View Full Version : Letter to military and LE: If the quarantine camps ever come here to the US...

11-24-21, 15:04
God forbid what's happening in Australia right now ever come to this great country. But if it does, I implore those of you in the military and law enforcement to consider these points carefully.

The way the Holocaust is presented in school and documentaries, it leaves one with the dangerous impression that the Germans up and decided one day to mass murder millions of people.

One could potentially argue that that was true of certain Nazi leaders, though I think the facts say otherwise, the people who carried out the Holocaust never had that decisive moment. At every turn, they were led down the primrose path of good intentions.

Ironically, the most oft cited piece of evidence for Holocaust deniers, the swimming pool at Auschwitz, is to me by far the most chilling aspect of the entire horrifying story.

Think about it. When those camps were being built, the architects, engineers, and workers had absolutely no idea what they were doing. They were designing and building legitimate housing, designed to humanely support the life and health of the internees who would be moved there. To the extent that they provided recreational facilities, in addition to the comfortable dormitories, which were heated, brick buildings that any German soldier would have been happy to live in.

Even the notorious ovens and Zyklon B gas were completely innocently placed there by the camps' designers. The Zyklon B was meant for delousing, and for years that was its only use in the camps. There was zero premeditated intent on anyone's part to use it to murder people. It merely became a convenient means discovered by an SS lieutenant once the mass murder had already started, and even that first use began in relative innocence, as it was used to execute Russian prisoners of war who had been, allegedly, duly convicted of war crimes.

The ovens were necessary, and there were only enough in the main camps to serve what would be the expected natural death rate for a population as large as what the camp was designed to hold.

The very first gas chamber? Originally an air raid bunker for the SS officers and medical staff.

But slowly everything changed. Even the medical facilities meant by their designers to provide compassionate medical treatment to prisoners became places of torture and medical experimentation.

The Zyklon B meant to save lives became the main agent of murder, though no one could have predicted it, and even after its nefarious use was discovered there were still challenges going forward that almost stopped the program. Namely an incident where the SS officers accidentally gassed themselves and became ill, which is when the makeshift gas chamber was put out of use and the gassings were moved to new purpose built death factories hurriedly erected down the tracks from the main camps.

My point that I'm trying to make is that at no time in the leadup to the Holocaust could anyone point to anything going on that was outwardly nefarious. From the top down, everything was above board, and all designs and intentions, outwardly, appeared noble in light of the politics and beliefs at the time.

In other words, my point is that there's really no fundamental difference between the death camps of Nazi Germany and the quarantine camps being built today. Including their design, and their intent.

There will not be any warning. They will not build literal death camps with gas chambers and ovens, as so many conspiracy theorists claim. There will never be a smoking gun pointing to premeditated mass murder.

The smoking gun is when innocent people are forcibly put in prison camps against their will! That's the only warning you will ever get. THAT is the smoking gun, and it's the only relevant detail in any of these discussions.

It is a crime against humanity to imprison innocent people against their will, that is tantamount in and of itself to the premeditation of mass murder. There is never any justifiable reason for rounding up innocent people and imprisoning them. Not one single time in history was this ever okay, and this time will be no better. And the people orchestrating this, and those carrying out the orders, will be viewed by future generations as criminals at best.

I implore everyone in the military and law enforcement to consider these facts, and consider what they will do if relocation orders are given here in the US, as they have been in Australia. No matter how innocent it feels in the moment, history will remember it as the crime against humanity that it is. And depending on the circumstances going forward, it, and you, may be remembered as much worse, IF you comply. Alternately, history may remember you as a hero if you refuse. Hopefully the people of Australia will push back, and this horrific thing won't come here, but the time to take your stand is now, before it even has the opportunity to.

11-24-21, 15:15
Biggest difference between our friends down under and us. We still have guns. I know people say Americans are too scared to use them, but the fact that Americans have them will give the tiny tyrants pause before attempting something like what Australia is doing.

You make very good points though. People should read Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. It’s a hard read to get through, I had to put it down a few times. But it’s a vital read if you want to understand how ordinary men can be complicit in genocide.

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11-24-21, 15:24
Excellent post, Okie!

11-24-21, 16:49
Even the notorious ovens and Zyklon B gas were completely innocently placed there by the camps' designers. The Zyklon B was meant for delousing, and for years that was its only use in the camps. There was zero premeditated intent on anyone's part to use it to murder people. It merely became a convenient means discovered by an SS lieutenant once the mass murder had already started, and even that first use began in relative innocence, as it was used to execute Russian prisoners of war who had been, allegedly, duly convicted of war crimes.

So I get where you are going with this but you overlook some very important details.

Lots of people knowingly evolved death camps. They did this first with the mentally handicapped and started with deliberate murder via carbon monoxide poisoning.

There was also a lot of deliberate murder in Poland, Ukraine and Russia by locals who were encouraged to round up jews, communists and others and engage in mass murder or by SS einsatzgruppen members specifically. Do not kid yourself about this shit or buy into the "nobody knew" nonsense.


This woman isn't being deloused and accidentally shot.

There is the other important consideration called the Wannsee conference in 1942 where the issue was raised, the numbers of jews calculated and means of disposing of them decided on. Every single person at that meeting completely understood the directives.

Even when the jews were still confined to ghettos, it was understood by most in the SS that they were surplus labor to be worked to death. This was one of the early solutions, but it just wasn't working fast enough.

There were also concentration camps, where people were to be housed and they were something more than ghettos. There were also show camps like Theresienstadt which showed humane treatment, comfortable surroundings, medical care and even art programs. But even this camp was more of a way station and most inmates eventually found themselves transported to extermination camps.

Extermination camps are Auschwitz-Birkenau, Terblinka and too many others to name. Nobody misunderstood the purpose of these camps. Sure they had amenities, those existed for the SS who ran the camps. People who arrived were either immediately sent to their death or worked to death if there was a need for labor. If the labor pool was full, anyone who arrived who might be fit for labor was simply executed.

Everyone at those locations understood what was happening, even Churchill received reports of the extermination of jews at "special camps" but he discounted the reports of Russian propaganda designed to motivate the west to invade Europe at an earlier date.

Now a lot of Germans didn't know what was happening. In fact the first inmates of Dachau (one of the first concentration camps) were Germans who complained about the treatment of Jews in Germany or otherwise learned of their actual treatment in camps outside Germany. And most of those camps were built in Poland because they didn't want to alarm the German people.

But don't kid yourself, everyone in Poland or Czechoslovakia who lived anywhere near an extermination camp understood full well what went on. Many of them worked as support staff to those camps as cooks, cleaners and other domestic help. Many of those people were glad to see their country being rid of jews.

Even France knew what was going on and without even being asked began a program of rounding up jews in France and deporting them to concentration or extermination camps. If you think nobody involved in that roundup understood what would happen to these people, you are kidding yourself.

The only people this was hidden from is the German people themselves and that isn't because they cared about the jews but because the nazis were worried that it might upset some who wouldn't support the wholesale execution of men, women and children but more importantly it might weaken resolve and support for the war. But even with that, LOTS of people even in Germany understood and accepted what was going on. Those that complained found themselves in Dachau.

And Germans were pretty much completely fine with German NON jews being held at Dachau for political reeducation, which sometimes ended in extermination so trust me nobody was losing sleep over jews in other camps.

11-24-21, 19:15
I would like to think that a lot of what could happen would not because it's not in the political human frame but because I genuinely don't believe Americans will rise up against. Evidence to my view; today's current climate

We've seen riots go unchecked
We've seen a pandemic of epic proportions that pales in comparison to past ones and people follow 'rules' like sheep
we've seen business shut down for trying to operate and no one lifted a finger
we've seen black on white crime escalate, business holding 'less whiteness' seminars and training with very little resistance and more
we've seen a lot that says no, Americans will not take to the streets until it's literally too late

The reality is that white America, Christian Americans are under attack and nothing is happening to stop the tide. Hell we had 10k marching in VA and they still passed those laws. One thing the communists were right on, laws are changed at the point of a gun.

I never would have thought that we'd of allowed what we've allowed

11-24-21, 19:22
So I get where you are going with this but you overlook some very important details.

Lots of people knowingly evolved death camps. They did this first with the mentally handicapped and started with deliberate murder via carbon monoxide poisoning.

There was also a lot of deliberate murder in Poland, Ukraine and Russia by locals who were encouraged to round up jews, communists and others and engage in mass murder or by SS einsatzgruppen members specifically. Do not kid yourself about this shit or buy into the "nobody knew" nonsense.


This woman isn't being deloused and accidentally shot.

There is the other important consideration called the Wannsee conference in 1942 where the issue was raised, the numbers of jews calculated and means of disposing of them decided on. Every single person at that meeting completely understood the directives.

Even when the jews were still confined to ghettos, it was understood by most in the SS that they were surplus labor to be worked to death. This was one of the early solutions, but it just wasn't working fast enough.

There were also concentration camps, where people were to be housed and they were something more than ghettos. There were also show camps like Theresienstadt which showed humane treatment, comfortable surroundings, medical care and even art programs. But even this camp was more of a way station and most inmates eventually found themselves transported to extermination camps.

Extermination camps are Auschwitz-Birkenau, Terblinka and too many others to name. Nobody misunderstood the purpose of these camps. Sure they had amenities, those existed for the SS who ran the camps. People who arrived were either immediately sent to their death or worked to death if there was a need for labor. If the labor pool was full, anyone who arrived who might be fit for labor was simply executed.

Everyone at those locations understood what was happening, even Churchill received reports of the extermination of jews at "special camps" but he discounted the reports of Russian propaganda designed to motivate the west to invade Europe at an earlier date.

Now a lot of Germans didn't know what was happening. In fact the first inmates of Dachau (one of the first concentration camps) were Germans who complained about the treatment of Jews in Germany or otherwise learned of their actual treatment in camps outside Germany. And most of those camps were built in Poland because they didn't want to alarm the German people.

But don't kid yourself, everyone in Poland or Czechoslovakia who lived anywhere near an extermination camp understood full well what went on. Many of them worked as support staff to those camps as cooks, cleaners and other domestic help. Many of those people were glad to see their country being rid of jews.

Even France knew what was going on and without even being asked began a program of rounding up jews in France and deporting them to concentration or extermination camps. If you think nobody involved in that roundup understood what would happen to these people, you are kidding yourself.

The only people this was hidden from is the German people themselves and that isn't because they cared about the jews but because the nazis were worried that it might upset some who wouldn't support the wholesale execution of men, women and children but more importantly it might weaken resolve and support for the war. But even with that, LOTS of people even in Germany understood and accepted what was going on. Those that complained found themselves in Dachau.

And Germans were pretty much completely fine with German NON jews being held at Dachau for political reeducation, which sometimes ended in extermination so trust me nobody was losing sleep over jews in other camps.

That's my whole point. Nazi Germany ended up all the way there to that level of evil, from the same starting point where Australia is at today.

