View Full Version : Army insignia now under PC review

12-17-21, 14:47
I guess we're really chasing things down the rabbit hole now:

"Now, in light of a reckoning over Confederate monuments for their racist history, the storied 29th Infantry Division patch – a yin-yang pattern with blue and grey -- is being reviewed for potential retirement by the Naming Commission, a panel stood up by Congress last year to review rebel references across the military."


just a scout
12-17-21, 15:51
These guys at DoD have shit all over my oath. They have to remove the history and honor of units and the men in them to make a new history with allegiance to the proletariat. Or the world or something.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

12-17-21, 15:58
Soon, with this bunch running the military they'll have to drum out all the white people because they're rascists. Leftism is evil.

12-17-21, 16:17
There's a lot of Vietnam War photos that are going to render the renaming board simply apoplectic :D


12-17-21, 18:50
The 29th was the most bloodied and most decorated during D-Day. Talk about cutting off your head to spite your nose.

12-17-21, 18:58
If you look hard enough, you can find grounds for offense in even as simple a thing as "Good Morning."

Sadly, this is what happens when your culture devolves to a bunch of Butthurt Little Bitches and Snowflake Sissies who think Competitive Outrage is the national sport...

12-17-21, 19:08
Liberalism is a disease

12-17-21, 19:15
The Army Chief of Staff has formally requested President Sleepy to order all Army units to wear the 42nd Infantry Division patch.

While he was relating how they fought in the battle of the buldge, the VP shared tales of some memorable buldges she battled during her political career.


12-17-21, 19:25
Liberalism is a disease


Interesting read on the ties between Leftism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder in particular...

Remember – There is an argument to be made that President Obama himself is a narcissistic sociopath.

The Mayo Clinic defines NPD as “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration.” This seems in tune with the fact that liberals – along with their degenerate offspring asking for “safe spaces” and hiding from chalk – believe their policies and platforms fall in the majority – or the 99% if you will – despite being outnumbered by conservatives in 47 of 50 states.

There are other symptoms that define NPD and the left alike…

12-17-21, 20:02
The 29th was the most bloodied and most decorated during D-Day. Talk about cutting off your head to spite your nose.

Not only that, the blue / grey insignia, is one of unification and restoration. It should be the last one anyone should scrap.

12-17-21, 20:04
Looks like a subdued yin yang symbol to me.

12-17-21, 20:06
Not to mention that the monad or yin-yang symbol is representative of balance, and that there is potential for evil within good and potential for good within evil. This cannot be allowed because it directly challenges Leftist dogma of "everything we do is right and good no matter how extreme, everyone not of The Cause is wrong and evil no matter what good they may have done."

12-17-21, 20:31
Soon, with this bunch running the military they'll have to drum out all the white people because they're rascists. Leftism is evil.

And then they’ll complain that minorities are doing all the fighting and dying.

12-17-21, 21:20
Looks like a subdued yin yang symbol to me.

Yes, but the blue and grey represent both the union and confederate. The entire point of the insignia is reunification. Christ we might as well shitcan the US flag because the confederate flag also had stars and similar colors.

12-18-21, 08:41
Yes, but the blue and grey represent both the union and confederate. The entire point of the insignia is reunification. Christ we might as well shitcan the US flag because the confederate flag also had stars and similar colors.

I mean, we've already started to see people advocate or do similar.


12-18-21, 09:20
Well, then there is the Ying-Yang, polar duality thing.

good/evil, light/dark, male/female,...

Can't have THAT! Too judgy, too limiting,...

12-18-21, 10:36
I guess we're really chasing things down the rabbit hole now:

"Now, in light of a reckoning over Confederate monuments for their racist history, the storied 29th Infantry Division patch – a yin-yang pattern with blue and grey -- is being reviewed for potential retirement by the Naming Commission, a panel stood up by Congress last year to review rebel references across the military."


It matters not. After these “vaccines” do their work….there will be no US military.

Welcome to the CCP comrades.

12-18-21, 19:14
I mean, we've already started to see people advocate or do similar.


Well Macy Gray can FRO.

This is the only replacement I'd accept. Because you know...unity.


12-19-21, 02:01
66998Currently the Division is deployed overseas. I had To go buy one to wear while I’m here. Mine was awarded while deployed as a combat advisor to the Iraqi CTS in Mosul.

12-19-21, 08:15
Yes, but the blue and grey represent both the union and confederate. The entire point of the insignia is reunification. Christ we might as well shitcan the US flag because the confederate flag also had stars and similar colors.

You have to realize that an entire book was written showing how the focus on reunification and glorifying the actions of insurgent rebels that enslaved millions and directly caused the death of hundreds of thousands more while fighting to preserve the right of states to determine for themselves whether to continue enslaving more indefinitely to an indefinite number actually deferred needed focus on correcting the ills of slavery for the sake of white people feeling better.

(Race and Reunion by David Blight)

Everything I wrote above is true, though I don’t think it is always helpful to view things that way. From that perspective, any focus on the glorious endeavor of the South should be thrown to the dustbin.

12-20-21, 09:30
66998Currently the Division is deployed overseas. I had To go buy one to wear while I’m here. Mine was awarded while deployed as a combat advisor to the Iraqi CTS in Mosul.

You should wear it no matter what those dumb (deleted) say. You sure as **** earned it brother.

12-20-21, 13:18
Why not get rid of the black/red anarchist antifa colors ?

12-20-21, 13:31
And how 'bout those Red Stars on Aggressor fighter trainers? Those symbols of Commie genocide, tyranny and all-around shitstainery really trigger me, man...

12-20-21, 17:32
And how 'bout those Red Stars on Aggressor fighter trainers? Those symbols of Commie genocide, tyranny and all-around shitstainery really trigger me, man...

I got to work with the 65th Aggressor Squadron years ago, when they were flying F-15s, and one of their dudes gave me a zap that I kept on my work clipboard for years. About once every 6 months someone would see it and ask my why I was supporting communism...some more angry than others.

12-20-21, 17:35
I got to work with the 65th Aggressor Squadron years ago, when they were flying F-15s, and one of their dudes gave me a zap that I kept on my work clipboard for years. About once every 6 months someone would see it and ask my why I was supporting communism...some more angry than others.

Good on you and I respect the hell out of those guys trying to whip the rookies into shape, just trying to hoist Lefties by their own petard. Granted, it's a REALLY quick way of showing "hey these are the OPFOR smoke 'em"...

12-20-21, 18:22
Well colors are racist, so they'll have to ban all of them, just make everything white.

Oh wait.......

12-20-21, 22:57
This has reached a staggering level of stupid and I can smell the civillian all over a dumbass decison like this.
I have a real good suggestion, leave shit like this to the Army.

12-20-21, 23:35
This has reached a staggering level of stupid and I can smell the civillian all over a dumbass decison like this.
I have a real good suggestion, leave shit like this to the Army.

I have a better one for the clowns behind this: "Administer each other pineapple suppositories, then pull each other's pins."