View Full Version : Can someone explain why P.O.C/ Minorities can't get an I.D.?

01-12-22, 14:06
Maybe this is the wrong place to ask. Maybe I should go to Reddit. Anyway can someone explain why it's apparently so hard for Blacks/minorities to get a photo I.D. In my state you just go to the DMV show proof of citizenship/ legal residence pass your written and road test and get your driver's license. If you don't want a driver's license or can't get one a Photo I.D. is issued to you. Race is not part of the criteria that determines if you get one. Anyone who is a citizen or is here legally can get one regardless of race.( obviously you can only vote if you're a citizen). Also if 18 you can register to vote or renew your voter registration at the same time you get/ renew your driver's license. I imagine the process is similar in all the U.S. states. With Biden's speech yesterday (which admittedly I only half listened to) and all the drama over Georgia's laws last year I'm trying to understand what in our current law is racist/ discriminatory.

01-12-22, 14:13
Real reason: big-city Democrats have relied on voting fraud for decades, or centuries in NY and Chicago, and it's inconvenient for dead people to get picture ID.

Fake reason: a century ago, back in the mists of time, there were places where black people couldn't get ordinary government services that white people (at least, wealthier white people) could get. One of these services may have been birth certificates. So somewhere in the deep south there is ONE (1) black person born in 1915 who didn't get a birth certificate, doesn't have a photo ID, and still wants to vote when the local news media make them feel special. Chances are they've been collecting social security payments for 40 years without a problem, but WHINE SOB MOAN RACISM!!! there you have it. Just add AOC and stir.

01-12-22, 14:21
There is no reason they can’t. People perpetuating this nonsense are racist baiting scumbags.

01-12-22, 14:27
I'm trying to understand what in our current law is racist/ discriminatory.

The GAO (Government Accountability Office) had a study in 2014 under Obama that stated that where states had voter ID there were approximately 3% less voters in Federal Elections.
Published: Sep 19, 2014

This would equal out to approximately 28 million people according to the PEW research center (30 million according to the DNC), which from the Pew Research center the following was "observed" or reported:

"that around 11% of eligible voters don’t have photo ID issued by the government, and that figure is even higher for people of color, disabled, seniors, students, and low-income voters. A lot of citizens face problems apply for a government photo ID because getting the documentation required for such an ID such as a birth certificate, can be hard or costly to obtain."

So in retrospect, Bidens reporting contorts 2 reports together to make an assumption. Now, does Georgia have enough voting areas in rural portions of low income voters? Probably not, but that is not what Biden is mad about, he just wants Georgia to be a possible swing state. (That at least is my opinion)

01-12-22, 14:29
It's not, this is a lie perpetuated to encourage continued voter fraud. Notice nobody makes the same argument when talking about vaccine passports.

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01-12-22, 14:51
Real reason: big-city Democrats have relied on voting fraud for decades, or centuries in NY and Chicago, and it's inconvenient for dead people to get picture ID.

Fake reason: a century ago, back in the mists of time, there were places where black people couldn't get ordinary government services that white people (at least, wealthier white people) could get. One of these services may have been birth certificates. So somewhere in the deep south there is ONE (1) black person born in 1915 who didn't get a birth certificate, doesn't have a photo ID, and still wants to vote when the local news media make them feel special. Chances are they've been collecting social security payments for 40 years without a problem, but WHINE SOB MOAN RACISM!!! there you have it. Just add AOC and stir.

Seems a white person born on the family farm or at home to poor parents in 1915 would have the same issue?

01-12-22, 14:52
You could take the “poll tax” element out of the equation by making non-drivers license photo ID free. And maybe make it easier to get a copy of your birth certificate (which you need to get a photo ID).

Take away the impediments to needing photo ID for voting, and then nonsense goes away.

