View Full Version : The Way Out

12-29-21, 08:22
I found this thought provoking and worth the read. - No affiliation other than I try to send them money once in a while as I find their values worthy of supporting.

The Way Out (https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/the-way-out/)

A couple of examples from the text.

Here are two questions pertinent to our times:
(1) How would you reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time? and
(2) How would you stop that from happening? The answer to the first question has been provided in these last two disastrous years.
The answer to the second has begun to emerge in recent months. Both are worthy of study.

The problem with this kind of thinking was pointed out by a young Winston Churchill in a letter to the writer H.G. Wells in 1901. Churchill wrote:

Nothing would be more fatal than for the government of states to get into the hands of the experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge: and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows only what hurts is a safer guide, than any vigorous direction of a specialised character. Why should you assume that all except doctors, engineers, etc. are drones or worse? . . . If the Ruler is to be an expert in anything he should be an expert in everything; and that is plainly impossible.

These facts about nature were well known during the American Revolution, the very Revolution that is besmirched by the members of our ruling class today, just as it was besmirched by the ruling class at the time of the Revolution. It was the interference with the colonists’ natural rights by that former ruling class that led to the American Revolution. These recent stories from Michigan and Virginia show that we Americans do not seem to like that interference any better today.

12-30-21, 11:35
That was a good read.

One of the few bright spots on Youtube is the Hillsdale College Channel. They have quiet a few speakers on a variety of subjects. I always click the "like" button for them.

12-30-21, 19:28
I found this thought provoking and worth the read. - No affiliation other than I try to send them money once in a while as I find their values worthy of supporting.

The Way Out (https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/the-way-out/)

A couple of examples from the text.

outstanding and spot on

12-31-21, 18:05
I've read that before. Good plan for progress.