View Full Version : Kamala Harris admits all people hospitalized for covaids vaccinated

12-29-21, 09:26
I just watched a video, my brother forwarded to me, with our VP actually admitting all recent Covid hospitalization are all vaccinated! All recently Covid deceased…were all vaccinated!
I wish I could post the link, but due to certain rule changes here, if I do this will be removed.

I have a feeling, now that over half the nation has this in them…it’s time for some good ole DNC damage control.
So, here we have it! Draw your own conclusions….but I hope you will search for this video.

12-29-21, 09:31
You can post the link, its just not allowed without any extra context like a snip from an article or something. That's been a rule here for as long as I can remember.

12-29-21, 09:32
That isn't true.

With 5 local hospitals it's about a 50/50 mix right now. Our hospital is 65% unvax, 35% vax.

12-29-21, 09:44
That isn't true.

With 5 local hospitals it's about a 50/50 mix right now. Our hospital is 65% unvax, 35% vax.

You are saying in Duram Co, NC, where 95 percent of residents have received at least one dose of vaccine, 65% of your (edit - Covid19) patients are unvaccinated?


12-29-21, 09:49
The population I work with is a little more than 75% “vaccinated”. Well, after the rule change yesterday where you have to be “boosted” to be “vaccinated”, I guess that has semantically changed now. However, of admitted patients I’ve seen about a 50-50 ratio. Surprisingly, I’m seeing four cases of influenza to one case of COVID over the last two weeks.

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12-29-21, 10:02
This is probably the video you are talking about: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M1yoxJL1yws

The video is either altered or there was a typo in her telepromoter. No matter, if I wanted to know how to soak corks, I would listen to KH - if I want to know anything medical, I will listen to a Doctor.


12-29-21, 10:04
This is probably the video you are talking about: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M1yoxJL1yws

The video is either altered or there was a typo in her telepromoter. No matter, if I wanted to know how to soak corks, I would listen to KH - if I want to know anything medical, I will listen to a Doctor.


That video isn’t an “admission” as proposed, it is obviously altered. I guess it will convince stupid people.

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12-29-21, 10:05
Well, the “fact checkers” are all over this one. They claim the video is edited.
And perhaps it is….but with all the current suppression of facts, news, etc…that we currently see everywhere….I don’t really trust anything coming from the MSM, or their “truth suppressors”.
Especially when also in the news… currently 95-99% of all hospitalizations in Israel, and Australia are vaccinated.

12-29-21, 10:16
I just watched a video, my brother forwarded to me, with our VP actually admitting all recent Covid hospitalization are all vaccinated! All recently Covid deceased…were all vaccinated!
I wish I could post the link, but due to certain rule changes here, if I do this will be removed.

I have a feeling, now that over half the nation has this in them…it’s time for some good ole DNC damage control.
So, here we have it! Draw your own conclusions….but I hope you will search for this video.

Statistically, it is next to impossible for "all hospitalizations" to be of the vaccinated variety, that doesn't even pass the sniff test.

I'm sure there are many more than the propaganda machine suggests, but most certainly not all.

I refuse to watch video of heels up or XiDen. I haven't listened to either of those idiots speak in over a year, not going to start now.

12-29-21, 10:19
The population I work with is a little more than 75% “vaccinated”. Well, after the rule change yesterday where you have to be “boosted” to be “vaccinated”, I guess that has semantically changed now. However, of admitted patients I’ve seen about a 50-50 ratio. Surprisingly, I’m seeing four cases of influenza to one case of COVID over the last two weeks.

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Your local trend is definitely not the "norm" for this time period. Is that because Omicron has already swept through and you're on the downhill slide? Or is it because Omicron is yet to fully hit your AOR? The map says my area is down, but everyone is sick or getting over being sick, and it's definitely not influenza. I see all these hours long lines of people waiting for testing, but there are no lines around here. I think people here are just fed up and dealing with it undiagnosed.

