View Full Version : Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

11-29-21, 07:52
Starts today, so need a thread. I was hoping some big names would finally be exposed for who/what they are, but I don't think it will actually happen to any real effect:

Lines form outside NYC courthouse two hours before Ghislaine Maxwell's sex-trafficking trial kicks off today: Her brother claims she is paying 'blood price' to the US system because Epstein dodged justice

Trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, 59, which has been dubbed the 'Trial of the Decade', will start in New York today

Wealthy socialite has spent the past 17 months in custody following her arrest in New Hampshire in July 2020

Brother Ian said prosecutors want to break his sibling in order to blame someone for Jeffrey Epstein's crimes

Prosecutors allege Ghislaine groomed girls as young as 14 to have sex with Epstein, who killed himself in 2019

They claim Ghislaine Maxwell also lied about knowing of his crimes when she testified in an earlier court case

Maxwell faces six counts, including charges of child sex abuse, and could face 80 years in jail, if convicted


11-29-21, 08:38
Yep, James Comey's daughter is on the prosecution to ensure that the fix is in. Sounds like conspiracy theorist bullshit.. nope just the United States in 2021. He's one of the biggest saddest hacks ever to work in the federal government.

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11-29-21, 08:59
Schumer recently nominated the judge in the case to some appointed position...clown show.

11-29-21, 09:08
Nothing will come of this beyond Epstein's enabler getting what she deserves. Sadly, it won't spawn a single additional indictment.

11-29-21, 09:15
I’m not one to fall into conspiracy land, but this seems rigged to protect those that need protecting from the start.

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11-29-21, 18:08
Her brother claims she is paying 'blood price' to the US system because Epstein dodged justice

Works for me. She was 100% involved with all of it.

11-29-21, 18:14
Nothing will come of this beyond Epstein's enabler getting what she deserves. Sadly, it won't spawn a single additional indictment.

I tend to agree with that assessment, and I'm actually surprised how light the charges against her actually are considering, but there we are. While the little black book of names is interesting to be sure, it's proof of nothing without him alive to explain it, unless she hid some insurance policies some place for herself she plans to use at some point.

11-29-21, 18:18
Works for me. She was 100% involved with all of it.

Even the charges they have on her, are nothing compared what what she actually did, what she personally handled, and may be difficult to actually prove to a jury in court. She's getting off light as it is and I'm not convinced all of them will even stick. I bet she does a few years in prison at most assuming she does not "suicide" herself with some help.

11-30-21, 03:55
The "world alternative Media" kid gives it a really good run down here. He mentions both Her and Jeffery were both Mossad. Imagine that.


11-30-21, 04:06
The "world alternative Media" kid gives it a really good run down here. He mentions both Her and Jeffery were both Mossad. Imagine that.


Shocking. It was the jueeze again. Tell me more. Post more Shitchute vids.

11-30-21, 04:23
Shocking. It was the jueeze again. Tell me more. Post more Shitchute vids.

Well they weren't Presbyterians thats for sure.:rolleyes:

11-30-21, 08:58
I didn’t realize she was pretty cute when she was young.

11-30-21, 12:44
"Accidentally released" gets my hopes up that someone is actually going to be leaking more of these documents going forward. I have the older list saved, if anyone wants it. It's the 1400 page one, not the updated 2100 page flight log. Clinton, Trump, Naomi Campbell, Jay-Z (Even though he got out of being mentioned) and many other high profile powerful humans.


11-30-21, 13:32
"Accidentally released" gets my hopes up that someone is actually going to be leaking more of these documents going forward. I have the older list saved, if anyone wants it. It's the 1400 page one, not the updated 2100 page flight log. Clinton, Trump, Naomi Campbell, Jay-Z (Even though he got out of being mentioned) and many other high profile powerful humans.


The frequent fliers are of interest, the others, tells us nadda. He had regular conferences of various sorts, etc. so that there's a long list of names comes as no surprise. What % of people went there for the girls he offered likley pretty small, but unless she has some smoking gun level evidence stashed away for a rainy day like looking at federal prison time, we will never know who was there for what and why.

12-01-21, 00:51
I'm surprised she also hasn't "killed herself" yet....
Then again, as a lot of folks are pointing out, this is getting almost zero media coverage, and will not be live streamed, OH, and looky here, right on time cue a school shooting!
I expect nothing of worth to come of this.

12-01-21, 01:18
I'm surprised she also hasn't "killed herself" yet....
Then again, as a lot of folks are pointing out, this is getting almost zero media coverage, and will not be live streamed, OH, and looky here, right on time cue a school shooting!
I expect nothing of worth to come of this.

Given enough time and lawyers, she will suddenly become just another victim of bad old Jeff. We should feel sorry for her, had to be hard living with a pedo. I mean if having Woody Allen come to your birthday party isn't punishment enough already probably nothing is.

12-01-21, 12:16
Just because someone flew on the plane doesn't mean anything. Where they went might be of interest though.

I have a friend who is a pilot for a private jet. He flies far more chartered flights than for the actual plane owner. Having a multi million dollar plane just sitting on the tarmac while you aren't using it is poor money management.

