View Full Version : SCAMMER ALERT rouzbehg4 FROM CALGUNS.NET

01-14-22, 09:41

rouzbehg4 rouzbehg4 is offline
Join Date
Oct 2021
Thermal pulsar rifle scope
I have one for sale in good shape. For quick response shoot me a text (707) 943-2231



01-14-22, 11:47
What I found interesting is that I don't recall you ever posting in the AR15 section, so I did a quick check, and it appears everything you post tends to be in the EE section, unless you are complaining about someone possible breaking the rules. I have had a litany of DM and email from persons wanting to know why you are above the EE rules. Why you have triple the going rates on your prices, why you aren't a productive member of the board, why you are clearly a business but don't disclose or appear to pay to sell items, and the largest one that seems to bother people is that you appear to always delete your prices and ask for no feedback after things are sold.

In all fairness, only several of those things can be addressed, but it does indeed appear your pricing is off the charts high, not much question about that (blah blah freemarket etc etc). It certainly does appear that you are buying and selling firearms for a profit, though I have no idea if you are actually licensed as a business or have a FFL. Whether you do or not is a moot point, because from what I see, you owe the board money either way. Regarding the complaints about you deleting your prices when you sell something to hide what sky high price was, I have no idea. Your reasons are your own, but clearly you do removed the price, and that you would do it to avoid having your high prices shown seems credible. You have 6 for sale threads up on one page, where the rules states clearly you can have only 3. I don't see much question about that being right or wrong, you double the number allowed.

Hmmm, I went to check the other sections to make sure you weren't being judged harshly, and that possibly things were a coincidence. It appears you have 6 posts with abnormal prices and items marked as sold in a second section as well. To avoid the idea that I pulled the numbers out of thin air, I did quick screengrabs so anyone else reading this could judge for themselves.

If the above noted things are improper, kindly point out the mistakes and I'll be happy to mark them as answered or admit that the appearances were incorrect.

Lastly, you aren't the sole person who blasts the EE rules. The below appear to follow in your footsteps, and probably need to be attended to as well.

m1a convert

Mr McSimon

I do appreciate you bringing up the EE issues to the board, otherwise everything probably would have gone on for even longer.




01-14-22, 14:00
Full Send Stickman!

01-14-22, 14:51
Interesting to see where this goes.

01-14-22, 15:19
I'm more than tired of seeing my M4C feed full of over priced items from this cat on a near daily basis. There is clearly a business here, based on volume alone, nobody has this much crap just sitting around. (Well, maybe I do, but its not for sale)

Is M4C selling web retail services now? I truly wonder if it is a legitimate business and what legal ramifications, if any, there would be on M4C if not a legit FFL. Some vetting at least should be required.

I've never sold anything here, but certainly wouldn't rip the good people here off as this cat's trying to do on a very regular basis.

I could only find a single thread other than his for sale crap, where he left the bait and never returned to participate.

Its been a rule for a very long time to leave prices on the sold items. Mistakes are understandable, however, blatant disregard for the rules, non participation anywhere else and rip-you-off prices are BAN material from my perspective.

/Rant off\

01-14-22, 15:29
If my pricing is off the charts high, don't buy it, no ones holding a gun to your head... Most of the items I offer you cant buy at the distribuitor, gun store or anywhere else...And yes I have this much crap laying around. It's too bad you guys have champane tastes on a beer budget.

01-14-22, 15:43
If my pricing is off the charts high, don't buy it, no ones holding a gun to your head... Most of the items I offer you cant buy at the distribuitor, gun store or anywhere else...And yes I have this much crap laying around. It's too bad you guys have champane tastes on a beer budget.

It's spelled champagne.

01-14-22, 17:04
If my pricing is off the charts high, don't buy it, no ones holding a gun to your head... Most of the items I offer you cant buy at the distribuitor, gun store or anywhere else...And yes I have this much crap laying around. It's too bad you guys have champane tastes on a beer budget.

Zero contributions to the board besides attitude. Please continue, we all need you here like dental caries.

