View Full Version : Australia SOS

11-08-21, 11:32
Australians have given up. They will not get their country back through any legal process.


11-08-21, 12:12
Australians have given up. They will not get their country back through any legal process.


I believe we are at this point as well.

11-08-21, 12:26
As long as the police are willing to do the tyrant's will, and as long as the people are not willing to take on the police mano a mano then things won't change. They could just wait out the tyrants, hoping the whole thing collapses like the USSR, but then that will be decades. My guess is most Australians, like here, don't mind the tyranny, it brings them comfort.

Alex V
11-08-21, 12:45
They gave up their guns, reap what you sow.

11-08-21, 12:51
The "not so funny" thing is that these same people now asking for help still won't acknowledge the fact that giving up their guns wasn't a good idea.

11-08-21, 13:00
Yeah, I saw this & can't believe what a clown world we got going on...

Thousands of Australians With Unpaid Fines for Breaking Covid Rules Have Bank Accounts Raided and Property Seized As Tyrannical Government Chases Millions in Fees


11-08-21, 14:55
As long as the police are willing to do the tyrant's will, and as long as the people are not willing to take on the police mano a mano then things won't change. They could just wait out the tyrants, hoping the whole thing collapses like the USSR, but then that will be decades. My guess is most Australians, like here, don't mind the tyranny, it brings them comfort.

Couldn't agree more.

From the video in the OP

"We've been psychologically damaged"

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia John Anderson:

"Many people in Australia use the word cultural Marxist."

John's friend says to him: "It'll never happen here"

Fifth column
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation.

Skip to 1:30


Children’s schooling suffers as teachers pursue Marxist agenda

The NSW Teachers Federation and the Australian Education Union have a long history of using the education system to indoctrinate students with Marxist-inspired causes.

We’re paying for the teaching of Marxist politics

11-08-21, 15:13
I have some friends from down under
They truly have had enough time turning them I do think sadly its game over they are turned and gone

They just go along with it since its more comfortable I reckon

11-08-21, 18:16
Well bye !
We are next because we are making all of the same mistakes !

Alex V
11-08-21, 19:05
The "not so funny" thing is that these same people now asking for help still won't acknowledge the fact that giving up their guns wasn't a good idea.

That’s what I was saying. They deserve what they get.

11-08-21, 22:25
“They gave up their guns.”

It doesn’t matter.

American cities burned all summer last year and none of the men in the most heavily armed country on Earth did anything. The only person who did was a 17-year old boy now on trial for manslaughter.

Same outcome with a federal election that the rest of the planet knows was stolen in broad daylight. Rand Paul doesn’t even have the balls to call it stolen and voted to certify it.

Guns, no guns - it doesn’t matter if no one has the spirit to use them.


11-08-21, 22:37
All true, Land of the free and home of the brave, LOL !

11-09-21, 00:17
"Australia can no longer fight for itself...the gov has instilled so much fear that we have lost our vigor to fight..."

Not to sound flippant, but I must have missed the fighting. Was it an "overnight war" like that coup in Turkey a while back? I'm pretty sure, the way the news is biased these days, the screaming coverage would have been wall to wall if things really started going boom in the night...
Sure, AUS (and other Eu nations) have been banging out some really great protests, mad props for that, and a great show of their public will countering the official party line.
But there was no fighting. Not even a bit of scuffling against the coppers attacking people during the protests. F***ing antifa put up more of a fight...
I've been thinking a lot lately about all the countries that got overrun by the communists post-WW2 (because we let them).
Places like Lithuania where the accursed soviets hauled people off to siberia by the trainload for years, and still the partisan guerillas fought it out to literally the bitter end. The things the communists did to the people attempting to resist in those countries was so abhorrent I won't get into it here, but you can find out yourself with a little google-fu.
There hasn't been a single bullet fired, or gruesome public execution display, and yet somehow you're going to tell me people in AUS are SO cowed in fear that all will to fight has been lost?
Aaaand where do you need me to send the check to again? Or do you want me hop on a boat, rifle in hand?

"We are seeking your support to apply political and economic pressure on our leaders to change the destructive path that we are on..."
Well, seems they've already tried that and THEIR leaders are going full speed ahead, so...no. You're not going to change the direction of the ship on that front.
International pressure? Is the presenter deluded or not in touch with current global events? Exactly WHICH country do they want this pressure to come from? Last I checked, any western country that might have given a shit is busy installing their own medical dictatorship.
I do give them props for even trying to get some sort of international awareness going - the one thing they DO have right is AUS is seriously just about buggered, if any of you have been keeping up with events there. They're about 5 minutes to midnight on a total implementation of tyranny, complete with containment camps for the non-compliant.
BUT if they think a worldwide protest is going to solve this.... they're about as deluded as the "vote harder" people here in the US. Hey, maybe we can get some celebs to put on a concert, we can call it "This Time For Australia".

“They gave up their guns.”

It doesn’t matter.

American cities burned all summer last year and none of the men in the most heavily armed country on Earth did anything. The only person who did was a 17-year old boy now on trial for manslaughter.....
AND who a good chunk of those same well armed folks have derided for even being in the area, among other things.

11-09-21, 10:05
“They gave up their guns.”

It doesn’t matter.

American cities burned all summer last year and none of the men in the most heavily armed country on Earth did anything. The only person who did was a 17-year old boy now on trial for manslaughter.

Same outcome with a federal election that the rest of the planet knows was stolen in broad daylight. Rand Paul doesn’t even have the balls to call it stolen and voted to certify it.

Guns, no guns - it doesn’t matter if no one has the spirit to use them.


True, but I also think the powder keg is there, although still well vented and protected. The "totalitarians" are being careful enough to not push too hard. They are smart enough to know, so far, that if they do, there is no going back, but they are getting braver by the month. If they went full "Aussie" style here, do you think that wouldn't set it off?

