View Full Version : Thread Drifter. Any topic goes. Clear your mind.

12-18-21, 23:50
I will monitor this for an hour and respond promptly. Get it off your chest, just chat or anything else.

Edit- No longer a Live thread. It is now a General Discussion inside of General Discussion thread. Think of it like that Inception movie. The only non-topic thread you'll find.

Drift it, tell us about your daisies, find encouragement or just file a complaint.

12-19-21, 00:45
"We were somewhere outside Barstow, on the edge of the desert.....when the drugs began to take hold...."

12-19-21, 00:46
It's a dangerous time. Fire indiscriminately.

12-19-21, 02:34
Listen, you ****ers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.

12-19-21, 07:30
Yeah I know I missed your hour.

Right now at my home, my mind is clear. Woke up beside my loving wife. I look out on the countyside. The bald eagles are wintering here in a cottonwood tree. The deer are nibbling grass under the snow before bedding down in a copse of trees. I'm enjoying my first cup of coffee. Everything is right with the world in my little piece of it. It is a fine, beautiful Sunday morning.

The world may be going insane elsewhere. But right here, right now it is good. This keeps me sane. I hope you all have your own version of this this morning, if only for a few minutes.

12-19-21, 10:09
ridiculous pricing in the EE

great board, mods do a good job and far better than arfcom!

12-19-21, 18:42
ridiculous pricing in the Everywhere on the internet.

Fixed it for you. Our EE could probably benefit from a "Heads Up / Steals and Deals" thread.

12-19-21, 19:20
Fixed it for you. Our EE could probably benefit from a "Heads Up / Steals and Deals" thread.

You mean like the good deals thread in Stickman's section? Or specifically in the EE?

12-19-21, 19:57
Fixed it for you. Our EE could probably benefit from a "Heads Up / Steals and Deals" thread.

true but some of the asks on the EE are borderline retarded. Of course you just pass it by but have to ask 'what are people really thinkng' at times lol

12-19-21, 21:51
You mean like the good deals thread in Stickman's section? Or specifically in the EE?

I mean in the EE. So if I see a great deal on a rifle, and I don't mean a "one of" like a GB auction, I fly a link. If someone has ammo (and I mean good stuff) or mags at a great price, we fly a link.

12-19-21, 21:58
true but some of the asks on the EE are borderline retarded. Of course you just pass it by but have to ask 'what are people really thinkng' at times lol

So what you are seeing a little bit is people who are "willing" to sell but don't "need" to sell. If I have some "sorta rare / very specific" whatever and I'm willing to part with it to fund some other want and need, I'm gonna try and get complete and full value and if it doesn't sell...I'm willing to keep it rather than come down on price. Maybe it never sells and if I'm ok with that...then that is the price I'm asking.

Obviously there are always gonna be some people who bought a ton of 6920s with the expectation that the Biden election would make them worth $5k each and that didn't happen and again the market dictates the price. If they are firm at $5k then they are probably gonna own those 6920s for a long, long time.

GB is now IMO 99.999% ridiculously overpriced everything, but they can ask for any price they want. I just don't buy it, maybe someone will...maybe someone won't. That's the free market.

Right now there is a LOT of product on the secondary market and with wholesalers getting resupplied, those people are gonna need to make decisions about how much they are willing to accept vs. how much they are willing to own that stuff forever. Everyone is trying to buy low, sell high.

12-20-21, 00:05
My only EE complaint is the bumping of sold items. Edit the original to show as such. Don't post a new reply with the 'SOLD!' crap.

12-20-21, 00:33
Yeah I know I missed your hour.

Right now at my home, my mind is clear. Woke up beside my loving wife. I look out on the countyside. The bald eagles are wintering here in a cottonwood tree. The deer are nibbling grass under the snow before bedding down in a copse of trees. I'm enjoying my first cup of coffee. Everything is right with the world in my little piece of it. It is a fine, beautiful Sunday morning.

The world may be going insane elsewhere. But right here, right now it is good. This keeps me sane. I hope you all have your own version of this this morning, if only for a few minutes.

Time. The most abundant element in the universe that is given to us in a consumable and non-replaceable state. Moments like the one you shared make time momentarily stand still as if time itself is allowing us to cherish it.

12-20-21, 00:35
ridiculous pricing in the EE

great board, mods do a good job and far better than arfcom!


