View Full Version : Waukeesha Christmas parade attacked

11-21-21, 18:04
So, a Mostly Peaceful Protest in Waukesha just now... bet they wish Kyle was there.

Three "oppressed victims" behind the wheel...

Coal Dragger
11-21-21, 18:12
Want to take odds on the accuracy of initial reporting on the suspect vs the reality?

11-21-21, 18:14
Want to take odds on the accuracy of initial reporting on the suspect vs the reality?

One already in custody, two on the lam, rifle fire out windows before they plowed through the barricades.


Interesting that they wait for the Dem group to pass before they commence their attack...

Coal Dragger
11-21-21, 19:26
I would guess this is the handiwork of a devout follower of the “religion of peace”.

Second place prediction some BLM or ANTIFA scum.

11-21-21, 19:33

Supposedly police scanner reports indicated 3 black males, 1 in custody and 2 on the run. It does sound like a textbook Daesh mass-rundown attack... granted, Farrakhan's Freaks could make it a two-fer.

11-21-21, 19:53
Hate to say what many are thinking person in custody and NO other info makes me think this is always the case when its a person that does not fit the narrative the MSM wants and they are buying time to spin it or burry it ?
I do think this was in retaliation of a recent situation racists folks did not like since its all about race even though it was a white kid on trial for shooting a white kid but HEY make it about race ? We are truly living in looney times

Or could be as said above the religion of peace starting to attack Xmas ? Either way bad stuff

Could be wrong but yeah this is not good the vid was horrible

11-21-21, 20:00
Hate to say what many are thinking person in custody and NO other info makes me think this is always the case when its a person that does not fit the narrative the MSM wants and they are buying time to spin it or burry it ?
I do think this was in retaliation of a recent situation racists folks did not like since its all about race even though it was a white kid on trial for shooting a white kid but HEY make it about race ? We are truly living in looney times

Or could be as said above the religion of peace starting to attack Xmas ? Either way bad stuff

Could be wrong but yeah this is not good the vid was horrible

Don't hate to say it, the reality is the we have a black violence problem in America. It is what it is, statistics don't lie but damn, this is downright cold and evil. Watching the parade, they've got kids in there!

11-21-21, 20:03
We have a LEFTIST violence problem, regardless of race/ethnicity/demographics.

11-21-21, 20:18
We have a LEFTIST violence problem, regardless of race/ethnicity/demographics.

inaccurate, look at the fbi stats and locale
Life is one giant bell curve

Alex V
11-21-21, 20:57
Anything official released on suspect descriptions?

11-21-21, 20:58
Well, here's the latest police briefing on the local news...


11-21-21, 22:31
According to the Quarting Twitter feed:

“Suspect via MULTIPLE sources In killing several and injuring scores more in #Waukesha Just released 2 days ago on bond as well. Darrell Edward Brooks Jr.”


11-21-21, 22:52

11-21-21, 23:08
Merry Christmas !

Coal Dragger
11-21-21, 23:20
Sounds like a dirtbag in need of hanging prior to this.

11-22-21, 00:35
Witness who called into news station said there was one black guy in the Ford Escape.

Shots may have come from Police.

It would be good if the cops would at least clear up whether other suspects ran from the vehicle or if they are pretty sure it was one guy and they have him.

11-22-21, 04:44
The DA over his felony case, where he was released on bond on Friday? Soros DA.

11-22-21, 07:05
Sounds a lot like a "Jihadi Wannabe" Dirtbag.
When will they outlaw SUV's?

11-22-21, 08:56
Investigators believe Waukesha suspect was fleeing incident

I smell a rat. Are they going to try to say there are some parallels between this and Rittenhouse? I could totally see them trying to say that he was driving away from the other incident in self-defense, and thought the barricades were for him, didn’t wanna be stopped by the racist police, so he went through the parade.

11-22-21, 09:23
40 injured, 5 dead being listed, several children.

