View Full Version : Louder with Crowder's response to HBO's new TV series Santa Inc.

12-07-21, 04:30
Even Steven can't deny the cultural Marxism any longer, this is a TV show geared toward children by the way... https://www.bitchute.com/video/LW7k3hihxwol/

12-07-21, 07:42
I've heard this was out there, but it doesn't seem to be doing well, but I suppose that those with HBOmax subscriptions who don't watch are clearly 'White Supremacists'

12-07-21, 08:39
Even Steven can't deny the cultural Marxism any longer, this is a TV show geared toward children by the way... https://www.bitchute.com/video/LW7k3hihxwol/

I was gonna give it a watch, then I saw it said adult Christmas show.
I read further & saw Sarah Silverman was involved, & thought better.
Never put it on, I'm not big on raunchy Christmas shows, which I'm guessing it is.

12-07-21, 09:07
I was gonna give it a watch, then I saw it said adult Christmas show.
I read further & saw Sarah Silverman was involved, & thought better.
Never put it on, I'm not big on raunchy Christmas shows, which I'm guessing it is.

I could watch this over and over…. I want a sequel to “Way of the Gun” just so that Sarah can get punched again…

NSFW, small children, gingers, women in sandals…


Thanks for reminding me of this, made my day…

12-07-21, 11:48
Even Steven can't deny the cultural Marxism any longer, this is a TV show geared toward children by the way... https://www.bitchute.com/video/LW7k3hihxwol/

But by the way, no it’s not… It is literally ‘geared toward’ adults. So you are either being dishonest on purpose or you’re posting this without knowing all the facts.

That doesn’t change the fact that it’s garbage and we all see through it and know what’s going on. But get it right. Otherwise, you lose what little credibility you might still have ‘round here…

12-07-21, 11:51
I could watch this over and over…. I want a sequel to “Way of the Gun” just so that Sarah can get punched again…

NSFW, small children, gingers, women in sandals…


Thanks for reminding me of this, made my day…

She said faggot. She should be cancelled now.

12-07-21, 14:20
Pretty nice still image as the video starts.

12-07-21, 14:29
Meh. This isn't geared towards children just like South park isn't. It's liberal entertainment, and almost all of us here won't watch it.

I liked Crowder before I saw his stuff on Rogan.

12-07-21, 19:47
Basically, if you're in any way familiar with the way leftist standup comics are 'funny', then you get what sort of 'comedy' this show is.
And it's rightly been getting totally slammed for being the shit that it is across the internet, so fear not gentle carbineers - the Lord's work is being done.
Of course, as always, the creators of the show are k'vetching about how 'everyone who hates it is a wyt soupreeeeemacis'.
It's good to see these people's jimmies rustled for christmas. :laugh:

12-07-21, 20:05
So Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman are doing an adult cartoon and it's crap.


12-07-21, 22:20
So Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman are doing an adult cartoon and it's crap.


An "adult cartoon" that makes a mockery of Christmas and turns it into another subject for their jewish contrived social justice issues. Meanwhile if us Goyim made "adult cartoons" disparaging Hanukkah and Judaism there would be hell to pay. But they own Hollyweird and control the media so they are free to shit all over "white" traditions as much as they want. And they do. EVERY CHANCE THEY GET!

12-07-21, 23:43
Exhibit A is ironically a cartoon.


Please go peddle your jooz run the world shit elsewhere.

12-08-21, 23:45
Exhibit A is ironically a cartoon.

Please go peddle your jooz run the world shit elsewhere.

White western culture and values are under constant attack (seemingly from within) and has been for a long time now. I don't think your South Park example is in the same spirit and for the same reasons and/or motivations as the Christmas inc thing at all. But whatever, I stated my case and I'm going to let it rest now.

12-10-21, 19:07
An "adult cartoon" that makes a mockery of Christmas and turns it into another subject for their jewish contrived social justice issues. Meanwhile if us Goyim made "adult cartoons" disparaging Hanukkah and Judaism there would be hell to pay. But they own Hollyweird and control the media so they are free to shit all over "white" traditions as much as they want. And they do. EVERY CHANCE THEY GET!

Oh jeez, here we ****ing go with your Neo-Nazi bullshit again. Yes, because this is all about them being Jews and not about the fact that they're Hollywood leftists. Yeah, yeah, Marx was a Jew, the Jews are behind everything and Hitler was right and we ****ed up by going to war with the Nazis instead of shipping American Jews over to Auschwitz. What the hell are you hoping to accomplish on this website? You think you're going to talk any of us into your Stormfront crap? Can you goosestep and seig heil to another site, please?

