View Full Version : 1/6 Riot and the Steele Dossier are inexorably linked

11-16-21, 09:20
The truth about the Steele Dossier has been clear to anyone since the start. It was the Jessie Smoulet of national security cases- all lead by the Democrats and their allies in the FBI. Now, the people that said that Trump was colluding with the Russians and stealing an election are now spinning a story about 1/6.

-It will come out that in both there were agent provocateurs
-The 1/6 people- being held for almost a year now are political prisoners just as Flynn was politically investigated
-The 1/6 show trial is all cover to explain away the actual attempted coup against Trump in 2016-17
-Liz Cheney is playing the part of Paul Ryan this time around.

They are doing it all over again- because there were no repercussions for the first time, only damaged conservatives. Or using social media companies to do their idea burning. Why not run the same playbook?

Who knows what Durham is going to do? Does it matter? We learned about the NSA abuses and….. They are going to keep this 1/6 Riechstag fire smoldering as an excuse for the Dossier.

11-16-21, 10:18
Yes, they are.

11-16-21, 13:02
What "1/6 riot"?

11-16-21, 13:13
What "1/6 riot"?

The one where the only person killed was an unarmed, female veteran who was shot by a federal officer.

11-16-21, 14:22
What "1/6 riot"?

The one where the only person killed was an unarmed, female veteran who was shot by a federal officer.

I’m not like an MSM apologist that stands in front of a fire and calls it a mostly peaceful gathering. Bad stuff happened— but the how and who isn’t that clear, yet. That people are held with out bail is criminal- maybe they can get $450k for being separated from their families…. We aren’t going to get the truth out of the dems and the stooges.

No Statute of limitations on murder, that capital cop will face the music eventually.

11-16-21, 14:38
I’m not like an MSM apologist that stands in front of a fire and calls it a mostly peaceful gathering. Bad stuff happened— but the how and who isn’t that clear, yet. That people are held with out bail is criminal- maybe they can get $450k for being separated from their families…. We aren’t going to get the truth out of the dems and the stooges.

No Statute of limitations on murder, that capital cop will face the music eventually.

So you missed the posts that showed FBI agent provocateurs lighting their Reichstag Fire?

11-16-21, 14:44
So you missed the posts that showed FBI agent provocateurs lighting their Reichstag Fire?

No, that is exactly my point. The 1/6 and the steel dossier are all manufactured. The 1/6 was just easier for them to get people involved with. Both were precipitated I think by democratic operatives.

You can’t say that there wasn’t violence, and then say the violence was precipitated by the govt/leftist. There was a short, brief riot. Not an insurrection- an Immaculate Insurrection since no one brought guns. An insurrection with out guns is like an orgy without chicks- the best you are going to get is a circle-jerk.

11-16-21, 17:10
Russian collusion was a fraud, the pandemic is a fraud, the 2020 election was a fraud, 1/6 was a fraud, this entire biden administration is a sham, the clot shot is the globalist predators healthcare holocaust.

There was no russian collusion. Covid is a bioweapon to oust Trump. Biden is a drugged puppet. The so called vaccine is killing people and is totally unnecessary because covid is nearly 100% treatable but all the doctors and treatments are banned from conventional practice.

America is under siege from within.

11-16-21, 18:14
Russian collusion was a fraud, the pandemic is a fraud, the 2020 election was a fraud, 1/6 was a fraud, this entire biden administration is a sham, the clot shot is the globalist predators healthcare holocaust.

There was no russian collusion. Covid is a bioweapon to oust Trump. Biden is a drugged puppet. The so called vaccine is killing people and is totally unnecessary because covid is nearly 100% treatable but all the doctors and treatments are banned from conventional practice.

America is under siege from within.

And 50% +/- of the voters in this country want it that way.

11-16-21, 18:22
Or at least ambivalent to it .

11-16-21, 18:26
Russian collusion was a fraud, the pandemic is a fraud, the 2020 election was a fraud, 1/6 was a fraud, this entire biden administration is a sham, the clot shot is the globalist predators healthcare holocaust.

There was no russian collusion. Covid is a bioweapon to oust Trump. Biden is a drugged puppet. The so called vaccine is killing people and is totally unnecessary because covid is nearly 100% treatable but all the doctors and treatments are banned from conventional practice.

America is under siege from within.

And don't forget Gen Miley simping to China...