12-20-21, 07:37
I mean in the EE. So if I see a great deal on a rifle, and I don't mean a "one of" like a GB auction, I fly a link. If someone has ammo (and I mean good stuff) or mags at a great price, we fly a link.

Good idea

What is stickmans thread he mentioned

12-20-21, 07:42
Good idea

What is stickmans thread he mentionedhttps://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?200439-The-GOOD-DEALs-and-INTERESTING-find-thread!

It's a place to post if you find want you find to be a good deal. Doesn't have to be firearms specific but mostly is.

Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk

12-20-21, 08:45
I think we need less drivers aids in cars and more focus on drivers education and enforcement. I also think that when a city puts in a round about and no one has been trained on how to use a round about, the city should be liable for all accidents at said round about, thanks for listening

12-20-21, 09:18
I mean in the EE. So if I see a great deal on a rifle, and I don't mean a "one of" like a GB auction, I fly a link. If someone has ammo (and I mean good stuff) or mags at a great price, we fly a link.

"Fly" a link.....

I've always said "post" a link, I'm strongly considering adding this "fly" to my vernacular......

12-20-21, 11:05
I think we need less drivers aids in cars and more focus on drivers education and enforcement. I also think that when a city puts in a round about and no one has been trained on how to use a round about, the city should be liable for all accidents at said round about, thanks for listening

NHTSA needs to do a study on how much lane drift avoidance (AKA drunk driving assist) and touch screens bigger than an iPad effect drivers. With fewer drivers on the road we are out pacing fatal accidents each year over the past two. Speed and lack of seat belts are listed as the primary reasons but it's gotta be more than those two things.

Never thought I'd see a day I wanted traffic cops back on the road but it is crazy out there.

12-20-21, 11:16
NHTSA needs to do a study on how much lane drift avoidance (AKA drunk driving assist) and touch screens bigger than an iPad effect drivers. With fewer drivers on the road we are out pacing fatal accidents each year over the past two. Speed and lack of seat belts are listed as the primary reasons but it's gotta be more than those two things.

Never thought I'd see a day I wanted traffic cops back on the road but it is crazy out there.

The amount of people I see looking down at their phones while driving is astounding, I really think that technology is such a gift, but like everything, it needs to be practiced in moderation

12-20-21, 12:50
I also think that when a city puts in a round about and no one has been trained on how to use a round about, the city should be liable for all accidents at said round about, thanks for listening

Why not make the idiots who came up with the idea stand out there with an orange vest and direct traffic?

Wait until some genius in your city discovers the “diverging diamond”…

12-20-21, 12:57
Wait until some genius in your city discovers the “diverging diamond”…

We actually have 2 of these already so you can understand my frustration

12-20-21, 14:36
The city here spent good money tearing up a functional 4 way stop. Spent gobs more installing a two lane round-a-about. Crashes, confusion and mayhem quickly evolved. All that money and now one lane has been shutdown for over a year because....safety.

12-20-21, 15:05
Waiting for gun manufacturers and owners to sue Hollywood for the promotion of gun violence for profit.

12-20-21, 15:53
I like roundabouts. They eliminate waiting at lights, ease merging into an artery from a feeder, and keep people from coming to a complete stop blocking traffic to make a left.

12-20-21, 20:51
I feel that those of us that are uncooperative are closer to being “taken care of” than most will admit.

It said anything goes. Well that’s just where I feel this is all headed.

12-20-21, 21:46
I’m not ok with death.

Honestly at this point none of this shit makes sense. I don’t believe the vast of majority of who we call evil will face eternal damnation. I think of lot of evil is because of misguided upbringings (ie: children/students of terrorist) or chemical imbalances or things like brain tumors (ie Texas tower shooter.) assuming there is an afterlife, I don’t believe you will remember your earthly life as it would perpetuate inequality found on earth (assuming there is equality in heaven). If there is no afterlife, nothing matters because the heat death of the universe will kill all of humanity. Therefore I’ve taken a nihilist position. It’s really sucking the motivation from me. I’m not really depressed, just overwhelmed by the fact nothing matters.

12-20-21, 21:49
I like roundabouts. They eliminate waiting at lights, ease merging into an artery from a feeder, and keep people from coming to a complete stop blocking traffic to make a left.

Yep. I even love them despite the fact I drive a commercial truck.