As for the Einsatzgruppen in the far east, that started innocently enough, as well, at least from the German perspective at the time. There were resistance fighters in the east, just like in the western European occupied countries (France most famously). It just so happens that they were almost exclusively Jewish. Why?

Eastern European countries at that time were extremely antisemitic. Especially in the Ukraine where most of the Einsatzgruppen activity went down. So the ethnic Ukrainians saw the Germans as liberators from Communism, and understandably so, because they had suffered horribly under the Soviets, whereas the Jews saw the Nazis as their worst nightmare, as one can well imagine.

So the Einsatzgruppen were made up of mostly German police, as in former traffic cops from Berlin, along with recruits from the Ukrainian police. They weren't soldiers, they were all just ordinary traffic cops for the most part who were recruited into the SS, under the guise of keeping law and order in occupied territories, with an emphasis on arresting resistance. So essentially the mission as it was explained to them was pretty much identical to our own cops who went over to Iraq to work with and train the Iraqi police to investigate and arrest insurgency after the war was over.

Customary at the time, insurgents were shot on sight. They were arrested and summarily executed. So in their eyes, as Germans fighting a legitimate war, they were enforcing the law. They started out believing they were the good guys.

That devolved pretty quickly into mass executions of women and children. The Ukrainian police were the ones mostly doing the trigger pulling. The Jews had as a demographic been more sympathetic to communism than the ethnic Ukrainians, so they blamed the Jews for communism. They ate up all that Nazi propaganda. They wanted revenge. Very few German police actually participated, physically, in the murders. The ones present pretty much all became alcoholics and drug addicts and almost all of them had to be medically evacuated for mental health reasons. Even the commanders overseeing the operation from a desk suffered constant mental breakdowns and had to be rotated out.

As for the carbon monoxide mobile gas chambers in the early days of the final solution, even those began in what the perpetrators saw as a force for good. They were euthanizing the handicapped and mentally ill, and they had convinced themselves that it was the kind thing to do for those people. I'm not defending it, and those assholes were evil criminals who needed to be taken outback and shot, but I'm also here to tell you that people just like them are in no short supply within our own medical system here. There are tons of woke doctors now who would love nothing more than to show their "compassion" by murdering the handicapped. Actually, nowadays they want to murder them in the womb before they can even be born, now that that kind of testing is widely available. And they argue for post birth abortions for the ones who slip through the testing.

Point is, none of that stuff was premeditated. And all those Nazis considered themselves to be good, moral people. And at least in the beginning they all thought they were the good guys fighting evil. Some thought they were fighting a Jewish plot to take over the country. Some thought they were fighting disease. Some thought they were fighting insurgents in occupied territories. And not one of those people could really put their finger on the point in time when they became history's most reviled criminals.

But I'm here to tell you, that point started when they decided it was okay to round up a bunch of innocent people and put them in camps. That was the original crime that led to all the horrors of the Holocaust. And when a society decides it's okay to start rounding up innocent people at gunpoint, it's just embarked on the same path that the Nazis took, and all others like them.

ETA: I also don't deny that the death camps became places of overt extermination, or that the SS guards didn't know what was going on. By that point in the war, everyone knew what was going on, even the German civilians back home.

But getting there was a process, again, on the primrose path of good intentions. A million little steps led them there. Take Auschwitz for example. The site was an old Polish army barracks, and the Germans originally established it as a camp to hold Polish prisoners of war. There was also a point where they housed some ordinary criminals there, guilty of various crimes like theft and murder and the usual stuff people go to jail for.

As for the mass starvation, even that wasn't necessarily pre planned. There was a famine due to the war, as there always is, and everybody in Europe was starving. It had been their honest intention to feed the prisoners in those camps, but when it came down to feeding them or themselves, obviously they chose to feed themselves and let the prisoners starve.

It wasn't even the Nazi leadership's intent to imprison the Jews, originally. There were various attempts made to send them away, but due to worldwide antisemitism at the time they couldn't find a country willing to receive them, much less in those numbers. Once they realized they would have to imprison them inside German occupied territory, it's unclear even at that point whether the Nazi leadership was conspiring to murder them. Certainly the average cop or soldier had no knowledge of those plans, if they existed at that time.

Again, it was a journey of a thousand steps, by people who considered themselves good, and it all started with that original crime where they all convinced themselves that it was okay to round up a bunch of innocent men, women, and children.

11-24-21, 19:31
That's my whole point. Nazi Germany ended up all the way there to that level of evil, from the same starting point where Australia is at today.

I understood that point, and I get that your main thing was nobody voted for death camps but they got them anyway.

I was just making sure nobody was buying into the "we didn't know" narrative that was pretty popular in post war Germany. The problem isn't that they built extermination camps, the problem was with how many people were perfectly fine with it.

11-24-21, 19:42
We still have guns. I know people say Americans are too scared to use them

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I think as a whole we are a lot of talk and really afraid to use them but when you start to drag someones family away the it's on switch may get flipped. David

11-24-21, 19:45
Now a lot of Germans didn't know what was happening. [Eventually many did indeed know what was going on] In fact the first inmates of Dachau (one of the first concentration camps) were Germans who complained about the treatment of Jews in Germany or otherwise learned of their actual treatment in camps outside Germany. And most of those camps were built in Poland because they didn't want to alarm the German people.

But don't kid yourself, everyone in Poland or Czechoslovakia or Germany who lived anywhere near an extermination camp understood full well what went on. Many of them worked as support staff to those camps as cooks, cleaners and other domestic help. Many of those people were glad to see their country being rid of jews.

My FIL was in the 65th Infantry Division. They liberated the Mauthausen and Ohrdruf camps. In addition to some of the things they did or allowed to happen to SS prisoners as a result, Patton also ordered them to go into the surrounding towns and round up every able-bodied civilian. They were put on trucks and brought to the camps at gunpoint, forced to file by the stacks of bodies (FIL has pics, they're haunting) and then bury every last one of the bodies. My FIL said "You could smell that place from a mile away, those damn people couldn't convince me or anyone else that they didn't know what was happening".

He turned 96 on Veteran's Day and was awarded the French Legion of Merit the next day at their now-dwindling reunion at Camp Shelby, MS, where they had all trained before shipping out to Europe. He was always pretty straight-up with me when we've talked. With a little luck we'll see him at Christmas.

11-24-21, 20:01
You know, it's probably relevant to bring up the Stanford Prison Experiment at this point. The Nazis didn't all get together one day and decide to murder millions of wrongfully imprisoned people, just like the guards in the experiment didn't all get together and decide they were going to abuse their classmates.

There are simply forces of nature, animal spirits, that take over when you violate people like this. Those cops and soldiers in Australia right now, following these orders, are no better than the Nazis who rounded up the Jews, and I personally find it more than a little convenient that the first people to be rounded up in Australia are mostly a racial minority. I doubt that was an accident on the planner's part. It's much easier to get away with these things when it's mostly happening to "other" people. And by the time they get around to classifying the average person as "other," then it's far too late in the game for them to do anything about it. That's why these sickos always start with a vulnerable group that's small in number, and that most people regard as being different from themselves.

There are rumors going around Twitter right now that some of these Australian soldiers are having to be put on leave for mental health because of what they're being forced to do. They know in their hearts and minds that they're committing a grave crime against humanity doing what they are. And they're correct, because history shows that anyone who can stomach rounding up innocent people, down the road, can stomach a whole lot more if it's allowed to go on long enough.

11-24-21, 20:30
My FIL was in the 65th Infantry Division. They liberated the Mauthausen and Ohrdruf camps. In addition to some of the things they did or allowed to happen to SS prisoners as a result, Patton also ordered them to go into the surrounding towns and round up every able-bodied civilian. They were put on trucks and brought to the camps at gunpoint, forced to file by the stacks of bodies (FIL has pics, they're haunting) and then bury every last one of the bodies. My FIL said "You could smell that place from a mile away, those damn people couldn't convince me or anyone else that they didn't know what was happening".

He turned 96 on Veteran's Day and was awarded the French Legion of Merit the next day at their now-dwindling reunion at Camp Shelby, MS, where they had all trained before shipping out to Europe. He was always pretty straight-up with me when we've talked. With a little luck we'll see him at Christmas.

Oh yea, they all knew. There were credible rumors being widely circulated even early on, maybe even before Wannsee in 42, that the Jewish internees were being systematically abused. But by the end of the war, everybody knew exactly what was going on, even the details with the gas chambers and mass killings. You just can't keep something like that a secret. Of course there wasn't proof, the Nazis made sure of that, so they had plausible deniability, but the information was circulating pretty freely, and nobody had any grounds to deny it at that point. They knew, the Nazis knew they knew, they knew the Nazis knew they knew. Just nobody talked about it openly, and they all felt guilty as hell because the blood was on their hands, too. Sure they hadn't pulled the trigger or popped open cans of Zyklon B, but they had voted for the Nazis, denounced the Jews, informed on them, etc.

Look at it this way. Very early on in the resettlements in Germany proper, way before the camps, German citizens were risking their lives to hide their Jewish friends and spouses. They knew if caught they were likely to die in a Gestapo dungeon, so they weren't risking their lives to save their Jewish neighbor or whatever from a holiday in the east. They knew that if that person entered the ghetto or got on one of those trains they wouldn't be seen again, and THAT is why so many Germans were willing to risk their lives to help the Jews. People don't understand how many did this, either. Stories like Anne Frank and the Pianist are only an infinitely small sampling of an untold number. And that's not even including the people who looked the other way when they found Jews or someone hiding them.

There were also thousands of Jews who assumed new identities and lived completely normal lives all throughout the war. When they made the decision to "untertauchen," it was very early on, before the camps and widespread mass murder began. And they knew that if caught assuming a false identity that they would have been severely punished. Vs. they were told, if they simply went quietly they would be treated well. So obviously there was pretty widespread awareness of what was about to happen, even before the mass murder began. Thus, I would, argue, the rumors several years later that circulated freely, they only confirmed what the German people had already known for years.

Also after the war, they knowingly harbored war criminals. Those Berlin traffic cops for example, who had overseen the mass killings in the east, they went right back to directing traffic, and everybody knew exactly what they had done during the war, and they were protected for political reasons. There was a rank cutoff, so the enlisted men weren't punished except in certain extenuating circumstances. It was feared that if they started trying the common man it wouldn't stop until half of Germany had been sentenced to hang in Nuremburg because so many people had blood on their hands, and had either been complicit or actively involved in the arrests and deportations and associated crimes.

11-24-21, 20:43
I understood that point, and I get that your main thing was nobody voted for death camps but they got them anyway.

I was just making sure nobody was buying into the "we didn't know" narrative that was pretty popular in post war Germany. The problem isn't that they built extermination camps, the problem was with how many people were perfectly fine with it.

