View Full Version : Kazakhstan- Keeping Putin Busy and away from Ukraine?

01-08-22, 10:09
I see that Putin is going to help out in stabilizing Kazakhstan. I wonder if that has some of our finger prints on it to try to add more to Putin’s plate to discourage him from screwing with Ukraine.

01-08-22, 10:41
I was wondering the same thing. The neighborhood bully is less likely to cross the fence if he has to put out a fire in his own backyard. But, that's dependent on the issue either lasting quite some time, and bogging down Russian resources and/or attention, or buying NATO time to organize an effective defense. Somehow, I very much doubt the latter will occur.

01-08-22, 11:40
I was wondering the same thing. The neighborhood bully is less likely to cross the fence if he has to put out a fire in his own backyard.

Both are just over the fence but still in the 'backyard' here.

Who exactly started what and where are worthwhile things to consider.

01-08-22, 12:11
You think our “intelligence” agencies are competent enough to come up with, much less execute a plan like that?

01-08-22, 12:31
You think our “intelligence” agencies are competent enough to come up with, much less execute a plan like that?

Going by the ops they're running against us at home...

01-08-22, 13:07
Has anyone seen Ray Epps lately…

01-08-22, 13:21

As the White House claims Joe Biden is working to de-escalate Russian tensions at the Ukraine border, some are challenging the narrative and true motives behind the talks. One America’s Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion has more from Washington.

5 minute video at the link. All may not be as the US media may have you believe. Who'da thunk?

01-08-22, 15:20
I thin its a fake and a lie and they are just saying they are doing that so the idiots here in our country think OH good Biden is standing up to Biden !! and OH Biden won

kinda like giving the idiot kid a safe toy that they know is not real like HEY here is a gun (made of plastic) when everyone else gets a real one ! and the idiot kid thinks HEY I got a gun

01-08-22, 18:57
I thin its a fake and a lie and they are just saying they are doing that so the idiots here in our country think OH good Biden is standing up to Biden !! and OH Biden won

kinda like giving the idiot kid a safe toy that they know is not real like HEY here is a gun (made of plastic) when everyone else gets a real one ! and the idiot kid thinks HEY I got a gun

Melvin - “Burt! You asshole! There’s no bullets in this gun!”

Burt Gummer - “Got ya movin’, didn’t it?”

01-09-22, 06:54
Kazakhstan plays a big roll in china’s belt and road program. Of course it’s advantageous for us to stir up shit in a country that’s between our biggest enemies.

01-09-22, 08:18
Kazakhstan, Ukraine... same fight. Pencil dick Put in trying to keep the former republics under his thumb. Frankly I can't believe "we" had much to do with it though.

One old douchebag has been running Kazakhstan for decades, pre and post soviet. Now a new "young" 68yo protégé douchebag wants to seize the reins for himself. He stirred up the masses, then deflected their anger to get rid of Nazarbayev and his spawn. (Hot gazillionaire daughter btw, "paging Dr. Firefly") Now he calls up good old Vladimir for some troops that don't mind slaughtering civilians.

One despot family walks away rich, new despot family cemented into power. Same old, same old.

01-09-22, 08:32

5 minute video at the link. All may not be as the US media may have you believe. Who'da thunk?

I don't know anything about OAN, but does anybody else find that video less than trustworthy? A clip of Biden forgetting his lines, and a neckbeard saying there's no buildup? A quick Google search shows that yeah, back in November the Ukrainian Defense Minister denied the build-up, and since then has changed his tune. Otherwise, I'm not seeing many Ukrainians "challenging the narrative." At best, other articles mention that the Ukrainians themselves aren't too worried, because they've been living under the threat of Russian invasion since 2014, and don't want to worry about what they can't control.

EDIT: I'm not saying that I trust either the mainstream media narrative or the US government anymore, just that when you apply a bit of critical thinking to the OAN video, it's guilty of the same misdirection and gaslighting that is so common in our media today.

01-09-22, 10:07
EDIT: I'm not saying that I trust either the mainstream media narrative or the US government anymore, just that when you apply a bit of critical thinking to the OAN video, it's guilty of the same misdirection and gaslighting that is so common in our media today.

Shack. Their “expert” is a known Russian propagandist. Subversion, obfuscation and whataboutism are Russia’s go to foreign policy strategies. Presenting the false narratives of a dude on their side as a “counter” to US mainstream media isn’t doing anything to make anyone more educated.

01-09-22, 11:11
Shack. Their “expert” is a known Russian propagandist. Subversion, obfuscation and whataboutism are Russia’s go to foreign policy strategies. Presenting the false narratives of a dude on their side as a “counter” to US mainstream media isn’t doing anything to make anyone more educated.

You are seriously delusional if you think the US mainstream media has ever 'made anyone more educated'.

01-09-22, 13:50
DG23, that’s not what I meant…I hate the damn media. I’m just saying OAN is just as guilty as MSNBC when they roll out crap like this. I do believe the goal of media should be education, but I don’t think the major networks will ever try to be informative when they can make more money doing the WWE promo masquerading as news that sells now.

01-09-22, 13:56
I will say Russia has far more of a vested interest in Kazakhstan than Ukraine. With the Baikonur Cosmodrome being in Kazak lands and being staffed by hundreds if not thousands of Russian citizens, Russia does have a reason to make sure the property is secure.

01-09-22, 17:30
The former Intelligence Chief Karim Massimove, has given Hunter a million bucks in the past.

Kstan and Russia have the longest border in the world.