View Full Version : Only in Cali...

12-25-21, 17:56

Robbing Rite Aid with a pick axe...

Sure hope they checked her vax status before letting her in there without a mask.

Straight Shooter
12-25-21, 21:04
Sow. Reap.

12-26-21, 02:37
Sow. Reap.

Hard soil if you need that to sow.....

12-26-21, 08:26
My Mama warned me about gold diggers, but I completely misunderstood her.


12-26-21, 09:15
Yeah, California, especially LA, doesn't have a mental disorder problem. No sir-ee. Everything is fine. Just peachy infact.

12-26-21, 12:13
Meh, 20 years ago a cousin robbed a liquor store in WV with a bow. Plan fell apart when he had to release the draw to take the money.

That's when the shotgun came out from under the counter.

Rite-Aid just needs to tool up in L.A. like liquor stores in WV.

12-26-21, 12:17
I used to work at the Hollywood California Army Recruiting Station.
Oh the fruits and nuts. The most challenging assignment of my career in many ways.
There was a really fat lady in the neighborhood who wore a trash bag. Now that being odd as hell and everything, well She weighed in at about 320 and might have been 5 feet tall.
So the trick was all in the timing, once your ash tray was full of change you cruised the strip looking for her, once found her you tried to pull up and park 20 yards from your target area, preferrably in the close proximity to several families of tourists.
Your target area being established your door gunner runs out and dumps the change.
And here comes the bag lady..Now when she bends over the trash bag rides up above her waist, actually just under her tits and all her lady parts are exposed. It might take her three or four minutes to pick all of those nickles and dimes, so there was some exposure time here.

The absolute pennacle of this entire operation is to have lunch in the car with you when all of the above pieces fall in to place, you had to adjust your timing a bit though.
Fat Burger !

12-26-21, 16:00
I used to work at the Hollywood California Army Recruiting Station.
Oh the fruits and nuts. The most challenging assignment of my career in many ways.
There was a really fat lady in the neighborhood who wore a trash bag. Now that being odd as hell and everything, well She weighed in at about 320 and might have been 5 feet tall.
So the trick was all in the timing, once your ash tray was full of change you cruised the strip looking for her, once found her you tried to pull up and park 20 yards from your target area, preferrably in the close proximity to several families of tourists.
Your target area being established your door gunner runs out and dumps the change.
And here comes the bag lady..Now when she bends over the trash bag rides up above her waist, actually just under her tits and all her lady parts are exposed. It might take her three or four minutes to pick all of those nickles and dimes, so there was some exposure time here.

The absolute pennacle of this entire operation is to have lunch in the car with you when all of the above pieces fall in to place, you had to adjust your timing a bit though.
Fat Burger !

I debated in my mind whether I would say anything about this post especially after being viciously set upon in my "Christmas" post. But this deserves a short responds, and whatever happens to me is now of no concern to me. To not say something is to be a coward. I find no pleasure in what I'm about to say to you, I have written to you here directly and always considered you to be reasonable and thinking person. But this post is one of the most depressing and shameful posts I have seen here lately. And you related this story publicly.

Would it have not have been better, MUCH better to have shown empathy and compassion on not only the families that had to witness this, but especially the woman to whom you tried to set up to be degraded even worst than she already was. Would it have not been MUCH better to have taken the meager money you put together to degrade her and bought her some clothes at the local Goodwill. Please think about what you wrote here.

12-26-21, 16:23
I used to work at the Hollywood California Army Recruiting Station.
Oh the fruits and nuts. The most challenging assignment of my career in many ways.
There was a really fat lady in the neighborhood who wore a trash bag. Now that being odd as hell and everything, well She weighed in at about 320 and might have been 5 feet tall.
So the trick was all in the timing, once your ash tray was full of change you cruised the strip looking for her, once found her you tried to pull up and park 20 yards from your target area, preferrably in the close proximity to several families of tourists.
Your target area being established your door gunner runs out and dumps the change.
And here comes the bag lady..Now when she bends over the trash bag rides up above her waist, actually just under her tits and all her lady parts are exposed. It might take her three or four minutes to pick all of those nickles and dimes, so there was some exposure time here.

The absolute pennacle of this entire operation is to have lunch in the car with you when all of the above pieces fall in to place, you had to adjust your timing a bit though.
Fat Burger !Dude, that' messed up.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

12-26-21, 18:20
Dude, that' messed up.

I was pretty F'ed up at the time. The Army sent me my notice that I was going to be a recruiter six weeks after I came home from Combat.
The LA riots caused you to have to drive from LA to San Diego Mepps to put in a recruit. The LA public school system means one in four will pass the ASVAB, but you'll always have to run a background check for arrests and that will pick off one or two along the month.
The day I got home from recruiting school, my ex wife tried to (No Shit) shoot me and I couldn't get my reporting date delayed (No Shit) to get divorced. So I drag her out to California anyway.

