View Full Version : FBI Raids home of Colorado Conservative Mom/Activist

11-21-21, 08:20

She said the agents would not tell her why they were searching her home. They did leave behind documents related to the search warrant, saying they entered her home because she was suspected of causing “intentional damage to a protected computer, wire fraud and conspiracy to cause damage to a protected computer.”

“I don’t know anything about this. They couldn’t explain any of this,” she said. “I will tell you why: they were at my home to intimidate me, to shut me up, because I was using my First Amendment rights to advocate for [Mesa County Clerk] Tina Peters on the issue of Dominion [voting machines] and the damage done in our election. And they’ll never be held accountable. Instead they will criminalize this woman who has stood up.”

Illegitimate elections and their regimes have consequences…

11-21-21, 08:32
Obama had eight years to load up DoJ with fellow travelers. This is not dissimilar to what happened to the DoS of the middle 20th Century, is it?

11-21-21, 08:51
The FBI….

They just may be the most evil organization in the country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-21-21, 18:59
The FBI….

They just may be the most evil organization in the country.

The sword and shield of the Party. They should be disbanded and every single one of them fired to starve on the streets. No rehire for some future rebuild, not even a consideration. Gone.

People dog on the VA, and at times deservedly so. Yet that Federal organization may have some incompetence and malfeasance, but it is not actively engaged in steamrolling American rights and protecting the powers-that-be by outright corruption of oaths and downright criminal activity. They truly are a stain on, and threat to, our Republic.

11-21-21, 19:39
Nobody needs to “SWAT” anyone anymore ya just need the FBI !

11-21-21, 20:31
The sword and shield of the Party. They should be disbanded and every single one of them fired to starve on the streets. No rehire for some future rebuild, not even a consideration. Gone.

People dog on the VA, and at times deservedly so. Yet that Federal organization may have some incompetence and malfeasance, but it is not actively engaged in steamrolling American rights and protecting the powers-that-be by outright corruption of oaths and downright criminal activity. They truly are a stain on, and threat to, our Republic.

I would like to see ALL federal law enforcement agencies of ANY kind shitcanned except the Federal Marshalls. Use them to guard courthouses and maybe help hunting fugitives. ATF, DEA, DHS, IRS Enforcement division... ANY Federal Agency with law enforcement or investigative power... GONE. Every. Single. One.

11-22-21, 07:41
I would like to see ALL federal law enforcement agencies of ANY kind shitcanned except the Federal Marshalls. Use them to guard courthouses and maybe help hunting fugitives. ATF, DEA, DHS, IRS Enforcement division... ANY Federal Agency with law enforcement or investigative power... GONE. Every. Single. One.

I wouldn't go that far. There are a lot of FLEAs that are good and needed. Border Patrol, of course, HSI for investigating transnational crime and terrorism, DSS for the State Department, Secret Service for the president and the treasury. Plus, the Capitol Police and US Park Police do needed work for their jurisdictions. It's mostly the FBI and ATF that are the problem.

11-22-21, 08:44
I wouldn't go that far. There are a lot of FLEAs that are good and needed. Border Patrol, of course, HSI for investigating transnational crime and terrorism, DSS for the State Department, Secret Service for the president and the treasury. Plus, the Capitol Police and US Park Police do needed work for their jurisdictions. It's mostly the FBI and ATF that are the problem.

It is an unavoidable truism that giving money and power to ANY government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. NEVER a good idea.

11-22-21, 09:10
This is why I often said it would take decades to un-f@#k what Hussein Ali Bama did to our country.

11-22-21, 11:05
It is an unavoidable truism that giving money and power to ANY government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. NEVER a good idea.

Which is why we have the Bill of Rights. Anarchy is not much better than totalitarianism. That's why we're supposed to have a balanced government.

11-22-21, 11:24
This is why I often said it would take decades to un-f@#k what Hussein Ali Bama did to our country.

It will take decades, yes, only if Conservatives get active in local politics and get their asses in the game, otherwise there won’t be any fixing it.

11-22-21, 11:27
Which is why we have the Bill of Rights. Anarchy is not much better than totalitarianism. That's why we're supposed to have a balanced government.

We’re WAY out of balance right now. The federal government is a hydra headed monster, with the added technological break through a of this century- they are a juggernaut working against us.

We need to gut 90% of the federal government.

I do believe we need minimum levels of federal law enforcement, but there are WAY more LEO’s currently than we should ever have.

The cash cow that is the war on drugs has grown LE to unprecedented levels.

Lots of things need fixed and some need to be torn down altogether.