12-01-21, 13:22
Just because someone flew on the plane doesn't mean anything. Where they went might be of interest though.

I have a friend who is a pilot for a private jet. He flies far more chartered flights than for the actual plane owner. Having a multi million dollar plane just sitting on the tarmac while you aren't using it is poor money management.

So the game here is not to look for individual passengers, but to look for patterns in groups... if an individual or group of individuals frequently show up on the same manifests as each other or underage girls.

12-01-21, 14:15
So the game here is not to look for individual passengers, but to look for patterns in groups... if an individual or group of individuals frequently show up on the same manifests as each other or underage girls.

Or just ask Bill Clinton.

12-01-21, 19:14
Given enough time and lawyers, she will suddenly become just another victim of bad old Jeff. We should feel sorry for her, had to be hard living with a pedo....

This is also true.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-01-21, 22:14
I am sure the Feds will win (because they almost always win, the Federal system is heavily rigged for convictions). But today their first victim was not particularly credible. Her story has clearly been juiced-up over the past few years. Initially she wasn't saying much, if anything, bad about Maxwell. Now she has added an amazing amount of juicy stuff she couldn't remember just two years ago. Plus, she has already collected millions from the Epstein estate and probably has a lot of interest in keeping the state happy. Plus, my suspicion is that she is like Virginia Giuffre, and actually started as an underage prostitute but graduated into procurer for Epstein (so she could continue living off Epstein). The state won't even call Giuffre because she has told so many lies at this point.

I think this is the classic frame up of a guilty person. The state's witnesses are going to be a bunch of scuzzy procurers and moochers who are trying to (1) protect their civil claims an (2) try to avoid admitting to being sex-traffickers themselves.

12-02-21, 02:42
I am sure the Feds will win (because they almost always win, the Federal system is heavily rigged for convictions). But today their first victim was not particularly credible. Her story has clearly been juiced-up over the past few years. Initially she wasn't saying much, if anything, bad about Maxwell. Now she has added an amazing amount of juicy stuff she couldn't remember just two years ago. Plus, she has already collected millions from the Epstein estate and probably has a lot of interest in keeping the state happy. Plus, my suspicion is that she is like Virginia Giuffre, and actually started as an underage prostitute but graduated into procurer for Epstein (so she could continue living off Epstein). The state won't even call Giuffre because she has told so many lies at this point.

I think this is the classic frame up of a guilty person. The state's witnesses are going to be a bunch of scuzzy procurers and moochers who are trying to (1) protect their civil claims an (2) try to avoid admitting to being sex-traffickers themselves.

Sadly that's the nature of getting scumbags who used to roll with scumbags to testify against the scumbags they used to roll with. Nobody innocent or credible would be left breathing if they actually knew anything serious. It's why mafia trials are the way they used to be, any good guys were dead and they are just using mid level murderous, drug dealing / drug using pieces of shit to try and roll up bigger and higher placed murderous, drug dealing / drug using pieces of shit.

It's why Gotti walked so many damn times. Anyone in the same room with him was as dirty or worse.

12-02-21, 10:23
Das Reich's main job in this case is to protect the pedophiles among its own ranks and those of its key financiers. Limit the damage to Epstein and Maxwell rather than risk it spreading to Biden, Gates or anyone else deemed to "actually matter."

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-03-21, 21:47
Apparently the prosecution finally put up a worthwhile witness. They had Epstein's butler/dildo washer who said that he rode around with Maxwell looking for girls. They also pretty much accidentally revealed the identity of witness #1 (a very pretty soap opera actress who was known for playing...prostitutes). The witness was pretty good but was obviously wildly biased and had been convicted of stealing money, etc. He also claimed he didn't know anyone was abusing children because he would have "done something about it!" which apparently got laughs from the crowd.

This is an odd opening week but since the feds will probably have a 3 week case in chief to swamp the defense I would guess they are planning on just throwing stuff at the wall and hope that people decide "where there is smoke there is fire."

This case is actually a lot more mundane than people think. It is just a gross horn-dog con man who liked getting freaky with underage models. It looks like his entire life was just him ingratiating himself with powerful people and trying to profit off his connections by some hook and a lot of crook.

12-03-21, 23:40
This case is actually a lot more mundane than people think. It is just a gross horn-dog con man who liked getting freaky with underage models. It looks like his entire life was just him ingratiating himself with powerful people and trying to profit off his connections by some hook and a lot of crook.

More than a few were nothing more than broke teenagers from the poor side of Boca who actually thought they were gonna make $100 to rub so lotion on the back of some creepy old dude. Like any other low life pimp, Jeff had underage girls who he turned out cruising for other underage girls that he might be able to turn out.

The fact that he ran a pedo club for other pedos like Woody Allen is anything but mundane. People lost their minds a few years ago believing that Comet Pizza / underground child sex slave nonsense, but Jeffrey Island is as close to the real thing as you can get without going someplace like Thailand. That he served up junior high age girls to the wealthy of Hollywood and DC makes it even worse.

