View Full Version : Biden’s Banking Nominee Calls to Eliminate All ‘Private Bank Accounts’

11-13-21, 18:21

aule Omarova, President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), called during a March 2021 virtual conference to eliminate all private bank accounts and deposits.

She also pondered how the Federal Reserve could “take money” from Americans during an inflationary environment.

More insanity if we do not get this to swing back !

11-13-21, 18:50
Elections have consequences, so they cheat.

Each of these people are increasingly batshit crazy.

The other thing Trump did was to expose their communism to the point where they no longer even attempt to hide it.

11-13-21, 19:00
And they are on such a insane roll of cheating and lying and so on truly out of control with nobody checking them as the so called republicans should be doing way more damage control but they just seem flustered and can barely push back

Elections have consequences, so they cheat.

Each of these people are increasingly batshit crazy.

The other thing Trump did was to expose their communism to the point where they no longer even attempt to hide it.

11-13-21, 19:03
Steal people's life savings...you just might get some blood letting.

11-13-21, 19:19
She will fit right in with the rest of the communists

"Omarova's thesis has drawn the attention of U.S. Senate Banking Committee Ranking Member Pat Toomey, R-Pa., whose committee will decide if her nomination advances to a full Senate vote.

Toomey, who said he has never seen a more "radical" regulatory nominee, requested a copy of Omarova's thesis, noting how it recently disappeared from her resume. It was titled, "Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis And The Theory Of Revolution In Das Kapital."


11-13-21, 20:05
Steal people's life savings...you just might get some blood letting.

No one will do anything but bitch and complain on the internet. Willing to bet my life savings on that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-13-21, 20:08
No one will do anything but bitch and complain on the internet. Willing to bet my life savings on that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This would be one of those "nothing left to lose moments", of course IMO. Take away a persons reason to try to be civil and you might get some action. Most wouldn't, but some might.

11-13-21, 20:44
Steal people's life savings...you just might get some blood letting.

I doubt it.

Sorry, if the American people haven't even offered token resistance to now, then I don't see them doing it later.

11-13-21, 20:48
She won't get nominated. If David Chipman didn't get through, no way she does.

11-13-21, 21:07
Machiavelli said you can kill a man’s father and he won’t do anything but take away his patrimony and he’ll try to kill you.

11-13-21, 23:05
I doubt it.

Sorry, if the American people haven't even offered token resistance to now, then I don't see them doing it later.

Depends. We've seen people drop hammers because somebody put a mattress in their dumpster.

11-14-21, 00:19
Depends. We've seen people drop hammers because somebody put a mattress in their dumpster.

Yeah, but that was Florida Man shit.... :laugh:

11-14-21, 00:32
Yeah, but that was Florida Man shit.... :laugh:

Actually that was Texas man.

11-14-21, 11:30
Steal people's life savings...you just might get some blood letting.

Isolated events, yes. But on a mass scale, probably not against the establishment. The American people are far to domesticated at this point.

But, I do believe that “blood letting” is exactly what the establishment wants.
They want the White community to get so fed up with the constant racial attack, and or racial double standards, that they resort to violence ..they want the Black community to blame the White community for all of their “Establishment induced” problems (critical race theory), and resort to violence…They want the Hispanic community to hate both the Black, and White, communities. Etc, etc. the list goes on, and on.

This is very clearly the “Divide&conquer algorithm” amongst other strategies being implemented to bring our country down.
They are trying to get the “nothing left to lose” reaction…on a mass scale!
What better reason to go full marshal law…and start the confiscations?

11-14-21, 14:00
Actually that was Texas man.

That makes sense as Texans have a actual reason FL would have been I thought someone dumped a mattress in my dumpster so was standing my ground :)
FL=crazy always

11-14-21, 18:28
Isolated events, yes. But on a mass scale, probably not against the establishment. The American people are far to domesticated at this point.

But, I do believe that “blood letting” is exactly what the establishment wants.
They want the White community to get so fed up with the constant racial attack, and or racial double standards, that they resort to violence ..they want the Black community to blame the White community for all of their “Establishment induced” problems (critical race theory), and resort to violence…They want the Hispanic community to hate both the Black, and White, communities. Etc, etc. the list goes on, and on.

This is very clearly the “Divide&conquer algorithm” amongst other strategies being implemented to bring our country down.
They are trying to get the “nothing left to lose” reaction…on a mass scale!
What better reason to go full marshal law…and start the confiscations?

I disagree with the premise that there is some faceless cabal trying to get us all to hate each other, that we are really all on the same page, and that there really aren't marked differences. That couldn't be further from the truth.

There ARE significant differences in this population, certainly racial/ethnic but even more so in ideology. Consider that roughly half this country (plus dead and fake voters, i.e. just enough to win) actually voted for the current Potato-Head-in-Chief and you'll begin to see what I mean. This oft-mentioned illusion that we are soooo close to joining hands and singing Kumbaya is just a fallacy. We really don't like each other for the most part, and I stand proudly on one side of the Great Divide and do not intend to budge an inch to meet the other side "halfway" ('cause we all know it never goes that way). Screw the other side.

Yeah, I know....."ABNAK is part of the problem, he is what I'm talking about!" Whatever. Enjoy living your fantasy.

11-14-21, 19:11
I disagree with the premise that there is some faceless cabal trying to get us all to hate each other, that we are really all on the same page, and that there really aren't marked differences. That couldn't be further from the truth.

There ARE significant differences in this population, certainly racial/ethnic but even more so in ideology. Consider that roughly half this country (plus dead and fake voters, i.e. just enough to win) actually voted for the current Potato-Head-in-Chief and you'll begin to see what I mean. This oft-mentioned illusion that we are soooo close to joining hands and singing Kumbaya is just a fallacy. We really don't like each other for the most part, and I stand proudly on one side of the Great Divide and do not intend to budge an inch to meet the other side "halfway" ('cause we all know it never goes that way). Screw the other side.

Yeah, I know....."ABNAK is part of the problem, he is what I'm talking about!" Whatever. Enjoy living your fantasy.

There most definitely is and it's not fantasy. That's what Marxism does to a society.


"Like many ex-Communists, he continued to see Communist influence, as he directly stated: "Beneath all of the racial unrest, at the root of all racial unrest in the country, is the clammy, cold, bloody hand of Communism."


11-14-21, 19:12
The oppressed vs the oppressors


Educate a new generation of American patriots after removing the communist indoctrination from schools and wait for the current batch of contaminated Marxist Liberals to die of old age.

11-14-21, 20:58
There most definitely is and it's not fantasy. That's what Marxism does to a society.

Even granting you that, there are still vast gulfs of difference of opinions. Sure, the Socialists/Marxists are behind most of the puppet work going on the Xiden administration, but those differences are marked and not amenable to being overcome. I don't care who beat the drum of "You're victim and others owe you", it is still bought hook-line-and-sinker by certain elements. So is the "climate change" saving-the-world BS. Oh, and the "pooooor migrants who just need help" horseshit.

It's real. Remove the cabal you insist exists from the equation and you still have seething problems, worlds apart from agreement.