11-22-21, 14:18
We’re WAY out of balance right now. The federal government is a hydra headed monster, with the added technological break through a of this century- they are a juggernaut working against us.

We need to gut 90% of the federal government.

I do believe we need minimum levels of federal law enforcement, but there are WAY more LEO’s currently than we should ever have.

The cash cow that is the war on drugs has grown LE to unprecedented levels.

Lots of things need fixed and some need to be torn down altogether.

Agreed. Federal law enforcement should mostly concentrate on the following:

-Combating organized crime and terrorism (actual terrorism).
-Securing the border.
-Assisting local law enforcement with multi-state crimes.
-Organizing the flow of intelligence and evidence among different agencies.
-Providing material support to local and state agencies as requested.
-Protecting federal assets such as currency (among other things).
-Protecting federal officials and property.

Unfortunately, Fed. LE agencies have their hands in EVERYTHING. The FBI really needs to be disbanded, as does the ATF.

11-23-21, 15:44
Mayorkas obvously needs to be investigated as during his interviews by Congress, he either had no idea and read off of a prepared script, or he simply had no idea.
I'm not sure how you run the DOJ and consistantly not know whats going on with the DOJ and it's daily operations, or someone else is in charge and didn't brief him very well. Really that guy needs to be given a bankers box and be told to clean out his desk.
At this point I'm guessing pulling all the ticks off of the Coon Dog of State might be difficult, but barring Jesus coming back and removing them like money changers from the Temple, they better Hope and Pray that Trump doesn't get reelected, because he will.

11-23-21, 22:47
It will take decades, yes, only if Conservatives get active in local politics and get their asses in the game, otherwise there won’t be any fixing it.

Here is the REAL problem. The first guy who tries to actually fix it, is gonna put the entire country on a budget and HE will be the one to take the blame for the lean years and cutbacks of free shit that most people view as their earned free shit.

Long before Obama finished school we had a national deficit, he just ran it harder into the red.

If anyone want to look at the numbers.


Deficit to GDP ratio is the key number and we started screwing the pooch in 1932 with Hoover at 4.5%.

In 1938 we were at .01% but that was mostly because we were no longer spending anything. By 1939 we were back up to 3%. In 1943 defense spending had us at 26.9%. By 1952 we were back down to .4%.

In 1964 the economy was so strong that almost nobody felt LBJs war on poverty which gave us a .9% ratio. By contrast the moon landing was so expensive the 1968 ratio was up to 2.7%.But the really big numbers didn't return until 1983 when a 10% unemployment rate put us at 5.7%.

We didn't really pull that off again until 2008 when bailouts got us up to 3.1% and then the Stimulus act got us all the way to 9.8% in 2009.

In 2017 the Trump Tax Act got us back down to 3.4%. 2019 complete with a government shutdown had us at 4.6% but the impressive number is the covid year of 2020 which put as at 14.4%, even spending the Russians into oblivion in the 80s never got us close to that number and Reagans "voodoo economics" went from 2.5% in 1981 to 3.0% in 1988 with 4.9% being a high water spending mark in 1985 with the second year of increased defense spending.

So Covid / Biden haven't quite got us as high as the cost of WWII in 1943 but we are more than half way there. Anything more than 5% is a really big "everyone feels this" number. For anyone wondering, the worst year of the Great Depression was 1934 at 5.4% and then 1936 at 5.1%.

Every single one of us experienced much worse in 2020 when the ratio was at 14.4%. Can't blame this shit on Obama, his numbers were 3.1% in 2008 to 3.1% in 2016. His highest number was 9.8% in 2009 when he bailed out wall street banks and numbers stayed high until 2012 with a 6.7% ratio which was a huge number and the so called fiscal cliff. Up to that point, these were the highest numbers anyone had seen since WWII when we were running a 20%+ ratio in 1943 to 1945.

11-25-21, 22:30
I wouldn't go that far. There are a lot of FLEAs that are good and needed. Border Patrol, of course, HSI for investigating transnational crime and terrorism, DSS for the State Department, Secret Service for the president and the treasury. Plus, the Capitol Police and US Park Police do needed work for their jurisdictions. It's mostly the FBI and ATF that are the problem.

+1. I’ve dealt with some good ICE agents and US Postal Inspectors over the years.

11-25-21, 22:37
+1. I’ve dealt with some good ICE agents and US Postal Inspectors over the years.

Define “good.”

Most good agents, when fed crap by their superiors, will follow orders.

It is hard to argue we don’t have WAY too much federal LE and the F B I is probably the worst of the bunch.

11-25-21, 23:14
I can not speak to the character of any Federal LE folks, but I will say the number of Federal entities with police powers is frightening.