11-16-21, 18:38
And don't forget Gen Miley simping to China...

miley is just another fraud to add to a long list.

11-16-21, 19:02
Russian collusion was a fraud, the pandemic is a fraud, the 2020 election was a fraud, 1/6 was a fraud, this entire biden administration is a sham, the clot shot is the globalist predators healthcare holocaust.

There was no russian collusion. Covid is a bioweapon to oust Trump. Biden is a drugged puppet. The so called vaccine is killing people and is totally unnecessary because covid is nearly 100% treatable but all the doctors and treatments are banned from conventional practice.

America is under siege from within.


11-17-21, 06:04
21 year veteran imprisoned.


12-18-21, 18:28
More reports that the “insurrection” was stage managed:


12-18-21, 21:01
More reports that the “insurrection” was stage managed:


If honor were still a thing, Stormtrooper Byrd and several others would have already suck-started their sidearms or sought redemption in ritual seppuku. What do you wanna bet this "Ray Epps" never really existed and was just a disposable legend for somebody like a Jason Bourne or Mr. Clark sort of "deniable operator"?

12-19-21, 15:02
More reports that the “insurrection” was stage managed:


The only real questions are to what degree and what lengths the MSM will go to distort it and explain it away.

12-19-21, 16:00
Russian collusion was a fraud, the pandemic is a fraud, the 2020 election was a fraud, 1/6 was a fraud, this entire biden administration is a sham, the clot shot is the globalist predators healthcare holocaust.

There was no russian collusion. Covid is a bioweapon to oust Trump. Biden is a drugged puppet. The so called vaccine is killing people and is totally unnecessary because covid is nearly 100% treatable but all the doctors and treatments are banned from conventional practice.

America is under siege from within.


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12-19-21, 17:38
More reports that the “insurrection” was stage managed:


Hope more of our members here watch this.

Eye opening to say the least...

12-21-21, 08:34
Hope more of our members here watch this.

Eye opening to say the least...

It's fairly obvious to me that this was a set up and those guys are agent's of the State. This is an old tactic and goes back to the seventies as far as I know. The FBI used to insert these guys into organizations then step back and report.
Lately the "New" thing seems to be to nudge them toward some sort of action. The whole debacle about the kidnapping of Michigans Governor and January sixth.
this is fairly obvious and I'm not sure why this couldn't be beaten by the better defence Attorney's.

12-21-21, 09:53
It's fairly obvious to me that this was a set up and those guys are agent's of the State. This is an old tactic and goes back to the seventies as far as I know. The FBI used to insert these guys into organizations then step back and report.
Lately the "New" thing seems to be to nudge them toward some sort of action. The whole debacle about the kidnapping of Michigans Governor and January sixth.
this is fairly obvious and I'm not sure why this couldn't be beaten by the better defence Attorney's.

People still did what they did. Now, the people being charged with, or losing their jobs over, just being there- when there is no evidence of anything else. THat would be interesting.

This is why the Dems didn't want any real opposition on the show trial.

KInd of interesting that the 1/6 is all in the name of 'oversight', but there is zero oversight of the FBI/HHS actions and activities that day....

12-21-21, 10:43
It's fairly obvious to me that this was a set up and those guys are agent's of the State. This is an old tactic and goes back to the seventies as far as I know. The FBI used to insert these guys into organizations then step back and report.
Lately the "New" thing seems to be to nudge them toward some sort of action. The whole debacle about the kidnapping of Michigans Governor and January sixth.
this is fairly obvious and I'm not sure why this couldn't be beaten by the better defence Attorney's.

I wouldn't be surprised if the "nudging" goes back farther than we think... after all, "when you don't have enough criminals you MAKE some" and it would be far from the first time a government agency deliberately fomented crisis to justify its demand for more money and power--hell, "wars and rumors of war" was a standard British Royal Navy playbook item getting funds and authorization for new ships that was old before this country was even a gleam in the Founders' eyes, and it's a safe bet that that was inherited as part of the culture and then doubled-down particularly by Wilson and onward.

12-21-21, 10:53
The real insurrection occurred on 3 NOVEMBER.

12-21-21, 10:57
The real insurrection occurred on 3 NOVEMBER.

No, the real insurrection was long before that, it just kicked into high gear on Nov 9 2016 when the Obamite seditionists and traitors initiated a revolt against an elected President not of THEIR choosing.