11-14-21, 21:38
Even granting you that, there are still vast gulfs of difference of opinions. Sure, the Socialists/Marxists are behind most of the puppet work going on the Xiden administration, but those differences are marked and not amenable to being overcome. I don't care who beat the drum of "You're victim and others owe you", it is still bought hook-line-and-sinker by certain elements. So is the "climate change" saving-the-world BS. Oh, and the "pooooor migrants who just need help" horseshit.

It's real. Remove the cabal you insist exists from the equation and you still have seething problems, worlds apart from agreement.

Yep, there are otherwise intelligent people who are either too busy or too lazy to seek alternatives to the MSM propaganda they are fed daily.

I suspect they aren’t as smart as I give them credit for being.

11-14-21, 23:18
Even granting you that, there are still vast gulfs of difference of opinions. Sure, the Socialists/Marxists are behind most of the puppet work going on the Xiden administration, but those differences are marked and not amenable to being overcome. I don't care who beat the drum of "You're victim and others owe you", it is still bought hook-line-and-sinker by certain elements. So is the "climate change" saving-the-world BS. Oh, and the "pooooor migrants who just need help" horseshit.

It's real. Remove the cabal you insist exists from the equation and you still have seething problems, worlds apart from agreement.

"Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting" - Sun Tzu.

Thankfully there's certain elements that don't buy into it. I believe there would be less people buying into socialism/Marxism if more are taught about the dangers of it and what it leads to in school.

Without the brainwashed votes that cabal can't take your rights and freedom away. The commies and ruling elite know all about the Marxism that was injected into the US decades ago. Even the CIA knows about it but did nothing to stop it. Yuri Bezmenov chose Canada over the US because he was worried about all the double agents. Little did he know Canada was just as contaminated. He wasn't safe anywhere.


Would there still be some issues with all of it gone? Maybe but they wouldn't be exacerbated by Marxism and taken advantage of by the corrupt "elite" members of society.

11-14-21, 23:18

Now what you gonna do, when the welfare turn it's back on you?
Now what you gonna do-hoo-hoo-hoo, when the welfare turn it's back on you
Now, you be standin' there stranded, there's ain't a thing that you can do

Now you look all through your house, yes, you can't, find a piece of bread
Now you look all through your hou-hou-house, yeah, you can't find a piece of bread
Sometime you begin to wonder, if you be better off, better off, dead

11-15-21, 06:43
I disagree with the premise that there is some faceless cabal trying to get us all to hate each other, that we are really all on the same page, and that there really aren't marked differences. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Agreed. Divide and conquer certainly is a portion of it, but it's not all top-down. Simply peruse a leftist comment section, and see what they say about anyone they disagree with. Or, better yet, see how they treat people they disagree with when they have the slightest bit of power over them. The "Cabal" might be nudging things in the right direction from time to time, but I doubt they really have to do that much. The divisions are there now, and deeply embedded, and likely won't go away any time soon. John Brown's final written words come to mind:

"I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away, but with Blood. I had...vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed, it might be done." — John Brown.

11-15-21, 09:21
I doubt it.

Sorry, if the American people haven't even offered token resistance to now, then I don't see them doing it later.

Steal peoples money, confiscate or freeze their savings/IRA/401k/checking accounts/stocks/investment funds etc you will see marked discontent and aggressive action toward the .gov; as a Jew you should understand that better than most given the forfeiture of Jewish assets in nazi Germany.

11-15-21, 09:57
What did you expect with a Soviet-educated, Lenin Prize-winning unreconstructed Commie hardliner?

11-15-21, 12:55
Agreed. Divide and conquer certainly is a portion of it, but it's not all top-down. Simply peruse a leftist comment section, and see what they say about anyone they disagree with. Or, better yet, see how they treat people they disagree with when they have the slightest bit of power over them. The "Cabal" might be nudging things in the right direction from time to time, but I doubt they really have to do that much. The divisions are there now, and deeply embedded, and likely won't go away any time soon. John Brown's final written words come to mind:

John Brown said that in the 1800s.

It's undeniable things were getting better.

Manning Johnson spoke about charity. The bible definition of the word is "the highest form of love, signifying the reciprocal love between God and man that is made manifest in unselfish love of one's fellow men".

Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union

The state advocated the destruction of religion, and to achieve this goal, it officially denounced religious beliefs as superstitious and backward. The Communist Party destroyed churches, synagogues, and mosques, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with anti-religious teachings, and it introduced a belief system called "scientific atheism," with its own rituals, promises and proselytizers. According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million. At least 106,300 Russian clergymen were executed between 1937 and 1941.

The cabal/communists hijack civil rights movements and contaminates them with Marxism. It's the reason why BLM, feminism etc. are the abominations you see today.

This is the social justice Yuri Bezmenov talked about and what it really means in practice is the loss of your rights and freedom.


In Canada it has also been injected into the Native reconciliation movement and it's being used to "decolonize" Canada. The message being driven is "White people are the cause of all your problems so vote Liberal and we'll give you money and get revenge on the evil white race!"

What they'll get in the end is total enslavement. When they find out that this is what social justice really means in practice they will revolt but it will be too late because the guns will be banned and confiscated.

The communist military boot will crush their balls.

The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

Only white people can be racist: Inside Global Affairs' anti-racism course materials

These new course materials explicitly cite as their inspiration “critical race theory,” a growing movement which posits that Western society is immutably tainted by white supremacy, and must be confronted and managed by conscious “antiracist” thinking and policies.

Unlike the anti-discrimination movements of the past — which sought only equal opportunity untainted by prejudice — critical race theorists hold that government and society is so immutably slanted towards white people that ignoring race is itself an act of white supremacy designed to maintain an inequitable status quo. Or, as a protest sign included in the Global Affairs materials put it, “if you aren’t an antiracist, you are complicit.”

'Life, Liberty & Levin' on Marxism in America, critical race theory infiltrating military

Critical race theory is not about learning the history of America. It's not about learning slavery and segregation. It's not about learning about neo- Nazis and the Klan. It's about a Marxist movement invented by Marxists -- Herbert Marcuse, Derrick Bell, and many, many others, and it attracts the Marxists like Black Lives Matter founders, two of three who have already said that they are Marxists, and that's not a coincidence, because this was hatched by professors as a way to attack the society from a Marxist perspective.

11-15-21, 15:51
I doubt it.

Sorry, if the American people haven't even offered token resistance to now, then I don't see them doing it later...........................................................................

Astute and absolutely correct, the swamp read us correctly and have nothing to worry about.

11-15-21, 15:59
When demonstrators/rioters went from Spokane to Coeur d'alene, They were met with hundreds of people lining the streets with kit and AR's. Nobody looted or burned anything. Some people WILL resist.

11-15-21, 17:52
When demonstrators/rioters went from Spokane to Coeur d'alene, They were met with hundreds of people lining the streets with kit and AR's. Nobody looted or burned anything. Some people WILL resist.

Yep. There were many scheduled protests in my AO (Arkansas and Oklahoma specifically) that were stopped before they began by guys in jacked up 4x4s and deer rifles. These incidents were all over the local news but never made it out into the mainstream media. LEOs just stood aside and let the scene play out.

Much bemoaning and crying by the "protesters" but nothing burned. No stores were looted, etc. No 17yo kids running thru the street fighting for their lives against convicted criminals.

