View Full Version : Covid Internement Camps coming to US?

01-21-22, 11:00
The worst I am aware of from a western nation, is Australia. People are involuntarily put in the camps to quarantine. If you refuse, they will call the police, and you will be put there against your will, so while it may sound a bit melodramatic to call them "Internement Camps" it's not totally off base either.

I posted vid from new source that attempts to make it sound acceptable:


One person's actual experience I found interesting, among others, and it's disturbing to me:


And would such a thing happen in the US? "On paper" they already exist, suvh as WAC 246-100-040
"Procedures for isolation or quarantine." Note, that's from 2003, but does give the state government from sweeping powers. I'm not an attorney, but it seems to my reading, they can put a person in such involuntarily. In fact, it looks like they could take an entire family. That's not some Alex Jones conspiracy BS either, that's direct from WA state legislation.


I'm not really surprised that state and fed docs exist that under extremis circumstances, they can quarantine you against your will, and I don't think it's a leap to assume they have at least considered the idea. I also think they know that it would play badly with most of the 'Murican public, and could get real ugly real fast. Finally, I give you CDC ideas for "Shielding Approach" to such camps. From what I can ascertain, they are voluntary, and if so, could be of value is circumstances warranted it, but I also have little doubt under the right circumstances the voluntary part could change quickly, and that does not give me the warm and fuzzies at all:


01-21-22, 11:06
Australia just passed a law making the jabs mandatory for all adults...no doubt they would do the same here if they could.

01-21-22, 11:13
I could see some of our retardate citizens voluntarily going into something like this. I mean... if you can get MORONS to stand in line for worthless vaccines and home test kits... you're very close to getting them to volunteer for lock up.

01-21-22, 11:18
If what is happening in Oz was happening in my AO I'd be shooting already. Well OK, I'd have been shooting and likely would be F'd by now so...

Poopy Pants and the CDC are welcome to bring it.

01-21-22, 11:19
Would surprise me, There is a state group on reddit that follow (Home state), They were talking about kicking doors down and jabbing people that refuse the jab. So I could see the puppets be doing this if they could get away with it. I asked if they were willing to die enforcing the jab. That sparked a huge storm of the sheep being angry.

01-21-22, 11:20
Australia just passed a law making the jabs mandatory for all adults...no doubt they would do the same here if they could.

That was Austria, just sayin

01-21-22, 11:22
I could see some of our retardate citizens voluntarily going into something like this. I mean... if you can get MORONS to stand in line for worthless vaccines and home test kits... you're very close to getting them to volunteer for lock up.

If voluntary, I have no issues with it. Let's try not to send another thread down the vaccines and or test debates. We have plenty of those.

01-21-22, 11:27
If voluntary, I have no issues with it. Let's try not to send another thread down the vaccines and or test debates. We have plenty of those.

Seriously? Where exactly did you think this would go when you started it? Its all related.

01-21-22, 11:32
Idiot Jay Inslee from little Venezuela (WA) Is trying to weaponize the state police to remove people from their homes and put them in "isolation" camps. Last I heard there were camps in Rainier and Chehalis.

ETA: I haven't "fact checked" these sources, but it's what popped up on my search just now. I haven't stayed in the loop since I left for a free state.

01-21-22, 11:33
Australia just passed a law making the jabs mandatory for all adults...no doubt they would do the same here if they could.

Do we have a source on that? Says otherwise on their site:


What they are doing is making it damn near impossible to exist without being vaccinated as they will put you in a quarantine camp for 14 days and such if you don't.

01-21-22, 11:36
Seriously? Where exactly did you think this would go when you started it? Its all related.

No it's not, but if it devolves into another anti vax echo chamber like the others, I will leave it those who want another thread like that vs staying on the topic of US possibly attempting to follow Ausi model.

01-21-22, 11:37
Idiot Jay Inslee from little Venezuela (WA) Is trying to weaponize the state police to remove people from their homes and pit them in "isolation" camps. Last I years there were camps in Rainier and Chehalis.

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Is he citing that doc as legal authority to do so?

01-21-22, 11:38
I can easily see the retards of this nation “voting” for such policies. Sadly I think we have reached a tipping point of enough retards voting to have serious influence. Enforcement will be tricky since unlike Austrians and Australians the number of gun owners with immediate access to guns is still high enough to force sone level of thought.