Oh gotcha. No, I'm certainly not defending the German people. I'm not saying as a race or society that they were any worse than any other population on this planet, but generally speaking they were criminally complicit in the crimes of the party. And yea, while they certainly didn't premeditate the mass murder, the average German wasn't exactly heartbroken about it, either. It took decades to browbeat the Nazi out of most of them, and many went to their graves still vehemently believing that they were justified.

It wasn't just the SS doing the actual killing. The Holocaust was a national effort, that took the cooperation of virtually everyone in any official capacity. We're talking teachers, priests, doctors, railyard workers, landlords, tradesmen of all kinds...I mean basically everyone you can imagine had to be complicit for the whole thing to work. And yea, I mean admittedly nobody was like hey round up all the Jewish kids in your class and take them to that guy with the gun and the skull on his hat so he can kill them. But when you have Hitler calling for extermination, then a guy with a gun and a skull on his hat shows up, doesn't exactly take a genius to see through the whole "summer camp for their own safety" excuse they were giving.

11-24-21, 21:09
In the late 1930's and early 1940's society around the world in general was much more obedient, to include here in the United States. This is 2021 and that ain't necessarily the case anymore, especially in Western societies. A healthy FU! to authoritah is today more common than not. Yeah, a lot of it is Leftist in nature (if not the majority), but especially when we mention an armed populace and the means to resist gulags/concentration camps it is a big-time problem for governments. We here in the U.S. are not far removed from our brothers Down Under, but there is a BIG difference (aside from the typical American attitude of bucking authority with a hearty "Fvck you!"). Our powers-that-be would do well to remember this. No promises, no threats, yet it remains something the Left has hanging in the back of their minds......that one gnawing fact (the RKBA) that makes us uniquely American, and stands in their way to total dominance.

11-24-21, 21:16
It was %100 premeditated and planned they had to redo the plans and keep modifying when they found out how tough it was to dispose of so many people and the mental toll on the executioners/soldiers quite a few went nuts !
but it was %100 knowing the end goal Some post war writings as said by aug above were circulated to soften it etc.
Now did everyone know ? NO but the main core officers all did basically and the others that did not still carried out the orders when passed down so ALL were %100 complicit with it the main plan was kept close let only the small circle know and make it bigger till it could be in play do not buy into the story it started as …... so many deniers and revisionists !

Watched a really good documentary recently that was filmed some time ago with town folk and Germans about the did you know and almost all of them said yes but you knew not to say anything or you would end up in those camps to !
Some would deny it like no way could this be happening and you could tell DID Not want to talk about it !
but the keep your mouth shut was the common when your friends or family members disappear to the same camps for speaking up you knew to keep your mouth shut
They also said you dare never talk about it as so many were willing to turn you in if you did you had no way to know who to trust even amongst family members turning in other family members !

WOW sounds like today almost so divided !

11-24-21, 21:46
Read “Mein Kampf” and understand hygiene. That’s why this vaccine apartheid is so dangerous.

Racial or national hygiene leads to mass murder. It’s almost unavoidable once it is initiated.

Purity, unity, the language is benign but the results are anything but.

11-24-21, 21:50
I think as a whole we are a lot of talk and really afraid to use them but when you start to drag someones family away the it's on switch may get flipped. David

We've seen when an armed standoff actually makes things worse. Randy Weaver might have won in court, got millions in a settlement, but his wife and kid were still dead. I don't think anyone is in a hurry to repeat that experience.

But we also have examples from history that demonstrate that when there really isn't anything left to lose, don't get on the train.

11-24-21, 22:08
My FIL was in the 65th Infantry Division. They liberated the Mauthausen and Ohrdruf camps. In addition to some of the things they did or allowed to happen to SS prisoners as a result, Patton also ordered them to go into the surrounding towns and round up every able-bodied civilian. They were put on trucks and brought to the camps at gunpoint, forced to file by the stacks of bodies (FIL has pics, they're haunting) and then bury every last one of the bodies. My FIL said "You could smell that place from a mile away, those damn people couldn't convince me or anyone else that they didn't know what was happening".

He turned 96 on Veteran's Day and was awarded the French Legion of Merit the next day at their now-dwindling reunion at Camp Shelby, MS, where they had all trained before shipping out to Europe. He was always pretty straight-up with me when we've talked. With a little luck we'll see him at Christmas.

We aren't saying anything very different.

You know, it's probably relevant to bring up the Stanford Prison Experiment at this point. The Nazis didn't all get together one day and decide to murder millions of wrongfully imprisoned people, just like the guards in the experiment didn't all get together and decide they were going to abuse their classmates.

Yeah, I think we all get that. If you make something normal, plenty of people are willing to cooperate. We've all seen questionnaires over the years that show some people in the military would be completely willing to participate in the disarming of the civilian population if ordered to, despite their oath the defend the constitution. Weak minded people follow orders.

And it's also true that even Hitler originally entertained ideas like deporting jews to Madagascar. But when things got complicated or expensive, the solution was more about results than any humanitarian considerations. And we need to remember it didn't just happen in Germany, it happened in Russia and Stalin killed a LOT of jews also. And the populations of everywhere the Germans went generally were willing to blame all their hardships on the jews and questioned almost nothing.

A family in Amsterdam might have hid some jews, and it probably happened in every country, but it was typically an extreme exception.

That said, you really need to read a little more. Concepts of aryanism were published in German by Edmund Kiss in the late 1920s and the jews were presented as the lowest order of humans from an "evolved" standpoint and were as a result considered a threat to the rest of the human race. These ideas were embraced in western europe more than they were questioned.

The UK and the US pioneered blood based eugenics before Hitler ever heard of the word. The nazis didn't make up hatred of the jews out of thin air. Hitler wrote about claiming land in the east and expelling ALL jews from Germanic lands before he was ever elected to anything. He didn't invent anti semitism to rise to power, he played on existing anti semitism.

And we should be cautious with ideas that Germans didn't know, they just followed orders but were kept in the dark or anything like that. Certainly all Germans didn't know, but a troubling large number did. More importantly the people who rounded up jews, gypsies, slavs and the rest for "relocation" should have known they weren't going anyplace good. The people who put them on trains saw the conditions it was happening under and all but the most incredibly deluded of them had to have known. And certainly every single person in the camp system, regardless of if it was designed as a concentration camp or extermination camp definitely knew what was going on.

Sure there might have been swimming pools, but there were also electrified fences and guard towers with machine guns. Those fences and guard towers are an important clues to the fact that these are recreational camps. And finally there was the overall condition of the inmates themselves, and with the exception of Theresienstadt, the condition of the inmates themselves tells you everything you needed to know.

11-24-21, 22:17
Oh gotcha. No, I'm certainly not defending the German people. I'm not saying as a race or society that they were any worse than any other population on this planet, but generally speaking they were criminally complicit in the crimes of the party. And yea, while they certainly didn't premeditate the mass murder, the average German wasn't exactly heartbroken about it, either. It took decades to browbeat the Nazi out of most of them, and many went to their graves still vehemently believing that they were justified.

It wasn't just the SS doing the actual killing. The Holocaust was a national effort, that took the cooperation of virtually everyone in any official capacity. We're talking teachers, priests, doctors, railyard workers, landlords, tradesmen of all kinds...I mean basically everyone you can imagine had to be complicit for the whole thing to work. And yea, I mean admittedly nobody was like hey round up all the Jewish kids in your class and take them to that guy with the gun and the skull on his hat so he can kill them. But when you have Hitler calling for extermination, then a guy with a gun and a skull on his hat shows up, doesn't exactly take a genius to see through the whole "summer camp for their own safety" excuse they were giving.

I knew where you were going with that and that it was intended to be an objective "learn from history" example and done to demonstrate that "they won't tell you it's an extermination camp and by the time you learn...it's too late." And right up to the end a LOT of jews weren't convinced that they were going to arbitrarily exterminate them in the millions.

The educated mind simply can't reconcile that sort of thing because nobody had ever seen it before. Certainly there had to be some other explanation so they believed the flimsiest lies even though it changed from day to day.

And I think we are all on the same page with the "lesson from history" and the troubling parallels we see today where group A is willing to kill everyone in group B apparently. Actual groups of communist burning down major cities and seizing control of communities in the name of "black lives" is not that far removed from the destruction of synagogues and jewish owned businesses, although I don't want to draw an exact equivalence because they were definitely far more specifically targeted despite their political or personal views.

11-24-21, 22:48
Letter to military and LE: If the quarantine camps ever come here to the US...
Dear very fine sirs and sirettes of the United States armed forces, police, and various federal agencies;
Remember all the fun you had driving around overseas the last 20 years dodging IEDs? Remember the utter success you had pacifying countries barely the size of a couple American states and populated largely by ignorant dirt farmers?
Try that shit with the quarantine camps over here and you can go right back to those happy days without having to leave the country.
The Federal's increasingly thuggish antics, coupled with the genius of the current regime's mandates and thinly veiled threats to psyche people into 'compliance or else' has already lost you the support of a large and growing segment of this ocean-spanning continent-sized country's population.
But as it seems unlikely there will be an outbreak of sensibility and love of free will within the true believers among your numbers, then by all means, make our day. We didn't pay all this money for all this overpriced ammo just to have it gather dust on the shelf or get frittered away at the range, after all.
Alternatively, you can torpedo all this nonsense and instigate a return to sanity by simply doing nothing when the order comes down.
Your call.

I skipped over all that 'appeal to reason' nonsense nobody is going to read and got straight to the point for ya. ;)

11-24-21, 23:54
In the late 1930's and early 1940's society around the world in general was much more obedient, to include here in the United States. This is 2021 and that ain't necessarily the case anymore, especially in Western societies. A healthy FU! to authoritah is today more common than not. Yeah, a lot of it is Leftist in nature (if not the majority), but especially when we mention an armed populace and the means to resist gulags/concentration camps it is a big-time problem for governments. We here in the U.S. are not far removed from our brothers Down Under, but there is a BIG difference (aside from the typical American attitude of bucking authority with a hearty "Fvck you!"). Our powers-that-be would do well to remember this. No promises, no threats, yet it remains something the Left has hanging in the back of their minds......that one gnawing fact (the RKBA) that makes us uniquely American, and stands in their way to total dominance.

Obedient isn't how I would describe 1930s Germany. Actually, and not to read too much into this, 1930s Germany was a lot like the US is today. There was a lot of open lawbreaking that went on, and even the mainstream culture at the time that wasn't necessarily out shooting it up with the cops in the streets was very rebellious in nature. I think it would really surprise people how raunchy they were, because everyone has this image of people in the past being very prim and proper. Western society in general, including in the US, was pretty socially liberal at the time, and Germany just took it to whole new extremes. It became a destination spot for bohemians who thought Paris was too prudish. It also became a sanctuary for sexual deviants of all kinds, including pedophiles. A lot of the really extreme LGBT stuff going on now was pretty open in Germany in the 20s and 30s.

