View Full Version : So how long does this Administration have left?

11-12-21, 12:48
I'm curious because as I read the News I see lie after lie, half truth after half truth and they should be at the end of their rope by now, but the hits just keep on coming.
National School Board Association.
Where to begin, this time? As RedState reported in late October, embattled Attorney General Merrick Garland testified before the House Judiciary Committee that he had created a task force to look into a letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) about alleged threats against school board members by parents concerned about the indoctrination of their young children with so-called “critical race theory.”

Garland hemmed and hawed and tried to distance himself from all blame while frantically attempting to fly wingman for the Biden White House, as well. As RedState also reported, the same week, the president and CEO of the NSBA consulted with the White House about the letter, which referred to concerned parents as “domestic terrorists,” before the letter was released.

Now, as reported by The New York Post on Friday, an internal NSBA memo shows that the Biden White House was “actively engaged” with the NSBA before it sent a letter to the administration asking that federal authorities investigate parents for the “crime” of caring about the education (programming) of their kids.

Ground zero of the war zone was Loudoun County, Virginia. Loudoun County is one of those Virginia counties that used to be reliably Republican but now has been overrun by leftist scum working for federal contractors and the federal government and has turned hard left. I hope Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott keep this in mind when trying to entice Silicon Valley and Wall Street companies to relocate to their states.

The flashpoint was the efforts by the Loudoun County school board, without any debate or input from parents, to mainstream transgenderism. Along with this dangerous nonsense, the school board adopted outright racism tarted up in pseudo-academic language, obscured from view as “critical race theory,” and imposed by “diversity, inclusion, and equity” mandates, the standard operating philosophy for the county schools.

When parents began showing up at school board meetings, they found themselves under investigation by the school board and the target of illegal ‘dirty tricks.’ Read Virginia School District Tries to Deal With ‘Secret Enemies List’ of Parents Against Critical Race Theory and Suburban Chardonnay Antifa Find Themselves Investigated by the Police After Threatening Parents Opposing Critical Race Theory.

As RedState reported late last week, Special Counsel for the Justice Department John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko, the principal source for the bogus Steele dossier used by the FBI as a basis for the Trump-Russia “collusion” investigation, further illustrates that Durham has his sights set on the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. Hardly a shock, although the irony is beautiful:

In an attempt to frame Donald Trump for colluding with Russia, Hillary, in effect, colluded with Russia.

But what about Obama?

While “What did Obama know, and when did he know it?” is a good question, here’s an even better one: What did Obama do, and when did he do it? Let’s take a quick trip in the Wayback Machine.

Retired U.S. Army Intelligence Officer Tony Shaffer shared his thoughts about the alleged involvement of Obama during an appearance on “Fox & Friends” in March of 2017, as reported by PJ Media. Shaffer suggested that Donald Trump’s accusations that prior to the 2016 election the Obama administration was wiretapping Trump Tower were not only true but “very likely” approved by Obama, himself.

“This is completely insidious. This is an order of magnitude worse than Watergate — where you’ve actually used the mechanisms of the state — the power of the state to go after a candidate [for the] presidency.”

In a remarkable admission, the CDC wrote in a letter that it does not have a single case on record of someone naturally immune to COVID-19 spreading the virus.
Now, it would be easy to fall into the trap of thinking this means something it doesn’t technically mean, and I’m sure the “fact-checkers” are frothing at the mouth just reading the introduction of this article. But I’m going to disappoint them because this letter is not proof that those with natural immunity don’t spread COVID-19. In fact, given the dynamics of how the virus spreads, it’s likely that those with natural immunity spread the virus just like those who are vaccinated do, though, there is reason to believe that natural immunity is stronger and more durable.

Regardless, the point here is not to argue over the finer points of spreading COVID-19. Rather, the lack of data here is the problem. The CDC, which is part of a federal government that has continually downplayed and dismissed natural immunity on a policy level, has now admitted they aren’t even keeping the data necessary to judge its effectiveness. Why would they do that?