01-14-22, 20:34
That's the same insult he tried to use on some other gun board that was linked in the Colt Barrel thread. It was some humorous reading. He needs some new material.

01-14-22, 21:15
truth hurts

01-14-22, 23:39
62 posts mostly in the EE now shitposting about the forum.

The irony in calling someone else a scammer…Lol

I give you a week.

01-15-22, 00:37
Thanks for the scammer alert, now I can watch out for both of you.

01-15-22, 01:51
You have this stuff laying around yet when you banned from TacSwap for your Colt SOCOM barrel add and you posted "1 in stock ready to ship 2 more arriving in a few days".

Yeah that's the verbage people use when selling their own used stuff....


01-15-22, 07:03
Send it Stickman! Repeat!

01-15-22, 07:52
Ol' Rooster has left quite the trail of breadcrumbs across multiple forums and websites over a significant period of time that could lead even the most inexperienced ATF personnel to believe he's running an unlicensed for profit gun selling business.

I'm definitely not gonna post that trail here and do the homework for them since I don't believe it should be illegal and I'm not gonna turn someone in to the ATF for anything, but it's out there and easily found. I certainly don't envy him and this particularly precarious predicament that he may find himself in in the future.

I certainly hope they don't Come to snuff the Rooster ah yeah (Alice in Chains reference).

01-15-22, 08:12
ThatÂ’s the same guy that scammed me. Got PayPal and USAA on them.

Not rooster the other guy.

Boy Scout
01-15-22, 09:03
I'm pretty sure I've seen the "rouzbehg4" name posted elsewhere as a scammer too; would be interesting to if it's the same OP as well...

01-15-22, 09:12
Ol' Rooster has left quite the trail of breadcrumbs across multiple forums and websites over a significant period of time that could lead even the most inexperienced ATF personnel to believe he's running an unlicensed for profit gun selling business.

I'm definitely not gonna post that trail here and do the homework for them since I don't believe it should be illegal and I'm not gonna turn someone in to the ATF for anything, but it's out there and easily found. I certainly don't envy him and this particularly precarious predicament that he may find himself in in the future.

I certainly hope they don't Come to snuff the Rooster ah yeah (Alice in Chains reference).

I tip my hat to you as, despite all in this thread being true and in complete agreement with you here, but also as a Alice fan!

01-15-22, 09:13
What I found interesting is that I don't recall you ever posting in the AR15 section, so I did a quick check, and it appears everything you post tends to be in the EE section, unless you are complaining about someone possible breaking the rules. I have had a litany of DM and email from persons wanting to know why you are above the EE rules. Why you have triple the going rates on your prices, why you aren't a productive member of the board, why you are clearly a business but don't disclose or appear to pay to sell items, and the largest one that seems to bother people is that you appear to always delete your prices and ask for no feedback after things are sold.

In all fairness, only several of those things can be addressed, but it does indeed appear your pricing is off the charts high, not much question about that (blah blah freemarket etc etc). It certainly does appear that you are buying and selling firearms for a profit, though I have no idea if you are actually licensed as a business or have a FFL. Whether you do or not is a moot point, because from what I see, you owe the board money either way. Regarding the complaints about you deleting your prices when you sell something to hide what sky high price was, I have no idea. Your reasons are your own, but clearly you do removed the price, and that you would do it to avoid having your high prices shown seems credible. You have 6 for sale threads up on one page, where the rules states clearly you can have only 3. I don't see much question about that being right or wrong, you double the number allowed.

Hmmm, I went to check the other sections to make sure you weren't being judged harshly, and that possibly things were a coincidence. It appears you have 6 posts with abnormal prices and items marked as sold in a second section as well. To avoid the idea that I pulled the numbers out of thin air, I did quick screengrabs so anyone else reading this could judge for themselves.

If the above noted things are improper, kindly point out the mistakes and I'll be happy to mark them as answered or admit that the appearances were incorrect.

Lastly, you aren't the sole person who blasts the EE rules. The below appear to follow in your footsteps, and probably need to be attended to as well.

m1a convert

Mr McSimon

I do appreciate you bringing up the EE issues to the board, otherwise everything probably would have gone on for even longer.




so the million dollar question is this; what are the next steps?