12-29-21, 10:25
The population I work with is a little more than 75% “vaccinated”. Well, after the rule change yesterday where you have to be “boosted” to be “vaccinated”, I guess that has semantically changed now. However, of admitted patients I’ve seen about a 50-50 ratio. Surprisingly, I’m seeing four cases of influenza to one case of COVID over the last two weeks.

This sounds far more in line with reality.

12-29-21, 10:46
You are saying in Duram Co, NC, where 95 percent of residents have received at least one dose of vaccine, 65% of your (edit - Covid19) patients are unvaccinated?


Yes, about 65% of the inpatients admitted specifically for COVID are unvax.

12-29-21, 10:47
You sound really excited that vaccinated people are dying.

Maybe consider taking a step back from the politics for a bit.

12-29-21, 10:49
Your local trend is definitely not the "norm" for this time period. Is that because Omicron has already swept through and you're on the downhill slide? Or is it because Omicron is yet to fully hit your AOR? The map says my area is down, but everyone is sick or getting over being sick, and it's definitely not influenza. I see all these hours long lines of people waiting for testing, but there are no lines around here. I think people here are just fed up and dealing with it undiagnosed.

His area may be different, but here you have COVID, or you don't. Specific variants, testing goes out, and we wait for results, but not everyone gets variant-specific testing. We infer variant based on patterns of symptomology, etc.

12-29-21, 11:36
His area may be different, but here you have COVID, or you don't. Specific variants, testing goes out, and we wait for results, but not everyone gets variant-specific testing. We infer variant based on patterns of symptomology, etc.

I was speaking about the tests the FDA admitted weren't detecting Omicron.


12-29-21, 12:00
I was speaking about the tests the FDA admitted weren't detecting Omicron.


Yes, So far as I know tests are not detecting specific variants, at least at the point of care.

I was only speaking to your question of if omicron has hit, and how bad. If his area is like ours, we don't know, because we don't know the variant that's impacting people on a given day. My apologies if I misunderstood.

12-29-21, 12:23
Your local trend is definitely not the "norm" for this time period. Is that because Omicron has already swept through and you're on the downhill slide? Or is it because Omicron is yet to fully hit your AOR? The map says my area is down, but everyone is sick or getting over being sick, and it's definitely not influenza. I see all these hours long lines of people waiting for testing, but there are no lines around here. I think people here are just fed up and dealing with it undiagnosed.

Every state is different and omicron is pretty mild, so we are seeing. As I said before, nobody knows what variant somebody has typically for an extended time and ONLY if the physician REALLY wants to know. Most local and even regional labs can’t test for anything but “COVID-19” at this time. Either way, right now we are seeing about 50-50 with vaccinated and seeing more influenza the last two weeks. There are a lot of people around here experiencing fatigue, joint pain, headache, and congestion that lasts 5-7 days. They aren’t seeking medical care, aren’t being hospitalized, and overall having pretty mild symptoms. Is it omicron? Is it influenza? Who knows. All I can report on is what I’m seeing on shifts which I’m working; four out of seven 12 hour days in the ER.

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12-29-21, 12:54
Every state is different and omicron is pretty mild, so we are seeing. As I said before, nobody knows what variant somebody has typically for an extended time and ONLY if the physician REALLY wants to know. Most local and even regional labs can’t test for anything but “COVID-19” at this time. Either way, right now we are seeing about 50-50 with vaccinated and seeing more influenza the last two weeks. There are a lot of people around here experiencing fatigue, joint pain, headache, and congestion that lasts 5-7 days. They aren’t seeking medical care, aren’t being hospitalized, and overall having pretty mild symptoms. Is it omicron? Is it influenza? Who knows. All I can report on is what I’m seeing on shifts which I’m working; four out of seven 12 hour days in the ER.

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What's your protocol? Do you swab for both flu and covid? We used to not, I think now we do. If you pop positive for flu with or without covid you get tamiflu.

12-29-21, 12:57
What's your protocol? Do you swab for both flu and covid? We used to not, I think now we do. If you pop positive for flu with or without covid you get tamiflu.