At this point, it all seems rather purposeful to me. If they did gather the data necessary to track the efficacy of natural immunity, they might end up with an answer they obviously don’t want. Specifically, that there is no scientific need to force vaccinations on those who have already had and recovered from COVID-19. That would blow up the entire “vaccine passport” narrative as well, and we can’t have that, can we?

Frankly, it feels like a dereliction of duty for the CDC to continue making proclamations about universal vaccination mandates and how the virus spreads without having even tracked the necessary data to judge the effectiveness of natural immunity.

I'm, just saying this is Bull Shit and we shouldn't have to deal with it.
They're pushing this through when people are worried about a virus and vaccinations and keeping your job if you haven't been vaccinated yet and it's working and we're pretty much all F'ed because of it.

11-12-21, 12:53
I'd say 1,165 more days. Give or take a half day.

Seriously, nothing is going to stop it. There will be serious changes come next November, hopefully in the form of the D's losing control of the House and Senate. That would make whoever holds the office a lame duck until the end on January 20, 2025.

11-12-21, 13:14
And they believe they can run over the Courts.

Coal Dragger
11-12-21, 13:31
Biden will win re-election in 2024 because the people in this country are dumb as hell. If he doesn’t run, whatever Democrat does run will win.

11-12-21, 14:02
Biden's rapid decline and visibly awful dementia means he doesn't have much time left. I have watched relatives, and relatives of friends, experience similar dementia and go from lucid and healthy to dead in 2-3 years. Biden's decline seems to have accelerated around summer 2000.

The Dems won't ever let go of power, of course, but all of them realize that Kamala is the only person less popular and less competent than demento-Brandon. They need to find a way to get her out and install some loyal and competent party hack as VP so the succession will go to that person upon Biden's entirely predictable departure from office.

Watch for the news to turn badly on Kamala in the next few months, focus on some minor scandal of hers that isn't half as bad as stuff she's done in the recent past, and then she resigns for health reasons or "good of the country." Then poof, some new hack takes her place. Mcauliffe maybe? Dems don't seem to learn from mistakes.

11-12-21, 14:38
Biden will win re-election in 2024 because the people in this country are dumb as hell. If he doesn’t run, whatever Democrat does run will win.

That, and there are no repercussions to stealing an election through fraud.

11-12-21, 15:29
Well Obama got 8 years.

11-12-21, 15:54
Well Obama got 8 years.

He's working on 12 now.

11-12-21, 16:16
Medically, I'd give Biden about 2 more years--his decline has been almost an exact parallel to my grandmother's, and right now he's about where she was in the last 2-3 years before the final stroke in her sleep.

Politically... not so sure, it depends how long the puppetmasters can keep "Weekend at Bernie's: White House Edition" going.

11-12-21, 16:24
Just glad to hear inflation is good and high gas prices are good and we are all so rich and make so much that is why the supply shortage is happening cause everyone is buying everything but if we want it back to normal just get vaxed and all will be good

The lies anymore are just like some really bad movie its insane what is happening

11-12-21, 16:33
I have strong doubts that they will run him in the next election, even if he hasn't completely lost it by then.

11-12-21, 16:34
Biden will be with us for the next 3+ years, unless he dies. Half the country would rather see the country burn down rather than vote for anyone even remotely sane or conservative. Besides the commie half of the country ALWAYS thinks commie policies are just on the verge of success. Commies are insane.

Alex V
11-12-21, 17:06
Biden will win re-election in 2024 because the people in this country are dumb as hell. If he doesn’t run, whatever Democrat does run will win.

The people don’t matter anymore. With mail in voting and ballet harvesting Dems found a way to cheat and no one will stop them.

11-12-21, 20:02
Insane yeah kinda, the purpose of communist propaganda is to assault you with
blatant obvious lies until you either shut up or sheepishly agree with what you
know is a lie, making you a moral coward and defeated.

11-12-21, 20:33
That, and there are no repercussions to stealing an election through fraud.

More like a reward for stealing it and zero GOP push back. Doom!

11-12-21, 21:47
Biden will win re-election in 2024 because the people in this country are dumb as hell. If he doesn’t run, whatever Democrat does run will win.

