows that when Canada completely disarms, PHASE ONE is occupy Canada by force. The hardest part is knowing what to do with the rest of the week when we knock it out on thursday and what, if any, diplomatic relations we should then establish with the US.

I don't know all the details but I'm pretty sure at the last meeting it was decided that Quebec would become North Georgia.

You know you really sound just like the cowards on Canadian gun forums. Governments should fear the people not the other way around.

There's only one way to defend against door to door confiscation. I saved you the trouble and took the risk. You don't have to agree if you're scared. Upgrade your home security and stock up on food and water. Also buy a CBRN gas mask with new filters.

CBRN mask + filters: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?224064-Gas-masks&p=2917950#post2917950
Fortifying your home: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?227849-Bulletproof-home


What I'm doing here is asking you guys to not make the same mistake as Canada. That's the main point.

And to buy 50 BMG rifles.

Canada is not going to be annexed. You don't want all those Liberal voters contaminated with Marxism.

11-08-21, 00:20
Another thing I wanted to add which is incredibly disturbing.

Some of those legit members on the Canadian forums have said the teams doing the door kicking and confiscating are "just doing their jobs". Yes they have rebranded and repackaged "just following orders".

Less than 100 years ago.

The Milgram blind obedience study:


11-08-21, 01:05
Not a fan.

11-08-21, 01:09
The way to truly save America is by getting the Marxism out of the schools and educating a new generation of American students. Instill in them the basic values of Americanism/Patriotism.

You seem to be on the right track with many states preventing Marxist CRT from being taught.


Even IF Russia changed and became a freedom loving capitalistic country. The Marxism that was injected decades ago is still there doing damage. It's one of the most if not the most effective fire and forget weapons.

11-08-21, 05:21
You know you really sound just like the cowards on Canadian gun forums.

Yep, that's me. Completely nailed it.

What I'm doing here is asking you guys to not make the same mistake as Canada. That's the main point.

And to buy 50 BMG rifles.

You sound like a seriously badass MF'er. I wish I could get my hands on something like a .50 one day. I bet you have a motorcycle.

11-08-21, 06:30
Let's see, Canada...........Russia...........Forced Confiscation...........Marxism....... and "Fire and Forget" in more than one post.

I think SAUG may be onto something, smells like a media infiltrator trolling for a story. They're the only people obsessed with Russia.

11-08-21, 07:43
Yep, that's me. Completely nailed it.

You sound like a seriously badass MF'er. I wish I could get my hands on something like a .50 one day. I bet you have a motorcycle.

It honestly feels like I'm posting on a Canadian gun forum.

Try asking yourself why the Liberal government of Canada quietly included the 50 in the assault weapons ban and mandatory buy back/deactivation. Then ask yourself how useful they would be for homeland defense and defense against domestic tyranny.

Remember Barrett Brandon?

https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/01/NINTCHDBPICT000555770568.jpg?strip=all&w=960 This guy gets it!

11-08-21, 07:48
Let's see, Canada...........Russia...........Forced Confiscation...........Marxism....... and "Fire and Forget" in more than one post.

I think SAUG may be onto something, smells like a media infiltrator trolling for a story. They're the only people obsessed with Russia.

Forceful confiscation is happening in Canada. Watch the Yuri Bezmenov video hosted on mr. guns n gear's channel. Then read the Canadian article I linked about how schools are contaminated with Marxists.

Psychological warfare isn't a joke. BLM has even admitted to being well trained Marxists.

Explain to me how Marxism isn't a fire and forget weapon? It has ruined my country and many others. How much more authentic proof do you need?

Now you're scared of the Liberal media too?

Better tell T-rex arms to STFU then. If the media plays this clip, all is lost!

Skip to 2:20


11-08-21, 08:17
Enough with the Liberal media accusations.

I'm a pissed off Canadian just giving you a heads up.

A 50 behind every blade of grass.

11-08-21, 09:20
dude you truly stink of gloworm, growing up in the 70's I hung with the brain dead crowd. right after the marilitos boat lift we had several thousand Cubans being processed through Ft. Smith as soon as processing was accomplished they left enmasse for Miami except 2 brain dead types that wanted to be cocaine cowboys in NW ArKansas so long story short they got busted very quickly to help protect the local dealers but not before DEA agents showed up and were working the brain dead crowd for local sources. one such gloworm I personally encountered could not keep his Puerto Rican accent more than 2 sentences before his new Jersey accent would take over after hassling him for half an hour about it he finally admitted he was not from Puerto Rico or Cuba was so bad that I still laugh when ever anyone talks about government competence

11-08-21, 09:26

Nadler Asks Chip Roy: 'What Do You Use Semi-Automatic Weapons For?'


11-08-21, 10:17
Welcome, fellow gun enthusiast.....

Cool screen name, a student of Socioligy, I see.

11-08-21, 10:46
Wouldn't any Canadian willing to fight be better off fighting in America? I'm not sure if you guys are looking for reinforcements.

Just seems like such a waste to die in Canada for nothing.

Given your beliefs I cannot see why you would remain in Canada if it is possible to escape to another country where confiscation is not imminent. There are more here who are openly defiant about confiscation than what you report of Canada.

11-08-21, 11:21
Let's see, Canada...........Russia...........Forced Confiscation...........Marxism....... and "Fire and Forget" in more than one post.

I think SAUG may be onto something, smells like a media infiltrator trolling for a story. They're the only people obsessed with Russia.

C'mon man! What's more probable? That he's a media infiltrator trolling for a story, or an FBI agent trolling for another crime to manufacture? :confused:

11-08-21, 12:56
Enough with the Liberal media accusations.

I'm a pissed off Canadian just giving you a heads up.

A 50 behind every blade of grass.

So if that's your game plan, why didn't you and your .50 stop the gun grab in Canada? Did you try calling people cowards and commies? I find that to be a useful recruiting technique.

11-08-21, 13:08
Cool screen name,

When I was in 8th grade elementary school we went on a school trip to Toronto and were able to walk around the city for a bit on our own. Me and a group of rebels went into one of the original cannabis shops there. I've used the shop's name as a screen name ever since.


Now they're everywhere and becoming a problem.

2 Toronto councillors push for limits on pot shop locations, saying cities should have more say


Wong-Tam, who represents Ward 13, Toronto Centre, said on Sunday that her constituents are concerned about the number of cannabis stores in their neighbourhoods and she is concerned about the lack of control that city council has over where they are located. She estimates there are about 300 cannabis stores now in Toronto and said they could "cannibalize" main streets.

There is less diversity of retail because of the concentration and proliferation of cannabis shops, she said. It's also not clear why there are so many close together in some areas, she added.

Part of the reason why Trudeau won in 2015

11-08-21, 13:17
Sounds to me like religion isn't the opiate of the masses, but weed.

As long as Canadians (or Americans) can get high, they don't give a crap what the gov't does.

11-08-21, 13:25
Given your beliefs I cannot see why you would remain in Canada if it is possible to escape to another country where confiscation is not imminent. There are more here who are openly defiant about confiscation than what you report of Canada.

Appreciate it! I don't want to see anyone's life wasted in a country that's overrun.

I think Reagan was 100% right when he said America is the last stand on earth.

Skip to 3:40


11-08-21, 13:32
When I was in 8th grade elementary school we went on a school trip to Toronto and were able to walk around the city for a bit on our own. Me and a group of rebels went into one of the original cannabis shops there. I've used the shop's name as a screen name ever since.


Now the entire thread makes sense.

11-08-21, 13:39
C'mon man! What's more probable? That he's a media infiltrator trolling for a story, or an FBI agent trolling for another crime to manufacture? :confused:

These posts are identical to the ones that get made on Canadian gun forums like canadiangunnutz

Go to the legalese sub forum and look at the thread called "Destroying your RESTRICTED!?"

Post #47 in that thread

"I have to admit I don’t trust these brand new members all with sons of liberty tags acting like it’s 1776. I smell liberal rats trying to illicit comments that can be quoted in the media to justify future seizures!!"

Try it out. Sign up and make a thread about forming militias and armed resistance to house to house confiscation. Post this article from one of our gun orgs too:

A Brief History of Gun Control in Canada, 1867 to 1945


In fact, up until the late twentieth century, private gun ownership was generally regarded as essential to defend Canada against external aggression (virtually every adult male was required to belong to the militia, and to provide their own firearms), and to protect the citizen against domestic tyranny.

11-08-21, 13:44
So if that's your game plan, why didn't you and your .50 stop the gun grab in Canada? Did you try calling people cowards and commies? I find that to be a useful recruiting technique.

One guy with a 50 cal isn't going to stop door to door confiscation. Multiple 50s in an area might.

11-08-21, 13:45
Now the entire thread makes sense.

I heard weed increases your paranoia. You should probably lay off the stuff.

11-08-21, 14:00
I heard weed increases your paranoia. You should probably lay off the stuff.


11-08-21, 14:09

Nah you guys are just like the cowards on that Canadian forum I linked. Don't even realize you're neutering yourselves.

11-08-21, 14:12
Nah you guys are just like the cowards on that Canadian forum I linked.You got us. Now you can leave.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-08-21, 14:14
You got us. Now you can leave.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Take your own advice.

This thread is for the brave Americans here.

Feel free to come back when you grow a pair.

11-08-21, 14:20
Take your own advice.

This thread is for the brave Americans here.

Feel free to come back when you grow a pair.

That's pretty good, I actually laughed out loud.

11-08-21, 14:25
That's pretty good, I actually laughed out loud.


I hope these kinds of posts don't overwhelm if there is ever door to door confiscation in America. Protect your community.

11-08-21, 14:31
Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It?

The Defiant And Free
The little tyrants that infiltrate humanity probably look at liberty advocates as some kind of alien creatures from far beyond the bounds of their universe. They just can’t fathom how it is possible for someone to defy the system, to stand against the mob or the collective, even when they are outnumbered or when the risk is so high. They assume that it is a form of madness or a lack of intelligence; for how could anyone smart think they have a chance of fighting back against the dictatorship?

Liberty people are individualists by nature, but we also care about the freedoms of others. There is a common propaganda narrative that claims that individualists are “selfish”, but this is not the case at all. It is not enough for us alone to escape slavery, we will not stand by and watch others be forced into bondage either. We are willing to risk our lives not just to save ourselves but to save future generations from autocracy.


11-08-21, 14:31
I'm a little confused. Since we here in the USA are not looking at an imminent confiscation situation (not even in places like California), are we still supposed to be shooting someone? Who?

Are the hardcore patriots of Canada looking to start shooting the tyrants? Who first?

Right now, Biden and the Dems aren't really getting anywhere with gun control.

11-08-21, 14:37
I'm a little confused. Since we here in the USA are not looking at an imminent confiscation situation (not even in places like California), are we still supposed to be shooting someone? Who?

Are the hardcore patriots of Canada looking to start shooting the tyrants? Who first?

Right now, Biden and the Dems aren't really getting anywhere with gun control.

This thread is a warning and a plea to not make the same mistake as Canada.

There isn't enough Canadian patriots to defend freedom in Canada. The answer to one of my questions was they are better off defending freedom in America if it ever came down to it.

11-08-21, 14:47
This thread is a warning and a plea to not make the same mistake as Canada.

There isn't enough Canadian patriots to defend freedom in Canada. The answer to one of my questions was they are better off defending freedom in America if it ever came down to it.

Dude, you're hilarious! :jester:

11-08-21, 14:53
Dude, you're hilarious! :jester:

Unlike you, I take what's happening in the Western world very seriously.