However, that is just too overt a move. Even for modern day Socialists that seem ti have a strong foothold in politics. The most likely and far more effective approach is going to be economic and social attacks.

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01-21-22, 11:39
Is he citing that doc as legal authority to do so?

No idea. I left that cesspool for WY in August. I'm not letting those communists work on my little girl.

ETA: I added some sources to that post.

01-21-22, 11:41
No it's not, but if it devolves into another anti vax echo chamber like the others, I will leave it those who want another thread like that vs staying on the topic of US possibly attempting to follow Ausi model.

Good luck with that, I'll let you talk to yourself as you seem to really enjoy them.


01-21-22, 11:44
I can easily see the retards of this nation “voting” for such policies. Sadly I think we have reached a tipping point of enough retards voting to have serious influence.

Totally agree. I would say it's just media portrayal, but I see these mongos out and about EVERY day. The next generation is even worse. My example of the 9 high school students all masked up and too retarded to cross the intersection is frightening.

01-21-22, 11:48
Good luck with that, I'll let you talk to yourself as you seem to really enjoy them.


What is your point of posting that again? It contains more useful actionable info on covid than any thread on this forum by a margin and I use it as source of studies for med pros and non who are interested in what's the latest data wise adjuvants to covid treatments. It also shows I put my $ and science training where my mouth is and have been researching the topic to assist in all this since day 1.

01-21-22, 11:51
2 years ago I said that the govt power is at its most powerful when it is local and in realm of fighting disease/pandemic. That’s as old or older than democracy. You have a disease going around, the govt has the authority and even the responsibility to stop it.

Now of course there are limits based on how transmissible and deadly the disease is. And I think that is were the left lost all perspective. For a disease killing 0.1-0.2 of the general population- they really shouldn’t have that much power. You have a small pox break out- they have a lot of power.

And when the threat goes away, the restrictions go away. The left failed on all these counts- proportionality to the threat and the length of implementation.

For some reason, the right never argued these points. It was all or nothing on either end. And worst of all, if we ever do have a real threat- like small pox or a virus that spreads like Omicron and kills 10%- we will all be fighting this last disease instead of the one in front of us. When we will have to really quarantine people, really have a vaccine that works, and have widespread PPE.

This was the Seinfeld version of the plague. Maybe next time it goes after people in the first 10 years of their life instead of the last 10.

01-21-22, 12:04






01-21-22, 12:22
The UK, Israel and the Czech Republic, have started moving in the totally opposite direction.

Since the USA refuses to admit that natural immunity is the best immunity, and since I am unvaxed, they would come for me.

At that point I have only two choices, fight or flight. For I would NEVER go to a camp run by the government, my people have done that before.

So since at this point it would be only one state, it would be time to move. If the USA at a federal level did it, then it would be time to fight.

Any police officer that would cooperate in such an effort would be no different than the Gestapo or KGB, and thus legit targets along with their whole families.

" What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?"
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

01-21-22, 12:39
NY tried to pass a law that the governor could order the indefinite detainment of any person or people that the state deemed a "threat to public health." In addition to COVID, a law there was recently passed declaring racism a "public health threat." So, basically anybody who is unvaxxed and/or is deemed to be "racist" can be arrested and held without trial if that law passes.

01-21-22, 12:55
NY tried to pass a law that the governor could order the indefinite detainment of any person or people that the state deemed a "threat to public health." In addition to COVID, a law there was recently passed declaring racism a "public health threat." So, basically anybody who is unvaxxed and/or is deemed to be "racist" can be arrested and held without trial if that law passes.

How close did they get??

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01-21-22, 13:06
How close did they get??

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I'm not sure. I actually don't know the final result. I guess the vote was supposed to be Jan 5. I have a feeling we'd be hearing about it if it had passed. My guess is that someone whispered to them that such an act WOULD result in the beginning of a civil war, and almost certainly would have been struck down in the SC.

01-21-22, 13:33
Do we have a source on that? Says otherwise on their site:


What they are doing is making it damn near impossible to exist without being vaccinated as they will put you in a quarantine camp for 14 days and such if you don't.

It was Austria...my brain likely wanted to read Australia cuz their stupidity has been so out in the open. The vids floating around on their covid camps are down right creepy.


The Washington state camp deal has been floating around on social / alternative media for a while now...the powers to be did a good job of squashing the story cuz it never got any real traction that I could follow. I forget who did the poll that came out a few days ago where the majority of folks who recognize as dems are all in favor of forced isolation of the un-jab'd. Clown show we're in right now.

