View Full Version : Got the Vid

01-08-22, 22:16
So my wife pressured me into getting the “booster” on Wednesday, the shot hurt like hell and I started feeling off almost immediately, figured possible psychosomatic. Achy joints, headache, fatigue. I just chalked it up to the shot. Well, she had me take one of those On/go rapid antigen tests a few minutes ago and it came back positive.

I let my prior employer know, last day was Monday, and guess I’ll have to postpone my job interview next week. Shoot.

Wife is stressed as I’ve spent a lot of time around our boy the past few days and now she can’t go back to work on Monday and he can’t go to school.

Now I’m confined to the office and have to wear an N95 when I leave the room until I’m symptom free or longer based on her fears. She’s truly triple jabbed and tested herself, negative.

I have mens one a day, probiotics, triple omega, and mercaptopurine that I take for crohn’s although I’ve been pretty lax on taking the the past few weeks as working graves on and off really messed me up. I also have a stash of budesonide from when my gastroenterologist had me on that. We also have airborne as well.

I’m not worried about myself but seeing my wife so angry is getting to me,

01-08-22, 22:43
What is she angry about?

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01-08-22, 22:47
What is she angry about?

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That I waited so long in getting the “booster” I told her it was because I didn’t want to keep someone else from getting the jab who needed it more, she said I was being selfish because I didn’t think of our son, he’s three. Said he’s the most vulnerable, which everything points to that being incorrect.

01-08-22, 23:16
You sir are a more patient man than I. I'd find it impossible to put up with that.


01-08-22, 23:49
mass formation psychosis is succeeding...the msm narrative wants this sort of division. Turn off the F'ing tv & live your lives. Your kid is actually the least vulnerable & the jabs are failing!!

Big Pharm / the swamp has taught your wife that those unjab'd need to understand that the jab works so they will take it...they also have to convince those who are jab'd that it doesn't really work & need boosters so they will take it. Time to wake up & stop complying at all costs. Especially for your kid before she starts jabbing him. Draw a line as it's a mountain worth dying on today.

01-09-22, 00:20
That I waited so long in getting the “booster” I told her it was because I didn’t want to keep someone else from getting the jab who needed it more, she said I was being selfish because I didn’t think of our son, he’s three. Said he’s the most vulnerable, which everything points to that being incorrect.



Seriously, while you still have some sanity left...

01-09-22, 00:56
If it's any comfort, my dad got his booster, then got Covid two weeks later. He's now fine. My mom, un-boosted because she's undergoing chemo treatment, never caught it.

With utmost respect to your wife, I cannot believe there are people out there that believe the vaccine stops you from getting Covid. The only benefit seems to be that you get a less severe case of Covid.

Unless your three year old has some life threatening auto immune disease or some respiratory disease, he is at almost a zero risk of having an issue with Covid.

And finally. Your aches, pains, ect. are a normal reaction to the vaccine or booster. In fact, you can often test positive with certain tests after a vaccine shot.

01-09-22, 05:19
Your wife is mad at you? What? From reading your post you are either the most patient man on earth or ….

Hope you get better soon, seriously. Add Zinc, Vit D and C to your daily intake if you’re not already.

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01-09-22, 06:05
Why people don't take this serious is beyond me.

This is not a spectator proposition. So many are not actively participating in potentially saving their own life.

We are all on our own and there is plenty one can do. Establish credible sources of information and stay up to date. There are a number of doctors that have been advocating OTC prophylaxis as well as OTC protocols for 2 years now.

Relying on MSM, social distancing, masks, and shots is a stupid strategy. So is throwing your hands up and saying theres nothing I can do or , I 'll deal with it when I get it. It may be to late...

01-09-22, 06:31


Seriously, while you still have some sanity left...

Believe me, I have considered it but I know how much that screws up the kids and my little boy is worth dealing with everything so he has the best opportunity at life.

Your wife is mad at you? What? From reading your post you are either the most patient man on earth or ….

Hope you get better soon, seriously. Add Zinc, Vit D and C to your daily intake if you’re not already.

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Funny, even her family is always remarking how patient I am. She didn’t always be like this, but over the last few years it’s gotten worse.

01-09-22, 06:53
You know, this whole thing is so funny to me, the two fully vaccinated guys at my work are both out right now with severe covid. Love those dudes, that's not the funny part, it's just that the vaccines clearly didn't work at all.

As for your wife, you should get a divorce, she doesn't sound pleasant.

01-09-22, 06:58
My twice jabbed wife, caught covid 2 weeks ago.

