View Full Version : President George W. Bush Attacked in Iraq

12-15-08, 01:53
WTF is wrong with the Secret Service. Wake the hell up.


Bush ducks two shoes hurled by Iraqi
By MIKE ALLEN | 12/14/08 2:05 PM EST

Welcome to Baghdad. An Iraqi reporter set off pandemonium Sunday by hurling two shoes at President Bush during a news conference that was the centerpiece of his secret goodbye visit.

Bush was cool under fire and prevented an even bigger incident by waving off his lead Secret Service agent, who was prepared to extract him from the room.

Video shows the president's lead agent rushing to the podium, but the president immediately and subtly motions to him that it's OK. The agent backs off.

The president successfully ducked both throws. Photos show him with his head down near the top of the podium. The embarrassing incident marred a visit meant to show off the improved conditions since the troop "surge" dramatically reduced casualties to U.S. troops.

"This is a gift from the Iraqis. This is the farewell kiss, you dog," the journalist shouted (in Arabic), Steven Lee Myers of The New York Times reported in a pool report to the White House press corps.

Myers reported that the man threw the second shoe and added: "This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq."

Journalists at the scene said the hurler was Muntadar al-Zaidi, a reporter for Al-Baghdadia TV, an independent satellite channel based in Cairo.

A producer for the channel was murdered in Baghdad last year.

Myers wrote in his pool report: "The president's appearance was interrupted by a man, apparently a journalist, who leapt to his feet and threw his shoe at the president, who ducked and thus narrowly missed being struck. Chaos ensued. The [man] threw a second shoe, which also narrowly missed the president. The man was roughly 12 feet from the lectern in the center of two rows of chairs, about two feet from the pool. A scrum of security agents descended on the man and wrestled him, first to the floor and then out of the ornate room where the press conference was taking place. The president was at no point injured and he brushed off the incident."

"All I can report is it is a size 10," Bush quipped

12-15-08, 02:02
what would have happened if somebody'd thrown a shoe at saddam during a press conference? the fact that he's still alive speaks enough.

edit- that's an original comment by me- i only just now saw the video. ;)

12-15-08, 02:18
What if it was a "shoe bomb"?

I have said it before, I'll say it again. President G.Bush will be proven by history to have been right! Not popular. Not perfect. But he did some righteous things.

a shoe...

12-15-08, 02:30
What if it was a "shoe bomb"?

I have said it before, I'll say it again. President G.Bush will be proven by history to have been right! Not popular. Not perfect. But he did some righteous things.

a shoe...

I got two stickers on my truck.... "W '04" and "W '08"

Jay Cunningham
12-15-08, 02:39
I suppose that "reporter" would prefer Uday and Qusay.

12-15-08, 02:58
I suppose that "reporter" would prefer Uday and Qusay.

Uday and Qusay. "The Dead Brothers" Sounds almost sweet, now...:p


12-15-08, 03:04
I got two stickers on my truck.... "W '04" and "W '08"

Yep!! And my mother in law has the other version...on her MINI-VAN!!! I flee in terror!
But seriously, I am not so much against who she voted for. Or Mini-vans. Or mom in laws. Or ... OK, maybe I am!! lol!!

"W"08! "W"12! :p


12-15-08, 05:20
Not claiming to know how the Secret Service works, but I assume that they searched and wanded everybody (journalists too) before they're allowed to enter the area. So they knew no one was armed with a conventional weapon. But it's sure was slow before I saw anybody from the security details reacted.

12-15-08, 06:02
In addition to physical security, PSD is also there to prevent the principal from being subjected to humiliation or situations which cause them to be seen in a bad light. Though it was only a "shoe" what if he had been hit in the eye or head?

If you did that in the USA you would be getting charged for assaulting the POTUS. I think this douche bag is lucky that he was pummeled at the least.

Not claiming to know how the Secret Service works, but I assume that they searched and wanded everybody (journalists too) before they're allowed to enter the area. So they knew no one was armed with a conventional weapon. But it's sure was slow before I saw anybody from the security details reacted.

Dave L.
12-15-08, 06:10
G-dub dodged that shoe like a Pro...I was impressed by the Old Man's reflexes.

12-15-08, 06:37
I have in my office a picture of one of the things that I wanted to do in my life. I was the lead vehicle in his motorcade when he came to town sometime ago. Was with him from the time his plane landed until he took off. Have an autographed picture of shaking his hand. Was really cool, got to see the car and all. He is pretty quick with the jokes I can say!

I'm glad that opportunity came about with someone I voted for, doubt I would have done it otherwise.

12-15-08, 06:44
I suppose that "reporter" would prefer Uday and Qusay.

F**kin' A.

Ingratitude is a hideous fault.

