View Full Version : My covid experience

11-21-21, 13:43
So finally got it :) now I have natural immunity
Figure writing this out I was looking for others experience just to get some idea and I have had a lot of folks I know who have had it so here is mine

Our friends are about 50/50 on the vax and most are non mask types
Have had no friends die but two hospitalized one has had serious issues but she had a lot of issues to begin with diabetes weight and lung issues etc...
Quite a few got bad flu like symptoms really bad cough etc...
And about equal with was like a cold but they felt it
A few were a few days barely noticed or not a big deal reckon I fall into this

So myself
Not vaxed no desire either !
58yr old 5’11” 175-180lbs lean ripped insane shape
Eat zero sugar 0 junk 0 process food etc...
Diet is Carnivore but OK with a few whole foods but rarely do anything but meat just no desire to and no reason check my blood enough again labs etc... insane good true metabolic shape etc...

I had history of lung damage from sulfur dioxide in my 40s I was around a lot and it got to me :) that is my only bad history I was worried about
But I used to be a big free diver like 4 min breathe hold rode 250+ miles a week on bicycle and swam a insane amount etc...
Never been a drinker never did drugs etc... I had a craft beer like 3 years ago at a friends 4th july so truly no drinking person my only vice is Espresso

So on Fri the 5th my wifes Bday I was going to have a tiny bite of some mochi ice cream she got as a desert on her and kids Bday I allow myself one bite of their Bday treat :) but was like HUH I cant taste it so grabbed my coffee beans could not smell ! HMMM grab some vinegar and YUP no smell at all :) I did think I was a bit worn down tired that day but just chalked it up to a lot of work but kinda knew with the smell what was up !
Whats funny is at dinner I could taste my food ! So my smell went within a hour !
Called in and could not get test till Mon no temperature or anything ? Did take some nyquil that night just to help lower any fever and get a bit more rest in case that would be a issue

So Sat 6th I did have a bit of ache in my upper body kinda like I had done some yard work in my arms and was a bit more tired than usual I never take naps never get tired during day kinda person took some dayquil in morning temp was at 100.4 (not a fever) was back to normal couple hours later that eve (bedtime) took some nyquil again just to help sleep and temp was back to about 100 so bring that back down no cough or any breathing issue

Sun 7th my upper body was fine but my lower body now was a bit soar and again was more tired than usual and slept in quite late got up temp was 100.4 again so took some dayquil no cough no breathing issues temp back to normal in a few hours

Mon 8th got up felt quite good no aches temp was again at 100.4 so took some dayquil and went to my drive through check and got the results a few hours later (quick check) just took it easy and got to bed early no temp that eve :) no cough no breathing issue felt fine

Tue 9th no temp in morning no aches no pains felt good just took it easy no cough no breathing issues

Wed 10th I could smell my shaving stuff ! So smell was back No temp no aches again took it easy no cough no breathing issue

Thur 11th I did get a bit of chest tightness and a bit of lung feeling when I breathed deep almost like super light feeling bronchitis but no coughing no wheezing etc... so scheduled a doctors call (like call in telemed thing) that day just to see about getting something for the lungs to make sure nothing got in and asked for some albuterol and qvar 80 (got the generic equiv) asked about ivermectin (YIKES with that guy) this was a zoom call he did say if he had not known he would not have thought I had it as many he said cant complete sentences without a extra breathe and do seem to have some labored breathing and very common cough and just appear sick and tired

Fri 12th woke up perfectly fine about a hour later I could feel a touch of tightness in my lungs again no cough no other issues but taking the albuterol qvar cocktail to be safe (past history) and would say a few days of the albuterol qvar everything was fine

Basically have just kept up on the albuterol qvar and will continue till its gone I never had a cough never had any breathing issues again I could feel it but was super minor today the 21st been fine for over a week and feel fine and would say for sure its gone

The only thing that started about the 12th 13th was a bit of a clear my throat thing that I am positive was just that lung tightness breaking free and getting out from the lung cocktail
again this was like a few times a day to clear my throat and no real issue but was there

So overall for me a few days of feeling soar/tired but again was so nill I have had colds that felt worse this was like I worked in the yard feeling more than soar !
The fever/temp never broke 101 never lasted more than a couple hours and was controlled by the nyquil one dose at bed one at wake I hate hate taking drugs if I do not need to so a few days and was done and the 2nd week that bit of lung tightness again very small but again not taking chances ! I know this is a real thing like the flu etc... things can sneak up and bite you ! so be honest with yourself and get a scrip if you have to !

I used to be a medic and worked in EMS and I do study the heck out of health and fitness etc... so pretty good on that side of things but did consult a doctor ! Again not a denier ! But a realist and this is real thanks China and our own mengele fauci

Side note on doc :) hahahah I do not have a set normal doc anymore I need to get one but this guy OH WOW I asked about ivermectin and I might as well have asked about killing puppies or something got the horrid lecture on that stuff is dangerous and not safe or approved for covid and it does nothing but can kill you etc..
then I got the get vaxed lecture to be safe in a few weeks etc... ? Was your typical no clue doc IMHO but was just a telemed call to get something for my lungs :)
but the push to get me vaxed was insane he would not let it go ! And kept trying to make me agree that its something we all need to do to be safe and the only way life will be normal etc. OH WOW to funny on that he was nice but a true leftist drank the kool-aid type I reckon !
He did say the albuterol and qvar cocktail is a thing that is common for lung issues with covid which makes since since its a common bronchitis thing localized steroids work in this case

I did wait a bit just to make sure nothing popped back up or so before writing this
but reckon good to go for a week plus now
Might try to get some lab work done in a few months for antibody check as I am my own lab experiment now :)

Kinda a relief to have this behind me now honestly :) I never wear a mask I shake hands and so on I do think this is a WHEN you get it more than IF and do think being in good shape is the most important thing for not only this but quality of life etc...

If you choose believe in the vax cool to like anything freedom and nobody should be against what you want to do with your body my wife got the Moderna which I am fine with she did her research and decided that was best for her and family history etc..
she is not a health freak like me :) I try to nudge but maybe one day she will be but she is pretty good about eating properly no sugars etc... :)

Nobody else got it in the house :) and I did stay home throught it all

11-21-21, 14:58
Yeah... you need to find a new doc, stat. Next thing you know Koolaider's gonna be giving you the full "guns are bad" fishing expedition...

Coal Dragger
11-21-21, 15:40
Glad you’re feeling better.

My fully vaccinated wife and non vaccinated 4 year old son both have COVID-19 right now.

The boy is unfazed and operating at 100% effort, his immune system is unimpressed with the Communist Chinese biological agent.

Wife has been fully vaccinated since April or March if memory serves. Probably could have gotten a booster by now, but didn’t. She works administrative duties at a rural health clinic, so she is exposed on a daily basis to COVID-19 positive patients and had been from the start of cases appearing in our area. It’s a wonder she didn’t get it sooner.

Her symptoms are so mild that until she lost her sense of smell on Wednesday night we thought it was just a cold. Never had a fever, barely any cough, mild sore throat for a bit, and a runny nose. Were she not working for a healthcare provider she probably would have just continued working. However, since she is exposed to immune compromised, and elderly people every day we agreed that she is ethically obligated to not knowingly expose patients to COVID. As of today she feels pretty much normal and her sense of smell is returning to normal. She never lost her sense of taste oddly enough. So even though she got a breakthrough case, the Moderna vaccine certainly didn’t exacerbate symptoms, and can probably fairly be given credit for making them extremely mild. She said she’s had colds way way worse than this.

I’m fully vaccinated with Moderna as of approximately July 1st. I have no symptoms at all, have not quarantined, and continue to operate as per normal except for self isolation in my office and sleeping in a spare bed room.

11-21-21, 16:48
Yeah diamondback that doc is NOT my kinda dude I can relate to AT ALL :)
We had to change pediatricians as ours went off the deep end a few years back about gun control and idiocy and prying my wife just says I am Canadian !!! Like she must be against it and he left the question alone ? We found new one ASAP that do not ask so good enough ! But for sure docs have changed over last 10+ years to be political sadly

Coal dragger yeah kids seem to be non fazed ! But hey Fauci wants to poke babies now ! Insanity
Will be curious if you get it ? (Breakthrough) or the shot kept it away or you never would have ? Million dollar question we will never know My wife wondered if her shot saved her from getting it from me ? I had mentioned she got the moderna above so interesting oh she also had her booster some time ago never more than a sore arm for a day or so

your wife almost like me the smell was the WHAT UH-OH moment ya can tell her HEY some guy on the forum was like you ! Hahahahaha

I did loose some taste but more related to that no smell which I think enhances the taste so my espresso I could pick out the bitter notes but not the sweet so maybe to say taste was altered

Coal Dragger
11-21-21, 17:05
I think my Moderna vaccine is still in the first 6 months of high effectiveness and hers being a few months prior had started to fall off. She hadn't had a booster before getting it.

I'll probably go ahead and get a booster next week or the week after just to be safe since I had no negative side affects from the first series of shots. She'll probably get a booster as well.

Given that my 4 year old son was climbing all over me, sharing food and drink, coughing in my face etc the night before he got a positive test result I can only assume the Moderna vaccine has been effective for me. I suppose it is possible I have an even milder case than my wife or I am asymptomatic, and if that is the case I still got some value from the vaccine.

11-21-21, 17:21
Do you ever get flu or colds often ?
Always curious peoples personal immune systems as some get flu and get wiped some never get it kinda thing ?

I think my Moderna vaccine is still in the first 6 months of high effectiveness and hers being a few months prior had started to fall off. She hadn't had a booster before getting it.

I'll probably go ahead and get a booster next week or the week after just to be safe since I had no negative side affects from the first series of shots. She'll probably get a booster as well.

Given that my 4 year old son was climbing all over me, sharing food and drink, coughing in my face etc the night before he got a positive test result I can only assume the Moderna vaccine has been effective for me. I suppose it is possible I have an even milder case than my wife or I am asymptomatic, and if that is the case I still got some value from the vaccine.