Considering the state, I lean toward revenge for recent court ruling, followed by recent convert to religion peace. He'd been let out on 1k bail shortly before for a long list of crimes cuz of wokeness apparently.

The media et al with try and spin it of course.

11-22-21, 10:02
I read that they believe he is linked to an earlier knife attack in the area.

So maybe he was fleeing a stabbing or maybe it was an attack consistent with the MO of terrorism around the world, ie... knives and trucks?

11-22-21, 10:45
If they can call Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacists, then this guy was an avid follower of Allah, screaming Barack Obama’s name as he ran over white people.

If we are going to live in a post truth subjective reality universe, we might as well play the game.

11-22-21, 11:23
Lynch Mob worthy.

11-22-21, 11:50
Kinda like in the day being drug behind a horse ? Maybe drag behind a car

I say make it good give him a good set of motorcycle road racing leathers and helmet so the ride last as long as it can

11-22-21, 12:10
I read that they believe he is linked to an earlier knife attack in the area.

I've seen various claims, originating on Reddit (!), that he was fleeing and eluding police and driving through a parade was merely accidental. These claims are coming from people who appear to have leftist sympathies.

Sure, it could be the case that this is merely a chase gone wrong, but that is mighty convenient as a cover to deflect attention from what otherwise looks like a major incident of political terrorism with an overwhelming racial component. (Anyone who knows the area would know that the parade was mostly white, and perp would easily know this.) Perp also had extensive political and anti-white ramblings and was just let out on bail Friday by a Soros-funded DA.

Truth will eventually come out and I'm not saying it's impossible that he was there for non-terrorist reasons, but I wouldn't give that claim any serious consideration for now.

edit: Hey look, he was most recently arrested for intentionally running someone over with his car! (that someone was his baby-momma, incidentally)


11-22-21, 14:03
I read that they believe he is linked to an earlier knife attack in the area.

So maybe he was fleeing a stabbing or maybe it was an attack consistent with the MO of terrorism around the world, ie... knives and trucks?

That's almost certainly total bullshit, or sort of irrelevant. I live in the area. It was a decently long stretch of road. It wasn't a two second accidental incident. Even if the first collision was accidental, were all the others? He kept accidentally swerving into people and running them over for blocks?

Our media friends being our friends, like always.



>Darrell Brooks Jr., the man suspected of being the driver, has been charged three times in less than two years with recklessly endangering the safety of others, most recently in an incident in which he is accused of running a woman over with his vehicle in Milwaukee.

11-22-21, 15:23
That's almost certainly total bullshit, or sort of irrelevant. I live in the area. It was a decently long stretch of road. It wasn't a two second accidental incident. Even if the first collision was accidental, were all the others? He kept accidentally swerving into people and running them over for blocks?

Swerving to miss some people and hit others.

>Darrell Brooks Jr., the man suspected of being the driver, has been charged three times in less than two years with recklessly endangering the safety of others, most recently in an incident in which he is accused of running a woman over with his vehicle in Milwaukee.

Here is the thing, the guy is racisit and did this on purpose, it doesn't matter how many times msnbc and cnn try and cover for him, those are the facts.
They should have strung his worhtless a$$ up at the nearest lamp post.


11-22-21, 15:53
If you think this was an accident, maybe look at his History.
He's a scumbag

11-22-21, 18:38
If you think this was an accident, maybe look at his History.
He's a scumbag

"Gentile giant who was getting his life together before acceleration pedal in old car stopped working" will be the CNN headlines then.

El Vaquero
11-22-21, 19:14
Bond reform is the reason he was out. It’s happening everywhere. Why not just PR bond everybody?? 🙄

11-22-21, 19:41
Scumbag who should be behind bar is out on the street hurting innocent people?! What are the chances of that? Pretty good in a clown world….

11-22-21, 22:30
Louder With Crowder ripping on the media slant, perps Twitter straight proof this asshole is pure scumbag.


