View Full Version : Anyone would do it or talking with a Liberal.

12-08-21, 07:23
Starts off as a three way conversation when one of the Ladies mentions Cris Cuomo.
I said, "Well I'm personally glad he lost his Job, he's a scumbag covering for his Brother, he deserved it."
"Oh my God anyone would try and help their Brother !" she say's.
"If my brother had multiple Women accusing him of sexual assault/sexual harassment, no, I would cover for him." says I.
"What???? sexual assault?"
Yes, Cris the CNN guy and the Former Governor of N.Y. are Brothers. The elder brother, the former Governor left Office because of these investigations in to what was going on in his Office and his relations with Women he worked with. Cris was caught using CNN assets to investigate these Women and it looks like he had some of them tailed.
"Yeah, that's pretty much what went down, but if you look closer, and some Attorney's will, Cris put CNN at risk by using their assets to investigate these Women."
"What???? No way, this is some sort of conspiracy theory."

It's that stupid out there and a lot of so called "smart people" are wildly misinformed.

Straight Shooter
12-08-21, 09:54
And MANY still think Rittenhouse shot three blacks, you couldnt tell them any different if you tried.
I dont.

12-08-21, 10:22
Indeed. Sheer stupidity is the greatest pandemic of our time. It is, quite literally, killing our Nation.

12-08-21, 11:37
A new study finds brains are the most washed body part of 2021...followed closely by hands.

12-08-21, 12:34
I won't even try. Libtards want to be willfully stupid don't, **** it, have fun.

12-08-21, 12:56
back in the 90s teaching scuba on Maui when very intelligent people ask you how deep do you have to dive to get under the island ?
reckon work in tourism and you find out people have been stupid for a long time :) it's just easier to see today :)

folks from the USA asking before they come over to Maui !
is the water is safe to drink ?
do I need a passport for Maui ?
do they have electricity or do I need a convertor ?
what kinda money do they use there ?
do the natives still live in grass huts and if so is there a way we can see or visit them ?
are there sharks off the beaches or do you have special areas with no sharks ?

12-08-21, 12:59
What is currently referred to as Liberalism is essentially a mental disorder. Discussions involving facts with those who describe themselves as liberal are pointless. Talk to them about how you feel, that's all that matters to them.

12-08-21, 15:47
As pointless and frustrating as it may be sometimes, I DO still put in the effort. Many of them are savable. Most of them just don't realize the extent of how much they've been lied to. I've had many breakthroughs over the years, and who knows how many planted seeds eventually came to fruition. While some people wish to remain willfully ignorant, I'm willing to try to save the country. If we don't try, we will fail 100% of the time. We need allies. We need people to come back to reality. If the only voices they hear are the MSM, politicians and their college professors, things will progress to a level of depravity that few of us can even comprehend. I implore you to not sit by silently and watch your country evaporate in front of your eyes. I never joined the military or went to war, so THIS is my small contribution to helping my country. I will try til I die.

12-08-21, 17:15
Just people. And people are the worst ! Misinformation, lack of 'common sense', willful ignorance, and just plain stoopid :-) is applicable across the board to liberal and conservative alike, though more prevalent in the former.

12-08-21, 21:15
Like drug addicts they will almost always fall back to what they are sadly

They have to want to and do it themselves

12-08-21, 22:18
"What???? No way, this is some sort of conspiracy theory."

It's that stupid out there and a lot of so called "smart people" are wildly misinformed.

Not always stupidity but sometimes they choose to 'look the other way' and play dumb when it suits them.

Example: My aunt Nancy was a small business owner when I was a kid. Really loved getting to go camp out at her house on weekends or during school breaks / vacations and help her out around her house / business as best I could being a kid at the time. Good people, different environment, good to get away from home and the parents for a bit...

Sometimes, depending on the work I did for her at her business or around her house she would actually pay me. Never was much but I never asked for anything either so...

I vividly remember one time I had spent the day doing proof reading work for her at her shop and after the days work when she went to pay me for it she went off on a rant about the gov mandated minimum wage. It really chapped her hide that she was FORCED by the gov to pay 'Sally' whatever the mandated minimum wage was at the time for a job that was so simple a kid (me) could do it easily and that was WILLING to do it for much less.

And then she went into a rant about the IRS coming along and taking 'their' chunk of the money she was left with after all of that... She did all the actual 'work', put in all the effort, took all the risk, played by their 'rules', and had to pay them their 'cut' of her pie at the end of the day. (leaving very little pie left for HER at the end of the day and after all of that work)

She eventually gave up and decided it was easier for her to hold her hand out looking for someone else to provide for her instead of her working for herself. Try to talk to her about the minimum wage today and she has absolutely no clue (pretends to have no clue) what she used to tell ME herself when I was a kid. Exact opposite mentality today of what she had back them.

Difference being that before she was trying to earn and provide entirely for herself before vs now - Her wanting to do as little 'work' as possible while someone else pays for her lifestyle. Someone else that actually IS out there working and earning, putting in all the effort, taking all the risk...

Those evil working people making all the money really ought to be playing by all the 'rules' and paying their 'fair share' is the sort of shit she tells me now.

She is currently the 'freeloader' she warned me about when I was young and knows it deep down. She may be 'playing stupid' but is not really stupid...

12-09-21, 06:06
They don't know why, they just know.


12-09-21, 22:25
As pointless and frustrating as it may be sometimes, I DO still put in the effort. Many of them are savable. Most of them just don't realize the extent of how much they've been lied to. I've had many breakthroughs over the years, and who knows how many planted seeds eventually came to fruition. While some people wish to remain willfully ignorant, I'm willing to try to save the country. If we don't try, we will fail 100% of the time. We need allies. We need people to come back to reality. If the only voices they hear are the MSM, politicians and their college professors, things will progress to a level of depravity that few of us can even comprehend. I implore you to not sit by silently and watch your country evaporate in front of your eyes. I never joined the military or went to war, so THIS is my small contribution to helping my country. I will try til I die.

I do too, I think you sometimes need to have about four of such conversations with someone before they begin to seek you out with their own Conservative information.
I do believe it's worth the time to do, you never know. I however am not ready to explain the similaraties between the Cuomo/Lemon situation yet.

12-10-21, 09:10
They don't know why, they just know.


Bauer :laugh:

12-10-21, 10:03
As pointless and frustrating as it may be sometimes, I DO still put in the effort. Many of them are savable. Most of them just don't realize the extent of how much they've been lied to. I've had many breakthroughs over the years, and who knows how many planted seeds eventually came to fruition. While some people wish to remain willfully ignorant, I'm willing to try to save the country. If we don't try, we will fail 100% of the time. We need allies. We need people to come back to reality. If the only voices they hear are the MSM, politicians and their college professors, things will progress to a level of depravity that few of us can even comprehend. I implore you to not sit by silently and watch your country evaporate in front of your eyes. I never joined the military or went to war, so THIS is my small contribution to helping my country. I will try til I die.
Same here

I'm a semester away from finishing my MSW at a large state university. Needless to say, it's certainly leftist overall, but by current college standards, my school is not even NEAR the worst. I'd say most of my classmates are liberal rather than leftist, and even some have admitted to being somewhat conservative (one guy I know even said that, while he's generally liberal, he doesn't support the Democrats because he's very pro 2nd Amendment). Even though they all know I'm a former cop, and even against the backdrop of all that's going on, they've all accepted me and want to hear my point of view. A lot of them have started to question the leftist philosophy too. So, the hope is there, and some people will listen.

12-10-21, 10:13
It’s important to know liberalism is a learned behavior. They aren’t born that way. They can unlearn it, with the right conditions.

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