I am firmly in the camp that the jabs are worthless at this point in time. No, according to Dr Malone they are actually making the situation worse. He offered Israel and the Palestinians as an example. Israel the most heavily vaxed place in the world has omicron going through it like Sherman through Georgia. While the mostly unvaxed Palestinians have a very low rate of infection.

You wife has been brain washed by the biggest scam in history.

01-09-22, 07:28
The current strain going around isn't as bad. For me, the first symptom to come, and the last to go, was my coffee tasting like saltwater. I had little to no respiratory involvement. At the onset I kind of felt like I was coming down with a cold for about 24 hours, and then at the very end I had a very slight cough for a few days.

Contrast that with the OG variant, where I felt like I was suffocating to death. There was one point with that when I thought I was going to have to be hospitalized. Nothing even remotely like that happened this time.

01-09-22, 07:30
My brother and his family are true believers with my sister in-law terrified to live her life.
Despite being vaccinated and boosted when their 4 year old got it at daycare she was sick for a day, the rest of them got it worse (nothing life threatening).
My daughter slept over the weekend they were infected but didn't know, and she got it.

Fast forward 4 days, he texts me saying they tested positive, next day my daughter starts throwing symptoms and because of her asthma she was having some issues so we got her tested, positive.

The doctor said she should quarantine in her room and we should all wear masks. There was no way I was going to banish her to her room for Christmas. Nobody else in the house got it.

The fear porn that passes for the media has created mass psychos and has brought to light the unknown mental health problems in this country based on some people's behavior.

Is the vaccine making things worse? Here's an article from 2019 about creating a vaccine during an outbreak can make things worse.


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just a scout
01-09-22, 07:42
Believe me, I have considered it but I know how much that screws up the kids and my little boy is worth dealing with everything so he has the best opportunity at life.

Funny, even her family is always remarking how patient I am. She didn’t always be like this, but over the last few years it’s gotten worse.

It’s not worth it. The kid will adjust, especially at that age. Wait till she Starts gaslighting you. Pop smoke now and get out. It will only get worse. Much worse.

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01-09-22, 08:55
mass formation psychosis is succeeding...the msm narrative wants this sort of division. Turn off the F'ing tv & live your lives. Your kid is actually the least vulnerable & the jabs are failing!!

Big Pharm / the swamp has taught your wife that those unjab'd need to understand that the jab works so they will take it...they also have to convince those who are jab'd that it doesn't really work & need boosters so they will take it. Time to wake up & stop complying at all costs. Especially for your kid before she starts jabbing him. Draw a line as it's a mountain worth dying on today.

Here is a great example from last fall. Vaxxed man died, but it wasn't as bad as the exact same death happening to an unvaccinated person.


01-09-22, 09:05
Here is a great example from last fall. Vaxxed man died, but it wasn't as bad as the exact same death happening to an unvaccinated person.

https://www.newsweek.com/daughter-fully-vaccinated-man-who-died-rare-covid-breakthrough-case-supports-shots-1618352This is like a person who was at a shooting in a gun free zone, supporting gun free zones because they are more worried about the good guy with a gun then the person intent in harming others.
Stange days.

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01-09-22, 09:08
OP, “the wife” needs a serious tune-up and it needs to come from you.

01-09-22, 09:56
I got the booster on the 30th and I didn’t feel awesome for about 36 hours after. Numerous people I work with have been coming down with omicron, so I felt it was prudent. This last week a couple folks I had been around got symptomatic and I’ve been fine so far, knock on wood. I wonder in your case if you were already infected when you got the shot, so the vaccine dose plus what you already had made it worse.

01-09-22, 09:59
That I waited so long in getting the “booster” I told her it was because I didn’t want to keep someone else from getting the jab who needed it more, she said I was being selfish because I didn’t think of our son, he’s three. Said he’s the most vulnerable, which everything points to that being incorrect.

No offense, but if your wife is angry with you over this, you should have never had a son with her.

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01-09-22, 10:03
It’s not worth it. The kid will adjust, especially at that age. Wait till she Starts gaslighting you. Pop smoke now and get out. It will only get worse. Much worse.

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She will continue to get worse. She has severe mental illness. She will demonstrate to your son how weak you are to tolerate this shit and your son will grow up to be a subservient pussy.

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01-09-22, 10:49

She will continue to get worse. She has severe mental illness. She will demonstrate to your son how weak you are to tolerate this shit and your son will grow up to be a subservient pussy.

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This... Truth is a bitch sometimes but remains the truth.

01-09-22, 10:52

She will continue to get worse. She has severe mental illness. She will demonstrate to your son how weak you are to tolerate this shit and your son will grow up to be a subservient pussy.