I also think that as places like Australia go full bore, more people here are waking up and seeing what it actually is and thinking "wtf?, I don't want that bs here!".

I think the plan was almost perfect except that it lacks perfect execution. it isn't being implemented universally to avoid people "seeing" contrast between the "free" and the "subjugated". People can compare between the two and that is going to cause them problems.

11-09-21, 18:09
Uh, with the Aussies, aren’t there solid statistics showing a majority of weapons were not turned in at all? So if “nothing is happening” while plenty of arms still exist, perhaps we learn a little more about human nature. And also, perhaps it’s a bit early.

11-09-21, 18:58
Uh, with the Aussies, aren’t there solid statistics showing a majority of weapons were not turned in at all? So if “nothing is happening” while plenty of arms still exist, perhaps we learn a little more about human nature. And also, perhaps it’s a bit early.

The problem with hiding guns is that they'll never be used. It's the same situation in Canada. Few and far between and completely disorganized.

It'll be far worse in the future when the military starts to blindly obey orders.


In line with his strategy, Castro deliberately kept out of the political limelight the increasingly Marxist-minded rebel army.

'Culture officers', restorative justice to be part of military's new plan to fight misconduct: acting commander

Here come the commissars!

The UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are now enslaved.

11-09-21, 19:32
Organizing Patriots In The Face Of Government Informants And False Flags


Eventually tyranny has to put boots on the ground. A totalitarian system can function for a time on color of law and implied threats, but it will crumble unless it is able to establish a physical presence of force. Once those jackboots touch soil in a visible way and the agents of the state try to expand oppressive measures, rebels then have a free hand to disrupt them or bring them down. But this only works if there are objectives and enough decentralization to prevent misdirection of the movement.

Some organization is essential. It cannot be avoided. All the “Gray Men” and secret squirrel preppers out there that think they are going to simply weather the storm in isolation and pop out of their bug-out locations to rebuild are suffering from serious delusions. I can’t help but think of that moment in ‘Lord Of The Rings’ when the Ents refuse to organize to fight against the invading orcs. Pippen suggests to Merry that the problem is too big for them and that they should go back to the Shire to wait out the war. Merry laments:

“The fires of Isengard will spread. And the woods of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once green and good in this world will be gone. There won’t be a Shire, Pippin.”

If this fight is not pursued now, there will be no world worth coming back to, even if one was able to successfully hide from it. There will be a “new world order” as the globalists like to call it. There will be nothing left of freedom.

So, organization must be accomplished, and it should be built at the local level. This is far more important than any dreams of a national organization, at least for now. There is no one we can trust to lead such a nationwide revolt, and that includes political leaders like Donald Trump.

11-22-21, 15:26
Mates are now taking the trains...


11-22-21, 15:49
Please put a quote in links of what its about :)

Like headline reads:

DYSTOPIA DOWN UNDER: Australian Military Summoned to Relocate COVID-19 Positive and “Close Contacts” to Quarantine Camps

11-22-21, 15:59
lol...they both read the same to me :-)

11-22-21, 22:42
Yep, there have been a number of news segments over there that have slipped out over the last year talking about the covid camps they've been building.
"National Resilience". Cute. :rolleyes:
A buck says their military will do it, too.
If this isn't the time for them to find all those guns they allegedly never turned in...not sure what would be. Oh wait... I forgot, they've apparently already lost all will to fight.
Oh well, bye Australia. Bye England. Bye Canada, New Zealand, and all the rest of the countries we all thought might be a bit of a bunch of Euro pricks, but at least had mostly free and sane countries with a lot of shared values. I guess we'll see you all in the camps soon enough, as soon as our current admin finds a way to do the same here.

11-22-21, 23:00
“They gave up their guns.”

It doesn’t matter.

American cities burned all summer last year and none of the men in the most heavily armed country on Earth did anything. The only person who did was a 17-year old boy now on trial for manslaughter.

Same outcome with a federal election that the rest of the planet knows was stolen in broad daylight. Rand Paul doesn’t even have the balls to call it stolen and voted to certify it.

Guns, no guns - it doesn’t matter if no one has the spirit to use them.



11-23-21, 03:55
“They gave up their guns.”

It doesn’t matter.

American cities burned all summer last year and none of the men in the most heavily armed country on Earth did anything. The only person who did was a 17-year old boy now on trial for manslaughter.

Same outcome with a federal election that the rest of the planet knows was stolen in broad daylight. Rand Paul doesn’t even have the balls to call it stolen and voted to certify it.

Guns, no guns - it doesn’t matter if no one has the spirit to use them.



11-23-21, 09:18
To all the negative nancy's out there saying "it doesn't matter" and "we've lost the will to fight - guns or not" -

What exactly did you guys do again?

11-23-21, 09:22
Not sure if we have lost the will to fight, it just hasn't hit close enough to home for most of us. Until people are hungry and cold they won't care enough to fight back, so it seems we are behind Australia by a few checks. We haven't given up our guns so mayeb we still have a hope, but we are the last light on the horizon that's for sure.

11-23-21, 09:52
Don't project your cuckery onto me.

I haven't lost any will whatsoever, I won't be giving anything up, I won't be cowering down, I won't be a slave, I will always live free and do as I please regardless of laws and I will absolutely fight- when that time is, I'm not sure yet, but we've been edging closer to it for a while now.

I won't go out alone, so people need to wake up and group up.

Don't buy in to the doom and gloom crowd. If TPTB didn't think there was enough fight left in enough folks, the trains would be running and the camps would be full with ovens cooking 24/7 already.

12-03-21, 09:31
A hottie ausie who got taken away to quarantine camp...I bet our admin is salivating to implement the same crap.