11-08-21, 15:08
Unlike you, I take what's happening in the Western world very seriously.

So for your next trick, are you going to tell me what I'm wearing and what I had for lunch? Maybe who I voted for in the last election? :sarcastic:

11-08-21, 15:10
So for your next trick, are you going to tell me what I'm wearing and what I had for lunch? Maybe who I voted for in the last election? :sarcastic:

Are you really upset that I made you look like a paranoid goof? I'm clearly not the feds stop trolling this thread and deflecting from the main issues.

11-08-21, 15:25
I heard weed increases your paranoia. You should probably lay off the stuff.

Never done it, in the 8th grade I was the loser actually doing his homework.

11-08-21, 15:29

I hope these kinds of posts don't overwhelm if there is ever door to door confiscation in America. Protect your community.

I'm not worried, I have a super soaker loaded with lemon juice. That stuff really stings the eyes. I figure I can get a couple ATF guys and then run out the back door screaming "rape", that's what I learned to do in a self defense class I took once at the YMCA so I figure I'm pretty covered should the door to door confiscation happen in the US.

Nobody wants lemon juice in their eyes. It stings really, really bad. I also have like 18 lbs. of rice hidden in a treehouse so if I have to go off grid I figure I could last a year or so. Can't really relate the rest of my plan because Opsec and stuff.

11-08-21, 15:31
I'm a little confused. Since we here in the USA are not looking at an imminent confiscation situation (not even in places like California), are we still supposed to be shooting someone? Who?

Are the hardcore patriots of Canada looking to start shooting the tyrants? Who first?

Right now, Biden and the Dems aren't really getting anywhere with gun control.

You just aren't smoking enough weed to understand what we are up against. See the corporations start acting all corporationally and stuff and then the next thing you know we are a marxist, communist state with no guns. Oh and we are all cowards and shit. If you just smoke some weed it will all make perfect sense.

11-08-21, 15:34
Are you really upset that I made you look like a paranoid goof? I'm clearly not the feds stop trolling this thread and deflecting from the main issues.

I thought you might be the feds, but this post convinced me you are actually a Canadian. I bet you have a bayonet and everything.

Are militia meetings still being held at the The Blue Oyster? I swear I'm gonna start going to some of them. You've inspired me.

11-08-21, 15:36
I was the loser

Makes sense.

11-08-21, 15:43
Is SteyrAUG considered a valued member here deserving of respect? Would be sad if he was.

11-08-21, 15:43
This thread is a warning and a plea to not make the same mistake as Canada.

There isn't enough Canadian patriots to defend freedom in Canada. The answer to one of my questions was they are better off defending freedom in America if it ever came down to it.

The warning is duly noted. If I were you I might look into immigrating to the US, it's all the rage these days...no joke.

11-08-21, 15:46
You just aren't smoking enough weed to understand what we are up against. See the corporations start acting all corporationally and stuff and then the next thing you know we are a marxist, communist state with no guns. Oh and we are all cowards and shit. If you just smoke some weed it will all make perfect sense.

I haven't smoked any weed in like 35 years, I was actually one of the ones who did get paranoid. I do want to be un-confused though. Is there a recommended doobie amount?

11-08-21, 15:51
The warning is duly noted. If I were you I might look into immigrating to the US, it's all the rage these days...no joke.

Same deal with Canada:

Rupa Subramanya: By increasing immigration Trudeau has laid a trap for the Conservatives | National Post

Why, then, given its potential unpopularity is the Trudeau government doubling down aggressively on increasing immigration, apart from ideological conviction?

The answer may lie in the twin, related facts, that new immigrants tend to be reliable Liberal voters

Former Liberal adviser rips party

Aziz said that while he worked in the department, he heard staffers referring to certain communities as "ethnic vote banks. He said he was assigned to "brown files" in the department"


Tilting the system toward family reunification and away from skilled workers diminished the economic benefits that had traditionally come with immigration. But it maximized the political benefits to Trudeau. This endeared many existing immigrant communities to the Liberals and encouraged wide swaths of new Canadians to vote for Trudeau when the time came.


Last in formal importance are immigrants of color and their descendants, the faction of the Canadian progressive coalition that’s more often seen than heard. Immigrant communities are useful for Liberals to mobilize in the context of the Canadian electoral system, which relies on mass recruitment of party members to nominate candidates and features numerous minority-majority parliamentary districts. The result has been a rise in minority and immigrant members of Parliament, more than 80 percent of whom are Liberals. Yet the lack of power ordinary MPs enjoy means many of these politicians serve their party primarily as diversity symbols or get-out-the-vote strategists. They remain largely shut out from more authoritative positions

Sucks that some people get to walk right in while others have to go through a long and legal process.

"an unrelenting stream of immigration"


11-08-21, 15:57
Is SteyrAUG considered a valued member here deserving of respect? Would be sad if he was.

He is, it's just that we have had these kinds of conversations on the forum for years now. I think some of the guys are just feeling a bit "been there, done that" today.

11-08-21, 15:57
After reading through this thread, I’m sold. Where can we link up? Have .50 BMG, will travel.

11-08-21, 16:01
He is, it's just that we have had these kinds of conversations on the forum for years now. I think some of the guys are just feeling a bit "been there, done that" today.

By the way, the 50 bmg comment sort of got everyone's eyes rolling to the back of their heads.

11-08-21, 16:02
He is, it's just that we have had these kinds of conversations on the forum for years now. I think some of the guys are just feeling a bit "been there, done that" today.

It's pretty sad that he is. You're about to have a full blown communist country right above you.

11-08-21, 16:07
By the way, the 50 bmg comment sort of got everyone's eyes rolling to the back of their heads.

Are you kidding me? Why do you think the Liberal government of Canada quietly included them in the assault weapons ban and mandatory buy back/deactivation?

Are any of you strategic thinkers? It defeats armor and gets rid of your problems quick.


11-08-21, 16:08

It's perfect for home defense. Should hold off any attackers for awhile as you wait for a relief army (the firearms community) to show up.

11-08-21, 16:10
After reading through this thread, I’m sold. Where can we link up? Have .50 BMG, will travel.

I salute you sir.

11-08-21, 16:24

11-08-21, 16:45
I salute you sir.

I’ll hit you up later for the rally point, someone’s at my door.

11-08-21, 16:51
I’ll hit you up later for the rally point, someone’s at my door.

Sounds good


It's nice to know there are Americans willing to defend their country against serious tyranny in the event that it occurs.

11-08-21, 17:32
Pot head pacifist socialist Canadian telling Americans whats up :) hahahhahahaah to funny and typical of the I am better you elitist attitude sipping tea saying we are educated not barbarians :) OH queen is in town time to bow ! Cheer cheer

Seems we were giving warnings some time ago to our northern neighbors but we got the we are better than you more educated than you more socialized than you we do not need to have guns and so on your barbarians

My wife is Canadian :) great country great people but sadly socialist won and just talking to them is proof the recent lock down laws proof the leaders proof of them just going along with it even she sees it now :)

11-08-21, 17:50
Makes sense.

Ooooh burn. That burned me bad. You are gonna be like the king of the cafeteria with that one.

Is SteyrAUG considered a valued member here deserving of respect? Would be sad if he was.

Nope. Just a sad loser on a sad forum full of losers. You really shouldn't waste your time with us losers. You should find a real forum full of genuine patriots and real gun owners. I recommend GlockTalk, those guys are badass like you.

11-08-21, 18:00

It's perfect for home defense. Should hold off any attackers for awhile as you wait for a relief army (the firearms community) to show up.

Who the hell would want that when you can get a Maverick 88? Ballistically they are nearly identical but unlike a .50 you don't need to aim a shotgun. Plus you can mix and match slugs for precision sniper shooting and birdshot for low profile scattergun. Also the 88 has a folding stock which is way more tactical and something you'll never see on a .50.

And you think you are being strategic and stuff. Don't even know that much.

11-08-21, 18:03
I gotta say there FriendlyStranger, we'd be much more apt to believe you are really Canadian if you'd throw in the occasional "Eh" at the end of your sentences. And maybe an "aboot" or two. Come on man.

11-08-21, 18:14
Who the hell would want that when you can get a Maverick 88? Ballistically they are nearly identical but unlike a .50 you don't need to aim a shotgun. Plus you can mix and match slugs for precision sniper shooting and birdshot for low profile scattergun. Also the 88 has a folding stock which is way more tactical and something you'll never see on a .50.

And you think you are being strategic and stuff. Don't even know that much.

Ah, I see Gecko45 has awakened within you! ;)

11-08-21, 18:23
Pot head pacifist socialist Canadian telling Americans whats up :) hahahhahahaah to funny and typical of the I am better you elitist attitude sipping tea saying we are educated not barbarians :) OH queen is in town time to bow ! Cheer cheer

Seems we were giving warnings some time ago to our northern neighbors but we got the we are better than you more educated than you more socialized than you we do not need to have guns and so on your barbarians

My wife is Canadian :) great country great people but sadly socialist won and just talking to them is proof the recent lock down laws proof the leaders proof of them just going along with it even she sees it now :)

Nothing about my posts indicates that I'm a pacifist socialist Canadian.

"The goal of socialism is communism" - Lenin

I'm clearly against socialism and communism. Watch that Vietnam video I linked, I'm not the only one.

I have American born family members living in the US. I am not one of those Canadians that thinks our small neutered country is better than our neighbor. I will admit there is that attitude here in Canada and I defend America every time I see a pompous and ignorant Canadian bashing the US.

11-08-21, 18:28
Who the hell would want that when you can get a Maverick 88? Ballistically they are nearly identical but unlike a .50 you don't need to aim a shotgun. Plus you can mix and match slugs for precision sniper shooting and birdshot for low profile scattergun. Also the 88 has a folding stock which is way more tactical and something you'll never see on a .50.

And you think you are being strategic and stuff. Don't even know that much.

Have you learned nothing?

The federal government’s first serious attempt at region-wide gun control occurs after the 1885 rebellion. Parliament bans aboriginals, metis and “disloyal” white settlers in the Northwest Territories from possessing “improved arms” (firearms with rifled barrels) and cartridge ammunition. The legislation allows them to possess only smooth bore firearms, such as muzzle loading –muskets and shotguns. The government is well aware that the limited range of smooth bore firearms provides only limited utility as weapons in a modern military conflict.


A Brief History of Gun Control in Canada, 1867 to 1945

11-08-21, 19:03
Have you learned nothing?

The federal government’s first serious attempt at region-wide gun control occurs after the 1885 rebellion. Parliament bans aboriginals, metis and “disloyal” white settlers in the Northwest Territories from possessing “improved arms” (firearms with rifled barrels) and cartridge ammunition. The legislation allows them to possess only smooth bore firearms, such as muzzle loading –muskets and shotguns. The government is well aware that the limited range of smooth bore firearms provides only limited utility as weapons in a modern military conflict.


A Brief History of Gun Control in Canada, 1867 to 1945

Sorry, I don't really know much about the history of gun control. Maybe you can post some more videos.

Do you have any explaining why communism is bad? I know Germany was communist so it's a problem but that's about all I know it that was a long time ago.

11-08-21, 19:06
Sorry, I don't really know much about the history of gun control. Maybe you can post some more videos.

Do you have any explaining why communism is bad? I know Germany was communist so it's a problem but that's about all I know it that was a long time ago.

Your snarky bullshit is devoid of wit and can't get anymore obnoxious.

