View Full Version : Blue Ridge Arsenal Owner Voted Obama & Celebrates with Increased Sales

12-15-08, 14:12
Link to article (http://www.snowflakesinhell.com/2008/12/09/blue-ridge-arsenal-owner-voted-obama-celebrates-with-increased-sales/)

Has anyone seen this ?

"But one major gun shop/range owner in Virginia is swimming in the dough from increased sales and then giggles like a school girl when he admits that he supported Obama in the election."

I hope this is in the right place. MOD's if not, please move.

30 cal slut
12-15-08, 14:27
on the one hand, i can understand why he voted the way he did based on his ethnicity.

on the other hand ... i ain't gonna be patronizing his shop any time soon. :mad:

12-15-08, 15:30
I was very suprised when I first had viewed it. But ....

12-15-08, 15:35
I've been there once during the TREXPO East Range day in 2007. I think I'll be contacting the TREXPO folks about this with a serious recommendation that they consider going elsewhere.

I was planning on visiting Blue Ridge Arsenal to shoot with a friend while I was up there for the last Nation's Gun Show in Chantilly. But not anymore!!

This piece of shit owner can kiss any money I or any of my friends were going to use there good riddance. I hope he goes under and that the last day of his existence be announced so that I can go there to laugh and point. :mad:

12-15-08, 15:38
One of the agencies I've worked with quite a bit over the past six years does their DC office training there. I took this opportunity to share the owner's story, in his own words, with some of their FIs.

12-15-08, 16:05
on the one hand, i can understand why he voted the way he did based on his ethnicity.

Voting based on the color of one's skin is always a good option. :rolleyes:

BHO is half white. Why is it so many in America tend to forget that? I'll admit he is African-American. His father was African and his mother was American.

12-15-08, 16:25
Voting for someone because that person has the same skin color as you makes as much sense as voting for a person with a low IQ because you have one.

12-15-08, 16:27
Voting based on the color of one's skin is always a good option. :rolleyes:

BHO is half white. Why is it so many in America tend to forget that? I'll admit he is African-American. His father was African and his mother was American.

We don't forget it. It's shoved in our faces every day from the media and his PR machine.

Blue Ridge is done. The hell with them. NoVA people let your friends know.

12-15-08, 16:33
I don't care whether the owner of Blue Ridge is black, white, or a hyper-intelligent shade of blue. Nor do I care whether Obama is black or white or whatever.

Completely regardless of his ethnicity, the owner of Blue Ridge can be certain they'll never see a penny from me ever again.

30 cal slut
12-15-08, 16:53
guess i'll stick with the NRA range whenever i'm in town.

12-15-08, 17:15
I agree. Color isn't the issue here, stupidity is. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

12-15-08, 17:41
Voting for someone because that person has the same skin color as you makes as much sense as voting for a person with a low IQ because you have one.

This :D:D:D:D

12-15-08, 17:55
My favorite park is the TOOL from Brady who says that the new administration isn't going to take away our guns "the supreme court has seen to that" while a new AWB is a certainty and restrictions on ammo and sales are on his website.

They won't take our guns
They won't raise our taxes
They won't come in our mouth.

12-15-08, 18:11
They have some morons working there at Blue Ridge. My brother (a decorated combat veteran Marine Scout Sniper) walked out in disgust when the guy behind the counter bragged that the Romanian PSL they had is "what's killing our troops in Iraq."

12-15-08, 18:37
They have some morons working there at Blue Ridge. My brother (a decorated combat veteran Marine Scout Sniper) walked out in disgust when the guy behind the counter bragged that the Romanian PSL they had is "what's killing our troops in Iraq."



12-15-08, 18:43
Voting based on the color of one's skin is always a good option. :rolleyes:.

No one voted for Alan Keyes based on the color of his skin. And they wouldn't vote for Thomas Sowell either. You hear people say that is what happened with Obama, but it is clearly not the whole story. You have to be a Marxist too or the deal is off.

12-15-08, 18:54
Since after the election their shop had semi auto handguns and AR style rifles flying off the shelves. I do not think this will effect their business very much.

