View Full Version : US No Longer Richest Country

11-17-21, 17:22
According to this report China is. How accurate such assessments are really, I don't know:

The US has been stripped of its title as the richest country in the world, with China now being the world’s wealthiest nation. The switch-up in the global wealth leaderboard was announced in a report from McKinsey & Co., says Bloomberg who first broke the story, which revealed that China’s value skyrocketed from $7 trillion in 2000 to $120 trillion in 2020.

In that same time, the value of the United States climbed to almost $90 trillion, falling short of the number one spot.

China’s race to the top of the leaderboard contributed to almost a third of the total increase in global wealth which went from $156 trillion to $514 trillion in the same time frame.


11-17-21, 18:05
That's great and all but how diverse are they?

11-17-21, 18:22
That's great and all but how diverse are they?


11-17-21, 18:33
Chinese are trying to get their money into US currency at insane cost to themselves etc

They manipulate the currency as we know so do not believe it one tiny bit based on the collapse of some huge financial things and again the people trying to protect their money since they are having huge financial issues

11-17-21, 18:38
They could be 100 times wealthier, but their still a wretch of a country. Do people want to immigrate there? I do understand that wealth does usually mean power though.

11-17-21, 18:59
Switzerland IS the richest country! Swiss bankers have controlled the world for a long long time. And even China answers to them, make no mistake about that. And they are ultimately the reason Biden is in the White House.

11-17-21, 19:35
Switzerland IS the richest country! Swiss bankers have controlled the world for a long long time. And even China answers to them, make no mistake about that. And they are ultimately the reason Biden is in the White House.

Dude.....you are now a man marked by the Illuminati.

Nice knowin' ya.

11-17-21, 21:49
Dude.....you are now a man marked by the Illuminati.

Nice knowin' ya.

Lol, yeah. maybe. Thing is, it's not really a much of a secret anymore. And people everywhere are waking up. And there are people making excellent videos on the subject all over the inter webs these days. Take this one titled 'the United States of Weimar' for example. https://www.bitchute.com/video/XZroJwur40ak/

And just why do you think Robert Kennedy jr. and Catherine Austin Fitts just traveled to Bern Switzerland to plead for the citizens of Switzerland to uphold western democracy in the up coming November 28th referendum. It seems the fate of the entire western world hinges on that right now, in case you didn't know! https://www.bitchute.com/video/t9AGuQxPPMjQ/

11-17-21, 22:05
So I got curious and googled ILFScience. This was the first few lines about the founder of that site:

Elise Andrew (born 1989) is a British blogger and science communicator. She was the CEO and founder of "I ****ing love science" (IFLS), a website and Facebook page on popular science.[1] With regard to the site, Andrew has come under criticism for plagiarism, unlicensed use of intellectual property,[2] reporting false and misleading information,[3][4] and rarely issuing corrections.[4]


So like people accusing the Russians planting fake news on social media, I wouldn't believe that site anymore than babylonbee.

Even if there is some truth in that, the disparity between the rich and poor in China is huge. You have the oligarch or tycoon businessmen who are in with the party (you know, THAT party) that wears gold Rolex "president" being chauffeured around in Mercedes or Rolls Royce, live in a mansion vs. the poor guy living in a thatch hut in the country, cooking food for the family over a coal fired stove.

I've seen smaller versions of this in China's satellite countries in Southeast Asia where you have a multi million dollars (in US money) mansion in one lot and 10 feet from his property some old lady was digging through a pile of trash looking for anything that she could recycle or sell or wear.

I think some of the other posters hit it pretty good as well.

11-18-21, 00:03
Given that we don't really make anything anymore, I was sure there are maybe a dozen countries with a higher GDP. But turns out that we are still number one despite the "fake news" at psuedoscience.


Nominal GDP Rankings by Country

What are the largest economies in the world? According to the International Monetary Fund, these are the highest ranking countries in the world in nominal GDP:

United States (GDP: 20.49 trillion)
China (GDP: 13.4 trillion)
Japan: (GDP: 4.97 trillion)
Germany: (GDP: 4.00 trillion)
United Kingdom: (GDP: 2.83 trillion)
France: (GDP: 2.78 trillion)
India: (GDP: 2.72 trillion)
Italy: (GDP: 2.07 trillion)
Brazil: (GDP: 1.87 trillion)
Canada: (GDP: 1.71 trillion)

Switzerland is at 20.