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Given her age, I believe that she is at the onset of menopause. I remember when my mom went through it, she was totally insane and unpleasant to be around, she once decided to leave work and go for a walk, in January, in Rochester NY, without a coat. She made it a few miles before she got too cold and went into a gas station and called my dad to pick her up. Once the whole menopause finished with my mom she regained her sanity and is pleasant to be around. I’m hoping that will be the case for my wife.

01-09-22, 12:56
Have you seen Dr. John Campbell's (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9IOB2TExg3QIBupFtBDxg) recent videos on Omicron? You might find them useful, unless she will dismiss anything you show her regardless.

01-09-22, 17:56
No offense, but if your wife is angry with you over this, you should have never had a son with her.

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In fairness some people discover that too late in the game. I would also say that "covid crazy" is a real thing. There are more than a few people I truly care about, who were "once upon a time" completely squared away...but believe everything on their phone and now suffer from a severe type of agoraphobia. A person who was once a co owner of a very successful local business which operated for decades was no longer willing to leave the her home and almost nobody was allowed in their home. Understandably she was checked off a couple risk factors such as age and and occupation where she dealt with large numbers of people but I don't think the was able to balance that with a realistic understanding of anything else.

I didn't know any of this until I commented to the owner that I didn't see his wife much lately and she used to be there every day. I don't think he meant to tell me ALL of his personal business but I guess he didn't know anyone else who cared enough to ask. Really felt bad for the guy, really felt bad for her. I've seen BS "bad info" read on a phone do a lot of damage and hurt a lot of people.

01-09-22, 19:55
I just find it interesting that my wife blames me for not taking this as serious as she has and it’s true, during the riots in 2020 I spent the week at LA city hall and slept in the convention center with over a thousand other guardsmen, none of us wore masks. During the day I was around cops and protesters to the tune of probably tens of thousands a day. I worked every day that summer at an internship where I was in close proximity to others and only wore the cheap paper masks, I worked the vaccination center at Cal State LA last spring and then went to Japan to work with the JGDF in a joint exercise. I had like two masks that I kept using and would wash them every so often. And since thanksgiving until Monday I worked at the local Nordstrom preparing packages for shipping, which is probably where I caught the virus, wearing an N95 no less, started out wearing under armor masks but she bought a bunch of kn95s and N95s and insisted that I wear them to work, which I did.

Two years of really not giving a damn and then I get it when I’m actually taking real precautions, oh well.

Now she is saying that she’s not feeling well, already scheduled to get tested at the district office tomorrow so we shall see.

Worst part is my boy has to miss the whole week of school.

01-09-22, 20:46
Two years of really not giving a damn and then I get it when I’m actually taking real precautions, oh well.

Omicron is far more contagious than earlier forms of the virus, but also appears to be far less dangerous. Further it appears to be producing T-cell response for other variants. This is all GOOD NEWS. Omicron is acting like a proper old-school vaccine.

01-09-22, 22:15
Omicron is far more contagious than earlier forms of the virus, but also appears to be far less dangerous. Further it appears to be producing T-cell response for other variants. This is all GOOD NEWS. Omicron is acting like a proper old-school vaccine.

Omicron is very good news. Hopefully becomes the dominant strain soon. Delta is still making it's rounds, lost a relative by marriage a week ago to it. I regiment Quercetin and alternate with Artemisinin, C, D3, K, Zinc and Selenium every other day. We know of 4 within a few blocks of us that passed away in 2021.

01-09-22, 22:24
Omicron is very good news. Hopefully becomes the dominant strain soon. Delta is still making it's rounds, lost a relative by marriage a week ago to it. I regiment Quercetin and alternate with Artemisinin, C, D3, K, Zinc and Selenium every other day. We know of 4 within a few blocks of us that passed away in 2021.

I am sorry for your loss(es); I wish this change had come sooner. If you believe the CDC Omicron already was the dominant strain at Christmas, growing rapidly. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#variant-proportions

01-10-22, 09:00
I am sorry for your loss(es); I wish this change had come sooner. If you believe the CDC Omicron already was the dominant strain at Christmas, growing rapidly. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#variant-proportions

Thanks Disciple, our relative that passed contracted earlier in December and passed just after Christmas. His blood / oxy was at 30% and on a ventilator. I know of 4 within 4 blocks of us that passed from covid. Two in one family, Grandfather the next day after the second vax, then grandson in the same month with multiple clots. Thanks for the cdc link too!

Edit: Ben Harnwell was on War Room again and is reporting more on the new CCP XianVariant today. Reports of ebola type symptoms, bleeding from eyes, nose and ears. Whatever is going on there we need to not attend the games.

A clip from 1/3.