Yeah, when you can cheat with impunity (where it counts in a given election cycle) who cares what the "people" actually think or truly voted for?

I will make a prediction: not as sure about 2022 as I am about 2024, but there will be violence at vote-counting stations. Having seen what happened last year, the folks on our side who gather outside counting places won't tolerate having the blinds closed or being pushed out. Not saying the "Big Boogaloo" or such but they will not be hood-winked again so brazenly. I will also predict that the Amerikan Stasi (i.e. the FBI, who should be TOTALLY disbanded, every last one of them) will be called upon to protect said counting places, maybe even the NG. It will be ugly.....and I hope it is as the Left, and half this country, deserves it. And yes, I fully realize what I just said. Roughly half of this country have their heads firmly planted up their asses. No problem saying it either. They just need a little cheating to make it 51% to 49% instead of MUCH closer.

11-13-21, 07:59
The electorate, actual election results, are irrelevant. The US is basically the same as Mexico with its one party system, the PRI. Occasionally, an alternate candidate may win, like former President Trump, but given the overwhelming criminal opposition he faced, from the pigs in the fbi and other .gov agencies, for example, I was shocked he accomplished what he did.
The influx of the low IQ, indigent, indolent, hand out seeking immigrant voters will alter whatever 'elections' will be held. In addition, despite the inflation and supply chain deficits, I see a large population of easily manipulated, cowardly, ignorant Americans that still support the incontinent incoherent senile imbecile who is a potus figure head and that kackling kunt kamela as well.

11-13-21, 08:32
He's working on 12 now.

Yep. This is effectively Ofukwads third term.

11-13-21, 09:03
Let's face it - the "average" American thinks life is grand. As long as they can log into their echo chambers on social media and be assured by the propagandists in the main stream media, they are happy.

It is those crazy right wing fanatics that have a problem.


11-13-21, 09:35
Let's face it - the "average" American thinks life is grand. As long as they can log into their echo chambers on social media and be assured by the propagandists in the main stream media, they are happy.

It is those crazy right wing fanatics that have a problem.


Between the corona 'mandates' and intrusions on their freedoms and the inflation that is slowly but surely costing them more everywhere (food, fuel, etc.) I can't completely agree with you on this one.

People are getting pissed and will boot the party in power come the midterms.

When the liberal media report dismal approval ratings that we KNOW are likely much worse in reality than what they are reporting... Yeah, They have a problem with the majority of American voters.

11-13-21, 09:47
Biden's on borrowed time with me. I never thought he'd make it past September myself before they announced his "cognitive decline" and the Wicked Witch of the West took over in a 25th Amendment move.

Man, I sure could use a mean Tweet and $1.50 gas about right now...

11-13-21, 10:16
Between the corona 'mandates' and intrusions on their freedoms and the inflation that is slowly but surely costing them more everywhere (food, fuel, etc.) I can't completely agree with you on this one.

People are getting pissed and will boot the party in power come the midterms.

When the liberal media report dismal approval ratings that we KNOW are likely much worse in reality than what they are reporting... Yeah, They have a problem with the majority of American voters.

I do think the MSM/social media buffer is just giving the admin rope to hang itself with. Barring significant changes in the election system, there will be a record lack of Dem turnout in 2022. Congress and Senate will flip to Republican.

Unfortunately, we have 2 long cold winters at a minimum before any lawful change in policy, the Dems will absolutely try to change voting, and they will pass any and all marxist legislation they can once they realize the ship is sinking. We also have the Republican party's history of snatching defeat from the face of victory and division driven inaction.


11-13-21, 11:11
Let's face it - the "average" American thinks life is grand. As long as they can log into their echo chambers on social media and be assured by the propagandists in the main stream media, they are happy.

It is those crazy right wing fanatics that have a problem.


Still applies to some but that’s changing fast. Mess with people’s kids and you see what happens. Remote learning has really opened a lot of eyes. Amplify indoctrination x10, let boys in dresses use the girls bathrooms and people start paying attention.