11-18-21, 00:03
Given that we don't really make anything anymore, I was sure there are maybe a dozen countries with a higher GDP. But turns out that we are still number one despite the "fake news" at psuedoscience.


Nominal GDP Rankings by Country

What are the largest economies in the world? According to the International Monetary Fund, these are the highest ranking countries in the world in nominal GDP:

United States (GDP: 20.49 trillion)
China (GDP: 13.4 trillion)
Japan: (GDP: 4.97 trillion)
Germany: (GDP: 4.00 trillion)
United Kingdom: (GDP: 2.83 trillion)
France: (GDP: 2.78 trillion)
India: (GDP: 2.72 trillion)
Italy: (GDP: 2.07 trillion)
Brazil: (GDP: 1.87 trillion)
Canada: (GDP: 1.71 trillion)

Switzerland is at 20.

11-18-21, 00:24
Switzerland might be ranked 20th GDP wise, as it is a small country. But realize, IT IS the Globalist stronghold/base camp of the world, and these people don't ever recognize the sovereignty of ANY nation to begin with! Thats why they are globalist. But again, the Rothschilds (and a hand full of other families, mostly the old European nobility and Big Tech Billionaires) ARE the Central Bank, Vanguard and BlackRock, etc. Period. And they are still the richest family in the world as far as I know. And the World Health Organization, United Nations, International Monetary Fund and the World Economic Forum are all located there. And that's just naming a few. And speaking of World Economic forum, Klaus Schwab's mother was a Rothschild by the way... He's the guy that is saying to the entirety of the western world that, "you will own nothing and You will be happy", all while the western world has been locked down for the last 2 years. And Ol' Klaus's closest friend and confidant is Bill Gates, and he is buying up all the farm land here in the USA and wants everyone to be taking his vaccines for some reason. And his front man here in the USA seems to be Dr. Fauci (the modern day incarnation of Josef Mengele). And these are also the people whom have built Cern and are looking for the "God particle" mind you. I mean, it's pretty easy to connect the dots at this point.

11-18-21, 07:44
China is a not so carefully crafted illusion by the Chi-coms.

Watch some of these videos on China and learn. These guys used to live there and had to get out quickly.


This one is particularly enlightening.


11-18-21, 08:12
So I got curious and googled ILFScience. This was the first few lines about the founder of that site:

Elise Andrew (born 1989) is a British blogger and science communicator. She was the CEO and founder of "I ****ing love science" (IFLS), a website and Facebook page on popular science.[1] With regard to the site, Andrew has come under criticism for plagiarism, unlicensed use of intellectual property,[2] reporting false and misleading information,[3][4] and rarely issuing corrections.[4]


So like people accusing the Russians planting fake news on social media, I wouldn't believe that site anymore than babylonbee.

Even if there is some truth in that, the disparity between the rich and poor in China is huge. You have the oligarch or tycoon businessmen who are in with the party (you know, THAT party) that wears gold Rolex "president" being chauffeured around in Mercedes or Rolls Royce, live in a mansion vs. the poor guy living in a thatch hut in the country, cooking food for the family over a coal fired stove.

I've seen smaller versions of this in China's satellite countries in Southeast Asia where you have a multi million dollars (in US money) mansion in one lot and 10 feet from his property some old lady was digging through a pile of trash looking for anything that she could recycle or sell or wear.

I think some of the other posters hit it pretty good as well.

All that page does is use other sources and such, so how it gets false/misleading label I'm not sure, unless the source they use is false/misleading, which is always possible. Source used per OP, was:


11-18-21, 08:19
China is a not so carefully crafted illusion by the Chi-coms.

Watch some of these videos on China and learn. These guys used to live there and had to get out quickly.

This one is particularly enlightening.

I tend to think if anyone needs to watch a vid on how/why communist countries, any communist country, is no place anyone actually wants to live, they are failing at life and history. But, as people are dumb and or don't know their history, still a good thing such vids exist.

11-18-21, 08:26
I tend to think if anyone needs to watch a vid on how/why communist countries, any communist country, is no place anyone actually wants to live, they are failing at life and history. But, as people are dumb and or don't know their history, still a good thing such vids exist.

