View Full Version : Tiger bites man

12-31-21, 21:12
I'm surprised you guys didn't see this one, or maybe you did. A maintenance guy sticks his hand through the tiger fence, and guess what? The tiger chomps on his arm and won't let go. Cops have to do the dirty deed. Like my momma always told me, don't play with matches, be polite, look both ways before you cross the street and don't stick your hand in the tiger exhibit.


12-31-21, 21:19
I'll stick with the cougars.

12-31-21, 21:25
Poor cat, the cop should have tried pepper spray first.

12-31-21, 22:45
Poor cat, the cop should have tried pepper spray first.

Yes because Tigers like a little salsa on their food too.

12-31-21, 22:50
Big surprise! Tigers act like... well, tigers.

01-01-22, 00:01
Poor cat, the cop should have tried pepper spray first.

Tigers love pepper. They hate cinnamon. :D

01-01-22, 10:17
They should have shot the idiot that stuck his hand in the cage.

01-01-22, 10:46
They should have shot the idiot that stuck his hand in the cage.


They should have scrounged his maintenance kit for a reciprocating saw and a torch.

01-01-22, 11:21
Tigers love pepper. They hate cinnamon. :D

Doesn't look like it. Half of them roll in the stuff, the rest ignore it.


01-01-22, 12:36
Shot the wrong critter.

01-01-22, 13:04
There's something like 300 of these Malayan tigers left on the planet. But an inexhaustible supply of imbeciles.

01-01-22, 13:39
Interesting turn in the thread.

01-01-22, 14:44
There's something like 300 of these Malayan tigers left on the planet. But an inexhaustible supply of imbeciles.

This. I vote for cut the morons arm off, the Tiger earned it.

01-01-22, 16:21
There's something like 300 of these Malayan tigers left on the planet. But an inexhaustible supply of imbeciles.

This forum really needs a like button. Doesn't seem fair or right that the tiger has to die because an idiot doesn't have the sense not to stick his arm in a tiger enclosure.

01-01-22, 16:41
What's worse, the dood was a custodian (bathroom and concession areas only) and had no reason to be near the tiger exhibit!

01-01-22, 16:44
It seems that the consensus, or growing consensus is that the man should have either died or lose his arm for his mistake to save the tiger. And that the cop might have done the wrong thing. Is this correct?

01-01-22, 17:11
This. I vote for cut the morons arm off, the Tiger earned it.


Human "error" should not be blamed on the tiger.

01-01-22, 17:53
It seems that the consensus, or growing consensus is that the man should have either died or lose his arm for his mistake to save the tiger. And that the cop might have done the wrong thing. Is this correct?

Hell yeah, fvck that retard for sticking his hand/arm in a tiger's cage. What was the moron doing, trying to pet the big kitty? All my sympathy is for the cat in this one.

01-01-22, 18:08
You stick your hand in the cage to pat the tiger, you lose the arm. Your problem. They either should have found non lethal methods like pepper spray or tazer, to get cat to let go, or cut off his arm combat field medical style.

01-01-22, 18:19
I found this pertinent. It's from Dennis Prager, it's one of his fireside chats. If you've never heard of him he falls on the conservative side of things. A question is asked about dogs and strangers to people that are not generally conservative. Maybe some of you will see yourselves in the talk or maybe not. You might consider listening to it.


01-01-22, 18:31
Hell yeah, fvck that retard for sticking his hand/arm in a tiger's cage. What was the moron doing, trying to pet the big kitty? All my sympathy is for the cat in this one.

If it was your 18 year old son would you feel the same way? Would all of you?

01-01-22, 18:47
Remember the window licker that wanted to swim with Orcas?

I didn't give a shit about him either. Play stupid games...

01-01-22, 19:01
This. I vote for cut the morons arm off, the Tiger earned it.

Why bother? Let the tiger chew it off.

01-01-22, 19:31
Not a lot of Christmas spirit around here. The loss of his arm or worse naturally follows from his actions but we can still have mercy or empathy.

01-01-22, 20:10
1. It's not smart to try to pet a tiger.
2. Deputy did the right thing.

The stupidest thing was the fat chick outside the zoo who didn't realize that the po po with the sirens running were there to handle a serious situation. Fatty: "are you serious?" . Didn't really know the exact location of the tiger's cage.

01-01-22, 20:28
If it was your 18 year old son would you feel the same way? Would all of you?