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01-12-22, 14:57
The GAO (Government Accountability Office) had a study in 2014 under Obama that stated that where states had voter ID there were approximately 3% less voters in Federal Elections.
Published: Sep 19, 2014

This would equal out to approximately 28 million people according to the PEW research center (30 million according to the DNC), which from the Pew Research center the following was "observed" or reported:

"that around 11% of eligible voters don’t have photo ID issued by the government, and that figure is even higher for people of color, disabled, seniors, students, and low-income voters. A lot of citizens face problems apply for a government photo ID because getting the documentation required for such an ID such as a birth certificate, can be hard or costly to obtain."

That makes sense and I don't have a good answer, but do we change our laws so they make voter fraud easier, for 11% of eligible voters? I would say no.

01-12-22, 14:58
Yea...nonsense. If they have a bus pass, have any federal benefits, kids go to public school, have a cellphone, etc...means they have an ID. Absolute garbage.

01-12-22, 15:01
It's not, this is a lie perpetuated to encourage continued voter fraud. Notice nobody makes the same argument when talking about vaccine passports.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

There is no reason they can’t. People perpetuating this nonsense are racist baiting scumbags.

Bingo. And Bingo. It’s the racism of low expectations and pure drivel perpetuated by the Left in this country.

01-12-22, 15:14
That makes sense and I don't have a good answer, but do we change our laws so they make voter fraud easier, for 11% of eligible voters? I would say no.

Look, the devil is in the details. Biden narrowly won Georgia by a margin of 0.23% and 11,779 votes, you eliminate 3% of voters from Federal elections in Georgia and he loses by 35k votes. The voter ID laws take away voting fraud, at the same time they take away the DNC's chances at a swing state.

01-12-22, 15:14
It's not actually a problem, but it sells well to white liberals.

How do I know it isn't a problem? They haven't brought out some sob story character to be the face of the issue.

In fact, with most of these voting issues they don't have an actual instance, which most of us would call proof, that the problem exists.

It is really interesting that the GOPs view of elections is based on a lack of evidence and called the Big Lie and Jim Crow 2.0, but the lefts evidence free claims about elections issues are the prevailing narrative.....

Come'on Man.

01-12-22, 15:14
Real reason: big-city Democrats have relied on voting fraud for decades, or centuries in NY and Chicago, and it's inconvenient for dead people to get picture ID.

Thread end.

I’m supposed to believe these same people who can’t get off their couches to get an ID somehow miraculously muster the energy to get out and vote?

It’s a scam and has been for decades. They just perfected it with fraud by mail during the last election.

At this point EVERYTHING they say is simply projection. There are voting rights being violated, it’s just yours that are being violated by the rampant voter fraud.

01-12-22, 15:16
Because the liberal dolts who propagate that stuff are racist asshats who think minorities are idiots who can’t figure out how to get to the dmv, use the Internet and such.

I mean these are the folks who supported slavery. Fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights Act. And elected a racist asshat who thought going to school with minority kids was a jungle environment. They are racist assholes. Pure and simple.

01-12-22, 15:16
There is literally no reason that they cannot. Every state has provisions to accommodate the extreme cases. Every single "study" cited as "evidence" was funded and performed with the intent to show that voter ID laws are discriminatory. How surprising that they "found" exactly what they were looking for.

Every single service, benefit, or aid program run by the government requires ID. How is that not discriminatory? Of course they make the argument that voting is a right, but so is owning a gun. Are gun laws requiring ID not discriminating against these same people?

It's all just lies and smoke. Now if death certificates and LIUNA/SEIU cards counted as voter ID maybe the Dems would be cool with it. ;)

01-12-22, 15:18
Just more lies from the commies.

01-12-22, 15:34
Seems a white person born on the family farm or at home to poor parents in 1915 would have the same issue?

Poor whites might face some of the same issues, but let's be real, much of the south (as well as some other parts of the US) had systematic racial discrimination into the 1960's. Not so much since then.

As of 2022 it's a red herring with regard to any eligible voters (actual US citizens, etc.). But it's hugely important for their ability to perpetrate all kinds of voting fraud.