11-08-21, 19:14
This is pure gold

11-08-21, 19:22
This is pure gold

Yeah, a gunsmith getting raided and killed and one of the largest gun confiscations (if not the largest) in history is pure comedy gold. Definitely not a blow to the American gun industry. The photo ops with confiscated ARs the American anti gunners will use against you is no big deal.

Americans have nothing to worry about and nothing to prepare for.

11-08-21, 19:27
Yeah, a gunsmith getting raided and killed and one of the largest gun confiscations (if not the largest) in history is pure comedy gold. Definitely not a blow to the American gun industry. The photo ops with confiscated ARs the American anti gunners will use against you is no big deal.

Americans have nothing to worry about and nothing to prepare for.Ok, let's get real. Please take some time to think about it before answering this question. What do you think are the realistic practical steps that can be taken to mitigate the encroaching tyranny?

11-08-21, 19:34
Ok, let's get real. Please take some time to think about it before answering this question. What do you think are the realistic practical steps that can be taken to mitigate the encroaching tyranny?

It's already been said in here but I'll reiterate.

Getting the Marxism out of schools is the most important step you can take. Watch the Yuri Bezmenov video hosted on mr guns n gear's channel. It takes 10-15 years to educate a new generation of American patriots.

If that fails then you know they're coming for the guns. Not much you can do about bans but if they go door to door then you fortify your homes and wait for a relief army (the firearms community) to show up.

You outnumber and outgun them.

11-08-21, 19:42
That's a pretty big relief army right there:



11-08-21, 19:42
It's already been said in here but I'll reiterate.

Get the Marxism out of schools is the most important step you can take. Watch the Yuri Bezmenov video hosted on mr guns n gear's channel. It takes 10-15 years to educate a new generation of American patriots.

If that fails then you know they're coming for the guns. Not much you can do about bans but if they go door to door then you fortify your homes and wait for a relief army (the firearms community) to show up.

You outnumber and outgun them.

I've watched the entire Yuri Bezmenov interview already. I do agree that education is one of the fundamental aspects of exposing the truth, however, how would you propose we "get the Marxism out of schools"?

Also, how much good do you think "fortifying your home" will do against a group of determined, armed, and we'll resourced men? Remember Waco?

As far as outnumbering and outgunning goes, nothing short of full blown civil war is where this leads.

11-08-21, 19:45
I've watched the entire Yuri Bezmenov interview already. I do agree that education is one of the fundamental aspects of exposing the truth, however, how would you propose we "get the Marxism out of schools"?

Also, how much good do you think "fortifying your home" will do against a group of determined, armed, and we'll resourced men? Remember Waco?

States have banned CRT which is Marxist indoctrination. Trump wanted to set up a Patriotic Education' Commission

Trump Announces 'Patriotic Education' Commission

Trump Expands Ban On Racial Sensitivity Training To Federal Contractors

Fortifying your home buys time. This is classic siege warfare and it's still a viable tactic. A relief army didn't show up at Waco for obvious reasons.

Mass door to door confiscation is hardcore tyranny and nothing like Waco.

If the Hussars and other allies didn't show up at the siege of Vienna Europe would probably be Islamic. They arrived just in the nick of time.

11-08-21, 20:02
Oh another thing, secure that southern border. They're using the unrelenting stream for votes.

It's why Canada will become a one party state.

11-08-21, 20:13
Your snarky bullshit is devoid of wit and can't get anymore obnoxious.

I disagree. I think there is higher levels of obnoxious just waiting to be achieved.

Maybe you can preach to us some more about how we aren't measuring up to your expectations.

Americans have nothing to worry about and nothing to prepare for.

That's a relief. For a moment I thought there was a problem based upon your videos.

11-08-21, 20:15
Oh another thing, secure that southern border. They're using the unrelenting stream for votes.

It's why Canada will become a one party state.

At this point I'm inclined to worry more about the Northern border.

11-08-21, 20:41
At this point I'm inclined to worry more about the Northern border.

Definitely something to be concerned about. The communist one party state probably won't be a good ally towards a future Republican government and might pressure a liberal government for more gun control after it successfully disarms and neuters the Canadian population.

Canada will be a Marxist haven. This is what social justice really means in practice.

11-08-21, 20:45
At this point I’m wondering how this thread is still going?

11-08-21, 20:47
I disagree. I think there is higher levels of obnoxious just waiting to be achieved.

You aren't doing yourself any favors.

Maybe you can preach to us some more about how we aren't measuring up to your expectations.

"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort."

"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence"


11-08-21, 20:49
At this point I’m wondering how this thread is still going?

You could always just avoid the thread if you don't want to be a part of the discussion.

11-08-21, 20:50
Demoralization thread.

They will continue to be posted as long as members keep replying to them.

11-08-21, 20:59
Demoralization thread.

They will continue to be posted as long as members keep replying to them.

This thread is about Canada being overrun and there's positive solutions to preventing the same thing from happening to America in here.

It seems like America is on the right track.

Brace yourselves for the photo ops of confiscated and destroyed ARs and many other SBRs/semi autos. Close to 100,000 ARs alone.

11-08-21, 21:05
This thread is about Canada being overrun and there's positive solutions to preventing the same thing from happening to America in here.

It seems like America is on the right track.

The situation here in America is "iffy". Biden got in and is doing his best to finish off America, but then we see things looking up in Virginia. Plus there are state gov'ts that are resisting the commies in Washington DC. It's going to be an interesting 3 years. In the mean time, stay away from railroads in Canada.

11-08-21, 21:17
In the mean time, stay away from railroads in Canada.

I hope you're not upset that I gave a good argument as to why more Americans should be buying up 50 cal rifles. When a government says you don't need a 50 cal, you need a 50 cal.

There's no good reason not to have one.

Why do you think California banned them?

The Liberal party of Canada quietly including them in the assault weapons ban and mandatory buyback/deactivation sends a clear message.

11-08-21, 21:55
You aren't doing yourself any favors.


11-08-21, 21:57
I hope you're not upset that I gave a good argument as to why more Americans should be buying up 50 cal rifles. When a government says you don't need a 50 cal, you need a 50 cal.

There's no good reason not to have one.

Why do you think California banned them?

The Liberal party of Canada quietly including them in the assault weapons ban and mandatory buyback/deactivation sends a clear message.

No, I'm not upset with you at all. You had something to say, and that's fine with me.

As for 50's, I just never really had a good reason to plunk down the thousands they usually cost. It would have been difficult to justify that to my wife, plus my ideas around shooting just didn't include a massive rifle.

California has been at the chipping away type of banning guns for quite awhile. The 50 was an easy one for them because hardly anyone owned them. As things stand now, I doubt seriously that you could get a law enforcement agency to get involved in any sort of confiscation scheme in Ca. The sheriff of Los Angeles county won't even enforce vac or mask mandates and he's a liberal. In a few years? Who knows?

11-08-21, 22:01
The Liberal party of Canada quietly including them in the assault weapons ban and mandatory buyback/deactivation sends a clear message.

And you did what about that? Nothing and then complain on the internet?

11-08-21, 22:04
No, I'm not upset with you at all. You had something to say, and that's fine with me.

As for 50's, I just never really had a good reason to plunk down the thousands they usually cost. It would have been difficult to justify that to my wife, plus my ideas around shooting just didn't include a massive rifle.

California has been at the chipping away type of banning guns for quite awhile. The 50 was an easy one for them because hardly anyone owned them. As things stand now, I doubt seriously that you could get a law enforcement agency to get involved in any sort of confiscation scheme in Ca. The sheriff of Los Angeles county won't even enforce vac or mask mandates and he's a liberal. In a few years? Who knows?

Fair enough!

11-08-21, 22:04
And you did what about that? Nothing and then complain on the internet?

I said what needed to be said and risked my life in the process. You might want to re-read the OP.

11-08-21, 22:26
A gun owner in Canada will have no way of calling for help. If he or she were to post on a Canadian gun forum their location so a relief army could show up, a Liberal/fudd moderator would absolutely ban and delete that call for assistance. There would be a media blackout.

There is no organization here. You need mass communication and a lot of gun owners to mount a proper defense.

11-08-21, 23:17
Some of us are already ahead of the game. My trunk gun is a Barret, M82. I generally carry a Daeagle, wiff dah beemz, in .50 AE, and the BUG is usually a FN 5.7, you know, 'cause body armor.

So my bases are covered.

That Deagle is run AIWB too, chicks be diggin' tha package.

11-08-21, 23:27
I said what needed to be said and risked my life in the process. You might want to re-read the OP.Tell me this story. It sounds like something could inspire us to do the same.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-08-21, 23:28
Some of us are already ahead of the game. My trunk gun is a Barret, M82. I generally carry a Daeagle, wiff dah beemz, in .50 AE, and the BUG is usually a FN 5.7, you know, 'cause body armor.

So my bases are covered.

That Deagle is run AIWB too, chicks be diggin' tha package.Step it up bro. 40mm is where its at.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-08-21, 23:37
Some of us are already ahead of the game. My trunk gun is a Barret, M82. I generally carry a Daeagle, wiff dah beemz, in .50 AE, and the BUG is usually a FN 5.7, you know, 'cause body armor.

So my bases are covered.

That Deagle is run AIWB too, chicks be diggin' tha package.

Tell me this story. It sounds like something could inspire us to do the same.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

It's easy to be a snarky douche bag when you don't have to worry about door to door confiscation within a year or two.

You'd be singing a different tune.

11-08-21, 23:41
"Remember, if the women don't find ya handsome, they should at least find ya trollin'"

11-08-21, 23:49
It's easy to be a snarky douche bag when you don't have to worry about door to door confiscation within a year or two.

You'd be singing a different tune.Come on dude. Everybody saw Canada losing their rights a LONG time ago. What did you and your fellow patriots do? Most people talk big but aren't willing to die for a cause. You coming to this forum and shouting at us isn't going to change anything. Go light off a revolution.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-09-21, 00:19
Come on dude. Everybody saw Canada losing their rights a LONG time ago. What did you and your fellow patriots do? Most people talk big but aren't willing to die for a cause. You coming to this forum and shouting at us isn't going to change anything.
Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Why distort reality like this? The OP wasn't shouting at any of you. I explained the situation in Canada, made a plea to not make the same mistake and presented the only solution to door to door confiscation.

I also asked if it was worth it when there was no way to organize mass resistance and call for help since the lines of communication have been cut by Liberal mods and fudds. The response I got was no, come to the US.

Thread was going well until SteyrAUG and some others started accusing me of being the FEDs or the Liberal media. I then said don't be like the cowards in Canada. You can thank JFK for that.

"Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you."

Now I'm saying brace yourselves for the photo ops, because the Liberals in the US will use them against you.

Go light off a revolution.

I think shit talkers like you would crumple if you were in my shoes. Too scared of the FEDs and Liberal media and wouldn't risk your life to try to rally the firearms community. I can picture you watching any fighting that took place on the news from the safety of your home.

11-09-21, 01:24
It's easy to be a snarky douche bag when you don't have to worry about door to door confiscation within a year or two.

You'd be singing a different tune.

Maybe you should be using your international relations expertise on your fellow Canadians instead of lecturing us on our history & current events.
Your country is apparently the one getting overrun soon by your marxist government. Ours has a ways to go. (at least for now). We're behind in the fight but we're not whipped yet.
Use your diatribe to fire up your countrymen to resist communism instead of chastising us for not heeding your "you better listen to me or else" worldly advice. My counrtymen are working on our problems. Try getting yours to work on Canada's.

11-09-21, 01:26
One guy with a 50 cal isn't going to stop door to door confiscation. Multiple 50s in an area might.