11-26-21, 07:41
Mayorkas obvously needs to be investigated as during his interviews by Congress, he either had no idea and read off of a prepared script, or he simply had no idea.
I'm not sure how you run the DOJ and consistantly not know whats going on with the DOJ and it's daily operations, or someone else is in charge and didn't brief him very well. Really that guy needs to be given a bankers box and be told to clean out his desk.

Mayorkas? He isn’t the head of DOJ… DHS.

The DOJ is headed by the Attorney General… who currently is Garland.

I work for DHS (CBP specifically), and Mayorkas is hated by field officers. I mean, the BP horse thing where certain officials felt they needed to talk about whipping Haitians… when the person who took the pictures stated that did not happen. It could have been handled very differently, in a way to back those agents but assure the country we will investigate any potential wrongdoing. But he pretty much placed the blame on those agents, until they prove their innocence.

Mayorkas is a textbook definition of a politician. Nobody in DHS likes him… so he attempts to buy us back. Labor Day… the good DHS secretary gave all DHS employees a free shift of admin leave. Columbus Day (specifically called the October 11th holiday, by the way)… 2 hours of admin leave. Veterans Day… 3 hours of admin leave. And Thanksgiving… another entire shift of admin leave.

The first one was clear… you get a day off between Labor Day and the end of the calendar year. But the others were very muddy in their instructions. I know half of the port that were told they couldn’t take the Columbus Day one for various reasons that management decided was implied with the announcement. And the union had to fight for the Veterans Day one for those reasons. Thanksgiving… it seems to be as murky as the others, so unless the union fights for it… doubt I’d get it.

So, while I’d agree Garland is lost in DOJ, Mayorkas is a shady DHS secretary. And still… nobody likes him.

Define “good.”

Most good agents, when fed crap by their superiors, will follow orders.

It is hard to argue we don’t have WAY too much federal LE and the F B I is probably the worst of the bunch.

I’m not taking offense to that… but will call you out on both points.

There are plenty of good Federal L/E, who would push back when warranted. I have a coworker who refused to ask vaccination status/refuse people who are not vaccinated (foreign nationals coming over for non-essential reasons… per the current shitshow guidance that Biden put out). He felt it went against the constitution to ask. While I disagree, when you look at other diseases in somewhat recent history, he was also in the group that refused to get the vaccine. Most of us all feel that if those officers get fired, there will be months of legal fights, but they will likely get paid (back pay and damages) and their job back. However, the officer who said he wouldn’t follow those orders… he likely won’t. It’s hard to argue that when the first set of Grounds of Inadmissibility is related to health (§212(a)(1)).

Now, let’s say good old Biden decides to make a mandate that all persons coming into the US are vaccinated… to include US citizens. And he decides that he wants us to turn US citizens away for that reason (could easily be done under Customs law; actually would be illegal for me to do under Immigration law unless I have a good belief that person got their citizenship thru fraud). You would see majority of officers say not just no… but “hell, no!” I’d put it at more of we would just see a US passport or other document, and not ask… than to keep someone out of their own country. Might seem like we’re just a bunch of Federal L/E morons, but majority of us actually take our jobs seriously.

Another example that is more locally specific, but we had a manager who directed us to cuff all persons who matched any NCIC hit… no ifs/ands/buts. A few of the officers refused, myself included, because there are a number of reasons not to do it… especially with all the “deescalation” training CBP/DHS is putting out. If we are supposed to decide whether or not someone is admissible to the US… we don’t have the ability to make a judgement call like this? Basically, he was taking away our discretion… and I was threatened with reprimand if I didn’t do it. Had a situation come up, which neither myself or the other officer could come up with a legit reason to cuff the guy… and I didn’t.

Are we not good officers? Because we pushed back when it wasn’t right, and eventually got his guidance rescinded for one that didn’t put the traveling public in such a bad spot… 9 times out of 10, for zero reason. Just asking because we were fed crap for it… even yelled at for our decision… and didn’t just “follow orders.”

For way too much Federal L/E… I guess you are not that familiar with the southern border. BP and CBP are well understaffed down there… to the point that they pull people from the northern border (which isn’t that much better staffed) and airports/seaports for temporary deployment down there whenever a migrant caravan is known to be coming. BP and CBP is used mainly for a foot in the door Federal L/E job, and then transferring to another agency… which is part of the reason for a high turnover rate.

And that doesn’t consider probably about 30-40% of us (combined CBP and BP, but a better chunk of that is BP) who may be forced off the frontline because of the vaccine mandate. Or the consideration that CBP is going to have a large amount of retirements in 2028… mainly senior officers from legacy agencies (USCS and INS)… because of L/E retirement. If Congress decides to allow those officers to buy back non-L/E time in, even sooner.