A lot of historians blame the gratuitous excesses of 1930s German society for the Nazi party's success, because grounded Germans with more conservative tastes, which was the majority, were pretty disgusted and fed up. They were tired of the communists running roughshod over inept police, and of the nightlife culture flaunting all this deviant behavior in public. Lesbianism was especially in vogue at the time, to the point where it was fashionable. Berlin was celebrated as the only city on earth where women could publicly display affection for each other without receiving ridicule because it was so normalized there.

Just in general, though, there was a lot of rebellion against the government, and against institutions and societal norms, so the majority of people were pretty much willing to support any government that took a strong stance on law and order and the focus on traditional German culture. The vast majority of people thought Hitler was an utter buffoon, and they thought his conspiracy theories were nuttier than squirrel shit, but they were willing to accept any government that wasn't a pushover to all those revolutionary forces trying to push all that deviance and debauchery on their children. And of course they knew they were being treated very unfairly by the other European countries, so they loved him for taking a strong stand against the further looting. They just got a lot more than they bargained for when the nutter invaded Poland.

11-25-21, 00:14
It was %100 premeditated and planned they had to redo the plans and keep modifying when they found out how tough it was to dispose of so many people and the mental toll on the executioners/soldiers quite a few went nuts !
but it was %100 knowing the end goal Some post war writings as said by aug above were circulated to soften it etc.
Now did everyone know ? NO but the main core officers all did basically and the others that did not still carried out the orders when passed down so ALL were %100 complicit with it the main plan was kept close let only the small circle know and make it bigger till it could be in play do not buy into the story it started as …... so many deniers and revisionists !

Watched a really good documentary recently that was filmed some time ago with town folk and Germans about the did you know and almost all of them said yes but you knew not to say anything or you would end up in those camps to !
Some would deny it like no way could this be happening and you could tell DID Not want to talk about it !
but the keep your mouth shut was the common when your friends or family members disappear to the same camps for speaking up you knew to keep your mouth shut
They also said you dare never talk about it as so many were willing to turn you in if you did you had no way to know who to trust even amongst family members turning in other family members !

WOW sounds like today almost so divided !

That's how you know which ones were unwilling bystanders and which ones were guilty as hell. The ones who admit they knew (they ALL knew by the end) are the ones who either tried to resist or at least didn't collaborate. The ones who outright deny it and try to pretend like they were shocked to find out, you know those are the ones who collaborated or worse.

As for premeditation, it's really hard to pin down who planned what and how early. Did Hitler and Himmler sit down in undocumented meetings and plan all that shit out? Maybe. Some would say definitely. But who's to say those cocksuckers in Australia aren't planning some truly evil shit of their own as we speak? These are neo liberal post humanists who essentially believe most people need to be culled to save the planet. God only knows what kinds of ****ed up shit they sit around talking about when no one's listening.

As for the Ausi cops and soldiers on the ground doing it, obviously they know nothing except what they're ordered to do that day. But regardless of how this turns out, they're guilty of a grave crime against humanity for what they've already done. We know how this shit usually turns out. It's like if a guy kidnaps a girl and puts her in his trunk, are we really going to debate what his intentions were? Hell no, we're going to lock his ass up and throw away the key. And that's exactly what needs to happen to anyone in the 21st century, after all we've been taught in our history classes, who would still willingly participate in this kind of thing, knowing full well how it usually ends.

11-25-21, 00:16
Hahahhahahah very good :)

Letter to military and LE: If the quarantine camps ever come here to the US...
Dear very fine sirs and sirettes of the United States armed forces, police, and various federal agencies;
Remember all the fun you had driving around overseas the last 20 years dodging IEDs? Remember the utter success you had pacifying countries barely the size of a couple American states and populated largely by ignorant dirt farmers?
Try that shit with the quarantine camps over here and you can go right back to those happy days without having to leave the country.
The Federal's increasingly thuggish antics, coupled with the genius of the current regime's mandates and thinly veiled threats to psyche people into 'compliance or else' has already lost you the support of a large and growing segment of this ocean-spanning continent-sized country's population.
But as it seems unlikely there will be an outbreak of sensibility and love of free will within the true believers among your numbers, then by all means, make our day. We didn't pay all this money for all this overpriced ammo just to have it gather dust on the shelf or get frittered away at the range, after all.
Alternatively, you can torpedo all this nonsense and instigate a return to sanity by simply doing nothing when the order comes down.
Your call.

I skipped over all that 'appeal to reason' nonsense nobody is going to read and got straight to the point for ya. ;)

11-25-21, 00:25
Read “Mein Kampf” and understand hygiene. That’s why this vaccine apartheid is so dangerous.

Racial or national hygiene leads to mass murder. It’s almost unavoidable once it is initiated.

Purity, unity, the language is benign but the results are anything but.

The initial impetus for the entire Holocaust was public health. German doctors claimed that minority populations were spreading disease. It kind of started with the gypsies because they were an easy target. I mean, you all have probably seen how gypsies live today, and they were no different back then. So they had to be rounded up and put in camps for their own good as much as to protect the Germans from the diseases they spread. Of course there really wasn't much of a threat, if any, but it sure made some good propaganda.

And once the genie was out of the bottle there was no stopping it. The thing already in motion, they then had carte blanche to put anyone in a camp for just about any reason. I mean, if it was justified in one instance, why not in others?

And people who think they're going to stop with the unvaccinated if this thing gets any legs are absolute morons. They already have a whole list of people they would LOVE to put in a camp. Climate deniers, Q supporters, people who don't think Bruce Jenner is hot. It sounds crazy to think they could just start using the camps for non covid related purposes, but history just goes to show how easy it is to segue from one thing to the next once you start down that slippery slope.

11-25-21, 00:57
I knew where you were going with that and that it was intended to be an objective "learn from history" example and done to demonstrate that "they won't tell you it's an extermination camp and by the time you learn...it's too late." And right up to the end a LOT of jews weren't convinced that they were going to arbitrarily exterminate them in the millions.

The educated mind simply can't reconcile that sort of thing because nobody had ever seen it before. Certainly there had to be some other explanation so they believed the flimsiest lies even though it changed from day to day.

And I think we are all on the same page with the "lesson from history" and the troubling parallels we see today where group A is willing to kill everyone in group B apparently. Actual groups of communist burning down major cities and seizing control of communities in the name of "black lives" is not that far removed from the destruction of synagogues and jewish owned businesses, although I don't want to draw an exact equivalence because they were definitely far more specifically targeted despite their political or personal views.

Well, I think if you polled the cops and soldiers doing this in Australia today, to the last man they would vehemently espouse opposition to any idea that the people they're rounding up should be killed. And I'm sure if you told them there was some plan to do that they would all vehemently say they would never be part of anything like that and turn their guns on the people giving the orders if they thought there was even a chance of it.

But here's the thing. Group A doesn't have to be willing to do any harm at all to group B. All they have to be willing to do is violate group B's human rights. And rounding up innocent people at gunpoint for any reason is certainly a very serious violation of their human rights.

Because when you get right down to it, if you don't believe that those people have basic human rights for whatever reason, be it covid or their ethnic background or whatever, it's basically a very short leap to go from rounding them up to killing them. You know, it starts small, like, "Oh well we'll only kill the ones who resist." And then pretty soon, somehow, killing en masse becomes no less distasteful than rounding them up against their will in the first place was. They weren't treated as human then, so what makes them human now? And if they're not human, what right do they have to life?

So once you make that mental compartment where it's somehow okay to round people up, you're unknowingly making room in that compartment for all other human rights violations that can follow that initial act. And in the end, it's no more challenging than exterminating an invasive species. By that point, they're just subhumans who have to go, one way or another.

For one thing, it's very impractical to indefinitely imprison large numbers of innocent people against their will. With each passing day they become more and more inconvenient. Think of it in the same terms as any other kidnapping victim. Once it becomes clear these people have been wrongfully imprisoned, the mentality of the perpetrators becomes like that of a kidnapper. You can't let the victim go, ever, because then they're going to tell the whole world about the crimes you committed against them. And whenever you have that dynamic, there's all kinds of abuse that goes on, which compounds the original crime. There's always physical and sexual abuse, and just general exploitation of all kinds. Sooner or later, the perpetrators start sitting around trying to think of how to justify doing it, just because they're so deep in the shit they can't have these people out there free, running around telling everyone.

Believe it or not, that was like half the Holocaust. Essentially killing the witnesses trying to cover their tracks because they knew the war had been lost. I think it was the threat of the obvious defeat that really caused the Holocaust to ramp up. They knew they were going to lose, and they were devoting a lot of resources to trying to finish the job. Some people think they were just such zealots they wanted to murder as many as they could before someone came along to stop them, but that explanation never held water for me. Whether conscious or unconscious, I think they were desperately trying to hide their guilt, as impossible a task as that was.

mr h
11-25-21, 07:46
You know, it's probably relevant to bring up the Stanford Prison Experiment at this point. The Nazis didn't all get together one day and decide to murder millions of wrongfully imprisoned people, just like the guards in the experiment didn't all get together and decide they were going to abuse their classmates.

There are simply forces of nature, animal spirits, that take over when you violate people like this. Those cops and soldiers in Australia right now, following these orders, are no better than the Nazis who rounded up the Jews, and I personally find it more than a little convenient that the first people to be rounded up in Australia are mostly a racial minority. I doubt that was an accident on the planner's part. It's much easier to get away with these things when it's mostly happening to "other" people. And by the time they get around to classifying the average person as "other," then it's far too late in the game for them to do anything about it. That's why these sickos always start with a vulnerable group that's small in number, and that most people regard as being different from themselves.

There are rumors going around Twitter right now that some of these Australian soldiers are having to be put on leave for mental health because of what they're being forced to do. They know in their hearts and minds that they're committing a grave crime against humanity doing what they are. And they're correct, because history shows that anyone who can stomach rounding up innocent people, down the road, can stomach a whole lot more if it's allowed to go on long enough.

if those twitter stories are accurate about the cops in australia and i dont doubt they are, then the government there is doing some natural selection to find the most psychopathic, the most loyal subjects to do their bidding.

they'll weed out the weak and retain the criminals and the criminals will have no problem putting people in ovens.

i'm a firm believer that for the past 20-30 years movies have been used for predictive programming on society and the last 10 years have accelerated that.

the tv series Colony with the Red Hats was a dark look at how men could do horrible things. they were the worst humans they could find. psyche profiles do well to bring the sick minds to the surface.

that being the case, anitfa members are mostly criminals from what i read, guessing they'll get tapped for "guard duty" by the government.

as was said here...never get on the train.