Look no further than all the people who supposedly voted for XiDen..........People are generally more stupid than you think. Watch a few episodes of LIVEPD if you think you need to understand the depth of stupidity.................

11-18-21, 09:05
Look no further than all the people who supposedly voted for XiDen..........People are generally more stupid than you think. Watch a few episodes of LIVEPD if you think you need to understand the depth of stupidity.................

Agreed. When you think you have seen the stupidest thing ever, someone always steps up and says "hold my beer". It is truly unbelievable.

11-18-21, 12:46
There is nothing wrong with posting videos, you just have to post the right ones. Here is another video about china, it's short and poignant. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gxh89bVz0w1W/

Biden administration has been exporting strategic oil reserves to Asia?



11-18-21, 13:34
There is nothing wrong with posting videos, you just have to post the right ones. Here is another video about china, it's short and poignant.

Don't recall anyone claiming there's anything wrong with posting vids. I do it all the time.

11-18-21, 13:37
Don't recall anyone claiming there's anything wrong with posting vids. I do it all the time.

I'm glad to hear you say that because you're gonna love this one. LMAO


11-18-21, 14:24
Switzerland might be ranked 20th GDP wise, as it is a small country. But realize, IT IS the Globalist stronghold/base camp of the world, and these people don't ever recognize the sovereignty of ANY nation to begin with! Thats why they are globalist. But again, the Rothschilds (and a hand full of other families, mostly the old European nobility and Big Tech Billionaires) ARE the Central Bank, Vanguard and BlackRock, etc. Period. And they are still the richest family in the world as far as I know. And the World Health Organization, United Nations, International Monetary Fund and the World Economic Forum are all located there. And that's just naming a few. And speaking of World Economic forum, Klaus Schwab's mother was a Rothschild by the way... He's the guy that is saying to the entirety of the western world that, "you will own nothing and You will be happy", all while the western world has been locked down for the last 2 years. And Ol' Klaus's closest friend and confidant is Bill Gates, and he is buying up all the farm land here in the USA and wants everyone to be taking his vaccines for some reason. And his front man here in the USA seems to be Dr. Fauci (the modern day incarnation of Josef Mengele). And these are also the people whom have built Cern and are looking for the "God particle" mind you. I mean, it's pretty easy to connect the dots at this point.

You are talking about cabals, not countries.

11-18-21, 14:30
You are talking about cabals, not countries.

Well the "Cabal" all meet in Davos, do they not?

11-18-21, 14:58
I'm glad to hear you say that because you're gonna love this one. LMAO


To repeat: I tend to think if anyone needs to watch a vid on how/why communist countries, any communist country, is no place anyone actually wants to live, they are failing at life and history.

11-18-21, 15:05
To repeat: I tend to think if anyone needs to watch a vid on how/why communist countries, any communist country, is no place anyone actually wants to live, they are failing at life and history.

Well thats cool with me because the video I posted is about Smallpox.

11-18-21, 18:03
Well the "Cabal" all meet in Davos, do they not?

I guess the point I was trying to make, and ironically one you made yourself, is these people are not countries but globalists who simply happen to reside in places. If they all relocated to Thailand, that wouldn't make Thailand the wealthiest country on Earth, anymore than Bloomburg moving to Haiti would increase that countries ranking.

They pay "some amount" in taxes and that contributes to the wealth of their resident country, but not enough to move the national ranking. They are beholden to almost nobody and move their wealth to the most strategically advantageous locations available to them.

Back to the topic at hand, nation wealth, I'm sorta amazed we are still at the number one spot. China has a much, much larger population and they seem to have a greater infrastructure capacity for manufacture. But somehow they haven't caught up to us, but that isn't a forever thing.

If one looks at what Japan achieved in a mere two generations after the war then you understand what is possible. If China began making high quality items rather than disposable crap, they could quickly close the gap. It's just hard to win the game of monopoly with a dollar store which is essentially what China is doing today. If they ever dedicated their population to production of high quality items like Japan did in the 1980s, but in numbers Japan would never be able to achieve they'd probably take the top spot within the space of 10 years.