11-15-21, 18:02
When demonstrators/rioters went from Spokane to Coeur d'alene, They were met with hundreds of people lining the streets with kit and AR's. Nobody looted or burned anything. Some people WILL resist.

There were no riots looting or burning in Detroit either.

They had a no bullshit police chief who issued fair warning it wouldn’t be tolerated.

He resigned.

11-15-21, 20:26
Yep. There were many scheduled protests in my AO (Arkansas and Oklahoma specifically) that were stopped before they began by guys in jacked up 4x4s and deer rifles. These incidents were all over the local news but never made it out into the mainstream media. LEOs just stood aside and let the scene play out.

Much bemoaning and crying by the "protesters" but nothing burned. No stores were looted, etc. No 17yo kids running thru the street fighting for their lives against convicted criminals.

Same thing here, out in the sticks.

They came to town, once. They didnt do shit.

Because WE did NOT allow it.

11-16-21, 11:03
Yep. There were many scheduled protests in my AO (Arkansas and Oklahoma specifically) that were stopped before they began by guys in jacked up 4x4s and deer rifles. These incidents were all over the local news but never made it out into the mainstream media. LEOs just stood aside and let the scene play out.

Much bemoaning and crying by the "protesters" but nothing burned. No stores were looted, etc. No 17yo kids running thru the street fighting for their lives against convicted criminals.


11-16-21, 12:45
Steal peoples money, confiscate or freeze their savings/IRA/401k/checking accounts/stocks/investment funds etc you will see marked discontent and aggressive action toward the .gov; as a Jew you should understand that better than most given the forfeiture of Jewish assets in nazi Germany.

I predict we will see almost zero resistance. The people have been programed for the most part by the covid government and big business over reach. What would happen if every passenger on a flight took off their mask and said EFFFFFFF you?

Nothing would happen, if every single flight had every person rebel.

In Israel we know that cardiac emergencies went up by 40% post injections, but it is not allowed on the news in the USA. So people are going to line up their kinder to get the shot, and wait to see what happens to their children.

Your going to lose your 401 K etc due to inflation over the next few years. With no revolt, coming.

11-16-21, 12:58
Steal peoples money, confiscate or freeze their savings/IRA/401k/checking accounts/stocks/investment funds etc you will see marked discontent and aggressive action toward the .gov; as a Jew you should understand that better than most given the forfeiture of Jewish assets in nazi Germany.

When you leave a man with nothing left, then he has nothing left to lose.

11-16-21, 13:08
I predict we will see almost zero resistance. The people have been programed for the most part by the covid government and big business over reach. What would happen if every passenger on a flight took off their mask and said EFFFFFFF you?

Nothing would happen, if every single flight had every person rebel.

In Israel we know that cardiac emergencies went up by 40% post injections, but it is not allowed on the news in the USA. So people are going to line up their kinder to get the shot, and wait to see what happens to their children.

Your going to lose your 401 K etc due to inflation over the next few years. With no revolt, coming.

Another "conservatives are cowards" post. We've given multiple examples of men resisting. I don't consider myself "conditioned" to believe the commie narrative, quite the opposition. And now the 64 thousand question...are you, yourself putting together a militia to shoot swampers?

11-16-21, 13:43
Another "conservatives are cowards" post. We've given multiple examples of men resisting. I don't consider myself "conditioned" to believe the commie narrative, quite the opposition. And now the 64 thousand question...are you, yourself putting together a militia to shoot swampers?

I didn't say conservatives are cowards, but if you read that in what I wrote then conservatives don't know how to read. I said the people meaning all of us living in the USA, and I stand by my belief that the vast majority will do nothing when inflation steals away their money.

I also didn't call on anyone to shoot anyone.

Resistance takes many forms, and we are a long way from shooting if it ever happens. But you bet I voice my opinion, I went into a store today and I was the only one without a mask. I resisted. When they tell me the mayor ordered masks, I reply what gives him the right to violate the Constitution and my freedom. Then I keep shopping. The police will never get to a store in time to do anything.

So I stick with what I have said, people will do nothing.

11-16-21, 14:13
Let's compromise & doaway with all Commies

11-16-21, 14:19
I didn't say conservatives are cowards, but if you read that in what I wrote then conservatives don't know how to read. I said the people meaning all of us living in the USA, and I stand by my belief that the vast majority will do nothing when inflation steals away their money.

I also didn't call on anyone to shoot anyone.

Resistance takes many forms, and we are a long way from shooting if it ever happens. But you bet I voice my opinion, I went into a store today and I was the only one without a mask. I resisted. When they tell me the mayor ordered masks, I reply what gives him the right to violate the Constitution and my freedom. Then I keep shopping. The police will never get to a store in time to do anything.

So I stick with what I have said, people will do nothing.

You HEAVILY implied and have been implying it for some time. Your posts say over and over that people won't resist. We all know that leftists in this country won't resist because they are, well, leftists and agree with what's going on...that leaves conservatives as the "won't resist crowd". As for you've never having advocated "shooting", you sure about that? Never advocated once, in say, the giant thread on "civil war". Your view of resistance never included "picking up the gun"?

11-17-21, 10:44
Your equivocating post has been duly noted by the Just Us Department, you can relax now .

11-17-21, 11:16
Your equivocating post has been duly noted by the Just Us Department, you can relax now .

Who you talking to?

11-17-21, 11:19
You HEAVILY implied and have been implying it for some time. Your posts say over and over that people won't resist. We all know that leftists in this country won't resist because they are, well, leftists and agree with what's going on...that leaves conservatives as the "won't resist crowd". As for you've never having advocated "shooting", you sure about that? Never advocated once, in say, the giant thread on "civil war". Your view of resistance never included "picking up the gun"?

My point of view, has evolved over the last year. This is a result of watching the country.

In this thread I never called on anyone to shoot anyone.

Have I in the past stated that I believed at the time that violence was coming, yep.

Now I think it is 80-20 against organized violence in defiance of the government. Will we see individuals going off and becoming active shooters, probably. But to what end?

So an idiot adopts a position on an issue and sticks with it no matter if the facts have changed on the ground. My position has changed due to what I see in the American people.

11-17-21, 11:45
My point of view, has evolved over the last year. This is a result of watching the country.

In this thread I never called on anyone to shoot anyone.

Have I in the past stated that I believed at the time that violence was coming, yep.

Now I think it is 80-20 against organized violence in defiance of the government. Will we see individuals going off and becoming active shooters, probably. But to what end?

So an idiot adopts a position on an issue and sticks with it no matter if the facts have changed on the ground. My position has changed due to what I see in the American people.

Do you include yourself in that category of people "who will not resist"? It's real easy, and I include myself, to sit on a board and say that the "others" out there won't do anything, all the while looking in the mirror and saying "I'll do something". But then the time of action never comes because I'll be alone in the endeavor. I don't advocate violence except in the most extreme cases, it's not Christian, but what I find sad is that some here put the burden of action, up to and including violence, on "them" out there, but then aren't inclined themselves to take that burden to themselves. I know you fought in Israel under the authority of that government, we're now in the US and won't have that backing if things go really bad...I suppose every man will have to decide what he's going to do if and when US gov't agents show up on their door step.

