View Full Version : My UFO experience

12-02-21, 20:16
First off I don’t believe in little green men or space craft from other planets. Second I fully expect humor in your responses and that’s ok.

Last night, 12-1 after dark I was standing outside smoking, I live near GW Bush airport in North Houston, I hear a engine of a aircraft making a different noise, almost like the sound a jet makes when its flaps go up and the engine revs. It was not a sound I’ve heard before. I look up and see a airliner coming in from the south while I’m watching it a see a white object almost a flash cross the jet. Of course my depth perception is off but it appeared to be in line with the jet. The object vanished after it passed the jet.
My first thought was a meteor as it was traveling to fast for a aircraft. As I thought about this a couple thing came to mind, this object was traveling across the sky not downward and the object appeared to have been illuminated by the jets headlights.
The more I thought about it the more I know I don’t know what the heck I seen.

I don’t drink or do drugs so that’s out.
Any of you guys have ideas?

12-02-21, 20:38
Everyone always sees colored swift moving lights. Can’t someone for once see something cool like an Imperial class Star Destroyer or something . I’ll also take an X-wing. All seriousness going across west Texas I saw something zip by at night no clue what it was

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12-02-21, 20:48
Yup aliens most likely voted for biden to :)

12-02-21, 20:51
Yup aliens most likely voted for biden to :)

The little A-holes

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12-02-21, 20:55
Yup aliens most likely voted for biden to :)

I recently moved here from Washington state. They could have followed me?:D

12-02-21, 21:07
Perception can be deceiving. We used to light road flares tied to helium balloons and float them out. The witness accounts of the movement of the red lights were funny. No way could the thing do what people reported. The news covered it here and everything. This was back before 9/11 attacks.

12-02-21, 21:44
Perception can be deceiving. We used to light road flares tied to helium balloons and float them out. The witness accounts of the movement of the red lights were funny. No way could the thing do what people reported. The news covered it here and everything. This was back before 9/11 attacks.

That’s kind of my thinking. Although in 57 years I’ve never seen such a thing. I still don’t believe in ET but it was a UFO.

12-02-21, 21:44
Perception can be deceiving. We used to light road flares tied to helium balloons and float them out. The witness accounts of the movement of the red lights were funny. No way could the thing do what people reported. The news covered it here and everything. This was back before 9/11 attacks.

That’s kind of my thinking. Although in 57 years I’ve never seen such a thing. I still don’t believe in ET but it was a UFO.

12-02-21, 22:22
Everyone always sees colored swift moving lights. Can’t someone for once see something cool like an Imperial class Star Destroyer or something . I’ll also take an X-wing. All seriousness going across west Texas I saw something zip by at night no clue what it was

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Let’s not rule out a star destroyer, I mean Luke Skywalker may have been a 1/4 inch tall in real life.

12-02-21, 22:30
Let’s not rule out a star destroyer, I mean Luke Skywalker may have been a 1/4 inch tall in real life.

True but I can dream can’t I. A Star Destroyer would be great for picking up harems and further my plans for world domination

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12-02-21, 23:00
True but I can dream can’t I. A Star Destroyer would be great for picking up harems and further my plans for world domination

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Why bother with world domination? I get an ISD and my plans are identify individuals worth recruiting to rebuild civilization with then initiate Outbound Flight...

12-02-21, 23:14
Why bother with world domination? I get an ISD and my plans are identify individuals worth recruiting to rebuild civilization with then initiate Outbound Flight...

Good point but I’m lazy all that traveling. Plus managing the harem , my dirt bikes, guns and 4Runner always need tlc . Got to make sure those girls are on point lol

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12-03-21, 00:31
If there is intelligent life nearby capable of visiting us, I seriously doubt we are that goddam interesting that they'd actually take the time to visit us. We'd be as amazing to them as sea lice is to us.

12-03-21, 01:01
Why bother with world domination? I get an ISD and my plans are identify individuals worth recruiting to rebuild civilization with then initiate Outbound Flight...

Good point but I’m lazy all that traveling. Plus managing the harem , my dirt bikes, guns and 4Runner always need tlc . Got to make sure those girls are on point lol

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12-03-21, 07:56
If there is intelligent life nearby capable of visiting us, I seriously doubt we are that goddam interesting that they'd actually take the time to visit us. We'd be as amazing to them as sea lice is to us.

But still people put on scuba and travel to see sea lice. Could just be a tour group to see the oddities of a small world.

12-03-21, 08:29
To think we are alone in the universe seems a bit off to me. If an advanced civilization has the ability to travel through space/ time,I I seriously doubt we would be able to comprehend much about them. Why wouldn't they come here? Earth is full of resources.

12-03-21, 08:53
To think we are alone in the universe seems a bit off to me. If an advanced civilization has the ability to travel through space/ time,I I seriously doubt we would be able to comprehend much about them. Why wouldn't they come here? Earth is full of resources.