11-23-21, 07:07
What we know so far indicates that Brooks entered the parade route while driving at high speed. At some point, he decided to plow through a march unit. He then broke through a crowd control barrier, and a police officer fired several shots at his car. His social media account indicates he professes to be a BlackLivesMatter supporter, and he has a dislike of white people. As to the degree to which that social media persona is real or fake, your guess is as good as mine. We can also conclusively rule out the stupid story flacked by Cupp that he was fleeing some other crime and that said flight had anything to do with him killing people in a parade.

11-23-21, 08:45
"Gentile giant who was getting his life together before acceleration pedal in old car stopped working" will be the CNN headlines then.

I fail to see what his circumcision status has to do with anything but ok.....

11-23-21, 08:47
I've seen various claims, originating on Reddit (!), that he was fleeing and eluding police and driving through a parade was merely accidental. These claims are coming from people who appear to have leftist sympathies.

Sure, it could be the case that this is merely a chase gone wrong, but that is mighty convenient as a cover to deflect attention from what otherwise looks like a major incident of political terrorism with an overwhelming racial component. (Anyone who knows the area would know that the parade was mostly white, and perp would easily know this.) Perp also had extensive political and anti-white ramblings and was just let out on bail Friday by a Soros-funded DA.

Truth will eventually come out and I'm not saying it's impossible that he was there for non-terrorist reasons, but I wouldn't give that claim any serious consideration for now.

edit: Hey look, he was most recently arrested for intentionally running someone over with his car! (that someone was his baby-momma, incidentally)


Except here's the problem with that....."Flee from police by MURDERING and MAIMING dozens of people, because they won't find me then...."....Yea, that's a great plan, that makes total sense.....

11-23-21, 08:56
I fail to see what his circumcision status has to do with anything but ok.....

When did CNN et al give a chit about that?

11-23-21, 09:25
When did CNN et al give a chit about that?

Have you noticed that you cannot rebut any story from CNN? All comments are being turned off.

11-23-21, 16:23
Does it sound to you like this guy is getting Bail?

11-23-21, 16:27
Does it sound to you like this guy is getting Bail?

I think it would be hypocritical of the DA's office to not ask for a reasonable to low bail in this case. :rolleyes:

EDIT: $5M cash bail, so I guess the DA's office didn't want to retain their irresponsible pattern of behaviors anymore.

Oh, and WTF does this scumbag have his head down on the table and rocking like a small child for? Own this you POS! :mad:

11-23-21, 16:36
I think it would be hypocritical of the DA's office to not ask for a reasonable to low bail in this case. :rolleyes:

EDIT: $5M cash bail, so I guess the DA's office didn't want to retain their irresponsible pattern of behaviors anymore.

Oh, and WTF does this scumbag have his head down on the table and rocking like a small child for? Own this you POS! :mad:

I just checked "Go Fund Me" lots of his victim's but so far nothing directly for him (Darrell Brooks).

11-23-21, 16:42
I just checked "Go Fund Me" lots of his victim's but so far nothing directly for him (Darrell Brooks).

If GFM allows one thin dime for this POS, I'd say they need to be shuttered forever.

11-23-21, 16:56
Here is the thing, the guy is racisit and did this on purpose, it doesn't matter how many times msnbc and cnn try and cover for him, those are the facts.
They should have strung his worhtless a$$ up at the nearest lamp post.................................................................................................................
Naw, Naw, Naw they can do that chit on Yellowstone but if we do it , we become just like them !!!! ( EXTREME SARCASM )

11-23-21, 17:00
Actually the crowd should have hung him at the scene of the crime.

11-23-21, 19:32
Actually the crowd should have hung him at the scene of the crime.

agree with this

11-23-21, 20:08
I just checked "Go Fund Me" lots of his victim's but so far nothing directly for him (Darrell Brooks).

He doesn't need one, Cameltoe Harris will get him bailed out.

11-23-21, 20:10
Actually the crowd should have hung him at the scene of the crime.

I don't think he hung around, you know, running from that knife fight and all.

