View Full Version : 29 and balding. HELP!

11-23-21, 11:03
Alrighty, so I’m 29 and balding. Not particularly happy. Is anyone aware of a natural remedy? I care more about my ability to have kids (Which is funny as the chances of me finding a woman are about the same as winning the powerball) and don’t feel like chemically castrating myself with fin/dut

11-23-21, 11:22
Alrighty, so I’m 29 and balding. Not particularly happy. Is anyone aware of a natural remedy? I care more about my ability to have kids (Which is funny as the chances of me finding a woman are about the same as winning the powerball) and don’t feel like chemically castrating myself with fin/dut

Natural remedy is to get the Fvck over it. Embrace it and move on. Confidence in who you are is what will attract the right mate to have kids with, not a luscious mop top.

11-23-21, 11:46
Dwayne johnson roc guy reckon he has no issue with being bald !
Quite a few other bald folks who look good and wear it maintain it try not to fake it look good !

Ditto embrace it own it IMHO if you are balding at that age anything but going slick just looks wrong ?

11-23-21, 11:56
Wear a hat when out in the sun.

I was 31 when my girlfriend told me I had sunburned the top of my head. I told her I couldn't have, she couldn't see the top of my head (jokingly in denial about getting thin on top).

11-23-21, 12:03
Haven't paid for a haircut in 30 years & still using the same Wahl clippers...mine started before yours did, said hell with this & took it out on my terms.

If you think it's hair that finds a soulmate, then you need to reevaluate.

11-23-21, 12:10
If you think it's hair that finds a soulmate, then you need to reevaluate.


Even my girlfriend said she was okay with me being bald if it comes down to it.

11-23-21, 12:13
I knew a guy that bald in Jr High School. Get over it. Personally. I hate hair and never let it get over about 1/8".

11-23-21, 12:21
I knew a guy that bald in Jr High School. Get over it. Personally. I hate hair and never let it get over about 1/8".

One of my best friends went bald in highschool. It was the early 90's so he had a mullet but was balding on top, lol Damnedest thing you ever seen. I on the other had still have a really thick head of hair at 45 yrs old. Hope this helps OP.

11-23-21, 12:23
1. Own it.
2. Shave head and grow beard to counter baldness.
3. Work out and get fit to counter baldness.
4. Become rich and/or famous to counter baldness.
5. Wear a hat.

11-23-21, 12:32

11-23-21, 12:55
Be a man and shave the remainder off
Grow a beard
Have nothing to do with any woman who would reject you. She would only be into your hair. You wanna have kids with that?

11-23-21, 12:59
1. Own it.
2. Shave head and grow beard to counter baldness.
3. Work out and get fit to counter baldness.
4. Become rich and/or famous to counter baldness.
5. Wear a hat.

For the win!

11-23-21, 13:02
Haven't paid for a haircut in 30 years & still using the same Wahl clippers...mine started before yours did, said hell with this & took it out on my terms.

If you think it's hair that finds a soulmate, then you need to reevaluate.

I have enough wrong me with me lol. Bald me is NOT a good look.

11-23-21, 13:16
Quote Originally Posted by crosseyedshooter View Post
1. Own it.
2. Shave head and grow beard to counter baldness.
3. Work out and get fit to counter baldness.
4. Become rich and/or famous to counter baldness.
5. Wear a hat.
For the win!

Suck it up buttercup! Hair is not all it's cracked up to be. (and this is coming from a child of the '70's who had hair down to my shoulders),
Bald is beautiful! Do yourself & others a favor & shave what's left off. Chicks did a bald guy. Ask Yul Brynner.

11-23-21, 13:28
Well change that you are young :)

I have enough wrong me with me lol. Bald me is NOT a good look.

11-23-21, 13:30
I have enough wrong me with me lol. Bald me is NOT a good look.

I know the feeling. Anecdotally Nizoral and Pura d'or shampoo may slow the loss a little. Single follicle transplants like Elon Musk if you can afford it.

11-23-21, 13:38
I cut my hair off during the first intifada, saw a guy that his hair went up in flames. Went home and cut it all off, a whole head of hair, that is how nasty it was looking at the burning hair dude.