01-12-22, 16:07
You can achieve anything in this Country you desire with some effort.
You can find very well intentioned people who will tell you why you'll never have shit.

01-12-22, 16:08
Poor whites might face some of the same issues, but let's be real, much of the south (as well as some other parts of the US) had systematic racial discrimination into the 1960's. Not so much since then.

All brought to you by Jim Crow who was an invention of the Democratic Party.

01-12-22, 16:31
Poor whites might face some of the same issues, but let's be real, much of the south (as well as some other parts of the US) had systematic racial discrimination into the 1960's. Not so much since then.

As of 2022 it's a red herring with regard to any eligible voters (actual US citizens, etc.). But it's hugely important for their ability to perpetrate all kinds of voting fraud.

You make a good point as relating to people born in the early to mid 1900's, but how many of those people are still alive to vote. Seems to me for most born since the civil rights movement it should be a non-issue which if I'm interpreting right is what I think you're implying as well.

01-12-22, 16:32
It's a red herring non issue. They would make the same argument for proof of a pulse.

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01-12-22, 16:46
You are giving way too much credit to these criminals. It's like a rape victim thinking " but maybe he REALLY likes me".

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

01-12-22, 16:49
All brought to you by Jim Crow who was an invention of the Democratic Party.

DNC keeping racism cool since forever.

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01-12-22, 17:13
You could take the “poll tax” element out of the equation by making non-drivers license photo ID free.

Many states do make it free.

Still somehow, it is the only FREE benefit PoC cant seem to figure out how to get according to the left.

01-12-22, 17:14
Many states do make it free.

Still somehow, it is the only FREE benefit PoC cant seem to figure out how to get according to the left.The left has a far lower opinion of "POC" than the KKK does.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

01-12-22, 17:58
There is no freaking reason. It's an excuse to CHEAT, pure and simple.

01-12-22, 18:01
The left has a far lower opinion of "POC" than the KKK does.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

They’re still keeping blacks under their boot heels. Just now with sneakier tactics and no white hoods.

01-12-22, 21:30
It's an even bigger scam than the race crap. Nobody should NEED ID to do anything other than drive.

You shouldn't need ID to vote, other than a valid voter ID card. You shouldn't need ID to cross state lines. You shouldn't need ID for lots of things.

A driver's license is a driver's license. A passport is a passport. A social security card is a social security card. These are "things"...a "State ID" is bullshit.

That we have an imaginary issue that people are being "deprived" of a State ID is hilarious.

This isn't Europe, this isn't the Soviet Union...they can take their "papers please" and get fuct.

01-12-22, 22:38
You make a good point as relating to people born in the early to mid 1900's, but how many of those people are still alive to vote. Seems to me for most born since the civil rights movement it should be a non-issue which if I'm interpreting right is what I think you're implying as well.

Very few, and of those I would bet 99.99% of the people who want or "need" photo ID have obtained one by now.

I would imagine that the Dems might be able to find maybe, like ONE living person who can't vote because they can't obtain photo ID because they were born in racistan back in 1923 and they can't obtain any legal document proving their identity. ONE, maybe. But the corporate leftist media like CNN would take that ONE and amplify it as if it's millions, then people like Sotomayor would turn it into TRILLIONS and OMG the world is ending racism ORANGE MAN BAD!!!

Yes, I think the level of political discourse today is at the level of a brain-damaged and schizophrenic seven year old. Watch an hour of CNN and tell me how I'm wrong.

01-13-22, 00:06
They buy alcohol, if they are doing it legally they must show ID. No excuse.

01-13-22, 02:21
Voter ID video from Ami Horowitz 2016. I know these videos are heavily edited and opportunistic, but they still make a good point.