12-21-21, 12:36
No, the real insurrection was long before that, it just kicked into high gear on Nov 9 2016 when the Obamite seditionists and traitors initiated a revolt against an elected President not of THEIR choosing.

Exactly, and that is my point. The 1/6 stuff is cover and 'what about-ism' cover for the slow-mo coup that was against Trump.

12-21-21, 12:52
It's fairly obvious to me that this was a set up and those guys are agent's of the State. This is an old tactic and goes back to the seventies as far as I know. The FBI used to insert these guys into organizations then step back and report.
Lately the "New" thing seems to be to nudge them toward some sort of action. The whole debacle about the kidnapping of Michigans Governor and January sixth.
this is fairly obvious and I'm not sure why this couldn't be beaten by the better defence Attorney's.

Yeah, the FBI/DoJ Michigan case is coming apart at the seams: https://www.yahoo.com/news/third-fbi-agent-not-testifying-232714961.html?guccounter=1

Meanwhile, the USCP "cop" who put on the dog and pony show at the hearings back in July, has deployed his golden parachute. He will now be CNN's "law enforcement expert" on air. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10330605/Former-Capitol-cop-Michael-Fanone-quits-job-CNN-law-enforcement-contributor.html

I keep waiting for some of the protesters to band together and get a decent legal team to challenge the DoJ narrative, by exposing their tactics and operatives fomenting the lawlessness. We all know they did it, so it's time to stop playing the game and flip their card table over.

P.S. More stench coming off the Biden Crime Syndicate again today: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10271857/Heidi-Planck-Hunter-Biden.html

12-21-21, 14:03
Exactly, and that is my point. The 1/6 stuff is cover and 'what about-ism' cover for the slow-mo coup that was against Trump.

I'd venture we even saw it against Reagan... look at the near-total Cabinet replacement after surviving Hinckley's bullet. And it's a safe bet that the bureaucracy obstructed "less favored" policies by Ike and Nixon even before him... not to mention whatever involvement they may have had at Dealey.

12-25-21, 05:08
Nice summation of the Jan 6 psyop:


01-02-22, 12:31
Watched some CNN andn MSNBC today. Wow, they reallllly are pushing the 1/6 stuff. Trump not calling in the National Guard in a two hour window means that he is guilty of a crime....

Also, pretty clear that if Biden can't get the domestic politics under control, we are going to go hot with Russia. It works for Biden and Putin.

01-02-22, 12:33
Nice summation of the Jan 6 psyop:


Viva Frei is awesome. A real objective voice in the (Canadian) wilderness...

01-02-22, 14:06
There can be no justice when every branch of government is corrupt.

Any branch of government who attempts to hold this corrupt government accountable will be destroyed. The corruption is at every level. There is no government entity that can effectively expose or prosecute government corruption without exposing some form of criminality within their own organization.

The US government is like a drug cartel with a slightly better image. The only reason for having a slightly better image is through their own deceit and people being naive.

01-02-22, 14:28
And yet, I see more and more "peaceful protestors" have charges dismissed "in the interest of justice". Just minor stuff though, like arson, felony assault, assaulting a police officer causing serious injury,... little things like that.

01-02-22, 14:49
If Liz Cheney isn’t the anti-Christ, she’ll do until he gets here.

01-05-22, 06:58
Interesting question, Mr. Representative:


01-06-22, 08:17
Everyone clutch your pearls and fear the insurrection that tried to happen with less firepower than one of my last minute range trips.

If the MSM/Dems hadn't lied about almost everything about Trump for 6 years, I might be interested. That they scream about the attack on democracy, and then say that we have to not let Republicans run for office is almost gas lighting with a oil well fire. Insisting on having won Georgia, using arcane rules in the Senate to change the outcome, trying to change states EC votes---- uhm Stacy Abhrahsom's gov race, and the dems in 2016 doing everything that they could after the election to keep Trump out of office. Does that matter, or do they not expect us to remember?

01-06-22, 09:19
And yet, I see more and more "peaceful protestors" have charges dismissed "in the interest of justice". Just minor stuff though, like arson, felony assault, assaulting a police officer causing serious injury,... little things like that.

This is it. Where's the full court press on prosecuting the racist rioters that burnt/destroyed property in the name of the hate group BLM??

01-06-22, 11:11
Everyone clutch your pearls and fear the insurrection that tried to happen with less firepower than one of my last minute range trips.

