View Full Version : Last minute wedding videographer advice

12-02-21, 13:05
Weird question but a very good friend is getting married on Saturday and her mom and sister just tested positive and can’t go. I’m the closest one that’s not actually in the wedding so my wife volunteered me to video it. They have a photographer but weren’t planning on getting a video until now. General idea is to record a full video with one phone and FaceTime her sister with the other. Not sure if we’re going to try and grab a third phone to FaceTime her mom or if you can link three phones into FaceTime like a phone call.

We’re going to run to Walmart to find a tripod to mount the camera that will be recording so at least one is stable and I’m debating having an AirPod in one ear for the phone that’s on FaceTime in case I mess up the shot while distracted by something else so she can tell me to fix it without everyone hearing.

I don’t know that I need to overthink this but also know that people get paid a lot of money for doing this and the only thing I remember from my photography class was about framing the shot deliberately so you don’t cut off the subject or include background objects that aren’t intended.

Any thoughts or recommendations? I’ll be at a rehearsal tomorrow so I know how it’ll all play out.

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12-02-21, 13:09
In stead of FaceTime could you use zoom to have a video conference for those who can't attend?

You can run it on your phone or a laptop with a Webcam.

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12-02-21, 13:19
Try not to concentrait the camera on her ever growin pregnant belly?
Best advice I got...

12-02-21, 13:24
Beware of the camera overheating and shutting off, and of recording time limits. Use an external microphone with a "dead cat" wind guard.

12-02-21, 13:57
Shot weddings for 15 yrs
Tripods can get bumped and kicked by accident they stick out with nothing to notice at the ends ?
and take up enough floor space to be a hazard unless someone is standing with it ?

IF you got something a small table top joby tripod with iphone mount might be better ? You can wrap it around edge of a chair or in a spot maybe ? To get stable footage if they have a DJ wrap around DJ speaker poles (ask first)
Just a thought vs a walmart tripod you would have to amazon next day that UNLESS you can find local ? Quite common with vloggers to
They also give you a better way to hold the phone like a vertical grip with legs together

Going to be tough for ya :)

Agree on zoom call so others can join
Agree on heat even on a phone and battery and space

Do not get focused on the screen if moving/waking and forget where are you are moving and trip bump things :)

Better to have solid stationary scenes and not be moving/walking to much also

For the photographer just try not to walk in front also tell him what you are doing so if when he does groups you can be ready and kinda hang out behind him getting those family tree moments as I call them to who came etc...

For fun as example IF they have a bar try to ask if its OK you step behind a small bit to the side get the faces of the people coming up
Same thing if you decide they have a buffet a bit of angle behind guests getting food is better than all behind them and their backs

When framing one of the biggest things is folks are using to focusing face/heads in the center of the frame then you are left with this ODD framing notice that in a couple movies before you do this and think about where the head face is places up near the top often again a overlooked thing but HUGE

If you do some of the dancing again if they have a DJ
really high angles for dancing are much better you get more of the floor and people sometimes low angles in small amounts are fun
Same thing for the ceremony near the back with a joby you can hand hold above your head maybe ? To get a over view maybe ?
So much more :)

Coal Dragger
12-02-21, 22:58
Just make sure to aim the camera so faces get cut out 95% of the time. Really focus on tits and ass if you can with the camera.

It will suck for them, but you got volunteered and I suggest you make sure no one makes that mistake again.

12-03-21, 00:23
Just make sure to aim the camera so faces get cut out 95% of the time. Really focus on tits and ass if you can with the camera.

It will suck for them, but you got volunteered and I suggest you make sure no one makes that mistake again.

I was gonna go with selfie stick and bridesmaid upskirt.

Seriously I think Honu already hit the main points. Try not to get dragged into a unpaid video guy. Set phone up on a tripod out of the way, wide frame to get the most important stuff and then monitor it on another phone. Sit back and enjoy the event.

12-03-21, 06:46
Few months back I was in a similar spot but pretty much got ask right there at the wedding. Was a bit of a last min thing and the bride had me do a face book live stream of the ceremony.

I had never used face book live so thankfully when it hung about halfway through, not sure what the issue was. The wife was able to quickly stop and restart. Later heard that the family members that were not there were appreciative of being involved as much as they could be.

12-03-21, 07:53
Yeah I’m not at all opposed to this, the bride is one of the best friends I’ve ever had and I like the groom so I’m happy to help. Plus we’re through the string of weddings for the foreseeable future so I highly doubt this will become a reoccurring thing.

Thanks for the advice so far.

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