George W. should have gone after the punk and punched him in the mush.

12-15-08, 09:18
One thing that I like about GWB is that for as much hell as he catches (I mean the guy can't take a piss without someone complaining), he never gets worked up or mad and just lets it roll off.

Medicine Calf
12-15-08, 09:28
It was funny when the thrower squealed like a pig as they took him down.

12-15-08, 10:05
G-dub dodged that shoe like a Pro...I was impressed by the Old Man's reflexes.

Exactly what I said to myself when I saw the video clip. I also liked what he supposedly said about the incident. He pointed out that the fact that this idiot can do this and not be shot up in the process (along with those around him) is a testament to the Democracy our Troops have established (or something like that).

12-15-08, 10:57
W stays in good shape he runs a 24 min 5k

12-15-08, 11:02
G-dub dodged that shoe like a Pro...I was impressed by the Old Man's reflexes.

Maybe he's The One. Call him Neo. :D

12-15-08, 11:58
Who throws a shoe? I mean really . . .

12-15-08, 13:03
The only thing better would be if he caught it and capped th guy with it.

I hope the security guys did a hold on him where they put there shoes on his head.

Those Arabs are odd people.

12-15-08, 13:06
Who throws a shoe? I mean really . . .

Womenfolk? :D Just kidding!

In the Middle East just showing the sole of your footwear is considered a great insult. I wonder what would have happened if Dubya had caught one of the shoes and pounded the thrower with it?

12-15-08, 13:40
We should totally invade that country and show them who is boss.

12-15-08, 13:41
I expect this kind of stuff from the Guardian, but still, the following opening paragraph in a news article infuriates me:


"George Bush didn't need a primer on Middle Eastern culture to know he was being insulted. Having a pair of shoes lobbed at you and having to cower behind a lectern does not look particularly presidential anywhere."

Notice the choice of words: "cower behind a lectern."

Doesn't sound very presidential, does it? But I'm CERTAIN that the reporter's choice of words was strictly incidental and unintentional. He had no intention at all of having the historical record distorted to make it appear that our President is some sort of coward. Even though, when you watch the clips, that is clearly not the case.

To me, the President was actually quite admirable in how calmly he handled the situation, and how quickly he ducked. But the Left is so filled with blind hatred for this man, they will not even give him credit for gracefully dodging a shoe.

12-15-08, 13:42
Funny that he calls GWB a dog and throws shoes at him. Guess that guy is pissed about being free to throw shoes.

Doing that shit under Saddam would have resulted in him having his hands and feet cut off while he was forced to watch Uday and Qusay run a train on this wife, his kids fed to dogs, and any other relatives shot in the face with AK47's.

12-15-08, 14:06
Doing that shit under Saddam would have resulted in him having his hands and feet cut off while he was forced to watch Uday and Qusay run a train on this wife, his kids fed to dogs, and any other relatives shot in the face with AK47's.

Saddam would have drawn that Hi Power or whatever he used to carry and shoot the shoe thrower and whoever else within 10 feet of the bastard.

I heard the shoe thrower squealed like a girl when they drag him away.

12-15-08, 14:12
I expect this kind of stuff from the Guardian, but still, the following opening paragraph in a news article infuriates me:


"George Bush didn't need a primer on Middle Eastern culture to know he was being insulted. Having a pair of shoes lobbed at you and having to cower behind a lectern does not look particularly presidential anywhere."

Notice the choice of words: "cower behind a lectern."

Doesn't sound very presidential, does it? But I'm CERTAIN that the reporter's choice of words was strictly incidental and unintentional. He had no intention at all of having the historical record distorted to make it appear that our President is some sort of coward. Even though, when you watch the clips, that is clearly not the case.

To me, the President was actually quite admirable in how calmly he handled the situation, and how quickly he ducked. But the Left is so filled with blind hatred for this man, they will not even give him credit for gracefully dodging a shoe.

That's bullshit, he dodged that shit like the Matrix! I want him on my dodgeball team. If you can dodge a shoe...
Give credit where credit is due. Oh wait, we're talking the Guardian here. That would be impossible.

12-15-08, 14:20
Guess that guy is pissed about being free to throw shoes.

Dude ... awesome.

The Archangel
12-15-08, 14:27
Ok, I want W on my Dodgeball team...



-vs- the Obamination and the Billary team.... oooooh that would be a nice day on the court. :D

12-15-08, 16:18
"This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq."


12-15-08, 17:07
Funny that he calls GWB a dog and throws shoes at him. Guess that guy is pissed about being free to throw shoes.

Who exactly was it that helped put Saddam into power in the first place?

12-15-08, 17:35
Please do tell. As far as I know Saddam was attending school in Cairo when the Baathists assassinated Brig. Qassim who overthrew King Faisal II. He returned to Iraq upon learning of the revolution going on where he started his conquest by becoming a torturer.

