View Full Version : More anti gun zeal, this time it's slipped into violence against women act

12-21-21, 14:17
I think I have the section numbers right but here's more attempts to strip away your right to own a firearm in newest "update" for 2022 violence against women act: 102 federal grants to fund firearm seizures, red flag laws that don't require the burden of proof to be on the prosecutor's side; then 802? Expanded red flag laws and misdemeanor gun ban. Section 1201/1202 Funds to prosecute anyone who fails a NICS check, even if it's a mistake. 1203 special appointments and deputations to prosecute new gun controls. More ATF type jackboots.

Go to GOA site to sign email to your politicians, super easy, just go here https://www.gunowners.org/category/national-alerts/ and look for the"GOP Cut Deal to enact the Biden Gun Control Agenda"

12-21-21, 15:44