For those who get the reference, the border is going to be looking like an episode of South Park… just minus Butters bringing Mexicans back to Mexico.

11-26-21, 07:52
The FBI….

They just may be the most evil organization in the country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are forgetting about that one alphabet agency that Obama created to wage war with the American people. You know the one who bought billions of rounds of ammo…

To think, all those red flags that have happened since Obummer, really was, what it looked like.

11-26-21, 12:09
I’m not taking offense to that… but will call you out on both points.

There are plenty of good Federal L/E, who would push back when warranted. I have a coworker who refused to ask vaccination status/refuse people who are not vaccinated (foreign nationals coming over for non-essential reasons… per the current shitshow guidance that Biden put out). He felt it went against the constitution to ask. While I disagree, when you look at other diseases in somewhat recent history, he was also in the group that refused to get the vaccine. Most of us all feel that if those officers get fired, there will be months of legal fights, but they will likely get paid (back pay and damages) and their job back. However, the officer who said he wouldn’t follow those orders… he likely won’t. It’s hard to argue that when the first set of Grounds of Inadmissibility is related to health (§212(a)(1)).

Now, let’s say good old Biden decides to make a mandate that all persons coming into the US are vaccinated… to include US citizens. And he decides that he wants us to turn US citizens away for that reason (could easily be done under Customs law; actually would be illegal for me to do under Immigration law unless I have a good belief that person got their citizenship thru fraud). You would see majority of officers say not just no… but “hell, no!” I’d put it at more of we would just see a US passport or other document, and not ask… than to keep someone out of their own country. Might seem like we’re just a bunch of Federal L/E morons, but majority of us actually take our jobs seriously.

Another example that is more locally specific, but we had a manager who directed us to cuff all persons who matched any NCIC hit… no ifs/ands/buts. A few of the officers refused, myself included, because there are a number of reasons not to do it… especially with all the “deescalation” training CBP/DHS is putting out. If we are supposed to decide whether or not someone is admissible to the US… we don’t have the ability to make a judgement call like this? Basically, he was taking away our discretion… and I was threatened with reprimand if I didn’t do it. Had a situation come up, which neither myself or the other officer could come up with a legit reason to cuff the guy… and I didn’t.

Are we not good officers? Because we pushed back when it wasn’t right, and eventually got his guidance rescinded for one that didn’t put the traveling public in such a bad spot… 9 times out of 10, for zero reason. Just asking because we were fed crap for it… even yelled at for our decision… and didn’t just “follow orders.”

For way too much Federal L/E… I guess you are not that familiar with the southern border. BP and CBP are well understaffed down there… to the point that they pull people from the northern border (which isn’t that much better staffed) and airports/seaports for temporary deployment down there whenever a migrant caravan is known to be coming. BP and CBP is used mainly for a foot in the door Federal L/E job, and then transferring to another agency… which is part of the reason for a high turnover rate.

And that doesn’t consider probably about 30-40% of us (combined CBP and BP, but a better chunk of that is BP) who may be forced off the frontline because of the vaccine mandate. Or the consideration that CBP is going to have a large amount of retirements in 2028… mainly senior officers from legacy agencies (USCS and INS)… because of L/E retirement. If Congress decides to allow those officers to buy back non-L/E time in, even sooner.

For those who get the reference, the border is going to be looking like an episode of South Park… just minus Butters bringing Mexicans back to Mexico.

The mess that is our Southern border, as best I can tell, falls squarely on the shoulder's of the idiot usurper in chief and the policies of his idiot minions he brought in to help him remember his name and keep him off the little girls.

I don't begrudge the agents in CPB getting the resources needed to keep the illegals out of the Country. If only from a cost perspective, the more we keep out the less we spend feeding, clothing, transporting and housing them. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out paying more agents is far more affordable than the Billions spent today on the entire fiasco and it ought to piss the Agents under the gun down there off enough to make them quit.

If there weren't so many fractured Federal agencies with LE powers, it might be easier to manage a surge of resource pool where it is needed. (Not that these cats care or would help anyway.)

You're forgetting about the numerous agencies that exist, with LE powers. Below are only a few of the many Federal Agencies with LE powers.

- DOA department of protective operations division
- US Forrest Service LE and Investigations
- NIH Police
- US Park Ranger
- US Park Police
- Diplomatic Security Service
- IRS Enforcement

There are literally so many, no-one even knows where to start to come up with a complete list.

