View Full Version : So what's going on with Chris Wallace going over to CNN?

12-14-21, 08:25
I've got a couple of theory's.
One is they are cleaning house of the Cuomo/Lemon crew and bringing in more centerist hosts to make their brand reputal again.
Two is that Chris has been working for CNN inside Fox for sometime and now it is safe for him to move.
Three is that all of this is coincidence.

12-14-21, 08:53
He’s a professional journalist doing professional journalist things. They leave and go to competitors all the time. Chasing the money. And CNN is making an effort to get a little more center (ratings died after trump left office). They hope that Wallace can bring some of his viewership to their platform. Chasing the money.

Don’t make it out to be any more than that.

12-14-21, 08:57
He’s a professional journalist doing professional journalist things. They leave and go to competitors all the time. Chasing the money. And CNN is making an effort to get a little more center (ratings died after trump left office). They hope that Wallace can bring some of his viewership to their platform. Chasing the money.

Don’t make it out to be any more than that.

Yeah, they aren't going to get many Fox viewers to follow him over lol

I'm pretty sure the GOP sends him a lump of coal every Christmas for acting the way he did at the last Fox moderated POTUS debate.

12-14-21, 09:11
I kind of cant stand that guy. I asked a guy I met that works at Fox News DC and he said that after Trump lost, Fox cleaned house a little bit internal and external facing. Wallace was on that list but his contract was up at the end of this year and he had a golden parachute clause. They essentially pulled him from most on air interviews on Fox News unless they needed fill and were not going to renew his contract. He got the message and moved to what should have been his home all along. Good riddance.

12-14-21, 09:43
I have read cnn was recently purchased by I believe discovery. The new owner was quoted as saying something to the effect cnn had no real journalists and he intended to hire some to return cnn to what it once was.

Any one who watched the debate Wallace hosted knows he should be working for cnn anyway.

He was offered a job at cnn and it was a better deal to him than fox so he took it.

12-14-21, 10:22
He is 74, his career is behind him.

My guess is Fox was cleaning house (I see they finally dumped Donna Brazile, probably the most disliked personality on Fox, Wallace was probably second), CNN+ was best he could find, just like MSNBC was best Brian Williams could find when he got dumped.

12-14-21, 10:49
I have read cnn was recently purchased by I believe discovery. The new owner was quoted as saying something to the effect cnn had no real journalists and he intended to hire some to return cnn to what it once was.

Any one who watched the debate Wallace hosted knows he should be working for cnn anyway.

He was offered a job at cnn and it was a better deal to him than fox so he took it.

This is an accurate assessment.

12-14-21, 10:55
I've never understood why these teleprompter reading dullards command any sort of reverence.

12-14-21, 11:05
I have read cnn was recently purchased by I believe discovery. The new owner was quoted as saying something to the effect cnn had no real journalists and he intended to hire some to return cnn to what it once was.

Discovery is run by David Zaslav. He and Jeff Zucker go back decades. As long as Zucker is still at CNN, nothing is going to change:

Zaslav said he has not spoken with Zucker, but he complimented Zucker as a "hugely, hugely talented" media executive.
"He and I have to talk about what he wants to do," Zaslav said. "Hoping there will be an opportunity for Jeff to stay with us.

"for Jeff to stay with us" because Zucker announced he was leaving CNN 3 months BEFORE the merger was announced.

12-14-21, 11:51
Best comment i heard was this is the first time a rat swam towards a sinking ship.

12-14-21, 12:06
Discovery is run by David Zaslav. He and Jeff Zucker go back decades.

No wonder it has gone to shit compared to the John Hendricks era.

12-14-21, 12:18
CBS decided he didn't measure up to the commie standards of his dad?

12-14-21, 12:22
Dude is a credible journalist, and pretty much a centrist. So, yeah he's gonna voice views that are to the left of mine. That said, I find value in his strait journalistic pieces as well as his opinion pieces.

As for the CNN move? He's freaking 74! He's gonna be collecting a BIG ASS CHECK for doing some really light work on CNN's subscription streaming service. CNN is willing to pay it just to try to leverage his credibility, hoping some of it rubs off by simple association.

Bottom line is he's cashing in his chips for the best return he can get on his way out the door. Padding the trust fund for the grandkids.

12-14-21, 12:27
Hahahaha Chris wallace centered :) thats funny he is a fake a shill etc... he is a radical that is why he lies about his position and faked what he is really about etc... its just acting that IMHO is like a spy OH he is a good citizen etc...
he acts that way so many will buy into the narrative hahahahaha

Antifa are just kids standing up for their rights
Muslims are the religion of peace
You are racist by birth if you are white

Thought it was also the CNN subscription thing or CNN+ or whatever its called ? But not sure as I do not care really :)

I've got a couple of theory's.
One is they are cleaning house of the Cuomo/Lemon crew and bringing in more centerist hosts to make their brand reputal again.
Two is that Chris has been working for CNN inside Fox for sometime and now it is safe for him to move.
Three is that all of this is coincidence.

12-14-21, 17:42
My view is he is not a credible Journalist.

He’s proven his bias over and over. He is simply going to where he belongs and where his low ratings won’t matter.

12-14-21, 18:30
It could be that my frame of reference is a little dated.

Bear in mind, I haven't watched television for roughly 10 years.

12-14-21, 18:37
Good riddance- don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

Wallace is a libtard douche.

12-14-21, 18:52
I've never understood why these teleprompter reading dullards command any sort of reverence.

If they reinforce a persons personal beliefs a person will often become emotionally invested in them. If they can raise the stature of that person, they perceive that their beliefs are more significantly validated.

News readers, religious leaders, social activists, etc.

If the only people supporting and validating your beliefs are unhinged loonies on fringe websites it's hard to feel taken seriously. And that is why truthers, alien contactees and other wacky idea people are generally so defensive.

But if you have your own tv channel with media celebrities saying the things you believe...THEN suddenly opinion can become fact and you can ignore all the people who told you that you were a F'ing retard your entire life.

And the more HARDLINE your online / on air representative is...the better you feel about your beliefs. It's one of the reasons media has polarized so hard.

12-14-21, 18:53
It could be that my frame of reference is a little dated.

Bear in mind, I haven't watched television for roughly 10 years.

I softened my post as that cat just pisses me off and I let my emotions cloud my choice of words. He’s a sniveling little back stabbing weasel. You can tell simply by the way he looks and speaks.

My intent was not to call you or anyone else out for having an opinion. You are most certainly entitled to your views.

12-14-21, 19:11

No blood, no foul. All good here.

12-14-21, 19:51
I can remember when the guy reading the news was looking at a paper in one hand and smoking with the other.

12-14-21, 20:46
I can remember when the guy reading the news was looking at a paper in one hand and smoking with the other.

hahahahah yeah remember my dad watching a lot on our old Zenith wood console TV Vietnam war then brother and I would go play war in the woods

The other thing I had great memories of in the car listening with my dad was
Paul Harvey Good Day !

For sure anyone who listened to him would know its how he said it

12-15-21, 00:05
I can remember when the guy reading the news was looking at a paper in one hand and smoking with the other.

After a 3-4 martini lunch.

12-17-21, 16:37
He is in my opinion, part of the problem. He goes around like he is a real journalist and in reality he is an opinion commentator. He says the most libtard shit and pretends its backed in facts. I say F U C K him and let him go over there so no one can watch his shit