Who exactly was it that helped put Saddam into power in the first place?

12-15-08, 17:49
Who exactly was it that helped put Saddam into power in the first place?

Not President George W. Bush.

12-15-08, 17:49
Should have had Blackwater there. :D

12-15-08, 19:45
1) The shoe thrower's act was disgusting
2) The President's reaction is commendable.

I'm really going to miss him in a few months when the new administration comes in.

12-16-08, 00:31
1) The shoe thrower's act was disgusting
2) The President's reaction is commendable.

I'm really going to miss him in a few months when the new administration comes in.

damn right brother

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-16-08, 00:44

That was funny as hell! Nice Austin Power's ref.

Bush, what can you say? He dodges the douchebag's stupid stunt and seems to be half grinning about it. I will miss him. You know Gore or Kerry would still have the tread of that guy's show on his face.

12-16-08, 01:07

12-16-08, 06:23
Who throws a shoe? I mean really . . .

Culturally speaking, it is supposed to be highly insulting. For example, even showing the bottom of your shoe (like crossing your legs while sitting in a chair) is supposedly an insult.

The "shoeter" was trying to show as much disrespect as possible, in the context of his culture.

12-16-08, 08:36
For throwing his shoes, the idiot got a broken arms and broken ribs with other cuts and bruises.

12-16-08, 09:44
Alas, if only Brady had instead been hit by a shoe and the Brady Campaign focused on banning certain models of shoes. :(

12-16-08, 10:27
Culturally speaking, it is supposed to be highly insulting. For example, even showing the bottom of your shoe (like crossing your legs while sitting in a chair) is supposedly an insult.

The "shoeter" was trying to show as much disrespect as possible, in the context of his culture.

Yes showing Iraqi's the bottom of your feet is supposed to be one of the most insulting things you can do, and flinging your shoes at someone just expands on that. It's right there on the list with touching someone with your left hand (Iraqi toilet paper), touching a woman, and walking on a prayer mat with your unwashed infidel feet. Arabs are big on feet being supremely disgusting, which given some of the hygiene habits I witness over there is about right.

What's funny is here just how backwards and under developed that society is as a whole and how it is exemplified in the curses and insults they use. For example I heard "Saddam donkey" or "Saddam dog", or I myself being a US Soldier was called a dog or donkey. This was pretty high on the insult list for them. Luckily being highly civilized westerners we were able to retort with such gems as "why don't you go f### your mother you f###ing Iraqi piece of s###." Which if you thinking about it, making reference to fornication with ones mother while referring to someone as fecal matter does trump simply referring to someone as a dog or donkey. You should have seen the eyes of the interpreters (Iraqi born Assyrian Christians which make American fundies look tame) when they first heard us talking like that and we told them they needed to translate it into Arabic. :D

For throwing his shoes, the idiot got a broken arms and broken ribs with other cuts and bruises.

BBC is saying he's gotten it worse than that:


12-16-08, 15:44
When he came up from dodging the first shoe he has a huge grin on his face! I heard he said did anyone lose a size 10? Hes a quick one on his feet and with the jokes.

12-16-08, 16:13
What's funny is here just how backwards and under developed that society is as a whole and how it is exemplified in the curses and insults they use. For example I heard "Saddam donkey" or "Saddam dog", or I myself being a US Soldier was called a dog or donkey. This was pretty high on the insult list for them. Luckily being highly civilized westerners we were able to retort with such gems as "why don't you go f### your mother you f###ing Iraqi piece of s###." Which if you thinking about it, making reference to fornication with ones mother while referring to someone as fecal matter does trump simply referring to someone as a dog or donkey. You should have seen the eyes of the interpreters (Iraqi born Assyrian Christians which make American fundies look tame) when they first heard us talking like that and we told them they needed to translate it into Arabic. :D


12-16-08, 16:50
BBC is saying he's gotten it worse than that:


The Iraqi authorities have said the 28-year-old will be prosecuted under Iraqi law.

death by sand fly!

Jim D
12-16-08, 23:20
It would have been great if GWB had charged the guy, like a batter charges the mound after an errant pitch.

I am surprised that his protective detail was as far from him as they were...but what do I know about that.

12-17-08, 00:09
It would have been great if GWB had charged the guy, like a batter charges the mound after an errant pitch.

I am surprised that his protective detail was as far from him as they were...but what do I know about that.
Absolutely nothing, apparently!!! Just like them... Just kidding. To you and the secret cervix, I mean service!


12-17-08, 10:04
Apparently the Iraqi police topped this guy off so good he had trouble appearing before the judge because he was hurt so bad

The lessons being learned are sure to be plentiful