11-25-21, 20:46
What 90% of the people in western society don't understand (and this is intentional and by design as no-one is ever taught anything about Weimar Germany in the public schools) about Marxism, cultural Marxism and Communism. Is that they are all the product of the Jewish intellectuals of the 19th century. Both Marxism and Communism, at they're core, are jewish ideologies and social constructs designed and implemented by jews to put them at the top of the social hierarchy. ABOVE ALL OTHERS! And again, what people don't understand about Russian history, and/or the "Russian Revolution" is that the Bolshevik's (Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky and so on),(and whom destroyed the white christian Russian ethno state, then ushering in the Soviet state), they were not themselves Russian... They were JEWS...And they murdered the Russian royal family (the Romanov's) and then proceeded to commit whole sale genocide against the white christian farmers (the Kulaks) in the Ukraine in what history now calls the Holodomor. And this all preceded the rise of Hitler and WW2 by the way and Germany was next. And as for Germany and Hitler's rise, it all boils down to the fact that the germans were in very real danger, and really, had in fact become, second class citizens in their own country. The Germans pushed back so violently against the Jews because THEY WERE Communist!


11-25-21, 20:53
if those twitter stories are accurate about the cops in australia and i dont doubt they are, then the government there is doing some natural selection to find the most psychopathic, the most loyal subjects to do their bidding.

they'll weed out the weak and retain the criminals and the criminals will have no problem putting people in ovens. .....

You're seeing the same thing here with the mil/le - these goons running the show these days are smarter than they seem;
They put forth ridiculous demands and meddle in and ruin everything with their insane politics. The good people quit in protest. This handily leaves the "order followers".
No selection needed- people will always self-select what groups they want to be part of, and the "good guys" find the current order repugnant, and so like a filthy porta-jon on a hot summer day, they book it, rightly deciding to have nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, it simply becomes a self-selecting outcome.
Ironically, it wouldn't change a thing if the good guys stayed either; they'd be destroyed from within by the new system and the order followers it favors.

11-25-21, 21:05
What 90% of the people in western society don't understand (and this is intentional and by design as no-one is ever taught anything about the Weimar Germany in the public schools) about Marxism, cultural Marxism and Communism. Is that they are all the product of the Jewish intellectuals of the 19th century. Both Marxism and Communism, at they're core, are jewish ideologies and social constructs designed and implemented by jews to put them at the top of the social hierarchy. ABOVE ALL OTHERS! And again, what people don't understand about Russian history, and/or the "Russian Revolution" is that the Bolshevik's (Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky and so on),(and whom destroyed the white christian Russian ethno state, then ushering in the Soviet state), they were not themselves Russian... They were JEWS...And they murdered the Russian royal family (the Romanov's) and then proceeded to commit whole sale genocide against the white christian farmers (the Kulaks) in the Ukraine in what history now calls the Holodomor. And this all preceded the rise of Hitler and WW2 by the way and Germany was next. And as for Germany and Hitler's rise, it all boils down to the fact that the germans were in very real danger, and really, had in fact become, second class citizens in their own country. The Germans pushed back so violently against the Jews because THEY WHERE communist!

Do you know how many jews Stalin killed? He didn't care who or what you were. Take your crazy home.

11-25-21, 21:12
Do you know how many jews Stalin killed? He didn't care who or what you were. Take your crazy home.

Keep living in the Matrix dude, Just like Cypher says, Ignorance is bliss. Also the Holodomor is the proof!


11-25-21, 21:17
if those twitter stories are accurate about the cops in australia and i dont doubt they are, then the government there is doing some natural selection to find the most psychopathic, the most loyal subjects to do their bidding.

they'll weed out the weak and retain the criminals and the criminals will have no problem putting people in ovens.

i'm a firm believer that for the past 20-30 years movies have been used for predictive programming on society and the last 10 years have accelerated that.

the tv series Colony with the Red Hats was a dark look at how men could do horrible things. they were the worst humans they could find. psyche profiles do well to bring the sick minds to the surface.

that being the case, anitfa members are mostly criminals from what i read, guessing they'll get tapped for "guard duty" by the government.

as was said here...never get on the train.

There have been a lot of attempts over the years to establish that the Nazis, Soviets, etc. somehow all stumbled into an effective method of selecting psychopaths to do their dirty work, but they always come back with the same disturbing conclusions. The people who carried out the atrocities weren't psychopaths, and there was no filtering process to find special people capable of doing those things. They were just average people more or less selected at random. Or rather, they just used the people who were already in those positions to begin with.

Take the cops and soldiers doing this in Australia right now. Obviously they didn't go around building some special unit of psychopaths to do it. They just called up the local police, and whoever was randomly on duty on any given day was told, Hey, stand here and make sure nobody escapes, or, Hey, hold that person down while they inject him, or, Hey, drive this truck full of people to the quarantine camp.

11-25-21, 21:33
What 90% of the people in western society don't understand (and this is intentional and by design as no-one is ever taught anything about Weimar Germany in the public schools) about Marxism, cultural Marxism and Communism. Is that they are all the product of the Jewish intellectuals of the 19th century. Both Marxism and Communism, at they're core, are jewish ideologies and social constructs designed and implemented by jews to put them at the top of the social hierarchy. ABOVE ALL OTHERS! And again, what people don't understand about Russian history, and/or the "Russian Revolution" is that the Bolshevik's (Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky and so on),(and whom destroyed the white christian Russian ethno state, then ushering in the Soviet state), they were not themselves Russian... They were JEWS...And they murdered the Russian royal family (the Romanov's) and then proceeded to commit whole sale genocide against the white christian farmers (the Kulaks) in the Ukraine in what history now calls the Holodomor. And this all preceded the rise of Hitler and WW2 by the way and Germany was next. And as for Germany and Hitler's rise, it all boils down to the fact that the germans were in very real danger, and really, had in fact become, second class citizens in their own country. The Germans pushed back so violently against the Jews because THEY WERE Communist!


If the Jews are in control of the world, they're doing a really shitty job taking advantage of it. They were refugees from Babylon who then had to become slaves in Egypt to avoid starvation while they were basically roughing it out in the wilderness during a famine. They had to flee Egypt to escape captivity and went back to living in the wilderness. Upon building their own nation, they pretty much went right back into captivity when their old friend Babylon decided it wanted them back. Finally allowed to leave Babylon again, they return home only for the Romans to show up and once again enslave them in their own homeland. Then expelled after most of them were murdered, the survivors in 70 AD went into Western Europe, where they then endured the crusades in the Middle Ages, followed by various purges in the Rennaissance, followed by the Holocaust.

They then finally get to go back home, only for their neighbors to immediately try to exterminate them several times. Holding their ground against all odds, they get to live in a barren desert the size of a postage stamp, but they have to share it with a bunch of people who like to kill and kidnap them for sport, and put up with constant attempts by the international community to undermine their legitimacy as a nation. The powers that be have been trying to cancel them for the last eight decades or so.

And that's not even the Cliff's notes version of all the shit they've had to put up with. Just in the 20th century alone you could fill massive volumes with all their hardships. If they were really controlling anything at all, I have to imagine that their lot in life would be quite different. Like, I don't know, maybe they could use that influence to live somewhere that wasn't a barren desert full of angry Muslims??? Or at least call in some favors whenever someone tries to exterminate them? Six million Jews being herded into gas chambers just doesn't look like winning to me.

11-25-21, 21:45
You're seeing the same thing here with the mil/le - these goons running the show these days are smarter than they seem;
They put forth ridiculous demands and meddle in and ruin everything with their insane politics. The good people quit in protest. This handily leaves the "order followers".
No selection needed- people will always self-select what groups they want to be part of, and the "good guys" find the current order repugnant, and so like a filthy porta-jon on a hot summer day, they book it, rightly deciding to have nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, it simply becomes a self-selecting outcome.
Ironically, it wouldn't change a thing if the good guys stayed either; they'd be destroyed from within by the new system and the order followers it favors.

The unfortunate conclusion drawn by psychologists and sociologists is that there are no good guys. We're, as a species, pretty much all giant dirtbags. Too many studies to even count have all concluded that under the right circumstances the average person is capable of all the atrocities of the 20th century.

And the right circumstances aren't really a high bar. Like the mere act of rounding up innocent people and putting them into camps is pretty much the entire recipe for premeditated genocide. What the studies find too is that the mastermind doesn't even really have to tell the boots on the ground what to do. Like it surprises people to find out that Hitler and company weren't really giving much guidance to the camp commanders. They expect that there would be orders detailing who to kill, how to kill them, etc.

But what it boils down to is if you're a POS despot in public office, if you can get some cops and soldiers together and convince them that a group of people needs to be rounded up and imprisoned on some pretext, that's pretty much all you have to do. Getting them to commit mass murder is just a matter of sitting back and waiting a little while, and not intervening. The actual challenge once the illegal roundups have taken place is to keep genocide from occurring.

Just look at the prison system. Those people pretty much need to be in prison because most of them committed some pretty terrible crimes. And even in that space of people being justly imprisoned, it takes constant and ever vigilant top down intercession to prevent the prison system from becoming a place of systemic abuse. Hell, even public schools require constant vigilance. And even as much oversight as you have, you still get these instances of sadistic torture and sexual and psychological abuse, which is actually probably way more common than we know.

11-25-21, 22:03
If the Jews are in control of the world, they're doing a really shitty job taking advantage of it. They were refugees from Babylon who then had to become slaves in Egypt to avoid starvation while they were basically roughing it out in the wilderness during a famine. They had to flee Egypt to escape captivity and went back to living in the wilderness. Upon building their own nation, they pretty much went right back into captivity when their old friend Babylon decided it wanted them back. Finally allowed to leave Babylon again, they return home only for the Romans to show up and once again enslave them in their own homeland. Then expelled after most of them were murdered, the survivors in 70 AD went into Western Europe, where they then endured the crusades in the Middle Ages, followed by various purges in the Rennaissance, followed by the Holocaust.

They then finally get to go back home, only for their neighbors to immediately try to exterminate them several times. Holding their ground against all odds, they get to live in a barren desert the size of a postage stamp, but they have to share it with a bunch of people who like to kill and kidnap them for sport, and put up with constant attempts by the international community to undermine their legitimacy as a nation. The powers that be have been trying to cancel them for the last eight decades or so.

And that's not even the Cliff's notes version of all the shit they've had to put up with. Just in the 20th century alone you could fill massive volumes with all their hardships. If they were really controlling anything at all, I have to imagine that their lot in life would be quite different. Like, I don't know, maybe they could use that influence to live somewhere that wasn't a barren desert full of angry Muslims??? Or at least call in some favors whenever someone tries to exterminate them? Six million Jews being herded into gas chambers just doesn't look like winning to me.

Look I shouldn't even have opened this can of worms and I really don't want to get the ban hammer. So I'm gonna try a tread lightly. BUUUTTTT, The entire Jewish bible is killing, stealing, raping Goyim virgin's because "everybody else are sinners" and "we are gods chosen people" followed by millennia of getting into trouble with virtually every host nation they lived in, them blaming literally EVERYBODY ALL THE TIME. Your comments in this tread have been a tad ironic.

And that being said, I'm gonna show myself out of this thread.