Have you learned nothing?

The federal government’s first serious attempt at region-wide gun control occurs after the 1885 rebellion. Parliament bans aboriginals, metis and “disloyal” white settlers in the Northwest Territories from possessing “improved arms” (firearms with rifled barrels) and cartridge ammunition. The legislation allows them to possess only smooth bore firearms, such as muzzle loading –muskets and shotguns. The government is well aware that the limited range of smooth bore firearms provides only limited utility as weapons in a modern military conflict....

Why distort reality like this? The OP wasn't shouting at any of you. I explained the situation in Canada, made a plea to not make the same mistake and presented the only solution to door to door confiscation......

I'm sorry mate, I want to believe the cover story, but your lack of ability to grasp humor, and obsession with .50's pretty much glows with the light of an thousand radioactive suns.
Come on, man.

Either you are 1) a fed troll, 2) a bot account, 3) someone who is simply clueless about firearms, or 4) gecko45 re-chambered in .50BMG instead of .300WinMag.
If #4, just spill the beans on who put you up to this already, so we can all have a laugh and move on.
If #1, sorry, but nobody here has any grenades to sell you.

I'm not worried, I have a super soaker loaded with lemon juice. That stuff really stings the eyes. I figure I can get a couple ATF guys and then run out the back door screaming "rape", that's what I learned to do in a self defense class I took once at the YMCA so I figure I'm pretty covered should the door to door confiscation happen in the US.

Nobody wants lemon juice in their eyes. It stings really, really bad...
I probably shouldn't even post this here cuz teh fedbois be watching, but try adding a few hefty shakes of cayenne pepper into the mix as well, perhaps a few other additives to gelify it a bit so it sticks in the eye and REALLY awakens the senses of the federales back onto the path of righteousness....

11-09-21, 02:08
Maybe you should be using your international relations expertise on your fellow Canadians instead of lecturing us on our history & current events.
Your country is apparently the one getting overrun soon by your marxist government. Ours has a ways to go. (at least for now). We're behind in the fight but we're not whipped yet.
Use your diatribe to fire up your countrymen to resist communism instead of chastising us for not heeding your "you better listen to me or else" worldly advice. My counrtymen are working on our problems. Try getting yours to work on Canada's.

I didn't start shit. What am I not supposed to defend myself from pathetic accusations made by posters scared of the feds and Liberal media? Like I said you're exactly like the cowards on Canadian gun forums. I even posted a direct quote from that Canadian forum and you can go confirm it yourself. This level of paranoia and cowardice is unreal.

Yeah I'm going to ask you for the same standards of strength and sacrifice JFK asked of me.

Re-read the OP. If you try to rally the troops to stop door to door confiscation on the Canadian forum, you'll get banned by Liberal/fudd mods and your posts deleted. Try it out if you don't believe me.

Same deal if you shower them with authentic proof about the communist takeover. You get swarmed by Liberals, fudds and members in denial.

Where is this you better listen to me or else post of mine?

11-09-21, 02:32
I'm sorry mate, I want to believe the cover story, but your lack of ability to grasp humor, and obsession with .50's pretty much glows with the light of an thousand radioactive suns.
Come on, man.

Either you are 1) a fed troll, 2) a bot account, 3) someone who is simply clueless about firearms, or 4) gecko45 re-chambered in .50BMG instead of .300WinMag.
If #4, just spill the beans on who put you up to this already, so we can all have a laugh and move on.
If #1, sorry, but nobody here has any grenades to sell you.

I probably shouldn't even post this here cuz teh fedbois be watching, but try adding a few hefty shakes of cayenne pepper into the mix as well, perhaps a few other additives to gelify it a bit so it sticks in the eye and REALLY awakens the senses of the federales back onto the path of righteousness....
Why would the FEDs talk about Canada? If there are any watching they're probably just as confused as I am.

Isn't there body armor capable of stopping 300 win mag? Isn't it 100% guaranteed with a 50 cal?

Is 300 win mag just as good and reliable as armor piercing 50 BMG on armored vehicles?

Would 300 win mag be your choice for door to door confiscation? Bolt or semi auto?

11-09-21, 03:49
I said what needed to be said and risked my life in the process. You might want to re-read the OP.

LOL. Did you buy a .50? Did you dare them to "come get it"?

Only thing I've learned definitively is that you bailed on a field trip in the 8th grade and got some friendly weed and today you are mystified that now everyone does it and those places are everywhere.

11-09-21, 03:50
It's extremely frustrating to get the exact same responses on two different forums.

I'm the feds and the Liberal media on the Canadian forum and the feds and Liberal media here.

What would you guys suggest Canadians do on that forum I'm talking about? How do you avoid the fed/liberal media accusation?

11-09-21, 03:52
Step it up bro. 40mm is where its at.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Solothurn or go home. Just be careful spinning those 20mm Vulcan rounds down to reload in your own brass case. Don't want to spin them too fast or boom.

I like to keep a Solo mounted on a Toyo. You know, just in case of stuff.

11-09-21, 03:53
LOL. Did you buy a .50? Did you dare them to "come get it"?

Only thing I've learned definitively is that you bailed on a field trip in the 8th grade and got some friendly weed and today you are mystified that now everyone does it and those places are everywhere.

lol weed wasn't legal back then and that store definitely wouldn't have sold it to 8th graders. Legalizing weed is what helped Trudeau win in 2015.

That store just sold hemp clothing, rolling papers and other paraphernalia.

I said we were allowed to roam around a bit.

Do you mock anyone with a come and take it flag? Do you mock the history behind the slogan?

11-09-21, 03:54
Some of us are already ahead of the game. My trunk gun is a Barret, M82. I generally carry a Daeagle, wiff dah beemz, in .50 AE, and the BUG is usually a FN 5.7, you know, 'cause body armor.

So my bases are covered.

That Deagle is run AIWB too, chicks be diggin' tha package.

Can we be friends..lol

11-09-21, 03:56
Why distort reality like this? The OP wasn't shouting at any of you. I explained the situation in Canada, made a plea to not make the same mistake and presented the only solution to door to door confiscation.

I also asked if it was worth it when there was no way to organize mass resistance and call for help since the lines of communication have been cut by Liberal mods and fudds. The response I got was no, come to the US.

Thread was going well until SteyrAUG and some others started accusing me of being the FEDs or the Liberal media. I then said don't be like the cowards in Canada. You can thank JFK for that.

LOL. Your suggestion is hardly the ONLY solution. And the thread was definitely NOT going well before we showed up.

But here's an idea, go back to Canada and maybe throw their tea in the goddamn ocean like you goobers should have done hundreds of years ago. Might be too late, seems you and everyone else is smoking the tea.

11-09-21, 04:00
This level of paranoia and cowardice is unreal.

And yet, you are still here. Maybe go be glorious leader someplace else.

11-09-21, 04:01
Solothurn or go home. Just be careful spinning those 20mm Vulcan rounds down to reload in your own brass case. Don't want to spin them too fast or boom.

I like to keep a Solo mounted on a Toyo. You know, just in case of stuff.

You really don't come across as the type that would put up any kind resistance. Safe to assume you'd hide your guns if there was a ban and mandatory buy back of AR-15s.

11-09-21, 04:02
It's extremely frustrating to get the exact same responses on two different forums.

I'm the feds and the Liberal media on the Canadian forum and the feds and Liberal media here.

What would you guys suggest Canadians do on that forum I'm talking about? How do you avoid the fed/liberal media accusation?

Actually, in all honesty, I'd probably recommend they ignore your stupid shit on the Canadian forum as well.

11-09-21, 04:03
Do you mock anyone with a come and take it flag? Do you mock the history behind the slogan?

Nope. So far just you. Interesting huh.

11-09-21, 04:03
LOL. Your suggestion is hardly the ONLY solution. And the thread was definitely NOT going well before we showed up.

But here's an idea, go back to Canada and maybe throw their tea in the goddamn ocean like you goobers should have done hundreds of years ago. Might be too late, seems you and everyone else is smoking the tea.

Nothing else will stop door to door confiscation. You will not come up with a better idea than the one that I have come up with.

The thread was going well until the douche bags showed up.

11-09-21, 04:04
You really don't come across as the type that would put up any kind resistance. Safe to assume you'd hide your guns if there was a ban and mandatory buy back of AR-15s.

Guns?!? Who has guns? I have a super soaker filled with lemon juice and that's pretty dangerous to have around.

11-09-21, 04:05
Nope. So far just you. Interesting huh.

yeah there's something definitely not right with you.

11-09-21, 04:06
Nothing else will stop door to door confiscation. You will not come up with a better idea than the one that I have come up with.

The thread was going well until the douche bags showed up.

You should seriously report this thread. Douche bags have obviously ruined it and if I were you I wouldn't stand for it.

11-09-21, 04:08
Actually, in all honesty, I'd probably recommend they ignore your stupid shit on the Canadian forum as well.

Un****ing real. So just let door to door confiscation happen is your suggestion.

Ignore any suggestion to group up for protection.

11-09-21, 04:09
You should seriously report this thread. Douche bags have obviously ruined it and if I were you I wouldn't stand for it.

What a demented lunatic.

You know you have the right solution when there's this much deflection.

11-09-21, 04:10
Un****ing real. So just let door to door confiscation happen is your suggestion.

Ignore any suggestion to group up for protection.

I realize it's a challenging idea to your brain. But I said "ignore YOU" not "do nothing." People can remain completely productive while ignoring YOU, I'm sort of doing it right now.

11-09-21, 04:12
What a demented lunatic.

You know you have the right solution when there's this much deflection.

Ahhh yes, the self fulfilling prophecy. That is when you know you are truly doing the lords work.

11-09-21, 04:24
The firearms community converging on a house being unjustly raided and disarmed because of a mandatory buy back/deactivation order is definitely the only solution.

Keep the lines of mass communication open so there's a quick and overwhelming response.

Notice how there was the same type of deranged reaction, deflection and unwarranted fed accusations in this other thread I made about fortifying your house to buy time for a relief army to arrive? https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?227849-Bulletproof-home

The mental instability you see on these gun forums is disturbing. Psychologically damaged goods.

If the Liberal media ever wanted ammunition, all they have to do is go through SteyrAUG's post history. The extreme paranoia is all they need.

11-09-21, 06:11
I demand this thread become a sticky.

11-09-21, 06:27
Well just read through this thread and it was a trip.


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11-09-21, 06:37
Take off, you hoser. We are tired of you, eh?


11-09-21, 06:37
I have safe houses located in several countries around the world. I'll not disclose where or what armaments might be there in public, but you can bet there be a fitty or two laying about.

11-09-21, 07:47
OP, I think if you post a photo of yourself and your .50, we would all be much more likely to believe you. Heck, a bunch of the militia here would probs gear up and meet you at the border.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-09-21, 08:40

11-09-21, 09:19
At this point I’m wondering how this thread is still going?

Even Mods have a sense of humor? :confused: (or so I'm told... :)

Solothurn or go home. Just be careful spinning those 20mm Vulcan rounds down to reload in your own brass case. Don't want to spin them too fast or boom.

I like to keep a Solo mounted on a Toyo. You know, just in case of stuff.

Yep. r/shittytechnicals or go home! :D

11-09-21, 09:46
Curses to you guys, and your .50s. Here I am, condensing down calibers to a reasonable stash for home defense, not "engagements," and now I'm looking at .338s.

11-09-21, 10:59

yeah... i gotta say.... your chickens are coming home to roost. Either sack up and fix it, or become a faithful servant. But that is up to YOU.