Coal Dragger
11-21-21, 18:07
Do you ever get flu or colds often ?
Always curious peoples personal immune systems as some get flu and get wiped some never get it kinda thing ?

Yes I get colds and I get the flu. Especially now that I have a live in mobile disease factory called a child.

11-21-21, 18:24
Glad you're doing ok.
Wife (RN) tested positive last Wednesday after feeling crummy with fever. We both started ivermectin and other than feeling run down with a slight cough she was fine. Fever was gone after the first day. Her clinic asked her to come back to work this last week after 7 days. I never got it. I had it last fall and I'm pretty sure I've got some natural immunity.
None of us are vaxxed.

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11-21-21, 18:35
Curious on how you got the ivermectin like did you ask or did the doc say going to get you on this ? Or did your wife (RN) get it herself or through a doc friend ?

Did the pharmacy give you any issues ?

Interesting on going to work 7 days I was told no go anywhere for 10
Glad she is doing well and sounds like minimal and you skirted it :)

I had a backup plan of a naturopath if I thought I was going to need it so just curious if it comes up again

I do say like thinking HEY I want a blue VW and then you get one and realize how many others you see have a blue VW now talking with friends who had covid I think more skirted it than had issues than I realize ! Just chatted with a buddy yesterday and asked he was like yeah whole family big nothing I was riding 30 miles a day (bicycle guy) and would just skip a day but was over in 3 days with less than a cold feeling

Again I wont mess with it and ignore it but feeling like its just another thing

Glad you're doing ok.
Wife (RN) tested positive last Wednesday after feeling crummy with fever. We both started ivermectin and other than feeling run down with a slight cough she was fine. Fever was gone after the first day. Her clinic asked her to come back to work this last week after 7 days. I never got it. I had it last fall and I'm pretty sire I've got some natural immunity.
None of us are vaxxed.

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11-21-21, 18:37
Serious question: if you can get monoclonal-antibodies, why would you even think about Ivermectin? I don't understand the insistence on Ivermectin when stuff like the M-A are available.

11-21-21, 18:39
Curious on how you got the ivermectin like did you ask or did the doc say going to get you on this ? Or did your wife (RN) get it herself or through a doc friend ?

Did the pharmacy give you any issues ?

Interesting on going to work 7 days I was told no go anywhere for 10
Glad she is doing well and sounds like minimal and you skirted it :)

I had a backup plan of a naturopath if I thought I was going to need it so just curious if it comes up again

I do say like thinking HEY I want a blue VW and then you get one and realize how many others you see have a blue VW now talking with friends who had covid I think more skirted it than had issues than I realize ! Just chatted with a buddy yesterday and asked he was like yeah whole family big nothing I was riding 30 miles a day (bicycle guy) and would just skip a day but was over in 3 days with less than a cold feeling

Again I wont mess with it and ignore it but feeling like its just another thing

PM sent

11-21-21, 18:45
Serious question: if you can get monoclonal-antibodies, why would you even think about Ivermectin? I don't understand the insistence on Ivermectin when stuff like the M-A are available.

Well, like I said, I was sick a year ago. I have read that antibodies only last a short time. Not sure how true that is. If something can help prevent you from getting sick, it seems reasonable to use it. I had it on hand and followed: https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/

11-21-21, 18:48
Well, like I said, I was sick a year ago. I have read that antibodies only last a short time. Not sure how true that is. If something can help prevent you from getting sick, it seems reasonable to use it. I had it on hand and followed: https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/

I don't think it's for long-term protection, it's for "I'm sick right now" treatment, not prophylaxis.

And yeah, a year ago Trump was getting it and it wasn't widely available like it is now.

11-21-21, 18:53
I don't think it's for long-term protection, it's for "I'm sick right now" treatment, not prophylaxis.

And yeah, a year ago Trump was getting it and it wasn't widely available like it is now.

I never said it was for long term protection. I took it for 3 days and my wife for 5 days.
I'm not looking to argue with anybody. Use it or not, it doesn't bother me. It's also not deadly to use it in the correct dosage.

11-21-21, 18:55
Serious question: if you can get monoclonal-antibodies, why would you even think about Ivermectin? I don't understand the insistence on Ivermectin when stuff like the M-A are available.I think depending on your state/hospital it may be limited. I have sick relatives and they called the hospital about M-A and were denied. Didn't fit the profile of someone who needed them. Age, weight, diseases, medical history....etc

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11-21-21, 18:56
I think depending on your state/hospital it may be limited. I have sick relatives and they called the hospital about M-A and were denied. Didn't fit the profile of someone who needed them. Age, weight, diseases, medical history....etc

Sent from my moto z4 using TapatalkMy wife was not offered the regeneron transfusion. What is M-A?

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11-21-21, 19:00
For me not sure if you are asking me or CZ :)
the doc said I was not a candidate he went through a list of questions and I was like NO on all of them (granted he was super negative on ivermectin) he did seem to be a huge pro of monoclonal but said I did not fit because no symptoms and was in shape etc...

I also looked into it from articles but most all info says high risk and has a certain things listed and so on
Sure you can get around it and I read a bunch of info that also said if you do not have any symptoms it really does nothing for you anyway
So I figured if I got worse I would just check with someone else and get what I wanted but since I was so minimal and feeling fine again if I felt going the other way I would not have hesitated to do whatever it took to get whatever I wanted

Serious question: if you can get monoclonal-antibodies, why would you even think about Ivermectin? I don't understand the insistence on Ivermectin when stuff like the M-A are available.

11-21-21, 19:01
My wife was not offered the regeneron transfusion. What is M-A?

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk(M)onoclonal (A)ntibodies

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-21-21, 19:03
My wife was not offered the regeneron transfusion. What is M-A?

Monoclonal Antibodies (got lazy and abbreviated).

11-21-21, 19:03
For me not sure if you are asking me or CZ :)
the doc said I was not a candidate he went through a list of questions and I was like NO on all of them (granted he was super negative on ivermectin) he did seem to be a huge pro of monoclonal but said I did not fit because no symptoms and was in shape etc...

I also looked into it from articles but most all info says high risk and has a certain things listed and so on
Sure you can get around it and I read a bunch of info that also said if you do not have any symptoms it really does nothing for you anyway
So I figured if I got worse I would just check with someone else and get what I wanted but since I was so minimal and feeling fine again if I felt going the other way I would not have hesitated to do whatever it took to get whatever I wanted

Honu, you did have symptoms!

11-21-21, 19:06
(M)onoclonal (A)ntibodies

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Monoclonal Antibodies (got lazy and abbreviated).

Thank you!

11-21-21, 19:11
My BIL and his whole family got COVID a couple of week ago. They live in NC. I messaged him and asked him if they were going to get the M-A. He was like "What is that?" I explained it to him and how, within 7-10 days of developing symptoms, that it was phenomenal at keeping the disease from progressing. He Googled it and found somewhere near him that did it. The next day they all went and got the infusion. Felt better within a day or so. FWIW they were all unvaccinated.

He is 53yo, runs marathons, healthy as a horse. Apparently he wasn't turned away. Maybe it differs by state? Last month when I had my twice-a-year PCP appointment I asked my doc that if I got COVID would he prescribe M-A. He said, yeah no problem, we do it all the time.

11-21-21, 19:14
My BIL and his whole family got COVID a couple of week ago. They live in NC. I messaged him and asked him if they were going to get the M-A. He was like "What is that?" I explained it to him and how, within 7-10 days of developing symptoms, that it was phenomenal at keeping the disease from progressing. He Googled it and found somewhere near him that did it. The next day they all went and got the infusion. Felt better within a day or so. FWIW they were all unvaccinated.

He is 53yo, runs marathons, healthy as a horse. Apparently he wasn't turned away. Maybe it differs by state? Last month when I had my twice-a-year PCP appointment I asked my doc that if I got COVID would he prescribe M-A. He said, yeah no problem, we do it all the time.Yeah I'm not sure how it works. I probably should find out. Maybe they just called one place and stopped..... I don't know. I texted my cousin and he said they called and were told no. So I'm not sure how much looking they did or how hard they pressed or.....

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Coal Dragger
11-21-21, 19:21
One of the nurses my wife works with asked her if she wanted monoclonal antibodies, I think tomorrow she might go in and receive that treatment just to make sure it’s knocked out.

11-21-21, 19:24
Yeah I'm not sure how it works. I probably should find out. Maybe they just called one place and stopped..... I don't know. I texted my cousin and he said they called and were told no. So I'm not sure how much looking they did or how hard they pressed or.....

Oh I'd press HARD. Screw their "qualifying factors". If there is a reluctance to give M-A it's because the powers-that-be are afraid it will discourage getting a vaccine.

11-21-21, 19:25
Honu, you did have symptoms!

YUP but the few I had were not on the list of the questions he asked ?
He pretty much asked just the things I see on so many sites about that treatment that are bulleted

He also said talking with you seeing you and your symptoms are so minimal it wont help or something to that effect ? As it really only works on folks that have serious issues ?
No idea if he truly thought and needs better info and guidance or I truly would not have benefited ?

I just figure if I felt worse I would just find the doc that will get me what I want ? But I never felt like I needed to go that route

But going to work on getting a doc in line that I like and see eye to eye with on things lined up if/when it happens again and just for checkups etc...

11-21-21, 19:26
Oh I'd press HARD. Screw their "qualifying factors". If there is a reluctance to give M-A it's because the powers-that-be are afraid it will discourage getting a vaccine.

Hahahah I wondered about that :) interesting ya said that !

11-21-21, 19:29
One of the nurses my wife works with asked her if she wanted monoclonal antibodies, I think tomorrow she might go in and receive that treatment just to make sure it’s knocked out.

Dude, I work in the medical field and have paid attention throughout this whole COVID fiasco. M-A are the most well-kept "secret" out there with regards to COVID. Trump got them last year when he had it and I recall wondering "WTF are monoclonal-antibodies?" They weren't widely available then, they are now. M-A's are what FJB was trying to limit access to a couple of months ago to states with low vaccination rates. Cocksucking bastard......

11-21-21, 19:35
Does seem everyone feels better within a day or so !!! And seems to be the thing to do !