If the MSM/Dems hadn't lied about almost everything about Trump for 6 years, I might be interested. That they scream about the attack on democracy, and then say that we have to not let Republicans run for office is almost gas lighting with a oil well fire. Insisting on having won Georgia, using arcane rules in the Senate to change the outcome, trying to change states EC votes---- uhm Stacy Abhrahsom's gov race, and the dems in 2016 doing everything that they could after the election to keep Trump out of office. Does that matter, or do they not expect us to remember?

... the insurrection in which anyone arrested has yet been charged with insurrection, treason or anything of the like. Only one person died during the actual "insurrection" and she was an unarmed lookie loo. Granted, I believe there should be repercussions for some people's actions, but this wasn't anything close to an insurrection. But we all know what it is about in the end.

01-06-22, 11:19
Granted, I believe there should be repercussions for some people's actions, but this wasn't anything close to an insurrection. But we all know what it is about in the end.

Oh yes it absolutely was, an insurrection by the seditious terrorists who call themselves the Democratic Party, aided and abetted by the feckless Quislings of the GOP Establishment.

01-06-22, 13:00
Oh yes it absolutely was, an insurrection by the seditious terrorists who call themselves the Democratic Party, aided and abetted by the feckless Quislings of the GOP Establishment.


01-06-22, 13:15
Ben Shapiro is on FIRE today. Absolutely brutal.

Nancy Pelosi interfered in that House race in Iowa THIS LAST ELECTION to try to steal it for cripes sake…

01-06-22, 13:31

Interesting theory.

The electoral votes of at least five states were being challenged — not in a coup, but in a lawful manner also used by Democrats in earlier elections, following the procedures mandated by the Electoral Count Act of 1887. Republican senators and House members had lined up to make the case to the public and their fellow constitutional officers that something was rotten in the states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, and that the election was therefore tainted. But the violence outside resulted in a sharply truncated debate inside that was virtually ignored, if not outright mocked or shamed, by the mainstream media. The riot instantly doomed any chance Trump had of prevailing in his argument that the election was stolen.

So ask yourself who benefited from the supposed coup at the Capitol. Not Trump. Not the Republicans who had put themselves on the line to support him with evidence of voting irregularities in several states. Cui bono? Who benefits? None other than the very Democrats who for the last year have worked tirelessly to discredit Trump and to find some way to disqualify him from being elected president again in 2024.

01-06-22, 14:11
They are trying to say that the statement that their weren’t any guns at 1/6 is wrong starts with one fact, goes off on tangents, and then uses the lack of evidence as proof.

One guy from Maryland was found with a gun. That was in the Capitol building. No shots fired by him, not even brandishing it.

Then they pivot to some other people their that day that had guns off site, but claim that these were used in the riot.

Then they take it further and a guy driving there on 1/6, who didn’t get their until the next day, was part of the guns at the insurrection.

Then in the final leap, they say that since few people were arrested and detained, that we’ll never know how many guns were there. That only one was found, none were seen, and no shots fired- but whatever. White supremacists must have guns.

Actually one more leap was people found with guns in DC around those days. Never mind DCs horrible murder rate and general guns around.

Oh, and then the leap to ‘weapons’ and deadly weapons- basically anything more lethal than a spoon- to say that all kinds of people are armed.

And the MSM/DEms wonder why we don’t trust them when they can’t report the facts as they are, and they must twist the truth to fit their narrative.

01-06-22, 14:59
Callin' it now... #RayEppsDidn'tKillHimself

"The leader of the Oath Keepers and two of the men captured on video urging people to enter or proceed into the U.S. Capitol on January 6 have been subpoenaed by the defense to testify in the government’s case against Kelly Meggs, an Oath Keeper accused of conspiring to storm the Capitol.

Stewart Rhodes, Ray Epps, and John Sullivan have been subpoenaed to testify at Meggs’ trial in a move defense attorney Jon Moseley told National File he believes will prove his client’s innocence, and will prove the entire prosecution to be politically motivated."

I hope all these people behind this shitshow, both D and RINO, suffer a horrible pandemic of untreatable asscancer just like the one they are on this country.

01-07-22, 05:40
Oh yes it absolutely was, an insurrection by the seditious terrorists who call themselves the Democratic Party, aided and abetted by the feckless Quislings of the GOP Establishment.