We have two tests depending on severity of illness. General COVID tests are the CEPHID and includes COVID, FLU A, FLU B, and RSV. When the patient is having respiratory symptoms, we use BIOFIRE that tests for about a dozen other respiratory viruses.

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12-29-21, 12:57
Well, the “fact checkers” are all over this one. They claim the video is edited.
And perhaps it is….but with all the current suppression of facts, news, etc…that we currently see everywhere….I don’t really trust anything coming from the MSM, or their “truth suppressors”.
Especially when also in the news… currently 95-99% of all hospitalizations in Israel, and Australia are vaccinated.

The "fact checkers" have been known to put out false information.

Who fact checks the "fact checkers?"

12-29-21, 12:59
The "fact checkers" have been known to put out false information.

Who fact checks the "fact checkers?"

The video is clearly edited. Anybody that questions whether or not it is didn’t watch it and see the jump and the change in cadence. The screen even flashes black for a time detected with the human eye at full speed. Slow it down and it becomes even more obvious.

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12-29-21, 13:38
I do agree, the video is most likely not legitimate, but….the whole point is, this is a very real problem, that is coming out of countries where the majority of the population is vaxed!
This vaccine is much more dangerous then any other vaccine in history….and it’s not even effective!
And the whole idea, with the way it’s being pushed so hard, even on children, who have little to no chance of ever dying from Covid, in the first place….Yet, proven therapeutic treatments, are being suppressed….Science…is being suppressed! This whole plandemic reeks of fraud! On a level never thought possible.

12-29-21, 13:54
The video is clearly edited. Anybody that questions whether or not it is didn’t watch it and see the jump and the change in cadence. The screen even flashes black for a time detected with the human eye at full speed. Slow it down and it becomes even more obvious.

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Maybe so. I wasn't speaking specifically to this video. I haven't even watched it. Just the fact that the "fact checkers" have been proven to be wrong or heavily biased on several occasions. I think even Facebook had to come out recently saying their "fact checks" are just opinions.

12-29-21, 13:55
Haven't watched the vid, but I hear it's pretty obviously not legit.

Of course even IF Kumswala said everything I wanted to hear I wouldn't believe a word she said. She couldn't tell the truth if she wanted to, her tongue would fall out from the shock. That goes double for Shitzhispants.

12-29-21, 14:04
Haven't watched the vid, but I hear it's pretty obviously not legit.

Of course even IF Kumswala said everything I wanted to hear I wouldn't believe a word she said. She couldn't tell the truth if she wanted to, her tongue would fall out from the shock. That goes double for Shitzhispants.

Kamala every time she's asked a serious question:


12-29-21, 14:25
Maybe so. I wasn't speaking specifically to this video. I haven't even watched it. Just the fact that the "fact checkers" have been proven to be wrong or heavily biased on several occasions. I think even Facebook had to come out recently saying their "fact checks" are just opinions.

Fact checkers have nothing to do with the thread. We were talking about this video. Whether or not they are wrong on something else has no bearing on this video.

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12-29-21, 14:30
I do agree, the video is most likely not legitimate, but….the whole point is, this is a very real problem, that is coming out of countries where the majority of the population is vaxed!.

The Dan Rather school of journalism. Fact A proves theory B. Fact A is actually false, B is still true.

12-29-21, 15:13
Fact checkers have nothing to do with the thread. We were talking about this video. Whether or not they are wrong on something else has no bearing on this video.

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Fact checkers were brought up. I was responding to camoman's comment where he said "the fact checkers are all over this one."

12-29-21, 17:11
No matter, if I wanted to know how to soak corks, I would listen to KH - if I want to know anything medical, I will listen to a Doctor.


LMAO at the reference! However, in my experience, the fact that someone has soaked a cork or a dozen of them doesn't an expert cork soaker make. :haha:

12-29-21, 17:26
The Dan Rather school of journalism. Fact A proves theory B. Fact A is actually false, B is still true.