01-13-22, 02:47
Things like this leak out to take your attention away from bigger stories. It's all Democratic Party over reaction to a problem they created, starting with Poll Taxes and Jim Crow policies.
The illusion via Stacey Abrams is that all of this "Hate" comes via the Republican Party and they don't want Black Folks to vote.
The reality is that Black folks have slowly woken up to the fact that voting Democrat keeps you on the Plantation. Your just poor enough to make it to the Polls and once again vote against your own, best self intrests.
Stacey Abrams is the physical embodiment of Southern Democratic Party. Fat, Bossy, and in you Face, yet provides nothing but false talking points and promises.

Totally fabricated nonissue. If your 84 year old memaw doesn't have ID, how is She getting her Social Security ? It's all BS.

john armond
01-13-22, 06:47
Yet in DC the democrat mayor just required (beginning 1/15/22) A PHOTO ID AND proof of vaccine for anyone 18 and older (proof of vaccine requirement only for 12-18yoa) for entrance to:

• Indoor food and drink establishments, such as:
o Restaurants
o Nightclubs
o Taverns
o Food halls/courts
o Breweries, wineries, and distillery tasting rooms
o Seated dining halls, restaurants, and cafes in museums, libraries, hotels, and other
public venues
• Indoor cultural and entertainment establishments, such as:
o Concert, live entertainment venues
o Sporting venues
o Movie theaters
o Pool and billiard halls
o Bowling alleys
o Cigar bars
o Hookah bars
o Adult entertainment venues
• Indoor exercise and recreational facilities, such as:
o Gyms
o Fitness Studios
• Indoor event and meeting establishments, such as:
o Hotel meeting rooms
o Banquet halls
o Conference center meeting facilities
o Event/banquet halls in museums and libraries
o Convention centers
o Auditoriums
o Shared work facilities when hosting events
• Any other indoor establishment designated by the Director of the DC Department of



If it wasn't for double standards, they wouldn't have any standards.

01-13-22, 07:54
Seems a white person born on the family farm or at home to poor parents in 1915 would have the same issue?

My Dad was born in a log cabin in 1919 in Gatlinburg, TN. He had a birth certificate because a doctor came by the house a few days after he was born to check on him. Not sure how to define poor. They raised crops to get by along with hunting and fishing. His grandad was the blacksmith in town so maybe they might have been a little better off.
If people want ID's they can get them. TN has been requiring Voter ID since 2012. Anyone can get one free at DMV. It's not hard.

01-13-22, 10:15
My Dad was born in a log cabin in 1919 in Gatlinburg, TN. He had a birth certificate because a doctor came by the house a few days after he was born to check on him. Not sure how to define poor. They raised crops to get by along with hunting and fishing. His grandad was the blacksmith in town so maybe they might have been a little better off.
If people want ID's they can get them. TN has been requiring Voter ID since 2012. Anyone can get one free at DMV. It's not hard.

Hahaha thats how my Aunts and Two Uncles got their birth certificates. The Doctor brought them over a couple of weeks later after he visited the County seat and registered them.
Certificate of Live Birth.

01-13-22, 10:38
Hahaha thats how my Aunts and Two Uncles got their birth certificates. The Doctor brought them over a couple of weeks later after he visited the County seat and registered them.
Certificate of Live Birth.

The same with my father, except he was born in '55 outside Barnesville Mn. The doctor couldn't actually mail in the birth certificate into the state because the post office in Hawley Mn didn't qualify the address as a dwelling because my great-grandfather modified his chicken coupe with a wood stove so my grandparents could live there.

01-13-22, 10:52
Bet they have ID to cash the sweet gov'ment checks...

01-13-22, 17:39
Voter ID video from Ami Horowitz 2016. I know these videos are heavily edited and opportunistic, but they still make a good point.


Some of those white kids at the beginning make me cringe. Some of the things they say are pretty degrading to black people.