Harvey Weinstein was an absolute POS who preyed on those chasing their Hollywood dream, and for all I know ran in the same circles as Epstein and crew, but Maxwell is 100% in the same damn league with all of them as a predatory pedo who fully exploited children for their own sick BS. This isn't a case of some wealthy dude paying for 17 year old models in Europe where age of consent is quite a bit different, these people are kiddie ****ers and only serial killers and their kind are worse. But not by a whole lot.

I'm sure you didn't mean to suggest otherwise but we should be clear about what is what.

12-04-21, 00:25
More than a few were nothing more than broke teenagers from the poor side of Boca who actually thought they were gonna make $100 to rub so lotion on the back of some creepy old dude. Like any other low life pimp, Jeff had underage girls who he turned out cruising for other underage girls that he might be able to turn out.

The fact that he ran a pedo club for other pedos like Woody Allen is anything but mundane. People lost their minds a few years ago believing that Comet Pizza / underground child sex slave nonsense, but Jeffrey Island is as close to the real thing as you can get without going someplace like Thailand. That he served up junior high age girls to the wealthy of Hollywood and DC makes it even worse.

Harvey Weinstein was an absolute POS who preyed on those chasing their Hollywood dream, and for all I know ran in the same circles as Epstein and crew, but Maxwell is 100% in the same damn league with all of them as a predatory pedo who fully exploited children for their own sick BS. This isn't a case of some wealthy dude paying for 17 year old models in Europe where age of consent is quite a bit different, these people are kiddie ****ers and only serial killers and their kind are worse. But not by a whole lot.

I'm sure you didn't mean to suggest otherwise but we should be clear about what is what.

I’m not disagreeing with you here, because they’re both lower than whale shit IMO. But what is the age of the youngest of his victims? Because when I think “kiddie ****ers”, I think prepubescent victims.

All forms of sex with kids under the age of consent are pedophilia under the law. But technically, there are gradients. Infantophiles, pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles and teleiophiles.

It was my understanding that Epstein and Maxwell were ephebophiles (generally 15-17 year old victims). They’re still scumbags who abused, traded and peddled underage flesh, but there are a lot of people in our society who would not push for max sentencing on an ephebophile the same as they would an infantophile or pedophile.

Personally I think convicted infantophiles and pedophiles deserve a swift bullet to the base of the skull and dumped in the landfill. I’d lean toward the bullet for hebephiles as well, but I get hazy on ephebophiles. In those cases I really want the specifics before passing judgement, especially if the punishment is permanent.

12-04-21, 04:17
I’m not disagreeing with you here, because they’re both lower than whale shit IMO. But what is the age of the youngest of his victims? Because when I think “kiddie ****ers”, I think prepubescent victims.

All forms of sex with kids under the age of consent are pedophilia under the law. But technically, there are gradients. Infantophiles, pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles and teleiophiles.

It was my understanding that Epstein and Maxwell were ephebophiles (generally 15-17 year old victims). They’re still scumbags who abused, traded and peddled underage flesh, but there are a lot of people in our society who would not push for max sentencing on an ephebophile the same as they would an infantophile or pedophile.

Personally I think convicted infantophiles and pedophiles deserve a swift bullet to the base of the skull and dumped in the landfill. I’d lean toward the bullet for hebephiles as well, but I get hazy on ephebophiles. In those cases I really want the specifics before passing judgement, especially if the punishment is permanent.

Allegations are as young as 11 but most credible sources put it at 14. For Epstein I think it was about young girls who could easily be manipulated, especially by money and also capable of the sexual act. I don't think he was trolling for 8 year olds like some sickos.

But it wasn't just a case of wow she's 15, if I didn't know better I'd think she was 23. I don't think he was into that. I think he was into very underage girls 14-16 because he could play power trip games more effectively and I think his ego enjoyed the taboo aspects of things.

More importantly, if he wanted, he could have had model quality 18-21 year old girls all day...every day without any undue risk except maybe a paying for a prostitute charge and who cares. But he just wasn't into sexually matured adult females.

He was a kiddie ****er.

12-04-21, 06:53
I’m not condoning any of the behavior in this whole sordid affair, but one reason there is a problem with Guiffre is the age of consent in England is 16. The caption on the Guiffre photo always says 17 year old. No crime.

12-04-21, 10:17
Younger girls were easier to manipulate and cheaper to buy. From the victim statements on the documentary, these girls were no victims and recruited several friends and family knowing full well what he was up to just for money and promises. Hell the one girl went with them all over for the promise of going through masseuse school. Can't be that hard to get into or prerequisites.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-04-21, 20:59
Younger girls were easier to manipulate and cheaper to buy. From the victim statements on the documentary, these girls were no victims and recruited several friends and family knowing full well what he was up to just for money and promises. Hell the one girl went with them all over for the promise of going through masseuse school. Can't be that hard to get into or prerequisites.

No question the primary public accuser is basically just a younger version of Maxwell (Virginia Giuffre). She has somehow been allowed to portray herself as a victim when it looks like she was probably his chief procurer. I think she started at 17, which was probably legal in Florida at the time if it isn't now. She appears to just have been another young prostitute who hit the golden ticket. Apparently everyone involved in this case is scum.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-04-21, 21:04
More than a few were nothing more than broke teenagers from the poor side of Boca who actually thought they were gonna make $100 to rub so lotion on the back of some creepy old dude. Like any other low life pimp, Jeff had underage girls who he turned out cruising for other underage girls that he might be able to turn out.