11-24-21, 08:31
So this will go the way of anything that doesn't fit the narrative (see the country music concert shooting in LV), it will be "the suv that ran over people" to the media forever. The facts are just too inconvenient for the American public to be "bothered." No thought to the fact that he's black, victims white, he's a shining example of "bail reform" failure, by all accounts he's as racist as they come, big BLM and Malcolm X supporter. MSM will try to find a way to sneak something in as he apparently hated Trump, so they're probably getting the cold sweats working on a way to get that word out without any other facts. It's just another story where what you see with your own eyes, yet again, doesn't support what the media is shoveling. Gross. Our society is an embarrassment.

11-24-21, 10:41
Have you noticed that you cannot rebut any story from CNN? All comments are being turned off.

Are you saying here in this forum, or some other platform?

11-24-21, 10:44
I think it is criminal that the DA can't and wouldn't have his life trashed over this.

This piece of human garbage is a terrorist, pure and simple. He is also a piece of human trafficking, pimp piece of $hit.

He needs to be removed from the world, pure and simple.

11-24-21, 12:04
Are you saying here in this forum, or some other platform?

Almost every story on my feed from CNN has some inflamatory narrative and you cannot rebut it.
There are no longer comments available for many of these stories I'm seeing.

11-24-21, 12:06
I think it is criminal that the DA can't and wouldn't have his life trashed over this.

This piece of human garbage is a terrorist, pure and simple. He is also a piece of human trafficking, pimp piece of $hit.

He needs to be removed from the world, pure and simple.

He's not concerned at the least, he'll likely be playing Golf with the DA this weekend.
I would agree though, he should be unemployed and penniless at this point.

11-24-21, 12:24

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11-24-21, 12:43

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

USE THE PREVIEW PLEASE its part of the forum then we see a thumbnail at least ?

11-24-21, 13:20

Here's the other half of the story from PJW. Not really getting into the full details, but a good quick overview of what the guy is. In short, whether or not this was strictly an intentional attack, the guy had enough Black Power leanings where if this was a white guy it would be a "white racis terror" issue plastered all over the news. But because of the fella involved...it's just an unfortunate accident...


Quite frankly, this literally couldn't have happened at a more opportune time... which is why they're trying so hard to dumb it down.
Wonder how fast they can put together a counter narrative with another 3-named-white-guy... :rolleyes:

11-25-21, 07:15
A lot of good information here, long, but very detailed.
Now, we’ll have to see how the facts unspool, as I always say in any case. What we do know at this point is that the attack was intentional, according to the police, and not only that but that the alleged attacker, Darrell Brooks, was trying to hit as many people as he possibly could and allegedly had previously, earlier in the month, run over the mother of one of his children.
But there’s more in his social media and it’s not a good picture. Liberal media would rather attack the journalists mentioning his posts rather than actually report on them, afraid of what they might mean. But that’s dishonest journalism, just like calling the attack an “accident” is dishonest. You don’t have to immediately jump to the motive, but you can and should be reporting on all the evidence.
As we noted, that evidence of his social media does show he was unhappy with the Rittenhouse verdict which came in two days before the Waukesha attack. It also shows that he had posts related to BLM, George Floyd and Malcolm X, as well as anti-police posts.
All six of the fatalities were white including the latest, eight-year-old Jackson Sparks.
Brooks also posted a fake meme about Hitler which shows how warped his thinking was, but his comment indicated he thought it was real and endorsed it.
Brooks was convicted of threatening to bomb Nugget Casino in Sparks, Nevada and is still wanted after failing to appear in court in Nevada on another case.

11-26-21, 10:45
GFM Has pulled a campaign to raise his $5M bail:


12-01-21, 23:03

well we know they are going to claim mental and let him get off easy !

well mom says it is THE GOV fault

The mother of Waukesha attack suspect Darrell E. Brooks Jr. has penned a lengthy letter charging that the American legal system failed to provide her mentally ill son adequate resources throughout his life.

