View Full Version : Anyone keeping an eye on the Juicy Smooolay trial

12-03-21, 13:42
The Prosecuter rested and immeadiatly the Defence called for a mistrial becaue the Judge supposedly sneered at one of the Defense Attorney's.
A desperate act of someone who see's it's all falling apart around them.
The Body Builder guy hit it out of the park for the Prosecution, along with some Detectives that were answering about the events of the night.
I think Juicy will be popular in prison.

12-03-21, 13:53
I think Juicy will be popular in prison.

I think you’re going to be disappointed. He ain’t going to prison, he’s in the club. He’ll get a slap on the wrist and America will get a lecture on racism or something caused him to do it.

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12-03-21, 14:04
I think you’re going to be disappointed. He ain’t going to prison, he’s in the club. He’ll get a slap on the wrist and America will get a lecture on racism or something caused him to do it.

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You cant slap Juicy on the wrist, I mean it's a limp wrist already.

12-03-21, 14:22
Justice for Juicy...


12-03-21, 14:42
Lots of details here, all pointing to Juicy's guilt. You really need to hear what some from the left were suggesting.
Transparent Bull Shite, I can't believe how melodramatic Juicy got, he absolutely ruined his own case.

12-03-21, 15:04
I think you’re going to be disappointed. He ain’t going to prison, he’s in the club. He’ll get a slap on the wrist and America will get a lecture on racism or something caused him to do it.

Sadly, this.

Get used to our post-fairness society.

12-03-21, 15:04
Dude is not worth it will just wait to see and not really care more than hope he gets prison big time and they start to prosecute all these so called hate crime hoax since it seems pretty much every single one in media has been fake

Also make the news complicit if they can do that with the kids parents in that recent shooting they can do that with news for spreading fake news and creating more violence and hatred but then I would have to be sleeping and in dream land :)

12-03-21, 15:33
My whole thing with this is;
There's enough racial BS going on everyday, when you fake some racial stuff you should own it and I mean double the sentance.

12-05-21, 15:11
Lotta celebs and libs are treating this like "white justice is persecuting the victim for speaking truth"

Don't expect anything more than probation. Even at that I expect calls of "free juicy" and I would not be surprised if he quickly gets pardoned by the Governor.

12-05-21, 19:57
Not sure Juicy is too worried about going to prison. After all, He does prefer guys and all...

12-06-21, 12:02
Justice for Juicy...


We should never forget that Dave is a national treasure.

12-06-21, 15:45
I guess he is testifying now?

Can’t find it on YouTube Live?

If this is being tried in Chicago, who knows what kind of jury they got…

12-06-21, 16:00
This isn’t ‘false police report’, it is actually a real hate crime, and frankly, the attempted hijacking of the state for domestic terrorism. This wasn’t just false information, it was an attack on our system and half the population- a hate crime attributed to half the country meant to divide us and attack and do harm for political gain. That is the definition of terrorism. That you are trying to use the power of the state to terrorize people instead of your own bomb or gun isn’t a mitigating factor, it is an enhancement for subverting our legal system into a weapon of mass distraction.

Or something like that if the new legal bar is manslaughter for having a kid and a gun.

It is at least fraud, since it was done to get financial benefit from his failing acting career.

12-06-21, 23:47
Well, well, well…
I’m sure this is just another case of two “victims.” One brother helping another brother out. Lol.

“Jussie Smollett testifies to receiving text from CNN's Don Lemon during Chicago Police attack investigation”

“In his court testimony on Monday, Smollett, 39, said under oath that during the investigation, he received a text from the network’s Don Lemon — supposedly relaying information that the CPD didn’t believe his account of what happened, Fox News’ Matt Finn reported from the Windy City courthouse where prosecutors and Smollett’s defense team are at odds.”


12-07-21, 11:28
The cops didn’t believe them? Dave Chappell didn’t believe him. OJ was like ‘Dude, even I couldn’t pull that off.”

