View Full Version : The latest interview of Dr. Robert Malone is a must watch! Saucy!

11-12-21, 11:35
He makes mention of a CIA operative / infectious disease & bio weapons expert he was personally in contact with (and who he names) that was in wuhan in the 4th quarter of 2019!:blink: Saucy parts start at about the 45 minute mark...


11-12-21, 13:12
I'm still watching it........Some of the salient points he makes are pretty obvious.

It is long but worth the watch.

- CDC/FDA are not experts, they can't afford to hire experts, they hire foreigners who blindly follow checklists, if the people at the FDA/CDC were any good they'd be making more at a Pharmaceutical
- CDC/FDA are corrupt and controlled by big pharma
- CDC/FDA approvals are stacked with people with close ties to pharmaceuticals
- World leaders and the media have been trained by war games run at Hopkins by the CIA and are following the battle plan, the mental midgets involved are blindly following their plan when the reality is different
- Don't vaccinate your children, they are not at risk
- Don't vaccinate pregnant women
- Businesses and their leadership will be subject to the law suits that will follow these mandates, not the Government or the pharmaceuticals who have indemnity
- They are suppressing facts, because the facts expose them as frauds
- How can you look at Fauci and not realize it is all about Fauci
- Large blocks of international money are border-less and operate a-morally and is where the true power lies
- He makes several comparisons to the authoritarian nature of the Soviet Union and how similar what we are living under today
- Bio warfare treaty blocks only lethal agents, not incapacitating agents that can be deployed by drones
- With increased genetic understanding, these pathogens can be targeted at specific ethnic groups
- There are no rules anymore, whatever those in power say is what goes and he doesn't know what is on the other side

11-15-21, 16:41
Here is more from Dr Robert Malone. I think it is very important that everyone pay close attention to him at this time!


11-15-21, 22:12
So Robert Kennedy Jr. had Dr. Robert Malone edit his New book he just published (The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health). The Book in which he was on Tucker Carlson Tonight 11/15 discussing. HUM...



11-16-21, 00:08
So Robert Kennedy Jr. had Dr. Robert Malone edit his New book he just published. The Book in which he was on Tucker Carlson Tonight 11/15 discussing. HUM...


Good move on his part. He had an expert in the field review his work to make sure he did not knowingly publish any false statements.

You can tell from that interview on Carlson as well he was being very careful to only make truthful and verifiable statements. No 'guessing' or 'supposing' that could lead to a lawsuit.

They may not be able to sue him for any false statement but he WILL still be censored / not covered by many in the lame stream media.

He is not saying what they want to hear so...

11-16-21, 00:22
So here is Robert Kennedy jr and Catherine Austin Fitts holding a press conference in Bern Switzerland. https://www.bitchute.com/video/t9AGuQxPPMjQ/

And here is Robert Kennedy being interviewed by that German legal team that is also investigating. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pobkqXow8ByS/