11-09-21, 11:18
Damn ATF has some of you by the balls. Didn't think it was this bad over here.

Even Mods have a sense of humor? :confused: (or so I'm told... :)

Probably noticed that I'm a Canadian. Hopefully they don't make the same mistake as Canadian mods and silence anyone calling for help.

Imagine you're all by yourself during door to door confiscation and the only place you can ask for assistance from other gun owners is this site and your cries for help are instantly banned and deleted.

Chances are good you are/will be by yourselves since you probably think everyone around you is secretly in contact with the feds.

11-09-21, 11:24
Curses to you guys, and your .50s. Here I am, condensing down calibers to a reasonable stash for home defense, not "engagements," and now I'm looking at .338s.
Home defense should include tyranny defense right?

Why leave any doubt? Go with the 50. It's 100% guaranteed. Buy armor piercing rounds too.

11-09-21, 11:31
Nothing else will stop door to door confiscation. You will not come up with a better idea than the one that I have come up with.

The thread was going well until the douche bags showed up.

What a demented lunatic.

You know you have the right solution when there's this much deflection.
Oh stop FFS already. Really? Now you're just embarrassing yourself.
I could come up with 5 or 6 better ideas off the top of my head than what your 'best solution ever' is, if things go spicy here at some point, and I am not a military guy, nor the brightest bulb in the box.

You want to talk about demented? Fine.
You know who put a lot of faith in 'superweapons'? The Germans circa 1940-something. You might have heard of that big war we had a few decades back?
They lost.
In no small part because the US and Ivans showed up with about fifty bazillion more of everything you actually need to win a war, than the jerries had.

The firearms community converging on a house being unjustly raided and disarmed because of a mandatory buy back/deactivation order is definitely the only solution.

Keep the lines of mass communication open so there's a quick and overwhelming response.

Notice how there was the same type of deranged reaction, deflection and unwarranted fed accusations in this other thread I made about fortifying your house to buy time for a relief army to arrive? https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?227849-Bulletproof-home
Is the 2nd Army of the Potomac also going to show up with their.50 cal rifles too? Because I have serious doubts about my chances in a standoff if they roll up with anything less. It's the only way to be sure.
Bruh... Did you just discover the comments section on the "patriot blog-o-sphere" here in the US or something? Everything your posting here is just like the nonsensical dipshittery I see ad nauseum there.
I'm more than willing to admit the cowardice of most gun owners, and have spent my share of time occasionally ranting about it here and there. Like, we kinda know.
Which is funny, because two seconds ago you said gun owners were too scared to fight... BUT now you expect "The Firearms Community TM" to show up en masse as you bravely bonk fedbois with your big bopping stick?
And in what fantasy land do YOU live, where you can get 4 people to operate coherently together, let alone a vague "community" of internet randoms? I want in on this hyper-patriotic and tactically competent country! I'd emigrate tomorrow...

The mental instability you see on these gun forums is disturbing. Psychologically damaged goods....
:laugh: :laugh:
You said it not me...

11-09-21, 11:44
I could come up with 5 or 6 better ideas off the top of my head than what your 'best solution ever' is, if things go spicy here at some point, and I am not a military guy, nor the brightest bulb in the box.

Prove to me how wrong I am and I'll gladly admit it.

If there's a better way to stop door to door confiscation that is going to happen because all else has failed then I'm all ears.

Is the 2nd Army of the Potomac also going to show up with their.50 cal rifles too? Because I have serious doubts about my chances in a standoff if they roll up with anything less. It's the only way to be sure.
Bruh... Did you just discover the comments section on the "patriot blog-o-sphere" here in the US or something? Everything your posting here is just like the nonsensical dipshittery I see ad nauseum there.
I'm more than willing to admit the cowardice of most gun owners, and have spent my share of time occasionally ranting about it here and there. Like, we kinda know.
Which is funny, because two seconds ago you said gun owners were too scared to fight... BUT now you expect "The Firearms Community TM" to show up en masse as you bravely bonk fedbois with your big bopping stick?

No I don't visit American gun forums often.

I'm not painting with a broad brush either. I said some are exactly like those cowardly Canadian gun owners and I gave you proof.

And in what fantasy land do YOU live, where you can get 4 people to operate coherently together, let alone a vague "community" of internet randoms? I want in on this hyper-patriotic and tactically competent country! I'd emigrate tomorrow...

:laugh: :laugh:
You said it not me...

I was thinking of the Virginia open carry protests in 2019

Mass communication helped organize it.


11-09-21, 11:57
yeah... i gotta say.... your chickens are coming home to roost. Either sack up and fix it, or become a faithful servant. But that is up to YOU.

I revealed to you how bad the situation is in Canada. One of the largest if not the largest gun grabs in history is about to happen and it's going to be done by force.

I did sack up and got banned for it. There's no free speech anymore in Canada.

I asked if it was worth it to go at it alone and was told no, come to the US. Better off dying in America since it's the last stand on earth.

11-09-21, 12:00
I revealed to you how bad the situation is in Canada. One of the largest if not the largest gun grabs in history is about to happen and it's going to be done by force.

I did sack up and got banned for it. There's no free speech anymore in Canada.

I asked if it was worth it to go at it alone and was told no, come to the US. Better off dying in America since it's the last stand on earth.

When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

11-09-21, 13:23
FriendlyStranger which one of these fed bois is you?


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11-09-21, 13:26
I go camping up in the Cherokee National Forest for 3 days out of contact with the world and come back to this awesome thread. GD never disappoints.

11-09-21, 13:52
I'm convinced that the continuation of this thread is an early Xmas present from the moderators.

11-09-21, 14:14
FriendlyStranger which one of these fed bois is you?

I'm convinced that the continuation of this thread is an early Xmas present from the moderators.

The mods are probably shaking their heads at the extreme paranoia which can't be healthy.

You guys need to chill.

I made my plea and the thread has 4k views so mission accomplished I guess.

11-09-21, 14:22
The mods are probably shaking their heads at the extreme paranoia which can't be healthy.

You guys need to chill.

I made my plea and the thread has 4k views so mission accomplished I guess.Oh you accomplished something alright.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-09-21, 14:24
Oh you accomplished something alright.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Yeah I also exposed the mental instability of some of you.

11-09-21, 14:43
Yeah I also exposed the mental instability of some of you.

Nope. You did provide some internet lolz though. I really hope the Mods do keep this open so the fun can keep on rolling.

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11-09-21, 14:54

11-09-21, 14:55
Nope. You did provide some internet lolz though. I really hope the Mods do keep this open so the fun can keep on rolling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep. You and the others didn't do yourselves any favors. And you're worried about the Liberal media?

You're giving them headlines with your paranoid lunacy.

11-09-21, 15:03

11-09-21, 15:10
This thread is truly inspirational, and will certainly help us unstable Americans avoid the debacle that has become modern Canada.

11-09-21, 15:19
This thread is truly inspirational, and will certainly help us unstable Americans avoid the debacle that has become modern Canada.

It should. Contaminated Marxist Liberals are hell-bent on dismantling the West.

The UK/Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and now Canada.

11-09-21, 16:01
Here I thought having a model 99 made me cool. Evidently I need to up my game. My friends used to think I was crazy for owning it but now they all want one. And AP rounds for it.

By the way OP, there’s a cool feature to multi-quote in your responses, it’s the quote button with the plus sign next to it. If you use that, this would be an 8 page thread instead of 16.

11-09-21, 16:05
Wow cool Barrett collection....are those yours?


11-09-21, 16:12
Wow cool Barrett collection....are those yours?


I figured why not if we're going to start posting pictures of 50 cal rifles....

But yeah if you don't want to buy them despite governments banning them and saying you don't need one.

11-09-21, 16:42
Double tap

11-09-21, 17:07
I figured why not if we're going to start posting pictures of 50 cal rifles....

But yeah if you don't want to buy them despite governments banning them and saying you don't need one.

Fed? Seriously stop or you will be embarrassed.

11-09-21, 17:15
Fed? Seriously stop or you will be embarrassed.

You're embarrassing yourself with the Fed accusations.

Can't believe there's this much opposition to the idea of buying up 50 cal rifles and armor piercing rounds.

What kind of person would say seriously stop suggesting you buy 50s after governments have banned them?

Very odd.

11-09-21, 17:26
Post an original photo of YOUR 50 cals then with something to prove it’s your photo, say with a loaf of bread. Don’t rip photos off from the internet.

11-09-21, 17:27
You're embarrassing yourself with the Fed accusations.

Can't believe there's this much opposition to the idea of buying up 50 cal rifles and armor piercing rounds.

What kind of person would say seriously stop suggesting you buy 50s after governments have banned them?

Very odd.As amusing as this has been, I honestly can't believe you're still here. You agency jack boots must need some people's lives ruined with your over reach. Desperate to fill a quota, eh?

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-09-21, 17:32
What does me owning a 50 cal have to do with the suggestion that you guys start buying them because the Liberal government of Canada quietly added them to assault weapons ban and mandatory buyback/deactivation? California and Canada is saying you don't need them. Do you agree with them?

I never said that I owned one I can't even buy one now if I wanted to. Trudeau shutdown the market.

The main point of the pic that I linked was multiple 50s in an area is great for homeland and tyranny defense. Prove me wrong and I'll admit it.

11-09-21, 17:38
This thread is priceless.

I am soooo glad the good ol USA has the second amendment AYE!

As for the 50 cals, they are over rated and not needed in most parts of the country.

11-09-21, 17:47
This thread is priceless.

I am soooo glad the good ol USA has the second amendment AYE!

As for the 50 cals, they are over rated and not needed in most parts of the country.

What has replaced it?

So you admit they're needed in some parts lol?

11-09-21, 17:48
Sorry, many (most) of us purchase a gun because we like it or it suits a need that we have. We don’t usually throw $10-20k at a whim being encouraged by someone on the internet. By you pushing something like a 50 and AP ammo, then posting a photo pulled from a YouTube video put out by someone that isn’t you, you have lost any credibility you had when you started.

As much as you push the 50, those are not easily and quickly moved when you have to, and most of us do not have true sniper training to conceal ourselves while using such a large weapon. So that would be a horrible recommendation for many of us because we’d be at a serious disadvantage when whomever we’re trying to repel gets the more sophisticated backup like air support. What you recommend could get a lot more people killed.

11-09-21, 17:49
Since you guys like comedy.


11-09-21, 17:53
Sorry, many (most) of us purchase a gun because we like it or it suits a need that we have. We don’t usually throw $10-20k at a whim being encouraged by someone on the internet. By you pushing something like a 50 and AP ammo, then posting a photo pulled from a YouTube video put out by someone that isn’t you, you have lost any credibility you had when you started.

As much as you push the 50, those are not easily and quickly moved when you have to, and most of us do not have true sniper training to conceal ourselves while using such a large weapon. So that would be a horrible recommendation for many of us because we’d be at a serious disadvantage when whomever we’re trying to repel gets the more sophisticated backup like air support. What you recommend could get a lot more people killed.

LOL holy shit this post right here should tell you that yeah you need them.

They have nukes too!

11-09-21, 17:53
Just posting here for posterity's sake. So I can say I participated in this thread!

I'm off to go buy a 50 cal now. I just wish they made .22lr conversion kits for them. Ammo ain't cheap!!

11-09-21, 17:55
You're not going to be travelling by foot when helping someone.

11-09-21, 17:58
Who was that dude that photoshopped himself into a SOF photo with a machine pistol a few years back?

