View Full Version : Texas shooting video.

11-30-21, 14:53
Just wondering your thoughts. Of course they claiming Self-Defense, I am not totally convinced.

Don't know to inbed video from phone.

Warning, graphic footage: Texas cell phone video captures custody argument before man is shot to death


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11-30-21, 14:55
Manslaughter. Learn how to fight, and you won't end up in a jackpot like this. He went inside to get the rifle, he shot a guy who wasn't presenting a threat. Add dead guy to the list of people who tried to take a rifle away from someone they thought wasn't prepared to use it.

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11-30-21, 15:07
I'm betting he will go away for a murder or manslaughter charge.

The only hesitation is, I've heard, in Texas you can threaten lethal force to remove unwanted people from your property. That might play a big role in this case. But in not familiar with Texas law and how exactly that works.

11-30-21, 15:14
Everybody is pretty calm after the shooting. Big jump from trespassing to you are not leaving so I go get my rifle and warning shot your feet. Big guy wasn't trying to rush the house and Kyle had time to go in get gun and come back out. Plenty of time to lock himself inside and call police. He is going to get some kind of charge.

11-30-21, 15:20
As he should, just like this pu$$y. If you let your only tool be a gun, you should get used to confined spaces.

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11-30-21, 16:27
" Well Bye "

11-30-21, 17:07
This is a stupid one. And sad because it's going to be haunt the kids/non-combatants involved. No need for anyone to die. Also seems to me like a situation where introducing the weapon in to the situation where it wasn't needed made things a lot worse. The guy who got shot went from angry to confrontational when the rifle showed up. His decision to try and fight the armed dude was a pretty dumb one with obvious results, but I am firm believer that when you are the one with the gun, you have a responsibility to de-escalate the situation. Walking inside and calling cops/custody officer/social worker etc would have saved these families generations of issues.

11-30-21, 18:38
Apparently this took place back on 11/05. No charges filed at this point.

11-30-21, 18:46
the puff up I am tough I got you on video got him killed STUPID STUPID STUPID

decided who knows to much unknown

you cant shoot a kids dad picking up his kid so I think we will see something

edit to add:
if he just took the video of the shooter getting a gun and coming out threatening him and kept his cool and show that to the judge to show what danger his kid is in ! I reckon he would have gotten full custody or could have and if anything ever happened after that that shooter would be hosed big time when a dad was picking up his kid !

again another idiot meets idiot and one idiot dies most likely other idiot will get whats coming to him any smart kid when he grows up knowing this pile of dog crap shot his real dad he will get more what's coming to him

11-30-21, 19:35
I'm betting he will go away for a murder or manslaughter charge.

The only hesitation is, I've heard, in Texas you can threaten lethal force to remove unwanted people from your property. That might play a big role in this case. But in not familiar with Texas law and how exactly that works.

Someone told you wrong. As much as Texans love our property rights and our guns, we can't just shoot someone because they won't get off of our property - even if the property is marked with no trespassing signs. You have to be in fear of immenent bodily harm, and the fact that he nonchalantly went back into the house to get the gun disproves that. If the homeowner wanted them off of his property then he should have called the cops. The homeowner should be charged with murder. Both of these guys let their anger control them, and as a result nobody wins.

The one exception to using deadly force on your premises is if it is after dark and you believe someone is trying to break into or otherwise steal your property. Several years ago a homeowner shot and killed a repo man that was hooking up to the guy's car. He was no-billed by the grand jury because the incident took place at night.

El Vaquero
11-30-21, 20:25
�� This looks/sounds similar to another case where a jogger was shot and killed when he tried to wrestle a shotgun away from some hillbillies. They got convicted of murder. Tongue in cheek analogy. Different, but similar self defense principles.

There really wasn’t any justification to display a deadly weapon. Nobody was in imminent danger. There were no threats. He should’ve just called the cops and had the guy criminally trespassed. If there were no other whacky circumstances involved and taken at face value I would lean towards murder.

And if the ex-wife was playing stupid child custody games she may not be criminally responsible but she’s definitely to blame.

11-30-21, 20:45
Another idiot with a gun getting himself into trouble for no good reason.

Adios Kyle.

11-30-21, 20:59
When idiots Collide.
I've played these games, unfortuantly for my Son and I it was an international situation and I was left with little recourse but to wait.

11-30-21, 21:17
Happened in Texas, so if it wasn't justified then it was murder or possibly capital murder.

11-30-21, 21:20
Remember the "dumpster showdown"? I think it was in Austin.