I do say if I had not lost my smell not sure I would have noticed anything until my lung thing and again it was so nill I might have taken note and just rode that out for a few days and think I had a very mild case of bronchitis or cold due to the weather change here in AZ ? Before getting it checked out

Glad to hear your BIL and fam got it nipped !!!!
Curious if they had cough or shortness of breathe ? As that seems besides the smell thing to be the most common symptom

My BIL and his whole family got COVID a couple of week ago. They live in NC. I messaged him and asked him if they were going to get the M-A. He was like "What is that?" I explained it to him and how, within 7-10 days of developing symptoms, that it was phenomenal at keeping the disease from progressing. He Googled it and found somewhere near him that did it. The next day they all went and got the infusion. Felt better within a day or so. FWIW they were all unvaccinated.

He is 53yo, runs marathons, healthy as a horse. Apparently he wasn't turned away. Maybe it differs by state? Last month when I had my twice-a-year PCP appointment I asked my doc that if I got COVID would he prescribe M-A. He said, yeah no problem, we do it all the time.

11-21-21, 19:45
Does seem everyone feels better within a day or so !!! And seems to be the thing to do !

I do say if I had not lost my smell not sure I would have noticed anything until my lung thing and again it was so nill I might have taken note and just rode that out for a few days and think I had a very mild case of bronchitis or cold due to the weather change here in AZ ? Before getting it checked out

Glad to hear your BIL and fam got it nipped !!!!
Curious if they had cough or shortness of breathe ? As that seems besides the smell thing to be the most common symptom

The evening I talked to my BIL he sounded like shit. Said he sounded worse than he was but when you don't talk to someone for months you tend to notice. He had a "croupy" cough too while I was talking to him.

11-21-21, 19:47
Serious question: if you can get monoclonal-antibodies, why would you even think about Ivermectin? I don't understand the insistence on Ivermectin when stuff like the M-A are available.

Why would you not want to take a proven safe & award winning essential medication that has been around for 3-4 decades that costs pennies & is known to knock out all sorts of corona / influenza cooties as an early treatment at the first signs of feeling bad with any cold / flu / covid symptoms?? It would be a first line of defense and on hand in every home if not politicized as evil only to make billions with the jab. We have both IVM & HCQ ready to roll plus the M-A if no improvement in 24-48 hours where I hope will be available available if needed. I see zero reasons not to.

I got the flu shot about 25 years ago & that evening became the sickest I can ever recall...haven't had the flu or the flu shot since. We got the rona in early 2020 & while I didn't lose the smell / taste & get a fever like the girls did, the dry cough & fatigue did suck. Have had way worse sinus infections. The rona affects everyone different & have heard dozens & dozens of the various stories from almost nada to near death. I don't buy into the whole 'lessoning affects BS' sale pitch to encourage the line up & get jab'd because the exact wave of variety of symptoms has been consistent since 2019 way before the jab arrived.

My uncle got jab'd in Jan & months later was sick for almost 5 weeks with a trip to ER...don't tell him he'd be dead if he hadn't gotten the shot unless you want to hear a ration of shit. Lotsa folks I know are now saying up yours to boosters, but soon the whole fully vax'd definition is going to include you 6mos booster for the rest of your life or you are no different than us who are considered unclean.

11-21-21, 19:53
I find it curious to note that in Gibraltar where they have 100% vaxed plus 40% "boostered" Fauci Flu has one of the fastest spread rates in the world right now...

11-21-21, 20:02
The evening I talked to my BIL he sounded like shit. Said he sounded worse than he was but when you don't talk to someone for months you tend to notice. He had a "croupy" cough too while I was talking to him.

Hope he gets better ASAP then :) it does seem that the cough thing catches a lot of folks kinda post fever symptoms almost like they got through it and then that cough hits ? BUT the cough is annoying keeps ya up at night and of course beats ya down and hurts your chest etc..
How many days ago was his infusion then ? Just curious if ya do not mind sharing :)

11-21-21, 20:11
Why would you not want to take a proven safe & award winning essential medication that has been around for 3-4 decades that costs pennies & is known to knock out all sorts of corona / influenza cooties as an early treatment at the first signs of feeling bad with any cold / flu / covid symptoms?? It would be a first line of defense and on hand in every home if not politicized as evil only to make billions with the jab. We have both IVM & HCQ ready to roll plus the M-A if no improvement in 24-48 hours where I hope will be available available if needed. I see zero reasons not to.

I got the flu shot about 25 years ago & that evening became the sickest I can ever recall...haven't had the flu or the flu shot since. We got the rona in early 2020 & while I didn't lose the smell / taste & get a fever like the girls did, the dry cough & fatigue did suck. Have had way worse sinus infections. The rona affects everyone different & have heard dozens & dozens of the various stories from almost nada to near death. I don't buy into the whole 'lessoning affects BS' sale pitch to encourage the line up & get jab'd because the exact wave of variety of symptoms has been consistent since 2019 way before the jab arrived.

My uncle got jab'd in Jan & months later was sick for almost 5 weeks with a trip to ER...don't tell him he'd be dead if he hadn't gotten the shot unless you want to hear a ration of shit. Lotsa folks I know are now saying up yours to boosters, but soon the whole fully vax'd definition is going to include you 6mos booster for the rest of your life or you are no different than us who are considered unclean.

I don't think anywhere I've been a poster child for pushing the vaccine, certainly nothing you could point to in this particular thread. You want it? Get it. You don't want it? Don't get it. Simple as that. I got the J&J back in March. Probably wore off by now. I doubt whether I'll get a "booster", assuming it doesn't become a prerequisite for employment (and I am convinced that is coming one day).

If I was diagnosed with COVID and had any symptoms (like the ones Honu had but he didn't think he did! ;)) I would easily choose M-A over Ivermectin. Hands down. Now maybe if M-A didn't exist I might reconsider but not at this point in time.


11-21-21, 20:20
Hope he gets better ASAP then :) it does seem that the cough thing catches a lot of folks kinda post fever symptoms almost like they got through it and THEN that cough hits ? BUT the cough is annoying keeps ya up at night and of course beats ya down and hurts your chest etc..
How many days ago was his infusion then ? Just curious if ya do not mind sharing :)

That is the MO (modus operandi) of this newer "batch" of COVID: you get a little sick, start to actually feel better, then BAM!, you have pneumonia. COVID-A (or whatever it was officially called) went downhill from the start if it had your number. This Delta crap [anecdotally] tricks ya in a cruel way.

Local radio guy I listened to for almost 25 years, Phil Valentine, died in August and it went pretty much how I stated above: he was off the air for a few days....came back on for a few detailing his bout with it, and said he felt better....then went off the show and will never return. IIRC he was 61yo.

BIL said the infusion took a little over 20 minutes and they made them stay for an hour to make sure there were no side effects. Date was the 11th, so 10 days ago.

11-21-21, 20:32
Hahahah actually I think I would agree big time MA seems to be a miracle nobody wants to talk about ? As it never became political so it never had the coverage Ivermectin did maybe ?
Ivermectin has its place it should also be dolled out along with MA as two cheap things that are both known to help but that is me :)

One thing the MA infusion MOST folks I have heard who have it we are talking next day improvements !!!! That is HUGE

I do think I did well and had very little or light symptoms though and I do put that to my health and metabolic shape is a huge factor :) but someone eating NO sugar no process food etc... is quite rare so ?

I don't think anywhere I've been a poster child for pushing the vaccine, certainly nothing you could point to in this particular thread. You want it? Get it. You don't want it? Don't get it. Simple as that. I got the J&J back in March. Probably wore off by now. I doubt whether I'll get a "booster", assuming it doesn't become a prerequisite for employment (and I am convinced that is coming one day).

If I was diagnosed with COVID and had any symptoms (like the ones Honu had but he didn't think he did! ;)) I would easily choose M-A over Ivermectin. Hands down. Now maybe if M-A didn't exist I might reconsider but not at this point in time.


11-21-21, 20:40
For my relatives it started around the 10th of this month. No one is sure how they got it or from where but they think it may have been my aunt's mom (84yr old).

She was over their house that past weekend and on Thursday started feeling sick. Friday she had trouble breathing and was taken to the hospital. Was in the ER for 24hr. Diagnosed with Covid and double pneumonia then moved to a private room. She's awake and stable doing rather good for her age. She's getting some kind of treatment.

Meanwhile that same Thursday my uncle (57) and my cousin (24) started to feel sick. Cousin had minor temp and felt kinda lousy for almost a week. Uncle still feels like he's been hit by a train and is now having stomach issues but no more temp and generally better than he was. My aunt (51) started feeling sick last Sunday into Monday. Had a temp of 100+ for 4 days. On Thursday night her temp spiked and she went to the ER. They gave her Remdasovir and signed her out. Her temp dropped and now she just feels like she went 12 rounds Tyson but otherwise better. Their other kid (20) was fine the whole time and tested negative twice. Yesterday started feeling sore throat and today is sick.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-21-21, 20:41
Yeah !
Also why I took the lung cocktail at the smallest sign of that OK I am better or am I ?
No doubt I was cautious and nervous that week as anyone should be again I do not deny this is real and took it serious ! (Not saying you did not say I did just saying for others once you have it you go OK this is real !

I am going to guess I am out of the trouble zone being the 5th was my smell going and most likely had it a few days prior ? the 8th was my test and now the 21st that gives me just over two weeks also the smell coming back and no fever technically I have heard that the 100.4 is kinda the threshold over that its a issue under that its a non issue ? Or so I read ?

Thanks on the infusion date still making sure I am monitoring myself and gathering info on others as I now kinda have a new perspective and am just the curious type that really loves to study this kinda stuff and learn know !!

That is the MO (modus operandi) of this newer "batch" of COVID: you get a little sick, start to actually feel better, then BAM!, you have pneumonia. COVID-A (or whatever it was officially called) went downhill from the start if it had your number. This Delta crap [anecdotally] tricks ya in a cruel way.