The guy that was booted from numerous gun forums for being a lying tool bag?

Is this the same guy? Inquiring minds want to know...

11-09-21, 17:59
Just posting here for posterity's sake. So I can say I participated in this thread!

I'm off to go buy a 50 cal now. I just wish they made .22lr conversion kits for them. Ammo ain't cheap!!

So the price is the main issue for you? Save up now in case there's a federal ban in the future.

11-09-21, 18:00
So far no one has proved me wrong.

And someone actually took a page out of Biden's playbook.

11-09-21, 18:04
Who was that dude that photoshopped himself into a SOF photo with a machine pistol a few years back?

The guy that was booted from numerous gun forums for being a lying tool bag?

Is this the same guy? Inquiring minds want to know...

I'm a Canadian and not lying about anything.


11-09-21, 18:05
California and Canada: "You don't need a 50 cal."

Some Americans: "We sure don't and anyone that suggests we buy them is the FED!"

11-09-21, 18:06
There is this other forum has a popular gun for the name you would fit right in :) they would LOVE you over there worship you maybe :)

11-09-21, 18:08
What has replaced the 50?

11-09-21, 18:14
There is this other forum has a popular gun for the name you would fit right in :) they would LOVE you over there worship you maybe :)Yep. I think that may have been suggested already, but a reminder is needed for sure.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-09-21, 18:16
What has replaced it?

So you admit they're needed in some parts lol?

its only needed for long range, not everyone needs it when a 100 yard shot is max.

It obvious you are some kind of bit boy, a troll or someone with no clue. There are way better options then a 50 cal. And i choose not to discuss them on an open forum, specially to a bit boy.

11-09-21, 18:20
its only needed for long range, not everyone needs it when a 100 yard shot is max.

It obvious you are some kind of bit boy, a troll or someone with no clue. There are way better options then a 50 cal. And i choose not to discuss them on an open forum, specially to a bit boy.

You admitted they're needed in some parts. So my suggestion wasn't incorrect.

What has better armor penetration within 100 yards?

Don't be scared. Why would anyone show up at your door for talking about better options? Educate me and help me see the error of my ways.

11-09-21, 18:22
Does this video make you cringe?


11-09-21, 18:25
Does this video make you cringe?


that looks horrible and whats the service life on that? 200 rounds before needing maintenance?

Do you like some stock in 50 bmg ammo or something? you seem to be all lathered up over them. I had one, totally useless for me.

11-09-21, 18:31
Canadians deserve this level of tyranny. We did something about it, and no longer suffer under the crown. We're having a bit of a domestic dispute at the moment, why don't you just worry about yourself up there for now and start the revolution on your own. Eh?

11-09-21, 18:32
I would rather have a middy AR with a decent scope and good ammo....than a 50cal

11-09-21, 18:33
that looks horrible and whats the service life on that? 200 rounds before needing maintenance?

Do you like some stock in 50 bmg ammo or something? you seem to be all lathered up over them. I had one, totally useless for me.

The SAS, SBS and Special Reconnaissance Regiment have reportedly bought 150 of the rifles.


11-09-21, 18:34
Canadians deserve this level of tyranny. We did something about it, and no longer suffer under the crown. We're having a bit of a domestic dispute at the moment, why don't you just worry about yourself up there for now and start the revolution on your own. Eh?

I already explained why it's not happening. Canada is a one party communist state now.

11-09-21, 18:35
The SAS, SBS and Special Reconnaissance Regiment have reportedly bought 150 of the rifles.


well they messed up, shouldn't you be training instead of trolling on a US forum where we do not have to worry about such BS. 2 years huh? should be able to have some good training done in 2 years.

11-09-21, 18:36
What has replaced the 50?


11-09-21, 18:38
I would rather have a middy AR with a decent scope and good ammo....than a 50cal

Do you think 556 is outdated and not good against a modern military wearing body armor?

11-09-21, 18:39
well they messed up, shouldn't you be training instead of trolling on a US forum where we do not have to worry about such BS. 2 years huh? should be able to have some good training done in 2 years.

Do you have anything to back up your assertions? I explained why it's not happening in Canada.


11-09-21, 18:43
Please for the benefit of all things 50cal, MULTIQUOTE when you respond! I make one phone call to my wife and this thread explodes with 3 more pages, almost one full page is your own responses.

11-09-21, 18:44
This thread summed up in one meme


Please for the benefit of all things 50cal, MULTIQUOTE when you respond! I make one phone call to my wife and this thread explodes with 3 more pages, almost one full page is your own responses.

I'll try that next time there's multiple posts I need to reply to.

john armond
11-09-21, 19:03
Does this video make you cringe?


Too old and slow to run-n-gun with one of those. The end of the vid sure did remind me of how much I love watermelon though. Thanks for that.

11-09-21, 19:11
Prove to me how wrong I am and I'll gladly admit it.

If there's a better way to stop door to door confiscation that is going to happen because all else has failed then I'm all ears. ...
Oh for goodness sake do I have to spell this out on an open forum? Fine, okay, seriously, just watch this - it should help expand your horizons:


..I was thinking of the Virginia open carry protests in 2019

Mass communication helped organize it....
There is a BIG difference between people showing up to walk down the street with their cool toys, and people getting their doomslayer on... There's also kinda a bit of difference in the required skill sets between the two as well that you don't just pick up on the day the tyranny drops.
I'd hope you can understand that simple differentiation.
Also, if you're counting on fighting full on tyranny, you're telling me you expect to be able to use enemy controlled comms? Goooooood luck.

You're not going to be travelling by foot when helping someone.

If you can't think of several situations this is likely going to be a required skillset if you're planning on getting kinetically kinky, you're also likely not going to be traveling by foot after the event either....

What has replaced the 50?

Roombas of death.
The version 2.0 is not only jam packed full of bom-boom, you can also equip them with knives now to make them eleventyfive percent more dangerous, as well as speakers to blast "welcome to the jungle" for a negative 100 to any enemy in range morale score.

So the price is the main issue for you? Save up now in case there's a federal ban in the future.
Well sheeeeit, that does it friendo. You've convinced me; I'm going to start saving up for a fitty cal right now. Got a momma penny and a poppa penny, so I should be able to bang this out in say, 10 to 15 years.
Crap, but... what if the tyranny happens sooner than that?
*sigh* Well, I guess I won't be able to fight tyranny with the cool kids. Luckily I still have my trusty Beretta 93R, so if they do try to take me I can at least take a few with me.

11-09-21, 19:12
I guess my sarcasm was missed.

Now I need to stop the notifications.

11-09-21, 19:19
This shows the contrast between citizens vs. subjects.

Canadians are subjects of the crown and act like it.

Find a British history text and WE AMERICANS are also considered a Crown Colony and the people *HERE* act the same - just with more growling and sniveling.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-09-21, 19:25
Too old and slow to run-n-gun with one of those. The end of the vid sure did remind me of how much I love watermelon though. Thanks for that.


Oh for goodness sake do I have to spell this out on an open forum? Fine, okay, seriously, just watch this - it should help expand your horizons:

There is a BIG difference between people showing up to walk down the street with their cool toys, and people getting their doomslayer on... There's also kinda a bit of difference in the required skill sets between the two as well that you don't just pick up on the day the tyranny drops.
I'd hope you can understand that simple differentiation.
Also, if you're counting on fighting full on tyranny, you're telling me you expect to be able to use enemy controlled comms? Goooooood luck.

You should be able to think of several situations this is likely totally going to be a required skillset iif you're planning on getting kinetically kinky.

Roombas of death.
The version 2.0 is not only jam packed full of bom-boom, you can also equip them with knives now to make them eleventyfive percent more dangerous, as well as speakers to blast "welcome to the jungle" for a negative 100 to any enemy in range morale score.

Well sheeeeit, that does it friendo. You've convinced me; I'm going to start saving up for a fitty cal right now. Got a momma penny and a poppa penny, so I should be able to bang this out in say, 10 to 15 years.
Crap, but... what if the tyranny happens sooner than that?
*sigh* Well, I guess I won't be able to fight tyranny with the cool kids. Luckily I still have my trusty Beretta 93R, so if they do try to take me I can at least take a few with me.

lol booby traps will not make them go away. Might hold them off for a bit I guess.

Well you just have to hope they show up and hope the location stays on the forum/social media long enough.

Something like this?



Russia Releases Footage Of Armed 'Robot Tanks' In Action During Zapad-2021 Exercises


11-09-21, 19:47
Find a British history text and WE AMERICANS are also considered a Crown Colony and the people *HERE* act the same - just with more growling and sniveling.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I stopped giving a shit about what British History Texts said in about 1777.

11-09-21, 19:48
I never said that I owned one I can't even buy one now if I wanted to. Trudeau shutdown the market.

And that stopped YOU but you are here to teach US? Priceless.

Why don't you take all your good ideas, gather up your team of fellow patriots and reclaim Canada for the free. With your amazing internet communication skills combined with leadership and motivational attributes Canada should be a commie free zone by Christmas.

If anyone questions your credibility the secret code word is "Howdy." Now off you go brave freedom fighter. Go forth and save your beleaguered country.

11-09-21, 19:50
And that stopped YOU but you are here to teach US? Priceless.

Why don't you take all your good ideas, gather up your team of fellow patriots and reclaim Canada for the free. With your amazing internet communication skills combined with leadership and motivational attributes Canada should be a commie free zone by Christmas.

If anyone questions your credibility the secret code word is "Howdy." Now off you go brave freedom fighter. Go forth and save your beleaguered country.

Yeah, if you stop caring about legalities, guns are EASIER to come by than soap or canned tuna.

11-09-21, 19:52
What an "Eh hole".

11-09-21, 21:02
I'm actually worried about this guy.

And that stopped YOU but you are here to teach US? Priceless.

Why don't you take all your good ideas, gather up your team of fellow patriots and reclaim Canada for the free. With your amazing internet communication skills combined with leadership and motivational attributes Canada should be a commie free zone by Christmas.

If anyone questions your credibility the secret code word is "Howdy." Now off you go brave freedom fighter. Go forth and save your beleaguered country.

Did you refill your meds Steyr?

You said you were going to ignore me but you keep coming back.

The 50 cal ban has stopped everyone in Canada from being able to buy one.

Teaching? I'm just suggesting Americans buy 50s in case there is a federal ban. My opinion is that multiple 50s in an area is great for homeland and tyranny defense. A member here admitted they're needed in some parts of the country.

I already thoroughly explained why defense against door to door confiscation is not happening in Canada.

Feel free to continue to show the FEDs and the Liberal media just how deranged you are. I never even asked you to "explain your detailed manifesto for saving your beloved Republic BY FORCE" that was in your first reply either.

11-09-21, 21:07
Wow, quite the thread. Carry on, I guess.

11-09-21, 21:17
I'm glad we've had this debate and have come to conclusion that there is only one way to stop mass door to door confiscation.

If it ever happens in America, you all know what needs happen since many of you aren't in a militia and are all alone. Don't get picked off one by one.

11-09-21, 21:51
*Looks at admin. Gives a subtle nod.

11-09-21, 21:53
I'm actually worried about this guy.

Did you refill your meds Steyr?

You said you were going to ignore me but you keep coming back.

The 50 cal ban has stopped everyone in Canada from being able to buy one.

Teaching? I'm just suggesting Americans buy 50s in case there is a federal ban. My opinion is that multiple 50s in an area is great for homeland and tyranny defense. A member here admitted they're needed in some parts of the country.