12-10-21, 19:51
Oh jeez, here we ****ing go with your Neo-Nazi bullshit again. Yes, because this is all about them being Jews and not about the fact that they're Hollywood leftists. Yeah, yeah, Marx was a Jew, the Jews are behind everything and Hitler was right and we ****ed up by going to war with the Nazis instead of shipping American Jews over to Auschwitz. What the hell are you hoping to accomplish on this website? You think you're going to talk any of us into your Stormfront crap? Can you goosestep and seig heil to another site, please?

You know when Sarah Silverman and Seth Rogan are your key conspirators to overthrow white, christian america and establish a new jewish world order...your plan for world domination is in serious trouble.

It's like me creating a white supremacy movement and then tapping Paul Rubens and Cameron Diaz to help implement my master plan via a propaganda cartoon that will crush the subject races.

12-10-21, 21:33
I haven’t watched and doubt I will. Seth Rogan can be funny in small doses but his movies are tedious and boring.

12-10-21, 22:05
I haven’t watched and doubt I will. Seth Rogan can be funny in small doses but his movies are tedious and boring.

His earlier stuff like 40 Year Old Virgin and Superbad were pretty funny. After that, his "humor" started getting really preachy and condescending. Most of his movies' themes now revolve around how much hatred and contempt he has for conservatives and religion.

12-10-21, 22:18
His earlier stuff like 40 Year Old Virgin and Superbad were pretty funny. After that, his "humor" started getting really preachy and condescending. Most of his movies' themes now revolve around how much hatred and contempt he has for conservatives and religion.

And yet, "This Is The End" might have been his best movie. Problem with Rogan is he just isn't funny enough to support 45+ films that are almost essentially the same film. Even Eddie Murphy who was brilliant, couldn't sustain it over dozens and dozens of films.

12-10-21, 23:51
Oh jeez, here we ****ing go with your Neo-Nazi bullshit again. Yes, because this is all about them being Jews and not about the fact that they're Hollywood leftists. Yeah, yeah, Marx was a Jew, the Jews are behind everything and Hitler was right and we ****ed up by going to war with the Nazis instead of shipping American Jews over to Auschwitz. What the hell are you hoping to accomplish on this website? You think you're going to talk any of us into your Stormfront crap? Can you goosestep and seig heil to another site, please?

LOL, Dude I'm not any kind of Neo-Nazi I have never been a member at Stormfront or even perused that website at all. Nor have I ever been part of anything of the sort outside of the internet. And I'm not out to accomplish anything on this website other than to see what other Conservative and freedom loving types are thinking and saying about the surrealness of the events that have been transpiring in our country and the world at large over the course of these last two years. And that is all my being critical about them has been about. I'm still trying to figure it out myself. But they are a touchy subject as we all know. So Sorry if I have stepped on anyones toes in that regard. Maybe it really is a satanic cult that is running everything thing behind the scenes... I mean how the **** do you explain a Private pedophilia sex Island for the elite? Or the none stop wokeness and social justice and cultural marxism that the main stream media constantly direct at white America? Maybe I've been demoralized. I guess I will put my face mask back on per Dr. Fauci's and Presidents Biden's request and stop talking now.

12-11-21, 04:53
LOL, Dude I'm not any kind of Neo-Nazi I have never been a member at Stormfront or even perused that website at all. Nor have I ever been part of anything of the sort outside of the internet. And I'm not out to accomplish anything on this website other than to see what other Conservative and freedom loving types are thinking and saying about the surrealness of the events that have been transpiring in our country and the world at large over the course of these last two years. And that is all my being critical about them has been about. I'm still trying to figure it out myself. But they are a touchy subject as we all know. So Sorry if I have stepped on anyones toes in that regard. Maybe it really is a satanic cult that is running everything thing behind the scenes... I mean how the **** do you explain a Private pedophilia sex Island for the elite? Or the none stop wokeness and social justice and cultural marxism that the main stream media constantly direct at white America? Maybe I've been demoralized. I guess I will put my face mask back on per Dr. Fauci's and Presidents Biden's request and stop talking now.

We just got rid of another clown from Canada who was here to explain to all of us "unenlightened" mouthbreathers about how we need to buy .50 BMG rifles and STOP COMMUNISM. Even though his First Moose Militia obviously failed in the same cause, he was here to educate us. If you find those threads you will notice a trend.

He also had lots of videos and useful links.