11-17-21, 11:51
So an idiot adopts a position on an issue and sticks with it no matter if the facts have changed on the ground. My position has changed due to what I see in the American people.

I never thought I would see blatant election fraud at the highest level pass with so little fight, followed by Americans imprisoned unlawfully for ten months with barely a whimper. The frog is boiled. Most have forgotten that "we must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

11-17-21, 12:33
Yes of course I will do violence, do you think I am so stupid as to write on a public forum that I will do violence.

As you noted I have fought, I have done violence my whole life in defense of the Jewish people living in the land that G-D gave us.

I am currently living back in the USA, I will not fight for the American Jewish community they are not worthy. If I happen to be in a synagogue that is attacked, I would be much different in my response than I would in Israel.

11-17-21, 12:44
Yes of course I will do violence, do you think I am so stupid as to write on a public forum that I will do violence.

I think you just did! ;)

Agree 100% on the US Jewish community generalizing greatly. I am still amazed at how many very left wing Jewish people there are over here after your people's history. It kind of pisses me off, as they should be allies.

11-17-21, 13:02
I think you just did! ;)

Agree 100% on the US Jewish community generalizing greatly. I am still amazed at how many very left wing Jewish people there are over here after your people's history. It kind of pisses me off, as they should be allies.

Not really. Why do you think they repeatedly got punished in the Bible over and over. Most humans never learn....Jews included.

11-17-21, 13:05
Who do You think ?

11-17-21, 13:08
Not really. Why do you think they repeatedly got punished in the Bible over and over. Most humans never learn....Jews included.

Idolatry is always the problem, Jew or gentile, it might be Baal or it might be man that is lifted up as god.

11-17-21, 13:10
Who do You think ?

Not sure. Don't think I equivocated, but I'm open to correction.

11-17-21, 13:18
Not really. Why do you think they repeatedly got punished in the Bible over and over. Most humans never learn....Jews included.

Moses knew how to deal with that crap.

11-17-21, 13:19
I think you just did! ;)

Agree 100% on the US Jewish community generalizing greatly. I am still amazed at how many very left wing Jewish people there are over here after your people's history. It kind of pisses me off, as they should be allies.

Sarcasm must have been missed.

What shocks me about the community of Orthodox Jews is just how naive and stupid they are about government, power, and basic survival. I had one guy tell me that he didn't need to buy any guns because he was sure I would supply him if he ever needed it. I told him 100% I would trade him a 9mm pistol for $1,000,000 in gold measured at today's price not some future price unless it went down. He was in shock that I would profiteer off of him. I replied, dumb asses need to kiss their wealth good bye. You are wealthy and a dumb ass, so you get to pay the dumb ass tax.

11-17-21, 13:19
Of course you do, while pressing Yoni you were virtue signaling to those who must not be mentioned.

11-17-21, 13:22
Moses knew how to deal with that crap.

Not really.

G-D wanted to destroy the Jews and Moses argued against it.

Don Henley has a song where he says the older he becomes the less he understands. I am finding that to be so true in the covid world.

G-D made a beautiful world, why the hell he created man is beyond me.

11-17-21, 13:30
Sarcasm must have been missed.

What shocks me about the community of Orthodox Jews is just how naive and stupid they are about government, power, and basic survival. I had one guy tell me that he didn't need to buy any guns because he was sure I would supply him if he ever needed it. I told him 100% I would trade him a 9mm pistol for $1,000,000 in gold measured at today's price not some future price unless it went down. He was in shock that I would profiteer off of him. I replied, dumb asses need to kiss their wealth good bye. You are wealthy and a dumb ass, so you get to pay the dumb ass tax.

Hahahahaha, thanks for the laugh dude. Dumbass tax is one I will remember.

11-17-21, 13:31
Of course you do, while pressing Yoni you were virtue signaling to those who must not be mentioned.

What? So I didn't equivocate, but virtue signaled?

There is almost no one on this board that even remotely likes me enough to have me virtue signal to them. Even the other Christians dislike me. There are some who make it their practice to say how "not resisting" Americans are while they are "not resisting" themselves...it's the other guys problem. Not only is it not true that some conservatives have not resisted, but I think resistance is increasing. People should knock it off. Your posts, IIRC, are full of FUD.

11-17-21, 13:58
There is almost no one on this board that even remotely likes me enough to have me virtue signal to them. Even the other Christians dislike me.

You said it all!

11-17-21, 14:03
Equiv.o.cate: use misleading language, I don't know about anyone liking you or not, I would not press anyone on
talk, threats of or perceived use of violence on the internet , the FEDS are always listening.
I do try to be self aware enough that others don't think me stupid, hope it's working.

11-17-21, 14:23
You said it all!

Woe to you when men speak well of you. But then I stop worrying about what religionists that spell God, G-d thought about a long time ago.

11-17-21, 14:31
Equiv.o.cate: use misleading language, I don't know about anyone liking you or not, I would not press anyone on
talk, threats of or perceived use of violence on the internet , the FEDS are always listening.
I do try to be self aware enough that others don't think me stupid, hope it's working.

So now we're off virtue signaling and back to equivocating. Got it. You give no example of deceptive language, other than something or other about "press people about their violence". No, actually, I've been pretty up front about not using violence, it's others that dance around it with words like "they won't resist" wink wink, nod nod. I'm not trying to get ANYONE to be violent or to cop to it's use, quite the opposite. I'm trying to point out that people like to play the hypocrite by calling out the unwashed and stupid conservatives slackers for not taking it to the man while they don't do jack themselves.

11-17-21, 14:34
Woe to you when men speak well of you. But then I stop worrying about what religionists that spell God, G-d thought about a long time ago.

Again you show your ignorance. The spelling of G-D without the o is as a sign of respect.

11-17-21, 14:46
Again you show your ignorance. The spelling of G-D without the o is as a sign of respect.

There is zero commandment from God that that is required or even efficaciously respectful, we call it false piety.

See how we have different God's? My comment about idolatry would apply here.

Forgot to ask yoni...is it your purpose in life to be liked by others?

11-17-21, 15:00
There is zero commandment from God that that is required or even efficaciously respectful, we call it false piety.

See how we have different God's? My comment about idolatry would apply here.

Seriously dude? If that is what he wants to do out of respect, that is on him. It's all about intent and what is in your heart. You calling it out while knowing this fact is about as self righteous as one can get.

11-17-21, 15:10
Seriously dude? If that is what he wants to do out of respect, that is on him. It's all about intent and what is in your heart. You calling it out while knowing this fact is about as self righteous as one can get.

False practice is false practice, religions are full of them.

What I find amazing is that you as a Christian think he's actually pleasing God in some way or practicing true religion.

Forgot to ask you...is it more or less respectful to write G-d, or maybe -od, or Go-? Can you explain to me from a Christian perspective why leaving the "o" in God is disrespectful, since evidently leaving the "o" out is respectful?

Do think that his post #56 was necessary, he was lookin' to just help me out...his intentions were "he was looking out for me"?

11-17-21, 15:22
XiDen is the enemy.

Let’s focus on him and his ilk and try to refrain from beating each other up over petty differences please.

No-one is perfect and our bars are all set differently. Try to have a broad bar.