11-25-21, 22:10

Going global now. This is 1939 on a worldwide scale in the making. If it's not stopped dead in its tracks there's only one way it can end, and they will absolutely try to bring it here.

11-25-21, 22:17
Look I shouldn't even have opened this can of worms and I really don't want to get the ban hammer. So I'm gonna try a tread lightly. BUUUTTTT, The entire Jewish bible is killing, stealing, raping Goyim virgin's because "everybody else are sinners" and "we are gods chosen people" followed by millennia of getting into trouble with virtually every host nation they lived in, them blaming literally EVERYBODY ALL THE TIME. Your comments in this tread have been a tad ironic.

And that being said, I'm gonna show myself out of this thread.

I sent you a PM so as not to derail the thread. I can prove the Jews haven't done any of that.

11-25-21, 22:21
I sent you a PM so as not to derail the thread. I can prove the Jews haven't done any of that.

I look at it tomorrow, It thanksgiving and I've been drinking so Imma stop posting now.

11-25-21, 23:23
I've been drinking so Imma stop posting now.

Wise words, indeed. Not directed at you personally or particularly.


11-25-21, 23:41
Apparently the Jan 6 detainees are receiving treatment resembling some of the more sordid prisons in our dark history
and very few politicians and even fewer regular people seem to be upset about their imprisonment for trespassing.

11-25-21, 23:43
Keep living in the Matrix dude, Just like Cypher says, Ignorance is bliss. Also the Holodomor is the proof!


So I guess Mao must have also been jewish huh? I mean he did exactly the same thing. Seriously give the bildeburgs / illuminati / protocols shit a rest. If I wanted to read insane ramblings of people with an 8% grasp of history I'd be on Stormfront.

We all get communism is bad. Nobody here doesn't understand the threat of communism. You are like the political "have you heard the good news" missionary. We all know two things, we know about jesus, we know about communism. So if you want to rescue anyone from communism who might not know, your efforts would be better served at maybe calguns.

You are on a predominantly mil/le forum with a very informed membership. We get it. We also apparently get some shit that is still lost on you.

11-25-21, 23:49
So I guess Mao must have also been jewish huh? I mean he did exactly the same thing. Seriously give the bildeburgs / illuminati / protocols shit a rest. If I wanted to read insane ramblings of people with an 8% grasp of history I'd be on Stormfront.

We all get communism is bad. Nobody here doesn't understand the threat of communism. You are like the political "have you heard the good news" missionary. We all know two things, we know about jesus, we know about communism. So if you want to rescue anyone from communism who might not know, your efforts would be better served at maybe calguns.

You are on a predominantly mil/le forum with a very informed membership. We get it. We also apparently get some shit that is still lost on you.


11-26-21, 06:37
Apparently the Jan 6 detainees are receiving treatment resembling some of the more sordid prisons in our dark history
and very few politicians and even fewer regular people seem to be upset about their imprisonment for trespassing.

Pre-trial confinement that is approaching a year without bail, passport seizures, etc. They are literally holding them until they confess, there are no trials.

And they arent even anti vax, as far as we know.


11-26-21, 08:22
Pre-trial confinement that is approaching a year without bail, passport seizures, etc. They are literally holding them until they confess, there are no trials.

And they arent even anti vax, as far as we know.


Just like the persecution of DJT and prosecution of KR, keeping the 01/06 protesters illegally imprisoned is meant to send a message to the average American Joe and Jane that if they buck against the system they will be destroyed.

11-26-21, 08:48
Just like the persecution of DJT and prosecution of KR, keeping the 01/06 protesters illegally imprisoned is meant to send a message to the average American Joe and Jane that if they buck against the system they will be destroyed.

I could not agree more. First it was doxxing and firing conservatives, then comes imprisonment without trial, and I think we all know what the next step is on the marxist wishlist. Covid is a handy excuse.


11-26-21, 10:52
Another very important point related to the original post is the societal correlations in terms of how this was carried out. Half the population may have believed the narrative and those that had a sense of what was going to take place were were not believed. As a result of the vilification of those that were targeted was the masses were either in support or apathetic as long as it didn't affect them or their livelihood which further resulted in little to no protest or pushback. Then there was the fear of repercussions component that kept others from challenging the authorities.

We have the same dynamic at play right now. Vax mandates? Who's willing risk anything to fight that? Firing the unvaxed? Who's willing to risk anything to fight that? Rounding up J6 rally folks and incarcerating them for months? Who's willing to risk anything to fight that? If the government does start rounding up the unvaxed for not being vaxed? Who's willing to risk anything to fight that? See whatever it would take to get people to actually fight back the government will not make that move out right. Instead its just deceptively incrementally happening and most are in denial.

Thats what happened in Germany, Russia, and now Australia. It was so incremental that the very few that were willing to risk fighting were no match.

That same dangerous dynamic is at play here.

Not a single branch of government is functioning properly. We are at war and America is under siege without a fight.

11-26-21, 11:05
So I guess Mao must have also been jewish huh? I mean he did exactly the same thing.


Combining Contradictions:
Jewish Contributions to the Chinese Revolution

Yitzhak Shichor*
University of Haifa and
Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Jews were deeply involved in Communist revolutions in Europe, and
primarily in Russia, often in leading positions. This is understandable given
their demographic location, extensive education and suffering over the years.
However, how could we account for the fact that they also played a role in
Communist revolutions in Asia, and especially in China? There were practically
no Jewish communities to speak of and those few who lived there had been
almost totally assimilated, and had no interest whatsoever in Chinese culture,
history and politics. Still, Jews (who arrived out of China) not only took part
in the revolution but had also helped igniting it and then stayed on or joined
later. While dealing with this puzzle in my paper, I’ll try to offer a typology
of Jewish activists and revolutionaries in China, to explain their motives (by
choice or not), and to evaluate their contributions in perspective. It appears that
their Jewish identity did not play a direct role in their revolutionary activism,
but it did play an indirect role. Included in this study are Grigorii Gershuni,
Grigorii Voitinski, Boris Shumiatsky, Michail Borodin, Adolf Joffe, Pavel Mif,
David Crook, Sidney Rittenberg, Israel Epstein, Sidney Shapiro, Solomon
Adler, Sam Ginsbourg, Michael Shapiro, and more. Their main value to the
revolution was mainly writing, translation, communication and publication.
Although they were all deeply committed to the Chinese Communist
revolution, some of them were jailed – for years – and occasionally more than
once. Nonetheless, they continued to believe in, and even to justify, the Chinese
Communist Party.

11-26-21, 18:20

And don't forget it was Henry Kissinger as National Security Adviser and Secretary of State under Richard Nixon that opened up China to the west, and prepared them to take over North America's production capabilities...


11-26-21, 18:43
And don't forget it was Henry Kissinger as National Security Adviser and Secretary of State under Richard Nixon that opened up China to the west, and prepared them to take over North America's production capabilities...


Jesus, can you take your retard links and go home.

Nixon normalized relations with China so we didn't fight a two front cold war. Anyone who remembers the Korean war understands why this was a good idea. This is basic, basic stuff that everyone knows. Go read a f'ing book already.

11-26-21, 18:58
Jesus, can you take your retard links and go home.

Nixon normalized relations with China so we didn't fight a two front cold war. Anyone who remembers the Korean war understands why this was a good idea. This is basic, basic stuff that everyone knows. Go read a f'ing book already.

Maybe you're right. Or maybe you've just swallowed all the bullshit they've ever told you. Thats for each to make up their own minds. And there's all kinda books written for all kinda reasons

11-26-21, 19:00
God forbid what's happening in Australia right now ever come to this great country. But if it does, I implore those of you in the military and law enforcement to consider these points carefully.

The way the Holocaust is presented in school and documentaries, it leaves one with the dangerous impression that the Germans up and decided one day to mass murder millions of people.

One could potentially argue that that was true of certain Nazi leaders, though I think the facts say otherwise, the people who carried out the Holocaust never had that decisive moment. At every turn, they were led down the primrose path of good intentions.

Ironically, the most oft cited piece of evidence for Holocaust deniers, the swimming pool at Auschwitz, is to me by far the most chilling aspect of the entire horrifying story.

Think about it. When those camps were being built, the architects, engineers, and workers had absolutely no idea what they were doing. They were designing and building legitimate housing, designed to humanely support the life and health of the internees who would be moved there. To the extent that they provided recreational facilities, in addition to the comfortable dormitories, which were heated, brick buildings that any German soldier would have been happy to live in.

Even the notorious ovens and Zyklon B gas were completely innocently placed there by the camps' designers. The Zyklon B was meant for delousing, and for years that was its only use in the camps. There was zero premeditated intent on anyone's part to use it to murder people. It merely became a convenient means discovered by an SS lieutenant once the mass murder had already started, and even that first use began in relative innocence, as it was used to execute Russian prisoners of war who had been, allegedly, duly convicted of war crimes.

The ovens were necessary, and there were only enough in the main camps to serve what would be the expected natural death rate for a population as large as what the camp was designed to hold.

The very first gas chamber? Originally an air raid bunker for the SS officers and medical staff.

But slowly everything changed. Even the medical facilities meant by their designers to provide compassionate medical treatment to prisoners became places of torture and medical experimentation.

The Zyklon B meant to save lives became the main agent of murder, though no one could have predicted it, and even after its nefarious use was discovered there were still challenges going forward that almost stopped the program. Namely an incident where the SS officers accidentally gassed themselves and became ill, which is when the makeshift gas chamber was put out of use and the gassings were moved to new purpose built death factories hurriedly erected down the tracks from the main camps.

My point that I'm trying to make is that at no time in the leadup to the Holocaust could anyone point to anything going on that was outwardly nefarious. From the top down, everything was above board, and all designs and intentions, outwardly, appeared noble in light of the politics and beliefs at the time.

In other words, my point is that there's really no fundamental difference between the death camps of Nazi Germany and the quarantine camps being built today. Including their design, and their intent.

There will not be any warning. They will not build literal death camps with gas chambers and ovens, as so many conspiracy theorists claim. There will never be a smoking gun pointing to premeditated mass murder.

The smoking gun is when innocent people are forcibly put in prison camps against their will! That's the only warning you will ever get. THAT is the smoking gun, and it's the only relevant detail in any of these discussions.

It is a crime against humanity to imprison innocent people against their will, that is tantamount in and of itself to the premeditation of mass murder. There is never any justifiable reason for rounding up innocent people and imprisoning them. Not one single time in history was this ever okay, and this time will be no better. And the people orchestrating this, and those carrying out the orders, will be viewed by future generations as criminals at best.

I implore everyone in the military and law enforcement to consider these facts, and consider what they will do if relocation orders are given here in the US, as they have been in Australia. No matter how innocent it feels in the moment, history will remember it as the crime against humanity that it is. And depending on the circumstances going forward, it, and you, may be remembered as much worse, IF you comply. Alternately, history may remember you as a hero if you refuse. Hopefully the people of Australia will push back, and this horrific thing won't come here, but the time to take your stand is now, before it even has the opportunity to.

