View Full Version : Royal Marines 1 WOKE USMC 0

11-10-21, 13:31
This is just sad.

The Royal Marines defeat the US Marines at the 'Battle of the Mojave Desert'


"Royal Marines commandos 'dominated' US troops and forced them into a humiliating surrender just days into a mass training exercise in the Mojave desert, it has been revealed today.

British forces took part in a five-day mock battle at the US Marine Corps' Twentynine Palms base in southern California, one of the largest military training areas in the world, and achieved a decisive victory against their American counterparts.

The Royal Marines, along with allied forces from Canada, the Netherlands and the UAE, destroyed or rendered inoperable nearly every US asset and finished the exercise holding more than 65 per cent of the training area, after beginning with less than 20 per cent.

Combatants used paintball-style training ammunition, which fires with reduced pressure and velocity, along with hi-tech simulators for heavier firepower like artillery, and live ammo on expansive ranges.

Seeing no opportunity for victory, American combatants asked for the exercise to be 'reset' halfway through the five-day exercise, having taken significant casualties from British commandos."

11-10-21, 14:04
It does say MARSOC was also attached to the multinational team.

11-10-21, 15:27
Seems like everyone up in arms about this story is mostly based off a single Daily Mail article. Didn't realize that the Daily Mail was considered reliable journalism.

From another forum, written by a former SF guy:

This one is real simple. BlueFor defeated RedFor in a scripted exercise. BlueFor included other assets than just the Royal Marine Commando element. For instance (according to other reports)... US Army SF teams.

Not to put too fine of a point on it... but the UK Marine side was supposed to win. They represented the "Good Guy" force. These types of US/Allied exercises have occurred since Christ was a Corporal. Nobody got "humiliated". And you don't invite Allies over to your war games to knowingly assign them to the losing side. It's bad for international military relations.

The article is just patriotic pablum masquerading as news. The same level of partisan cheerleading involved in rooting for your hometown ball team. I doubt the Brits actually bragged all that hard about it anyway. But the press took things out of context and embellished otherwise straight forward statements from the UK military.

Frankly, I'm surprised that the USMC didn't spin the outcome in quite the opposite manner. Somebody must have yanked on their PR chain from on high... and specifically told them not to.

Way back around 1979, my Ranger Battalion conducted a reinforced company raid (air assault) on a USMC Regimental HQ's "tactical" airfield position deep in the Nevada desert. Free-play exercise and everything in that vast maneuver box was a viable target.

We inserted early recon, then the assault force. Achieved total surprise, caught them essentially asleep at the wheel, ran riot with blanks and simulators throughout their encampment/lines, and withdrew/exfilled IAW our brilliantly improbable plan. "Killed" their commander and his primary staff, "destroyed" all parked aircraft and helos, demolitions applied to FARP POL, etc. and just generally ****ed up everything that wasn't tied down.

Prior to that point in the exercise, the participating USMC command was freely dumping press releases and giving interviews to local media (especially in metro Las Vegas) about how they were going to handily clean the Army's clock. It never occurred to our unit to even talk to civilian press about SOF participation in a large conventional exercise.

Our tactical plan was more conceptually reminiscent of the exercise depicted in the movie Dirty Dozen than in reality. We disguised ourselves (several hundred Rangers) as Marines (same camouflage fatigues, Ranger high & tights, helmets w/o helmet cover bands, and sterile OD M65 field jackets). BTW: The only time we were ever allowed to actually wear field jackets in the field. Visually, we appeared to be Marines until approaching within about handgun range.

Accompanying OCs (Observer Controllers) ruled that the defending Marines were well-trounced and that we got off comparatively casualty free. Mission accomplished. Yay for us. Great fun had by all, but time to get back to rowing other mission oars.

Anyhoo, after executing that audacious Hail-Mary Pass dreamed up by our Bn Cdr (then LTC Wayne A. Downing), his Operations Staff, and my Co Cdr (MACV-SOG recon team veteran then CPT Ken Bowra), we flew away to glorious post-raid activities (some cold soft drinks and some rack time) back at our launch site. GEN Downing was the eventual CG of USSOCOM & MG Bowra the CG of both US Army Special Forces Command & the JFK Special Forces School. Two legendary commanders within the US SOF community.