You cite two examples, where were the good agents when all of Trump's allies were greeted with Dawn raids? Where were the good agents who should have questioned spying on a political campaign using the FISA court? Where were the good agents when the subject of this thread's home was raided? This is political intimidation, in plain sight and when our Federal agencies behave like this, we are no better than the Communists in China or Russia. Need a warrant? Lie to the court as we saw done with the FISA court used against Trump for political purposes. ALL WITH ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. People should be in jail for what happened and the people in jail for that 4 year lie total ZERO.

11-26-21, 14:31
The mess that is our Southern border, as best I can tell, falls squarely on the shoulder's of the idiot usurper in chief and the policies of his idiot minions he brought in to help him remember his name and keep him off the little girls.

I don't begrudge the agents in CPB getting the resources needed to keep the illegals out of the Country. If only from a cost perspective, the more we keep out the less we spend feeding, clothing, transporting and housing them. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out paying more agents is far more affordable than the Billions spent today on the entire fiasco and it ought to piss the Agents under the gun down there off enough to make them quit.

If there weren't so many fractured Federal agencies with LE powers, it might be easier to manage a surge of resource pool where it is needed. (Not that these cats care or would help anyway.)

You're forgetting about the numerous agencies that exist, with LE powers. Below are only a few of the many Federal Agencies with LE powers.

- DOA department of protective operations division
- US Forrest Service LE and Investigations
- NIH Police
- US Park Ranger
- US Park Police
- Diplomatic Security Service
- IRS Enforcement

There are literally so many, no-one even knows where to start to come up with a complete list.

You cite two examples, where were the good agents when all of Trump's allies were greeted with Dawn raids? Where were the good agents who should have questioned spying on a political campaign using the FISA court? Where were the good agents when the subject of this thread's home was raided? This is political intimidation, in plain sight and when our Federal agencies behave like this, we are no better than the Communists in China or Russia. Need a warrant? Lie to the court as we saw done with the FISA court used against Trump for political purposes. ALL WITH ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. People should be in jail for what happened and the people in jail for that 4 year lie total ZERO.

There aren't any. When ANY Fed pats you softly on the back with a smile on his face... he's looking for a soft place to put the knife. NEVER fall for it.

11-26-21, 15:32
The mess that is our Southern border, as best I can tell, falls squarely on the shoulder's of the idiot usurper in chief and the policies of his idiot minions he brought in to help him remember his name and keep him off the little girls.

I don't begrudge the agents in CPB getting the resources needed to keep the illegals out of the Country. If only from a cost perspective, the more we keep out the less we spend feeding, clothing, transporting and housing them. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out paying more agents is far more affordable than the Billions spent today on the entire fiasco and it ought to piss the Agents under the gun down there off enough to make them quit.

Was a mess prior to Biden… but at least Trump supported us. Not “we are going to start calling them ‘non-citizens’ instead of ‘aliens’ because they have feelings.” While I get some people think it is demeaning, but I learned that when someone comes up… they are an alien. Present something other than a US passport… they are an intending immigrant until they prove otherwise. How I was taught, as well as a lot of other officers.

Keeping people out is only part of what we do. There is a whole lot of shit that we keep out of the country, besides illegal immigrants. But that is sort of an issue when someone argues that X agency should be dissolved.

If there weren't so many fractured Federal agencies with LE powers, it might be easier to manage a surge of resource pool where it is needed. (Not that these cats care or would help anyway.)

You're forgetting about the numerous agencies that exist, with LE powers. Below are only a few of the many Federal Agencies with LE powers.

- DOA department of protective operations division
- US Forrest Service LE and Investigations
- NIH Police
- US Park Ranger
- US Park Police
- Diplomatic Security Service
- IRS Enforcement

There are literally so many, no-one even knows where to start to come up with a complete list.

So, you are arguing for a single Federal police agency, with complete jurisdiction in everything? Because if you don’t want individual agencies… that is the “answer.”

Funding. Yea, there really isn’t going to be much to fix that shitshow… especially in a two party system. One doesn’t get its way, shutdown happens. And it does suck to have to work, but not get paid.