11-17-21, 15:22
False practice is false practice, religions are full of them.

What I find amazing is that you as a Christian think he's actually pleasing God in some way or practicing true religion.

When did I say or even come close to implying that? Your so unaware of your own self righteousness that you make stuff up trying to prove a point that only exists in your delusional head. The fact is that you can do anything you want to show respect. The fact that it isn't required is of no consequence if its genuine. None.

The mistake you are making and are trying to refer to are practices that are "required" or pushed on others. That is different. He isn't requiring or telling us to do it because that is what he thinks shows respect. He is doing it all on his own, and if genuine, is his right and nothing's wrong with it.

11-17-21, 15:24
XiDen is the enemy.

Let’s focus on him and his ilk and try to refrain from beating each other up over petty differences please.

No-one is perfect and our bars are all set differently. Try to have a broad bar.

I have no problem with that, as long as we stop with this hypocrisy and doomsday bs.

11-17-21, 15:25
Not really.

G-D wanted to destroy the Jews and Moses argued against it.

Don Henley has a song where he says the older he becomes the less he understands. I am finding that to be so true in the covid world.

G-D made a beautiful world, why the hell he created man is beyond me.

It seems to be the opposite for me, the older I get the more I understand.

Aren't Angels neither male or female even though they are portrayed as males with masculine names?

Why would God create plants and animals? Why create men and women with free will?

Are you thankful for consciousnesses and the chance of salvation and eternal existence? Once you're created there's no going back.

Regarding your stance on the lack of resistance

What kind of resistance are you expecting to see? Why do you believe there wouldn't be protests against something like the government taking private bank accounts?

Voting, protesting, signing petitions and writing letters is beautiful and noble activity.

The last resort

"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort."

"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility, I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence" - JFK

Some of the the "elite" members of our society:


Critics slam Biden for 'sucking the blood out of kids' comment after town hall

‘I don’t care if you think I’m Satan reincarnated’: Biden says no excuse for people underplaying Capitol riot


"I said old man what you want with me
This morning, this morning so fine

He said I want to make your dirty old soul mine"


11-17-21, 15:34
When did I say or even come close to implying that? Your so unaware of your own self righteousness that you make stuff up trying to prove a point that only exists in your delusional head. The fact is that you can do anything you want to show respect. The fact that it isn't required is of no consequence if its genuine. None.

The mistake you are making and are trying to refer to are practices that are "required" or pushed on others. That is different. He isn't requiring or telling us to do it because that is what he thinks shows respect. He is doing it all on his own, and if genuine, is his right and nothing's wrong with it.

When it comes to religion and how we deal with God, NO WE ARE NOT ALLOWED to show respect any ole' way we wish. He thinks he has some sort positive relationship with God, do you think he does? I HAD to learn that approaching God the way I WANTED to was in fact, actually the height self righteousness. Here's and example. Nadab and Abihu. They thought they were showing respect and worshipping God rightly by bringing strange fire to God in the holy of holies. He killed them on the spot for their better idea.

11-17-21, 15:42
Equiv.o.cate: use misleading language, I don't know about anyone liking you or not, I would not press anyone on
talk, threats of or perceived use of violence on the internet , the FEDS are always listening.
I do try to be self aware enough that others don't think me stupid, hope it's working....................................................................

So now we're off virtue signaling and back to equivocating. Got it. You give no example of deceptive language, other than something or other about "press people about their violence". No, actually, I've been pretty up front about not using violence, it's others that dance around it with words like "they won't resist" wink wink, nod nod. I'm not trying to get ANYONE to be violent or to cop to it's use, quite the opposite. I'm trying to point out that people like to play the hypocrite by calling out the unwashed and stupid conservatives slackers for not taking it to the man while they don't do jack themselves........................................................................

HUH ! The Sidestep, yeah that's it, do a little sidestep and then I'm gone , you are like The Governor ' Charles Durning ' in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

11-17-21, 15:51
Equiv.o.cate: use misleading language, I don't know about anyone liking you or not, I would not press anyone on
talk, threats of or perceived use of violence on the internet , the FEDS are always listening.
I do try to be self aware enough that others don't think me stupid, hope it's working....................................................................

So now we're off virtue signaling and back to equivocating. Got it. You give no example of deceptive language, other than something or other about "press people about their violence". No, actually, I've been pretty up front about not using violence, it's others that dance around it with words like "they won't resist" wink wink, nod nod. I'm not trying to get ANYONE to be violent or to cop to it's use, quite the opposite. I'm trying to point out that people like to play the hypocrite by calling out the unwashed and stupid conservatives slackers for not taking it to the man while they don't do jack themselves........................................................................

HUH ! The Sidestep, yeah that's it, do a little sidestep and then I'm gone , you are like The Governor ' Charles Durning ' in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

I have no idea what your talking about, do you? I will admit without virtue signaling or equivocating that I have never watched that movie. But then I don't go to Hollywood to find my cultural principals.

11-17-21, 16:32
There are some who make it their practice to say how "not resisting" Americans are while they are "not resisting" themselves...it's the other guys problem. Not only is it not true that some conservatives have not resisted, but I think resistance is increasing. People should knock it off.

Few men are cut out to be leaders. Is it hypocritical for one who cannot lead to lament a lack of leadership?

11-17-21, 16:38
Few men are cut out to be leaders. Is it hypocritical for one who cannot lead to lament a lack of leadership?

Would you agree that leaders of the resistance that are out in the open become easy targets?

Leadership needs to be greatly decentralized with there being a common goal.

11-17-21, 17:12
Few men are cut out to be leaders. Is it hypocritical for one who cannot lead to lament a lack of leadership?

No its not hypocritical. Imo the issue is this almost daily promotion of the idea the nobody will resist, whatever that means and that its hopeless, we're doomed and that its the "them" who aren't resisting.

11-17-21, 18:42
When it comes to religion and how we deal with God, NO WE ARE NOT ALLOWED to show respect any ole' way we wish. He thinks he has some sort positive relationship with God, do you think he does? I HAD to learn that approaching God the way I WANTED to was in fact, actually the height self righteousness. Here's and example. Nadab and Abihu. They thought they were showing respect and worshipping God rightly by bringing strange fire to God in the holy of holies. He killed them on the spot for their better idea.

Your example is laughable. Not even comparable. Some people wear a suit to church because they think that is the respectful thing to do. Are they wrong too?

You sure do think you know more than you actually do. You have no real idea what he thinks about his relationship with God is. You are guessing and implying, just like you previously did with me.

Heres the real deal. You misinterpreted his reason for not spelling out the word God. Instead of replying with that type of sentiment and letting it go at that, you double downed on stupid, moved the goal posts to make another argument to continue the one that was based on a misinterpreted statement by you. You are truly doing God's work. Great job.

11-17-21, 20:45
Your example is laughable. Not even comparable. Some people wear a suit to church because they think that is the respectful thing to do. Are they wrong too?

You sure do think you know more than you actually do. You have no real idea what he thinks about his relationship with God is. You are guessing and implying, just like you previously did with me.

Heres the real deal. You misinterpreted his reason for not spelling out the word God. Instead of replying with that type of sentiment and letting it go at that, you double downed on stupid, moved the goal posts to make another argument to continue the one that was based on a misinterpreted statement by you. You are truly doing God's work. Great job.

