View Full Version : Dave Chapelle isn’t funny anymore

12-13-21, 21:03
Prove me wrong.

The show 10 years ago had some good bits, like the Prince skit and the Rick James piss take. Since his “exile” he’s just kind of angry and offering poorly reasoned orthodoxy. As well as some bigoted comments.

12-13-21, 21:04
The Juicy Smollet was an exception, I’ll grant you.

12-13-21, 21:14
Doing skit humor and stand up are two totally different things.
His Stand-Up has evolved a bit too, it's gone to more like a level of a modern George Carlin.
Sometimes I find these things thought provoking, anyway, it's good to me.

12-13-21, 21:24
He’s funny AF and says shit that needs to be said. I have no idea how anyone can think he isn’t funny.

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12-13-21, 21:24
Prove me wrong.

The show 10 years ago had some good bits, like the Prince skit and the Rick James piss take. Since his “exile” he’s just kind of angry and offering poorly reasoned orthodoxy. As well as some bigoted comments.

I think you’re alone in that thinking...

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12-13-21, 21:31
The “T’s” hate his guts. And his bit on being armed for fear of being attacked is CLASSIC.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-13-21, 21:31
I would agree that his latest special isn't quite as funny as his absolute best, but it is still amazing. Totally disagree on him not being funny.

12-13-21, 21:35
I watch a lot of stand up, live and specials, and I think Chapelle is world class hilarious. The latest special is great. Dave is not a political dude, and will make fun of anyone’s BS.

12-13-21, 21:38
He is hilarious, IMO.

12-13-21, 21:47
Agreed. Massively funny.

12-13-21, 21:56
Oh he is funny no doubt about it. One thing about his comedy though is his white people jokes. Asian, lgbtq, black, all hilarious but his white jokes are lazy and aren’t even funny. It’s like he doesn’t even try, instead he goes right to 400 years of oppression crap. It’s not even a little bit clever.

12-13-21, 22:02
He's one of those guys who, even if he says something I disagree with, I still find it funny because of the way he says it. I'll agree that he's a more cynical now than he was early in his career, and I don't think he'll ever be able to top Killing Them Softly. But the man has still got it though!

12-13-21, 22:33
Never was my favorite, but I ain't gonna say he ain't funny...

'cause he is.

And here lately, he's funny about some stupid shit that's long overdue in need to be made fun of.

12-13-21, 23:09
Prove me wrong.

The show 10 years ago had some good bits, like the Prince skit and the Rick James piss take. Since his “exile” he’s just kind of angry and offering poorly reasoned orthodoxy. As well as some bigoted comments.

You must be one of the alphabet people… perhaps a T?

12-13-21, 23:42
Prove me wrong.

The show 10 years ago had some good bits, like the Prince skit and the Rick James piss take. Since his “exile” he’s just kind of angry and offering poorly reasoned orthodoxy. As well as some bigoted comments.

Did you wander into the wrong forum?

12-14-21, 00:49
He’s funny AF and says shit that needs to be said. I have no idea how anyone can think he isn’t funny.

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Yep, the "buck shot vs. bird shot" thing he did in one of his stand ups was hilarious.

Best thing about Chapelle is he very individualist.

12-14-21, 01:28
Yep, the "buck shot vs. bird shot" thing he did in one of his stand ups was hilarious.

Best thing about Chapelle is he very individualist.

Yep, he even makes gun control funny...


12-14-21, 06:02
I say it’s just the opposite. Dave is delivering a higher level of comedy then the days of the Chappelle Show. He’s giving a well thought out and pinpointed assessment of the bonkers world we live in, all while being hilarious. Let’s be honest, the Chappelle Show and many black comedians in general pull from a deep well of premises and material that is simply untouchable by white comedians. I don’t knock them for it, because ultimately the goal is to make people laugh. That doesn’t change the fact that race based material is a crutch that if removed would be the end of many careers. Dave doesn’t need that crutch.

12-14-21, 06:51
I say it’s just the opposite. Dave is delivering a higher level of comedy then the days of the Chappelle Show. He’s giving a well thought out and pinpointed assessment of the bonkers world we live in, all while being hilarious. Let’s be honest, the Chappelle Show and many black comedians in general pull from a deep well of premises and material that is simply untouchable by white comedians. I don’t knock them for it, because ultimately the goal is to make people laugh. That doesn’t change the fact that race based material is a crutch that if removed would be the end of many careers. Dave doesn’t need that crutch.

That's where I was going with him being an individualist. He doesn't lean on the race safety net as much as so many others. In fact from time to time he seems to go directly against it.