12-20-21, 22:31
Yep. I even love them despite the fact I drive a commercial truck.

They'd be better if cities didn't feel the need to fill them with landscaping to the point you can't see the traffic flow. In Australia I found them easy to navigate and fairly effortless. Here I find that they are often too tightly radiused, often have poor visibility, and virtually no one signals properly in them.

12-20-21, 22:53
The city here spent good money tearing up a functional 4 way stop. Spent gobs more installing a two lane round-a-about. Crashes, confusion and mayhem quickly evolved. All that money and now one lane has been shutdown for over a year because....safety.

My City did that. Despite some inital hilarious incidents, including someone sitting there in confusion until a Cop tapped on the window and helping her figure it out. Then there was the old guy who just drove right over the landscaping narrowly missing a flag pole.
I actually like it, but I lived in Europe for a decade and had a bit of an advantage when it was installed.
Keeps traffic flowing well.

12-21-21, 01:39
I’m not ok with death.

Honestly at this point none of this shit makes sense. I don’t believe the vast of majority of who we call evil will face eternal damnation. I think of lot of evil is because of misguided upbringings (ie: children/students of terrorist) or chemical imbalances or things like brain tumors (ie Texas tower shooter.) assuming there is an afterlife, I don’t believe you will remember your earthly life as it would perpetuate inequality found on earth (assuming there is equality in heaven). If there is no afterlife, nothing matters because the heat death of the universe will kill all of humanity. Therefore I’ve taken a nihilist position. It’s really sucking the motivation from me. I’m not really depressed, just overwhelmed by the fact nothing matters.

Try existentialism. Sure it may all be a big nothing, but might as well enjoy your time that you have for whatever reason we exist.

Life may have no meaning, so we give it a meaning. Decide what is important and live your life accordingly. Decide what values you respect and then BE that person to the best of your ability. Sometimes I am a f'ing island and one that many people don't understand...it doesn't matter...it only matters that I understand and do my best.

I do it for ME, to make MY existence tolerable because life is already hard enough. Anything you love you will eventually lose or they will lose you. You can't win, so just enjoy the ones you love and do your best. That's it. That's the entire secret of the universe.

Nihilism is for sucks who aren't trying hard enough. Go sit in a park, breath the air...look at life. There are literally thousands of people everywhere who would give everything to just do that one more time for just one more day.

Right now somebody is in a pediatric cancer ward working on getting their kid to acceptance of fate at an age where they can't even really understand it...and your life is too much to get a handle on? Go volunteer at some of those places then get back to me.

And it really might be that there is no afterlife, no divine justice. It really might be that millions of children were marched into gas chambers for nothing they did wrong and guys like Mengele lived full lives without being held accountable. It's f'ed up. But so is the fact that children are born with fatal diseases, die in childbirth or soon after and sometimes kill their mother in the process. Life isn't fair and depending where and when you were born, it can feel like the entire universe has conspired to make your life horrible.

But if you live in the country, if you have food, clothing and shelter and expect to have the same next year and everything is doom and gloom then you really need to reevaluate. Somebody will always have more, live a better life, eat better food, have a better job, send their kids to better schools and all of that. Why anyone who is doing their best with the means at their disposal would actually care is beyond me.

Sometimes a Coke and a smile is all you get that day. Learn to enjoy a Coke and a smile.

12-21-21, 03:27
Waiting for gun manufacturers and owners to sue Hollywood for the promotion of gun violence for profit.

I've always enjoyed how blaming video games for promotion of violence was the go to. Meanwhile the movie rating system (and prime time TV shows) go further and further.

I feel that those of us that are uncooperative are closer to being “taken care of” than most will admit.

It said anything goes. Well that’s just where I feel this is all headed.

You feel that way because history proves you will one day be correct. Power and control ultimately corrupts.

Try existentialism. Sure it may all be a big nothing, but might as well enjoy your time that you have for whatever reason.........snip......
Sometimes a Coke and a smile is all you get that day. Learn to enjoy a Coke and a smile.

Well said. It truly is the simple things.

The only reason good times are pleasant is because of the bad times. Without one, or the other, we would know no different.

12-24-21, 22:51
Dolphins got confirmed (but not credited) kills in Vietnam. There's your fun fact for the evening.

