View Full Version : Biden Administration selling oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserves to Asia

11-18-21, 21:24
After shutting down one pipeline and threatening to shut down another , doubling the retail price of gasoline
at the gas stations across America the Biden Administration is tapping our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to
sell oil to Asia, Why is this not on every major news service ?

11-18-21, 21:38
Build Back Better, errr ummm, You will have no gasoline and you will be happy. It's all so confusing.

11-18-21, 22:50
Almost as if "Biden" were a traitor and a Chinese puppet, or at least heavily compromised to China.

say it ain't so, Joe!

11-18-21, 23:03
So just to keep tab of things, Biden is going to give illegal aliens millions of dollars for breaking our laws. Now as Americans pay record prices for gas he’s going to sell our oil to China. You can’t make stuff like this up.

Now I know with oil being a global commodity it’s not that simple, but if you restrict the export of oil and make the oil stay here it will actually bring down the price of oil at least in the United States. Frankly I haven’t looked at the dynamics of the gasoline market, so I don’t know if it is a supply problem on gasoline, or if it’s all just being driven by oil prices.

Fox News or the GOP should make a fake commercial where they talk about with a voice over how Biden is helping people with high energy prices by showing tanker truck being filled up and then driving down the road towards Americans at a gas station and then it passes by the Americans, and goes directly to a port with a super tanker being loaded with a Chinese flag on it. Of course this will be called racist and anti-Asian.

Someone needs to take the song “she got the coal mine I got the shaft“ and change it to “they gave us the virus, we gave them the gas“.

11-19-21, 03:28
We are under siege from within. The government is functioning counter to its mission and there's not a single apparatus that is up to the task of addressing any of it.

11-19-21, 03:42
Unreal...what's next? Him selling Mt Rushmore to the ChiComs for a resort

11-19-21, 06:01
Meanwhile in the Permian; We’re putting out more black gold than all of the OPEC states (except Saudi Arabia). Production continues to climb and is expected to be record-breaking in December.


The sad part about the Federal land drilling ban is that; unfortunately; quite a bit of the Permian production comes from Eddy and Lea counties, NM, and is on Federal lands….. We’re talking record breaking wells… The “big guy” knows this… Recently a lot of companies (including my employer) have started grabbing up as much land as they can on the Texas side..


john armond
11-19-21, 06:55
Don’t forget, Obama said his plan would make energy prices “skyrocket.” This is just a continuation of that plan by the same group of thinkers.

11-19-21, 19:34
First off, f**k China and everyone in that country. Why in the hell would we be selling them a strategic commodity like oil, ESPECIALLY from our oil reserves?

11-20-21, 02:23
Beijing Joe...200 years ago he'd face a firing squad for treason. Probably not that long ago. This turd is bought and paid for, it is gross that it continues.

11-20-21, 02:57
We are under siege from within. The government is functioning counter to its mission and there's not a single apparatus that is up to the task of addressing any of it.

+1. I believe we are in the beginning stages of WW3.

11-20-21, 03:24
Truly amazing how the Chinese have more control over how the United States of America is run than American citizens, do.

11-20-21, 21:23
Truly amazing how the Chinese have more control over how the United States of America is run than American citizens, do.

Exactly. So far we’re losing (the latest cold war) thanks to those who sold our liberty to the highest bidders.

11-21-21, 17:03
What the actual F*&k!

"The Biden administration auctioned off over 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil drilling Wednesday despite a campaign promise to ban new oil and gas leasing, the Boston Globe reported.
The auction is the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in the United States, according to the Boston Globe. The new leases will produce 1.1 billion barrels of oil and 4.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, according to a Department of the Interior estimate, the Globe reported."


11-21-21, 17:23
And this

Hunter Biden profited from helping a Chinese firm acquire cobalt mines from an American company, according to a report released just days after President Joe Biden admitted the United States is “losing our edge” on Communist China in control of the essential natural resource.

11-21-21, 17:43
What the actual F*&k!

"The Biden administration auctioned off over 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil drilling Wednesday despite a campaign promise to ban new oil and gas leasing, the Boston Globe reported.
The auction is the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in the United States, according to the Boston Globe. The new leases will produce 1.1 billion barrels of oil and 4.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, according to a Department of the Interior estimate, the Globe reported."


No doubt non-PRC bidders need not apply...

11-21-21, 18:53
If I said what I really think should happen and to whom, I'd get banned and have the Stasi (i.e. FBI) investigating me. But you get my drift.

11-21-21, 19:42
No doubt non-PRC bidders need not apply...

It would be interesting if some news outlet could actually find out who the winning bidders were. David

11-23-21, 04:00
I thought that keeps plaguing me is that 'peak oil' is really what these last 2 years of the Covid plandemic farce has been about...

11-23-21, 08:13
He's setting the table for our "Reasonable" capitulation.