Another very important point related to the original post is the societal correlations in terms of how this was carried out. Half the population may have believed the narrative and those that had a sense of what was going to take place were were not believed. As a result of the vilification of those that were targeted was the masses were either in support or apathetic as long as it didn't affect them or their livelihood which further resulted in little to no protest or pushback. Then there was the fear of repercussions component that kept others from challenging the authorities.

We have the same dynamic at play right now. Vax mandates? Who's willing risk anything to fight that? Firing the unvaxed? Who's willing to risk anything to fight that? Rounding up J6 rally folks and incarcerating them for months? Who's willing to risk anything to fight that? If the government does start rounding up the unvaxed for not being vaxed? Who's willing to risk anything to fight that? See whatever it would take to get people to actually fight back the government will not make that move out right. Instead its just deceptively incrementally happening and most are in denial.

Thats what happened in Germany, Russia, and now Australia. It was so incremental that the very few that were willing to risk fighting were no match.

That same dangerous dynamic is at play here.

Not a single branch of government is functioning properly. We are at war and America is under siege without a fight.

11-26-21, 20:08
Maybe you're right. Or maybe you've just swallowed all the bullshit they've ever told you. Thats for each to make up their own minds. And there's all kinda books written for all kinda reasons

There is also a reason you have to go to places like BC to find information that supports your ridiculous ideas.

11-26-21, 20:24
There is also a reason you have to go to places like BC to find information that supports your ridiculous ideas.

I understand what you are going through, anger is a natural part of the process of unplugging from the matrix.

11-26-21, 20:27

11-26-21, 20:51

11-26-21, 21:01

I think the issue of conspiracy theories has to be separated into two parts. The identification of incongruities, vs. the unprovable hypotheses that arise from them.

It's the conviction of any particular unprovable hypothesis that's logically wrong, and based in egos and defense mechanisms.

But people try to carry that into the core issue, which is the identification of the incongruity in the first place. So you have people separated into two camps. The "official narrative" people, and the "it happened exactly this way" people. And very, very rarely do you have someone on the sidelines who can be like yea, that shit don't add up, but no I don't have any demonstrable theories. So both sides of the argument, save for a few truly intelligent people, are both bogged down in believing they're right about something they can't know.

And that's just not how science is supposed to work, and I would call history a science. It's always written by the victors, so you have to apply scientific reasoning to the alleged facts to try and figure out which parts are lies, omissions, and straight up fact. And since time travel doesn't exist, there's never 100% certainty, and most people can't handle that, which is probably why history is indoctrinated rather than taught as a science like it should be.

Science is supposed to work differently, and sometimes does. For example, early in the 20th century, it became appararent that Newtonian physics was fundamentally wrong. It didn't take Einstein to figure out that much, because anyone with a telescope could see it with their own two eyes. And today we're in a similar predicament because now we know Einstein was wrong, too, but we don't have a theory to replace it yet. Just hypotheses.

And history can be treated in much the same way. If something doesn't add up, start trying to find a model that does. Is the absolute truth? No, probably not, but maybe it's closer to the truth. There's just something about history though that can't be left open ended. People can't handle that.

11-26-21, 21:02

So unprovable claims by someone from a foreign country is all it takes to make you feel correct?

11-26-21, 21:06

Kennedy made mortal enemies out of the CIA, mafia, and every retail bank owner or federal reserve bank shareholder. Out of all the people with motives to see him dead, I think the Jews were probably at the bottom of that list.

11-26-21, 21:08
I think the issue of conspiracy theories has to be separated into two parts. The identification of incongruities, vs. the unprovable hypotheses that arise from them.

It's the conviction of any particular unprovable hypothesis that's logically wrong, and based in egos and defense mechanisms.

But people try to carry that into the core issue, which is the identification of the incongruity in the first place. So you have people separated into two camps. The "official narrative" people, and the "it happened exactly this way" people. And very, very rarely do you have someone on the sidelines who can be like yea, that shit don't add up, but no I don't have any demonstrable theories. So both sides of the argument, save for a few truly intelligent people, are both bogged down in believing they're right about something they can't know.

And that's just not how science is supposed to work, and I would call history a science. It's always written by the victors, so you have to apply scientific reasoning to the alleged facts to try and figure out which parts are lies, omissions, and straight up fact. And since time travel doesn't exist, there's never 100% certainty, and most people can't handle that, which is probably why history is indoctrinated rather than taught as a science like it should be.

Science is supposed to work differently, and sometimes does. For example, early in the 20th century, it became appararent that Newtonian physics was fundamentally wrong. It didn't take Einstein to figure out that much, because anyone with a telescope could see it with their own two eyes. And today we're in a similar predicament because now we know Einstein was wrong, too, but we don't have a theory to replace it yet. Just hypotheses.

And history can be treated in much the same way. If something doesn't add up, start trying to find a model that does. Is the absolute truth? No, probably not, but maybe it's closer to the truth. There's just something about history though that can't be left open ended. People can't handle that.

I’m not saying that conspiracies don’t exist. I think most rational people can agree they do. The problem is that the knowledge of their existence effect some much more drastically than others.

11-26-21, 21:16
So unprovable claims by someone from a foreign country is all it takes to make you feel correct? Pretty sure that was what was released so far per Trump's order to declassify the JFK files.

11-26-21, 21:18
Pretty sure that was what was released so far per Trump's order to declassify the JFK files.

That letter is evidence of nothing. Did you read it?

11-26-21, 21:21
That letter is evidence of nothing. Did you read it?

Did you? Link is directly to NSA.



11-26-21, 21:24
Did you? Link is directly to NSA.


That doesn’t support your beliefs that because someone representing the Palestinian government sent a letter claiming “the Jews did it”.

11-26-21, 21:31
That doesn’t support your beliefs that because someone representing the Palestinian government sent a letter claiming “the Jews did it”.

Try this one.


11-26-21, 21:37
Try this one.


Do you have any more anti Jewish countries/sources claiming the Jews killed JFK? If you keep looking I’m sure you can find middle eastern sources claiming the Jews released covid….

11-27-21, 00:01
I understand what you are going through, anger is a natural part of the process of unplugging from the matrix.

I'm not angry, just feel like I'm reading the 4th grade literate rantings on Stormfront. If I wanted to read about Da Jooze, dem Bildibergs, New World Order, commies are bad rants supported by evidence from the Flat Earth Society I could go visit AssWeb.

11-27-21, 00:10
Kennedy made mortal enemies out of the CIA, mafia, and every retail bank owner or federal reserve bank shareholder. Out of all the people with motives to see him dead, I think the Jews were probably at the bottom of that list.

Wait, I'm confused. I thought the conspiracy was that a bunch of jews with socialist tendencies got JFK elected in the first place? So now he was killed by jews?!?

It all makes sense now, obviously sirhan sirhan was a jews and was working on the rest of the Kennedy clan. And we all know Joe Kennedy ran illegal booze and you know who else did that? Da jooze.

I swear it all fits now.

And if the Schicklgruber theory is true then Hitler was a jooze and he engaged in one of the largest mass murders in the 20th century meaning those people were actually all killed by the jooze. Ipso facto the jooze really do run the world and have a hand in every large scale murder of humans on the planet.

The pieces really do all fit. I have to go create a Shitchute video now and expose their evil plot.

11-27-21, 00:18
Try this one.


Maybe you can find us those Saudi reports about how 4,000 jews didn't report to work at the WTC on 9-11.

11-27-21, 00:31
Did you? Link is directly to NSA.



Yea but the source isn't the NSA. It's just a letter sent from Israel's archnemesis accusing them of doing some shit. It's literally Israel's angry ex mistress calling up the cops and accusing them of a murder they didn't commit just because they sent her butt packing and now she wants revenge.

11-27-21, 01:06
Alright. I apologize! Let just get on thread topic.

11-27-21, 02:31
Wait, I'm confused. I thought the conspiracy was that a bunch of jews with socialist tendencies got JFK elected in the first place? So now he was killed by jews?!?

It all makes sense now, obviously sirhan sirhan was a jews and was working on the rest of the Kennedy clan. And we all know Joe Kennedy ran illegal booze and you know who else did that? Da jooze.

I swear it all fits now.

And if the Schicklgruber theory is true then Hitler was a jooze and he engaged in one of the largest mass murders in the 20th century meaning those people were actually all killed by the jooze. Ipso facto the jooze really do run the world and have a hand in every large scale murder of humans on the planet.

The pieces really do all fit. I have to go create a Shitchute video now and expose their evil plot.

They can put you in office and take you out of office!:lol:

11-27-21, 02:32
Alright. I apologize! Let just get on thread topic.

I'll gladly talk Jew all day long if you reply to my PM. I can prove beyond any doubt to you that the Jews aren't controlling the world.

11-27-21, 09:39
https://www.nsa.gov/portals/75/documents/news-features/declassified-documents/jfk/jfk00067.pdfDudes: stop posting random links with no summary or editorial comment. Especially videos.

Site policy, but also the fastest way to get ignored is to post random links with "you need to see this!!!!" Breathless comments.

11-27-21, 09:57
Do you know how many jews Stalin killed? He didn't care who or what you were. Take your crazy home.

part of what he says is true. Marx was a jew, and the majority of the 'revolutionaries' who overthrew the Czar were also jews.


Putin openly states this per the article.

I will agree the rest of his statement has a poor context. As for how many jews did Stalin kill? Who knows?

I agree he did not differentiate, he murdered anyone and everyone.

11-27-21, 14:37
If they don't control the world, was Trump's remark from a couple weeks ago also wrong? About Israel having total control of our congress up until this year? He seemed to think it was a good idea and something we should get back to. Been a little surprised that I haven't seen it mentioned on any of the conservative gun boards. How odd.

11-27-21, 15:48
If they don't control the world, was Trump's remark from a couple weeks ago also wrong? About Israel having total control of our congress up until this year? He seemed to think it was a good idea and something we should get back to. Been a little surprised that I haven't seen it mentioned on any of the conservative gun boards. How odd.

You can have your own opinion, not your own facts. President Trump said 10 - 15 years ago, not "until this year".



11-27-21, 17:12
Dudes: stop posting random links with no summary or editorial comment. Especially videos.

Site policy, but also the fastest way to get ignored is to post random links with "you need to see this!!!!" Breathless comments.


11-27-21, 17:22
You can have your own opinion, not your own facts. President Trump said 10 - 15 years ago, not "until this year".



I guess I should put in an inquiry to see what kinda timeframe he meant for "today it's almost the opposite". Did it change 10 years ago then and just this year the total opposite? Either way, they've obviously did a tremendous job watching over the country roll itself downhill. Say, you know how a lot of people like to claim that the country started really going downhill with Obama? What year would it be 15 years ago?