Well believe what you will. The facts were gone over at an actual senate meeting, that I posted earlier..but was removed due to I didn’t post a news clip, with the link.
It was admitted on record the animal testing was stopped, due to the animals dying. The human trials were all but skipped, thanks to emergency action. And…now we have vaxed Athletes collapsing in mid game, with some dying from Myocarditis, Thrombosis, Strokes, and other cardiovascular problems. We have kids having heart attacks…etc.
This vaccine was way to hastily rolled out, it is dangerous, and some part of the vaxed population are dying from it!
And the best part, is the FDA says it will take 50 years to release information…that should already be available! That alone with Big Pharma now cannot be “legally” held accountable….

Yup….Nothing to see here

12-29-21, 18:37
Well believe what you will. The facts were gone over at an actual senate meeting, that I posted earlier..but was removed due to I didn’t post a news clip, with the link.
It was admitted on record the animal testing was stopped, due to the animals dying. The human trials were all but skipped, thanks to emergency action. And…now we have vaxed Athletes collapsing in mid game, with some dying from Myocarditis, Thrombosis, Strokes, and other cardiovascular problems. We have kids having heart attacks…etc.
This vaccine was way to hastily rolled out, it is dangerous, and some part of the vaxed population are dying from it!
And the best part, is the FDA says it will take 50 years to release information…that should already be available! That alone with Big Pharma now cannot be “legally” held accountable….

Yup….Nothing to see here

Which has nothing to do with a doctored Kamala video. Focus, focus, focus. Otherwise, you lose your credibility. You should have asked for this thread to be closed or deleted based on the OP content being wrong. THEN start a new thread with a new tact. Now you just seem like them- that the answer is CONSPIRACY as the only answer they can come up with any situation is MORE VACCINATION.

12-29-21, 19:03
LMAO at the reference! However, in my experience, the fact that someone has soaked a cork or a dozen of them doesn't an expert cork soaker make. :haha:

But the mileage she's made from those soaked corks is unprecedented.

12-29-21, 19:14
But the mileage she's made from those soaked corks is unprecedented.

Willy Brown's junk is more powerful than Bill Clinton's... or perhaps Bill Clinton's mojo was just to spread out and diluted...

12-29-21, 22:39

How about some real data and analysis. Can’t comment on this guys bona fides, but his data is interesting. Omicrom displacing delta, hospitalizations for COVID treatment down. Focus on UK data, with other countries for comparison and the US for foresight/insight

12-30-21, 08:21

“A U.S. Navy ship with a fully vaccinated crew is stuck at the pier at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Cuba after some of the sailors tested positive for COVID. As reported by the U.S. Navy’s 4th Fleet, the USS Milwaukee (LCS 5) a Freedom-variant littoral combat ship, departed Mayport Naval Station its regularly scheduled deployment to the U.S. 4th Fleet area of operations.”

Didn’t watch that kamala video, but this article points out the ineffectiveness of these shots IMO. Fully vaxxed crew, ship still suffers an outbreak.

I think it’s time to stop focusing on “vaccination” and start focusing on effective early intervention treatments.

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12-30-21, 09:01

How about some real data and analysis. Can’t comment on this guys bona fides, but his data is interesting. Omicrom displacing delta, hospitalizations for COVID treatment down. Focus on UK data, with other countries for comparison and the US for foresight/insight

I don't know him either, but he's been on the front lines of trying to get truth out there for a very long time. He seems like a good honest person who does a great job of presenting real data.

12-30-21, 10:38

“A U.S. Navy ship with a fully vaccinated crew is stuck at the pier at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Cuba after some of the sailors tested positive for COVID. As reported by the U.S. Navy’s 4th Fleet, the USS Milwaukee (LCS 5) a Freedom-variant littoral combat ship, departed Mayport Naval Station its regularly scheduled deployment to the U.S. 4th Fleet area of operations.”

Didn’t watch that kamala video, but this article points out the ineffectiveness of these shots IMO. Fully vaxxed crew, ship still suffers an outbreak.

I think it’s time to stop focusing on “vaccination” and start focusing on effective early intervention treatments.