01-13-22, 19:40
Yet in DC the democrat mayor just required (beginning 1/15/22) A PHOTO ID AND proof of vaccine for anyone 18 and older (proof of vaccine requirement only for 12-18yoa) for entrance to:

• Indoor food and drink establishments, such as:
o Restaurants
o Nightclubs
o Taverns
o Food halls/courts
o Breweries, wineries, and distillery tasting rooms
o Seated dining halls, restaurants, and cafes in museums, libraries, hotels, and other
public venues
• Indoor cultural and entertainment establishments, such as:
o Concert, live entertainment venues
o Sporting venues
o Movie theaters
o Pool and billiard halls
o Bowling alleys
o Cigar bars
o Hookah bars
o Adult entertainment venues
• Indoor exercise and recreational facilities, such as:
o Gyms
o Fitness Studios
• Indoor event and meeting establishments, such as:
o Hotel meeting rooms
o Banquet halls
o Conference center meeting facilities
o Event/banquet halls in museums and libraries
o Convention centers
o Auditoriums
o Shared work facilities when hosting events
• Any other indoor establishment designated by the Director of the DC Department of



If it wasn't for double standards, they wouldn't have any standards.

this is the stuff the courts need to look at as unconstitutional and for the requirement of a national voter ID

01-13-22, 20:13
Bet they have ID to cash the sweet gov'ment checks...

Nah... they are direct deposited into the bank account they set up with a photo ID required since 2001... uh, what a minute?

01-14-22, 13:51
Some of those white kids at the beginning make me cringe. Some of the things they say are pretty degrading to black people.

It's usually "well intentioned" white liberals who say the most derogatory and condescending things about black people.

Don't forget, Shitzhispants said something along the lines of "He's really clean and well spoken for a black man" as a "compliment" to Obama.

01-14-22, 19:53
It's usually "well intentioned" white liberals who say the most derogatory and condescending things about black people.

Don't forget, Shitzhispants said something along the lines of "He's really clean and well spoken for a black man" as a "compliment" to Obama.

They have no expectations and accept everything is "A Black Thing" and move accross town.

01-15-22, 08:10
My wife is Sioux and the voter ID is a hot button in the NA community because the federal government requires a physical address to get a state or tribal ID (either would be acceptable to vote). Lots of people on the reservations (and rural people period) had a P.O. box and that was sufficient for years, but is not enough now.

If you look at it through a very narrow lens, Voter ID laws could deny some natives an opportunity to participate in the democratic process.

Reality quashes that pretty quickly. Every adult that I know on "the rez" needs an ID in their day to day lives. Driver's license to drive, of course, but also need an ID to cash checks, open a bank account, get a job, apply for federal aid/social security, receive medical care at the IHS, buy alcohol/weed/tobacco, etc. Anyone without an ID is not worried about voting.

I personally think proof of birth is "I'm standing right here" but the reality is that a ID is required to live in the US.

Also - owning a gun is just as much a constitutional right as voting and I don't see libs protesting laws that require an ID for purchasing a boomstick.


01-15-22, 08:42
Also - owning a gun is just as much a constitutional right as voting and I don't see libs protesting laws that require an ID for purchasing a boomstick.


Buying a gun doesn't allow them to be cheating bastards.

01-15-22, 10:31
Maybe this is the wrong place to ask. Maybe I should go to Reddit. Anyway can someone explain why it's apparently so hard for Blacks/minorities to get a photo I.D. In my state you just go to the DMV show proof of citizenship/ legal residence pass your written and road test and get your driver's license. If you don't want a driver's license or can't get one a Photo I.D. is issued to you. Race is not part of the criteria that determines if you get one. Anyone who is a citizen or is here legally can get one regardless of race.( obviously you can only vote if you're a citizen). Also if 18 you can register to vote or renew your voter registration at the same time you get/ renew your driver's license. I imagine the process is similar in all the U.S. states. With Biden's speech yesterday (which admittedly I only half listened to) and all the drama over Georgia's laws last year I'm trying to understand what in our current law is racist/ discriminatory.

It’s all BS! Anyone can get an ID card in their respective state. If I’m not mistaken, PA will give you a free ID if you can’t “afford” it.

