View Full Version : If You Wanted To Buy The Vickers Guide Books But Missed Your Chance...

12-03-21, 01:22
They have some second editions out.


They also have a three book deal for $264. I grabbed Vol. 1 of the AR-15 and Vol. 1 & 2 for the AK rifle. Hopefully they will get Vol. 2 or the AR rifle back in stock shortly.

Been hearing some sad things about Larry and his health lately, hope all these purchases help get him to a better place.

I tried to grab Vol 1 when it first came out but by the time I had my pennies together it sold out.

Given the size of Vickers reference collection (and let's please refrain from discussing it's current status) and the people he has chosen to collaborate with on these projects, the wealth of knowledge it pretty staggering.

And IF these every go fully out of print, expect them to command prices similar to Collector Grade Publications, you know those books on Roller Locking and FAL rifles you wish you bought when they were only $100 or so and now they are $500 each.

12-03-21, 06:32
Thanks, I'm looking to get his Vol 1 HK book. I really pray that he is on the road to recovery and getting back to his old self, health wise. God sped Larry.

12-03-21, 07:01
To digress a bit with regard to Collector Grade Pubs, when Blake Stevens died ownership passed to his widow. She evidently has no interest in continuing to print the series and from what I've heard also has no interest in selling the rights to any of these books. Chris Bartocci tried to buy the rights to his "Black Rifle II" but was turned down. So he's working on "Black Rifle III".

12-03-21, 07:10
Thanks for the heads up, just ordered a volume 1.

12-03-21, 13:50
Same goes for Ian McCollum’s ( Forgotten Weapons guy) Headstamp series of books.

Excellent references for nitch subject areas, he is reprinting his first book on French rifles.


12-03-21, 15:09
For 1911 fans, so much additional information has been organized that the expanded Vol. 1 is now part of a two volume series with All of the original history, development and use being covered in a comprehensive new Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 is devoted to modern 1911s including competitive models and such.

It's a damn shame what happened with the Blake Stevens books, just glad I grabbed most of them. Along with the works of Ed Ezell they were probably the most complete overview of their subject firearms ever written.

12-06-21, 08:28
They have some second editions out.


They also have a three book deal for $264. I grabbed Vol. 1 of the AR-15 and Vol. 1 & 2 for the AK rifle. Hopefully they will get Vol. 2 or the AR rifle back in stock shortly.

Been hearing some sad things about Larry and his health lately, hope all these purchases help get him to a better place.

I tried to grab Vol 1 when it first came out but by the time I had my pennies together it sold out.

Given the size of Vickers reference collection (and let's please refrain from discussing it's current status) and the people he has chosen to collaborate with on these projects, the wealth of knowledge it pretty staggering.

And IF these every go fully out of print, expect them to command prices similar to Collector Grade Publications, you know those books on Roller Locking and FAL rifles you wish you bought when they were only $100 or so and now they are $500 each.

He's doing OK, in spite of his health and other issues.

My wife would kill me if I bought these books lol. But I'd love to have then nonetheless.

12-18-21, 22:22
Received my copy today. The photos in this book are incredible.

12-19-21, 00:23
Got the Vickers

Sig 1
AR 1&2
Ordered the 1911 1&2 when this was posted. Aren’t they supposed to be here soon? Was supposed to be before Xmas, but then there was an issue- but I thought they had them in? Not knocking, everything is late.

I’m missing the German gun one, were there other books I should have?

12-19-21, 00:35
I ordered AK 1 & 2 and AR15 1, haven't even gotten my notice that they have shipped yet.

Hopefully by christmas.

12-19-21, 00:39
I have AR 1 & 2, beautiful books. I'd like to get the AK 1 next.

12-19-21, 01:05
I believe I own AR II, as well as WW2 Germany I and 2. Fantastic books. My kids have ruined the collector value of two of them.....

12-23-21, 18:11
Just got my shipment notification so mine will be arriving after christmas.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-23-21, 18:17
Yo! I have the AR15 volume 1 and it is excellent. What would you say are the best books?

12-24-21, 00:16
1911 1&2 inbound!

12-24-21, 00:28
Yo! I have the AR15 volume 1 and it is excellent. What would you say are the best books?

From the Vickers Guide series? I have no idea, these will be my first ones. I suspect much like Collector Grade Publications you can't go wrong with any of them. I still need PISTOLE PARABELLUM - History of the "Luger System" Luger.

12-27-21, 19:39
Got mine today and WOW. This might be the best book I've ever seen on any firearm.

I know that is saying a LOT, but it might be true. The detail is astonishing.

It really did take somebody like Vickers to apply their deep interest in firearms history and technical details to build a massive reference collection of pre samples, post samples and transferrables and produce something like this.

The only other people who could have done something similar are Dan Shea, who did write the very valuable "Machine Gun Dealers Bible" but you can't even begin to compare the two and Reed Knight who to the best of my knowledge hasn't had time to write anything.

Given the subject matter and the vintage of the firearms involved, these might remain the most comprehensive works on the subject for the entire 21rst century. I hope Larry appreciates the massive contribution he has made.