Well, yea... now that you put it from that point of view. But that has been going on hot and heavy since November 3rd 2016 when Bad Orange Man won the election up to this day... and really further back if you want to be realistic.

01-09-22, 15:19
The non stop talk about the 1/6 stuff this week got me thinking. Knowing that the Durham stuff is still out there, and that the Feds had some role in 1/6- either by action or in-action, I can see a path to turn and burn the MSM/Dems on the whole 1/6. It doesn't require that we say it didn't happen.

Start the narrative that 1/6 is the latest in a long line of anti-Trump political machinations. The Election Fraud in 2020, the deep-state against Trump starting in 2016, and the debacle of 1/6. It is pretty clear that they first one happened- to any objective, rational person. The The election stuff is harder to prove or disprove. THe 1/6 stuff is going to come out, one way or the other- it just depends on how much coverage it gets. That leaves the election issues in the middle.

If the dems say that all three are complete BS, well we know the Dossier and the 1/6 stuff is going to blow up in their faces. THen you pivot to if the dems/MSM say that all three are not true, but we know 2 of 3 are true, doesn't that mean that there is a pretty good chance that they are lying to you about the election?

I saw on the talking heads shows that the dems want to pass a law that Trump can run again. Is there anything more un-democratic and banana republic than that? Especially if they haven't convicted Trump of any charges related to un-constitutional activity. It would pass the House. If I were a GOP senator I would just stay out of the issue. Call it what is was- a banana republic move - and let them pass it. Then let SCOTUS strike it down- and then who are the anti-democratic threats? And it would highlight than it isn't democracy that makes us special, it is the respect of individual rights- which they just trampled all over by using 50+1 votes.

01-09-22, 17:34

01-10-22, 11:27
So last night I was watching Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller, S2-EP6, which was on "White Supremacy". It was all in on the entire right's political consternation being based in white nationalism, and they saved 1/6 for the end of the show. They as much as called Enrique Tarrio (FBI Informant) a token POC for the Proud Boys. Her SME for the episode was former FBI SA, Dr. Erroll Southers. What really caught my attention was that he openly admitted they had overwhelming evidence that there was going to be a riot on 1/6, but tried to say the reason effective action wasn't taken was because "white terrorism" doesn't get as much attention as other forms of terrorism.

Now I know for a fact that DoJ spends more time and effort on white supremacy than any other type of HVE (homegrown violent extremist). About the only thing that comes close is the sovereign citizen threat, which other than the Moorish sovereigns is pretty much a white identity movement in itself. If Tarrio is an informant within the Proud Boys, and Stewart Rhodes is an informant within the Oath Keepers (quite possible), we have to assume by FBI infiltration SOP that there are many more <cough, cough, Ray Epps>. So pretending the United States Capitol failed to take "the threat" seriously is patently absurd. The left knew their "Russian Collusion" narrative had been debunked. They needed 1/6 far worse than the right did.

We already know the left thinks anyone who disagrees with them is a racist. If you haven't seen S2-EP6 of Trafficked, you should because that's how they will frame us all in the same picture. And if you happen to associate with anyone depicted in that episode (or even secretly empathize with them), understand that you're going to be the Achille's Heel they attack directly. You'd do better to disassociate and stick strictly to the politically relevant issues at hand, which is the erosion of liberties and the Constitution.


01-10-22, 11:50
If this was known of, and if there was a threat, why didn't Pelosi call in for back up as is her job in cases like this?

01-10-22, 14:54
If this was known of, and if there was a threat, why didn't Pelosi call in for back up as is her job in cases like this?

Arrogance is the cheap and easy answer. The deeper answer is Machiavellianism...

01-10-22, 14:54
Double Tap

01-10-22, 15:03
If this was known of, and if there was a threat, why didn't Pelosi call in for back up as is her job in cases like this?

The obvious answer- they needed to blame it on the bad orange man.

01-11-22, 20:53
They are putting their team together.


Several Republican senators sought to shift focus away from Jan. 6 and asserted that the insurrection had taken away attention from the 2020 rioting that erupted in American cities and grew out of racial justice protests.

STOP calling them racial justice protests or anti-cop protests. These were direct action violence to bring about a political end- that is the definition of terrorism. They aren’t working for civil rights the cops are just in the way. They are using violence to try to get people silence their political opinions and CHANGE the fundamental nature of our govt from one based on individual rights (and guilt) to collective rights and guilt with out evidence. That is an insurrection. With real guns, real deaths, and real terrorist actions.