The fact that he ran a pedo club for other pedos like Woody Allen is anything but mundane. People lost their minds a few years ago believing that Comet Pizza / underground child sex slave nonsense, but Jeffrey Island is as close to the real thing as you can get without going someplace like Thailand. That he served up junior high age girls to the wealthy of Hollywood and DC makes it even worse.

Harvey Weinstein was an absolute POS who preyed on those chasing their Hollywood dream, and for all I know ran in the same circles as Epstein and crew, but Maxwell is 100% in the same damn league with all of them as a predatory pedo who fully exploited children for their own sick BS. This isn't a case of some wealthy dude paying for 17 year old models in Europe where age of consent is quite a bit different, these people are kiddie ****ers and only serial killers and their kind are worse. But not by a whole lot.

I'm sure you didn't mean to suggest otherwise but we should be clear about what is what.

I just mean it is exactly what all these rockstar/zillionaire/preacher/priests/ powerful people are always up to. 98% of these people just seem to be focused on sticking their junk in taboo stuff. Listen to the stories of powerful folks, actors, rock bands and rappers and entertainers from time immemorial. Hell, there are a fair number of popular songs about this stuff. Just gross, evil ass people doing what they always do. People are trying to breath all kinds of secret meaning/ illuminati/ Q pizza etc stuff into it and its just some old story.

But don't get me wrong, I think Clinton, Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson, etc, are all dirtbags and I have no doubt they knew Epstein was a POS and probably banged a bunch of these girls. But I always assumed these guys were all turds.

12-04-21, 21:55
I just mean it is exactly what all these rockstar/zillionaire/preacher/priests/ powerful people are always up to. 98% of these people just seem to be focused on sticking their junk in taboo stuff. Listen to the stories of powerful folks, actors, rock bands and rappers and entertainers from time immemorial. Hell, there are a fair number of popular songs about this stuff. Just gross, evil ass people doing what they always do. People are trying to breath all kinds of secret meaning/ illuminati/ Q pizza etc stuff into it and its just some old story.

But don't get me wrong, I think Clinton, Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson, etc, are all dirtbags and I have no doubt they knew Epstein was a POS and probably banged a bunch of these girls. But I always assumed these guys were all turds.

I was speaking more to the victims and how they weren't just models banging for a buck. You and I are on the same page regarding the feral humans who pull this crap.

12-04-21, 22:04
I just mean it is exactly what all these rockstar/zillionaire/preacher/priests/ powerful people are always up to. 98% of these people just seem to be focused on sticking their junk in taboo stuff. Listen to the stories of powerful folks, actors, rock bands and rappers and entertainers from time immemorial. Hell, there are a fair number of popular songs about this stuff. Just gross, evil ass people doing what they always do. People are trying to breath all kinds of secret meaning/ illuminati/ Q pizza etc stuff into it and its just some old story.

But don't get me wrong, I think Clinton, Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson, etc, are all dirtbags and I have no doubt they knew Epstein was a POS and probably banged a bunch of these girls. But I always assumed these guys were all turds.

It's no secret that Trump knew Epstein, but if it comes out that Trump knew exactly what Epstein was up to and turned a blind eye like everybody else, I wonder if that'll put a dagger in his 2024 hopes. Clinton, of course, gets a pass, because he's a Democrat and they could have a video of him banging a teenage girl and he'll get off on the Shaggy/R. Kelly defense of "it wasn't me." Trump, however, wouldn't get the same pass (nor should he).

12-04-21, 23:13
It's no secret that Trump knew Epstein, but if it comes out that Trump knew exactly what Epstein was up to and turned a blind eye like everybody else,

Are you not aware Trump banned the guy from his properties and disassociated himself from him?

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-04-21, 23:47
Are you not aware Trump banned the guy from his properties and disassociated himself from him?

Trump only booted him after charges were filed and just a few months before Epstein entered his plea on sex trafficking charges. Everyone was distancing themselves by then. At one point Trump claimed Epstein wasn't a member at Mar-a-Lago, but it later was revealed he was. Also interesting is that Virginia Giuffre, Epstien's "Victim"/chief procurer met Epstein when she was a teenage spa attendant at Mar-a-Lago. Also hilarious is the fact that Trump told New York Magazine in 2002 “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” It was all fun and games for these guys.

12-05-21, 07:58
Trump only booted him after charges were filed and just a few months before Epstein entered his plea on sex trafficking charges. Everyone was distancing themselves by then. At one point Trump claimed Epstein wasn't a member at Mar-a-Lago, but it later was revealed he was. Also interesting is that Virginia Giuffre, Epstien's "Victim"/chief procurer met Epstein when she was a teenage spa attendant at Mar-a-Lago. Also hilarious is the fact that Trump told New York Magazine in 2002 “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” It was all fun and games for these guys.

it might be Trump didn't realize or genuinely know the enormity of the situation with epstein until the charges were filed.
Did he hear rumors? Likely he did, how much stock should Trump have placed in rumors knowing epstein was well known for being a partying type?