Local radio guy I listened to for almost 25 years, Phil Valentine, died in August and it went pretty much how I stated above: he was off the air for a few days....came back on for a few detailing his bout with it, and said he felt better....then went off the show and will never return. IIRC he was 61yo.

BIL said the infusion took a little over 20 minutes and they made them stay for an hour to make sure there were no side effects. Date was the 11th, so 10 days ago.

11-21-21, 21:07
Hope they all do better and get it behind them :)

For my relatives it started around the 10th of this month. No one is sure how they got it or from where but they think it may have been my aunt's mom (84yr old).

She was over their house that past weekend and on Thursday started feeling sick. Friday she had trouble breathing and was taken to the hospital. Was in the ER for 24hr. Diagnosed with Covid and double pneumonia then moved to a private room. She's awake and stable doing rather good for her age. She's getting some kind of treatment.

Meanwhile that same Thursday my uncle (57) and my cousin (24) started to feel sick. Cousin had minor temp and felt kinda lousy for almost a week. Uncle still feels like he's been hit by a train and is now having stomach issues but no more temp and generally better than he was. My aunt (51) started feeling sick last Sunday into Monday. Had a temp of 100+ for 4 days. On Thursday night her temp spiked and she went to the ER. They gave her Remdasovir and signed her out. Her temp dropped and now she just feels like she went 12 rounds Tyson but otherwise better. Their other kid (20) was fine the whole time and tested negative twice. Yesterday started feeling sore throat and today is sick.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-21-21, 21:07

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-21-21, 21:20
I don't think anywhere I've been a poster child for pushing the vaccine, certainly nothing you could point to in this particular thread.

I wasn't insinuating anything to you being pro / anti vax in any sort so apologies if I came across that way...my point being I think it's silly that with all the success (if you look & have critical thinking skills) that it's silly to not have every arrow in your quiver available to combat what you think will help & IVM is certainly one to have on hand. I don't want or trust the jab, if you then do then jab jab away. With the available therapeutics & early treatments, the rona doesn't scare me...the long term affects & history of reactions of the EUO jab do & I'll never comply.

The US is now on track for picking up the slack like other countries...to be considered fully jab'd, your gonna soon need to prove boosters & there are gonna be lots of them in your future.



This shit is never gonna stop...

11-21-21, 21:37

11-21-21, 21:52
So I'm six days from onset of symptoms, though the story starts further back than that. So a week or so ago my 17 y.o. daughter thought she had a cold. Symptoms started Wed the 10th. Had low grade fever on Thurs. In hindsight I see the signs it may have been Covid but other than coughing she didn't complain much. She did get tired and have some aches but it was all mild. Jump to Monday the 15th I start having a slight cough. A little achy that night/ evening. No fever. Tues. morning felt ok just a cough. No fever. That evening I felt awful mostly body aches and had a fever around 101. Took some tylenol and my fever broke shortly after. Felt much better. Still didn't know it was Covid as last time I had the flu I felt much worse, but was a little suspicious. Tues my wife started having the same symptoms. Wed my wife's fever was almost 102. She took a home test. It was positive. My daughter took one even though by this time she's fine other that the lingering cough. It was positive. After getting more tests I took one and it was positive as well. At this point I just had the cough and a little stuffy nose. No more body aches, my eyes just hurt a little when I move them. That finally went away last night. My wife called her dr on Thurs. 18th. He said he's not administering anything. If here chest starts hurting go to the ER. It has not but she's felt the worst of us. Now mostly tired. Fever jumps between normal and 99 if that even counts. At this point on Sun the 21st I'm just tired. Feel like I just want to sleep and have a little dry cough. My daughter is unvaxed. My wife and I have had the J&J. I'm still waiting on my PCR test results from Thurs. at the Health Dept.

11-21-21, 22:26
Glad to read that you’re doing better. Wife and I both got sick on Labor Day weekend, so that roughened things up a bit for us, as we weren’t able to get tested until that Tuesday and our (+) results came in that Friday, 5 days after first symptoms.

Long story short. Mine was constant body aches and my head felt like it was in a vice. Only got a mild fever 2 days and it went down quickly thanks to Tylenol. We were able to see our doctor the following Tuesday (8 days after initial symptoms) and got the M.A’s and Ivermectin prescription. (No issues getting either at the time).

Went home that night and I got another mild fever. More Tylenol and it went away. Woke up the next day feeling fan-f*ckingtastic!! The Ivermectin was a 5 day prescription so I kept taking that. The weird thing is; I only developed a mild cough 2 days after the M.A treatment. (10 days after first symptoms). So I got Albuterol treatments to help with that. I re-tested 12 days after first symptoms and tested (-) two days later. Went back to work.

Wife’s ordeal was slightly similar, she never got a fever though. She works out and eats clean. I eat clean but don’t really work out, but I have lost 60 pounds since I started to eat clean in 2018. We both take vitamins daily and upped them during infection. If it weren’t for Labor Day weekend, I’m sure we could have gotten tested and gotten the M.A’s days sooner.

11-21-21, 22:36
So I'm six days from onset of symptoms, though the story starts further back than that. So a week or so ago my 17 y.o. daughter thought she had a cold. Symptoms started Wed the 10th. Had low grade fever on Thurs. In hindsight I see the signs it may have been Covid but other than coughing she didn't complain much. She did get tired and have some aches but it was all mild. Jump to Monday the 15th I start having a slight cough. A little achy that night/ evening. No fever. Tues. morning felt ok just a cough. No fever. That evening I felt awful mostly body aches and had a fever around 101. Took some tylenol and my fever broke shortly after. Felt much better. Still didn't know it was Covid as last time I had the flu I felt much worse, but was a little suspicious. Tues my wife started having the same symptoms. Wed my wife's fever was almost 102. She took a home test. It was positive. My daughter took one even though by this time she's fine other that the lingering cough. It was positive. After getting more tests I took one and it was positive as well. At this point I just had the cough and a little stuffy nose. No more body aches, my eyes just hurt a little when I move them. That finally went away last night. My wife called her dr on Thurs. 18th. He said he's not administering anything. If here chest starts hurting go to the ER. It has not but she's felt the worst of us. Now mostly tired. Fever jumps between normal and 99 if that even counts. At this point on Sun the 21st I'm just tired. Feel like I just want to sleep and have a little dry cough. My daughter is unvaxed. My wife and I have had the J&J. I'm still waiting on my PCR test results from Thurs. at the Health Dept.

Not sure what your wife might have been asking for but if it was M-A I'd tell that doc to FOAD and find another one REAL quick.

11-21-21, 23:07
Hope you all start feeling better and get it under control
With so much available why are doctors not doing things for folks more ? Really makes me think some not all some docs want people to get sicker so they can say SEE or ???

Again best wishes you all get this behind ya fast !

So I'm six days from onset of symptoms, though the story starts further back than that. So a week or so ago my 17 y.o. daughter thought she had a cold. Symptoms started Wed the 10th. Had low grade fever on Thurs. In hindsight I see the signs it may have been Covid but other than coughing she didn't complain much. She did get tired and have some aches but it was all mild. Jump to Monday the 15th I start having a slight cough. A little achy that night/ evening. No fever. Tues. morning felt ok just a cough. No fever. That evening I felt awful mostly body aches and had a fever around 101. Took some tylenol and my fever broke shortly after. Felt much better. Still didn't know it was Covid as last time I had the flu I felt much worse, but was a little suspicious. Tues my wife started having the same symptoms. Wed my wife's fever was almost 102. She took a home test. It was positive. My daughter took one even though by this time she's fine other that the lingering cough. It was positive. After getting more tests I took one and it was positive as well. At this point I just had the cough and a little stuffy nose. No more body aches, my eyes just hurt a little when I move them. That finally went away last night. My wife called her dr on Thurs. 18th. He said he's not administering anything. If here chest starts hurting go to the ER. It has not but she's felt the worst of us. Now mostly tired. Fever jumps between normal and 99 if that even counts. At this point on Sun the 21st I'm just tired. Feel like I just want to sleep and have a little dry cough. My daughter is unvaxed. My wife and I have had the J&J. I'm still waiting on my PCR test results from Thurs. at the Health Dept.

Ditto this

Not sure what your wife might have been asking for but if it was M-A I'd tell that doc to FOAD and find another one REAL quick.

11-21-21, 23:12
Hope you all start feeling better and get it under control
With so much available why are doctors not doing things for folks more ? Really makes me think some not all some docs want people to get sicker so they can say SEE or ???

It's all about pushing the narrative and the jab... I'm not saying most docs are in on it, just heavily propagandized from the top, and doing what they're told until each has a critical mass of evidence otherwise.

11-21-21, 23:30
Hey :) thanks

Read your post a bit ago flat out my doc I had SUCKS !!! More after hearing ABNAK reckon I should have gotten the OK going to send you to get infusion but NOPE I think he was reading his list off some website now :) hahahahahh

Interesting on the 10 day timing of your cough does seem to be a come back kick you later like ABNAK said in another post really starting to see that trend even on a non holiday just weekend I had to wait till that mon to get tested ? What a freaking joke IMHO should be more available to all

Curious on your mild cough ? How long did it stick around ? So how long total do you think it was till you were back to normal feeling ? I was glad I did not get any cough :) as that at least had a mental help of OK I am doing well feeling and did feel well :)

The albuterol did they also give you a 2nd inhaler or pill to break inhale ? Usually a localized steroidal inhalant with it ?

Glad to read that you’re doing better. Wife and I both got sick on Labor Day weekend, so that roughened things up a bit for us, as we weren’t able to get tested until that Tuesday and our (+) results came in that Friday, 5 days after first symptoms.

Long story short. Mine was constant body aches and my head felt like it was in a vice. Only got a mild fever 2 days and it went down quickly thanks to Tylenol. We were able to see our doctor the following Tuesday (8 days after initial symptoms) and got the M.A’s and Ivermectin prescription. (No issues getting either at the time).

Went home that night and I got another mild fever. More Tylenol and it went away. Woke up the next day feeling fan-f*ckingtastic!! The Ivermectin was a 5 day prescription so I kept taking that. The weird thing is; I only developed a mild cough 2 days after the M.A treatment. (10 days after first symptoms). So I got Albuterol treatments to help with that. I re-tested 12 days after first symptoms and tested (-) two days later. Went back to work.