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OH MY GOD! A Clittoral ship isn’t at sea to protect us!! All is lost…

12-30-21, 12:51
Per buddy (RN) Wake Med Hospital in Raleigh NC, 90 patients admitted for covid, 78 unvax; 15 in ICU, 15 unvax; 7 on ventilators, 7 unvax.

12-30-21, 12:51

“A U.S. Navy ship with a fully vaccinated crew is stuck at the pier at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Cuba after some of the sailors tested positive for COVID. As reported by the U.S. Navy’s 4th Fleet, the USS Milwaukee (LCS 5) a Freedom-variant littoral combat ship, departed Mayport Naval Station its regularly scheduled deployment to the U.S. 4th Fleet area of operations.”

Didn’t watch that kamala video, but this article points out the ineffectiveness of these shots IMO. Fully vaxxed crew, ship still suffers an outbreak.

I think it’s time to stop focusing on “vaccination” and start focusing on effective early intervention treatments.

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There was also an outbreak on a fully vaccinated cruise ship. And outbreaks on College campuses where 99% of people were fully vaccinated. The vaccine does nothing to stop the spread.

12-30-21, 14:04
Per buddy (RN) Wake Med Hospital in Raleigh NC, 90 patients admitted for covid, 78 unvax; 15 in ICU, 15 unvax; 7 on ventilators, 7 unvax.

I get it now: Everyone actually sick was unvaxed…

12-30-21, 16:19
I get it now: Everyone actually sick was unvaxed…

Almost everyone, and they have tearfully expressed regret to the heath care providers for resisting the vaccine and are begging the doctors to save them. The ones that were vaccinated caught Covid from unvaxxed folks of course.

A non-medical mortal might ask WTF people are admitted to the hospital with Covid for if the are not in the ICU.


12-30-21, 16:59
Almost everyone, and they have tearfully expressed regret to the heath care providers for resisting the vaccine and are begging the doctors to save them. The ones that were vaccinated caught Covid from unvaxxed folks of course.

A non-medical mortal might ask WTF people are admitted to the hospital with Covid for if the are not in the ICU.


Not all admissions need an ICU. In fact, if you have COVID, it's the last place you want to go given the mortality of COVID patients in the ICU.

Sub-ICU patients may need no more than supplemental oxygen, and now with hi-flow nasal cannulae, bi-pap, etc., there are many options to keep them out of ICU.

12-30-21, 17:16
Not all admissions need an ICU. In fact, if you have COVID, it's the last place you want to go given the mortality of COVID patients in the ICU.

Sub-ICU patients may need no more than supplemental oxygen, and now with hi-flow nasal cannulae, bi-pap, etc., there are many options to keep them out of ICU.

Wouldn't it be better to treat this in your home until things change?

12-30-21, 17:19
Wouldn't it be better to treat this in your home until things change?

If you don’t have access to things like supplemental oxygen, hi-flow, etc. it could be a death sentence if you actually need that stuff but don’t have it.

If you meet admission criteria you’re going to fare better in the hospital where they have lab, imaging, O2, and a trained person to monitor your condition.

They don’t admit just anyone for having COVID.

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12-30-21, 17:24
Wouldn't it be better to treat this in your home until things change?

The majority of people I know who had severe symptoms did in-home treatment, including oxygen. Admittedly, treatment options have been evolving for some time now. The folks I know who were hospitalized were in the ICU (includes people treated in 3 states).


12-30-21, 17:30
In spite of what people want to think about the medical profession, especially with this, they really want to treat you as an outpatient and not admit you. The higher the level of care and acuity, the higher the mortality.

I've seen people with home health orders for oxygen and respiratory therapy in order to keep them from having to be admitted.

12-30-21, 17:54
In spite of what people want to think about the medical profession, especially with this, they really want to treat you as an outpatient and not admit you. The higher the level of care and acuity, the higher the mortality.

I've seen people with home health orders for oxygen and respiratory therapy in order to keep them from having to be admitted.

I had home oxygen when I caught the Spanish flu in 2020. My blood O2 was mid to upper 80s most of the time, low 80s from time to time. They wanted to keep me but I wasn't having it.

I thought they had decided that vents were the worst thing they could do for covid patients, but now I hear about them again more and more.