11-30-21, 21:48
Happened in Texas, so if it wasn't justified then it was murder or possibly capital murder.

Probably won't be capital murder. In Texas, for it to be capital murder it has to have been committed during the commission of another felony - i.e. robbery - or the victim is a minor or a member of law enforcement and murdered while performing their duties.

11-30-21, 21:50
Someone told you wrong. As much as Texans love our property rights and our guns, we can't just shoot someone because they won't get off of our property - even if the property is marked with no trespassing signs. You have to be in fear of immenent bodily harm, and the fact that he nonchalantly went back into the house to get the gun disproves that. If the homeowner wanted them off of his property then he should have called the cops. The homeowner should be charged with murder. Both of these guys let their anger control them, and as a result nobody wins.

The one exception to using deadly force on your premises is if it is after dark and you believe someone is trying to break into or otherwise steal your property. Several years ago a homeowner shot and killed a repo man that was hooking up to the guy's car. He was no-billed by the grand jury because the incident took place at night.

“All Texans may lawfully brandish a firearm to protect themselves, their property and their business.” Guinn said.

Guinn also emphasized Read’s threat to take the gun from Carruth.

“And instantaneously, he tried to take the gun away from Kyle,” Guinn said. “In doing so he was power enough to sling Kyle 180 degrees around on Kyle’s patio.”

“Raising his left leg, he was continuing his advance on Kyle, threatening him and posing an immediate threat. Kyle responded,” Guinn claimed. “This is a justifiable homicide.”

IF the guy was not breaking any laws by brandishing the firearm and coming outside with it to tell the guy to get off his property...

Personally, I would have got the hell off of the guys lawn when he said so. Perhaps called the cops from my car out in the street if I though I had a right to be there and do whatever it was but I sure as shit would not have told the guy I was about to take his gun away from him and then advanced on him and tried to do just that. Guy has gun, says get off property - I would be getting off the property.

If the situation was flipped and I was the guy wanting the other guy off my lawn - IF I was fairly sure he was unarmed and he still refused to leave after being told to - I would have opened the door to go back inside and gave the silent signal letting the Dobermans know it was cool for them to come outside.

Most likely they would have been standing there at the door watching and seeing how agitated the guy was being towards me and as soon as the door opened they would have been on him like stink on crap.

Seems from the video everyone knew the one lady was recording everything.

El Vaquero
11-30-21, 21:55
Remember the "dumpster showdown"? I think it was in Austin.

11-30-21, 21:59
I guess reconciliation is out.

11-30-21, 22:11
Probably won't be capital murder. In Texas, for it to be capital murder it has to have been committed during the commission of another felony - i.e. robbery - or the victim is a minor or a member of law enforcement and murdered while performing their duties.


11-30-21, 23:19
I guess reconciliation is out.


personally I'm ok with it as he told him to leave and he didn't. We need more of this

11-30-21, 23:36

personally I'm ok with it as he told him to leave and he didn't. We need more of this

So you've never been divorced and had custody of your Child controlled by someone who doesn't have custody and refuses to give your kid back right?

12-01-21, 01:27
I can’t justify this shoot. There was no imminent harm and while the dead dude was trespassing, there’s no excuse. I definitely would t go with murder, but manslaughter? Yea. The only mitigating factor is if there were threats from the dead dude. Only time I would ever pull a weapon is if I was in immediate danger of losing my life or protecting someone else from a deadly threat…

12-01-21, 06:08
I can’t justify this shoot. There was no imminent harm and while the dead dude was trespassing, there’s no excuse. I definitely would t go with murder, but manslaughter? Yea. The only mitigating factor is if there were threats from the dead dude. Only time I would ever pull a weapon is if I was in immediate danger of losing my life or protecting someone else from a deadly threat…

That can't be manslaughter in TX and not really sure about trespass considering the child pick up part.

12-01-21, 06:14
Anyone else somewhat confused by the fact no one checked on the dead guy after the shoot? I mean they just picked the argument right back up while dude was bleeding out on the front step.

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12-01-21, 06:43
IF the guy was not breaking any laws by brandishing the firearm and coming outside with it to tell the guy to get off his property...

The shooter obviously didn't see the victim as a personal threat or else he would have had a firearm on his person and not have had to go nonchalantly back inside his house to get his gun. The only threats that I heard the victim use were threats to take the shooter to court for violating the custody order. The victim was there to lawfully get his son. He was not destroying any of the shooter's property, nor was he stealing anything. Again, Texas isn't the wild west. You just can't shoot someone because they won't leave your property.