Look closely at your first statement. You've elevated the tradition of "nice clothes " wearing and the intent of men's heart (apart from what the scripture says about the intent of our heart) to some sort acceptable spiritual practice to God. It's true we have the Christian liberty to wear what we want within the bounds of modesty, but no where in the scriptures do you find the idea that wearing "nice clothes" to church somehow shows respect to God. I can show the scriptures that show what God really desires...a broken and contrite heart for one. Jesus didn't say we show our love to Him by our tradition, but by keeping His commandments. By your standard just about anything could be said to be respectful of God as long as we have "good intentions". Intentions are important, but what God says is required is more important. Nadab and Abihu had "good" intentions but failed at the commandment. And I think your argument fails at the same point, you've ignored the will of God and replaced it with "good intentions" as the paramount point in pleasing God. Would you say a devout muslim reciting Allahu Akbar is showing acceptable "respect" to God?

Second statement. I know plenty from his own writings and from the scriptures what his spiritual relationship to God is. He denies Jesus is the only and true messiah. Now if that is wrong I stand corrected and will repent publicly. There is no neutral ground, you should know that. To deny Jesus is the Christ is to deny the Father. To reject the Trinity is to reject God and substitute Him for an idol. To reject Christ is to reject the only way of salvation. You're either related to God in Christ as savior or He is a consuming fire and your judge. You either believe the gospel or you are doomed. So where does that leave him? There are all kinds of religion, the question to you is can someone not in union with Christ be rightly related to God?

I knew he was spelling it that way for that reason, I've known others with such traditions.

11-17-21, 20:53
Tom McC you ask if my purpose in life is to be liked by others.

You really have no clue, to who I am, what I have done and the times I stood up for what is right even to the detriment of my career.

Regarding resistance, I do not think we will see anything beyond token resistance that is passive in mature. No matter what comes.

But I am done with this thread as once again I have become the target rather than a Marxist that wants to enslave all of us.

I dont give a damn if your a Christian, what kind of Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist or what ever you want to worship. That is between you and the creator of the universe. But what I do care about is that you demand from the politicians js they follow the Constitution and that the laws apply equally to all. For is we can't stand shoulder to shoulder as people that love freedom and liberty in the end we will all be slaves.

11-17-21, 20:55
I am done here.

11-17-21, 20:58
Tom McC you ask if my purpose in life is to be liked by others.

You really have no clue, to who I am, what I have done and the times I stood up for what is right even to the detriment of my career.

Regarding resistance, I do not think we will see anything beyond token resistance that is passive in mature. No matter what comes.

But I am done with this thread as once again I have become the target rather than a Marxist that wants to enslave all of us.

I dont give a damn if your a Christian, what kind of Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist or what ever you want to worship. That is between you and the creator of the universe. But what I do care about is that you demand from the politicians js they follow the Constitution and that the laws apply equally to all. For is we can't stand shoulder to shoulder as people that love freedom and liberty in the end we will all be slaves.

Good to know we really disagree. I'm not above being questioned and neither are you. I found out a long time ago it wasn't only Marxists that were my enemy. And like others, what you consider liberty I consider slavery.

11-18-21, 08:38
Look closely at your first statement. You've elevated the tradition of "nice clothes " wearing and the intent of men's heart (apart from what the scripture says about the intent of our heart) to some sort acceptable spiritual practice to God. It's true we have the Christian liberty to wear what we want within the bounds of modesty, but no where in the scriptures do you find the idea that wearing "nice clothes" to church somehow shows respect to God. I can show the scriptures that show what God really desires...a broken and contrite heart for one. Jesus didn't say we show our love to Him by our tradition, but by keeping His commandments. By your standard just about anything could be said to be respectful of God as long as we have "good intentions". Intentions are important, but what God says is required is more important. Nadab and Abihu had "good" intentions but failed at the commandment. And I think your argument fails at the same point, you've ignored the will of God and replaced it with "good intentions" as the paramount point in pleasing God. Would you say a devout muslim reciting Allahu Akbar is showing acceptable "respect" to God?

Second statement. I know plenty from his own writings and from the scriptures what his spiritual relationship to God is. He denies Jesus is the only and true messiah. Now if that is wrong I stand corrected and will repent publicly. There is no neutral ground, you should know that. To deny Jesus is the Christ is to deny the Father. To reject the Trinity is to reject God and substitute Him for an idol. To reject Christ is to reject the only way of salvation. You're either related to God in Christ as savior or He is a consuming fire and your judge. You either believe the gospel or you are doomed. So where does that leave him? There are all kinds of religion, the question to you is can someone not in union with Christ be rightly related to God?

I knew he was spelling it that way for that reason, I've known others with such traditions.

Again, you say "I elevated". I gave an example of what other people do and why...that's it. Stop trying to guess what I think or do. That was never mentioned. In your first statement, what you are saying that God desires was never in question or really part of the discussion. You, again, try to redirect to try and make your argument more valid. The nice clothes was mentioned for a purpose. It is because some people feel that they should take the time to clean up, put on some finer clothes to show respect to a place that they worship in and to the God they worship. Is it required? No. I never said that. People do it anyway...and...guess what...NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THAT. The end.

The 3 wise men brought gifts. Why? To show respect and honor. Was it required? No. Were they commanded to do that? No. Yet, they did it anyway, and it was written in the Bible as fact and taken to be totally fine. See the similarity?

11-18-21, 09:00
Good to know we really disagree. I'm not above being questioned and neither are you. I found out a long time ago it wasn't only Marxists that were my enemy. And like others, what you consider liberty I consider slavery.

We totally disagree about the USA, you want to live in a country that is devoid of freedom for everyone that doesn't fall into your idea of the perfect Christian, I am not sure if you would even accept non white Christians in your perfect little world.

I will also say that if heaven is full of people like you, then I want no part of it nor of the god that would allow the neighborhood to be full of such ignorant single minded people. Your self righteousness is revolting, not only to me a Jew, but I get the feeling to a lot of Christians that are here as well.

11-18-21, 10:05
Might be time for a Mod to step in and split the theology debate off to a new thread so we can get back to the task at hand of discussing and debating how to defeat the Commie POS...

11-18-21, 10:40
No need for Mods to step in. I am stepping out of this thread

11-18-21, 10:48
We totally disagree about the USA, you want to live in a country that is devoid of freedom for everyone that doesn't fall into your idea of the perfect Christian, I am not sure if you would even accept non white Christians in your perfect little world.

I will also say that if heaven is full of people like you, then I want no part of it nor of the god that would allow the neighborhood to be full of such ignorant single minded people. Your self righteousness is revolting, not only to me a Jew, but I get the feeling to a lot of Christians that are here as well.

Good to also know you think I'm a racist. What you think of me is irrelevant to me, but what you think of Jesus Christ has eternal consequences, and if you think I'm intolerant of false Jewish religion, I'm a piker compared to Him.

11-18-21, 10:54
Well here she is..
I wouldn't guess there is an American in there, she's a happy Communist.

11-18-21, 10:56
Might be time for a Mod to step in and split the theology debate off to a new thread so we can get back to the task at hand of discussing and debating how to defeat the Commie POS...