01-15-22, 09:18
If my pricing is off the charts high, don't buy it, no ones holding a gun to your head... Most of the items I offer you cant buy at the distribuitor, gun store or anywhere else...And yes I have this much crap laying around. It's too bad you guys have champane tastes on a beer budget.Hold on, you get caught in your shenanigans, and you response is to insult your fellow forum member? Come on dude.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

01-15-22, 09:21
Hold on, you get caught in your shenanigans, and you response is to insult your fellow forum member? Come on dude.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

if a person only uses the forum to sell and has no other interaction is he/she really a 'fellow forum member'?

01-15-22, 09:24
if a person only uses the forum to sell and has no other interaction is he/she really a 'fellow forum member'?LOL, true! You got me there!

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

01-15-22, 09:39
At one time didn't you need like 200 posts in the technical forums to be able to sell in the EE or am I thinking of GD participation?

01-15-22, 09:45
At one time didn't you need like 200 posts in the technical forums to be able to sell in the EE or am I thinking of GD participation?

That's a good point. I know there used to be a 200 post threshold for posting in GD, but I think I also remember not being able to post in the EE until I had 50 posts maybe?

I also thought we had a rule that all final sale prices had to remain so as members could used that info for valuations? Or am I dreaming that up?

01-15-22, 09:53
At one time didn't you need like 200 posts in the technical forums to be able to sell in the EE or am I thinking of GD participation?

I believe that used to be the case here; 50 posts or a time period.

I think everything said here with business, spam posting, ridiculous pricing etc are all true. I also think having no interaction with board members and only using to sell is wrong. I'm not sure why the mods allow this to be honest. I've bought quite a bit from fellow members over the years but now it takes to long to sift through as seemingly every post is 1 or 2 guys selling and at prices that are beyond absurd. The writing for each reads like a mao or kim jong propaganda piece

01-15-22, 09:54
That's a good point. I know there used to be a 200 post threshold for posting in GD, but I think I also remember not being able to post in the EE until I had 50 posts maybe?

I also thought we had a rule that all final sale prices had to remain so as members could used that info for valuations? Or am I dreaming that up?

you are 100%, how do I know you may ask; I removed a price early on and got a warning. Totally innocent, didn't know but apologized and keep them up now and agree with the why. Yes 100% you must keep the add and prices, pics can be removed

01-15-22, 09:59
Site Sponser maybe ?

01-15-22, 10:04
At one time didn't you need like 200 posts in the technical forums to be able to sell in the EE or am I thinking of GD participation?

200 was the GD participation guidelines. I thinks it’s always been 30 posts before you can use the EE. There’s stipulations with that number; needs to be meaningful posts and the such.

Prior to selling my stripped uppers to this member, I sent multiple requests to a Mod in regards to his selling habits. Initially I thought “scammer”, with how many sale ads he had up and how many were marked sold but he had only 1 feedback. I never got a response from that Mod so I figured he’s good to go.

I did do a little bit of research prior to the sale and he’s on TOS under Hensley or some such. CORRECTION - Butchjones

01-15-22, 10:05
Site Sponser maybe ?

so you are a business then?

01-15-22, 10:10
At one time didn't you need like 200 posts in the technical forums to be able to sell in the EE or am I thinking of GD participation?

Not a bad idea with the minimal post count....I rarely post anything for sale and only bought a few items...

01-15-22, 10:54
Rooster - do you have a licensed business in your home state or anywhere else? And if you are a reseller, you DO need to go through that process.

Being s Site Sponsor also does not mean that you get to ignore policies and good manners. For instance, I ban Site Sponsors all the time.

And just coming here to sell your overpriced wares is not really being a productive member who contributes. Stickman is pretty much the definition of someone who does contribute.

And the "don't like it, don't buy it" argument frankly does hold water. It's much like the "I'll post a bunch of noisy crap, and you don't have to read it." It drags down the forum, and gives the place a bad name.

01-15-22, 10:57
And as an FYI, the requirement to post in GD was changed by STAFF in October of 2019 from 200 to 30 posts.


