View Full Version : didn't know where to post this

01-08-22, 17:32
I like our m4carbine.net website. But one improvement that I like in which you see at Snipershide is the ability to "LIKE" someones thread post without having to quote them.

Several posters made good comments that I "liked" but didn't feel like quoting and adding unneeded post to a thread. So Mods and Grant, think about it. Might help traffic.

Also might be patent issues so.....just trying to help.


01-08-22, 17:46

01-08-22, 17:57
yup this is archaic forum tech sadly :)

01-08-22, 18:17
I don't think sparing a few words to complement a particularly good post is unnecessary or negative, in fact I think it's quite the opposite. See if this makes sense:

We are progressively degrading communication via systematic over use of brevity. It took tens of thousands of years to biologically adapt to and develop the unique human combination of verbal, tonal, and body language that we are capable of using. As we communicate less and less meaning, from text conversation (already suboptimal) to limited brief text conversation (Twitter) to showing approval primarily with the use of only a single thumbs up or heart icon, we become less and less personally connected. This isn't only harmful to personality types that are biologically adapted to serve as 'comforters' in human groups, it's also harmful for society at large because it results in decreased perception of value in those around you, which tends to increase your perception of value in the provider of your brevity communication.

"Like buttons" literally change the focus of your human warmth from the fellows next to you (in a social sense) to an individual or organization that is perceived to be above you, and it does so on an imperceptible level.

TLDR: text communication is bad enough, "like" buttons are worse.

01-08-22, 22:16
I don't think sparing a few words to complement a particularly good post is unnecessary or negative, in fact I think it's quite the opposite. See if this makes sense:

We are progressively degrading communication via systematic over use of brevity. It took tens of thousands of years to biologically adapt to and develop the unique human combination of verbal, tonal, and body language that we are capable of using. As we communicate less and less meaning, from text conversation (already suboptimal) to limited brief text conversation (Twitter) to showing approval primarily with the use of only a single thumbs up or heart icon, we become less and less personally connected. This isn't only harmful to personality types that are biologically adapted to serve as 'comforters' in human groups, it's also harmful for society at large because it results in decreased perception of value in those around you, which tends to increase your perception of value in the provider of your brevity communication.

"Like buttons" literally change the focus of your human warmth from the fellows next to you (in a social sense) to an individual or organization that is perceived to be above you, and it does so on an imperceptible level.

TLDR: text communication is bad enough, "like" buttons are worse.

Ditto ��

01-08-22, 23:48
I tend to think that on this forum, it is understood most like a thread unless they say otherwise.

I've read lots of things that I completely agree with but didn't feel the need to +1 it. I think those who imagined this environment prefer it that way.

And while I'm not suggesting anything negative on the part of the OP, I think most of us are ok without getting that "they like me...they like me" instantaneous feedback. I don't think it would dramatically improve or worsen the forum to have such a feature but I can understand why it's not there.

01-08-22, 23:58
I like our m4carbine.net website. But one improvement that I like in which you see at Snipershide is the ability to "LIKE" someones thread post without having to quote them.

Several posters made good comments that I "liked" but didn't feel like quoting and adding unneeded post to a thread. So Mods and Grant, think about it. Might help traffic.

Also might be patent issues so.....just trying to help.


I'd be happier with much more traffic sans the arfcom a$$holes

01-09-22, 08:32
Yeah, I'd rather not. Feels too much like "passing notes through friends" school kid stuff. If you agree say so, add your .02. Or disagree...

01-09-22, 08:41
I agree, a "Like" option would be great. It acknowledges a good post without dragging the discussion down with random "I agree," "Spot on," "Very true," etc posts. Most modern forums have that option, and I don't see any way that it's harmful.

01-09-22, 09:01
Ditto ��

……….Says the dude with only 300 posts since 2006.

The very definition of ironic.

01-09-22, 12:03
When I first joined this forum, I read a post by one of the moderators explaining why they didn't enable the "LIKE" feature. It had something to do with encouraging more interaction between members, reduce trivialty and to avoid a Facebook type atmosphere. The moderators also discouraged us from posting "+1" or other useless "post count" builder that contributed nothing to the discussion.

Before asking for a "LIKE" button, perhaps we should address the petty name calling, squabbling and backstabbing that's been creeping into the forum.

I really miss ArmyChief and IraqGunz

01-09-22, 12:43
I like the 'like' feature.

I also agree that we need to address the petty name calling, squabbling and backstabbing per post above.

01-09-22, 17:46
I agree, a "Like" option would be great. It acknowledges a good post without dragging the discussion down with random "I agree," "Spot on," "Very true," etc posts. Most modern forums have that option, and I don't see any way that it's harmful.

I actually didn't think about that, but I agree. That would be useful.

01-09-22, 17:48
I agree, a "Like" option would be great. It acknowledges a good post without dragging the discussion down with random "I agree," "Spot on," "Very true," etc posts. Most modern forums have that option, and I don't see any way that it's harmful.
