View Full Version : Pathologized Totalitarianism

11-23-21, 17:31
Everywhere you look the totalitarians are marching in lockstep, the world has gone crazy and it's coming here !

11-23-21, 19:19
Are you going to provide a summary of or comment upon the content of that link? And why the long tracking token?

11-23-21, 19:30
Interesting article. I agree with the author, although the totalitarian swing is also based at least as largely in the social/demographic realm as it is the COVID world. Sure, COVID will open the doorway for them......then the true objectives show through: not "equality" anymore (as we've already achieved that quite some time ago), but EQUITY. Nope, no longer guaranteed equal opportunity, but equal outcomes. Big difference.

Then there's U.S. subservience internationally, which just thrills those commie bastards in China.

Of course more socially-based excuses and set-asides for the "socially disadvantaged" among us (all basically justified by "whitey is bad").

The ILLEGAL invasion to our south? No problemo, mi casa es su casa. :mad::mad::mad:

Yeah, the totalitarians and their shield and sword known as the FBI will be needing addressed before the problem can be solved.