Get in shape if your not, shave it off. Take it as a positive change and embrace it.

11-23-21, 14:35
I started losing my hair in my early 20s right after I got out of the Army.

I always wore my hair really short anyway so it never bothered me. One day, my wife suggested I shave it with a razor. 25yrs later and it still gets the razor every other morning.

Bic that crap and move on (not an actual Bic, I use a Mach 3).

11-23-21, 14:40
I have it on good authority if you rub dog crap on your scalp twice daily it will stimulate your scalp into producing more follicles.

11-23-21, 14:50

Idk! I never cared. I'm starting to a little as well. My grandpa (moms dad) had a come over in his 40s and rocked it into his 70s! My dad is almost 70 and is only half gray. I think I got a little bit of my grandpa's DNA. Just enough to start to be noticable even though he already had a come over at my age. Either way I always hated hair. I buzz cut every other week at home and wether I'm at a wedding, just waking up or running a marathon I always look the same!

Plenty of fugly guys with shaved heads with hot wives and/or girlfriends.

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11-23-21, 14:57
My Son was going bald and it was a wake up call.
He had a high stress job as a Nursing Supervisor, ate shitty food, came home exhausted and went to bed every night. When he started losing his hair it was a wake up call.
He shaved his head, lost weight, began eating right, went back to college for a new career and became alot healthier.
Hair came back in very thick in six months.

11-23-21, 15:20
Good friend and ex brother in law lost his hair in his 20s. When the odd girl in the bar ask him how he lost his hair he would answer... Making U turns under the cover. He got laid as much as any of us!

11-23-21, 16:18
Oh, another thing, he's now much more particular about the soap and shampoo he uses.
But it's back and as thick as the hair on his back now...Hahaha! I laugh because I helped him shave before wrestling and weight lifting meets.

11-23-21, 16:48
As others have mentioned, buzz that hair short. I used to rock long hair but as I got thin on top I just buzzed the sides and back, leaving about 1/4" on top; similar to a high and tight.

11-23-21, 17:20
This is a hilarious thread!

There is only one correct solution to your problem….And that solution would be to just get over it! Life is way to stressful to be “wigging” out about things you cannot control.

Grow a beard
Shave your head
Get a tupay lol
Wear a hat
Or just embrace it

Rogane only works with some types of baldness, and if it does work, you have to use it forever…otherwise it falls back out.

If it bothers you that much, then spend thousands for a transplant.
Just imagine the ammo you could buy with that.

11-23-21, 17:23
Do you take creatine? If so, it’s been known to cause hair loss. But if not, just shave it. My grandfather started losing his at 18.

11-23-21, 17:37
My Son was going bald and it was a wake up call.
He had a high stress job as a Nursing Supervisor, ate shitty food, came home exhausted and went to bed every night. When he started losing his hair it was a wake up call.
He shaved his head, lost weight, began eating right, went back to college for a new career and became alot healthier.
Hair came back in very thick in six months.

I’m hoping it’s just that. I work 3 jobs and am rebuilding my house. I eat maybe 1000 calories (half of them Being beer calories) a day getting 4 hours of sleep a night. I work from sun up to sun down 70+ hours for the past 3 years. Bills ain’t paying themself.

Also, I’m in about as good of shape as possible at 6’0 165 pounds

11-23-21, 17:40
wait till your teeth have to be removed :) then you could be like biden fake teeth fake hair and fake presidency :)

SO see loosing your hair and teeth lead you to presidency !

11-23-21, 17:44
I wish I had flowing locks but yeah, the worst look IMO is desperately trying to salvage it. My widows peak was solid in my late 20s so I started shaving my head. I’m 31 in a little over a month and have shaved my head since before 30 at this point.

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11-23-21, 18:00
I’m hoping it’s just that. I work 3 jobs and am rebuilding my house. I eat maybe 1000 calories (half of them Being beer calories) a day getting 4 hours of sleep a night. I work from sun up to sun down 70+ hours for the past 3 years. Bills ain’t paying themself.