Don't you know, there is no hope of defeating the commies. Voting doesn't work, Most Republicans are in on the scam, probably Trump too. Conservatives won't resist up to and including picking up the gun. Commies are omnipotent, and whining on forums is all we have left. But if we throw out all our religious differences, because they're not important (religious pluralism being the man approved way) we can defeat our enemies enemy. Or maybe we're just doomed.

11-18-21, 11:00

Well folks, I've never seen Jesus at the bank.
Care to keep this on track or would you rather discuss theology?

11-18-21, 11:07

Well folks, I've never seen Jesus at the bank.
Care to keep this on track or would you rather discuss theology?

OK, so she's a commie, shouldn't be in gov't because she'll help institute more tyrannical gov't...or maybe we're just all wrong and she's a really good person by humanist standards and we should be ashamed of ourselves for thinking bad of her. Carry on.

11-18-21, 11:22
OK, so she's a commie, shouldn't be in gov't because she'll help institute more tyrannical gov't...or maybe we're just all wrong and she's a really good person by humanist standards and we should be ashamed of ourselves for thinking bad of her. Carry on.

I don't count Communists as Humans, so sorry, that aint gonna work.
You don't on one hand fill ditches with dead people who just want to be free and then come back and ask for my mercy. She grew up in communism and still cant see why it doesn't work, Bang, right in the melon.

11-18-21, 11:37
Or she sees how it works for some like her ! And she wants more of that control and power (since I am sure she was sent here to spread the communist love you MUST accept or else so excited that she is so close and has gotten this far ! Putin is just shaking his head amazed at how far they have come in our country

I hear ya though :) what is insane how so many are for her

I don't count Communists as Humans, so sorry, that aint gonna work.
You don't on one hand fill ditches with dead people who just want to be free and then come back and ask for my mercy. She grew up in communism and still cant see why it doesn't work, Bang, right in the melon.

11-18-21, 11:38
I don't count Communists as Humans, so sorry, that aint gonna work.
You don't on one hand fill ditches with dead people who just want to be free and then come back and ask for my mercy. She grew up in communism and still cant see why it doesn't work, Bang, right in the melon.

History doesn't seem to be on your side. In many instances the people loved their tyrants, 1930's Germany comes to mind. 1.2 billion Chinese (maybe excluding the 300 million Christians) seem to be in that same frame of mind. Half this country more than likely thinks she's a swell person. You must understand, and probably do, that the vast majority of people in the world don't think like "conservative constitutionalist Americans". And guys like me are really radical and in the super minority. I have my hope, but not in men.

11-18-21, 12:32
I'm 60 and served on the German border for 9 years. I know what Communism looks like.
Honestly, if the draft had one and only one good effect? It was that people got to see what a real third world shit hole looked like.

11-18-21, 13:43

Well folks, I've never seen Jesus at the bank.
Care to keep this on track or would you rather discuss theology?

Kind of hard to talk about communism without mentioning the devil.

"Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well… my soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell.” - Karl Marx

The Devil and Karl Marx: Did the Founder of Communism and Socialism Worship the Devil?


"In it he uncovers the sinister soul of the man whose writings and economic philosophies, have helped formed totalitarian, atheist governments like Soviet Russia, Communist China and others… murderous regimes that are responsible for the deaths of over a 100 million people in the 20th century alone. And what should disturb us, is that Marxism is behind the philosophies of our modern-day cultural movements like Critical Race Theory, Critical Social Justice, and Black Lives Matter. Kengor quotes Marx’s biographer Robert Payne who wrote, “There were times when Marx seemed to be possessed by demons. He had the devil’s view of the world and the devil’s malignity. Sometimes Marx seemed to know that he was accomplishing works of evil. Marx was certainly no angel, but Kengor says it’s odd that movements like BLM should look to a man who was a racist and misogynist for guidance; a man who wanted to destroy all norms like the family and personal property. He believes that if the founders of these movements understood Marx, they would really see how, “the Devil is in the details.”"

Self reliance, stocking up and growing large quantities of your own food, upgrading home security, making connections with other armed civilians for defense etc. is all that I can think of that could combat the tyranny on the horizon.

11-18-21, 15:48
Saw this video one of those prager u talking to people or something vids
These young wanabe communist punks in their teens most likely in Portland (rich white kids basically)telling this old Russian guy he has NO CLUE what communism is about and that he was lying about bread lines and such saying they never existed and Russia is a paradise for everyone gets what they need ! And never has to work etc...

11-18-21, 16:15
What do Event 201, Covid-19 DNA vaccines , Smallpox, Bill Gates, World Economic forum and Biden's new Asiatic-Russian communist comptroller bitch all have in common? The seizure of your Bank accounts!

Ba dum tis... I'm here all week... Try the veil...

11-18-21, 16:38
What do Event 201, Covid-19 DNA vaccines , Smallpox, Bill Gates, World Economic forum and Biden's new Asiatic-Russian communist comptroller bitch all have in common? The seizure of your Bank accounts!

Ba dum tis... I'm here all week... Try the veil...


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-18-21, 16:41

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Why do some Russians look Asian?

There are more than 190 ethnic groups among the 142 million inhabitants of Russia, from ethnic Russians who form 78 percent of the population to the Ket people of Siberia who number just over a thousand. Most ethnic Russians have a so-called European appearance, but there are many Russian citizens who could be classified as ethnically Asian.
Russia’s ethnic diversity often surprises tourists, who expect the country be more homogenous. While there are more than 190 ethnicities in the country, Russia does not officially define any group as Asian.
Egor Kitov, a researcher from the Center of Physical Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that there are three possible definitions of the term Asian in a Russian context.
First of all, Asians are people who live in the Asian part of Russia, Kitov told RBTH. Secondly, being Asian is largely a matter of self-identification on the basis of language and culture. Turkic and Tungusic people can be listed as Asians, Kitov adds.

Thirdly, Asians can simply be described as Mongoloids. Among them he listed Kalmyks, Evenks, Yukagirs, Buryats, Tuvans, Khakass, Chukchis, Koryaks, Eskimos and Aleuts.
There are many more ethnicities of the Mongoloid race in Russia, he explains. However, identifying them is exceptionally hard since “the territory of modern Russia comprises of at least two races: Caucasian and Mongoloid,” and after many years of coexistence they have mixed in all kinds of proportions.
Professor Ilya Perevozchikov, who co-wrote the main college textbook for anthropology students in Russia, agrees with Kitov. He told RBTH that the term Asian is quite misleading and vague. Asian-looking Tatars and Kazakhs, whom he cites as an example, are of mixed origin and have both Caucasian and Mongoloid blood.
Perevozchikov says race and ethnicity are not connected at all. Race is a biological concept, while ethnicity is just a social notion, he adds.
How many Asians live in Russia
According to the 2010 Russian Census, there are 193 ethnic groups in Russia. The following is a list of the ten most populous ethnic (traditionally accepted) Asians groups in modern Russia, based on census data.