And now here you are with a basket full of shitchute videos here to explain not only the evils of marxism, communism, but also the world jewish conspiracy / bildeburgs and illuminati for good measure to help us protect white protestant America. So I'll tell you what we told him.

We know this shit already, we've investigated it already. We know what the real threats are and conduct ourselves accordingly and we know what is truther / flat earth society BULLSHIT. So if you aren't getting the reception you hoped for...there is probably a reason.

Like I told the other guy, if you want to warn some people about the dangers of marxism, try calguns.net There are actually a couple idiots over there who think socialism can still work.

What is funny is you probably won't find members here more critical of our relationship with Israel than I, I used to take loads of shit about it. Of course things changed around 9-11 when Israel stopped being the number one recipient of US foreign aid. And I'd be glad to discuss my many criticisms of the US - Israeli relationship with just about anyone but YOU, because I just can't endure the retard content you bring to the subject. But yoni and I have had quite a few discussions and even found agreement as often as not on the subject.

Of course my basic premise isn't jews are running the world and everything is a jewish conspiracy.

12-11-21, 06:03
We just got rid of another clown from Canada who was here to explain to all of us "unenlightened" mouthbreathers about how we need to buy .50 BMG rifles and STOP COMMUNISM. Even though his First Moose Militia obviously failed in the same cause, he was here to educate us. If you find those threads you will notice a trend.

He also had lots of videos and useful links.

And now here you are with a basket full of shitchute videos here to explain not only the evils of marxism, communism, but also the world jewish conspiracy / bildeburgs and illuminati for good measure to help us protect white protestant America. So I'll tell you what we told him.

We know this shit already, we've investigated it already. We know what the real threats are and conduct ourselves accordingly and we know what is truther / flat earth society BULLSHIT. So if you aren't getting the reception you hoped for...there is probably a reason.

Like I told the other guy, if you want to warn some people about the dangers of marxism, try calguns.net There are actually a couple idiots over there who think socialism can still work.

What is funny is you probably won't find members here more critical of our relationship with Israel than I, I used to take loads of shit about it. Of course things changed around 9-11 when Israel stopped being the number one recipient of US foreign aid. And I'd be glad to discuss my many criticisms of the US - Israeli relationship with just about anyone but YOU, because I just can't endure the retard content you bring to the subject. But yoni and I have had quite a few discussions and even found agreement as often as not on the subject.

Of course my basic premise isn't jews are running the world and everything is a jewish conspiracy.

You don't know shit from shinnola. Don't like me or my threads then don't respond to them. Seems to me you are nothing more than a statist bootlicker who goes on the attack against anyone espousing anything counter to the mainstream narrative and status quo. So much for the freedom of speech and thought on the internet with guys like YOU around! You say you don't like Nazis, well, neither do I, and take a look in the mirror! SteyrAug, extra special agent for the Thought Police!

12-11-21, 08:02
We just got rid of another clown from Canada who was here to explain to all of us "unenlightened" mouthbreathers about how we need to buy .50 BMG rifles and STOP COMMUNISM. Even though his First Moose Militia obviously failed in the same cause, he was here to educate us. If you find those threads you will notice a trend.

He also had lots of videos and useful links.

And now here you are with a basket full of shitchute videos here to explain not only the evils of marxism, communism, but also the world jewish conspiracy / bildeburgs and illuminati for good measure to help us protect white protestant America. So I'll tell you what we told him.

We know this shit already, we've investigated it already. We know what the real threats are and conduct ourselves accordingly and we know what is truther / flat earth society BULLSHIT. So if you aren't getting the reception you hoped for...there is probably a reason.

Like I told the other guy, if you want to warn some people about the dangers of marxism, try calguns.net There are actually a couple idiots over there who think socialism can still work.

What is funny is you probably won't find members here more critical of our relationship with Israel than I, I used to take loads of shit about it. Of course things changed around 9-11 when Israel stopped being the number one recipient of US foreign aid. And I'd be glad to discuss my many criticisms of the US - Israeli relationship with just about anyone but YOU, because I just can't endure the retard content you bring to the subject. But yoni and I have had quite a few discussions and even found agreement as often as not on the subject.

Of course my basic premise isn't jews are running the world and everything is a jewish conspiracy.


I wish we had a like button...

12-11-21, 09:27
You don't know shit from shinnola. Don't like me or my threads then don't respond to them. Seems to me you are nothing more than a statist bootlicker who goes on the attack against anyone espousing anything counter to the mainstream narrative and status quo. So much for the freedom of speech and thought on the internet with guys like YOU around! You say you don't like Nazis, well, neither do I, and take a look in the mirror! SteyrAug, extra special agent for the Thought Police!