12-15-08, 19:05
Since after the election their shop had semi auto handguns and AR style rifles flying off the shelves. I do not think this will effect their business very much.

I sure hope he's making enough in the next six months to retire on, as his buddy in DC is going to gut his business plan.

But I'm sure BHO appreciates his vote.

12-15-08, 21:01
Some people's kids. :rolleyes:

He's probably going to be at the head of the line for economic relief once the Dems have their way regarding gun control. And they'll probably give it to him based on the fact that the government put him out of business. At least someone will be happy....

12-15-08, 21:14
I am thoroughly convinced that if the government and the media would stop making a story out of this ethnic group or that skin color the race thing would truly be a dead issue.

Case in point: Remember when the Colts played the Bears in the Superbowl?

I remember a piece on ESPN leading up to the game and one of the guys said, " this will be the first time in history that two African American coaches will face off against each other."

I hadn't even thought about it until he said that. Then all of a sudden I thought about it and was irritated that he even pointed it out. After that I noticed a number of stories about the same thing.

How many on this board and other places have the same experience when watching the news or sporting events?

Having said that, I won't buy anything from them ever

12-16-08, 12:15
He's not even doing a good spin job. If the owner were smart, he'd try to come up with a good reason for voting for Obama, instead of saying it's "personal" and trying to put the cat back in the bag. Something like "I only voted Obama to get the troops home".

The ventilation at BRA is terrible anyway. I got my lead checked a couple months ago and it was 15 (0-10 is normal). I've only kept my membership for the discount since I was considering taking their CC class and getting a glock 19. I'm going to cancel later today.

12-16-08, 12:21
Anyone else writing an email to the owner?


30 cal slut
12-16-08, 12:25
do ya think he's checking it at this point?

12-16-08, 12:26
Link to article (http://www.snowflakesinhell.com/2008/12/09/blue-ridge-arsenal-owner-voted-obama-celebrates-with-increased-sales/)

Has anyone seen this ?

"But one major gun shop/range owner in Virginia is swimming in the dough from increased sales and then giggles like a school girl when he admits that he supported Obama in the election."

I hope this is in the right place. MOD's if not, please move.

I shot there once but no more. Stupid is as stupid does. I hope there's one less gun range soon.

12-16-08, 12:41
I agree with earlier post about the issue of race not being important to me how I voted. I wanted honesty, integrity and good "old fashioned" values in our next president. And no more crappy gun control either. So I didn't vote for Barry, obviously.

Having said that, I now have to ask, Why do certain races get their grievances etc. aired in the msm? Why must there be a representative from that race on almost every tv commercial and starring in every movie? Because they'll sue? Let them! Then beat it in court. Too many bleeding hearts and Dems... How many people know that November is Native American History month? Apparently not many. Not at my son's school even. (yes I am part Sioux and Cherokee) But everyone knows what month February is! Yep, Black History Month. Umm-mmmmm.

Until EVERY race has it's own history month, no race should have one. Libs need to straighten up. People with no moral values whatever race don't need to be coddled. Treat people the way they should be. Righteous for the right, and don't kiss up to the immorally corrupt.


12-16-08, 12:56
Having said that, I now have to ask, Why do certain races get their grievances etc. aired in the msm?

White guilt.

12-16-08, 13:15
I am in. I'll drop an email bomb. Your comment about race was spot on.

Anyone else writing an email to the owner?


12-16-08, 13:18
White guilt.

Well, white (me) and Cherokee (me) don't feel guilty. Both of these ethnic groups kept slaves. Now Sioux me if you think I should feel guilty.
My red Indian blood cells aren't fighting my white blood cells. I don't expect anything special because I am part Indian. I'll either make it whatever my race, in this world or I won't. No guilt here.
But some people...:(


12-16-08, 13:39
White guilt.

Well, white (me) and Cherokee (me) don't feel guilty. Both of these ethnic groups kept slaves. Now Sioux me if you think I should feel guilty.
My red Indian blood cells aren't fighting my white blood cells. I don't expect anything special because I am part Indian. I'll either make it whatever my race, in this world or I won't. No guilt here.
But some people...:(


I don't either. I didn't do anything to anybody so I'm not about to kiss anyone's ass. :cool: