View Full Version : USAF CMSgt fired for sexual harassment

01-13-22, 08:57
Nothing terribly unusual about that these days, but I thought it was interesting that he was " certified as a sexual assault prevention and response victim advocate, a bystander intervention training instructor and a “Green Dot” intervention facilitator." :D


01-13-22, 09:06
Is there ever going to be a momentum shift on this liberal retardation?? Good God!

01-13-22, 09:38
Once he put his hands on her, he went too far.

01-13-22, 09:59
Is there ever going to be a momentum shift on this liberal retardation?? Good God!

I dunno Man he sounds like a creepy guy that drank too much and said a lot of creepy and inappropriate things.
I don't want to say he had it coming, but in the scheme of a Career as an NCO, he made a lot of mistakes.
I bet she was uncomfortable, yeah he was wrong, but this is why you dont mix with lower enlisted. And to think he could have went out on his own and made some cougars weekend.

01-13-22, 10:03
Nothing terribly unusual about that these days, but I thought it was interesting that he was " certified as a sexual assault prevention and response victim advocate, a bystander intervention training instructor and a “Green Dot” intervention facilitator." :D


Hide in plain sight, better access to victims. This is why pedos are attracted to the priesthood, certainly we can trust our kids around Father Phil.

01-13-22, 10:09
Hide in plain sight, better access to victims. This is why pedos are attracted to the priesthood, certainly we can trust our kids around Father Phil.

Something very similar happened at Fort Hood, The Divison Sexual Harassment NCO was pimping out young enlisted girls to young Officers.
I dunno, I see your point about Fox in the Hen House, but I'm thinking this school may be one of those "Ticket Punch" jobs for promotion.

01-13-22, 10:30
I dunno Man he sounds like a creepy guy that drank too much and said a lot of creepy and inappropriate things.

I'm referring to the lunatic certifications that he holds for wacked out left wing requirements.

01-13-22, 12:02
Something very similar happened at Fort Hood, The Divison Sexual Harassment NCO was pimping out young enlisted girls to young Officers.
I dunno, I see your point about Fox in the Hen House, but I'm thinking this school may be one of those "Ticket Punch" jobs for promotion.

Even worse, an Islamic terrorist was promoted to Major and put in charge of the psychological well being of US forces and returning veterans.

Lots of factors including the one you stated, but the biggest factor is political correctness to the point that we can't see we are putting dangerous people in the most opportunistic positions possible with little or no oversight.

Your own example of people within the "Divison Sexual Harassment" abusing their position and the people they were supposed to be helping is exactly what I'm talking about.

01-13-22, 12:12
Remember this one? Somehow, "Brigadier General" and "forcible sodomy" just don't seem to go together.


01-13-22, 13:01
Even worse, an Islamic terrorist was promoted to Major and put in charge of the psychological well being of US forces and returning veterans.

Lots of factors including the one you stated, but the biggest factor is political correctness to the point that we can't see we are putting dangerous people in the most opportunistic positions possible with little or no oversight.

Your own example of people within the "Divison Sexual Harassment" abusing their position and the people they were supposed to be helping is exactly what I'm talking about.

I was in Baghdad when that happened;
There was a retired SF CW4 Medic who saw that I was a "special case" and hand walked me through the process. 45 minutes and I was ready to fly, I mean right to the front of the line.
He got capped trying to hit the guy with a chair. Straight to Valhalla.
Military Mental Health needs a total rewrite, it's a mess and if you live here you can sure see it.

01-13-22, 13:05
During my time in the USAF (1978-1998) it was common knowledge among everyone that I worked with over the years that the Mental Health Clinic was to be avoided. Especially if you possessed a security clearance and didn't want to put it in jeopardy.

01-13-22, 13:14
I'm referring to the lunatic certifications that he holds for wacked out left wing requirements.

Here's the way this is working, if you're in a mixed sex MOS, this is being required to make E-7.
So who do you send? In my experiance, you try to send your best guys, but in fact, I've sent a couple of sluggo's to school to get them out of the way once in a while. I know that sounds like sh*t, but the job never stops.
How do you as a First Sergeant block out 90 days for your high speed supply Sergeant to school when you've got no clerk and no one school trained as back-up?
So a lot of sh*t birds get a slot because they're useless for anything else.
Now when we went from War Fighter's to Woke Folks, measuring the worth of these guys from a "Woke" point of view means, they are good to go. In reality he's a POS who's had about four years of Staff Time as an E-6.