I already thoroughly explained why defense against door to door confiscation is not happening in Canada.

Feel free to continue to show the FEDs and the Liberal media just how deranged you are. I never even asked you to "explain your detailed manifesto for saving your beloved Republic BY FORCE" that was in your first reply either.

Yeah, that's probably my fault.

At first I thought you were some silly ass troll having fun, unfortunately I've come to believe you are actually serious about the things you post.

11-09-21, 21:57
I'm glad we've had this debate and have come to conclusion that there is only one way to stop mass door to door confiscation.

If it ever happens in America, you all know what needs happen since many of you aren't in a militia and are all alone. Don't get picked off one by one.

Shows what you know. I gave a mexican guy I know a Maverick 88 and $400, shit goes down he's on it.

11-09-21, 22:22
It's already been said in here but I'll reiterate.

Getting the Marxism out of schools is the most important step you can take. Watch the Yuri Bezmenov video hosted on mr guns n gear's channel. It takes 10-15 years to educate a new generation of American patriots.

If that fails then you know they're coming for the guns. Not much you can do about bans but if they go door to door then you fortify your homes and wait for a relief army (the firearms community) to show up.

You outnumber and outgun them.

Some of these guys you will not beat with common sense.

Here in America we may have not invented propaganda but we sure as hell perfected it. The sheep gobble up half the shit they see on our main stream media and swallow / believe it hook line and sinker.

Between the schools and the media, We are screwed going forward.

As Americans we 'should have' collectively raised a big stink when the kid was suspended for having a poptart that kind-of-sort-of was in the shape of a handgun after he took a single bite out of it but... No. We sat back quietly and allowed that dumb shit to happen without raising any sort of stink about it at all.

Here more recently the dad that got arrested for raising a stink at a school board meeting about his daughter getting raped in the bathroom by a boy that 'identified' as a girl thanks to him being 'allowed' to use that bathroom by the school board. And then the boy did the crap again when he was transferred to another school...

Where were the 'peaceful protests' about that guy getting arrested?

11-09-21, 23:20
This shows the contrast between citizens vs. subjects.

Canadians are subjects of the crown and act like it.

Not just them but look at the Aussies and Kiwis. Out of the entire Commonwealth we (The US) are the only ones that forced our way out. And it is really showing right now.

11-09-21, 23:54

11-10-21, 02:34
Some of these guys you will not beat with common sense.

Here in America we may have not invented propaganda but we sure as hell perfected it. The sheep gobble up half the shit they see on our main stream media and swallow / believe it hook line and sinker.

Between the schools and the media, We are screwed going forward.

As Americans we 'should have' collectively raised a big stink when the kid was suspended for having a poptart that kind-of-sort-of was in the shape of a handgun after he took a single bite out of it but... No. We sat back quietly and allowed that dumb shit to happen without raising any sort of stink about it at all.

Here more recently the dad that got arrested for raising a stink at a school board meeting about his daughter getting raped in the bathroom by a boy that 'identified' as a girl thanks to him being 'allowed' to use that bathroom by the school board. And then the boy did the crap again when he was transferred to another school...

Where were the 'peaceful protests' about that guy getting arrested?

There is some hope and I'm really surprised by all the push back against Marxist CRT being taught in schools and the military.

Virginia's Become 'Ground Zero' For Backlash Against Critical Race Theory Madness


The election of a Republican governor in Virginia points to a winning formula in the upcoming mid-terms, a key component of which is empowering parents to fight back against Critical Race Theory’s (CRT) indoctrination of their children.

'Life, Liberty & Levin' on Marxism in America, critical race theory infiltrating military

Critical race theory is not about learning the history of America. It's not about learning slavery and segregation. It's not about learning about neo- Nazis and the Klan. It's about a Marxist movement invented by Marxists -- Herbert Marcuse, Derrick Bell, and many, many others, and it attracts the Marxists like Black Lives Matter founders, two of three who have already said that they are Marxists, and that's not a coincidence, because this was hatched by professors as a way to attack the society from a Marxist perspective.

Sadly there is nothing like that happening in Canada.

Only white people can be racist: Inside Global Affairs' anti-racism course materials

"Objectivity" and "worship of the written word" are being taught to Canadian diplomats as markers of "white supremacy"


These new course materials explicitly cite as their inspiration “critical race theory,” a growing movement which posits that Western society is immutably tainted by white supremacy, and must be confronted and managed by conscious “antiracist” thinking and policies.

Unlike the anti-discrimination movements of the past — which sought only equal opportunity untainted by prejudice — critical race theorists hold that government and society is so immutably slanted towards white people that ignoring race is itself an act of white supremacy designed to maintain an inequitable status quo. Or, as a protest sign included in the Global Affairs materials put it, “if you aren’t an antiracist, you are complicit.”

Unrelated to the post I quoted and replied to:

I posted this in the Aussie thread but I think it belongs here too. Rest assured, I'm not working for the tyrants.

Organizing Patriots In The Face Of Government Informants And False Flags


Eventually tyranny has to put boots on the ground. A totalitarian system can function for a time on color of law and implied threats, but it will crumble unless it is able to establish a physical presence of force. Once those jackboots touch soil in a visible way and the agents of the state try to expand oppressive measures, rebels then have a free hand to disrupt them or bring them down. But this only works if there are objectives and enough decentralization to prevent misdirection of the movement.

Some organization is essential. It cannot be avoided. All the “Gray Men” and secret squirrel preppers out there that think they are going to simply weather the storm in isolation and pop out of their bug-out locations to rebuild are suffering from serious delusions. I can’t help but think of that moment in ‘Lord Of The Rings’ when the Ents refuse to organize to fight against the invading orcs. Pippen suggests to Merry that the problem is too big for them and that they should go back to the Shire to wait out the war. Merry laments:

“The fires of Isengard will spread. And the woods of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once green and good in this world will be gone. There won’t be a Shire, Pippin.”

If this fight is not pursued now, there will be no world worth coming back to, even if one was able to successfully hide from it. There will be a “new world order” as the globalists like to call it. There will be nothing left of freedom.

So, organization must be accomplished, and it should be built at the local level. This is far more important than any dreams of a national organization, at least for now. There is no one we can trust to lead such a nationwide revolt, and that includes political leaders like Donald Trump.

11-10-21, 03:13
I'm actually worried about this guy.

Did you refill your meds Steyr?

You said you were going to ignore me but you keep coming back.

The 50 cal ban has stopped everyone in Canada from being able to buy one.

Teaching? I'm just suggesting Americans buy 50s in case there is a federal ban. My opinion is that multiple 50s in an area is great for homeland and tyranny defense. A member here admitted they're needed in some parts of the country.

I already thoroughly explained why defense against door to door confiscation is not happening in Canada.

Feel free to continue to show the FEDs and the Liberal media just how deranged you are. I never even asked you to "explain your detailed manifesto for saving your beloved Republic BY FORCE" that was in your first reply either.

There will not be a fed ban on the 50. Might be some states banning it. But nothing nation wide.

Why dont you stop preaching to use and start training. Since its soooooooooo bad as you are crying about.

11-10-21, 03:29
Do you think 556 is outdated and not good against a modern military wearing body armor?

There are other areas of the body that aren't covered by a plate carrier. 5.56 is plentiful and available

I'm good with it....unless the people's Communist Canadian army invades and decides to wrap themselves with hockey pucks and hockey equipment....


11-10-21, 07:16
Just a quick recap. Some dude, from Canada, whose chose to name himself after a headshop, has a teenage crush on 50cal sniper rifles and thinks we all should too? gtfo how is this clown shoes thread still open. That's the conspiracy going here. Many a finer thread have been closed well before this point

I summons thee firefly, smote this fool with thy wit....and some anime trannies

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

11-10-21, 07:30
The 50 cal ban has stopped everyone in Canada from being able to buy one.

You forgot the word "legally". You people just dont have the WILL to get it done.

Enjoy your slavery.

11-10-21, 08:18
Good point. Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws yet gangbangers in Chicago seem to have no problem getting their hands on heavily modified firearms including full auto. So acquisition isn’t the problem. Your compliance is.

11-10-21, 08:56
Good point. Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws yet gangbangers in Chicago seem to have no problem getting their hands on heavily modified firearms including full auto. So acquisition isn’t the problem. Your compliance is.

That is my whole point. They are "subjects".... and simply cannot get their minds wrapped around TAKING their own independence from the "crown".

11-10-21, 09:52
That is my whole point. They are "subjects".... and simply cannot get their minds wrapped around TAKING their own independence from the "crown".

This dude isn’t anything but;
A. Troll
B. Whack job
C. Fed of some sorts
D. All of the above

He’ll respond saying we’re all conspiracy lunatics in response. lolz.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-10-21, 11:46
There will not be a fed ban on the 50. Might be some states banning it. But nothing nation wide.

Why dont you stop preaching to use and start training. Since its soooooooooo bad as you are crying about.

You 100% sure there won't be a federal ban if the Dems manage to get enough votes in the future? If state bans are more likely to happen first then my suggestion still stands.

Stop preaching? You mean stop warning Americans? I care about the leader of the free world and my American born family members. Disarming and neutering a country is very bad and you know what comes next. Despite all the warnings, Canadians still refuse to group up for protection. Once a Liberal becomes a Mod on the gun forums, they shut down the lines of communication and prevent any meaningful/mass resistance. You need a lot to overwhelm and win the battle.

The Liberal government of Canada has made it illegal to train. Like I said few and far between with the rest being neutered. You can't lone wolf it. They're only good for random support of a larger group.


Militias are not technically illegal in Canada, but some armed groups that engage in military-like training risk violating parts of the Criminal Code. Section 70 of the Code prohibits assemblies of persons — without lawful authority — for the purpose of: ... Practising military exercises.

Venezuelans regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population'
As Venezuela continues to crumble under the socialist dictatorship of President Nicolas Maduro, some are expressing words of warning – and resentment – against a six-year-old gun control bill that stripped citizens of their weapons.

“Guns would have served as a vital pillar to remaining a free people, or at least able to put up a fight,” Javier Vanegas, 28, a Venezuelan teacher of English now exiled in Ecuador, told Fox News. “The government security forces, at the beginning of this debacle, knew they had no real opposition to their force. Once things were this bad, it was a clear declaration of war against an unarmed population.”

There are other areas of the body that aren't covered by a plate carrier. 5.56 is plentiful and available

I'm good with it....unless the people's Communist Canadian army invades and decides to wrap themselves with hockey pucks and hockey equipment....


If Canada's military becomes fully woke this could change:


Canada is no longer training with the Chinese military

If you're confident with your marksmanship and get head shots every time then I guess you have nothing to worry about.

Just a quick recap. Some dude, from Canada, whose chose to name himself after a headshop, has a teenage crush on 50cal sniper rifles and thinks we all should too? gtfo how is this clown shoes thread still open. That's the conspiracy going here. Many a finer thread have been closed well before this point

I summons thee firefly, smote this fool with thy wit....and some anime trannies

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

If you think multiple 50s in an area isn't great for homeland and tyranny defense then please provide a better alternative. No one has anserwed this question. What has replaced the 50 and its armor penetration?

You forgot the word "legally". You people just dont have the WILL to get it done.

Enjoy your slavery.

They're uping security at the border and trying to stop smuggling. Smuggling 50s into Canada isn't happening.

The people that do the smuggling sell only to criminals. There isn't a black market good people can walk into and buy whatever they want.

Enjoy my slavery? I'm willing to fight in America where it will matter. It's the last stand on earth. Why get wasted for nothing in Canada when it's obvious the country has been enslaved?