All things considered if Trump was involved with something like this, we'd have known about it by now. The left would have made sure it was front page headlines.

12-05-21, 09:36
Interesting trial but I don’t think the public will see the fallout they want regarding name droppings.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-05-21, 10:10
it might be Trump didn't realize or genuinely know the enormity of the situation with epstein until the charges were filed.
Did he hear rumors? Likely he did, how much stock should Trump have placed in rumors knowing epstein was well known for being a partying type?

All things considered if Trump was involved with something like this, we'd have known about it by now. The left would have made sure it was front page headlines.

Well, they have talked about it endlessly, most people have just chalked it up to being exaggerations and lies (which is what most of the media's coverage of trump has been). While I have never believed any of the Russia nonsense, I have always found it a lot easier to believe he was a pervert. There have been at least 18 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct of various degrees, including many beauty pageant contestants competing in his parents (which Epstien apparently was involved in with Trump back in the 90s). Trump even publicly bragged to Howard Stern about how he would go in to see the contestants while they were naked backstage.

"Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed, and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good.

"You know, the dresses. 'Is everyone okay?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody okay?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good."

Now, to be fair, these contestants were 18 and up. He certainly never bragged in public about going in the back to see the contestants at the Miss. Teen USA pageant (that he also ran) as some left wing trolls have accused (some even purposely altering the above quote).

Also note that the first victim in the Epstien Trial was introduced to Trump when she was 14. To his credit, she doesn't say he had sex with her. But on the other hand, at the very least, he didn't think it was his business that his buddy (who Trump had publicly acknowledged liked women "on the younger side") was flying around with a 14 years old beauty.

There is tons and tons of this stuff. I think most of the accusers are like Epstien's, people who wanted to take advantage of these guy's insane wealth. They were happy to whore themselves out, or at least flirt with them, but when the cash ran out or never appeared at all, they were willing to jump on the bandwagon when the real victims were finally getting public attention. I find it hard to believe that Trump wasn't aware of what was going on, and likely took advantage of this stuff. My suspicion is that Trump, although a serial sexual harasser and P)$$y grabber kept most of his activity on the bleeding edge of legal age. A true hero.

12-06-21, 05:52
Well, they have talked about it endlessly, most people have just chalked it up to being exaggerations and lies (which is what most of the media's coverage of trump has been). While I have never believed any of the Russia nonsense, I have always found it a lot easier to believe he was a pervert. There have been at least 18 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct of various degrees, including many beauty pageant contestants competing in his parents (which Epstien apparently was involved in with Trump back in the 90s). Trump even publicly bragged to Howard Stern about how he would go in to see the contestants while they were naked backstage.

"Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed, and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good.

"You know, the dresses. 'Is everyone okay?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody okay?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good."

Now, to be fair, these contestants were 18 and up. He certainly never bragged in public about going in the back to see the contestants at the Miss. Teen USA pageant (that he also ran) as some left wing trolls have accused (some even purposely altering the above quote).

Also note that the first victim in the Epstien Trial was introduced to Trump when she was 14. To his credit, she doesn't say he had sex with her. But on the other hand, at the very least, he didn't think it was his business that his buddy (who Trump had publicly acknowledged liked women "on the younger side") was flying around with a 14 years old beauty.

There is tons and tons of this stuff. I think most of the accusers are like Epstien's, people who wanted to take advantage of these guy's insane wealth. They were happy to whore themselves out, or at least flirt with them, but when the cash ran out or never appeared at all, they were willing to jump on the bandwagon when the real victims were finally getting public attention. I find it hard to believe that Trump wasn't aware of what was going on, and likely took advantage of this stuff. My suspicion is that Trump, although a serial sexual harasser and P)$$y grabber kept most of his activity on the bleeding edge of legal age. A true hero.

I'd never heard any of this and no I'm not saying it's not true either. I read an article in regards to this sort've thing some time back & evidently the left tried to get the girls to say Trump acted lewdly, ie: walked in on them while they were dressing, and they said no he didn't.

As for whatever he said on Stern's show I'll take it at face value as him saying so, never listened to Stern's show.
Based on what you wrote as to his statement, it doesn't genuinely come off as lewd intent, his style of speech at times carries poor clarity. Checking the dresses then jumping to the girls being undressed. It does carry a lewd connotation albeit he may have been attempting to convey something different.

18 women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct? Does that include that porn star? There is the question of are they telling the truth or are they hoping for a check from Trump?
Individuals such as him with the money he has are a target, although he is responsible for not putting himself in positions where anything he does has the wrong appearance.
I agree with your assertion about women either outright whoring themselves out to take advantage of these individuals wealth, or if the $$$ never does appear jump on the sexual misconduct bandwagon hoping for a check.

Billy Grahm had a simple rule: He would never be alone in a room with any woman other than his wife, anytime he had to be around another woman there was always going to be someone there as a witness.
Owing to his position in life & his public status he was careful about certain things. While Trump may not have had lewd intent, he may not have been as careful as he should have been.