Since I'm a century behind on my pandemics, I ain't to worried about covid unless I live a VERY long time.

12-31-21, 09:46
Wouldn't it be better to treat this in your home until things change?

Some places they do send people home with 02. I don't know where that's SOC, but I have heard of a number of people that they decided just needed supplementary 02, and were supplied with it.

12-31-21, 09:49
In spite of what people want to think about the medical profession, especially with this, they really want to treat you as an outpatient and not admit you. The higher the level of care and acuity, the higher the mortality.

I've seen people with home health orders for oxygen and respiratory therapy in order to keep them from having to be admitted.

In the vast majority of cases, they are doing the very best they can with what they have. I feel they are doing so with one hand tied behind their backs, but that's a different discussion.

12-31-21, 09:52
I had home oxygen when I caught the Spanish flu in 2020. My blood O2 was mid to upper 80s most of the time, low 80s from time to time. They wanted to keep me but I wasn't having it.

I thought they had decided that vents were the worst thing they could do for covid patients, but now I hear about them again more and more.

Since I'm a century behind on my pandemics, I ain't to worried about covid unless I live a VERY long time.

Treating COVID requires different vent setting than traditionally used.

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12-31-21, 10:09
Seems the use of O2 isn’t widely accepted or agreed, or it may vary by individual circumstances.

I have six Nitrox 32 tanks and asked my doctor if I should breathe on a few of those to help and his response was a simple No.

Note this is the same Dr. that agreed to my request to prescribe me Ivermectin after recovering, just in case. So he is very tuned in to treatments that work.

He told me directly his goal was to keep me OUT of the hospital.

12-31-21, 10:22
Seems the use of O2 isn’t widely accepted or agreed, or it may vary by individual circumstances.

I have six Nitrox 32 tanks and asked my doctor if I should breathe on a few of those to help and his response was a simple No.

Note this is the same Dr. that agreed to my request to prescribe me Ivermectin after recovering, just in case. So he is very tuned in to treatments that work.

He told me directly his goal was to keep me OUT of the hospital.

How much O2 and delivery is based on O2 saturation and/or PaO2 levels. But yeah, docs do not want to admit if they can help it.

12-31-21, 12:22
Seems the use of O2 isn’t widely accepted or agreed, or it may vary by individual circumstances.

I have six Nitrox 32 tanks and asked my doctor if I should breathe on a few of those to help and his response was a simple No.

Note this is the same Dr. that agreed to my request to prescribe me Ivermectin after recovering, just in case. So he is very tuned in to treatments that work.

He told me directly his goal was to keep me OUT of the hospital.

When I was on O2 I had a tank but I also had a "generator" that I used. I never hooked up to the tank, returned it full. It was actually pretty cheap to rent. I don't have any dive or other SCBA tanks other than a couple of "spare air" bottles. I got me some big old bottles of oxygen for welding. Didn't try em ;) .

Oddly, almost 2 years later I still only read in the low 90s when the wife gets a mind to check. Feel fine and endurance is good so, meh. I was a grunt, our brains don't need as much oxygen as regular folk. ;)

My GP is real open to the alternative treatments and we have ivermectin. He says pharmacies are refusing to fill for some of his patients. He is working with a network that helps folks find alternative friendly docs and pharmacies.

01-01-22, 18:12
Regardless to the claims to the numbers of vaccinated being hospitalized: the fact is a strong percentage of vaccinated are getting sick. This highlights the limitations of the vaccine. It demonstrates the futility of vaccine mandates. Some evidence suggests the vaccine may disrupt the natural immune response: if this is true we certainly should be cautious of vaccine mandates in the future.

01-01-22, 20:51
Regardless to the claims to the numbers of vaccinated being hospitalized: the fact is a strong percentage of vaccinated are getting sick. This highlights the limitations of the vaccine. It demonstrates the futility of vaccine mandates. Some evidence suggests the vaccine may disrupt the natural immune response: if this is true we certainly should be cautious of vaccine mandates in the future.
Well thats scary.