If the stories about him walking away from potential millions is true because he'd rather be happy, I'm even more impressed.

12-14-21, 07:23
He’s jumped the shark.

12-14-21, 07:36
I've never watched him religiously, only have seen occasional skits and bits of stand-up. That said, his recent stuff seems just as funny as the older stuff I've seen. I don't laugh at all his jokes, but I laugh at enough to know that he falls into the "he's funny" category.

12-14-21, 08:02
Prove me wrong.

The show 10 years ago had some good bits, like the Prince skit and the Rick James piss take. Since his “exile” he’s just kind of angry and offering poorly reasoned orthodoxy. As well as some bigoted comments.

Ahh.... virtue signaling. I smell it like a fart in a car.

12-14-21, 08:10
I would agree that his latest special isn't quite as funny as his absolute best, but it is still amazing. Totally disagree on him not being funny.

Prove me wrong.

The show 10 years ago had some good bits, like the Prince skit and the Rick James piss take. Since his “exile” he’s just kind of angry and offering poorly reasoned orthodoxy. As well as some bigoted comments.

Chapelle has always been a social commentary guy with a biting edge to him. The blind black white-supremacist? Pure genius. Frankly, a big smelly dookie in the middle of the room that no one really wants to own, but everyone finds funny. He has always been on the edge, but I think it was with some perspective of time and ability to satirize it. The Alphabet thing is current, and I don’t think it has had time, especially for him, to fully develop into his signature style. But, at the same time I think he finds it critical to speak out about it.

So I’d rather have his premature spouting off about it rather than wait for the perfect standup in 5-10 years.

Someone mentioned his bigoted comments- which I think is in relation to his comments about Jews in the last stand-up. I think he was baiting people with that. That his comments about The Alphabet Crew get all the attention and the Jew comments get none I think is a subtle way for him to point out the crazy way we cater to the Crew. He is right about the Crew and T’s, but actually fairly anti-semetic- but all people talk about is the Alphabet assault. He didn’t just throw in some Jewish jokes randomly. If anything, for sake a symmetry, he would have made fun of something like red-necks sleeping with their cousins- but he didn’t.

12-14-21, 08:28
About a year ago he begain to morph in to the reincarnation of George Carlin.

Classic and very on time.

12-14-21, 09:17
Dave Chapelle is very funny, and as previously mentioned in this thread his last specials haven't been his best, but they do a great job of breaking the ice in the "Woke" conversation. His talent is certainly undeniable.

12-14-21, 09:43
I'm going to assume that this is a troll. Chapelle is one of the best stand up comics ever to grace a stage

12-14-21, 09:58
He’s jumped the shark.

Care to elaborate?

12-14-21, 15:39
He’s jumped the shark.

You don't have to like him. Enough people think he's funny that it doesn't matter. If you don't, I'm not really gonna try and change your mind. Why would I?

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-14-21, 22:12
Well, we will just have to agree to disagree.

He’s jumped the shark.

12-14-21, 23:59
^^^ Yeah, I don't think so either. There's a bit on YouTube where he goes into the hiatus and how the industry he works in is f'd up. Google "this industry is a monster dave chapelle" and you'll get there.

The world is FULL of funny people. The skill and ability to make that into a craft by which you can support your family is rare. To rise to his level is exceptionally rare.

12-15-21, 00:12
Dave can be as funny/serious as he wants to be and he is very good at it. He puts it out there and I applaud him for that alone.

12-17-21, 09:01
His skit comedy is still on a much higher level than stand-up without any gimmicks, but it's still good.

If he wants to get back into skit comedy, I'll probably go out of my way to watch that, because I still laugh just thinking of his older stuff.

12-17-21, 16:34
I think its hit or miss. Too many times he starts talking about racism and the history of white supremacy like any white person living had anything to do with it. The other times his shit is freaking hilarious. I watched one the other night where he said he says stuff not because he believes it but because he thinks its funny. Racism aside I think he's pretty damn funny

12-20-21, 16:56
Him tearin up Juicy is truly a masterclass.
Yeah he funny. As F*#k.
Refreshingly honest and brutally straightforward while at it - with added bonus him tying the rainbowcolored snowflakes panties in a wad all day.
Ice cold calling them out - proving 'outrage' is all about knee jerk reaction, behaving like a pack of rabid lemmings.
Surprise.....now dey multi colored alphabet soupfrootloopz have it out for Dave. Clearly none of them has taken the time to actually listen to what he said. Not one iota of due diligence or nuance.
Or - dare I say - original (critical) thought.
Bunch of weenies.