Wife’s ordeal was slightly similar, she never got a fever though. She works out and eats clean. I eat clean but don’t really work out, but I have lost 60 pounds since I started to eat clean in 2018. We both take vitamins daily and upped them during infection. If it weren’t for Labor Day weekend, I’m sure we could have gotten tested and gotten the M.A’s days sooner.

11-22-21, 11:20
I had this thing over 4th of July weekend. 1 night of fevering was it. I wouldn't have even known I had it if it weren't for the loss of taste/smell. I pretty much beat it back by drinking beer.

Interesting that it didn't pass on to my coworkers (aside from the chick who gave it to me). Our building it horrible with door nobs to get everywhere.

11-22-21, 12:42
Not sure what your wife might have been asking for but if it was M-A I'd tell that doc to FOAD and find another one REAL quick.

I wasn't present during the call, but I know she didn't ask for M-A specifically. I think just she just asked if she needed to come in and was there anything he could give her. Maybe based on her description of symptoms he didn't suggest it or he could be one of those doctors that won't give it. I'm not sure what to do now as I think she seems to be improving.

11-22-21, 16:33
An antibody infusion denial.


11-22-21, 16:49
An antibody infusion denial.


I guaran-freaking-tee you there'd be a problem. Call the cops on me? COVID+? I'm sure I could get all up in your face, cop or otherwise.

"Ethnicity" as a qualifying factor? Bullshit. There isn't a damn thing about COVID that shows it attacks non-whites more frequently or in a more deadly fashion. Now certain "ethnic" groups have shittier lifestyles, but that ain't on me.

11-22-21, 17:18
or in a more deadly fashion. Now certain "ethnic" groups have shittier lifestyles, but that ain't on me.


Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-22-21, 17:55
I had this thing over 4th of July weekend. 1 night of fevering was it. I wouldn't have even known I had it if it weren't for the loss of taste/smell. I pretty much beat it back by drinking beer.

Interesting that it didn't pass on to my coworkers (aside from the chick who gave it to me). Our building it horrible with door nobs to get everywhere.

Another only reason I noticed was lack of smell case :) glad it was a big nothing for ya :)

11-22-21, 17:57
An antibody infusion denial.


RACIST COVID look what Trump did to covid !
The left has no bounds on idiocy and sadly our country will fall apart and fail because of it
Granted we are not as far down the rabbit hole as Australia and Europe we are instead down another hole just as bad just as stupid and just as deep though both end up with rain filling up and drowning us all sadly

Does make me wonder now if I was denied because of my race ! Doc was not a white guy ? Should not matter and never should have come into my mind to doubt but now wondering hmmmmmmmmmm

11-22-21, 22:29
Hey :) thanks

Read your post a bit ago flat out my doc I had SUCKS !!! More after hearing ABNAK reckon I should have gotten the OK going to send you to get infusion but NOPE I think he was reading his list off some website now :) hahahahahh

Interesting on the 10 day timing of your cough does seem to be a come back kick you later like ABNAK said in another post really starting to see that trend even on a non holiday just weekend I had to wait till that mon to get tested ? What a freaking joke IMHO should be more available to all

Curious on your mild cough ? How long did it stick around ? So how long total do you think it was till you were back to normal feeling ? I was glad I did not get any cough :) as that at least had a mental help of OK I am doing well feeling and did feel well :)

The albuterol did they also give you a 2nd inhaler or pill to break inhale ? Usually a localized steroidal inhalant with it ?

I had the dry cough from day 10 until after day 14 when I did test negative, and I want to say it stuck around for about 3 days after. I did find it super weird. The Albuterol was just the atomizer inhaler deal.

11-22-21, 23:40
Thanks ;)

I had the dry cough from day 10 until after day 14 when I did test negative, and I want to say it stuck around for about 3 days after. I did find it super weird. The Albuterol was just the atomizer inhaler deal.

11-23-21, 07:36
Another only reason I noticed was lack of smell case :) glad it was a big nothing for ya :)

Me too. My smell is still messed up, but that beats a hospitalization so...

11-23-21, 08:06
I guaran-freaking-tee you there'd be a problem. Call the cops on me? COVID+? I'm sure I could get all up in your face, cop or otherwise.

I'm pulling your mask down and giving you a big wet tounge kiss and if you call me racisit I'm going to hump your leg while professing my undying love for your sexy ethnicity.

11-23-21, 08:06

11-23-21, 08:28
guess I'm glad wuhan flu gaveme as troke. I didn't get turned awayforbeing a Cracka-American

Coal Dragger
11-23-21, 09:59
My wife was denied monoclonal antibodies yesterday. She works for the clinic, and everyone there is white.

They said she wasn’t sick enough to warrant that treatment.

11-23-21, 10:40
My wife was denied monoclonal antibodies yesterday. She works for the clinic, and everyone there is white.

They said she wasn’t sick enough to warrant that treatment.This is absolutely ass backwards. Almost seems punitive. Let's have people get deathly sick then say see it didn't work! I wonder if they wait for stage 4 before treating cancer

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-23-21, 11:38
yeah same excuse/reason I got was not sick enough basically hhhhmmmmmmmm

My wife was denied monoclonal antibodies yesterday. She works for the clinic, and everyone there is white.

They said she wasn’t sick enough to warrant that treatment.

11-23-21, 11:40
This is absolutely ass backwards. Almost seems punitive. Let's have people get deathly sick then say see it didn't work! I wonder if they wait for stage 4 before treating cancer

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

again really starting to think they WANT a controlled amount of people to get sick and want to make sure they can have stats they need to push promote what they want at cost of our lives/health again fits the narrative they want to push which is where we are at as a nation ?

guess I'm glad wuhan flu gaveme as troke. I didn't get turned awayforbeing a Cracka-American

:) bless ya man cause for sure you got hit with it like none of us !

11-23-21, 14:05
My wife was denied monoclonal antibodies yesterday. She works for the clinic, and everyone there is white.

They said she wasn’t sick enough to warrant that treatment.

That's interesting after being told the reason my local hospital didn't transport me to a hospital this past September that did the infusion when I developed pneumonia was due to my SpO2% being below the level that qualified to get the infusion.

Another interesting thing on that is the closest(30 to 45 minutes away) hospital offering the infusion at that time is roughly the physical size of the local hospital back in the 1980's. When I wasn't very sick the first few days I wasn't informed of the hospital doing the infusion, but when it was looking like there was a chance I could get readmitted due to breathing difficulties(the day after being discharged after a 2 week stay) I was informed they were out of beds(aka they dropped a gob of staff) and could end up transferred anywhere so I know the lack of mention of the infusion hospital was not due to aversion to collaborations.

Since then 4 or 5 other similar sized small hospitals have also started offering the infusion while(as far as I know) our larger local one has not.

Kinda curious how the local one will react to the Phizer-mectin cocktail.

11-23-21, 19:37
Guys, two major points to keep in mind:

1) The vaccine is the most important thing under the sun for those pushing it.

2) The PROVEN monoclonal-antibodies are seen as a way to avoid #1 above, which is the most important thing on their agenda.

Coal Dragger
11-24-21, 14:55
Well the wife is fully vaccinated, and I am as well.

She had symptoms that were like a mild cold.

I now have the same symptoms, as of last night my shit don’t stink! So either I also have a breakthrough case of COVID-19, or exceptional poop.

I’ve had regular colds way more unpleasant than this though. Seeing as no medical providers will be bothered to treat our mild COVID-19 symptoms, I will go one better and not even get tested. Nor will I wear a mask, and I won’t alter my day to day routine.

So far the Moderna vaccine has a 0% effectiveness rate at preventing COVID-19 at my house. Not terribly impressive results.

11-24-21, 15:38
Ya know I would think along with many IF this is as dangerous and horrible as they make it out to be EVERYONE with any tiny symptom would be getting whatever it takes !
we have all been saying it but yeah the fact I am aware now more than ever how many have been denied monoclonal which we know works with almost all ! and not just HEY some folks say this works some do not it really does next day !!!!
And here is some ivermectin why not has never hurt anyone ! And many has helped and we are going to also give you a inhaler ! Here is a good outline of vitamins to take and cut out the sugar and crap !
BUT NOPE get the jab its the only thing that works yet breakthrough !

Glad its been mellow for ya !

Well the wife is fully vaccinated, and I am as well.

She had symptoms that were like a mild cold.

I now have the same symptoms, as of last night my shit don’t stink! So either I also have a breakthrough case of COVID-19, or exceptional poop.

I’ve had regular colds way more unpleasant than this though. Seeing as no medical providers will be bothered to treat our mild COVID-19 symptoms, I will go one better and not even get tested. Nor will I wear a mask, and I won’t alter my day to day routine.

So far the Moderna vaccine has a 0% effectiveness rate at preventing COVID-19 at my house. Not terribly impressive results.

11-24-21, 16:06
1. MAB's are a somewhat scarce resource depending on your location. I'll get it ordered for anyone willing, regardless of age, sex, race, weight, comorbiities. It really is the only thing that works early in the disease process. The earlier the better. Once you get past 10 days, it has not shown any efficacy. It has also been shown to be harmful if you have a low oxygen saturation. Once you are hypoxic you are in a different phase of the disease.

2. Hospitalizations still sit at 80% unvaccinated to 20% vaccinated. 96% of the deaths in the hospital are in the unvaccinated group. The rare deaths in the vaccinated crowd are very ill/old people to begin with. My hospital currently has 30 icu admissions vs the 10 icu beds we are accredited for. Have over 200 people inpatient now for our 182 bed accreditation. We have DMAT teams, ironically from Florida, here supporting us with RT's, RN's, Techs, and MD's. Interesting times.

3. If your vaccinated and you get the Rona, but don't have many or severe symptoms, take the win and run with it. Vaccine is still the best choice, best not to need any treatment at all.

4. Still seeing mostly overweight people, diabetics, and hypertensive people in the hospital. All ages now. The kids and skinny people are doing fine.