01-01-22, 21:18
Seems the use of O2 isn’t widely accepted or agreed, or it may vary by individual circumstances.

I have six Nitrox 32 tanks and asked my doctor if I should breathe on a few of those to help and his response was a simple No.

Note this is the same Dr. that agreed to my request to prescribe me Ivermectin after recovering, just in case. So he is very tuned in to treatments that work.

He told me directly his goal was to keep me OUT of the hospital.

Been awhile since I looked, but best I can recall the high volume O2 for the bipap can get up to 60 lpm which would(again, IIRC) empty most tanks fast.

01-01-22, 21:31
Per buddy (RN) Wake Med Hospital in Raleigh NC, 90 patients admitted for covid, 78 unvax; 15 in ICU, 15 unvax; 7 on ventilators, 7 unvax.

This is similar to the mix where I work. The flu has multiplied the crush and pushed us into crisis mode; a mixture of refer non life-threatening presentations away from the hospital ED to outlying providers such as urgent cares, clinics, etc.. You would never have seen a hospital undercut it's margins by referring patients elsewhere until overcrowding of covid (majority unvaxxed), compounded by influenza.

01-01-22, 21:48
Well I must say I found this plague rather underwhelming.
Whole family got it late November, from 7 months to 72 years old.
Really tired and some sniffles, my daughter had a fever for about an hour.
This is killing people? Lol.

01-01-22, 23:32
Regardless to the claims to the numbers of vaccinated being hospitalized: the fact is a strong percentage of vaccinated are getting sick. This highlights the limitations of the vaccine. It demonstrates the futility of vaccine mandates. Some evidence suggests the vaccine may disrupt the natural immune response: if this is true we certainly should be cautious of vaccine mandates in the future.

The Brit in the video I linked to above has another one where he says there is trace data that the mRNA vaccines aren't as good as the older-style J&J and AstraZenica versoins. Not sure on that he says, but we'll be better able to see that in a few weeks.

Well I must say I found this plague rather underwhelming.
Whole family got it late November, from 7 months to 72 years old.
Really tired and some sniffles, my daughter had a fever for about an hour.
This is killing people? Lol.

The problem is that when this happens again, and it it is closer to the bird flu or other previous ones, we will all turn to what happened with this and not react appropriately.

01-02-22, 00:59
The Brit in the video I linked to above has another one where he says there is trace data that the mRNA vaccines aren't as good as the older-style J&J and AstraZenica versoins. Not sure on that he says, but we'll be better able to see that in a few weeks.

This makes sense because the study I am going from was based on the mRNA vaccines. There has also been folks releasing studies explaining the way the virus is getting around the mRNA vaccines.

Ill drop a link from the CCCA, they had a really good publication/study that really opened my eyes "Which is better for future COVID-19 prevention: Immunity Following Natural Infection or Vaccine-Induced Immunity?" and a lot of doctors in the non profit I associate with. Right now we have determined the booster may be more risky and not justified for healthy folks. We have also identified a great deal of irrational protocols enacted by the CDC that does not act on fact. The mRNA vaccines and tests are making so much money on fear alone that it's unlikely to effect political bias to act on fact and end hysteria anytime soon. At the time of posting this you cannot search this information via the web it is being censored by big tech. We are not anti vaccine, we are pro science, we demand leaders act on fact, we also stand behind the doctor patient relationship of trust and never support mandatory unconstitutional mandates. Link below:


We need to take the power back and act on fact: leadership is overstepping and overreaching which is a violation of Article VI.

01-02-22, 06:37
The problem is that when this happens again, and it it is closer to the bird flu or other previous ones, we will all turn to what happened with this and not react appropriately.

Little boy who cried wolf.
Who’s fault is it, the people for being skeptical of the politicians, media, and their corporate bosses, or the politicians, media, and corporate bosses who have used a flu as a media by which to print endless profits and strip away civil rights?

01-03-22, 01:59
When I was on O2 I had a tank but I also had a "generator" that I used. I never hooked up to the tank, returned it full. It was actually pretty cheap to rent. I don't have any dive or other SCBA tanks other than a couple of "spare air" bottles. I got me some big old bottles of oxygen for welding. Didn't try em ;) .