12-07-21, 17:43
Dave nailed it on that one. He da MAN!
You cant make this shit up yo! The name alone is enough to make one sit up n go "HELL YEAH!"
Lets all enjoy the gift that keeps on giving, bust out the popcorn sausage n cheese a bottle o JB n strap in for the ride....;-)

12-07-21, 18:21
Apparently he got pissed off and yelled at the DA today because the DA was reading some of Juicy’s texts verbatim, and they included the N word. Juicy told the DA that because he is white, he is prohibited from using that word and he needs to censor himself when reading the texts. ****ing narcissistic prick! The DA at least told Juicy he could read the texts out loud himself, but if he didn’t want to do that the DA was going to continue to read the texts word for word without censorship and if Juicy didn’t like that he could eat shit.

12-07-21, 19:11
It could go either way, this is Chicgo.

12-08-21, 09:28
His testimony was a disaster. Like a "his defense attorneys should be freaking disbarred for allowing this" disaster. I don't see any way out of the hole he just dug for himself.

But of course, "We all gots blood."

12-08-21, 11:49
The Prosecuter rested and immeadiatly the Defence called for a mistrial becaue the Judge supposedly sneered at one of the Defense Attorney's.
A desperate act of someone who see's it's all falling apart around them.
The Body Builder guy hit it out of the park for the Prosecution, along with some Detectives that were answering about the events of the night.
I think Juicy will be popular in prison.

I haven't been watching, but saw a segment on the news. I was thinking how the spelling of his name should be pronounced, I thought Juicy not Jesse. When I saw your post I new I was right. Thanks.

12-08-21, 13:02
I only see it on the news because it’s somewhat local for me being in the far west suburbs. The jury pool for Cook county likely isn’t helping him at all at this point and I don’t know if he will get off easy. Perception is that he wasted a lot of resources that could have been used fighting violent crime in Chicago.

12-08-21, 14:03
One of the Fox News lawyers said if found guilty Jussey is looking at probation.

Alex V
12-08-21, 14:46
Funny how the Chicago BLM chapter says that this trial is a white supremacist charade. Yes, holding someone accountable for making a false police report is white supremacy.

This country is lost.

12-08-21, 14:58
BLM is not the least bit interested in justice. They want retribution.

12-08-21, 15:02
Lots of details here, all pointing to Juicy's guilt. You really need to hear what some from the left were suggesting.
Transparent Bull Shite, I can't believe how melodramatic Juicy got, he absolutely ruined his own case.

12-08-21, 16:46
BLM is not the least bit interested in justice. They want retribution.

I'm starting to want it myself.

12-08-21, 17:12
Just a bit of reality here, there are neighborhoods that are almost exclusively black. Owned and operated almost exclusively by African Americans.
Those area's propably get 75% of the Police Departments time and effort daily. Now rest assured, it's not Suburban White folks calling the Cops on crime in these area's, It's Black folks.
The Mayor and City Counsel should take a break, get the pulse of whats going on in these neighborhoods and adjust accordingly. What's not being addressed is only, I would guess 8 to 15% of the population are bad guys, doing bad guy stuff.
So conservatively 85% of the population just want to go along to get along and dont take part in these crimes. These are the folks making the 911 calls, these are the guys who aren't being served by their Local Government or their Law Enforcement.
And yet they stay in Chicago and Vote Democrat.

The next time someone points out some real racisit stuff, something blatent and repugnant to you, look them dead in the eye and say "Thank Juicy Smooolay", because he played a stupid racisit game against White People and now we no longer care anymore.
Lynching ? Thank Juicy !
Tied to the bumper of a Truck and dragged ten miles? Thank Juicy !
Because as a "Culture" if this is what you want, go get it because we no longer care. Our Culture will move further in to the suburbs and hope death comes quickly for you.

12-08-21, 17:12

12-08-21, 17:12
I’d like to see BLM actually riot in Chicago over this. First, it’s 15 degrees out. They don’t like the cold, second, all it would take is a fire hose to stop, they don’t like that either. And really, this is a court in Cook County, where the SA should have been able to get this swept away and it wasn’t.

12-08-21, 20:59
Justice for Juicy...


I finally just listened to Sticks and Stones and only came here to post this. That shit was hilarious.