12-01-21, 06:47
Makes me believe dead guy was an asshole and will not be missed. No one really cared if he was ok or not. Custody disputes are civil and not abiding by the court order by a judge is not a crime since the order has to be verified by too many details, specific weekend for visit not just every other weekend since parents get off the schedule for other reasons. I am guessing kid didn't really want to go with dad since he wasn't crying at the door or trying to leave 11-12 y/o. Deceased wife lawyer released the video, not the media. They are trying to stir the public for support, problem is no one cares about 2 white guys. The judge is shooters current or soon to be ex- wife. Messed up stuff.

12-01-21, 06:51

I got three letters and the state right. :)

12-01-21, 07:35
Bring on the Clint Eastwood "Gran Torino" memes

12-01-21, 07:45
Doubtful. I had a similar dispute with my ex-wife. It was my weekend to have my kids, they weren't home when I went to get them. She had allowed them to leave with her mother, and she told me that I could get them the next day. I called the sheriff's office and showed the deputy the custody decree when he got there. I thought that he would tell her to present the kids immediately or face going to jail. Boy was I wrong. The deputy told me that this incident was a civil matter and that he couldn't force her to produce the kids. He told my ex that it was in ber best interest to follow the decree because not following would be grounds for the court to modify the decree in my favor.

12-01-21, 08:00
As usual, a cascade of "stupid" leads to someone shot.

The father was stupid for getting that irate when doing so would not magically make his sons appear at the property. Record the event or multiple event violations, take it to court and get rewarded for it. Have the smug grin on your face in the end.
The guy told you to leave his property. Leave. Your kids is somewhere else anyway. Go get them.

The new boyfriend was stupid for getting the gun. In reality, it's not your kids or even your fight. Stay out of it. None of your business. If it got physical then yes, now it's your business. Until then, stay the f*ck out of it, call the cops because he isn't leaving after you asked him to leave.

The mother is an absolute stupid instigating bitch for doing this to begin with. OK, your mom wanted to see him. If the boys wanted to see her too then, call the father and have them talk to him and let him know what they wanted to do. At least let the boys father know ahead of time that they were not there to be picked up to begin with so he could go straight to the right location to pick them up and avoid the confrontation. Even if he was mad, there would be no reason to go there from the get go.

Alex V
12-01-21, 08:06
I saw this a little while back and instantly thought "Bad Shoot"

Others have gone over the points and I agree. The Dad was not really a threat.

Every LEO I know always says that domestics are the worst calls to go to, videos like this make me understand why.

12-01-21, 08:11
I'm not in favor of more government intrusion into our lives, but I do find it ridiculous that you have to have a license to fish but any two assholes can reproduce unchecked. We require drivers education to get a driver's license, but any 16-year-old can go out and crank out a bunch of kids and nobody is going to stop them. People who aren't equipped to care for a houseplant are encouraged to reproduce whether they can afford to take care of them or not. Until we find a way to address that, society will never evolve.

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12-01-21, 08:23
Did he fire a warning shot into the ground right before the guy tries to grab the gun?

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12-01-21, 08:44
Did he fire a warning shot into the ground right before the guy tries to grab the gun?

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Definitely seems like it. If nothing else, I'd say that provided the dead guy with the reason to try and grab the gun.

First impressions: everyone here was stupid, dead guy should have retreated when the gun was introduced, but his blood was up by that point. He didn't try to grab the gun until after he had been shot at. Without knowing the details, if he was supposed to have custody of his son, and it was being denied him, I'd say he had a pretty damn good reason for being angry and being there. The shooter, on the other hand, had no reason to introduce the firearm. The argument was heated, but not violent. Cops were supposedly on their way, and while annoying, nothing appears to be dangerous about the encounter. The shooter changed that dramatically, and threatened not only the dead guy, but (at least in the father's mind) the child as well. The warning shot was bad, firing back towards the house was bad, and his smug attitude was really bad.

In the court of internet public opinion, I'd say murder. We'll see what happens in reality.

12-01-21, 08:52
As usual, a cascade of "stupid" leads to someone shot.

The father was stupid for getting that irate when doing so would not magically make his sons appear at the property. Record the event or multiple event violations, take it to court and get rewarded for it. Have the smug grin on your face in the end.
The guy told you to leave his property. Leave. Your kids is somewhere else anyway. Go get them.