For your list…

-didn’t know USDA had a sworn arm of the agency, but I doubt they are kicking down doors (we enforce laws for them)
-Forest Service… we saw their trailer/walls at FLETC, without anyone going thru… but considering the amount of forests, and how easily it is for a criminal to hide out in remote locations, sworn personnel isn’t a bad idea
-NIH… they have their own security for their buildings, which probably is along the same lines of USDA
-US Parks… similar reasons to Forest Service, but they are also inforcing laws related to hunting/poaching… which is another reason they should be sworn/armed
-DSS not only protects our people abroad (think 16 Hours… the non-CIA contractors), but also deals with Visa/passport fraud
-IRS… depending on who it is, I’d think they would be better off using other agencies (or state/local), but I’ve been to an IRS building before, and the do also have uniformed personnel at their locations
-DEA and ATF… while you might have views of either of the agencies, the products they deal with do lend to them being sworn/armed a good quality

So, I looked thru your list, and noticed it was partially/likely pulled off the Wikipedia page for Federal law enforcement in the US. As mentioned, A LOT are specific security personnel for the buildings each agency has. Do I agree with that? I mean, you’d probably have easier just lumping everyone into FPS and making it one agency… but I’m sure there are specific things each agency wants their people to be aware of. But there are quite a few on that list that are not sworn L/E.

FinCEN is listed there… but they are a group from Treasury that track money movement. Taking $10,000 or more in/out of the country? You file a report to them, to record the specifics. If an irregularity pops up, they don’t go and kick in doors on it. It gets passed along to other agencies.

You cite two examples, where were the good agents when all of Trump's allies were greeted with Dawn raids? Where were the good agents who should have questioned spying on a political campaign using the FISA court? Where were the good agents when the subject of this thread's home was raided? This is political intimidation, in plain sight and when our Federal agencies behave like this, we are no better than the Communists in China or Russia. Need a warrant? Lie to the court as we saw done with the FISA court used against Trump for political purposes. ALL WITH ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. People should be in jail for what happened and the people in jail for that 4 year lie total ZERO.

So… other than the political soapbox… what do you want me to say?

You want me to tell you there are persons in the US that had power, and use it to keep themselves out of the bad side of the headlines? Hell, I’m shocked that we heard as much as we did about Hillary’s servers. Did any of those decisions, either pro Clinton or against Trump, get made at the frontline level? Was there GL-10 level FBI agents calling any of those shots?

I’m not going back and forth on politics with you on here, being I really don’t have the desire to. But you are complaining about cabinet level decisions… and lumping it into by calling rank/file personnel the same.

11-26-21, 17:46
Was a mess prior to Biden… but at least Trump supported us. Not “we are going to start calling them ‘non-citizens’ instead of ‘aliens’ because they have feelings.” While I get some people think it is demeaning, but I learned that when someone comes up… they are an alien. Present something other than a US passport… they are an intending immigrant until they prove otherwise. How I was taught, as well as a lot of other officers.

Keeping people out is only part of what we do. There is a whole lot of shit that we keep out of the country, besides illegal immigrants. But that is sort of an issue when someone argues that X agency should be dissolved.

So, you are arguing for a single Federal police agency, with complete jurisdiction in everything? Because if you don’t want individual agencies… that is the “answer.”

There is a literally a Grand Canyon between one and the many that exist today.

But this is pointless as nothing will change. The .gov employees are so numerous they are their own voting block.

11-26-21, 17:58
There is a literally a Grand Canyon between one and the many that exist today.

But this is pointless as nothing will change. The .gov employees are so numerous they are their own voting block.

Largest workforce in the USA - 2,711,000(ish) employees...


11-26-21, 19:28
Largest workforce in the USA - 2,711,000(ish) employees...


And it’s an exclusive club with good pay and benefits. Pretty soon, if you can’t work for some branch of the .gov or another, you won’t even qualify for UBI.

11-26-21, 19:37
Largest workforce in the USA - 2,711,000(ish) employees...

You do know, right, that not anywhere near "most" of those employees vote the way you assume they do? Of course many do, but nowhere near what you think. That is also the total Federal workforce, not a specific LEO count.

I've advocated for the FBI to be completely disbanded, every-damn-one of them. Yes, even the "rank-and-file" ones Hannity fellates. There are no "good" FBI agents, and if you happen to be a one-off then too bad so sad, you chose the wrong path. Take your vaunted Quantico training and go work for the local county Sheriff's department, that's all you deserve.

That said, CBP, INS, Marshal's Service, and Secret Service all have justifiable missions. Rarely will you ever see those agencies entrapping people like the FBI as well as the infamous "lying to a Federal agent" charge (which should be removed from the books, a flat-out bullshit charge).

I have NEVER heard anyone who has had to work with the FBI (usually not by choice, but where they come in and say "We're in charge now") have anything good to say about them. Now if arrogant, self-serving, and smug are your idea of positive comments then maybe. Otherwise they are our Stasi, the sword-and-shield of the state.....they are very political and it DOES matter who is in power, they are NOT independent in their actions (like FOUR years of Trump where they actively and continually fought against him). The BATFAGS and DEA should be right behind, but let's start with the FBI.