11-13-21, 11:53
Still applies to some but that’s changing fast. Mess with people’s kids and you see what happens. Remote learning has really opened a lot of eyes. Amplify indoctrination x10, let boys in dresses use the girls bathrooms and people start paying attention.

I think the whole "Mandate" thing is an ongoing scam. The Fifth Circut Court said NO! Mandates are not Constitutional, yet a lot of business are currently demanding mandates vaccinations.
So if someone doesn't have a Federal Mandate, yet your employer demands you to be vaccinated, who responcible when you get sick from the unMandated Vaccinations?
I'll give you a clue, I believe it wont be the Federal Gov't, I'm sure it wont be Big Pharma, but the guy who signs your checks? Yeah that's who takes it up the keister when this goes sideways.
Fuel, gas prices are about a buck and a quarter higher today than when Trump was in Office. It's also going to be a real bitch for people to stay warm who are living on a fixed income, fuel oil isn't cheap.
Inflation in general and food prices specifically are going to have a distinct impact on peoples lives. Add to the the supply chain issues and I'm guessing we will be rationing toilet paper and some meats by spring time.
Also unrest in the streets. We're about to see Kenoshia shit the bed again, already the National Guard are being deployed. Crime and Crimminals disproportionately hurt the old, poor and weak more than anyone else.
Now the thing about that is;
All the Piggy's both Big and Small have to eat. A stupid Big Pig that spoils dinner for all the other Pigs, well when it comes times to pick the Christmas Ham, who do all the other Piggy's hope goes for that ride?
I don't believe many Democrats except for the far looney left will vote for Biden and they just may begin to worry about there own careers and start opposing him.

11-13-21, 19:10
I'm curious because as I read the News I see lie after lie, half truth after half truth and they should be at the end of their rope by now, but the hits just keep on coming.

I don't understand what you don't understand. This is nothing new. This has been going on since at least Clinton. The not-so-funy joke of those days was: Do you know how to tell if Bill Clinton is lying? His mouth is moving.

The only thing new is how far it is getting them and how many of our countrymen have been duped into believing their lies and made up crap.

I'd say 1,165 more days. Give or take a half day.

Seriously, nothing is going to stop it. There will be serious changes come next November, hopefully in the form of the D's losing control of the House and Senate. That would make whoever holds the office a lame duck until the end on January 20, 2025.

D's won't lose control of anything. They have control of the vote counting facilities, no oversight, and no penalties for obvious fraud.

Biden will win re-election in 2024 because the people in this country are dumb as hell. If he doesn’t run, whatever Democrat does run will win.
No. Biden or the Democrat of the day will win because "they" simply install whoever they want.

All three of you seem to still think this is our country. Its time to come to terms with the fact that our country has been stolen from us. We either sit back and let them keep it, or we don't. So far it seems like we are letting them keep it. I hope that changes.

11-13-21, 19:33
I think a better question is 'How much longer till Biden craps his pants again and will the next time be caught on video or not?'


11-14-21, 07:55
D's won't lose control of anything. They have control of the vote counting facilities, no oversight, and no penalties for obvious fraud.

They just lost control of Virginia, they nearly lost the governorship of NJ in a race that was supposed to be a landslide victory for them, and the NJ senate president lost to a truck driver who spent only $160 on his campaign. There's still quite a bit of hope left.

11-14-21, 09:28
For one thing… the only thing Biden “runs” is his shorts!
For another thing…Biden did not win the election, because people actually voted for him…just like he won’t win re-election, because idiots voted for him again!
Biden…did NOT get the most votes in history….give me a break!
I have never seen such clear and decisive fraud before in my life! It’s like they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore!
I seriously cannot even fathom how awfully, terrible their lies are. You would seriously have to be awfully stupid, to even believe half the bs. It’s like they are trying to pull the wool over a country full of 5 year olds eyes….and not even doing a good job at that. It’s kind of pathetic!

The global corporate elite have made it abundantly clear….you DON’T have a choice, and your vote don’t mean shit! They will install any puppet they want, and you can’t do nothing about it!