11-24-21, 16:41
Your profile says southwest curious what state you are in ? I am in PHX AZ for my story FYI :)

#1 Question then what I was told and what I have read from various sources no idea how true they are of course :) if you are showing almost no symptoms it(the MA) wont do anything for you anyway? Its ONLY for folks with symptoms Any thoughts on this ?
My thinking was even without symptoms it seems it would give you stronger immunity etc... or keeping any further symptoms from happening as said things can sneak up a few days week or so later ?

#2 ? No idea dont work at hospital :) does seem to vary all over :)

#3 same as being in shape and no vax and avoiding be glad ! I do say this is going to get you vax or not its just how hard it hits you what did you do to help keep it as low as you can !

#4 yup been seeing that in stats etc. many health folks saying this and saying get in shape is a HUGE pro to you staying safe but folks still stuffing their gut with crap sadly ? And besides covid being in super shape is huge in everything else ? Really boggles my mind and finding what works might take work (as in getting in shape what works) and time but everyone can do it !

1. MAB's are a somewhat scarce resource depending on your location. I'll get it ordered for anyone willing, regardless of age, sex, race, weight, comorbiities. It really is the only thing that works early in the disease process. The earlier the better. Once you get past 10 days, it has not shown any efficacy. It has also been shown to be harmful if you have a low oxygen saturation. Once you are hypoxic you are in a different phase of the disease.

2. Hospitalizations still sit at 80% unvaccinated to 20% vaccinated. 96% of the deaths in the hospital are in the unvaccinated group. The rare deaths in the vaccinated crowd are very ill/old people to begin with. My hospital currently has 30 icu admissions vs the 10 icu beds we are accredited for. Have over 200 people inpatient now for our 182 bed accreditation. We have DMAT teams, ironically from Florida, here supporting us with RT's, RN's, Techs, and MD's. Interesting times.

3. If your vaccinated and you get the Rona, but don't have many or severe symptoms, take the win and run with it. Vaccine is still the best choice, best not to need any treatment at all.

4. Still seeing mostly overweight people, diabetics, and hypertensive people in the hospital. All ages now. The kids and skinny people are doing fine.

11-24-21, 17:33
I now have the same symptoms, as of last night my shit don’t stink! So either I also have a breakthrough case of COVID-19, or exceptional poop.

I lost the ability to smell any day to day body odors/wastes as well as smoke.

Salt was the only edible I was aware of losing which combo'd with the smoke issue made for a freakishly weird meal of pit BBQ beef brisket.

Coal Dragger
11-24-21, 17:51
That would be weird.

I can still taste salt, and sweet foods.

So COVID-19 allows me to enjoy junk food…. but nothing with good nutritional value LOL.

Wife just asked what I want for dinner. I told her to soft boil some eggs, and make me a veggie. No need get fancy if I can’t taste much.

11-24-21, 19:52
Your profile says southwest curious what state you are in ? I am in PHX AZ for my story FYI :)

#1 Question then what I was told and what I have read from various sources no idea how true they are of course :) if you are showing almost no symptoms it(the MA) wont do anything for you anyway? Its ONLY for folks with symptoms Any thoughts on this ?
My thinking was even without symptoms it seems it would give you stronger immunity etc... or keeping any further symptoms from happening as said things can sneak up a few days week or so later ?

#2 ? No idea dont work at hospital :) does seem to vary all over :)

#3 same as being in shape and no vax and avoiding be glad ! I do say this is going to get you vax or not its just how hard it hits you what did you do to help keep it as low as you can !

#4 yup been seeing that in stats etc. many health folks saying this and saying get in shape is a HUGE pro to you staying safe but folks still stuffing their gut with crap sadly ? And besides covid being in super shape is huge in everything else ? Really boggles my mind and finding what works might take work (as in getting in shape what works) and time but everyone can do it !

I'm in Four Corners NM.

1. I think getting the MAB regardless of their vaccine status would be a reasonable approach. You never know if you're the one who is already inflamed due to genetics or their ignorance of their obesity. I've seen a tone of people who though the first 6 days were easy and then the cytokine storm kicked their butts on day 10 and beyond.

The MAB's reportedly stick around for a few months. The vaccine, in people with a good immunity, will develop memory immunity so you can manufacture more antibodies when you need them. It's much harder to produce the MAB's, look up chimeric mice and MAB's.

2. Phoenix is having high numbers now as well. When we fill up the hospital, we transfer and Phoenix is on the list, they have been full and not taking transfers for weeks. The current spikes are actually higher than last year in most places. I think the news isn't covering it because Trump is out of office.

11-24-21, 20:17
Thanks :)

OK quick edit did the google on chimeric mice and MAB's. Maybe not thanks new rabbit hole to read :) hahahahahaha

I'm in Four Corners NM.

1. I think getting the MAB regardless of their vaccine status would be a reasonable approach. You never know if you're the one who is already inflamed due to genetics or their ignorance of their obesity. I've seen a tone of people who though the first 6 days were easy and then the cytokine storm kicked their butts on day 10 and beyond.

The MAB's reportedly stick around for a few months. The vaccine, in people with a good immunity, will develop memory immunity so you can manufacture more antibodies when you need them. It's much harder to produce the MAB's, look up chimeric mice and MAB's.

2. Phoenix is having high numbers now as well. When we fill up the hospital, we transfer and Phoenix is on the list, they have been full and not taking transfers for weeks. The current spikes are actually higher than last year in most places. I think the news isn't covering it because Trump is out of office.

11-24-21, 20:31
That would be weird.

I can still taste salt, and sweet foods.

So COVID-19 allows me to enjoy junk food…. but nothing with good nutritional value LOL.

Wife just asked what I want for dinner. I told her to soft boil some eggs, and make me a veggie. No need get fancy if I can’t taste much.

I wanted to wait to ask you how were your eggs :) hahahahh

To me with my lack of smell was my lack of taste since that sensory was so gone the texture thing was creepy ONE of the things I eat a ton of are eggs soft/med boil (loose runny yolk way is my fav) is very common I keep about 12-18 all the time as a snack in fridge and often eat up to 10 or so at a meal

SO eggs with no taste was strange ? I know it seems funny but maybe you experienced that just did not want to eat anything but did anyway but eggs kinda creeped me out hahahahahah

I think its without taste the only sense you have is the texture and did not realize how odd it was/is?

hope your taste comes back asap

Coal Dragger
11-24-21, 23:05
Yeah soft boiled eggs with no flavor is a strange texture in the mouth for sure.

Could just get a hint of the sweetness of the carrots I had with them.

At this point I’m eating because I know it’s necessary, not because it’s enjoyable.

11-25-21, 00:26
Again do hope it passes quickly for ya and comes back complete asap

Yeah soft boiled eggs with no flavor is a strange texture in the mouth for sure.

Could just get a hint of the sweetness of the carrots I had with them.

At this point I’m eating because I know it’s necessary, not because it’s enjoyable.

11-25-21, 09:10
Well the wife is fully vaccinated, and I am as well.

She had symptoms that were like a mild cold.

I now have the same symptoms, as of last night my shit don’t stink! So either I also have a breakthrough case of COVID-19, or exceptional poop.

I’ve had regular colds way more unpleasant than this though. Seeing as no medical providers will be bothered to treat our mild COVID-19 symptoms, I will go one better and not even get tested. Nor will I wear a mask, and I won’t alter my day to day routine.

So far the Moderna vaccine has a 0% effectiveness rate at preventing COVID-19 at my house. Not terribly impressive results.

The vaccines are not very effective for prevention of infection from delta, but are highly effective for reduction of serious complications, hospitalizations, and death. Whether your mild symptoms due to being vaccinated, we can't say, but it's very possible and should not be under appreciated.

1. MAB's are a somewhat scarce resource depending on your location. I'll get it ordered for anyone willing, regardless of age, sex, race, weight, comorbiities. It really is the only thing that works early in the disease process. The earlier the better. Once you get past 10 days, it has not shown any efficacy. It has also been shown to be harmful if you have a low oxygen saturation. Once you are hypoxic you are in a different phase of the disease.

2. Hospitalizations still sit at 80% unvaccinated to 20% vaccinated. 96% of the deaths in the hospital are in the unvaccinated group. The rare deaths in the vaccinated crowd are very ill/old people to begin with. My hospital currently has 30 icu admissions vs the 10 icu beds we are accredited for. Have over 200 people inpatient now for our 182 bed accreditation. We have DMAT teams, ironically from Florida, here supporting us with RT's, RN's, Techs, and MD's. Interesting times.

3. If your vaccinated and you get the Rona, but don't have many or severe symptoms, take the win and run with it. Vaccine is still the best choice, best not to need any treatment at all.

4. Still seeing mostly overweight people, diabetics, and hypertensive people in the hospital. All ages now. The kids and skinny people are doing fine.

All avoidable co morbidities, and the 800lb gorilla in the room (no pun intended...) that needs to be confronted when/if this ever ends. While covid is a serious risk for those with co morbidity, we are now a nation that's one big co morbidity, and that's the major issue. I'm vaccinated, recommend others do same that can, but we will not vaccinate our way out of this in my view.

I'm in Four Corners NM.

1. I think getting the MAB regardless of their vaccine status would be a reasonable approach. You never know if you're the one who is already inflamed due to genetics or their ignorance of their obesity. I've seen a tone of people who though the first 6 days were easy and then the cytokine storm kicked their butts on day 10 and beyond.

The MAB's reportedly stick around for a few months. The vaccine, in people with a good immunity, will develop memory immunity so you can manufacture more antibodies when you need them. It's much harder to produce the MAB's, look up chimeric mice and MAB's.

2. Phoenix is having high numbers now as well. When we fill up the hospital, we transfer and Phoenix is on the list, they have been full and not taking transfers for weeks. The current spikes are actually higher than last year in most places. I think the news isn't covering it because Trump is out of office.

I'm not sure what % genetic pre dispositions may play, but chronic sub clinical inflammation is a well established aspect of obesity, diabetes, etc, via elevations in CRP, TNF alpha, IL6, etc, and compounded by deficiencies in vite D (1), and others, also common to that population.