12-06-21, 05:58
Gee, we have Baldwin, Maxwell, Epstien and The Cuomo's.
We not only encourage this level of Sociopaths, we celebrate it and then wonder WTF, when they act like a Sociopath.
If we didn't celebrate, celebraties and actually called this stuff out when we see it and shame them, perhaps much of this wouldn't happen?

12-06-21, 10:15
It's no secret that Trump knew Epstein, but if it comes out that Trump knew exactly what Epstein was up to and turned a blind eye like everybody else, I wonder if that'll put a dagger in his 2024 hopes. Clinton, of course, gets a pass, because he's a Democrat and they could have a video of him banging a teenage girl and he'll get off on the Shaggy/R. Kelly defense of "it wasn't me." Trump, however, wouldn't get the same pass (nor should he).

So clinton can get the pass but trump cant????

things that make me go HMMMMMMMMM.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-06-21, 21:35
So clinton can get the pass but trump cant????

things that make me go HMMMMMMMMM.

Why should any of these guys get a pass? They are plainly scum.

12-06-21, 23:18
I think what he meant was that Clinton will get a pass from the media because he’s a Dem but Trump won’t because orange man bad

12-06-21, 23:26
Why should any of these guys get a pass? They are plainly scum.

Don't know what Trump did or didn't do, but completely agree. If Trump was into this shit, he should burn with the rest. Hell when I was 19 I had a bunch of 16 year olds sniffing around and it may have only been 3 years, may have even been age of consent legal, but those girls were still little girls to me.

I think the only illegal on I ever did was 21 when I was 16 but I don't feel like I've been abused. Actually took me weeks of trying.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-06-21, 23:56
Don't know what Trump did or didn't do, but completely agree. If Trump was into this shit, he should burn with the rest. Hell when I was 19 I had a bunch of 16 year olds sniffing around and it may have only been 3 years, may have even been age of consent legal, but those girls were still little girls to me.

I think the only illegal on I ever did was 21 when I was 16 but I don't feel like I've been abused. Actually took me weeks of trying.

And believe me, I am pretty relaxed. 19 year olds and 14 year olds are not the same thing as 40 year olds and 14 year olds. And honestly if some dude falls in Love with a young girl and waits till she is legal whatever, not my place to judge. But these guys were clearly hunting children on a massive scale. Satanic.

12-07-21, 06:39
Why should any of these guys get a pass? They are plainly scum.

None of them should, They deserve to burned at the stake.

12-07-21, 06:39
I think what he meant was that Clinton will get a pass from the media because he’s a Dem but Trump won’t because orange man bad

gotcha, that makes sense.

12-07-21, 07:28
it might be Trump didn't realize or genuinely know the enormity of the situation with epstein until the charges were filed.
Did he hear rumors? Likely he did, how much stock should Trump have placed in rumors knowing epstein was well known for being a partying type?

All things considered if Trump was involved with something like this, we'd have known about it by now. The left would have made sure it was front page headlines.

I'm as big of a Trump supporter as you will find and he certainly is no Saint. (I'll let the first Saint here, chuck the first rock.) But if he was involved, he should suffer the consequences. I think Trump knew exactly what this cat was all about and that is why he tossed him out of his resort.

This smells like nothing more than yet another Klin-TONE projection mission to distract from the real problems they certainly have with this one.

12-07-21, 07:41
I think the Trump tie-in is out in the open. They were associates, to put it mildly, until Epstein did something inappropriate with a minor at one of Trump's parties and was banned from all Trump properties.

If there was evidence Trump did something criminal, we would know it. I am pretty sure the marxists would even throw the Klintons under the bus to prosecute the Don.

Donald Trump is no saint, for sure - he was just the better choice and actually did some of the things most Republicans hoped he would.


12-07-21, 09:23
I think the Trump tie-in is out in the open. They were associates, to put it mildly, until Epstein did something inappropriate with a minor at one of Trump's parties and was banned from all Trump properties.

If there was evidence Trump did something criminal, we would know it. I am pretty sure the marxists would even throw the Klintons under the bus to prosecute the Don.

Donald Trump is no saint, for sure - he was just the better choice and actually did some of the things most Republicans hoped he would.


Agreed, and the reason the continue to stay relativity quiet about that is, their favorite POTUS was a legit sexual predator who spent more time with Epstein. There was a painting of him in drag in his apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who does that???!!!

12-07-21, 09:53
Don't forget James Comey's daughter is on the prosecution team to make sure none of the real truth comes out... I wouldn't expect any bombshells when the fix is so clearly in.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

12-07-21, 12:25
The networks aren’t broadcasting any thing. The fix and cover indeed are in.

12-07-21, 22:42
The networks aren’t broadcasting any thing. The fix and cover indeed are in.

Of course the Fix is in. The world can't be allowed to know the Mossad Israeli spies run the largest human trafficking ring in the world. And have compromised countless numbers of our top political figures by taking them to their private pedophilia sex island to have sex with children for the ultimate purpose of black mailing them.

12-08-21, 05:48
I'm as big of a Trump supporter as you will find and he certainly is no Saint. (I'll let the first Saint here, chuck the first rock.) But if he was involved, he should suffer the consequences. I think Trump knew exactly what this cat was all about and that is why he tossed him out of his resort.