Although many indigenous people of the Russian North and Far East (like Chukchis or Aleuts) are a part of the Mongoloid race, they, unfortunately, are not included since their numbers are miniscule and in serious decline.
The Russian government is undertaking measures to preserve the culture and traditions of these groups by supporting their associations and providing internships to them at the United Nations’ headquarters.
Who exactly can be classified as an Asian is a matter of debate in Europe, Asia and the United States. Going by traditional definitions, Russia has 9.5 million ethnic Asian inhabitants, who form 6.5 percent of the country’s population.
In comparison, according to the Pew Research Center, Asian Americans make up 5.8 percent of the population of the United States.
Most of the Asian population of Russia lives in rural areas. The only Asian communities that are largely urbanized in Russia are the Koreans, Tatars, Uzbek and Kyrgyz.
Statistics show that women outnumber men in the Asian community, which is in accordance with a general Russian trend.
Origins in various parts of Asia
Many Asian ethnic groups have a vague history, which makes it difficult for modern researchers to trace their ancestors. For example, Buryats originate from Siberian and Mongolian tribes and eventually settled down near Lake Baikal and the modern Russian internal republic of Buryatia.
They were first mentioned in the ‘History of Mongols,’ the oldest surviving Mongolian-language literary work from the end of the 13th century.
The history of the Kalmyks is also tightly connected with another Mongol tribe – the Oirats. The earliest written records of the Tuvan people refer to them as the Dingling.
The Russian authorities in 19th century Vladivostok had a positive impression of Korean migrants. Source: Archive Photo
'Desirable Asians': How Koreans settled in Russia's Far East
Tatars and Kazakhs share common ancestors and speak Turkic languages. Yakuts, Bashkirs, Uzbeks and Kyrgyz people are also believed to have descended from Turkic ethnic groups native to Central Asia.
Many Korean communities across Russia trace their roots back to the Koreans who lived in the Russian Far East during the late 19th century. Koreans, who left their country due to poverty, quickly adapted to the Far East and settled on empty farmlands.
The Soviet Union deported most of them in the 1930s to Central Asian countries, where they continue to live now.
The internal republics of Tatarstan and Yakutia also have large ethnic Asian populations.
Many ethnic groups have a representative body and cultural centers. The Russian government has also set up the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs.
The Russian Constitution guarantees the right of all internal republics to have their own state languages, apart from Russian. It also guarantees the right of ethnic groups to preserve their native language and create conditions for their study and development.
Unfortunately, many Asian people from Russian republics are moving from their homes to Moscow or other economically developed cities. In 2013 more than half a million internal migrants moved to the European part of Russia.
Statistics on government salary arrears might explain the urge to leave. In 2015 the Siberian Federal District owed its employees about 773 million rubles (about $13.3 million) in arrears, while the number in the Central Federal district was just 477 million rubles.
Who are Asians
The Russian government census divides the population on the basis of ethnicities, but it is difficult to objectively decide as to which group can be classified as Asian.
The definition of the term Asian varies in different countries. The United Kingdom mainly defines Asians as people of South Asian origin, which mostly includes Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.
With a large number of ethnic groups, Russia has a diverse population / RIA Novosti/Sergei GuneevWith a large number of ethnic groups, Russia has a diverse population / RIA Novosti/Sergei GuneevThe 2010 United States Census Bureau includes those who origins are in the Far East, the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, while the Swedish government also includes people of Middle Eastern origin.
Both western and eastern non-governmental researchers do not concur on the definition of Asians, and although they mostly tend to use the term Mongoloid there are exceptions.
For example, Dr. Marta Mirazon Lahr from the Cambridge University believes that “all Asian populations” can be grouped under the term Mongoloid.
Masniari Novita of Jember University in Indonesia says, “Asiatics are part of the Mongoloid race while Asians from the Indian Subcontinent are part of the Caucasian race.”
A 2011 style guide by professor David Blakesley recommends using the term Asian to refer to people living in Asian countries such as "China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam" unless a given situation makes using a specific national term more appropriate than using the broader Asian term.

11-18-21, 19:21
Holy wall of Mongoloid text.

11-19-21, 06:25
Holy wall of Mongoloid text.

He loves him some cut and paste.

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11-19-21, 06:53
This is the worst thread.

Just like his ATF nominee was anti-gun, his banking nominee is anti-capatalist. She is also an admitted thief and I hate a thief. Biden's controllers are worse for our country than Hunter is for the art world.

I don't care if she is mongoloid, caucasian, or martian, she is an indefendibly poor choice.

Lets Go Brandon


11-19-21, 09:26
This is the worst thread.

Just like his ATF nominee was anti-gun, his banking nominee is anti-capatalist. She is also an admitted thief and I hate a thief. Biden's controllers are worse for our country than Hunter is for the art world.

I don't care if she is mongoloid, caucasian, or martian, she is an indefendibly poor choice.

Lets Go Brandon


But, an excellent choice for a subversive.

11-19-21, 09:35

She's from Kazakhstan, which was part of the USSR and is now an independent central Asian country. Home to Russia's main spaceport even now, on lease.


I thought her confirmation was sunk weeks ago, based on her radical banking views alone, which I don't think major US banks would like. Major US banks get their way 99.999% of the time, FWIW. Now that the shoplifting incident has come out, and the recent membership in a Marxist group, I can't see most Dems voting for her.

11-19-21, 11:01
I have it on good authority from many sources that this is simply conspiracy theory stuff. There is no reason to think your government could ever be tyrannical etc....Consume. Pay Taxes. Die....you miserable sheep....

"But if the 'Publicans can just get their message out we'll restore the Republic and it'll be 1950 all over again"...........Choke Yourself.

Our enemies are COMMUNISTS dedicated to the destruction of this country and your permanent enslavement. You are a damn fool if you don't understand this and don't prepare accordingly.

11-19-21, 11:52
She's from Kazakhstan, which was part of the USSR and is now an independent central Asian country. Home to Russia's main spaceport even now, on lease.


I thought her confirmation was sunk weeks ago, based on her radical banking views alone, which I don't think major US banks would like. Major US banks get their way 99.999% of the time, FWIW. Now that the shoplifting incident has come out, and the recent membership in a Marxist group, I can't see most Dems voting for her.

Got it.

Yes, she’s from the Russian Steppes: Mongol-Turk-Caucasian perhaps. Or just Mongol-Turk (more likely).

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11-19-21, 11:53
I have it on good authority from many sources that this is simply conspiracy theory stuff. There is no reason to think your government could ever be tyrannical etc....Consume. Pay Taxes. Die....you miserable sheep....

"But if the 'Publicans can just get their message out we'll restore the Republic and it'll be 1950 all over again"...........Choke Yourself.

Our enemies are COMMUNISTS dedicated to the destruction of this country and your permanent enslavement. You are a damn fool if you don't understand this and don't prepare accordingly.

Talking like this ten years ago would get you ostracized here.


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11-19-21, 13:41
Talking like this ten years ago would get you ostracized here.


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I've been "ostracized" on many gun web sites over the years for such comments but it's never changed what I know and believe. Now, even the room temp IQ crowd is starting to figure it out.

11-19-21, 13:46
The election of DJT and ALL the BS that ensued was in plain sight for everyone to review. If that crap didn't wake you up, nothing will. But it was all there for a very long time.

Lois Lerner and so many others like her, who BTW is enjoying a comfortable retirement on my dime.