If saying that these actions are made legit because of racial justice, the 1/6 people can claim that they did it based on patriotism.

I’m just glad that black people stopped being shot by white cops for the last year. Not a single one. Problem solved…

01-11-22, 22:01
Meanwhile the Whitmer “kidnapping” conspiracy is proving problematic for DoJ, due to the actions of the FBI’s informants and agents. I keep saying that FBI/DoJ is in the crime manufacturing business and ultimately their TTP’s are going to prove that 1/6 was another one of their ops.


01-12-22, 00:47
Meanwhile the Whitmer “kidnapping” conspiracy is proving problematic for DoJ, due to the actions of the FBI’s informants and agents. I keep saying that FBI/DoJ is in the crime manufacturing business and ultimately their TTP’s are going to prove that 1/6 was another one of their ops.


Yep, and I hope the right can turn it into a Discovered Attack and the Dems/MSM/FBI are walking into an ambush of their own setting.

Funny how when Trump was in office the FBI/DOJ leaked all kinds of info about Trump, but when it comes to 1/6 agents, we get nothing. If the FBI were a redeemable entity, someone would have leaked something about the agents/CIs/Assets that were there. Frankly, the fact that they did it and didn’t set it up so that they could say “No” tells you how brazen that they have gotten. They don’t care if they caught. Frankly, their answers are exactly what you say to hide guilt.

Maybe that’s been their plan all along. They get caught with their pants down, the MSM gaslights for them- and there are no repercussions- just trying to goad people into reacting.

01-12-22, 08:19
IF Trump is legally in jeopardy both criminally and civilly for not acting for two hours to stop the riot on 1/6, what exposure does Biden have for not securing the Southern Border?

01-12-22, 09:31
IF Trump is legally in jeopardy both criminally and civilly for not acting for two hours to stop the riot on 1/6, what exposure does Biden have for not securing the Southern Border?

None. There is no rule of law, only different strokes for different folks.

01-12-22, 13:44
IF Trump is legally in jeopardy both criminally and civilly for not acting for two hours to stop the riot on 1/6, what exposure does Biden have for not securing the Southern Border?

I have wondered the same for Anitfa/BLM figureheads.

01-13-22, 00:23
The 1/6 riot is even more, well, hilarious, when you consider the nation wide rioting would have been if Trump won, or was named the winner. He would have been 'illegit' for some reason, or no real 'reason'. And they wouldn't have had to make up deaths like they did about 1/6.

The three mental midget Generals that were saying that we need to be ready to put down a GOP coup in 2024- I think that is just cover for them to say that when Trump wins again, it was because of the stolen election and he can't take office.

01-13-22, 00:28
The 1/6 riot is even more, well, hilarious, when you consider the nation wide rioting would have been if Trump won, or was named the winner. He would have been 'illegit' for some reason, or no real 'reason'. And they wouldn't have had to make up deaths like they did about 1/6.

The three mental midget Generals that were saying that we need to be ready to put down a GOP coup in 2024- I think that is just cover for them to say that when Trump wins again, it was because of the stolen election and he can't take office.

First thing that needs to happen if Trump or any other R gets the win and takes the Oath on 1/20/25, recall them all to AD for Court-Martial.

01-13-22, 08:15
So the reason that Epps isn’t charged is that he didn’t step into the Capitol grounds, so they have nothing to charge him with.

On the face of that, it seems like it could explain away the issue. Kinzinger says this proves he’s not a FED, but wait a minute…..

Here is a guy who said “Go into the Capitol” (he now says that he meant orderly, like with a ticket), who didn’t go into the Capitol himself. Who tells a guy to take down teh barrier. Almost like someone told him the specific things that he could and couldn’t do- all while advocating for others to break the law.

They think that this clears things up, and maybe it does, but if anything it makes his actions that day even more peculiar. That and no one on oath with disavow him or other suspicious actors.

Also, why is Kinzinger absolving Epps? Why not the DOJ explaining why they wanted him and then didn’t? Could it be that Kinzinger’s legal defense of Epps- sure, he incited the crowd to commit clearly illegal acts but did nothing himself- is basically the Trump defense? And Trump played that hand far better than Epps.

Will Kinzinger come out in defense of Trump now?

So, if Epps is ‘innocent’ and not a FED, does that mean that there weren’t all the other actors that behaved strangely aren’t FEDs. Again, why does the DOJ refuse to state what their actions where around 1/6.