This smells like nothing more than yet another Klin-TONE projection mission to distract from the real problems they certainly have with this one.

I have no doubt it's why Trump banned epstein from Trumps property. Soon as he knew for certain what epstein was doing, 'get gone now & don't come back". I don't believe Trump was genuinely involved in any of this, as Andylate posted & I agree with, if he was the left would sacrifice bill clinton in order to destroy Trump.
The fact that Trump banned epstein speaks for itself as to whether or not Trump was involved with this.

If Trump was involved with this then yes he deserves to be held accountable and we would already know if he was by now.
Was he around these people? Of course, that's self-evident. However I tend to think being around these people then this happening, the curtain being pulled back on who they genuinely are?
Is something that made a major change in Trump, it being a factor in his political views changing radically.

My only suspicion in regards to Trump is he likely knew or heard rumors about what was going on & either didn't do or say anything about it. Perhaps he looked at it and figured it's their private lives, none of my business until it hit close to home and then drew the line.

I suspect he knows more than he's said about it and if so then that's a possibly a failing on his part.

12-08-21, 07:30
Epstein was arrested and charged with the same crimes by the federal government in 2007. Alexander Acosta (later Trump's labor secretary). "Acosta’s prosecutors quietly entered into a secretive non-prosecution agreement with the billionaire which ensured that Epstein and his co-conspirators would not be prosecuted federally in exchange for Epstein’s guilty plea to much less serious state prostitution charges."



Alex V
12-08-21, 13:49
Trump was an ultra wealthy New Yorker, Epstein was an ultra wealthy New Yorker. It's only natural that they would be seen in the same circles. Having said that, based on Giuffre's deposition there is no evidence the two were "friends" other than Epstein telling her they were. Even though she was around Epstein a lot she never noticed the two together.

Furthermore, when Epstein got nailed the first time in 2008/2009 the prosecutor reached out to a lot of people and Trump was the only one who answered questions about Epstein in order to help out the victim's case. The video appears to have been scrubbed from YouTube but the article and the prosecutor's quotes are still there:

“The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk,”

“I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know, and was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009.”

If Epstein and Trump were somehow tied with anything more, we would have known in October 2020

12-08-21, 16:24
Of course the Fix is in. The world can't be allowed to know the Mossad Israeli spies run the largest human trafficking ring in the world. And have compromised countless numbers of our top political figures by taking them to their private pedophilia sex island to have sex with children for the ultimate purpose of black mailing them.

Can you cite your sources?

12-09-21, 00:29
Can you cite your sources?

I will let Ron Braunstein aka Necro explain... He's most probably Jeffery Epstein's favorite "Rap Artist" after all...


The Dumb Gun Collector
12-09-21, 20:12
Epstein was arrested and charged with the same crimes by the federal government in 2007. Alexander Acosta (later Trump's labor secretary). "Acosta’s prosecutors quietly entered into a secretive non-prosecution agreement with the billionaire which ensured that Epstein and his co-conspirators would not be prosecuted federally in exchange for Epstein’s guilty plea to much less serious state prostitution charges."

Surely a huge coincidence.

12-09-21, 21:09
Can you cite your sources?For toecutter, bitchute I'm sure.

12-09-21, 21:13
For toecutter, bitchute I'm sure.

I was thinking more Stormfront or some other dredge up from the sewers of the internet.

12-10-21, 00:14
For toecutter, bitchute I'm sure.

Yes if you go back and watch the bitchute vid from the "world alternative Media" kid I posted on the very first page of this thread the kid points out the Jeff and Ghislaine where most likely Mossad. They had a private sex Island set up for the soul propose of taking powerful and influential people there to have sex with minor children for Christ sake! Stop and think about that! I think the kid is pretty sharp and I agree with his assessment of the situation. You should go back and watch it, the kid makes a lot of interesting points. Points that make a lot of people very uncomfortable and is upsetting to certain people and their world view. In particular a certain group of people whom we are never ever allowed to criticize. If my criticizing that group of people makes me a Some kind of "low Life", well then, I guess I'm a Low life.

12-11-21, 06:45
Yes if you go back and watch the bitchute vid from the "world alternative Media" kid I posted on the very first page of this thread the kid points out the Jeff and Ghislaine where most likely Mossad. They had a private sex Island set up for the soul propose of taking powerful and influential people there to have sex with minor children for Christ sake! Stop and think about that! I think the kid is pretty sharp and I agree with his assessment of the situation. You should go back and watch it, the kid makes a lot of interesting points. Points that make a lot of people very uncomfortable and is upsetting to certain people and their world view. In particular a certain group of people whom we are never ever allowed to criticize. If my criticizing that group of people makes me a Some kind of "low Life", well then, I guess I'm a Low life.

So you think the FBI and CIA and local law enforcement in major jurisdictions didn’t know an intelligence operation of that scale was operating on behalf of a foreign power in those metropolitan areas?

12-11-21, 07:14
So you think the FBI and CIA and local law enforcement in major jurisdictions didn’t know an intelligence operation of that scale was operating on behalf of a foreign power in those metropolitan areas?