12-24-21, 23:00
Dolphins got confirmed (but not credited) kills in Vietnam. There's your fun fact for the evening.



12-24-21, 23:12


Ones the dolphins didn't get got wrecked by sonar.

12-25-21, 00:19
Ones the dolphins didn't get got wrecked by sonar.

Interesting in any case. The things we've done never cease to amaze me.

12-25-21, 02:30
How many confirmed kills did John Denver have in Vietnam?

12-25-21, 04:12
How many confirmed kills did John Denver have in Vietnam?

From playing his music? I know it's not as many as Barry Manilow, but it's still got to be up there.

12-27-21, 23:17
They'd be better if cities didn't feel the need to fill them with landscaping to the point you can't see the traffic flow. In Australia I found them easy to navigate and fairly effortless. Here I find that they are often too tightly radiused, often have poor visibility, and virtually no one signals properly in them.


And if I want to have fun driving through one I have to let a HUGE gap grow in front of me because poor drivers can barely navigate through them at 10 mph. (the elderly are forgiven)

12-27-21, 23:19
Try existentialism. Sure it may all be a big nothing, but might as well enjoy your time that you have for whatever reason we exist.

Life may have no meaning, so we give it a meaning. Decide what is important and live your life accordingly. Decide what values you respect and then BE that person to the best of your ability. Sometimes I am a f'ing island and one that many people don't understand...it doesn't matter...it only matters that I understand and do my best.

I do it for ME, to make MY existence tolerable because life is already hard enough. Anything you love you will eventually lose or they will lose you. You can't win, so just enjoy the ones you love and do your best. That's it. That's the entire secret of the universe.

Nihilism is for sucks who aren't trying hard enough. Go sit in a park, breath the air...look at life. There are literally thousands of people everywhere who would give everything to just do that one more time for just one more day.

Right now somebody is in a pediatric cancer ward working on getting their kid to acceptance of fate at an age where they can't even really understand it...and your life is too much to get a handle on? Go volunteer at some of those places then get back to me.

And it really might be that there is no afterlife, no divine justice. It really might be that millions of children were marched into gas chambers for nothing they did wrong and guys like Mengele lived full lives without being held accountable. It's f'ed up. But so is the fact that children are born with fatal diseases, die in childbirth or soon after and sometimes kill their mother in the process. Life isn't fair and depending where and when you were born, it can feel like the entire universe has conspired to make your life horrible.

But if you live in the country, if you have food, clothing and shelter and expect to have the same next year and everything is doom and gloom then you really need to reevaluate. Somebody will always have more, live a better life, eat better food, have a better job, send their kids to better schools and all of that. Why anyone who is doing their best with the means at their disposal would actually care is beyond me.

Sometimes a Coke and a smile is all you get that day. Learn to enjoy a Coke and a smile.

Very good.

I wonder if souls are recycled in some way. Nature recycles pretty much everything else. (or actually EVERYTHING else?)

12-28-21, 01:12

Sometimes a Coke and a smile is all you get that day. Learn to enjoy a Coke and a smile.
As the saying goes, "Eat, Drink, and be merry,for tomorrow you die."

12-28-21, 04:06
You know what I think?

I think when Brits hear Black Sabbath's "Sweet Leaf" they think it's a song about tea.

12-28-21, 09:14
I am sick of government overreach. Sick of the taxes, We killed for a lot less taxes back in the day.

12-28-21, 18:40
I am sick of government overreach. Sick of the taxes, We killed for a lot less taxes back in the day.

We have so much more shit to lose than we did back in the day.

If we still lived in cabins, if 3 out of 6 children still died before the age of 4. If we still had to chop our own wood, shoot or grow our own food and keep bears out of our supply shed we'd be shooting people all the damn time over rules, regs and taxes.

But give somebody a 5/2 home with heat and ac, 2 to 3 moderately nice vehicles, 2 or more kids in school a job in an office with no heavy lifting and a dog and a cat and people are more willing to try and work the system than burn it all down.

That's why the only people protesting are professional vagabonds who own nothing but the tactical kilt and parka they are wearing as they caravan from town to town getting fb hits.

12-28-21, 19:10
I’m going to drift this with the news of John Maddens passing. What a legend! A larger than life and lovable man. I hope he’s enjoying a six legged turduken at the super bowl in the sky.

12-29-21, 01:21
I miss not being the old guy at the bar.

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