That is opposite of what I think would happen. Why would they come here, when there are literally billions of other planets with resources that are closer, bigger, and no dipshits to deal with? Either we are unique or we aren't. Pick one.

12-03-21, 10:14
That is opposite of what I think would happen. Why would they come here, when there are literally billions of other planets with resources that are closer, bigger, and no dipshits to deal with? Either we are unique or we aren't. Pick one.Why wouldn't they? We have scientist here on earth that stare at ants all day. Do you think the ants know why?

There are lots of diverse lifeforms here. We could be like a zoo too them. Maybe we couldn't fathom why they'd want to come here. Maybe they don't need a reason. To think that an alien life form from another world would have to have the same reasons as us to do something? Nah... we ain't them. Do you think that when humans are doing laundry that the bird watching outside has any idea wtf we are up to?

While you're considering distance, think about this: maybe they don't care because it's a non issue to them because of their technology. 100,000 light years or 1, it may not make a difference to them.

12-03-21, 10:39
Everyone always sees colored swift moving lights. Can’t someone for once see something cool like an Imperial class Star Destroyer or something . I’ll also take an X-wing. All seriousness going across west Texas I saw something zip by at night no clue what it was

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About 11-12 years I saw very large trapezoid (maybe diamond shaped) dark object over my mother’s home in upstate NY. It was between 11pm-12am. Location was 10-12 miles from the old Griffis Air Force Base, so I assumed it was something flying from there. The home is surrounded by dairy farms (very rural) and in the southwestern part of the Adirondack mountains. It was flying very low, moving very slow, very large and emitted a very faint noise. For the most part I saw the outline, since where that home was I could see a ton of stars in the sky, it blocked out the stars. It was a very cold February night, I was taking the dog out. To this day I believe it was some sort of experimental aircraft that was flying from Griffis (it was headed east moving from Griffis).


This is close to what I saw, minus the lights.

12-03-21, 11:47
Why wouldn't they? We have scientist here on earth that stare at ants all day. Do you think the ants know why?

There are lots of diverse lifeforms here. We could be like a zoo too them. Maybe we couldn't fathom why they'd want to come here. Maybe they don't need a reason. To think that an alien life form from another world would have to have the same reasons as us to do something? Nah... we ain't them. Do you think that when humans are doing laundry that the bird watching outside has any idea wtf we are up to?

While you're considering distance, think about this: maybe they don't care because it's a non issue to them because of their technology. 100,000 light years or 1, it may not make a difference to them.

You mentioned resources...not me. We look at ants because they are part of our ecosystem and in reality affect us all.

How about the unbelievably minute chance of finding us to begin with? Not to mention the chance that we even exist in the same time frame.

12-03-21, 11:56
I’ll throw up my one and only “UFO” experience. I would say it was twentyish years ago. My now wife and I where traveling westbound on a major state road one evening. Far ahead of us, low in the horizon almost in line with the road was a light. It was orange/yellowish and seemingly stationary. Now I realize it may have been moving in our direction and combined with our movement it would appear stationary. I don’t remember the amount of time that we observed it, but I would say at least 30+ seconds. What happened next was it immediately shot off to our left, in a straight line and disappeared. It moved FAST. Not a maneuver you would expect from an aircraft. Now when we returned to her house, her brother who would listen to a CB in there garage told us people were on there talking about seeing a strange light in the sky over a large town that was in the direction that we saw this go down. Could it be explained? I know I couldn’t.

12-03-21, 12:21
I’ll throw up my one and only “UFO” experience. I would say it was twentyish years ago. My now wife and I where traveling westbound on a major state road one evening. Far ahead of us, low in the horizon almost in line with the road was a light. It was orange/yellowish and seemingly stationary. Now I realize it may have been moving in our direction and combined with our movement it would appear stationary. I don’t remember the amount of time that we observed it, but I would say at least 30+ seconds. What happened next was it immediately shot off to our left, in a straight line and disappeared. It moved FAST. Not a maneuver you would expect from an aircraft. Now when we returned to her house, her brother who would listen to a CB in there garage told us people were on there talking about seeing a strange light in the sky over a large town that was in the direction that we saw this go down. Could it be explained? I know I couldn’t.

“Could it be explained” I know what you mean, I also know that it happens so fast that it’s hard to describe and any description minimizes what you actually saw.

12-03-21, 12:57
“Could it be explained” I know what you mean, I also know that it happens so fast that it’s hard to describe and any description minimizes what you actually saw.

The amount of time that we got to observe what we saw was definitely long enough to make both of us go wtf!

12-03-21, 15:14
But still people put on scuba and travel to see sea lice. Could just be a tour group to see the oddities of a small world.