Of course the US itself isn't really a high quality good producer anymore either. We just have a slightly nicer dollar store full of Mexican products. NAFTA has done quite a bit of damage in a short amount of time.

11-18-21, 18:10
Well thats cool with me because the video I posted is about Smallpox.

And why would you post a vid on that topic in this thread?

11-18-21, 18:14
I guess the point I was trying to make, and ironically one you made yourself, is these people are not countries but globalists who simply happen to reside in places. If they all relocated to Thailand, that wouldn't make Thailand the wealthiest country on Earth, anymore than Bloomburg moving to Haiti would increase that countries ranking.

They pay "some amount" in taxes and that contributes to the wealth of their resident country, but not enough to move the national ranking. They are beholden to almost nobody and move their wealth to the most strategically advantageous locations available to them.

Back to the topic at hand, nation wealth, I'm sorta amazed we are still at the number one spot. China has a much, much larger population and they seem to have a greater infrastructure capacity for manufacture. But somehow they haven't caught up to us, but that isn't a forever thing.

If one looks at what Japan achieved in a mere two generations after the war then you understand what is possible. If China began making high quality items rather than disposable crap, they could quickly close the gap. It's just hard to win the game of monopoly with a dollar store which is essentially what China is doing today. If they ever dedicated their population to production of high quality items like Japan did in the 1980s, but in numbers Japan would never be able to achieve they'd probably take the top spot within the space of 10 years.

Of course the US itself isn't really a high quality good producer anymore either. We just have a slightly nicer dollar store full of Mexican products. NAFTA has done quite a bit of damage in a short amount of time.

They are doing that now in a number of areas, just as Japan was made fun of for "made in Japan" back in the day, now known for it's high quality in various areas, the Chinese are doing the same, and will do so on a much larger scale as you allude to.

11-18-21, 18:22
And why would you post a vid on that topic in this thread? Because if you had watched the video, you would see that it makes reference to Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the World Economic forum. Which again, is located in Davos Switzerland and is pertinent I do believe.

11-18-21, 18:40
I guess the point I was trying to make, and ironically one you made yourself, is these people are not countries but globalists who simply happen to reside in places. If they all relocated to Thailand, that wouldn't make Thailand the wealthiest country on Earth, anymore than Bloomburg moving to Haiti would increase that countries ranking.

They pay "some amount" in taxes and that contributes to the wealth of their resident country, but not enough to move the national ranking. They are beholden to almost nobody and move their wealth to the most strategically advantageous locations available to them.

Back to the topic at hand, nation wealth, I'm sorta amazed we are still at the number one spot. China has a much, much larger population and they seem to have a greater infrastructure capacity for manufacture. But somehow they haven't caught up to us, but that isn't a forever thing.

If one looks at what Japan achieved in a mere two generations after the war then you understand what is possible. If China began making high quality items rather than disposable crap, they could quickly close the gap. It's just hard to win the game of monopoly with a dollar store which is essentially what China is doing today. If they ever dedicated their population to production of high quality items like Japan did in the 1980s, but in numbers Japan would never be able to achieve they'd probably take the top spot within the space of 10 years.

Of course the US itself isn't really a high quality good producer anymore either. We just have a slightly nicer dollar store full of Mexican products. NAFTA has done quite a bit of damage in a short amount of time. Yes, I think you are dead on. I once read somewhere, and I can't remember where at the moment. But the writer described Globalist as 'parasitic & terroristic economic nomads' that go from country to country syphoning off the wealth of host nations and then moving on to the next once the host has been bled dry. Like heards of animals moving from watering hole to watering hole on the Serengeti. I think thats a pretty accurate description. And it certainly seems that Switzerland with its special protections in the form of 'international neutrality' and 'legal immunity' that it offers all the things the international conglomerates and big tech oligarchs need to hatch their schemes and carry out their plans. It would seem China is now the apple of their eye.


11-18-21, 20:12
Yes, I think you are dead on. I once read somewhere, and I can't remember where at the moment. But the writer described Globalist as 'parasitic & terroristic economic nomads' that go from country to country syphoning off the wealth of host nations and then moving on to the next once the host has been bled dry. Like heards of animals moving from watering hole to watering hole on the Serengeti. I think thats a pretty accurate description. And it certainly seems that Switzerland with its special protections in the form of 'international neutrality' and 'legal immunity' that it offers all the things the international conglomerates and big tech oligarchs need to hatch their schemes and carry out their plans. It would seem China is now the apple of their eye.