11-26-21, 20:02
You do know, right, that not anywhere near "most" of those employees vote the way you assume they do? Of course many do, but nowhere near what you think. That is also the total Federal workforce, not a specific LEO count.

I did not imply they voted in any way and my post was about as neutral as possible. Yes, the number is obviously the total count of employees.


11-26-21, 20:26
I did not imply they voted in any way and my post was about as neutral as possible. Yes, the number is obviously the total count of employees.

Fair enough. I know a number of Federal employees who vote like we do. I'd say Federal workers vote roughly like the American public does: 50% + or -

11-26-21, 21:17
You do know, right, that not anywhere near "most" of those employees vote the way you assume they do? Of course many do, but nowhere near what you think. That is also the total Federal workforce, not a specific LEO count.

I've advocated for the FBI to be completely disbanded, every-damn-one of them. Yes, even the "rank-and-file" ones Hannity fellates. There are no "good" FBI agents, and if you happen to be a one-off then too bad so sad, you chose the wrong path. Take your vaunted Quantico training and go work for the local county Sheriff's department, that's all you deserve.

That said, CBP, INS, Marshal's Service, and Secret Service all have justifiable missions. Rarely will you ever see those agencies entrapping people like the FBI as well as the infamous "lying to a Federal agent" charge (which should be removed from the books, a flat-out bullshit charge).

I have NEVER heard anyone who has had to work with the FBI (usually not by choice, but where they come in and say "We're in charge now") have anything good to say about them. Now if arrogant, self-serving, and smug are your idea of positive comments then maybe. Otherwise they are our Stasi, the sword-and-shield of the state.....they are very political and it DOES matter who is in power, they are NOT independent in their actions (like FOUR years of Trump where they actively and continually fought against him). The BATFAGS and DEA should be right behind, but let's start with the FBI.

People vote for their own self interests and to maintain the status quo.

Someone running to truly shrink government wouldn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

It is so large, it is self sustaining.

While DC is admittedly a different animal, 93% of them voted for probably the worst candidate ever to run.

11-26-21, 21:42
It’s ironic people would assume who others vote for. I’ve worked for the DoD for the last nine months. I work with some Federal LE. I’m yet to meet one happy with, or that voices they supported and he current administration.

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11-27-21, 06:30
It’s ironic people would assume who others vote for. I’ve worked for the DoD for the last nine months. I work with some Federal LE. I’m yet to meet one happy with, or that voices they supported and he current administration.

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Out of 75 officers I work with regularly, I might know two that were pro-Biden (more anti-Trump, but won’t go there). BP is even more conservatively minded than CBP OFO. Sort of why more of the people not getting vaccinated/fighting it come from Green… which is the part that really can’t spare agents.

Now, our union put out the pro-Biden thing… and is not fighting the vaccine mandate at all. If Trump did it… it would be still argued that he can’t do that. But that is more of a union thing across the board (lean Democrat).

We had a Republican president that supports our mission, and we are “told” to vote for the Democrat, who wants us to stand down and let people in for their voting block. Good thing is most union members don’t vote for who the union says to.

11-27-21, 22:33
This is why I often said it would take decades to un-f@#k what Hussein Ali Bama did to our country.

It was not obummer that ****ed us, it was Wilson then that cunt fdr. Him and the cross dressing Hoover should have been strung up from a street light. They were far worse than obummer.

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11-29-21, 09:52
You do know, right, that not anywhere near "most" of those employees vote the way you assume they do? Of course many do, but nowhere near what you think. That is also the total Federal workforce, not a specific LEO count.

I've advocated for the FBI to be completely disbanded, every-damn-one of them. Yes, even the "rank-and-file" ones Hannity fellates. There are no "good" FBI agents, and if you happen to be a one-off then too bad so sad, you chose the wrong path. Take your vaunted Quantico training and go work for the local county Sheriff's department, that's all you deserve.

That said, CBP, INS, Marshal's Service, and Secret Service all have justifiable missions. Rarely will you ever see those agencies entrapping people like the FBI as well as the infamous "lying to a Federal agent" charge (which should be removed from the books, a flat-out bullshit charge).

I have NEVER heard anyone who has had to work with the FBI (usually not by choice, but where they come in and say "We're in charge now") have anything good to say about them. Now if arrogant, self-serving, and smug are your idea of positive comments then maybe. Otherwise they are our Stasi, the sword-and-shield of the state.....they are very political and it DOES matter who is in power, they are NOT independent in their actions (like FOUR years of Trump where they actively and continually fought against him). The BATFAGS and DEA should be right behind, but let's start with the FBI.