01-15-22, 13:05
If you have outstanding warrants and show up at the dmv for an ID it may not go well. Or it may at least be a concern of these wonderful folks with these warrants.

Also as everyone else said it makes it much harder for illegals and dead people to vote if they need an id saying they are a living American

01-15-22, 13:06
It’s all BS! Anyone can get an ID card in their respective state. If I’m not mistaken, PA will give you a free ID if you can’t “afford” it.About two months ago Michigan had a bipartisan bill that passed both chambers with large numbers to give free state ID's to people and the Dumbocrat governor vetoed it.

01-18-22, 12:42
My wife is Sioux and the voter ID is a hot button in the NA community because the federal government requires a physical address to get a state or tribal ID (either would be acceptable to vote). Lots of people on the reservations (and rural people period) had a P.O. box and that was sufficient for years, but is not enough now.

If you look at it through a very narrow lens, Voter ID laws could deny some natives an opportunity to participate in the democratic process.

Reality quashes that pretty quickly. Every adult that I know on "the rez" needs an ID in their day to day lives. Driver's license to drive, of course, but also need an ID to cash checks, open a bank account, get a job, apply for federal aid/social security, receive medical care at the IHS, buy alcohol/weed/tobacco, etc. Anyone without an ID is not worried about voting.

I personally think proof of birth is "I'm standing right here" but the reality is that a ID is required to live in the US.

Also - owning a gun is just as much a constitutional right as voting and I don't see libs protesting laws that require an ID for purchasing a boomstick.


I'm of two minds on this subject. On the one hand, driving is technically a privilege and I can see why a DL should be tied to a physical address. I'm thinking less about tracking someone down for an arrest and more for death notifications in the event of a vehicular fatality.

Other than that, an ID for voting or purchasing a gun (or any other constitutional right), a P.O. box should be sufficient. I don't need to know if someone has active warrants if I'm issuing a free voter ID. Just proof of citizenship and which precinct you're voting in.

01-19-22, 14:17
not pertinent

01-19-22, 14:43
It’s an urban legend perpetuated by Democrats. Minorities are too stupid and too poor to get an ID…

01-20-22, 14:35
Maybe Chuck Schumer is watching reruns of COPS and thinks these people are being denied their right to vote for lack of ID.

May I see your DL?
Don't have one.
Any ID?
Do you own this vehicle?
Who does?
Borrowed it from Biggie.
Does Biggie have a last name?
Don't know. Just call him Biggie.

01-21-22, 16:52
Real reason: big-city Democrats have relied on voting fraud for decades, or centuries in NY and Chicago, and it's inconvenient for dead people to get picture ID.

Fake reason: a century ago, back in the mists of time, there were places where black people couldn't get ordinary government services that white people (at least, wealthier white people) could get. One of these services may have been birth certificates. So somewhere in the deep south there is ONE (1) black person born in 1915 who didn't get a birth certificate, doesn't have a photo ID, and still wants to vote when the local news media make them feel special. Chances are they've been collecting social security payments for 40 years without a problem, but WHINE SOB MOAN RACISM!!! there you have it. Just add AOC and stir.

All this, and they don't come in packs of Kool Menthols like a Crackerjack prize.

Reagans Rascals
01-23-22, 02:15
Because Liberals are racist and try to disguise this under the guise of helping those who cant help themselves.

That, and they really enjoy voter fraud.

01-25-22, 12:09
I ask for ID's from everyone I meet. Generally, the only people I run across without ID's are the homeless population, who don't/can't vote anyways. Even our large immigrant population all have state ID's for the most part.

01-25-22, 12:32
Hell, I can get a birth certificate and an ID for $200 in Macarther Park. Easy peasy.

01-25-22, 17:44
Hell, I can get a birth certificate and an ID for $200 in Macarther Park. Easy peasy.

Just look for the guy who holds his hand up in the shape of a “C” for card, and he can help you out.

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