Oddly, almost 2 years later I still only read in the low 90s when the wife gets a mind to check. Feel fine and endurance is good so, meh. I was a grunt, our brains don't need as much oxygen as regular folk. ;)

My GP is real open to the alternative treatments and we have ivermectin. He says pharmacies are refusing to fill for some of his patients. He is working with a network that helps folks find alternative friendly docs and pharmacies.

Oxygen bottles are only good for shooting at with Mosins at 1,000 yds.

01-21-22, 07:43
Altered vid from an event Harris spoke at last summer is still getting anti-vaxxers jumping up and down like monkeys at the monolith of misinformation. It would be funny if not so pathetic.

01-21-22, 07:50
Altered vid from an event Harris spoke at last summer is still getting anti-vaxxers jumping up and down like monkeys at the monolith of misinformation. It would be funny if not so pathetic.

Let's be careful about using the derogatory term anti-vaxxer. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I did the risk reward analysis and determined the risk was far greater than the reward and I am being proven more correct as time marches on with this nonsense. That decision is mine to make, not yours, not the government, not my employer.

01-21-22, 08:23
Let's be careful about using the derogatory term anti-vaxxer. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I did the risk reward analysis and determined the risk was far greater than the reward and I am being proven more correct as time marches on with this nonsense. That decision is mine to make, not yours, not the government, not my employer.

The whole label thing, the left is particular adept at weaponizing it (the right is decent, too). If you have kids and do not vaccinate on the schedule determined by the organization that 'oversees' pediatrics, you are considered anti-vax. It doesn't matter if you want to delay a vax because you don't want your baby to get a bunch at once, or what, you are labeled anti-vax. This has not always been this way. This started within the past 10 years. It pisses me the hell off.

I am the same way: I am not anti-, at all. In fact, I have had all of the vax, more than any civilian, all except COVID. And they still call me 'anti-vax.'

01-21-22, 08:26
The whole label thing, the left is particular adept at weaponizing it (the right is decent, too). If you have kids and do not vaccinate on the schedule determined by the organization that 'oversees' pediatrics, you are considered anti-vax. It doesn't matter if you want to delay a vax because you don't want your baby to get a bunch at once, or what, you are labeled anti-vax. This has not always been this way. This started within the past 10 years. It pisses me the hell off.

I am the same way: I am not anti-, at all. In fact, I have had all of the vax, more than any civilian, all except COVID. And they still call me 'anti-vax.'

Don’t let them control your emotions like that. It’s like being mad at the rattlesnake for the diamonds on his back. They are who they are. Dismiss them like any other dumb animal and move on.

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01-21-22, 08:30
Don’t let them control your emotions like that. It’s like being mad at the rattlesnake for the diamonds on his back. They are who they are. Dismiss them like any other dumb animal and move on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I hear you, really. My frustration is that it goes in the chart. Then they make me bring my kids in the back door because they don't follow the vax schedule 100%. The stigma I can take; I have broad shoulders. I don't want my kids to be affected.

01-21-22, 09:03
I've been pinned for damn near everything, including Rabies.

I'll never get the Kung-Flu shot as a matter of defiance against an overreaching government. No matter the consequences. Them that don't like it can FOAD.

The value of the vax vs potential harm is a valid individual choice. People should be allowed to chose for themselves, with advice from doctors they trust.

Meh, if Shithizpants mandated breathing air I'd be mighty blue in the face for the next 3 years.

01-21-22, 11:56
Altered vid from an event Harris spoke at last summer is still getting anti-vaxxers jumping up and down like monkeys at the monolith of misinformation. It would be funny if not so pathetic.

Monkeys at the monolith is one of my favorite metaphors to use..

01-21-22, 12:08
Did she say it with a mouthful of Willie. She coulda been gargling the yellow pages. Was there an interpreter for her

01-21-22, 13:14
Who the hell listens to anything Kumswala says anyway?