The requirements for the EE are the same as before, 30 worthwhile posts or be a Site Sponsor.

I will say that posting in the EE is a privilege, like anything else here. If abused, it can be removed at any time. Food for thought.

01-15-22, 11:27
At one time didn't you need like 200 posts in the technical forums to be able to sell in the EE or am I thinking of GD participation?

Too bad it's so cheap for those champagne sippers.

M4C Member Sponsorship Benefits
*Bypass post minimums for EE (30) and GD (30)
*Username updated to Site Sponsor
*Option to Change Username
*2G Extra Attachment Storage
*1000 Stored message capacity
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*Ability to upload animated group icons

Choose your Length of Sponsorship *
1 Year - $15
2 Years - $28
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-This sponsorship is for members only. Dealers and manufacturers interested in sponsorship can use the Contact Us link on the forum.

01-15-22, 12:25
no, I became a site sponser and donated to the M4carbine.net cause so the site could stay online...

01-15-22, 12:35
no, I became a site sponser and donated to the M4carbine.net cause so the site could stay online...

No you did it so you could sell and bypass the posting restriction. Your responses continue to show a level of disregard and immaturity and quite frankly, I can't believe the moderators haven't booted you yet.

01-15-22, 13:12
Too bad it's so cheap for those champagne sippers.

M4C Member Sponsorship Benefits
*Bypass post minimums for EE (30) and GD (30)
*Username updated to Site Sponsor
*Option to Change Username
*2G Extra Attachment Storage
*1000 Stored message capacity
*Ability to upload animated profile pictures
*Custom avatars with additional 20 pixels for height and width
*Album photo width increased by 200 pixels
*Username does not show up on member list
*Ability to upload animated group icons

Choose your Length of Sponsorship *
1 Year - $15
2 Years - $28
3 Years - $39
4 Years - $48
5 Years - $55

-This sponsorship is for members only. Dealers and manufacturers interested in sponsorship can use the Contact Us link on the forum.

I knew this would happen after TOS got mentioned. Call me a clairvoyant, I guess.

01-15-22, 13:40
And also according to the rules, you have to indicate where you are located, and what methods of payment you will accept.

You location is listed, but you need to properly edit all your EE posts.



And all items have to be from your personal collection. You certainly seem to move a lot of items, for someone that is not a dealer, and never submits any posts outside of the EE.

01-15-22, 13:48
Also, you need to stop editing out the advertised prices on your for sale ads. That does not help people looking to price their items.

It also does not help mods and staff whenever there is a controversy regarding a sale.

You've been notified of these polices as of now. You need to go back, edit all your previous ads, and follow them in the future.

01-15-22, 14:09
Rooster, it appears you go by ButchJones on Gunbroker and NevadaShooters.

But you use your rooster handle here and on Sturmgewehr. You said as much here:


Here's your Gunbroker page:


You've been selling on Gunbroker since 2005. You are a business, Terry. You can email the M4C owners and apply for a business account. But stop urinating on my leg and telling me it's raining.

I'm locking your user account until you do this. If anyone has any pending transactions with you, they can reach out to me.

01-15-22, 15:12
Too bad. This dude actually has some nice stuff that I would seriously consider if his prices weren't outrageous and him being a liar.

01-15-22, 16:16
I wish I had kept the messages when I was looking for a Knights RAS. He tried to peddle me a beat up RAS for $650. When I told him his price was outrageous he zapped on me and said he was running a business and not a charity. He replied the same to me on GunBroker when I sent him a question on one of his sales. Literally told me to **** off, this is how he makes his living.