According to Dawn Woods, Brooks came from a “loving Christian family and is the grandson of ministers,” alleging that he has “suffered from mental health issues since he was very young.” Woods wrote:

12-01-21, 23:10

well we know they are going to claim mental and let him get off easy !

well mom says it is THE GOV fault

Sounds like they're grasping for straws.
I'm sure they've got a plan, but this isn't a good one unless you can back it up with documentation.
This guy's getting multiple life sentences.

12-01-21, 23:22
Sounds like they're grasping for straws.
I'm sure they've got a plan, but this isn't a good one unless you can back it up with documentation.
This guy's getting multiple life sentences.

his videos and his other stuff dude was pure evil not insane ! wonder if they will scrub this with google help ? anymore I do not know :)

reckon her saying they failed to provide as in hoping they can just say there is no documentation cause they did not provide any ? which is insane :)

but won't/should not hold up unless you get the insane liberal BLM loving knee bending judge ?

12-02-21, 00:17
his videos and his other stuff dude was pure evil not insane ! wonder if they will scrub this with google help ? anymore I do not know :)

reckon her saying they failed to provide as in hoping they can just say there is no documentation cause they did not provide any ? which is insane :)

but won't/should not hold up unless you get the insane liberal BLM loving knee bending judge ?

But then there is the Rittenhouse factor which goes off the rails and they match him outside and hang him immediately..
Claim insanity when you have no other credible defense.

12-02-21, 01:30
But then there is the Rittenhouse factor which goes off the rails and they match him outside and hang him immediately..
Claim insanity when you have no other credible defense.

the woke ritenhouse stuff is also insane ;) the whole left is insane
sure you read about the ASU wants to kick him out of online classes etc...
of course the woke Levi having counselors ?

truly history in the making I think like the fall of Roman empire we are living one of the larger collapses of man not overnight but we are seeing the fall of humanityfreedom/USA/etc... in some ways

12-02-21, 12:11

well we know they are going to claim mental and let him get off easy !

well mom says it is THE GOV fault

You can see it in the guys' eyes, he's batshit crazy. IDGAF. You kill rabid (sick) dogs. Put him down and be done with it.

12-02-21, 12:28
POS is whining about "they're trying to demonize and dehumanize me..." News flash, shitstain, you did that to YOURSELF when you CHOSE to mow down defenseless grannies and children. Piss be eternally upon you and all who support you.

12-02-21, 12:30
POS is whining about "they're trying to demonize and dehumanize me..." News flash, shitstain, you did that to YOURSELF when you CHOSE to mow down defenseless grannies and children. Piss be eternally upon you and all who support you.

That was my exact thought when I saw that. You act like a f'ing animal and then are surprised when people THINK you are and TREAT you like one?

12-02-21, 12:40
Victimhood the new way to be put on a leftist worship pedestal in our country

12-02-21, 12:43
That was my exact thought when I saw that. You act like a f'ing animal and then are surprised when people THINK you are and TREAT you like one?

He knew what he was doing. His words have NO meaning to me.

I’m not falling for his diversion.

You should not, either.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-02-21, 12:48
That was my exact thought when I saw that. You act like a f'ing animal and then are surprised when people THINK and TREAT you like one?

I want you to think about how all of this will appear to a jury...
This M'F'er should ride the lightening.

12-02-21, 12:58
I want you to think about how all of this will appear to a jury...
This M'F'er should ride the lightening.

You assume the Woketard Sorosite DA will seek Capital Murder... if he doesn't give Rabid Dog a walk my money's on Vehicular Manslaughter at highest then plea-bargain it down to misdemeanor Malicious Mischief.

12-02-21, 13:05
You assume the Woketard Sorosite DA will seek Capital Murder... if he doesn't give Rabid Dog a walk my money's on Vehicular Manslaughter at highest then plea-bargain it down to misdemeanor Malicious Mischief.