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12-08-21, 22:40
BLM is not the least bit interested in justice. They want retribution.

They believe that armed robbery is legal. Not looting during riots; not shoplifting, not smash and grab. Friggin' armed robbery. Patrisse Cullors believes that a friend of hers, who is doing 10 years for holding up a liquor store, should not have gone to jail because "he only did it to get rent money."

12-09-21, 01:09
I finally just listened to Sticks and Stones and only came here to post this. That shit was hilarious.

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He tears it up, one of the last comedians left with a set of balls.

12-09-21, 07:43
They believe that armed robbery is legal. Not looting during riots; not shoplifting, not smash and grab. Friggin' armed robbery. Patrisse Cullors believes that a friend of hers, who is doing 10 years for holding up a liquor store, should not have gone to jail because "he only did it to get rent money."

The vast majority of black Americans are NOT thugs, dealers, or bangers. BLM doesn't give two shits about them unless they can rile them up to be violent in support of their Marxist revolution (in their own words).

Thug Lives Matter really IS a more accurate name for the organization.

12-09-21, 09:48
The vast majority of black Americans are NOT thugs, dealers, or bangers.

This is an important point and I would suggest forum members refrain from using the word "they" unless it is clear who "they" refers to.


12-09-21, 11:41
I didn't intend anything RE: M4C. I was just saying Thug Life Matters doesn't care a bit about law abiding, hard working, black Americans. They only care about divisiveness, race baiting, class/race "warfare", and ultimately a Marxist takeover of the U.S.

12-09-21, 11:54
I saw on Fazebook, where Judge Judy threw the book at him!


12-09-21, 12:05
The fact that the Juicy case is a lie means nothing to them. Don Lemon's text was nothing but a warning to Juicy that he needed to up his game.

Truth is irrelevant to the politcal/media figures and activists involved in this revolution. They have the access and networks to get the details not available to the general public, but they intentionally push the narratives that serve their cause.

Tawana Brawley as a victim of racist cops.
Rodney King as an innocent black motorist targeted by racist cops.
Treyvon Martin as a harmless child.
Michael Brown, hands up, murdered by a racist cop.
George "second coming of Jesus" Floyd, murdered by racist cops.

All lies, the movers and shakers knew they were lies from the beginning, but they have convinced so many Americans that the accusation is more important than the truth that they fearlessly continue to boldly carry on with the lies.

I hope for the future, but it's looking pretty bleak.

12-09-21, 12:17
I didn't intend anything RE: M4C. I was just saying Thug Life Matters doesn't care a bit about law abiding, hard working, black Americans. They only care about divisiveness, race baiting, class/race "warfare", and ultimately a Marxist takeover of the U.S.

I thought your post was good-to-go and clarified that "they" in BoringGuy's post was referring to the BLM and antifa marxist rioters.


12-09-21, 12:19
The fact that the Juicy case is a lie means nothing to them. Don Lemon's text was nothing but a warning to Juicy that he needed to up his game.

Truth is irrelevant to the politcal/media figures and activists involved in this revolution. They have the access and networks to get the details not available to the general public, but they intentionally push the narratives that serve their cause.

Tawana Brawley as a victim of racist cops.
Rodney King as an innocent black motorist targeted by racist cops.
Treyvon Martin as a harmless child.
Michael Brown, hands up, murdered by a racist cop.
George "second coming of Jesus" Floyd, murdered by racist cops.

All lies, the movers and shakers knew they were lies from the beginning, but they have convinced so many Americans that the accusation is more important than the truth that they fearlessly continue to boldly carry on with the lies.

I hope for the future, but it's looking pretty bleak.

Communism 101 - fomenting racial strife. We’re doomed to repeat history if people don’t wake up and make an example of Swole-A and Lemon Head.

12-09-21, 12:27
They believe that armed robbery is legal. Not looting during riots; not shoplifting, not smash and grab. Friggin' armed robbery. Patrisse Cullors believes that a friend of hers, who is doing 10 years for holding up a liquor store, should not have gone to jail because "he only did it to get rent money."