Imagine backing "Israel had such power – and rightfully – over Congress".

When you can't help but to take the bait lmao

Country is an absolute joke and we're getting exactly what we deserve.

11-27-21, 17:35
Dudes: stop posting random links with no summary or editorial comment. Especially videos.

Site policy, but also the fastest way to get ignored is to post random links with "you need to see this!!!!" Breathless comments.

Sorry, mine was just a link to a scientific paper on why people are attracted to conspiracy theories. It wasn’t a questionable link to conspiracy theories….

11-27-21, 20:19
Sorry, mine was just a link to a scientific paper on why people are attracted to conspiracy theories. It wasn’t a questionable link to conspiracy theories….That's fine, just give a quick positioning like that with the link and you'll be good to go.

11-27-21, 20:20
What 90% of the people in western society don't understand (and this is intentional and by design as no-one is ever taught anything about Weimar Germany in the public schools) about Marxism, cultural Marxism and Communism. Is that they are all the product of the Jewish intellectuals of the 19th century. Both Marxism and Communism, at they're core, are jewish ideologies and social constructs designed and implemented by jews to put them at the top of the social hierarchy. ABOVE ALL OTHERS! And again, what people don't understand about Russian history, and/or the "Russian Revolution" is that the Bolshevik's (Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky and so on),(and whom destroyed the white christian Russian ethno state, then ushering in the Soviet state), they were not themselves Russian... They were JEWS...And they murdered the Russian royal family (the Romanov's) and then proceeded to commit whole sale genocide against the white christian farmers (the Kulaks) in the Ukraine in what history now calls the Holodomor. And this all preceded the rise of Hitler and WW2 by the way and Germany was next. And as for Germany and Hitler's rise, it all boils down to the fact that the germans were in very real danger, and really, had in fact become, second class citizens in their own country. The Germans pushed back so violently against the Jews because THEY WERE Communist!


So, in other words...you feel that the Holocaust was justified? That the Nazis were, in some way, doing the right thing?

11-27-21, 20:31
Viewing the various ignorant baseless posts by "toe cutter" and the erudite and reasoned responses to his incoherent, subnormal maniacal rantings, all I can say is, "bees don't need to explain to flies why honey is better than shit".

11-27-21, 20:31
So, in other words...you feel that the Holocaust was justified? That the Nazis were, in some way, doing the right thing?

Not at all. I don't think mass genocide is ever justifiable and am vehemently against it. I'm simply saying things may not be exactly what we have be led to believe, as the old saying goes, the victor writes the history books. Just ask Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn..

11-27-21, 21:05
Not at all. I don't think mass genocide is ever justifiable and am vehemently against it. I'm simply saying things may not be exactly what we have be led to believe, as the old saying goes, the victor writes the history books. Just ask Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn..

So let me help you with a real easy one.

Just like you and I have never gotten a "white man club" membership check, most jews aren't getting a "secret rulers of the world" membership check.

Trying to say "most jews" about things like communism is about as retarded as comments like "most blacks" about crime. Doesn't mean it never happens, but it also certainly doesn't mean "always happens" and I'm actually sorta amazed to be reading this kind of ignorant ****ing bullshit on THIS forum. Not that I'm overly sensitive to ideas of racism or anti semitism or whatever, but I did not think there were this many people (meaning more than just you) who actually buy into this level of stupidity.

11-27-21, 21:38
So let me help you with a real easy one.

Just like you and I have never gotten a "white man club" membership check, most jews aren't getting a "secret rulers of the world" membership check.

Trying to say "most jews" about things like communism is about as retarded as comments like "most blacks" about crime. Doesn't mean it never happens, but it also certainly doesn't mean "always happens" and I'm actually sorta amazed to be reading this kind of ignorant ****ing bullshit on THIS forum. Not that I'm overly sensitive to ideas of racism or anti semitism or whatever, but I did not think there were this many people (meaning more than just you) who actually buy into this level of stupidity.

I never said anything of sort. I think the average Jewish person on the street is an honest and decent person just trying to get by like the rest of us. And I never said "most Jews" in anything I said I don't believe. What I did say was that the majority of Communist were Jews. Whether or not that comprised the bulk jewish population over all I don't know. In Weimar Germany many more would be capitalist and have successful enterprises like media and banking. Seems to me Weimar Germany was getting it from both sides. Kinda like we are. Big Banking and corporate media, or the equivalent to it in those days. And on the other end you had these communist dissidents, and I think that's more as to the reason Hilter took real issue with them, and thats exactly what he says in Mein Kampf. He expressly states he did not hate the jews because of their Jewishness. He says he hated them for they were Communist. The Communist in Weimar Germany were running around murdering prominent and average people alike, doing terrorism. And Berlin was like Sodom and Gomorra, all the sexual degeneracy (cultural Marxism) up to and including Cross dressing and Transvestitism thats happening here and now, was happening in Berlin then. And those are facts!

11-27-21, 21:44
So I guess Mao must have also been jewish huh? I mean he did exactly the same thing. Seriously give the bildeburgs / illuminati / protocols shit a rest. If I wanted to read insane ramblings of people with an 8% grasp of history I'd be on Stormfront.

We all get communism is bad. Nobody here doesn't understand the threat of communism. You are like the political "have you heard the good news" missionary. We all know two things, we know about jesus, we know about communism. So if you want to rescue anyone from communism who might not know, your efforts would be better served at maybe calguns.

You are on a predominantly mil/le forum with a very informed membership. We get it. We also apparently get some shit that is still lost on you.

Your mention of calguns made me spit whiskey out, that place defines retard shit show

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

11-27-21, 22:00
Not at all. I don't think mass genocide is ever justifiable and am vehemently against it. I'm simply saying things may not be exactly what we have be led to believe, as the old saying goes, the victor writes the history books. Just ask Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn..

So maybe Hitler was wrong with what he did, but not why he did it?

11-27-21, 22:11
I never said anything of sort. I think the average Jewish person on the street is an honest and decent person just trying to get by like the rest of us. And I never said "most Jews" in anything I said I don't believe. What I did say was that the majority of Communist were Jews. Whether or not that comprised the bulk jewish population over all I don't know. In Weimar Germany many more would be capitalist and have successful enterprises like media and banking. Seems to me Weimar Germany was getting it from both sides. Kinda like we are. Big Banking and corporate media, or the equivalent to it in those days. And on the other end you had these communist dissidents, and I think that's more as to the reason Hilter took real issue with them, and thats exactly what he says in Mein Kampf. He expressly states he did not hate the jews because of their Jewishness. He says he hated them for they were Communist. The Communist in Weimar Germany were running around murdering prominent and average people alike, doing terrorism. And Berlin was like Sodom and Gomorra, all the sexual degeneracy (cultural Marxism) up to and including Cross dressing and Transvestitism thats happening here and now, was happening in Berlin then. And those are facts!

Actually you said this:

What 90% of the people in western society don't understand (and this is intentional and by design as no-one is ever taught anything about Weimar Germany in the public schools) about Marxism, cultural Marxism and Communism. Is that they are all the product of the Jewish intellectuals of the 19th century. Both Marxism and Communism, at they're core, are jewish ideologies and social constructs designed and implemented by jews to put them at the top of the social hierarchy. ABOVE ALL OTHERS! And again, what people don't understand about Russian history, and/or the "Russian Revolution" is that the Bolshevik's (Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky and so on),(and whom destroyed the white christian Russian ethno state, then ushering in the Soviet state), they were not themselves Russian... They were JEWS...And they murdered the Russian royal family (the Romanov's) and then proceeded to commit whole sale genocide against the white christian farmers (the Kulaks) in the Ukraine in what history now calls the Holodomor. And this all preceded the rise of Hitler and WW2 by the way and Germany was next. And as for Germany and Hitler's rise, it all boils down to the fact that the germans were in very real danger, and really, had in fact become, second class citizens in their own country. The Germans pushed back so violently against the Jews because THEY WERE Communist!

And that's a far cry from "the average Jewish person on the street is an honest and decent person just trying to get by like the rest of us."

I won't even bother wasting my time with your "facts" about Weimar Germany. I think your post on the subject tells me everything I need to know.

11-27-21, 22:16
They’ve been trying for decades to find something that would panic the world into complete submission, and they found it with COVID. A disease that you have a 99.95% chance of surviving.

A bunch of us screamed when places started with the lockdowns and mask mandates, that it would lead to forced vaccination and concentration camps. Everyone said we were nuts, and look where we are now. We are in 1939 Germany as this thread has shown.

Their was a study done, that if a person was fed false information for about three months, no amount of truth backed by evidence would convince them that they were wrong, and the media has done that. So many are convinced of the false narratives and lies they refuse to look at anything that does not fit their wrongly held beliefs.

If Americans were going to stand up and fight back it would have happened by now. But you look at what happened with the J6 people, Rittenhouse, bunker hill people, and others who did stand they were all made an example of. You bash a few good people down, and it takes the fight out of others. That is what has happened to the majority of Americans.

This is not going away. This is not going to stop unless people speak up and stand up en masse and just say NO! I think we are passed that point. You give it three years and we will be seeing concentration camps on American soil, if not sooner. This is scary times we live in, not for ourselves but for the type of world we are leaving for our children. They deserve better from us, but we have failed them, just as every generation has since Wilson was elected and the 17th amendment was passed.

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11-27-21, 22:21
Actually you said this:

And that's a far cry from "the average Jewish person on the street is an honest and decent person just trying to get by like the rest of us."

I won't even bother wasting my time with your "facts" about Weimar Germany. I think your post on the subject tells me everything I need to know.

I don't consider Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, etc "average" by any stretch of the imagination, Do you? Stop twisted what Im saying.

P.S. And I second what ubet said!

11-27-21, 22:27
I don't consider Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, etc "average" by any stretch of the imagination, Do you? Stop twisted what Im saying.

I didn't twist anything you said. I posted it verbatim.

11-27-21, 22:51
welp this thread has gone off the rails.

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11-27-21, 22:57
welp this thread has gone off the rails.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It all my fault admittedly. I accept that and take full responsibility for this shit show.

11-28-21, 00:09

Except for China, North Korea, Cuba and a few other countries. I'm off this crazy train. Post any silly shit you like.

11-28-21, 08:03

No, one of your first posts on this subject clearly stated that communism was the Jews' MO for controlling the world. You stated that the Nazi persecution of the Jews was justified because the Jews WERE indeed plotting against the Germans. You claim that the Jews have always been a genocidal people, citing the conquest of Canaan WAY out of context. For the record, if you actually researched the atrocities that the Canaanites committed, you'd feel less sorry for them, and that information comes from ancient sources outside of the Old Testament, so it eliminates the whole "History is written by the winners/Jews" argument. You claimed that Jews cause trouble in every country they've been in and then falsely claimed persecution.

I'd like to know, what do you think of guys like George Lincoln Rockwell, William L. Pierce, or Richard Spencer? Honestly.