01-15-22, 16:30
I also believe it's ironic that he is calling someone else a scammer when he himself is scamming people. He listed this Colt A2 Grip, it sold, and he edited the header when he received poor feedback on it to "Colt A2 Style", and then relisted it again as a Colt A2 Grip so someone else would buy it believing it was a Colt production grip.

https://i.ibb.co/c6xjLVh/Screenshot-20220115-172714-Chrome.jpg (https://ibb.co/9bG7tSH)
https://i.ibb.co/pvk4JB7/Screenshot-20220115-172719-Chrome.jpg (https://ibb.co/WWRBg4h)

01-15-22, 16:35
He then posts this was on a display rifle, "AT THE SHOP". Also states that there are no more P&S RAS "IN MY INVENTORY". Would imply he has a business.

https://i.ibb.co/BZ1cktf/Screenshot-20220115-173406-Chrome.jpg (https://ibb.co/T8CYykw)
json render online (https://geojsonlint.com/)

01-15-22, 16:41

01-15-22, 16:44
He’s banned. Let it die. He’s not worth our time. Never was.

01-15-22, 17:30
Too bad. This dude actually has some nice stuff that I would seriously consider if his prices weren't outrageous and him being a liar.

Be careful and read some of his GB feedbacks. This is a response he left.

Described as a Colt A2 Style grip not a "Factory Colt A2 grip" with Proof Code.

When I sell a HK Navy style picto lower, I am describing the style of the lower not saying it's patterned after an HK.

If it's not factory Colt, keep the words "Colt" out of the description. Could easily say AR-15 A2 type grip. Shouldn't have to do the factory original, genuine with proof codes nonsense. This guys prices are too damn high for word games.

01-15-22, 17:33
As I mentioned, if anyone has a currently active sale going on with him, please let me know.


01-15-22, 17:35
Be careful and read some of his GB feedbacks. This is a response he left.

Described as a Colt A2 Style grip not a "Factory Colt A2 grip" with Proof Code.

When I sell a HK Navy style picto lower, I am describing the style of the lower not saying it's patterned after an HK.

If it's not factory Colt, keep the words "Colt" out of the description. Could easily say AR-15 A2 type grip. Shouldn't have to do the factory original, genuine with proof codes nonsense. This guys prices are too damn high for word games.

I hate that crap, people franken-building on a BCM (or whatever) receiver and calling it a BCM. :angry:

01-15-22, 18:39
I that crap, people franken-building on a BCM (or whatever) receiver and calling it a BCM. :angry:

hahaha, me too!

ok it's over and ironic, I just got a message in my inbox from a known Nigerian email address
JamesScott joined 1/55/22

01-15-22, 18:40
I wish I had kept the messages when I was looking for a Knights RAS. He tried to peddle me a beat up RAS for $650. When I told him his price was outrageous he zapped on me and said he was running a business and not a charity. He replied the same to me on GunBroker when I sent him a question on one of his sales. Literally told me to **** off, this is how he makes his living.

I have a set on EE if you need a pair. I'll do a better deal than listed if you still need a set.

now can we get rid of Rooster's listings that clog the EE?

01-15-22, 19:17
I have a set on EE if you need a pair. I'll do a better deal than listed if you still need a set.

now can we get rid of Rooster's listings that clog the EE?

I appreciate the offer. I ended up buying 3 for the same price he wanted for 1 elsewhere. Guy has no shame and is greed possessed. His listings is the EE need to go, I agree. They are the only ones you see in there, for the most part.

01-15-22, 20:36
I'm pretty sure I've seen the "rouzbehg4" name posted elsewhere as a scammer too; would be interesting to if it's the same OP as well...

I am pretty sure they are the same. Both messaged me claiming they had a modlite head I was looking for. Messages were identical except the number provided.

01-15-22, 21:42
I am pretty sure they are the same. Both messaged me claiming they had a modlite head I was looking for. Messages were identical except the number provided.

That would be funny. Building a "good guy" rep by warning folks about your dangerous alter ego.

01-15-22, 22:48
That would be funny. Building a "good guy" rep by warning folks about your dangerous alter ego.


01-16-22, 01:53
That would be funny. Building a "good guy" rep by warning folks about your dangerous alter ego.