My son is not that stupid and stupid should hurt. He doesn't grab chainsaw blades or stick his head into machinery either.

01-01-22, 20:30
The stupidest thing was the fat chick outside the zoo who didn't realize that the po po with the sirens running were there to handle a serious situation. Fatty: "are you serious?" . Didn't really know the exact location of the tiger's cage.

I love the cop's responses.

01-01-22, 20:35
My son is not that stupid and stupid should hurt. He doesn't grab chainsaw blades or stick his head into machinery either.

But if he did, would it matter?

01-01-22, 20:40
What ever happened to "be polite"?

We're 21 hours into the new year. Let's try to be polite.

01-01-22, 20:47
But if he did, would it matter?

Nobody wants to see a family member hurt, but all of that is part of raising kids, isn't it?
I think if you do it right, nature kind of hands out questions along the way. "If I fall down it hurts." so the kid learns to stand holding on to a coffee table. "If I stick a car key in the electric socket, it goes POW" so you leave those electric sockets alone.
There's a certain amount of natural learning and the wisdom of listening to your elders develops.
But honestly; as a Single Dad who's been through the ringer a couple of times...
If my 18 year old Son stuck his arm in a Tiger cage, well; he had that shit coming..

01-01-22, 20:56
The way I see it, the discussion is about the absurdity of placing a body part within reach of an apex predator. Some comments might be over the top, but not wholly undeserved. Would you be surprised to find out the "victim" was attempting to record himself petting the tiger? I wouldn't. It's abhorrent to wish death on a stupid, but undeserving person, to which the question begs what is deserving? I think it's normal human response to comment on things that don't make sense to the average person with average common sense, but thanks for planting yourself squarely on the moral high ground.

01-01-22, 21:37
Nobody wants to see a family member hurt, but all of that is part of raising kids, isn't it?
I think if you do it right, nature kind of hands out questions along the way. "If I fall down it hurts." so the kid learns to stand holding on to a coffee table. "If I stick a car key in the electric socket, it goes POW" so you leave those electric sockets alone.
There's a certain amount of natural learning and the wisdom of listening to your elders develops.
But honestly; as a Single Dad who's been through the ringer a couple of times...
If my 18 year old Son stuck his arm in a Tiger cage, well; he had that shit coming..

The interesting turn didn't revolve around "he had it coming", it revolved around choosing the life of the tiger over the life of the man (or his arm). Principles are in full view here, but then maybe the path is actually narrow.

01-01-22, 21:54
dude was not suposed to be in that area at all and was to clean some office or something ?

yeah I would have said HANG ON taken out my pocket knife and tourniquet then apply and start cutting off the arm at the shoulder :) give the tiger a toy !

01-02-22, 07:41
The interesting turn didn't revolve around "he had it coming", it revolved around choosing the life of the tiger over the life of the man (or his arm). Principles are in full view here, but then maybe the path is actually narrow.

Well if your arm is available and the tiger has it, how long did he have to wait for help? Because I'm pretty sure if he's hungry and wants your arm, he can crush that bone with his jaws and take it.
If he was just annoyed and playing with the arm tearing it up a bit, shooting him wasn't necassary.

01-02-22, 08:07
Likely that the guy screaming at the cop to 'shoot it - shoot it' added to the stress of said officer and helped his decision to shoot it.

Wonder what would have happened if he had fired into the dirt next to the animal instead? Perhaps spook the thing into letting go for a second so the guy could pull back away from the cage? Sad to me that they did not even try anything else and went straight to lethal force.

If I had been that cop - Dummy that stuck his arm in there would have had to wait while I called in for some backup with more experience. (animal control officer - handler from the zoo?) The guy may have lost a hand but did not look like he was going to lose his life.

01-02-22, 08:10
Likely that the guy screaming at the cop to 'shoot it - shoot it' added to the stress of said officer and helped his decision to shoot it.

Wonder what would have happened if he had fired into the dirt next to the animal instead? Perhaps spook the thing into letting go for a second so the guy could pull back away from the cage? Sad to me that they did not even try anything else and went straight to lethal force.

If I had been that cop - Dummy that stuck his arm in there would have had to wait while I called in for some backup with more experience. (animal control officer - handler from the zoo?) The guy may have lost a hand but did not look like he was going to lose his life.

Cats are Cats, yeah that might have worked actually, hell a laser pointer might have worked.