1001 is an abomination. Either there was no crime, or you're a shitty agent if there was and all you can get them on is a 1001.

11-29-21, 10:12
It was not obummer that ****ed us, it was Wilson then that cunt fdr. Him and the cross dressing Hoover should have been strung up from a street light. They were far worse than obummer.

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11-29-21, 19:59
It was not obummer that ****ed us, it was Wilson then that cunt fdr. Him and the cross dressing Hoover should have been strung up from a street light. They were far worse than obummer.

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11-29-21, 23:49
It’s ironic people would assume who others vote for. I’ve worked for the DoD for the last nine months. I work with some Federal LE. I’m yet to meet one happy with, or that voices they supported and he current administration.

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Yep, people forget that no matter what it is...there is management and then there are people who have to actually go do shit. I have yet to see the monolithic, top to bottom lockstep organization...especially at a Federal level. Even the nazis tried to whack Hitler a dozen or so times.

It was not obummer that ****ed us, it was Wilson then that cunt fdr. Him and the cross dressing Hoover should have been strung up from a street light. They were far worse than obummer.

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You forgot LBJ and maybe Carter.

11-30-21, 02:14
Yep, people forget that no matter what it is...there is management and then there are people who have to actually go do shit. I have yet to see the monolithic, top to bottom lockstep organization...especially at a Federal level. Even the nazis tried to whack Hitler a dozen or so times.

You forgot LBJ and maybe Carter.

We've had so many shitty presidents that it's a wonder we still exist. Actually, that gives me hope..

11-30-21, 04:18
We've had so many shitty presidents that it's a wonder we still exist. Actually, that gives me hope..

Honestly, with a few exceptions, the lives of ordinary people are almost never effected directly by who is president. Bush gave us that 89 import ban and Clinton f'ed shit up for 10 years. Obama was the first to REQUIRE we purchase health care or be fined. But really that's about it for most of us.

Sure Bush 43 was an incompetent F'tard and if you were deployed it was probably a shit show, but for everyone else it was just an idiot and nothing new. Probably better than the alternative idiot but that's about it.

Reagan rebuilt the military and ended the cold war, but it really didn't last very long. A few presidents later and we were on a aggressive posture with Russia again.

Clinton gave everything to the Chinese and moved most of our infrastructure to Mexico, even though NAFTA strongly suggested it would go to Canada. Lots of people felt that one, but he did it during a time of economic prosperity (which he inherited from Reagan / Bush "voodoo economics") and spread it out over time so not everyone noticed right away.

Every single one of them has their "bay of pigs" moment where they really ****ed things over as bad as they can get, a few of them have a "saved our ass" moment that few truly appreciate. We never seem to notice when somebody saves us from the brink of nuclear oblivion but we'd sure as hell notice if it all went wrong...but of course then it really wouldn't matter anymore.

Scary part is supposedly all these Presidents are among the best possible candidates for the job, ditto for Congress. I know some guys who install home security systems that could probably run the government more effectively.

11-30-21, 07:01
Gas prices are hitting people in the pocket book pretty hard right now, due to the policies of this rogue administration. The people who can least afford it are being killed at the pump. But hey, they're all for the working man and all.

11-30-21, 07:09
That's what I try to convince my union president father in law, who would vote for a shoe if it was on the democrat ticket. He is the biggest hippacrit when it comes to candidates and feels the unions should support democrats no matter who or what they are.

11-30-21, 09:38
There is no logic in Unions supporting Democrats.
Unions should support the workers, the workers are supported by the guy who grows business, which in turn grows the Union.

11-30-21, 11:38
There is no logic in Unions supporting Democrats.
Unions should support the workers, the workers are supported by the guy who grows business, which in turn grows the Union.

Unions are turning more and more Republican these days, because Democrats are supporting the big businesses, which are firing people for not getting vaxxed, not goosestepping with the leftist agenda, or having the horrifying audacity to have been born white. The days of the blue collar Democrats is gone. I live in an area that used to go Democrat every election, mostly due to unions. Now, my town is entirely controlled by the GOP and my county went to Trump in both of the last two elections.

11-30-21, 12:06
You forgot LBJ and maybe Carter.

Carter was horrible, their is no doubt about that, but I think he was honest. He did believe in his policies, as wrong as they were, he did not do it to intentionally screw the country. He did things because he believed in them but was a complete moron. He still goes and builds houses for habitat for humanity, and stands behind his covictions, I can respect that even if I don’t agree withhim. The others I mentioned were evil and malicious, they only cared about their own power.