"Who do we protect? Black Criminals!"


12-09-21, 13:17
The only race implication or involvement in this issue is the false narrative of the original attack. Anything else, or talk of ‘they’, is really a diversion from the specific to the general to fit people’s agenda and mind sets. A narracistic a-hole, so lost in their importance with a lack of hold on reality, planned an event that doesn’t pass the smell test by someone with COVID. There really isn’t a larger story here. An actor acted, poorly. I don’t know what the lesson might be.

12-09-21, 14:10
The vast majority of black Americans are NOT thugs, dealers, or bangers. BLM doesn't give two shits about them unless they can rile them up to be violent in support of their Marxist revolution (in their own words).

Thug Lives Matter really IS a more accurate name for the organization.

What color are the vast majority of “thugs, dealers, or bangers?

12-09-21, 15:51
What color are the vast majority of “thugs, dealers, or bangers?

Not enough of them are in orange, that’s all I care about.

12-09-21, 16:39
Verdict has been reached today - stand by

12-09-21, 17:27
GUILTY- on 5 of 6 counts - BOO-YAH

12-09-21, 17:27


Ned Christiansen
12-09-21, 17:29
Sic semper anus falsus.

12-09-21, 17:38
So confused??? Who riots now?

12-09-21, 18:00
I'm just glad his attacker was caught and convicted.

12-09-21, 18:15
Bailiff...slap his pee-pee.

12-09-21, 18:18
I’m sure if he gets any prison time every day will be like a Saturday night for him[emoji6]

Alex V
12-09-21, 18:33
I’m sure if he gets any prison time every day will be like a Saturday night for him[emoji6]

He does seem to have a propensity for being man handled by muscular black men.

12-09-21, 21:16
If he didn't stay stuck on stupid after the charges were dropped the first time around he never would have gotten to this point.

12-09-21, 21:17
Sic semper anus falsus.
So confused??? Who riots now?
I'm just glad his attacker was caught and convicted.
Bailiff...slap his pee-pee.LOL on all of these, especially the latin!

12-09-21, 21:23
Not enough of them are in orange, that’s all I care about.

Solid post!


12-10-21, 09:03
Prosecutor torches actor after guilty verdict in fake hate crime trial. Narcissists can not only believe everyone is just as stupid as they are, they can believe their own BS. He should be the first to be charged, and now all those who intentionally and knowingly covered for him and ignored this case, all due to their wokeness, bias, and TDS. Their hate for the orange guy was so great, they were first willing to believe what was obviously faked, and then refusing to fully charge him once it was exposed. Smollet should do actual prison time for that and he should not be the only one charged in this fiasco. Be they left leaning or right, POS or not, gay or not, all should be disgusted by this as it harms all of us and the causes we are trying to improve on.


12-10-21, 10:46
I'm just glad his attacker was caught and convicted.

Jussie will try to get out serving time because he'd have to share a solitary cell with the mastermind of the attack on him(self)...

12-10-21, 11:44
Jussie will try to get out serving time because he'd have to share a solitary cell with the mastermind of the attack on him(self)...

So if he whacks off, would that be considered prison rape?

12-10-21, 11:55
So if he whacks off, would that be considered prison rape?

Only if it is non-consensual.

12-10-21, 12:30
Prosecutor torches actor after guilty verdict in fake hate crime trial. Narcissists can not only believe everyone is just as stupid as they are, they can believe their own BS. He should be the first to be charged, and now all those who intentionally and knowingly covered for him and ignored this case, all due to their wokeness, bias, and TDS. Their hate for the orange guy was so great, they were first willing to believe what was obviously faked, and then refusing to fully charge him once it was exposed. Smollet should do actual prison time for that and he should not be the only one charged in this fiasco. Be they left leaning or right, POS or not, gay or not, all should be disgusted by this as it harms all of us and the causes we are trying to improve on.

Including Brandon...


12-10-21, 12:51
I’m guessing he’ll be pardoned by Brandon on his way out of office.

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12-10-21, 13:35
Including Brandon...