Hell I don't know. I think most of our Government agencies have been compromised in some fashion or another at this point. How else do you explain people like woke Gen. Mark Miley for example. Phoning China behind trumps back? And thats just one example.

12-11-21, 08:10
Would Mossad (or any other foreign entity) exploit this situation? ABSOLUTELY! Would Israel risk the ire of their most important ally if they got caught creating this? I think not.

Looks like some folks are smokin stronger stuff than Hunter.

12-29-21, 17:10
NEW YORK - After deliberating for five full days, a federal jury has found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on five of six charges in her sex abuse trial.

According to a grand jury indictment, Maxwell, 59, assisted, contributed to, and facilitated Jeffrey Epstein's abuse of minor girls between 1994 and 1997. She was accused of recruiting, grooming, and abusing the victims, some as young as 14 years old. Maxwell would also encourage the victims to accept payment for travel and educational expenses, according to the indictment, making the victims feel indebted to the pair.


12-29-21, 17:44
Nothing motivated that jury faster than the judge telling them they would be spending the NY's weekend deliberating if they had not come to a verdict.

12-29-21, 18:02
Ghislaine Maxwell did not kill herself.

12-29-21, 18:14
Ghislaine Maxwell did not kill herself.

Yet. But she will manage to shoot herself in the back of her head in her cell on suicide watch.

12-29-21, 18:15
They say Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew could not be reached for comment as they were not answering their phones. She will probably get 20+ years in prison, maybe she will decide to burn the house down.

12-29-21, 18:19
Yet. But she will manage to shoot herself in the back of her head in her cell on suicide watch.

He was beating you to the punch with a "Epstein didn't kill himself" declaration in preparation for her "suicide."

But unlike Jeff, her trial is concluded. If she was gonna name names, it already happened. Be nice if somebody killed her at this point. Maybe while she is serving, she will get the pedo treatment.

12-30-21, 08:02
He was beating you to the punch with a "Epstein didn't kill himself" declaration in preparation for her "suicide."

But unlike Jeff, her trial is concluded. If she was gonna name names, it already happened. Be nice if somebody killed her at this point. Maybe while she is serving, she will get the pedo treatment.

She could name names all she wants, but without the evidence to back it up, especially considering who they are, only puts her at greater risk. Unless she's got a vid stashed away of Bill doing a full Caligula, she's better off keeping her mouth shut. I would not be surprised if that was not also the advice of her council.

12-30-21, 10:38
Her black book is "sealed" by the court. Gonna speculate that the same or similar is true for any evidence she might have. "Da fix is in" for any elites involved. Likely always has been.

12-30-21, 11:34
Her black book is "sealed" by the court. Gonna speculate that the same or similar is true for any evidence she might have. "Da fix is in" for any elites involved. Likely always has been.

I recall some book with names was leaked a while ago, but I forget what / how it applied to the case and or if same book. Regardless, a book full of names proves nadda unless it has associated evidence as to why they are in it. Hence, it's of no value at all to her or anyone else in any real sense. I have a lot of names in my phone address book too and have only had sex with a very small % of them. The rest are biz contacts, friends, etc, etc.

12-30-21, 11:55
. I have a lot of names in my phone address book too and have only had sex with a very small % of them. The rest are biz contacts, friends, etc, etc.

At one time I was in his phone address book. I swear that we did not have sex nor fondled each other. LOL.

12-30-21, 15:27
Her black book is "sealed" by the court. Gonna speculate that the same or similar is true for any evidence she might have. "Da fix is in" for any elites involved. Likely always has been.

Pretty much and god forbid we don't get one more crappy ass Woody Allen movie. How that guy is still walking around after all the blatant shit he's pulled is beyond me.

12-30-21, 15:33
The government doesn't REALLY care about child exploitation. Don't pay your taxes however, and you'll find out what their priorities are.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

12-30-21, 15:46
The government doesn't REALLY care about child exploitation. Don't pay your taxes however, and you'll find out what their priorities are.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

If it did, most of the Democratic Party's officials and half the Republican Establishment would be getting pounded in the ass every hour on the hour in Club Fed.

12-30-21, 16:01
At one time I was in his phone address book. I swear that we did not have sex nor fondled each other. LOL.

We believe you. "Wink, wink"

12-30-21, 16:53
Guards who slept on the job while epstein didn't kill himself get charges dropped...


12-30-21, 17:47
Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced To 10 Unsupervised Minutes With Hillary Clinton (https://babylonbee.com/news/maxwell-sentenced-to-10-unsupervised-minutes-with-hillary-clinton)


john armond
02-19-22, 13:49
Reviving an old thread. Another Epstein associate “suicided” in his shared cell. Cameras in the cell stopped working.


02-19-22, 15:38
Reviving an old thread. Another Epstein associate “suicided” in his shared cell. Cameras in the cell stopped working.


Ya think she’s getting nervous

john armond
02-19-22, 16:15
Ya think she’s getting nervous

Just a reminder “we can get to you wherever you are.”

02-20-22, 08:53
A near carbon copy of Epstein.