I'm not so sure they are parasitic terrorists. But when your "wealth" is your "income" then preserving your wealth becomes your job. They are just doing what the average business owner does with regard to tax commitments, but on a far larger scale and in amounts that most of us cannot even relate to.

But like hunters are typically your best conservationists, because it is in their own interest to do so, the mega wealthy aren't gonna crash anything because if they do, their wealth will evaporate. Now they will certainly game the hell out of the system and push it to the brink but when the euro was crashing more than a few of them bled out, not everyone stays a winner. And if they ever did fully crash wall street, it would be felt everywhere...including switzerland. This is one of the ironies of a global economy, the ripples go all around the world.

11-18-21, 20:33
I'm not so sure they are parasitic terrorists. But when your "wealth" is your "income" then preserving your wealth becomes your job. They are just doing what the average business owner does with regard to tax commitments, but on a far larger scale and in amounts that most of us cannot even relate to.

But like hunters are typically your best conservationists, because it is in their own interest to do so, the mega wealthy aren't gonna crash anything because if they do, their wealth will evaporate. Now they will certainly game the hell out of the system and push it to the brink but when the euro was crashing more than a few of them bled out, not everyone stays a winner. And if they ever did fully crash wall street, it would be felt everywhere...including switzerland. This is one of the ironies of a global economy, the ripples go all around the world.

Watch this!:laugh::jester: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mD1FUwVhg5ho/

11-18-21, 20:36
It makes sense, people like to buy cheap China products.
Look at our hobby with all the cheapskates buying Halosun, Olight, etc.

If most people refuse to buy American, it obviously leads to the county not making money

11-18-21, 20:55
Watch this!:laugh::jester: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mD1FUwVhg5ho/

I can't watch videos. Life is too short. The news is more accurate than online videos.

11-18-21, 20:56
It makes sense, people like to buy cheap China products.
Look at our hobby with all the cheapskates buying Halosun, Olight, etc.

If most people refuse to buy American, it obviously leads to the county not making money

Try and buy an American car that isn't made in Mexico. Most American brands are made elsewhere. Want to buy something made in the US, you are looking at BMWs.

11-18-21, 21:12
Try and buy an American car that isn't made in Mexico. Most American brands are made elsewhere. Want to buy something made in the US, you are looking at BMWs.

:sarcastic::jester: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tvf39vws240g/

11-18-21, 21:12
Slam fire double post deleted

11-18-21, 21:14
Try and buy an American car that isn't made in Mexico. Most American brands are made elsewhere. Want to buy something made in the US, you are looking at BMWs.My current Silverado is from the Flint MI plant, the last one was from FT Wayne IN.
My wife drives a Tahoe from the same plant.

I know half the parts are from other countries but it was the best I thought I could do.

We own a trucking business so a BMW wouldn't do us any good.

ETA: if you buy from an American company tell the dealer you refuse to look at anything that doesn't have "1" as the first digit of the VIN.
That eliminates the Canada "2" and Mexico "3" vehicles.

11-18-21, 21:23
My Hencho en Mexico 2015 Ram / Cummins is the best vehicle I have ever owned. Viva la Mexico! Viva la globalistia! Viva la New World Order!:sarcastic:

11-18-21, 23:42
:sarcastic::jester: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tvf39vws240g/

Might as well post Art Bell links.

11-18-21, 23:48
My current Silverado is from the Flint MI plant, the last one was from FT Wayne IN.
My wife drives a Tahoe from the same plant.

I know half the parts are from other countries but it was the best I thought I could do.

We own a trucking business so a BMW wouldn't do us any good.

ETA: if you buy from an American company tell the dealer you refuse to look at anything that doesn't have "1" as the first digit of the VIN.
That eliminates the Canada "2" and Mexico "3" vehicles.

Good to know. I'd actually be ok with Canadian manufacture, can't be much worse than late model Union Detroit.

You've obviously researched this deeply and my comments weren't intended as a criticism of you so much as a lamentation of NAFTA outsourcing of things that were once produced in the US.