Only Fox is going to really beat that drum however. The rest will all be back peddling and or focusing on other stories to keep attention of themselves no doubt. Tucker is litteraly the only thing on Fox I can stand to watch, and he's solid maybe 80% of the time, don't agree with him another 15% of the time, and 5% of the time he goes totally off the rails and I'm "WTF?" Tucker.

12-10-21, 15:16
Only Fox is going to really beat that drum however. The rest will all be back peddling and or focusing on other stories to keep attention of themselves no doubt. Tucker is litteraly the only thing on Fox I can stand to watch, and he's solid maybe 80% of the time, don't agree with him another 15% of the time, and 5% of the time he goes totally off the rails and I'm "WTF?" Tucker.

I’m exactly where you are. The FIve isn’t bad background TV, think of it like The (Counter)View. Titus(?), just cracks me up; he looks like half BigFoot, and then the most eloquent and insightful things come out of him.

They one thing with Tucker is his laugh, I would pay for Tucker and Kamala to do a segment, and both of their laughs are SOOOOooo wrong.

This made me give Tucker a wider latitude:


During our first conversation about going to Iraq, Kelly and I had talked about situations like this. It's one thing to believe in the principle of self-defense. Most people do. It's quite another to make the conscious decision to kill someone. Kelly had made it clear that I'd have to decide ahead of time whether I'd be willing. "Final confirmation of an attack usually comes in the form of injury to you," he'd said. "If you feel threatened, engage, up to and including lethal force." Survival means acting first. Hesitation equals death.

I'd had plenty of opportunities to mull this over since getting to Baghdad. I didn't want to hurt another person. The idea sickened me. But now I knew for certain that I would, without hesitation.

The groups of men were definitely walking toward me now, talking to one another and looking angry. The crowd behind them was getting larger and more agitated. In my peripheral vision I could see shapes, people darting in and out between cars parked in the gas line. I hoped someone else was watching them.

At the center of the group advancing on me were two youngish men with tough-guy expressions on their faces. They were obviously leading whatever was about to happen. I decided to shoot them first. I'd start with the one on the right. I unfolded the AK's paratrooper stock and tucked it into my shoulder, raising the muzzle. Then I switched off the safety. I waited for one of them to make a quick movement.

Neither one did. In fact, both stopped where they were and glared at me. I glared back. Five minutes later, our tanks were full and we left.

Not bad for a former CNN-weenie…..

03-10-22, 21:43
If anyone gives a shit this drama queer...er...aw...I mean queen...

In response to Smollett’s comments about not being “suicidal” the Cook County sheriff’s office said in a statement Thursday that he “will be given a comprehensive medical, mental health, and security assessment and will be placed in appropriate housing.”

‘I am not suicidal!’ Jussie Smollett sentenced to 150 days in Cook County Jail beginning immediately, shouts as he is led from court (https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/criminal-justice/ct-jussie-smollett-sentencing-20220310-6rkydf7zt5d6hkianqp6d6js7a-story.html)

and Salty Cracker gettin' salty...


03-10-22, 21:50
Last line by Watters says it all...


03-10-22, 22:15
Last line by Watters says it all...


WTF did it take that long? We all know anyone else would have been in prison for years, but it's a start. POS.

03-10-22, 23:18
WTF did it take that long? We all know anyone else would have been in prison for years, but it's a start. POS.Not necessarily, the retired cop in FL that killed a guy in a movie theater in 2014 just went to trial last month and got a pass.

Even though a different guy in FL went to jail a couple years earlier for picking a fight the claiming stand your ground. Im referring to guy at party store who shot someone who attacked him after him picking the fight about handicap parking spaces.

Apparently cops and queers get special treatment.

03-10-22, 23:24
It is amazing that he still refuses to accept responsibility for his actions. If I was the judge I'd have a difficult time not throwing away the key until he at least admits his guilt. Not how our system works and I am glad for that but DAMN!

03-10-22, 23:36
Of course he’s not suicidal, he’s about to get all the sweet back door lovin he can handle! :D

03-11-22, 00:20
It is amazing that he still refuses to accept responsibility for his actions. If I was the judge I'd have a difficult time not throwing away the key until he at least admits his guilt. Not how our system works and I am glad for that but DAMN!