11 Columbus men sentenced for conspiring to smuggle hundreds of guns to Canada


That is my whole point. They are "subjects".... and simply cannot get their minds wrapped around TAKING their own independence from the "crown".

Statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II torn down in Canada


Sad part was that it was done by left wing lunatics.

It's very difficult to separate and every province has to agree to it.

Could Canada follow Barbados and drop the Queen as head of state?


11-10-21, 11:59
This dude isn’t anything but;
A. Troll
B. Whack job
C. Fed of some sorts
D. All of the above

He’ll respond saying we’re all conspiracy lunatics in response. lolz.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

A. Wrong

B. A Canadian that believes in the political philosophy he reads. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

C. You're not going to let a Canadian be braver than you now are ya?

You're right, I will call you FED accusers deranged and overly paranoid.

11-10-21, 12:22
You 100% sure there won't be a federal ban if the Dems manage to get enough votes in the future? If state bans are more likely to happen first then my suggestion still stands.

Stop preaching? You mean stop warning Americans? I care about the leader of the free world and my American born family members. Disarming and neutering a country is very bad and you know what comes next. Despite all the warnings, Canadians still refuse to group up for protection. Once a Liberal becomes a Mod on the gun forums, they shut down the lines of communication and prevent any meaningful resistance.

The Liberal government of Canada has made it illegal to train. Like I said few and far between with the rest being neutered. You can't lone wolf it. They're only good for random support of a larger group.


Militias are not technically illegal in Canada, but some armed groups that engage in military-like training risk violating parts of the Criminal Code. Section 70 of the Code prohibits assemblies of persons — without lawful authority — for the purpose of: ... Practising military exercises.

Venezuelans regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population'
As Venezuela continues to crumble under the socialist dictatorship of President Nicolas Maduro, some are expressing words of warning – and resentment – against a six-year-old gun control bill that stripped citizens of their weapons.

“Guns would have served as a vital pillar to remaining a free people, or at least able to put up a fight,” Javier Vanegas, 28, a Venezuelan teacher of English now exiled in Ecuador, told Fox News. “The government security forces, at the beginning of this debacle, knew they had no real opposition to their force. Once things were this bad, it was a clear declaration of war against an unarmed population.”

If Canada's military becomes fully woke this could change:


Canada is no longer training with the Chinese military

If you're confident with your marksmanship and get head shots every time then I guess you have nothing to worry about.

If you think multiple 50s in an area isn't great for homeland and tyranny defense then please provide a better alternative. No one has anserwed this question. What has replaced the 50 and its armor penetration?

They're uping security at the border and trying to stop smuggling. Smuggling 50s into Canada isn't happening.

The people that do the smuggling sell only to criminals. There isn't a black market good people can walk into and buy whatever they want.

Enjoy my slavery? I'm willing to fight in America where it will matter. It's the last stand on earth. Why get wasted for nothing in Canada when it's obvious the country has been enslaved?

11 Columbus men sentenced for conspiring to smuggle hundreds of guns to Canada


Abdulwahab Sharif Mohamed Hassan
Omar Sharif Mohamed Hassan
Jamil Jamal Abdalla
Mohamed Abdulkadir Mohamud
Mohamed Abdi Hirad
Abdirahim Mahmoud Dualeh
Shamarke Igal
Ahmed Ahmed
Abdiaziz Said Ahmed
Ibrahim Ali
Mohamed Sharif Ali Mohamed

Statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II torn down in Canada


Sad part was that it was done by left wing lunatics.

It's very difficult to separate and every province has to agree to it.

Could Canada follow Barbados and drop the Queen as head of state?


Why do you care so much of US politics, go back to drinking your syrup and go play some hockey.

WE GET IT, you have some fetish over a 50 cal. some people do not need them and have other ways.

At this point I am done wasting my time with a Canadian, They are just mountain Brits.

11-10-21, 12:31
Why do you care so much of US politics, go back to drinking your syrup and go play some hockey.

WE GET IT, you have some fetish over a 50 cal. some people do not need them and have other ways.

At this point I am done wasting my time with a Canadian, They are just mountain Brits.

Because the US is the leader of the free world and the last stand on earth.

I don't have a fetish for the 50 cal. What's not to like about the capabilities of the rifle and APIs?

I asked myself why governments banned them and want them destroyed. The conclusion I came to was that multiple 50s in an area is great for homeland and tyranny defense. A member already admitted they're needed in some parts of the US.

What is the alternative?

I don't think hockey will be around much longer.

Many Canadians concerned about misogyny, racism in hockey culture, survey finds


B Cart
11-10-21, 12:46
This dude isn’t anything but;
A. Troll
B. Whack job
C. Fed of some sorts
D. All of the above

He’ll respond saying we’re all conspiracy lunatics in response. lolz.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

At this point, i'm going to go with B, a Whack Job, who wants to look like a Paul Revere hero for risking his life to come on an American forum to tell all us unintelligent neanderthals that Marxism is coming, and share his perfectly brilliant one-of-a-kind way to beat back communism in America before it's too late!

Friendly Stranger - I understand your plea, but your condescending tone, and insinuation that none of us care or have ever thought about this, is getting old. WE GET IT. We've fought a revolution for freedom, and will do it again if needs be. I honestly can't believe we are 28 pages into this, and you are STILL going with your rant. You've made your point more than enough times, and now it's time to get off your soap box.

11-10-21, 12:53
At this point, i'm going to go with B, a Whack Job, who wants to look like a Paul Revere hero for risking his life to come on an American forum to tell all us unintelligent neanderthals that Marxism is coming, and share his perfectly brilliant one-of-a-kind way to beat back communism in America before it's too late!

I concur, total B

11-10-21, 12:57
At this point, i'm going to go with B, a Whack Job, who wants to look like a Paul Revere hero for risking his life to come on an American forum to tell all us unintelligent neanderthals that Marxism is coming, and share his perfectly brilliant one-of-a-kind way to beat back communism in America before it's too late!

Friendly Stranger - I understand your plea, but your condescending tone, and insinuation that none of us care or have ever thought about this, is getting old. WE GET IT. We've fought a revolution for freedom, and will do it again if needs be. I honestly can't believe we are 28 pages into this, and you are STILL going with your rant. You've made your point more than enough times, and now it's time to get off your soap box.

If I wanted to be praised as some kind of hero I'd reveal my name. I don't want any of that.

There's an abundance of authentic proof that Marxism is eating away at America and it has already ruined the majority of the West.

Thankfully parents and military members are fighting back and trying to remove it.

You expect me to not respond to comments and FED accusations? I didn't start shit and the condescension is coming from some of the members here.

I really hope you will defend freedom.

11-10-21, 13:00
I concur, total B

Could it be that some of you are just butthurt that a Canadian is putting forth a solid argument?

11-10-21, 13:05
Could it be that some of you are just butthurt that a Canadian is putting forth a solid argument?

LOL, your argument is hot air. We're busy watching Kyle Rittenhouse make a solid case that he took out the trash and is in fact a hero, not a murderer. You could learn a thing or two from him.

11-10-21, 13:06
LOL, your argument is hot air.

Which one?

11-10-21, 13:07
Which one?


11-10-21, 13:08
Could it be that some of you are just butthurt that a Canadian is putting forth a solid argument?

not butthurt, because there is NO argument. WE are simply not worried. Yet you fail to see that. We have balls enough to stand up, unlike you Canadians.
You have some kind of fasciation with a 50 BMG like its a end all solution to every problem, its far from that. It might work in the desert with no cover and super long range, but not the rest of the country, we have alot of other options. Think Vietnam .

11-10-21, 13:09

I accept your concession.

11-10-21, 13:12
not butthurt, because there is NO argument. WE are simply not worried. Yet you fail to see that. We have balls enough to stand up, unlike you Canadians.
You have some kind of fasciation with a 50 BMG like its a end all solution to every problem, its far from that. It might work in the desert with no cover and super long range, but not the rest of the country, we have alot of other options. Think Vietnam .

You should be worried. Watch the Yuri Bezmenov interview.

"unlike you Canadians."

There's the condescension I was talking about.

You have balls but are so scared of the FEDs and Liberal media?

What has replaced the 50 and its armor penetration? What are these other options? Make a good argument. If I'm wrong tell me why multiple 50s in an area isn't great for homeland and tyranny defense.

11-10-21, 13:13
I summons thee firefly, smote this fool with thy wit....and some anime trannies

I think this guy is Firefly, and he's laughing his ass off.

11-10-21, 13:15
You should be worried.
"unlike you Canadians."

You have balls but are so scared of the FEDs and Liberal media?

I'm not AFRAID of rattlesnakes... but that doesn't mean I go around stomping on the damned things. We like to treat the Feds like mushrooms if we can.... feed them shit and keep them in the dark. That way, we don't have to kill any. Cause that's the last resort.

11-10-21, 13:18
I accept your concession.

My concession that you're a bloviating buffoon? So stipulated.

11-10-21, 13:18
I'm not AFRAID of rattlesnakes... but that doesn't mean I go around stomping on the damned things. We like to treat the Feds like mushrooms if we can.... feed them shit and keep them in the dark. That way, we don't have to kill any. Cause that's the last resort.

Seems like some of you are scared to even talk about the best ways to defend against door to door confiscation and why governments want the 50s banned and destroyed.

B Cart
11-10-21, 13:19

B Cart
11-10-21, 13:20
I think this guy is Firefly, and he's laughing his ass off.

or Gecko45:D

11-10-21, 13:23
I think this guy is Firefly, and he's laughing his ass off.

or as said before, Gecko45, The mall ninja is strong in this one.

11-10-21, 13:23
I stopped giving a shit about what British History Texts said in about 1777.

And you immediately stopped learning.

So, there we have it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-10-21, 13:23
My concession that you're a bloviating buffoon? So stipulated.

Resorting to ad hominem attacks? Sad

11-10-21, 13:28
Resorting to ad hominem attacks? Sad

The truth is never wrong. :)

11-10-21, 13:28

11-10-21, 13:29
Seems like some of you are scared to even talk about the best ways to defend against door to door confiscation and why governments want the 50s banned and destroyed.

Well, dude... it's because we've all HAD that conversation for years. Had it to death, prepared, and are ready. This may be a new thing to you... but to US... it's our culture. By and large, we HATE government. So we naturally distrust it, and those working for or on its behalf. We know how these assholes operate, and aren't giving them SHIT to hang us with. Like i said, we dont WANT shooting to start. We are willing... but not desirous. Big difference. I hope that makes sense.

11-10-21, 13:29
The truth is never wrong. :)

Ad hominem arguments can take many forms, from basic name-calling to more complex rhetoric. For example, an ad hominem argument can involve simply insulting a person instead of properly replying to a point that they raised

11-10-21, 13:30
And you immediately stopped learning.

So, there we have it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nah, I read the history books that were written by the victors. Even got a degree in it. :cool:

11-10-21, 13:31
Well, dude... it's because we've all HAD that conversation for years. Had it to death, prepared, and are ready. This may be a new thing to you... but to US... it's our culture. By and large, we HATE government. So we naturally distrust it, and those working for or on its behalf. We know how these assholes operate, and aren't giving them SHIT to hang us with. Like i said, we dont WANT shooting to start. We are willing... but not desirous. Big difference. I hope that makes sense.

I understand that but why would you be hanged for talking about the best way to defend against door to door confiscation?

What is better than the idea I put forth? This is all hypothetical.

Same deal with the 50s.