11-15-21, 09:10
The Dems won't ever let go of power, of course, but all of them realize that Kamala is the only person less popular and less competent than demento-Brandon. They need to find a way to get her out and install some loyal and competent party hack as VP so the succession will go to that person upon Biden's entirely predictable departure from office.

Watch for the news to turn badly on Kamala in the next few months, focus on some minor scandal of hers that isn't half as bad as stuff she's done in the recent past, and then she resigns for health reasons or "good of the country." Then poof, some new hack takes her place. Mcauliffe maybe? Dems don't seem to learn from mistakes.

Fun things happened since I posted this, some of it just last night.

VP Harris has lowest approval rating OF ALL TIME for a vice president, worse than Dick Cheney's previous record. 28% approval is not getting you elected as Biden's successor.


Psaki made a tweet at 9pm Sunday night expressing that Harris is genuinely a team player and valued by "Biden" admin. Exact same kind of announcement that's routinely made a few days to a week before someone is let go. Remember how George W. Bush praised his idiot FEMA director after Katrina?


Politics site notes that even CNN and Politico are disparaging Harris:


11-15-21, 09:19
Fun things happened since I posted this, some of it just last night.

VP Harris has lowest approval rating OF ALL TIME for a vice president, worse than Dick Cheney's previous record. 28% approval is not getting you elected as Biden's successor.


Psaki made a tweet at 9pm Sunday night expressing that Harris is genuinely a team player and valued by "Biden" admin. Exact same kind of announcement that's routinely made a few days to a week before someone is let go. Remember how George W. Bush praised his idiot FEMA director after Katrina?


Politics site notes that even CNN and Politico are disparaging Harris:


Trying to remember the last time a VP was let go in the first year.................Not going to happen. Plus, he'd be called a racist, not that he'd remember.

I fear expectations for heels up are far too high. I'd be hard pressed to say who in his administration is the biggest problem. Actually, no, it would be KERRY running around with his climate nonsense yet again.

But that's ok, their climate nonsense is far more important than affordable energy for the people living paycheck to paycheck, or on the gubment cheese who voted for this clown show.

11-15-21, 13:41
I think the whole "Mandate" thing is an ongoing scam. The Fifth Circut Court said NO! Mandates are not Constitutional, yet a lot of business are currently demanding mandates vaccinations.
So if someone doesn't have a Federal Mandate, yet your employer demands you to be vaccinated, who responcible when you get sick from the unMandated Vaccinations?
I'll give you a clue, I believe it wont be the Federal Gov't, I'm sure it wont be Big Pharma, but the guy who signs your checks? Yeah that's who takes it up the keister when this goes sideways.
Fuel, gas prices are about a buck and a quarter higher today than when Trump was in Office. It's also going to be a real bitch for people to stay warm who are living on a fixed income, fuel oil isn't cheap.
Inflation in general and food prices specifically are going to have a distinct impact on peoples lives. Add to the the supply chain issues and I'm guessing we will be rationing toilet paper and some meats by spring time.
Also unrest in the streets. We're about to see Kenoshia shit the bed again, already the National Guard are being deployed. Crime and Crimminals disproportionately hurt the old, poor and weak more than anyone else.
Now the thing about that is;
All the Piggy's both Big and Small have to eat. A stupid Big Pig that spoils dinner for all the other Pigs, well when it comes times to pick the Christmas Ham, who do all the other Piggy's hope goes for that ride?
I don't believe many Democrats except for the far looney left will vote for Biden and they just may begin to worry about there own careers and start opposing him.

Oh I get all that. You’re 100% right.

Problem is the supply chain, food and energy shortages won’t sink in for the average person until it’s too late. Maybe when their Amazon orders and daily deliveries dry up. [emoji23]

Has anybody mentioned China, Russia, and how the USA looks asleep at the wheel? We’re the laughing stock and they see we’re too worried about gender pronouns and inclusiveness. [emoji23]

I just think for the average, middle of the road suburbanite soccer moms and metrosexual dads, they didn’t really start paying attention til Brandon’s team started directly effing with their kids. Then they started paying attention and seeing the whole picture of this admin and their failures hopefully.