Even as the POS is being dragged to his cage, unbelievable.

john armond
03-11-22, 06:40
After the statements he made, I see him offing himself in jail. He is a narcissistic attention whore, his gravy train is gone, and will need some way to keep his name around forever and make him a martyr. Setting up a suicide that looks like a murder is the way to do that. His “I am not suicidal” screams are the initial setup. It’s the same mentality of mass shooters…everyone is gonna remember me.

And of course people everywhere are saying that his fake hate crime is going to cause real hate crimes because “the system” doesn’t believe JS, thereby won’t believe anyone.

03-11-22, 07:12
After the statements he made, I see him offing himself in jail. He is a narcissistic attention whore, his gravy train is gone, and will need some way to keep his name around forever and make him a martyr. Setting up a suicide that looks like a murder is the way to do that. His “I am not suicidal” screams are the initial setup. It’s the same mentality of mass shooters…everyone is gonna remember me.

And of course people everywhere are saying that his fake hate crime is going to cause real hate crimes because “the system” doesn’t believe JS, thereby won’t believe anyone.

Cause of death perforated colon.

03-11-22, 12:24
I've never seen a defendant or especially a convict get to mouth off like that in court? What could the judge have done? Change the length right there or then? Hold him in contempt of court and extend his sentence? Levied a fine? Would have been a hoot if the judge held the defense consul in contempt and had them all share a cell.

You know he is going to injure himself and blame the jail or something.

"I could have plead guilty a long time ago.....", uhm yea, that's the idea, but you didn't.

03-11-22, 12:33
I hope someone gives him an attitude adjustment while he's locked up.

03-11-22, 14:14
After the statements he made, I see him offing himself in jail. He is a narcissistic attention whore, his gravy train is gone, and will need some way to keep his name around forever and make him a martyr. Setting up a suicide that looks like a murder is the way to do that. His “I am not suicidal” screams are the initial setup. It’s the same mentality of mass shooters…everyone is gonna remember me.

And of course people everywhere are saying that his fake hate crime is going to cause real hate crimes because “the system” doesn’t believe JS, thereby won’t believe anyone.

Never happen, he's a little bitch.

03-11-22, 15:05
And doubling down on the denial of reality, I present ye with:

"Black Lives Matter is a sham organization, and they further demonstrated this with their ridiculous statement supporting Jussie Smollett.

They called the trial a “white supremacist charade” and stated they could never believe police. They don't seem to care if Smollett perjured himself. Their statement reveals that the only thing that matters to BLM is skin color.

BLM did not have to provide any opinion or feedback regarding Smollett. But since they did, they should have at least condemned him for causing irreparable harm to those who suffer legitimate hate crimes. Instead, this is what they wrote:

It’s not about a trial or a verdict decided in a white supremacist charade, it’s about how we treat our community when corrupt systems are working to devalue their lives. In an abolitionist society, this trial would not be taking place, and our communities would not have to fight and suffer to prove our worth. Instead, we find ourselves once again being forced to put our lives and our value in the hands of judges and juries operating in a system that is designed to oppress us, while continuing to face a corrupt and violent police department who has proven time and again to have no respect for our lives."


03-11-22, 16:04
Never happen, he's a little bitch.

Most he'll do is stage a fake suicide attempt.

03-16-22, 20:23
MUTHADUCKER getting out of jail while case is on appeal

03-16-22, 21:00
Not as significant as you'd think.

He's being released for the reason that the projected time to settle the appeal is longer than the sentence. This is no way means he won't do time. Its just lawyer maneuvering.

IMO, the biggest fault with the US criminal justice system is time. Police and criminals are 24/7. The courts, not so much. Make the courts 24/7 and much of the BS would stop.

03-16-22, 21:02
MUTHADUCKER getting out of jail while case is on appeal

It’s because he’s black.

Wait! I meant to say that the punishment was as ‘harsh’ as it was because he’s black.

Now I’m all confused…