01-13-22, 13:50
Hide in plain sight, better access to victims. This is why pedos are attracted to the priesthood, certainly we can trust our kids around Father Phil.

or teachers! hiding in plain site works for them

01-13-22, 15:14
or teachers! hiding in plain site works for them

Teachers, coaches, karate instructors and anything else where it is "normal" for an adult to be around large groups of kids.

Being a martial arts instructor myself I always got my radar pinged by some guy who clearly wasn't very talented but was excited to work with kids.

Saddest part is somewhere early 90s, with all the "day care is really a satanic cult" stuff going on the news every night...I learned NEVER be alone in a room with any kids EVER. Parents are late to pick you up? Ok let's go wait outside for them. Cause it's not what you did, it's what you can disprove.

Really made it kind of shitty, even when I was pretty damn broke, it meant nothing to me to treat a few kids who busted their ass in class to a happy meal afterwards since their parents were always late anyway. I don't even think they understood why I stopped, probably felt THEY did something wrong.

Later when I worked for the school board, I used to roll my eyes at all the shit people had to do in order to get "certified" as a volunteer coach. I understand due diligence, background checks and the like but they had these people jumping through hoops that had nothing to do with anything...meanwhile everyone knows "for sure" the daytime girls PE coach is a huge dyke who likes em young and everyone already knew which teachers probably had a thing going on with a couple of the girls but for some reason was shielded.

I just knew to stay the F away from them because I didn't want people to think of my name when they thought of their name.

01-15-22, 09:01
Teachers, coaches, karate instructors and anything else where it is "normal" for an adult to be around large groups of kids.

Being a martial arts instructor myself I always got my radar pinged by some guy who clearly wasn't very talented but was excited to work with kids.

I think that often goes double when you have adults with no kids of their own wanting to volunteer their time with kid groups.

Several years back there was a husband and wife team(one was a public school teacher and the other worked for some kind of social services/child welfare agency) who were making porn with their daughter from the time she was a toddler up until her early/mid teens.

01-15-22, 09:04
I think that often goes double when you have adults with no kids of their own wanting to volunteer their time with kid groups.

Several years back there was a husband and wife team(one was a public school teacher and the other worked for some kind of social services/child welfare agency) who were making porn with their daughter from the time she was a toddler up until her early/mid teens.

holy $hit that's fked up. I never heard about that one

01-15-22, 15:24
I think that often goes double when you have adults with no kids of their own wanting to volunteer their time with kid groups.

One of the reasons I was able to teach at PALs and things like that was I didn't have kids of my own. So I actually had extra time. And because I didn't have kids of my own, they couldn't manipulate me the way they could with people who had kids. Additionally lots of people who don't have kids, genuinely want to offer what they know to any kids because they don't have any.

But ALL adults that want to work with kids, even the legit ones, bear watching...if for no other reason than to provide a second independent witness that "no...that never happened" or worse "I saw something that troubled me and maybe this guy needs watching."

Several years back there was a husband and wife team(one was a public school teacher and the other worked for some kind of social services/child welfare agency) who were making porn with their daughter from the time she was a toddler up until her early/mid teens.

Wish I could say I've never seen or heard anything like this. But one of the best covers for predators of children is protective services / child welfare. You learn the system and how it investigates and builds cases from the inside while at the same time forming alliances with powerful people who may protect you.

I often wonder how these sociopath "teams" find each other in the first place since they lack all basic humanity, but damn they do a lot of damage. I knew a victim of a husband and wife team that molested all of their children, two girls and a boy and each one of them was f'ed up for life and none of them ever formed a meaningful relationship with anyone.

It always stunned me that two people that evil could find each other, or worse, that one might have been "not as bad" but partnered up with the other and became that evil to the point that they did that to their own kids. There were of course other kids too, the husband worked at a high school. Shit went on for decades before he finally touched the wrong kid and nobody covered for him any more.