Your opinions of the Jews AND your defense of Hitler in the last thread you posted your antisemitic garbage in says otherwise. If it walks like a Nazi and talks like a Nazi...

And if we don't like your opinions, we can choose to respond to them or ignore them at our leisure.

And while the mainstream narrative on things are often bullshit, that doesn't automatically mean that alternative narratives you believe are not EQUALLY bullshit.

12-11-21, 09:35

I wish we had a like button...

Oh yeah. I have no interest in arguing with a Stormfront escapee, but damn if I don't want to give props to the guys that are doing so.

12-11-21, 17:28
You know when Sarah Silverman and Seth Rogan are your key conspirators to overthrow white, christian america and establish a new jewish world order...your plan for world domination is in serious trouble.

It's like me creating a white supremacy movement and then tapping Paul Rubens and Cameron Diaz to help implement my master plan via a propaganda cartoon that will crush the subject races.

You don't strike me as an unintelligent person. Am I to assume you're just disingenuous? What would you call what you're doing? Gaslighting? No one on earth thinks those two are key conspirators and you're well aware of that, right?...


What are the odds we will be beating on the Santa Inc drum a decade from now?


12-11-21, 19:01
You don't know shit from shinnola. Don't like me or my threads then don't respond to them. Seems to me you are nothing more than a statist bootlicker who goes on the attack against anyone espousing anything counter to the mainstream narrative and status quo. So much for the freedom of speech and thought on the internet with guys like YOU around! You say you don't like Nazis, well, neither do I, and take a look in the mirror! SteyrAug, extra special agent for the Thought Police!


12-11-21, 19:07
You don't strike me as an unintelligent person. Am I to assume you're just disingenuous? What would you call what you're doing? Gaslighting? No one on earth thinks those two are key conspirators and you're well aware of that, right?...

Treating the subject with the respect it deserves?

What are the odds we will be beating on the Santa Inc drum a decade from now?

Honestly, if in 10 years anyone even remembers Santa Inc, I'd be amazed. It will be as irrelevant as that Interview movies they tried to hype about North Korea whenever that was made.

12-11-21, 19:14
Treating the subject with the respect it deserves?
If the gaslighting doesn't work the first time, just do it again.

12-11-21, 20:51
If the gaslighting doesn't work the first time, just do it again.

Just a reminder, we are talking about Santa Inc. as a legit vehicle for some world jewish conspiracy to make a "mockery of Christmas and turns it into another subject for their jewish contrived social justice issues."

I think christmas is pretty safe and has endured more serious threats. I do believe we are gonna be ok.

Honestly, raising the issue of Santa Inc. as a legit concern is in itself gaslighting because it makes a mockery of what is sometimes a serious concern. There are times we give Israel undue influence and it's not like they have never acted against us. If somebody wanted to have a grown up conversation about Jonathan Pollard and the support he still gets in Israel then we have a real topic.

But Santa Inc? Give me a break.

12-11-21, 21:53
If the gaslighting doesn't work the first time, just do it again.

In the words of Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

12-11-21, 22:25
In the words of Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." I should have said SELF APPOINTED extra special agent for the Thought Police! Now can we Please drop this once and for all. I said what I had to get off my chest, I'm done now.

12-11-21, 23:06
I should have said SELF APPOINTED extra special agent for the Thought Police! Now can we Please drop this once and for all. I said what I had to get off my chest, I'm done now.

Interesting that YOU replied to a post that was directed to the only other person on this forum that seems to have your same concerns.

12-11-21, 23:16
Interesting that YOU replied to a post that was directed to the only other person on this forum that seems to have your same concerns.

But was I talking directly to you though? I'm done now!

12-11-21, 23:22
Okay, go take your meds now.

12-11-21, 23:36
Okay, go take your meds now.

Yeah Maybe. I mean can you really blame a guy after the last 2 years of the Bullshit! Marry Christmas everybody! And Good luck with your booster shots!

12-11-21, 23:47
I'm done now!

If only that were true.

Yeah Maybe. I mean can you really blame a guy after the last 2 years of the Bullshit! Marry Christmas everybody! And Good luck with your booster shots!

You know the jews did that right? I found secret hidden evidence that proves it.


12-12-21, 10:51
So Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman are doing an adult cartoon and it's crap.


Both are Marxists. Surprising that their new show is marxist. Hmm