View Full Version : Post Jabbed Society- Whats Next?

11-08-21, 16:59
After society has received the mandated jabs and is on the mandated recurring booster program whats next on the agenda?

11-08-21, 17:04
Steal everyone's 401k? I don't know, but we'll probably all face palm when it comes.

11-08-21, 17:14
Steal everyone's 401k? I don't know, but we'll probably all face palm when it comes.

I thought this was actually either going to happen by tax, or by "Mandate" just to make everyone "Equal" in our poverty.
I do believe Nancy Pelosi came out and talked about 401K confication eight or so years ago.
I got out last year and I have to tell you, considering what was on the table, it was a relief when it was over and the tax was paid. I paid off the truck and the house and stashed a bit away, here and there.

11-08-21, 17:14
Steal everyone's 401k? I don't know, but we'll probably all face palm when it comes.

It would not surprise me...

11-08-21, 17:25
It would not surprise me...

Simple Google

11-08-21, 19:34
They are going
to tax the stuff in the Roths
Lower when you have to start pulling out money
Limit how much you can put in
Tax the Be-jesus out of anything left over when you die so you can't pass it on

Simple things like taxing gains not realized, or gains over a certain percentage- which will sound OK to some, until inflation hits. Same with the levels allowed to pass on, those will be fixed to be eaten by inflation, but what you have to spend will be raise with inflation.

Confiscation is such a crude word. Don't get me wrong, the net effect will be the same, but under the mantle of soaking the rich and kids who don't deserve their parents legacies.

11-08-21, 19:39
They are going
to tax the stuff in the Roths
Lower when you have to start pulling out money
Limit how much you can put in
Tax the Be-jesus out of anything left over when you die so you can't pass it on

Simple things like taxing gains not realized, or gains over a certain percentage- which will sound OK to some, until inflation hits. Same with the levels allowed to pass on, those will be fixed to be eaten by inflation, but what you have to spend will be raise with inflation.

Confiscation is such a crude word. Don't get me wrong, the net effect will be the same, but under the mantle of soaking the rich and kids who don't deserve their parents legacies.

I've tutored my Son in how to spend "dirty" money so it doesn't leave many tracks. I'm considering putting 50K in cash in a gun safe for him when I leave the country.
Too many people wanting to look at my money, but no one to account for the taxes I send to DC?
Yeah, it's a rigged game.

11-08-21, 20:17
After society has received the mandated jabs and is on the mandated recurring booster program whats next on the agenda?

Well at that point chemtrails loaded with the "activation" agent turn 65% of the population into mindless zombies and the apocalypse can begin in earnest.

11-08-21, 20:18
Steal everyone's 401k? I don't know, but we'll probably all face palm when it comes.

Jokes on them, I put all my money into the safe.

11-08-21, 20:51
More tyranny, followed by more posting on the internet, followed by more tyranny, etc.

11-09-21, 01:34
What's next? Here, enjoy this satirical preview of tomorrow:


11-09-21, 06:54
Well at that point chemtrails loaded with the "activation" agent turn 65% of the population into mindless zombies and the apocalypse can begin in earnest.

Yes. Also known as "Phase Two" LOL.

11-09-21, 16:20
A bunch of you will die !

11-09-21, 17:02
Nobody ever thinks that they will be the zoombie... If you think about it, we should root for the zoombies in the movies.