I feel most continue to miss a major opportunity of treatment, which is addressing the driver of the hyper inflammatory state (ROS formation) vs the inflammation itself per se. A Basic proposed model, recs, sources, etc if interested here:


(1) Of interest, papers just out as to the possible mechanisms: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41577-021-00663-3 and https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01080-3

11-25-21, 15:41
The vaccines are not very effective for prevention of infection from delta, but are highly effective for reduction of serious complications, hospitalizations, and death. Whether your mild symptoms due to being vaccinated, we can't say, but it's very possible and should not be under appreciated.

All avoidable co morbidities, and the 800lb gorilla in the room (no pun intended...) that needs to be confronted when/if this ever ends. While covid is a serious risk for those with co morbidity, we are now a nation that's one big co morbidity, and that's the major issue. I'm vaccinated, recommend others do same that can, but we will not vaccinate our way out of this in my view.

I'm not sure what % genetic pre dispositions may play, but chronic sub clinical inflammation is a well established aspect of obesity, diabetes, etc, via elevations in CRP, TNF alpha, IL6, etc, and compounded by deficiencies in vite D (1), and others, also common to that population.

I feel most continue to miss a major opportunity of treatment, which is addressing the driver of the hyper inflammatory state (ROS formation) vs the inflammation itself per se. A Basic proposed model, recs, sources, etc if interested here:


(1) Of interest, papers just out as to the possible mechanisms: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41577-021-00663-3 and https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01080-3

Fauci is now saying the vaccines do not prevent serious effects with covid.


11-25-21, 15:51
But the propaganda continues
He was also was saying that on a podcast ! As the guy asking questions did a good job
England is having a real issue to with the booster folks having way more issues
And in the boosted more issues in younger ages now than the non jab ones ! according to their own gov stats which was interesting in not a good way

Fauci is now saying the vaccines do not prevent serious effects with covid.


11-25-21, 15:55
Again do everything you can as Fauci says BUT he ignores health ? And IMHO everything I have been studying and now experienced and so on is HEALTH get healthy

I like a lot of this guys vid but his sell of his sups ? But oh well he has good info this was a good one that just came out
He also has some real numbers with a husband wife that both had the shots and one had natural after getting it and show the antibody levels and yeah natural is great


11-25-21, 17:59
Summary, couple finally managed to secure prescriptions for ivermectin and hydroxychloriquin after being denied the infusion, gets the Rx denied by 2 chain pharmacy corporate policies, and finally resort to the med section at the feed store.


11-25-21, 18:49
Marine no less what a way for Walmart to say thanks for your service by saying sorry SCREW YOUR LIFE because politics !
Same thing for a doc to say NO typical politics these days

At least there are ways around some of the idiots ! The whole MA infusion thing is a mess though again politics ?

Summary, couple finally managed to secure prescriptions for ivermectin and hydroxychloriquin after being denied the infusion, gets the Rx denied by 2 chain pharmacy corporate policies, and finally resort to the med section at the feed store.


11-25-21, 19:47
Summary, couple finally managed to secure prescriptions for ivermectin and hydroxychloriquin after being denied the infusion, gets the Rx denied by 2 chain pharmacy corporate policies, and finally resort to the med section at the feed store.


That's the stories of what I'm hearing too. NIH approved Ivermectin in July/2021 for treatment and yet not easy to get.


11-25-21, 21:13
G-damn it! I was hoping this shit was over with soon. I'm out for my shoulder replacement right now but I've heard the admissions at my hospital for COVID are slowly rising.

I'm waaayyy past being tired of COVID. If I could retire right now I would and fvck this insidious scourge and the healthcare system.

11-25-21, 21:40
That's the stories of what I'm hearing too. NIH approved Ivermectin in July/2021 for treatment and yet not easy to get.

https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/That says "approved OR under evaluation." Ivermectin is under evaluation. Technically they're not lying and it hasn't been approved

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11-25-21, 22:03
You reap what you sew.

Elections and policies have consequences.

This is exactly what you get for letting .gov in the healthcare business.

Too bad, but most people are too ignorant to care.

11-26-21, 00:06
You reap what you sew.

Elections and policies have consequences.

This is exactly what you get for letting .gov in the healthcare business.

Too bad, but most people are too ignorant to care.The important thing was to get rid of bad orange man.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-26-21, 08:07
Fauci is now saying the vaccines do not prevent serious effects with covid.

No, he's saying the protections wane, and that's not new news. That's being spun into they don't work at all, and it's sad to see people like Paul babble on like that. I'm not in this thread to debate the merits, or lack there of, of the vaccines and have been clear from day one, we will not vaccine our way out of this. It will become endemic like the flu, they will be chasing variants with booster shots each year, just as they have a yearly flu shot for strains. That's been obvious from the git go.

11-26-21, 09:14
Two guys from work had hard times from Covid in the last few months. Both guys are 50-ish and neither is obviously obese or unhealthy.

One was on travel to Mass. and it was a bit of a mess for him. He could not get MA treatment until his symptoms were severe and he was pretty rough for a bit. He swears if he was in Alabama he would have received MA treatment sooner and would have had a milder case. He is a pretty smart guy, engineering degree from MIT, etc. He was vaccinated two days before the trip, so basically not vaxxed. He surely lost 40 lbs from the ordeal.

Second guy was in Al but did not get MA treatment right away, during the 1st ER visit. He has had a very bad case and did not know if he was going to make it. Vax status is unknown (not my place to ask) but I would guess yes.

Covid is no joke, for sure, but its not like the Spanish flu 100 years ago either.

We lost one good man early this year, everyone else has pulled through. I surely know 50+ people that had it and most are 40 - 80 years old.


11-26-21, 13:03
Two guys from work had hard times from Covid in the last few months. Both guys are 50-ish and neither is obviously obese or unhealthy.

One was on travel to Mass. and it was a bit of a mess for him. He could not get MA treatment until his symptoms were severe and he was pretty rough for a bit. He swears if he was in Alabama he would have received MA treatment sooner and would have had a milder case. He is a pretty smart guy, engineering degree from MIT, etc. He was vaccinated two days before the trip, so basically not vaxxed. He surely lost 40 lbs from the ordeal.

Second guy was in Al but did not get MA treatment right away, during the 1st ER visit. He has had a very bad case and did not know if he was going to make it. Vax status is unknown (not my place to ask) but I would guess yes.

Covid is no joke, for sure, but its not like the Spanish flu 100 years ago either.

We lost one good man early this year, everyone else has pulled through. I surely know 50+ people that had it and most are 40 - 80 years old.

AndyThis thing is so random it's weird.

Currently my parents have it. My dad is vaccinated back in May and no booster. My mom is not. Both were smokers. My dad for many decades probably a pack a day if not more. My mom is a casual smoker

My dad, 68, is a walking comorbidity chart. My mom is 65, in excellent health, has never had prescription medication outside of antibiotics after dental surgery. She been doing yoga for years but it's not consistent. She may do 6 months but then life happens and she'll get back to it a year later or so. Otherwise she's fairly active. Stores, cooking, helping others do things. So doesn't just sit on her butt all day.

My mom started with a casual cough on Sunday. Tuesday morning she went to work but ended up going home after an hour saying she felt exhausted. Took a nap and felt better but a little run down. Wednesday night she started feeling acky all over and developed a small fever around 99.3. All symptoms continued into Thursday. Roughly the same temperature. Periods of normal temp followed by periods of low fever 98.6 into low to mid 99. Towards the second half of the day she felt more tired and took naps. Today she's feeling better, still a little achy, some cough and sneezing but no temperature. Catching up on her shows.

I've been making sure she was taking vitamin D, C, Zinc, NAC, long before this happened

My dad is about a day or two behind. Last 2 days he's had temperature go up to 100 but it mostly hovers around 98.6 - 99.

My dad doesn't take anything a doctor didn't prescribe so no vitamins

Neither of them say they feel bad enough to sit home if this were not COVID.

On the other hand my cousin and her husband are healthy late 30s - early 40s no co morbidities, no prescriptions not overweight yet they're on week 2 feeling like shit. Still with fevers although less. Was 103 for several days at one point. My cousin now has bronchitis, her husband still can't shake the low fever. They started taking vitamins at the onset of symptoms

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Coal Dragger
11-26-21, 14:48
I’m almost back to normal at this point. So within about 4-5 days and I’m done it seems. Stayed in my sinuses the whole time, used mucinex to blast as much out of my nose as possible so it didn’t drain mucus into my lungs. So I’ve had minimal coughing.

I’ve had colds worse than this. Hopefully progress continues.

11-26-21, 18:26
One thing that I do think is a factor is metabolic shape ! A lot of it of course is based off sugar intake and quite a few folks are trying to do more research on this but again our gov is so bad about the health side of this

Would be interesting to hear the differences of sugar intake on many people :) but sadly wont happen

Arik hope your parents get over ASAP of course :) at least it sounds like its not knocked them off their feet which is good :)

Edit to say
this it effects each person a certain way and being in shape the jab whatever gives us - points its just how many + points you have as the base that matters if you go to hospital or stay home or get vaxed or not get vaxed it gets you
as I said in the start this is real so respect it and take care of it AND yourself cause its a morphing changing hits you 10 days later kinda thing :) again I am against the vax. But I resprected it when I got it :)

11-26-21, 19:03
This new "Botswana" variant (it has yet to be named but the most likely is Omicron or also Mu or Nu) is going to further prolong this massive pain in the ass that COVID has become. Bet your paycheck that the Xiden administration will milk it for all it's worth. The perpetual, recurring pandemic plays into their hands beautifully. I'll retire in 4 or 5 years before we'll ever stop wearing masks in the medical field. And wait for the push for mail-in ballots again next year or 2024, 'cause well, you know, COVID is still out there. I am sick of this shit, and please read the bottom of my sigline.