01-02-22, 09:16
Not a lot of Christmas spirit around here. The loss of his arm or worse naturally follows from his actions but we can still have mercy or empathy.

What about mercy and empathy for the tiger? It is in its nature to eat meat.

01-02-22, 09:19
here we go !

01-02-22, 09:33
They could have just pulled the arm out. Kind of a tug of war. Problem solved.

01-02-22, 11:17
Well if your arm is available and the tiger has it, how long did he have to wait for help? Because I'm pretty sure if he's hungry and wants your arm, he can crush that bone with his jaws and take it.
If he was just annoyed and playing with the arm tearing it up a bit, shooting him wasn't necassary.

All I can say is watch the video and make your own determination. It looked to me like the tiger had clamped firmly down on the man's arm, I never got a real good look at his arm. The police and EMT (?) felt he needed a tourniquet, plus he was in quite a bit of pain.

The interesting turn to me had to do with poster's attitudes concerning this man and tiger encounter.

01-02-22, 11:57
I provoked a dog attack when I was quite young. The dog chewed me up pretty good so I think I am in a pretty good position to say they should not have killed the tiger.


01-02-22, 12:18
I provoked a dog attack when I was quite young. The dog chewed me up pretty good so I think I am in a pretty good position to say they should not have killed the tiger.


If the dog wouldn't let go of your arm and was on the verge of ripping it off so that you needed a tourniquet, would that change your mind concerning the cop on the scene who had to shoot/not shoot the dog? Or should the cop consider you a potential moron and shoot you instead like some have said?

01-02-22, 13:56
Hopefully this jackass sees serious criminal and civil repercussions. I doubt it though. He will probably become a millionaire as a result of a settlement agreement.

Good thing it wasn't a black panther or that cop would be F'd. ;)

01-02-22, 17:00
Even assuming that the only correct course of action is to shoot the tiger; was it really necessary to shoot the tiger fatally in the neck? Even assuming he was aiming for the neck which seems unwise as the man's hand was in the tiger's mouth and the neck is in close proximity to the mouth, seems like he could have shot the tiger in the rear flank which would've gotten the tiger to let go as well. Again, poor decision making by all involved.

01-02-22, 17:08
Even assuming that the only correct course of action is to shoot the tiger; was it really necessary to shoot the tiger fatally in the neck? Even assuming he was aiming for the neck which seems unwise as the man's hand was in the tiger's mouth and the neck is in close proximity to the mouth, seems like he could have shot the tiger in the rear flank which would've gotten the tiger to let go as well. Again, poor decision making by all involved.

Not saying there couldn't have been a better way all around, but maybe the urgency of the moment had something to do with it.

01-02-22, 17:26
The officer MAY have been better off shooting into the ground or shooting the tiger elsewhere, but he had to make a snap decision in a hurry. He did what he thought was correct in the moment and I don't really blame him.

I just don't like the idea of a beautiful member of an endangered species dying because some asshat did stupid shit. I wish it was morons that were endangered and kept in cages for our amusement. Unfortunately they seem to be becoming the dominant species on the planet.

Coal Dragger
01-03-22, 03:29
Officer did the right thing. He should get the dead tiger as a trophy, maybe have a taxidermist do a full body mount, or a nice rug.

The cleaning guy is a dumb dumb, but he's still human and has sure as hell paid a price at this point.

01-03-22, 08:46
Good thing it wasn't a black panther or that cop would be F'd. ;)

Funniest thing I've read in a long time!

As for the idiot who thought it was a good idea to pet the tiger...

Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal.

01-03-22, 08:53
That guy should be fined heavily for his stupidity. The cost to replace the tiger, and all costs that go along with it, the medical care, and police response.

01-03-22, 10:21
I recall a line from a movie: "You're supposed to be stupid, son. Don't abuse the privilege".

01-04-22, 06:34
I am highly impressed by this thread! It contains, by far, the dumbest replies I've ever read on this forum.

It's literally a bunch of grown men that apparently have never had a to make a split decision when life was on the line, a bunch of grown men who likely don't understand wild animals and their behavior (he should've shot the ground, he should've pepper sprayed it), and a bunch of grown men who are so disconnected from their own teen years to believe their own teenage sons would never do anything dumb. Bravo M4C!

01-04-22, 06:39
I think we have figured the trend and direction of this post. It's time to let that tiger die.