Next day's headlines in Las Vegas newspapers, news radio/TV (pre-internet days): "USMC Annihilates Army Rangers in Local major Exercise". Along with a detailed self-congratulatory interview by the Marine Commander & his PAO. See... the Marines have always understood that part of victory in battle is to control the press clippings. We didn't. Most folks didn't even know our outfit existed. Our commanders kinda had the ass about that falsified USMC interview. So...

A night later, a reinforced Ranger HALO Team dropped on the previous Objective and planted time delay dummy explosive charges on every parked Harrier, C-130, Cobra, & CH-46 Phrog. Most of a Marine Air Wing. Once again neatly parked in the desert with no viable security posted in the middle of tactical exercise play. Our guys spray painted"2/75" or "Rangers" on the nose of each aircraft... took IR camera pictures... and withdrew undetected to a successful helicopter exfiltration pickup.

Battalion then delivered a very different press release/interview to the Las Vegas media.

They're just war games. Don't read too much into chest thumping press releases. Mostly BS anyway.

11-10-21, 18:39
They're just war games. Don't read too much into chest thumping press releases. Mostly BS anyway.

True. Hopefully lessons are learned as that is the underlying objective of these exercises. Learn from your mistakes.

The more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war. Yada yada.....

11-10-21, 21:00
The Marine Corps was also fighting....the Marine Corps.

11-11-21, 12:17
Yeah, I read that the UK were backed by USMC artillery and aircraft. The point of the exercise was to see if a smaller, more mobile force backed by air and artillery could defeat a larger more conventional force.

11-11-21, 12:24
I first read the article in the original post and thought something did not smell right, and the more that has come out, the more that original article seems to be wrong. Or at least biased.

Somewhat related, when I was a corpsman with recon about a squad of us did an exchange with the Royal Marine Commandos. Best time of my life.

11-11-21, 19:14
Yeah, I read that the UK were backed by USMC artillery and aircraft. The point of the exercise was to see if a smaller, more mobile force backed by air and artillery could defeat a larger more conventional force.

It makes sense. The USMC is in the process of trying to transform into a smaller, more mobile, more elite force more like that of the Royal Marines. This was a good way to see if that would be a good idea.

11-11-21, 22:22
Seeing no opportunity for victory, American combatants asked for the exercise to be 'reset' halfway through the five-day exercise, having taken significant casualties from British commandos."

Sounds a lot like they recognized they lost and asked for what would essentially be a rematch. Nobody would have learned anything from running a complete loss into the ground.

What is most interesting is that the UK can still field outstanding military personnel with their woke, ultra liberal society.

Also that article is complete shit written by an obvious retard.

Most Americans don't view Marines as mythic or invincible. A lot of people like to view them as expendable minimum skilled military labor. I also love her retarded premise that 20 years of war has "worn them down." What an idiot.

I do wonder what the results were second time around, article doesn't mention it.

11-11-21, 22:24
Yeah, I read that the UK were backed by USMC artillery and aircraft. The point of the exercise was to see if a smaller, more mobile force backed by air and artillery could defeat a larger more conventional force.

That is a completely different animal. Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.

11-12-21, 08:18
It's a big cost and effort to get units to the training centers.

So it's no surprise to me at all that if a definitive conclusion was reached early that the commanders would look to reset and try to continue additional training.

Would seem wise to take advantage of every opportunity you get.

11-12-21, 08:22
During Operation Reforger in Norway back in the mid 80's a buddy had some Royal Marines try to take his rifle (they were op for apparently)....the Brits were right out of the Falklands and feeling their oats...fist fights may or may not have ensued....

11-12-21, 09:23
During Operation Reforger in Norway back in the mid 80's a buddy had some Royal Marines try to take his rifle (they were op for apparently)....the Brits were right out of the Falklands and feeling their oats...fist fights may or may not have ensued....

The RMs fight more than our Marines, especially when they are pissed (drunk or angry, either one). It really doesn't take much.

11-14-21, 13:38
What is most interesting is that the US can still field outstanding military personnel with their woke, ultra liberal society.

There - fixed it for ya.
(What I'm trying to say is that cookie crumbles both ways, believe you me. Like it or not, there's no shortage of hard men, under any flag, regardless of 'woke' BS or ideology.)

11-14-21, 16:39
There - fixed it for ya.
(What I'm trying to say is that cookie crumbles both ways, believe you me. Like it or not, there's no shortage of hard men, under any flag, regardless of 'woke' BS or ideology.)

We are on the same woke road, but I still think they are a block ahead of us.

It just always amazes me when a country that has "no tip" kitchen knives can produce SAS guys.