View Full Version : reports of mydemise are greatly exxagerated

11-16-21, 08:31
just a heads-up. I came down withChinavirus on 10/12, which culminatedin a stroke on 10/24. I've been hospitalized since, but am now at the maincampusof ofCONCORDIA LUTHERANMINISTRIES in Cabot PA, to do physical rehab for the forseeable future. stroke affected myl eft side I have little movement inmy left zrm presently &no use of my lefthand. I am right-handedat least but p/t here is great. They're impressed with my core strength & ability to walk so far. I lost 20lbs in the process & also got diagnosed with diabetestype 2. Please keep my wife & children in your prayers. Praying to rejoin the living soon. FYI

john armond
11-16-21, 08:35
Damn. Hang in there and keep pushing yourself!

11-16-21, 08:55
Keep going brother !
Damn I had no idea you were that sick.

11-16-21, 09:02
Sorry to hear the China flu hit you hard, glad to hear you're still around with a sound mind.

I hope you're able to enjoy some things you love!

11-16-21, 09:20
Will be praying for your recovery and for your family in the meantime

11-16-21, 09:21
Will be praying for your recovery and for your family in the meantime

11-16-21, 09:24
Glad to hear that you came through, and good luck on the rehab!

11-16-21, 09:42
Rub some dirt on it and walk it off. :p

Get well soon, that is not small thing to walk away from, cheers that you are doing well.

11-16-21, 11:18
I wish you the best in your recovery. Push yourself to get better and remember that you still have purpose. I'm pulling for you!

11-16-21, 11:22
Damn dude. Glad you are on the road to recovery.

11-16-21, 11:37
Shit, that's rough. Sounds like you're fortunate to have made it through and have plenty of reason to live however. What chances are they giving you of regaining bilateral function?

Alex V
11-16-21, 11:58
Get back on the mend buddy.

11-16-21, 12:01
I am sorry to hear about your illness, but am glad that you are still with us!


11-16-21, 12:05
Keeping a good thought for you and yours.
“Journey of ten thousand miles begins with a single step”, keep trudging bro.

11-16-21, 13:04
Damn ChiCom bioweapon!! :mad:

Hang in there, hope you make a full recovery. Prayers out to you and yours.

11-16-21, 13:26
Best of luck, prayers inbound. I got "lucky" because I had a widow maker heart attack THEN I got covid. I wonder how that would have turned out vice versa. Friend asked me that the other day and made me scratch my head.
Hang tuff brother and get speedy.


11-16-21, 13:36
Yikes get better !

11-16-21, 14:15
Shit, that's rough. Sounds like you're fortunate to have made it through and have plenty of reason to live however. What chances are they giving you of regaining bilateral function?

I canmovethe upper arm @ the shoulder. docs say that movement returns & descends down the arm over time working with O/T on that

11-16-21, 14:16
Damn! Your still with us so that's a good thing. The road to recovery may be long but worthwhile. God Bless you & your family.

11-16-21, 17:25
I don't usually pray for Lutherans, but in this case I'll make an exception!! :D I'm sorry for your trial, please get well soon, and above all, keep your eyes and heart planted on the Lord who cares for us, who does know our trials, and has given us many and exceedingly great promises.

11-16-21, 17:48
Sorry for your demise, you are added to the list of others we hold up in prayer. Pray for a swift and full recovery!

11-20-21, 23:22
Keep up the good fight brother. I still say we should’ve sent chyna some canned sunshine.

02-26-22, 14:13
How's everything going? Still healing up?