Also, I’m in about as good of shape as possible at 6’0 165 pounds

Being height and weight appropriate does not mean your fit. In this case maybe you need to slow down a bit before something slows you down.
Yeah, your stressed to what would be a lot of guy's breaking point. I would guess your going to have to slow down a bit before you get healthy again.

11-23-21, 18:20
Being height and weight appropriate does not mean your fit. In this case maybe you need to slow down a bit before something slows you down.
Yeah, your stressed to what would be a lot of guy's breaking point. I would guess your going to have to slow down a bit before you get healthy again.

I don’t know how to slow down. It’s either work or sleep for me. Can’t stand sitting around and doing nothing.

11-23-21, 18:46
I don’t know how to slow down. It’s either work or sleep for me. Can’t stand sitting around and doing nothing.

Smoke a J.

11-23-21, 18:47
Smoke a J.

Then he’ll be bald with man boobs!

11-23-21, 18:54
Then he’ll be bald with man boobs!

I’d finally have a set of titties to play with and not have to ask permission lol

Quickly edited due to not being able to see from a scratched cornea

11-23-21, 18:59
I’d finally have a set of titties to play with and not have to ask permission lol

Quickly edited due to not being able to see from a scratched cornea

There ya go! There’s a bright side to everything!

11-23-21, 19:14
Do you take creatine? If so, it’s been known to cause hair loss.

Is this from a clinical trial, or anecdotal?

11-23-21, 19:56
Is this from a clinical trial, or anecdotal?

I think it’s a bit of both. Creatine increases DHT, which is one of the hormones that cause male pattern baldness. Does it happen to everyone that takes creatine? No, but it does effect some.


11-23-21, 21:54
I have enough wrong me with me lol. Bald me is NOT a good look.

Stress just makes it happen faster. Crop it close and move on.

If any treatments actually WORKED then nobody would have hair loss that didn't want it that way. Expensive efforts, minimal results.

Transplants, rugs and other glue ons are just sad. If you think shaved won't help you with the women, wait until one of them discovers your wig. There really is no coming back from that. Plugs and transplants work but typically look very obvious and are very, very expensive. And most of the time you just lose that hair too.

So my best advice is shave it close and buy some aviators then stop caring so hard what the rest of the world thinks about anything.

11-24-21, 08:06
Dude, seriously, you're 29 and you've got roughly a half century of life to live. Is something as insignificant as hair loss going to be what you focus on? Unless one of your three jobs is a male hair model, your career and and more importantly your life is not over. Roll with the changes bro and focus on what really matters to you.

11-24-21, 10:36
I started going bald at 16 years old. I hit 19 and said screw it, and shaved it to a mirror shine.

Despite what you may have heard.. women do indeed like bald men. Some women go absolutely crazy over it actually.

Step 1: Have a nice physique

Step 2: Be bald

Step 3: Profit

Seriously, your bald head may just be the second most touched body part during coitus.

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11-24-21, 12:06
Resistance is futile.

Cut it super short and go with the Jason Statham or Dwayne Johnson look. Chicks dig it.

11-24-21, 12:24
Resistance is futile.

Cut it super short and go with the Jason Statham or Dwayne Johnson look. Chicks dig it.

Nah. I’m going to figure this shit out and I don’t by the dht theory. Why? If it was dht alone, dht blocking shampoos would work. Neither my dad or brother are thinning as bad as I am. As I have low t, dht levels in theory are low. Dht may be a factor, but I’m guessing there is a relationship between neuropeptides and the hair follicle muscle as well as the little gland that produces wax to help the hair slide.

11-24-21, 12:52
Nah. I’m going to figure this shit out and I don’t by the dht theory. Why? If it was dht alone, dht blocking shampoos would work. Neither my dad or brother are thinning as bad as I am. As I have low t, dht levels in theory are low. Dht may be a factor, but I’m guessing there is a relationship between neuropeptides and the hair follicle muscle as well as the little gland that produces wax to help the hair slide.If it was that simple men wouldn't be bald. Imagine the amount of money a pharmaceutical company would make?! They've been trying to figure this out forever. Occasionally it happens to be stress or some other influence but 99.999999% of the time it's DNA. Your brother and dad don't share the same identical jeans. For instance, my grandpa had the come over at 40 meanwhile his son, my uncle is 57 and isn't even graying let alone balding

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11-24-21, 13:02
Dude, DNA is a powerful thing.