I think I mentioned this somewhere else. The problem as I see it is who is going to do anything about all this?

For context, November 2016 and nobody was expecting Trump to win and nobody was lined up to undo all the crazy sh*t Obama and the Dims threw against the wall. It never happened! We got a “gee, guys, we tried” on Obamacare at least. [emoji23]

Trump spent all his time fighting off ridiculous accusations and TDS but still managed to get good things accomplished. At record speed, Brandon and his cronies are undoing everything!

Now here we are again with this admin throwing sh*t against the wall like a cage full of simp chimps. At the end of the day, who is going to do anything about it unless people hold their rep’s and senator’s feet to the fire?

Start of 2023 and they had better start working instead of hemming and hawing for the next 4 years. Articles of impeachment need to be filed asap. Everybody needs to keep a list and remind them again after re-election all of those things they promised us they were against and ask why they aren’t undoing any of it.

Problem is, there is always this circle-jerk and politicians need to start getting things done instead of reacting to tweets, celebrities, MSM, the Squad and whatever mostly irrelevant drama is going on at the time. The people pulling the strings are happier this way. They can keep the public distracted and control the narrative. Straight out of the communist manifesto!

11-15-21, 15:31
They just lost control of Virginia, they nearly lost the governorship of NJ in a race that was supposed to be a landslide victory for them, and the NJ senate president lost to a truck driver who spent only $160 on his campaign. There's still quite a bit of hope left.

I noticed that. How'd that make you feel? I felt like it was an oversight that somehow escaped them, or it was a bone thrown to pacify those who are getting angrier about all this day by day.

11-15-21, 15:37
I noticed that. How'd that make you feel? I felt like it was an oversight that somehow escaped them, or it was a bone thrown to pacify those who are getting angrier about all this day by day.

Reads to me like dialing the heat on the pot back just enough to try to keep us frogs from jumping out.

11-15-21, 15:41
Easy guys, take your victories where you can and keep fighting. Not everything is a conspiracy. The Dems aren't God.

11-15-21, 16:08
Politics and our government is just pro wrestling. Depending on your position, there are good guys and bad guys. They put on a great show battling it out in senate hearings and on tv, but behind the curtain they're all friends and their paycheck all comes from the same place. Sometimes the bad guys win and the good guys lose, but the next match there will be another upset. Its all a game, its all for show, and it effects every aspect of our lives. You see what the government controls, if voting really mattered.....do you think they'd allow us to do it?

11-15-21, 16:19
Wow, hurry up and lay down and die already. We live in North Korea. Defeatist attitudes will win the day....are ANY of you on this board that talk this way ready to pick up a gun? Or is it just the other guys out there that are suppose to pick up a gun? Are ANY of you going to do anything but piss and moan about the state of affairs? The people of Virginia were supposedly ALLOWED to win because the God like Dems let them. The Cottons, Hawleys of the world are really in on the whole scam...what a bunch of mopes on this board.

11-15-21, 16:23
My mother in law, a life long Democrat, says that she thinks Biden has dementia and needs to go. They cant even fool his supporters.

11-15-21, 16:23
Wow, hurry up and lay down and die already. We live in North Korea. Defeatist attitudes will win the day....are ANY of you on this board that talk this way ready to pick up a gun? Or is it just the other guys out there that are suppose to pick up a gun? Are ANY of you going to do anything but piss and moan about the state of affairs? The people of Virginia were supposedly ALLOWED to win because the God like Dems let them. The Cottons, Hawleys of the world are really in on the whole scam...what a bunch of mopes on this board.

We need a thumbs up button.

11-15-21, 16:42
We need a thumbs up button.

I just want to make it clear that I'm not advocating at this time the gun, it's just that guys around here think it over and the Dems are unbeatable, I think not. Sometimes the gun is needed, like they did pick up the gun in Coeur d'alene to stave off the riots. What I find depressing is that some here talk about the stupidity and lack of action by the conservative half of the country expecting THEM to pick up the gun when I don't see any of the talkers picking up the gun themselves. The commies are defeatable, They may have the upper hand right now, but they are defeatable. They can't rig every election, they haven't taken our guns.