The new boyfriend was stupid for getting the gun. In reality, it's not your kids or even your fight. Stay out of it. None of your business. If it got physical then yes, now it's your business. Until then, stay the f*ck out of it, call the cops because he isn't leaving after you asked him to leave.

The mother is an absolute stupid instigating bitch for doing this to begin with. OK, your mom wanted to see him. If the boys wanted to see her too then, call the father and have them talk to them to let him and let him know what they wanted to do. At least let the boys father know ahead of time that they were not there to be picked up to begin with so he could go straight to the right location to pick them up and avoid the confrontation. Even if he was mad, there would be no reason to go there from the get go.

Well said

12-01-21, 08:53
So you've never been divorced and had custody of your Child controlled by someone who doesn't have custody and refuses to give your kid back right?

2 seperate issues and paths to follow

El Vaquero
12-01-21, 09:26
Doubtful. I had a similar dispute with my ex-wife. It was my weekend to have my kids, they weren't home when I went to get them. She had allowed them to leave with her mother, and she told me that I could get them the next day. I called the sheriff's office and showed the deputy the custody decree when he got there. I thought that he would tell her to present the kids immediately or face going to jail. Boy was I wrong. The deputy told me that this incident was a civil matter and that he couldn't force her to produce the kids. He told my ex that it was in ber best interest to follow the decree because not following would be grounds for the court to modify the decree in my favor.

Yes, child custody decrees are civil. In Texas there is however, a criminal charge called Interference with Child Custody. The District Attorneys rarely prosecute this charge and I don’t know of anyone who has personally arrested anyone for this charge. What we generally do when there is an incident of them not producing the child is we take an offense report for that incident and forward it to the DA’s Office. We tell the resistant party that they can go to jail if this continues. What the DA wants is to have a is a history of violations before moving towards prosecution.

12-01-21, 09:42
2 seperate issues and paths to follow

Not so much, you've got a legal and supposedly binding legal document, thats supposed to be the rule.
That guy appeared to be where he was supposed to be to pick up his kids and his kids weren't there, now when that becomes a real habit, it gets old very quick. It's as specially infuriating when the kids aren't there, but the Wife is.
The Jackass boyfriend had no part in any of this, but he decides to escalte with a gun and it all goes to Sh*t from there.
He should have stepped back and called the Cops, but let me tell you, the Cops will show up and tell you you're at fault, no matter how many times it happens. So pretty much, your just screwed unless you want to get an Attorney and start the process all over and have a Judge tell you it's not a big deal.
Unless you've been a Father with Custody, you have no idea how F*cked you are when she decides to rewrite the rules on the fly.
My Ex left the Country with my Son, then went to the Army and said (without any documentation by the way) that she had custody. I had to pull some major strings to get him back and unf*ck all the paperwork. No ramifications for her of course.
I had him brought back home to me with a diaper that was so wet it was falling apart in my arms, so I didn't have a lot of confidence in her abilities to parent. I was very nervous about my Sons welfare the whole time he was gone.
You know at one point I would have risked getting shot to get my Son back and when the Laws are so tilted favorablly toward Women, you just feel like your not going to get any justice unless you step up and take it for yourself.

12-01-21, 13:10
The only mitigating factor is if there were threats from the dead dude.

The only threats that I heard the victim use were threats to take the shooter to court for violating the custody order.

You must be watching an edited video. After Carruth comes out of the house holding a gun and shouts "leave!" Read gets right in Carruth's face and shouts back "F'ing use it MF'er cause I damn it I'll take it from you and F'ing use it [unintelligible]."

12-01-21, 13:15
This kyle shot a guy after his ego got bruised because he was thrown like a little bitch.

Warning shots are illegal in Texas, so is blocking a parent from getting their kid on their day.

The whole thing is a shitshow.

12-01-21, 14:41
Anyone else somewhat confused by the fact no one checked on the dead guy after the shoot? I mean they just picked the argument right back up while dude was bleeding out on the front step.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkYeah , I noticed that. No one even seemed that concern.

Everything was on video , except the moment he got shot.

He went to the ground and not moving pretty quickly.

Guy with gun, goes up on porch , almost like he is posing for a picture next to him.

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12-01-21, 20:06
My bet is Kyle Carruth won’t be found guilty for killing Chad Read.
The photo below from Carruth’s Attorney clearly shows Chad Read on the home’s porch after being told to leave the property.
Read physically being much larger pushed his body intimidating Carruth with physical violence, then physically threw Carruth into the yard.
Castle doctrine will prevail with a Lubbock Texas jury.

