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11-17-21, 12:48
A metaphor for our times, or how long will people continue to swim in the Democracy experiment
when they finally realize that voting changes nothing.


11-17-21, 13:44
A metaphor for our times, or how long will people continue to swim in the Democracy experiment
when they finally realize that voting changes nothing.


Excellent read.

11-17-21, 13:49
They will knuckle under as they always have until they have everything taken from them & all of their "rights" are dictated by the state. Then & only then will they start to see what the 1% of the populace has been fighting for since the beginning & join them.
I don't remember the author & I'll paraphrase the quote... "A man is the most dangerous when he has nothing left to lose".

11-17-21, 13:56
All I got out of that read is FUD.

11-17-21, 14:04
You should work on your self awareness too .

11-17-21, 14:18
OK doc

11-17-21, 15:30
It was too long, a thinly veiled swipe at Trump and his supporters.

Probably written by a never Trumper with principles who thinks he is smarter than the rest of us and who will keep swimming.

It rambled over way too much territory.

There were some thought provoking points, but those were mainly lost in the rambling.

11-17-21, 15:46
Don't even play one on TV

11-17-21, 16:01
Don't even play one on TV

You wrote it?

Overall thought provoking and pretty clear writing style.

I’ll give you the less is more advice.

You certainly come off as a never Trumper with the needless swipes at him and his supporters that wasn’t necessarily Germaine to the higher level point of the piece.

11-17-21, 16:04
You wrote it?

Overall thought provoking and pretty clear writing style.

I’ll give you the less is more advice.

You certainly come off as a never Trumper with the needless swipes at him and his supporters that wasn’t necessarily Germaine to the higher level point of the piece.

No, he was responding to me.

Your read on the article is pretty close to what I thought of it. Although, I might add that for me, I got the idea that conservatives are rubes out of it.

11-17-21, 16:19
It rambled over way too much territory.

There were some thought provoking points, but those were mainly lost in the rambling.

Agreed, this is not for me. Too much altruism not enough substance.

11-17-21, 17:04
"we must re-forge our tribes, strengthen our communal bonds, and build anew as the old falls all around us."

Self reliance is definitely important. Would be a good idea to start growing victory gardens soon rather than wait a few more years. If you do enough research you can grow a lot of food in a small space. Plenty of how to youtube channels.


11-17-21, 23:42
Well, the author kinda had a point about hope being used as a weapon, except on this topic it should be rephrased that hope IS the weapon. Keep people thinking that there's a way out, that we're just about to turn a corner for the better, that we're going win that case or vote this person out and it will all start to turn right once again.

As for the rest... *yawn* I've only heard it about 6,547 times before from every other blogger and article writer. The "patriot" sphere is positively rife with them. It's nice to see the "build-a-tribe" meme is still running strong. This is one of many a post I've seen over the years that's the sort of thing people read and go "Yeah! That's right! We should do that!" and then go right back to what they were already busy with. Hell, I've written a couple myself.
It's kinda like a 5-minute version of the old religious "prayer retreats for men/women/youth". Everyone comes out of that on an adrenaline and peer-groupthink high full of all sorts of highminded idealism, all the things they're going to "do differently now" and they're a "changed man/woman/etc now! On fire for Jeeeesus!" And then like 2 weeks later it's all out the window as they come off their high back to reality...
People just love to get caught up in the brief feel-good dopamine hooyah high, and feel like they're doing something, making a difference, part of some grand silent organization going on...at the end of the day, it's just another article on the internet that meant nothing because, much like most of social media on the internet these days, the reader conflated interfacing with the media into a substitution for action.
It's not necessarily a condemnation or finger-point; we all do it. It's the price of the internet.
It's just that at some point you start to see the disingenuous nature of these feel-good nothingburger faux-leadership 'calls to action' without providing any workable ideas or solutions for the reader to actually act on. One may as well skip the five minutes it took to read such articles and enjoy some nekkid internet babes instead. Same result, except more relaxing... :laugh:

Your read on the article is pretty close to what I thought of it. Although, I might add that for me, I got the idea that conservatives are rubes out of it.

Unfortunately, they are. It becomes increasingly obvious by the year.

11-18-21, 00:11
Well, the author kinda had a point about hope being used as a weapon, except on this topic it should be rephrased that hope IS the weapon. Keep people thinking that there's a way out, that we're just about to turn a corner for the better, that we're going win that case or vote this person out and it will all start to turn right once again.

As for the rest... *yawn* I've only heard it about 6,547 times before from every other blogger and article writer. The "patriot" sphere is positively rife with them. It's nice to see the "build-a-tribe" meme is still running strong. This is one of many a post I've seen over the years that's the sort of thing people read and go "Yeah! That's right! We should do that!" and then go right back to what they were already busy with. Hell, I've written a couple myself.
It's kinda like a 5-minute version of the old religious "prayer retreats for men/women/youth". Everyone comes out of that on an adrenaline and peer-groupthink high full of all sorts of highminded idealism, all the things they're going to "do differently now" and they're a "changed man/woman/etc now! On fire for Jeeeesus!" And then like 2 weeks later it's all out the window as they come off their high back to reality...
People just love to get caught up in the brief feel-good dopamine hooyah high, and feel like they're doing something, making a difference, part of some grand silent organization going on...at the end of the day, it's just another article on the internet that meant nothing because, much like most of social media on the internet these days, the reader conflated interfacing with the media into a substitution for action.
It's not necessarily a condemnation or finger-point; we all do it. It's the price of the internet.
It's just that at some point you start to see the disingenuous nature of these feel-good nothingburger faux-leadership 'calls to action' without providing any workable ideas or solutions for the reader to actually act on. One may as well skip the five minutes it took to read such articles and enjoy some nekkid internet babes instead. Same result, except more relaxing... :laugh:

Unfortunately, they are. It becomes increasingly obvious by the year.

Except on this forum, I suppose:rolleyes: Anyway, I don't really need to read we're doomed over and over, it's bad for my digestion. I don't mind people keeping me up to date on the current folly of the left though, always good to be informed what the crazies are doing.

11-18-21, 16:23
Still waters run deep !