11-15-21, 16:53
I just want to make it clear that I'm not advocating at this time the gun, it's just that guys around here think it over and the Dems are unbeatable, I think not. Sometimes the gun is needed, like they did pick up the gun in Coeur d'alene to stave off the riots. What I find depressing is that some here talk about the stupidity and lack of action by the conservative half of the country expecting THEM to pick up the gun when I don't see any of the talkers picking up the gun themselves. The commies are defeatable, They may have the upper hand right now, but they are defeatable. They can't rig every election, they haven't taken our guns.

I donate to Senators / Governors who don’t even represent me, so don’t talk to me about giving up.

But when the voting systems are so utterly corrupt and the opposition is flowing across the border like water, I wonder why I bother.

It isn’t always about the Gun, but yes, if it comes to that, I’m certainly froggy.

11-15-21, 17:11
I donate to Senators / Governors who don’t even represent me, so don’t talk to me about giving up.

But when the voting systems are so utterly corrupt and the opposition is flowing across the border like water, I wonder why I bother.

It isn’t always about the Gun, but yes, if it comes to that, I’m certainly froggy.

I said some, not all. The system is corrupt, but it's not like it was non-corrupt in the past. I mean how hopeless and conspiratorial do you have to be, to believe that Virginia was really a Dem psych-op to keep us from going for the gun? Or how messed up is it, that some here think Americans are basically cowards because their not forming militias left and right and shooting the swamp up, all the while they talk tough but won't go shoot the swamp up themselves.

11-15-21, 17:16
I said some, not all. The system is corrupt, but it's not like it was non-corrupt in the past. I mean how hopeless and conspiratorial do you have to be, to believe that Virginia was really a Dem psych-op to keep us from going for the gun? Or how messed up is it, that some here think Americans are basically cowards because their not forming militias left and right and shooting the swamp up, all the while they talk tough but won't go shoot the swamp up themselves.

We are fully aligned Sir. [emoji3]

11-15-21, 22:08
Easy guys, take your victories where you can and keep fighting. Not everything is a conspiracy. The Dems aren't God.


Seriously, it's as if people here think that the Dems are omnipotent and they have predestined everything. They are so far ahead of us and so totally in control of everything that they orchestrate both their own victories AND their own defeats. Seriously, if they were so powerful, that they know and control the past, present, and future, what IS the point of fighting such almighty gods? Why do we even have a Bill of Rights? Perhaps THAT was all part of the plan!

11-16-21, 04:29

Seriously, it's as if people here think that the Dems are omnipotent and they have predestined everything. They are so far ahead of us and so totally in control of everything that they orchestrate both their own victories AND their own defeats. Seriously, if they were so powerful, that they know and control the past, present, and future, what IS the point of fighting such almighty gods? Why do we even have a Bill of Rights? Perhaps THAT was all part of the plan!The Republicans are in on it too, didn't see any vociferous or strenuous objections to the 2020 election from their side. Lots of bluster, but they all rolled over.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

11-16-21, 10:14
The Republicans are in on it too, didn't see any vociferous or strenuous objections to the 2020 election from their side. Lots of bluster, but they all rolled over.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

Not really...https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/07/list-republicans-voted-to-reject-election-results

11-16-21, 10:15
The Republicans are in on it too, didn't see any vociferous or strenuous objections to the 2020 election from their side. Lots of bluster, but they all rolled over.

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Not really...https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/07/list-republicans-voted-to-reject-election-results

11-16-21, 10:18

11-16-21, 10:21
Not really...https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/07/list-republicans-voted-to-reject-election-resultsRight, all they did was vote...and it accomplished nothing. Breadcrumbs to appease the peasants, but no actual substance and no real consequences for them.

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11-16-21, 10:24
Right, all they did was vote...and it accomplished nothing. Breadcrumbs to appease the peasants, but no actual substance and no real consequences for them.

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What did you want them to do, shoot it out? Smoke the dems? Call for a revolution? Voting to decert a presidential election doesn't happen too often, does it?