A few observations

-A point for the Ruger PCC in the debate over their effectiveness in home defense.
Looks like a 9mm, dropped the big guy Chad Read with one shot.

-Fox sold 60 seconds worth of advertising before the murder video for their new “Christmas in the Pines” holiday movie. Also saw an ad for SimpliSafe Home Security. Header at start said video is “ courtesy” of Jennifer Read.
All somehow appropriate in 2021.

- Carruth kills Chad Read, idiot woman in the car ( Jennifer Read) listening to Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces just keeps recording and yelling at Kyle Carruth instead of getting the heck out of there.

- most morons waive a firearm like it’s a magic wand to ward away bad guys. Kyle Carruth had no shock or care that he actually killed a man, easier than stepping on a roach. Aimed, fired, dropped the man, and kept mouthing off, determined to win the argument.

12-01-21, 21:02
More details are in the $50M wrongful death lawsuit.

Widow hired Tony Buzbee, ex Recon Marine, mega millionaire lawyer from Houston, nicknamed “The Shark”.

Buzbee is a character, owns a Sherman tank, and parked it in his ritzy River Oaks neighborhood driveway.


12-01-21, 21:47
I’m no F Lee Bailey and don’t pretend to be I’m just wondering if attempting to grab a firearm from another man grounds for a good shoot? Put aside everything else and just focus on that one act by the dead guy.

12-01-21, 22:44
Good detail and legal analysis here:


Learned a lot that I didn't know before. The shooter's personal situation isn't so awesome, FWIW:

A confrontation between Chad Read, 54, and his ex-wife Christina Read over visitation with their son led to the intervention of William Kyle Carruth, who is reportedly in a romantic relationship with Christina Read. (He is the husband of Judge Anne-Marie Carruth, who is seeking a divorce).

Turley, a very capable lawyer, thinks there is some plausible self-defense argument. I'm looking at the same facts, admittedly with less trial background, and to me this looks like a murder case that should produce a guilty verdict. Not even manslaughter, something like second-degree murder. Chad Read (the dead guy) didn't make the best decisions, but I wouldn't have foreseen that a verbal argument where Chad Read seems to be in the right (legally and morally) would result in ex-wife's boyfriend grabbing a rifle from inside the house and shooting him.

12-02-21, 12:25
I’m no F Lee Bailey and don’t pretend to be I’m just wondering if attempting to grab a firearm from another man grounds for a good shoot? Put aside everything else and just focus on that one act by the dead guy.

Andrew Branca of Law of Self Defense argues that he had justification to shoot earlier in the encounter but not at the time he actually did.


In response to this aggressive act by Read, Carruth takes a step back, lowers the muzzle towards the ground, and appears to fire a warning shot near Read’s feet.

Had Carruth instead taken a step back, leveled the muzzle at Read, and in that moment shot him dead rather than merely firing a warning shot, I’d suggest he would have been fully justified in that use of deadly defensive force. In that moment Read was presenting as an unlawful, imminent, deadly force threat.

But particularly with respect to the Imminence of a threat, Imminence comes and Imminence goes. Think of it as a window: the window of Imminence opens, and then it closes. Before it opens, defensive force is not justified. After it closes, defensive force again is not justified. If defensive force is going to be used and be lawful, it must occur during that transient period when the window of Imminence is open.

The fact that the threat might have previously been Imminent, even just moments before, is not sufficient if the threat is not still presenting as Imminent at the moment the defensive force is used.

In other words, the fact that Carruth might have been fully justified in shooting Read as Read was reaching for his carbine, does not mean he was still justified in shooting Read dead at some later time, even just moments later, if at that later time Read was no longer presenting as an Imminent threat.

And I don’t see Read presenting as an Imminent threat in the moment that Carruth shoots him, whatever might have happened previously, either as a threat to Carruth or to any other innocent person present.

Might Read have gone on to present as an Imminent threat? Might he have been about to shift his body weight to advance on Carruth or some other innocent person present? Perhaps—but speculation is not enough to support a use of defensive force, especially not a use of deadly defensive force.

Carruth cannot simply imagine that Read might have done this or done that, Carruth must have based any such belief on a reasonable interpretation of actual evidence—again, even a shift of body weight could be enough in this context, but there must be actual evidence that is more than pure imagination.

12-02-21, 13:09
Andrew Branca of Law of Self Defense argues that he had justification to shoot earlier in the encounter but not at the time he actually did.


