View Full Version : Biden dumps rescue dog.

12-21-21, 09:05
So apparently Biden is dumping Major and getting a new GSD. I guess Major bites people and shits in the house.

Does that mean we can dump Joe and get a new President? Citing the same reasons.

12-21-21, 12:48
I hope it bites him in the ass on his way to the pound.

12-21-21, 12:59
So I guess you can take the dog out of the hood but can't take the hood out of the dog.

Seriously for all of the money they are throwing around one would think they could hire a dog whisperer. What will the ASPCA think about this?

12-21-21, 13:08
So I guess you can take the dog out of the hood but can't take the hood out of the dog.

Seriously for all of the money they are throwing around one would think they could hire a dog whisperer. What will the ASPCA think about this?

A dog whisperer would tell him it's the owner's fault the dog misbehaves, not the dog. You have to exert dominance and leadership over a strong breed like the GSD. After watching how weak Brandon is with Xi and Putin, there's not a chance he'll ever bring a GSD to heel.

12-21-21, 15:48
The dog is obviously a true patriot and hates his commie owner.

12-21-21, 16:26
And Joe will be telling stories about how he went all Hand to Hand with a werewolf next week.

12-21-21, 17:44
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their dog. That he would ditch a rescue dog speaks volumes.

12-21-21, 18:32
Ain't that the truth, he will probably have it put down.

12-21-21, 20:36
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their dog. That he would ditch a rescue dog speaks volumes.

When I first saw Major on the news I immediately thought they only got that type of dog for photo op purposes. Typical Dem response too, cast it aside when no longer needed/wanted just like everything else in Washington. David

12-21-21, 22:30
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their dog. That he would ditch a rescue dog speaks volumes.

You have obviously never had a 'special' rescue dog. One that shows you WHY the previous owners got rid of it...

12-22-21, 00:02
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their dog. That he would ditch a rescue dog speaks volumes.
Missed that withdrawal from Afghanistan did we?

12-22-21, 00:57
You have obviously never had a 'special' rescue dog. One that shows you WHY the previous owners got rid of it...

I think with an entire white house staff at my disposal I could have managed cujo. Any dog that is made available for adoption has already passed many temperament tests otherwise they get a date with a needle. If dog is headed to the white house, it likely passes additional tests.

I think the problem is major wasn't adopted by a family that wanted to share quality of life so much as the fact that he was a photo op / feelz story who was probably repeatedly subjected to media frenzies and didn't even know who his owner actually was. I doubt the same person even walked the dog each night which is going to confuse and disorient even a family dog much less a recent rescue.

Biden should have simply assigned major a "handler" since it wasn't actually a family dog. I already feel sorry for the GSD puppy, and what kind of insecure jackass names a dog "Commander"?!? That's the kind of name a 8 year old kid gives a dog.

12-22-21, 00:58
Missed that withdrawal from Afghanistan did we?

Just another glaring "Bridge Out" sign on the road we are driving on.

12-22-21, 01:12
So apparently Biden is dumping Major and getting a new GSD. I guess Major bites people and shits in the house.

Does that mean we can dump Joe and get a new President? Citing the same reasons.

Should make Kamala a little nervous, she keeps sh!tting the bed…

12-22-21, 08:29
You have obviously never had a 'special' rescue dog. One that shows you WHY the previous owners got rid of it...

True that. I have had 2 of those (past 2 dobes). I was the 4th home for the female and she was just a year and a half (she has passed now). Her last home before me was a vet...lol. She was high strung. Had to calm her down a bunch. My current female dobe at the time definitely helped show her the ropes on how it should be although it took a short stint of using a shock collar. In the end...great dog...miss both of those females.

My male, I still have, but he was a handful too in the beginning. Got him at 11 months. Growled when disciplined. The steely eyed, you know they mean business scary growl. Was luckily "warned" once with a snap near my face. Could have took my face off if that was his intention because I was stupid and wasn't ready for it. Live and learn. He is great now. He is my shadow. He is the most dedicated watch/guard dog I have owned and I have no doubt he would go at someone to protect me. He has his quirks, but they all do.

If that GSD was never shown who the pack leader is and where to belong with some security, then he became it and was surviving the way dogs survive. Insecure and fearful owners = insecure and fearful dogs.

12-22-21, 09:52
The dog is obviously a true patriot and hates his commie owner.

I'm pretty sure the dog dumped Brandon!

12-22-21, 09:59
I'm pretty sure the dog dumped Brandon!

After he bit Biden he had to lick his Butt for 30 minutes to get that taste out of his mouth.