Kinzinger and Amash are both dumb enough (Amash almost seems child like) that they believe the stupidity that comes out of their mouths. Cheney is just pure evil. That she is doing this makes me nervous, like she knows something that she isn’t telling? And I mean some really dirty tricks coming, and the Dems talk about the end of Democracy is again projection.

That and after a whole year the Insurrection is still the rallying cry and no one has been charged with it….

01-13-22, 08:48
So the reason that Epps isn’t charged is that he didn’t step into the Capitol grounds, so they have nothing to charge him with.

On the face of that, it seems like it could explain away the issue. Kinzinger says this proves he’s not a FED, but wait a minute…..

Here is a guy who said “Go into the Capitol” (he now says that he meant orderly, like with a ticket), who didn’t go into the Capitol himself. Who tells a guy to take down teh barrier. Almost like someone told him the specific things that he could and couldn’t do- all while advocating for others to break the law.

They think that this clears things up, and maybe it does, but if anything it makes his actions that day even more peculiar. That and no one on oath with disavow him or other suspicious actors.

Also, why is Kinzinger absolving Epps? Why not the DOJ explaining why they wanted him and then didn’t? Could it be that Kinzinger’s legal defense of Epps- sure, he incited the crowd to commit clearly illegal acts but did nothing himself- is basically the Trump defense? And Trump played that hand far better than Epps.

Will Kinzinger come out in defense of Trump now?

So, if Epps is ‘innocent’ and not a FED, does that mean that there weren’t all the other actors that behaved strangely aren’t FEDs. Again, why does the DOJ refuse to state what their actions where around 1/6.

Kinzinger and Amash are both dumb enough (Amash almost seems child like) that they believe the stupidity that comes out of their mouths. Cheney is just pure evil. That she is doing this makes me nervous, like she knows something that she isn’t telling? And I mean some really dirty tricks coming, and the Dems talk about the end of Democracy is again projection.

That and after a whole year the Insurrection is still the rallying cry and no one has been charged with it….

I wonder if Pelosi lets Kinzinger lay his head on her boobies, when she pets him on the head for being a good boy? :rolleyes:

01-13-22, 09:07
That and after a whole year the Insurrection is still the rallying cry and no one has been charged with it….
With the clownshow to the north talking about trying o step in if the election doesn't go THEIR way, and the rat's-ass traitor FOGOs like Milley and Austin... I wouldn't rule out a "Seven Days in May" scenario. NOTHING is beneath these assholes.

01-13-22, 15:14
Saw that the Oath Keepers are getting charged with Sedition Conspiracy. So not actually taking action, but calling for action and people entering the Capitol are enough to get you charged.

Soooo, Rep. Kinzinger’s defense of Epps fall apart with in 24hrs…. How is he different from the Oath Keepers leader, who CNN said didn’t enter the Capitol, but still is charged….

01-13-22, 16:53
Saw that the Oath Keepers are getting charged with Sedition Conspiracy. So not actually taking action, but calling for action and people entering the Capitol are enough to get you charged.

Soooo, Rep. Kinzinger’s defense of Epps fall apart with in 24hrs…. How is he different from the Oath Keepers leader, who CNN said didn’t enter the Capitol, but still is charged….

My bet is Rhodes had a deal to deliver a certain number of Deplorable kulaks for extermination and failed to make quota. Don't forget Rhodes, Epps and Tarrios were all FBLIE assets...

01-13-22, 16:59
My bet is Rhodes had a deal to deliver a certain number of Deplorable kulaks for extermination and failed to make quota. Don't forget Rhodes, Epps and Tarrios were all FBLIE assets...

CNN said that they were all dressed up and entered the capital in military stack formation, or as my kindergarten teacher called it stay in line and walk through the crowd.

05-24-22, 01:05
I just wanted to post this again... 1/6 and the new the add-on of Ginni Thomas is ALL about a false parallel narrative to what the Dems did with the Steele Dossier and related coup attempts against Trump.

Stop looking at ballots for the stolen election. The election in 2020 was stolen before the votes were cast, and by entirely 'legal' means.

All the 1/6 stuff is to gas-light the lefties and reinforce 'Trump Bad'.

05-24-22, 14:50
They used to execute people for stuff like this. Now they are all dirty scoundrels that play to get pay. While we the people are their game board!