An on topic breakdown pretty smart and covers everything.

To me personally I dont believe it was necassary, had Dad decided to actually take that gun away, he would have put boths hands on it and taken it away. Watch the Firearm being pressed in to his grasp.
Dude went back in and got a gun came back out and decided to fight. So then he instigated it, going back in to get the gun and then coming out anjd firing a warning shot, well you own the results. Homeboy needs to go to prison.

12-02-21, 13:35
So then he instigated it, going back in to get the gun and then coming out and firing a warning shot, well you own the results. Homeboy needs to go to prison.

I do not agree with this. I believe he should have the right to possess a gun on his own property, to arm himself as he lawfully orders Read to leave. In my view Read caused the escalation by getting in the face of a man with a gun and threatening to take it from him and use it.

12-02-21, 13:36
An on topic breakdown pretty smart and covers everything.

To me personally I dont believe it was necassary, had Dad decided to actually take that gun away, he would have put boths hands on it and taken it away. Watch the Firearm being pressed in to his grasp.
Dude went back in and got a gun came back out and decided to fight. So then he instigated it, going back in to get the gun and then coming out anjd firing a warning shot, well you own the results. Homeboy needs to go to prison.

That is all true except the missing fact that "Dad" verbally threatened to take said gun away and use it.

12-02-21, 14:45
That is all true except the missing fact that "Dad" verbally threatened to take said gun away and use it.

And then that the Boyfriend had actually pressed the gun in to Dad's hand?
Look, just sitting emotion aside, had Dad looked at Boyfriend as an actual threat, all of this would have been ended with Dad going back to his vehicle and waiting for the Cops.
What Cops in my experiance don't understand is that the kid is generally being used as against what happend in Court. If they show up to your door and you are Dad and have custody, they dont give a F and wont enforce anything.

12-02-21, 15:26
And then that the Boyfriend had actually pressed the gun in to Dad's hand?
Look, just sitting emotion aside, had Dad looked at Boyfriend as an actual threat, all of this would have been ended with Dad going back to his vehicle and waiting for the Cops.
What Cops in my experiance don't understand is that the kid is generally being used as against what happend in Court. If they show up to your door and you are Dad and have custody, they dont give a F and wont enforce anything.

I get what you are saying. I know the whole court...dad thing. I had to pay child support a few months after my son was already living with me. I had proof and paperwork that he was going to and enrolled in school (different state btw) and everything. They didn't give an F. We had to arrange a phone meeting with those f*cktards and his mother and have her tell them yes, he was living with me. They didn't even care if she gave the money back, that was on me and her (she gave it back - but if she wanted to keep it, I don't think I could have got it back without a serious court struggle that wasn't worth it.)

Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that in this situation, two stupids ended up with one stupid being dead.

12-02-21, 15:30
When Assholes collide....

12-02-21, 15:35
When Assholes collide....Just had the worst visual. Thanks.

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12-02-21, 15:39
Just had the worst visual. Thanks.

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I'm betting it fits the situation! Lol....

12-02-21, 16:18
When Assholes collide....

…it turns into a shit-show.

12-02-21, 17:19
Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that in this situation, two stupids ended up with one stupid being dead.

They both played stupid games, one has collected his prize, the other is waiting to see what his prize will be (We know for stocking stuffers he has gotten sued already).

12-04-21, 11:45
John Lovell and Colion Noir give their take on it.

Seems they cover most points on the video and neither think it was justified.


12-04-21, 11:46
Rick Gore on some past history of the dad. I am assuming the shooter knew.


04-04-22, 18:17

No charges for Kyle Carruth in Chad Read shooting (https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/courts/2022/03/31/kyle-carruth-chad-read-fatal-shooting-lubbock-grand-jury-no-charges/7239858001/)

04-05-22, 06:11
Up to the kids to avenge the father's death then, if they're so inclined.

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04-05-22, 15:36
Just heard about this. Disappointed, but sadly, not surprised.

04-05-22, 20:03
Sad, I don't doubt that the worthless mother was using the Kid as leverage to hurt the father.

However the home owner told him to leave. He should have went to the street. Off of his property. Called the police filed a report for court.

Instead he let his anger guide him into a deadly confrontation. He literally grabbed at the weapon and said you better " YOU BETTER USE IT MOTHER EFFER! SO he did.

04-05-22, 22:10
Im actually surprised by this. Dont really care either way, just surprised. I woulda bet 10 bucks he was going to get charged.