If you search the name of the original scammer he says to beware of, on several of the car forums, particularly the one Benz forum, people who were successfully scammed by this "rouzbehg4" are reporting that they sent their money via Zelle and it went to someone in Texas. A few others said the I.P. of the account and Gmail associated with the account was also from Texas. When you look up the Gmail account associated with the supposed scammers name, it's been inactive now for 5 months. He could be using a VPN as well now to hide where the account is really originating from. I also Googled the "(707) 943-2231" number referenced in OP's original post. He said it brings up all kinds of stuff about this scammer. It literally brings up almost nothing.

This is the original post OP references in Calguns with this same number. It looks like he maybe copied and pasted some other people's formats and then edited it to suit his fake scam reporting to make himself look like some sort of good guy so people would buy his stuff.

I just saw this user: Gesuald is Banned

His message to me:

I have one laying around for sale in good shape. For quick reply shoot me a text (707) 943-2231

So I did and hes like yea I'll just ship it to you and way below market value and the kicker was he wanted Zelle. I told him he will screw around with the wrong person and get himself killed and to rethink his life. Hope he thinks about it!

01-16-22, 01:56
707 is my old area code in Sonoma County, goes up to the Oregon border.

01-16-22, 01:59
707 is my old area code in Sonoma County, goes up to the Oregon border.

I get that, I just think that OP borrowed some random phone number from CalGuns to use here. The only other place it comes up aside from CalGuns is NASIOC. Not all over the place like OP claims.

01-16-22, 09:34
I'll annotate the For Sale ads he has after I get home this afternoon.

01-16-22, 10:44
I appreciate the offer. I ended up buying 3 for the same price he wanted for 1 elsewhere. Guy has no shame and is greed possessed. His listings is the EE need to go, I agree. They are the only ones you see in there, for the most part.

AR15.com improved after you got banned.

And now you are here... :(

01-16-22, 10:57
I think this thing is getting worse. I was messaged by an individual to see if I would sell an item for less than advertised. I searched their posts and its nothing but for sale ads. I challenged him about being a flipper on the forum.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

01-16-22, 11:00
AR15.com improved after you got banned.

And now you are here... :(

PM sent

01-16-22, 11:01
That would be funny. Building a "good guy" rep by warning folks about your dangerous alter ego.


01-16-22, 12:10

Sociopath is the word that came to my mind.

01-16-22, 13:50
I'm guessing this is not how the OP envisioned this thread going. :jester:

01-16-22, 15:23
You have this stuff laying around yet when you banned from TacSwap for your Colt SOCOM barrel add and you posted "1 in stock ready to ship 2 more arriving in a few days".

Yeah that's the verbage people use when selling their own used stuff....


His ads (on M4C EE) also included something about “we are experiencing shipping delays due to covid of 5-10 days”. Or something like that. I only remember it because it said “we”, and I didn’t think commercial sales were allowed here.


Nah, Sinister is a good contributing member here.

01-16-22, 15:55
AR15.com improved after you got banned.

And now you are here... :(

For one, I have no idea who you are, but I think it's hilariously hypocritical to call someone out for a ban, but be attacking the member in question, which is yourself breaking the rules. It was a bullshit ban. Banned only because in the Richmond Rally thread, I asked what to do in case of conflict with law enforcement or dissidents and where we should meet up in case of emergency, so they said I was inciting violence and banned me. Apparently you haven't been there lately, the heavy handed moderation is outrageous.

PM sent

Afraid to ask me directly?

01-16-22, 16:54

Nah, Sinister is a good contributing member.[/QUOTE]

I don’t think he was referring to the member by name but meaning of the word.

01-16-22, 16:57
I don’t think he was referring to the member by name but meaning of the word.

And just like that, my hopes of ever being a comedian are dashed.

01-16-22, 17:13
Okay to post alerts and info about potential scammers and rule violators. Please also hit the report-post button.

Not okay to bring drama from other boards here. Take it to PM, abstain, or if pertinent notify mods.

01-16-22, 18:05
I'm guessing this is not how the OP envisioned this thread going. :jester:

true that and I was thinking this reading Stick's first post!

01-16-22, 21:27
Afraid to ask me directly?

I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean.

01-22-22, 19:34
Feel free to use the "contact us" link to let us know about spammers and people violating EE. We appreciate the help keeping the site and EE as it was intended.