So if I was going to feel sorry for someone at that point in my life, it wasn't going to some crazy lady wearing a Hefty Bag.

12-26-21, 20:09
Would it have not been MUCH better to have taken the meager money you put together to degrade her and bought her some clothes at the local Goodwill. Please think about what you wrote here.

If the cow had the money for the FOOD to grow herself that obese - She had money for clothes.

No different than a drunk spending all their money on booze...

12-26-21, 20:15
If the cow had the money for the FOOD to grow herself that obese - She had money for clothes.

No different than a drunk spending all their money on booze...

I'm glad and thankful for the grace and mercy I received when I was a drunk and had no hope. The amazing thing about mercy is that it is never deserved. Hope you never fall on hard times, but if you do, it's also my hope that you find mercy and help.

12-26-21, 22:38
I know there have been times I could have treated people better in my life, but you cannot change the past and no one forced that lady to run around in a hefty bag. The sad fact is that there are people you simply cannot help.


12-26-21, 22:50
I know there have been times I could have treated people better in my life, but you cannot change the past and no one forced that lady to run around in a hefty bag. The sad fact is that there are people you simply cannot help.


I agree, and I'm glad that Averageman explained his situation at the time. Extending grace and mercy is a lot of time a reflection on who we are rather than a reflection on who the recipient is. I just don't see the goodness in making people down and out even more miserable than they already are. But for the grace of God go I.

12-26-21, 23:11
I agree, and I'm glad that Averageman explained his situation at the time. Extending grace and mercy is a lot of time a reflection on who we are rather than a reflection on who the recipient is. I just don't see the goodness in making people down and out even more miserable than they already are. But for the grace of God go I.

Sometimes I think grace and mercy are like wisdom - gained with age.

I do know that I look more fondly back at the memory of stopping to help a stranger change a tire in the middle of the night on a Texas backroad than I do other moments of my life, but I have to own everything I have done.

And for what its worth, a tour as an Army recruiter excuses a lot of things to me.


12-26-21, 23:57
And for what its worth, a tour as an Army recruiter excuses a lot of things to me.Andy
It had little to do with recruiting and everything to do with some other things I was dealing with.
Honestly, someone throwing a net over my head and locking me in a rubber room would have been highly justified.

The Lady in the trash bag dress was one of my better moments at the time.

12-27-21, 00:21
California: The land of fruits and nuts.

12-27-21, 08:57
Yea...we all have done stupid and/or cruel sh*t that we aren't proud of at one time or another. You live, and hopefully you learn and get better.

I know a guy (not me) who used to throw penny rolls at homeless people from a moving vehicle.

In Orlando at the Lynx bus stops, there is a woman that gets caught on video all the time scratching away at her no-no zone and taking a dump. Nasty stuff.

12-27-21, 22:27
I know there have been times I could have treated people better in my life, but you cannot change the past and no one forced that lady to run around in a hefty bag. The sad fact is that there are people you simply cannot help.


Sometimes shaming people like that IS the best way to help them.

A handout only goes so far but if they are shamed enough it 'might' help them see the error of their choices.

Example: Was on a jobsite one day and there was one guy on our crew that was well known to be a crackhead. His check was usually always smoked up before making it to the middle of the week. He 'might' have some money for his lunch on Monday but past that - He was going hungry. He had the money on Friday but he CHOSE to spend it on dope instead of food for the week so...

He leaves for lunch one day in the middle of the week and comes back soon after with a huge bag of groceries. Boss man was surprised to see him with anything knowing how this guy was and asks him where he found the money for all of that and the guy starts laughing and said he just walked to the church across the street from the neighborhood we were working in and told them he was homeless and hungry - They hooked him up.

Boss man did NOT take to kindly to that and gave him a little bit of a 'tune up'. After the tune up he escorted his ass back to the church across the street and made the guy confess about how he had lied to them and how he had smoked all his money instead of putting some back for his lunches for the week, as well as the fact that he lied about being homeless and all of that other crap he told them...

As the boss man was kicking his ass he was 'explaining' to him how there were people out there that were down on their luck that church could have actually helped. People that did not even have a job, People that really did not have any place to call 'home', People that did not CHOOSE to spend their money on dope instead of food, People that the church could not help now because his dumb ass went over there telling lies so he could get that food instead of them...

Aside of me there were at least 3 other guys sitting around eating our lunches while boss man beat that guys ass and did all of that 'explaining' to him. Not a single guy said crap or even thought about trying to help the guy getting his ass whipped. Why not?

He earned that ass whipping and deserved every bit of it.

That guy made good money. He had a place to sleep at night and was definitely not 'homeless'. He was hungry because he CHOSE to spend what he did on dope instead of food. When you try to 'help' a guy like that by giving them food you are not really 'helping' them. Instead you are training them that they can indeed spend all of their money on dope because someone else will be there to help them out with their food (and cigarettes, and gas money 'so they can make it home', and on and on and on).