11-26-21, 19:44
This new "Botswana" variant (it has yet to be named but the most likely is Omicron or also Mu or Nu) is going to further prolong this massive pain in the ass that COVID has become. Bet your paycheck that the Xiden administration will milk it for all it's worth. The perpetual, recurring pandemic plays into their hands beautifully. I'll retire in 4 or 5 years before we'll ever stop wearing masks in the medical field. And wait for the push for mail-in ballots again next year or 2024, 'cause well, you know, COVID is still out there. I am sick of this shit, and please read the bottom of my sigline.Pfizer is already saying they can have the next vaccine ready in 100 days

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-26-21, 19:47
Pfizer is already saying they can have the next vaccine ready in 100 days

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Of course with no proper trials, no safeguards and no recourse if it makes you grow a third eye or tastebuds in your butt... this damn thing is gonna be milked for all it's worth until We The People somehow FORCE them to stop.

And THAT's probably when they'll drop Smallpox II: The Revenge...

11-26-21, 19:48
This new "Botswana" variant (it has yet to be named but the most likely is Omicron or also Mu or Nu) is going to further prolong this massive pain in the ass that COVID has become. Bet your paycheck that the Xiden administration will milk it for all it's worth. The perpetual, recurring pandemic plays into their hands beautifully. I'll retire in 4 or 5 years before we'll ever stop wearing masks in the medical field. And wait for the push for mail-in ballots again next year or 2024, 'cause well, you know, COVID is still out there. I am sick of this shit, and please read the bottom of my sigline.

The Plandemic will never stop.

One can vote one’s self into Communism/Globalism but one has to inevitably shoot one’s way out - and there aren’t many examples of this...

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11-26-21, 20:32
One thing that I do think is a factor is metabolic shape ! A lot of it of course is based off sugar intake and quite a few folks are trying to do more research on this but again our gov is so bad about the health side of this

Would be interesting to hear the differences of sugar intake on many people :) but sadly wont happen

Arik hope your parents get over ASAP of course :) at least it sounds like its not knocked them off their feet which is good :)

Edit to say
this it effects each person a certain way and being in shape the jab whatever gives us - points its just how many + points you have as the base that matters if you go to hospital or stay home or get vaxed or not get vaxed it gets you
as I said in the start this is real so respect it and take care of it AND yourself cause its a morphing changing hits you 10 days later kinda thing :) again I am against the vax. But I resprected it when I got it :)Thanks!

They don't eat that much sugar overall because my mom doesn't buy packaged food. She won't even buy already ground beef. (Obviously there's exceptions). And there was never candy or chips in the house growing up. Want something sweet? Eat an orange.

The only daily sugar I can think of for them is in coffee and my mom eats lots of fruit.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-26-21, 20:34
Of course with no proper trials, no safeguards and no recourse if it makes you grow a third eye or tastebuds in your butt... this damn thing is gonna be milked for all it's worth until We The People somehow FORCE them to stop.

And THAT's probably when they'll drop Smallpox II: The Revenge...Well that was the thing about mRNA that they made so much noise about. Once it's made all it needs is tweeking to work for something else.

Of course now theres rumblings about this possibly having future heart issues.

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11-26-21, 23:44
Thanks interesting for sure :)

we know its vascular and the blood sugar levels and so on do seem to cause issues not only in daily life but those that get covid seem to get hit harder
we know that poor metabolic leads to those things that drag people down obesity which brings on issues diabetes brings on issues etc...

Sounds like they would be quite good metabolic shape then for their age then

I do wish our gov and doctors and so on would do way more work with diet/health especially related to covid ! Some are but just like when our gov went after smoking we reduced that quite a bit I do wish they would go after sugar industrialized seed oils etc... and educate folks on the downsides of it :) then let them decide but real honest info :)


They don't eat that much sugar overall because my mom doesn't buy packaged food. She won't even buy already ground beef. (Obviously there's exceptions). And there was never candy or chips in the house growing up. Want something sweet? Eat an orange.

The only daily sugar I can think of for them is in coffee and my mom eats lots of fruit.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-27-21, 06:42
No, he's saying the protections wane, and that's not new news. That's being spun into they don't work at all, and it's sad to see people like Paul babble on like that. I'm not in this thread to debate the merits, or lack there of, of the vaccines and have been clear from day one, we will not vaccine our way out of this. It will become endemic like the flu, they will be chasing variants with booster shots each year, just as they have a yearly flu shot for strains. That's been obvious from the git go.

The segment quoted in the transcript starts at about 6:00 and Fauci does say Israel is seeing the vaccinated require hospitalization and death.


11-27-21, 07:58
The segment quoted in the transcript starts at about 6:00 and Fauci does say Israel is seeing the vaccinated require hospitalization and death.

https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/12/podcasts/the-daily/anthony-fauci-vaccine-mandates-booster-shots.htmlDo they mention age or just "vaccinated"? I hate when they lump everyone together. The vaccinated 97 year old is not the same as the 45 year old

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11-27-21, 08:28
Do they mention age or just "vaccinated"? I hate when they lump everyone together. The vaccinated 97 year old is not the same as the 45 year old

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

It is Fauci being interviewed, no one else.

11-27-21, 17:28
UK I know is having more problems/deaths with vaccinated folks than non
Not sure the vax vs non % ? But again this thing does not care about the vax as the vax is not really working as it should IMHO
Again yes it can help I am not saying that but health and the vax or just health is key IMHO :)


Table 4

Also many younger people are dying that are vaxed than before and BOY are they trying to spin that to non vax :) hahah its so typical of the gov idiocy

11-27-21, 22:28
I tested positive on Tues. I had been sick for about 9 days before, cough, tired, sinus issues, sore throat and just worn down. Wife lost her sense of smell the night before, so on my way to work I got curios and got a rapid test from Walgreens. It came back that I was either pregnant or COVID. Called the boss and he told me I needed to go to the hospital and get a test.

So I went into the lair of the beat, nazi fascist central here and got tested, face mask guy comes back with I’m positive, and tells me not to go to work for 7 days. So I have been home since Tues, and feel about 98% now. I am certain this is at least the second time I have had it.

First time was late Jan of 2020, and I could not even get out of bed for three days other than to puke and crap my guts out. That was HORRIBLE, this time, it was just a long cold.

Neither of are vaccinated, nor will we be getting vaccinated. When I had to go into hospital it was the first time I had worn a mask. I usually fight with them in there and end up getting away with out one. But their was no way they were going to let that happen this time as I was in there for a covid test.

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11-28-21, 00:19
Did you not loose your smell then ?

Curious if you got the get vaxed lecture at the hospital like that tele doc gave me :) hahhahaha
Or was it more test done no interaction really ?

I tested positive on Tues. I had been sick for about 9 days before, cough, tired, sinus issues, sore throat and just worn down. Wife lost her sense of smell the night before, so on my way to work I got curios and got a rapid test from Walgreens. It came back that I was either pregnant or COVID. Called the boss and he told me I needed to go to the hospital and get a test.

So I went into the lair of the beat, nazi fascist central here and got tested, face mask guy comes back with I’m positive, and tells me not to go to work for 7 days. So I have been home since Tues, and feel about 98% now. I am certain this is at least the second time I have had it.

First time was late Jan of 2020, and I could not even get out of bed for three days other than to puke and crap my guts out. That was HORRIBLE, this time, it was just a long cold.

Neither of are vaccinated, nor will we be getting vaccinated. When I had to go into hospital it was the first time I had worn a mask. I usually fight with them in there and end up getting away with out one. But their was no way they were going to let that happen this time as I was in there for a covid test.

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11-28-21, 10:32
Did you not loose your smell then ?

Curious if you got the get vaxed lecture at the hospital like that tele doc gave me :) hahhahaha
Or was it more test done no interaction really ?

I never lost taste or smell.
No I did not get the vax lecture, but I think wearing a sweatshirt that says “I don’t co-parent with the government” might have helped not get the lecture too. I wish I would have had the one of the guy getting a bunch of jabs while wearing a mask that says “govern me hardy daddy”

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11-28-21, 15:10
Thanks :)

The smell thing is a strange part of this I have read how/why it happens

Its strange for sure and the ONLY reason I (and many others) was like OH I have it was my smell lucky it came back 5 days later and I know some are like 6 months or more and its barely back ?
Then again I was lucky never got the cough !

Hahahahaha OH the vax lecture I got dude so so so funny with the ivermectin is the most dangerous thing ever :) sure you would have been the inner OK do I just ignore move on or ?
So true about the co-parent !
“govern me hardy brandon”

I never lost taste or smell.
No I did not get the vax lecture, but I think wearing a sweatshirt that says “I don’t co-parent with the government” might have helped not get the lecture too. I wish I would have had the one of the guy getting a bunch of jabs while wearing a mask that says “govern me hardy daddy”

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

11-29-21, 12:45
How bout this guys experience...yikes.


While Dr. Bain was well aware of ivemectin’s ability to fight the covid virus in early infection, even he was surprised to discover its late-stage effectiveness. “It quells the fire of the inflammatory storm and also helps to lower the progression of stiffened lungs—aka pulmonary fibrosis,” he said. “That’s the beauty of this drug. I’m not saying it’s a cure. It’s just amazing.”

11-29-21, 13:13
my body my choice ONLY works with killing babies that is for sure sadly !!!!!

WOW great story ! and so true LONG used in humans our gov refuses to make it OK for covid since pharma wont make huge money therefore the stocks wont go up with insider trading happening in gov ! bottom line MONEY
also to keep rates insane high the insurance wont cover again more MONEY trail idiocy

of course we know Ivermectin is being molecular copied and going to come out bet it's going to be freaking way more $ than the original :)

from the article

“Every day after ivermectin, there was accelerated and stable improvement,” said Dr. Bain, who administered the drug in two previous court cases after hospitals refused.

How bout this guys experience...yikes.


While Dr. Bain was well aware of ivemectin’s ability to fight the covid virus in early infection, even he was surprised to discover its late-stage effectiveness. “It quells the fire of the inflammatory storm and also helps to lower the progression of stiffened lungs—aka pulmonary fibrosis,” he said. “That’s the beauty of this drug. I’m not saying it’s a cure. It’s just amazing.”