At this level he hasn't much of a choice, if they don't, a lot of people will demand the maximum, even Democrats.

12-02-21, 13:10
Personally, if it was up to me I'd handle this kind of violent animal the way the Romans did... let them live their nature with other violent animals in the gladiator arena, separated from civilized society.

12-02-21, 13:13
You assume the Woketard Sorosite DA will seek Capital Murder... if he doesn't give Rabid Dog a walk my money's on Vehicular Manslaughter at highest then plea-bargain it down to misdemeanor Malicious Mischief.

No death penalty in Wisconsin.

Feds should charge him as a Black Nationalist Terrorist and give him the Federal Needle. Problem solved.

12-02-21, 13:15
No death penalty in Wisconsin.

Feds should charge him as a Black Nationalist Terrorist and give him the Federal Needle. Problem solved.

Nah, fire up Old Sparky. #MakeTheChairGreatAgain

12-02-21, 13:17
Personally, if it was up to me I'd handle this kind of violent animal the way the Romans did... let them live their nature with other violent animals in the gladiator arena, separated from civilized society.

The word OUTLAW has a very specific historic meaning. From Wikipedia-- which actually has a pretty good description-----

"An outlaw is a person declared as outside the protection of the law. In pre-modern societies, all legal protection was withdrawn from the criminal, so that anyone was legally empowered to persecute or kill them. Outlawry was thus one of the harshest penalties in the legal system. In early Germanic law, the death penalty is conspicuously absent, and outlawing is the most extreme punishment, presumably amounting to a death sentence in practice. The concept is known from Roman law, as the status of homo sacer, and persisted throughout the Middle Ages.

In the common law of England, a "Writ of Outlawry" made the pronouncement Caput lupinum ("Let his be a wolf's head", literally "May he bear a wolfish head") with respect to its subject, using "head" to refer to the entire person (cf. "per capita") and equating that person with a wolf in the eyes of the law: not only was the subject deprived of all legal rights, being outside the "law", but others could kill him on sight as if he were a wolf or other wild animal.[citation needed] Women were declared "waived" rather than outlawed but it was effectively the same punishment.[1]"

English is a wonderfully descriptive and specific language, words actually MEAN things.....We should return to this early form of law in certain cases as far as I'm concerned.

12-02-21, 13:39
The word OUTLAW has a very specific historic meaning. From Wikipedia-- which actually has a pretty good description-----

"An outlaw is a person declared as outside the protection of the law. In pre-modern societies, all legal protection was withdrawn from the criminal, so that anyone was legally empowered to persecute or kill them. Outlawry was thus one of the harshest penalties in the legal system. In early Germanic law, the death penalty is conspicuously absent, and outlawing is the most extreme punishment, presumably amounting to a death sentence in practice. The concept is known from Roman law, as the status of homo sacer, and persisted throughout the Middle Ages.

In the common law of England, a "Writ of Outlawry" made the pronouncement Caput lupinum ("Let his be a wolf's head", literally "May he bear a wolfish head") with respect to its subject, using "head" to refer to the entire person (cf. "per capita") and equating that person with a wolf in the eyes of the law: not only was the subject deprived of all legal rights, being outside the "law", but others could kill him on sight as if he were a wolf or other wild animal.[citation needed] Women were declared "waived" rather than outlawed but it was effectively the same punishment.[1]"

English is a wonderfully descriptive and specific language, words actually MEAN things.....We should return to this early form of law in certain cases as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, sir, I have said the same thing myself in other cases before. :) The problem with outlawry here is that shitstains like this frequently have others willing to harbor and provide for them... and they thusly have support networks ready to help them move and hide until they decide to kill again. The arena keeps them contained until the time comes for them to be a Visible Example...

12-02-21, 14:04
Nah, fire up Old Sparky. #MakeTheChairGreatAgain

Don't forget the dry sponge.

12-02-21, 15:20
Don't forget the dry sponge.

And give him the mechanics old oily/fuel spilled overalls to put on :)