My dad at 95 has a black beard, I greyed at the temples in my mid 20's. Of course I had spent about 2 years almost solid at war, so stress I am sure played a part. My beard is still largely black.

11-24-21, 14:43
Was going bald in my mid-30s and there is nothing that can be done unless you a hair transplant. I trim my own hair and an pair of Wahl clippers. In the warmer weather I use a HeadBlade and head shave cream although you could use a standard razor and shave cream. I wear baseball caps and winter I wear a wool cap.

11-24-21, 15:37
Think of it this way. You may have lost hair on your head, but you’ll gain hair on you back, ears, and nose! I swear to god, if I could grow out the hairs on my ears, I could use them to real in a small mouth bass. Those suckers are rugged!

11-24-21, 20:06
1. Own it.
2. Shave head and grow beard to counter baldness.
3. Work out and get fit to counter baldness.
4. Become rich and/or famous to counter baldness.
5. Wear a hat.

Words I live by....except the rich and famous

11-25-21, 02:48
Mine started going when I was 17. I fought it for years. Regain helped for a while, but eventually I just owned it and started shaving my head.

It was hard at first but I am comfortable with it now.

11-26-21, 17:06
Nah. I’m going to figure this shit out and I don’t by the dht theory. Why? If it was dht alone, dht blocking shampoos would work. Neither my dad or brother are thinning as bad as I am. As I have low t, dht levels in theory are low. Dht may be a factor, but I’m guessing there is a relationship between neuropeptides and the hair follicle muscle as well as the little gland that produces wax to help the hair slide.

Look to your mom's side. That's where the balding comes from. My son will be bald by 30. I will be 60 and still have a full head of hair. My wife's side of the family pretty much are all bald by 35.

11-26-21, 23:56
Look to your mom's side. That's where the balding comes from. My son will be bald by 30. I will be 60 and still have a full head of hair. My wife's side of the family pretty much are all bald by 35.

Wow. Marrying into a bald family just to mess with your kid's heads.

That's some long range Bad Dad Joke planning there!

11-28-21, 01:22
Wow. Marrying into a bald family just to mess with your kid's heads.

That's some long range Bad Dad Joke planning there!

Doesn't really matter.. the kid has been wearing his hair 1/4" long since he took a set of dog clippers to his own head when he was 2.

11-28-21, 02:06
I know from watching it with my own eyes, it can in some cases be fixed.

11-28-21, 15:12
That put a smile on my face :) hahahahahaah

Doesn't really matter.. the kid has been wearing his hair 1/4" long since he took a set of dog clippers to his own head when he was 2.

11-28-21, 17:35
Nah. I’m going to figure this shit out and I don’t by the dht theory. Why? If it was dht alone, dht blocking shampoos would work. Neither my dad or brother are thinning as bad as I am. As I have low t, dht levels in theory are low. Dht may be a factor, but I’m guessing there is a relationship between neuropeptides and the hair follicle muscle as well as the little gland that produces wax to help the hair slide.

Stress? I had male pattern baldness start around when I was your age, and high stress times looked like somebody just took an eraser to parts of my hairline.

Making peace with it was helped immensely by remembering a saying from my maternal grandfather, who had even LESS hair when he was my age: "You can't have hair and brains both, son."

11-28-21, 19:13
I don’t know how to slow down. It’s either work or sleep for me. Can’t stand sitting around and doing nothing.

I've lived like that and it didn't work out well for me in the long run. My advice is worth exactly what you paid for it, but learning to take some time off and get comfortable with it is an important skill.

As to the hair thing, I know some guys that use and swear by Keeps.

11-30-21, 14:45
Be thankful you're a guy. I knew a girl with alopecia who lost all her hair in her early 20s. If a man's balding, well, that's life. Women can get over that. For a woman to be bald... That's rough.

11-30-21, 15:05