11-16-21, 10:29
And they knew it had no chance of passing, so a vote is merely symbolic. They gain nothing, with nothing to lose. Typical politician crap.
Exactly the same as the few "lone" dems who would vote against Trump's impeachment. Pure posturing. Playing for points.
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11-16-21, 10:31
And they knew it had no chance of passing, so a vote is merely symbolic. They gain nothing, with nothing to lose. Typical politician crap.
Exactly the same as the few "lone" dems who would vote against Trump's impeachment. Pure posturing. Playing for points.
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Sort of like pretty much you, and me and everyone here. All talk, no action....right?

11-16-21, 10:35
I felt like I watched the last election get stolen right before my eyes. When the few republicans stood up and blustered I had hope. That quickly disappeared when they all rolled over. Yup, we're all just frogs in the pot and the water is rapidly approaching a boil. I learned one important thing in 2020, I am NEVER voting again. I look forward to sleeping in on election day, rather than waking up early so I can stand in line before work. Both sides suck, the government is a multi headed monster, and nobody seems to be willing to actually fix it. So ****'em. All of em.

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11-16-21, 10:39
And they knew it had no chance of passing, so a vote is merely symbolic. They gain nothing, with nothing to lose. Typical politician crap.
Exactly the same as the few "lone" dems who would vote against Trump's impeachment. Pure posturing. Playing for points.
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And that pretty much makes them like you, me and most everyone here...all talk, no action...right?

By voting for decert they made themselves targets for the demagoguing Dems and MSM forever.

11-16-21, 10:41
And that pretty much makes them like you, me and most everyone here...all talk, no action...right?

By voting for decert they made themselves targets for the demagoguing Dems and MSM forever.

Yup, and some times its the other teams turn....as you see with Manchin and Sinema. Same game, different players. It's all just a game of musical chairs for them, someone loses a seat this game and then wins one another. Time to get them OUT of our lives.

11-16-21, 10:52
Yup, and some times its the other teams turn....as you see with Manchin and Sinema. Same game, different players. It's all just a game of musical chairs for them, someone loses a seat this game and then wins one another. Time to get them OUT of our lives.

Then all I can say is "give up already", be done with it. Stop barking at the moon.

11-16-21, 11:22
Yeah, I think it's time for some people to drop the tissues, grab their kit and be the action they wish to see in the world around them.

Oh wait nothing going on in your AO?.... Don't let that stop ya, ramrod. Glory awaits.

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11-16-21, 22:14
Psaki made a tweet at 9pm Sunday night expressing that Harris is genuinely a team player and valued by "Biden" admin. Exact same kind of announcement that's routinely made a few days to a week before someone is let go. Remember how George W. Bush praised his idiot FEMA director after Katrina?



Fox News Congressional reporter Chad Pergram reported Tuesday evening that he had been given a tip about Kamala Harris several weeks ago that said he should familiarize himself with the nomination process for a vice president in the House and the Senate. Pergram’s report comes after a bombshell CNN report Sunday that the White House was rife with rumors about Joe Biden contemplating nominating the flailing Harris to the Supreme Court to get her out of his administration and out of the line of succession. Jack Posobiec had been reporting weeks ago that Jill Biden was asking about using the 25th Amendment to sideline Harris

Here's hoping!

Both Joe and Harris are unmitigated disasters. I imagine the "Biden" team is trying to make Harris the scapegoat for all their failures, which are 90% on "Biden" (Dr. Jill? Susan Rice? Psaki? will the real hair-sniffing child-touching Biden stand up...) Politicians are good at backstabbing and it sure looks like the stage is being set for Harris to take a fall. "Biden" thinks this will give them a new lease on life, but realistically it will open them up to A LOT of questions from all sides, including the Dems' own far left and race-is-everything crowd, and just maybe make a good time to 25th-Amendment Joe himself. Could be fun fireworks, and could set the stage for Dem wipeouts in '22 and '24.

11-17-21, 07:48
Hold off ontheboogaloo until I can learn to shoot again.