Even that basic idea presumes intelligence follows a human pattern. IF alien life exists they probably don't think, act or view anything in a way even related to humans or any life on this planet. And alien "mind" is probably something we cannot even relate to and I doubt we would hold any interest for it.

12-03-21, 15:17
To think we are alone in the universe seems a bit off to me. If an advanced civilization has the ability to travel through space/ time,I I seriously doubt we would be able to comprehend much about them. Why wouldn't they come here? Earth is full of resources.

If they could travel from there to here, they could probably manufacture any resourced they need. Certainly they'd have the ability to combine hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Also with a universe full of exploding starts, the entire periodic table is literally out there floating in space....everywhere.

12-04-21, 08:32
If they could travel from there to here, they could probably manufacture any resourced they need. Certainly they'd have the ability to combine hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Also with a universe full of exploding starts, the entire periodic table is literally out there floating in space....everywhere.Indeed. I guess we are all in agreement that they would too advanced for us to understand anything concerning them. They may not even be carbon based life forms. They could be from another reality.

12-04-21, 14:54
I had a very strange encounter about 10 years or so ago that scared the shit out of me. I was driving down my road to go over a buddies house to watch Monday night football. Driving down the road that leaves my development when I notice all these alternating colors coming off a object that looked like it was hovering above me and the road I was driving down. I live not far from a major airport so I’m very used to seeing planes and many helicopters around in the night sky. This thing that I was looking at appeared to be close to the ground and not moving at all so I first assumed it was a helicopter. Problem was it looked too big based on how far the lights were apart and were also not typically colored and timed like all the other helicopters I’ve seen throughout my life. Problem number two was I stopped my car underneath it and I could tell it was low but it made absolutely no noise at all, none. I watched in for about 30ish seconds just thinking to myself wtf am I looking at. It then went from just sitting there to shooting across the sky like a comet in an instant to the distant horizon which I was guessing appeared to be atleast 20-30 miles. It then shot back towards me overtop my location again, paused for a few seconds and then shot off like a comet again in and instant strait up into the the sky and vanished. Every hair on my body stood up as I was trying to rationalize what the hell I had just seen. Drove to my buddies house and they said it looked like I had seen a ghost, proceeded to do a few shots and have a few drinks and begin to watch the game. I didn’t tell them until the next day what I had seen and I why I was so weirded out. Most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen and if I hadn’t seen it personally I’d say I was full of crap. No way I could figure a person could be in the craft with the speed and g’s that thing was pulling, at least to my understanding of physics. Not to mention it being totally silent and move that quickly, mechanically and technologically doesn’t make sense to me either.

12-04-21, 20:03
I had a very strange encounter about 10 years or so ago that scared the shit out of me. I was driving down my road to go over a buddies house to watch Monday night football. Driving down the road that leaves my development when I notice all these alternating colors coming off a object that looked like it was hovering above me and the road I was driving down. I live not far from a major airport so I’m very used to seeing planes and many helicopters around in the night sky. This thing that I was looking at appeared to be close to the ground and not moving at all so I first assumed it was a helicopter. Problem was it looked too big based on how far the lights were apart and were also not typically colored and timed like all the other helicopters I’ve seen throughout my life. Problem number two was I stopped my car underneath it and I could tell it was low but it made absolutely no noise at all, none. I watched in for about 30ish seconds just thinking to myself wtf am I looking at. It then went from just sitting there to shooting across the sky like a comet in an instant to the distant horizon which I was guessing appeared to be atleast 20-30 miles. It then shot back towards me overtop my location again, paused for a few seconds and then shot off like a comet again in and instant strait up into the the sky and vanished. Every hair on my body stood up as I was trying to rationalize what the hell I had just seen. Drove to my buddies house and they said it looked like I had seen a ghost, proceeded to do a few shots and have a few drinks and begin to watch the game. I didn’t tell them until the next day what I had seen and I why I was so weirded out. Most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen and if I hadn’t seen it personally I’d say I was full of crap. No way I could figure a person could be in the craft with the speed and g’s that thing was pulling, at least to my understanding of physics. Not to mention it being totally silent and move that quickly, mechanically and technologically doesn’t make sense to me either.

That definitely sounds like some close encounters of the third kind. The wife and I just got back from a Christmas event at an old iron furnace from the late 1700’s. A line of low orbit satellites passed over head and that just mesmerized everyone!

12-04-21, 20:47
I was driving down the road and ahead of me a storm was rolling in and the clouds coming toward me were just rolling. dark and foreboding.
The forward edge of the clouds parted a bit and I swore I could see the forward edge of a lighter grey flying disk. It stalled and again the clouds rolled around in and didn't see it again.
Clouds moved off and everything was gone.

12-04-21, 21:04
Pretty good experiences. Some things just can’t be explained.