I think about how much US Steel literally and figuratively built this country and now we don't make anything there anymore because it's somehow cheaper to float steel here from China. If that's actually true, we are doing something very wrong.

I'm not an isolationist, but we need to be self sufficient and possess an infrastructure to make everything we might need. HK had to built a facility in the US to gain military contracts but it seems that relying on China for an unimaginable amount of our prescription medicine didn't throw red flags for anyone.

11-19-21, 00:09
Might as well post Art Bell links.

That Benjamin Fulford guy is kooky I will give you that (he was chief editor for Forbes magazine at one point, and went to university in Japan and speaks fluent Japanese, has books on economic matters published in Japanese). But per your previous post instead of posting the video I should have just stated. If you don't believe the globalist cabal are economic & biological terrorist at this point, after almost two full years of lockdowns and all the small business's that destroyed and livelihoods ruined. And massive wealth transfer that has and is occurring and take the Jab or be cast out. Well then, you have your head up your you know where.. But go ahead and talk cars if thats what you wanna do..

11-19-21, 03:52
That Benjamin Fulford guy is kooky I will give you that (he was chief editor for Forbes magazine at one point, and went to university in Japan and speaks fluent Japanese, has books on economic matters published in Japanese). But per your previous post instead of posting the video I should have just stated. If you don't believe the globalist cabal are economic & biological terrorist at this point, after almost two full years of lockdowns and all the small business's that destroyed and livelihoods ruined. And massive wealth transfer that has and is occurring and take the Jab or be cast out. Well then, you have your head up your you know where.. But go ahead and talk cars if thats what you wanna do..

The problem with globalist cabals is you never have just one. There is no cohesive grand plan. Much as groups like the mafia try and organize for their mutual self benefit, they kill each other a lot when it's convenient.

So you don't just have one illuminati type group, you have a dozen or so, and at times they are allies and at times they **** each other over for money. Kind of like countries. Everyone wants to be king but nobody agrees who should be king and that is why we will never truly get a one world government, we will simply get the half assed version of some collectives attempt at one world government as they compete with a bunch of also rans.

This is the way of man, this is the history of history and this is how it will always be. And sure they will crash housing markets and destroy lives, they will **** with this and **** with that so long as it produces financial reward but again they will also fight within for post position and power. They don't believe in anything else.

So it's a lot like a serial killer convention full of serial killers deciding who should be king of the serial killers. It's going to be a bloody affair because that is all they understand.

But the conspiracy shit is just nutjob shit conspiracy people project onto powerful groups and people. The UPC is not the mark of the devil, these people really don't care if you get vaccinated, they only care if you pay for the opportunity and then only if it will generate wealth for them. The lockdowns weren't a government flexing their muscles to see what they can get away with, they were a gamble to make it look like they had some kind of solution, when in fact they had NOTHING, and it was done so they might retain their positions of power at the end of the crisis.

Nobody in congress is playing 4D chess, they are doing whatever they can to get reelected so they don't have to get a real job one day. This is all actually really easy stuff to figure out if you just view people with a lot of money as ordinary people who will still screw it all up and people with power as people desperately trying to hang on to that power for as long as they can.

If it was like you believe, if there was a one world plan, you would already be in a FEMA camp and NOBODY would be talking about it. The closest thing we have ever done to a cohesive global restoration is the 20th century experiment with communism and look what a f'ing disaster that turned into every single time. Yet there are still retards willing to give it another try because people are just f'ing stupid.

11-19-21, 06:57
I'm glad to hear you say that because you're gonna love this one. LMAO

https://www.bitchute.com/video/v5jxMyv5j8Fk/Meh, I don't bother with bitchute breathless "your going to love this one" or "this video says it all".

Since unlike youtube there is no preview or summary, that type of of blind link post is just not useful. I don't bother to check it out, and it is not following aite guidelines.

If you just added a simple summary: "this video by XYZ shows how ABC did DEF. I really felt it LMNOP"

11-19-21, 10:40
Try and buy an American car that isn't made in Mexico. Most American brands are made elsewhere. Want to buy something made in the US, you are looking at BMWs.

Many (most?) "Japanese" cars made in the US. The irony...

11-19-21, 13:27
Well. I like my Bitchute videos! I mean its pretty much all your left with the since youtube thought police censors EVERYTHING!