01-21-22, 15:21
So since at this point it would be only one state, it would be time to move. If the USA at a federal level did it, then it would be time to fight.


**** that. Let them come. It would be time to fight at any level.

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01-21-22, 16:56
It won’t happen here for one very simple reason. Unlike our friends down under, The US is full of armed individuals. Honestly, it’s just that simple.

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01-21-22, 17:07
It won’t happen here for one very simple reason. Unlike our friends down under, The US is full of armed individuals. Honestly, it’s just that simple.

That and this whole narrative falls further apart daily. At the peak of Imnicron, the most transmissable varient yet, they wanna pass out test kits?
Then there's the issue of about 1/3 us lost our minds during all of this. People whom you would never imagine are wearing plastic bags over their heads and locking their kids in the trunk of their cars. No shit 18 months ago these guys were normal.

If they started shooting right now it might take me two months to find and observable difference in who's crazier an overbearing Federal .Gov or the looney tunes folks and their FBI handlers.

01-21-22, 17:08

01-21-22, 17:12
The 1940's concentration camps in the USA demonstrated it can happen here with the minions gleefully making it happen.

As far as quarantines have historically been handled, it seems most of them have been new arrivals to an area(not even necessarily known to have been exposed to anything), arrivals from a known affected area, those known to be exposed, or those known to be infected or a carrier.

The approach of letting people travel from a known affected area and then quarantining everyone in that area since they might have been exposed to something the folks let in might have been exposed to(or just any other desire from the same group that facilitated the initial exposure) seems to be a new way of doing/defining things

01-21-22, 17:20
2 years ago I said that the govt power is at its most powerful when it is local and in realm of fighting disease/pandemic. That’s as old or older than democracy. You have a disease going around, the govt has the authority and even the responsibility to stop it.

Now of course there are limits based on how transmissible and deadly the disease is. And I think that is were the left lost all perspective. For a disease killing 0.1-0.2 of the general population- they really shouldn’t have that much power. You have a small pox break out- they have a lot of power.

And when the threat goes away, the restrictions go away. The left failed on all these counts- proportionality to the threat and the length of implementation.

For some reason, the right never argued these points. It was all or nothing on either end. And worst of all, if we ever do have a real threat- like small pox or a virus that spreads like Omicron and kills 10%- we will all be fighting this last disease instead of the one in front of us. When we will have to really quarantine people, really have a vaccine that works, and have widespread PPE.

This was the Seinfeld version of the plague. Maybe next time it goes after people in the first 10 years of their life instead of the last 10.

Might be a fluke, but there is a very aged segment of society that kept on with their careers(many for decades) without being affected by it much other than sticking a mask on when they thought cameras were about.

01-21-22, 17:54
I noticed the gun stores around me are very busy with older people in their late 50s, 60s or even older....and a lot seen to be first time owners from my observations.

01-21-22, 17:59
I noticed the gun stores around me are very busy with older people in their late 50s, 60s or even older....and a lot seen to be first time owners from my observations.

That's kind of cyclic, it was the same during the riots of the 60's.
Waking up at sixty must be a bit disturbing though.

01-21-22, 19:57
That's kind of cyclic, it was the same during the riots of the 60's.
Waking up at sixty must be a bit disturbing though.

Yeah, then there's the other end of the spectrum with a dude who rounds up to 60 age-wise, has no kids, and wonders what to do with this "cool" stuff. If the wife lives longer some other dude shoots my guns and then puts them away dirty :mad:.

01-21-22, 20:32
That's kind of cyclic, it was the same during the riots of the 60's.
Waking up at sixty must be a bit disturbing though.

The two guys I heard talking to the LGS person stated they lived in a retirement community as well....they were interested in the Sig RXs for some reason.

01-21-22, 22:04
The two guys I heard talking to the LGS person stated they lived in a retirement community as well....they were interested in the Sig RXs for some reason.

They live in a retirement community… their time has passed …. No offense to all the old timers.

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01-21-22, 22:43
They live in a retirement community… their time has passed …. No offense to all the old timers.
Not necessarily, retirement community is merely 55+, I know some very capable, fit 55-65 yo that can seriously hurt anyone who challenges them.

01-22-22, 02:14
Not necessarily, retirement community is merely 55+, I know some very capable, fit 55-65 yo that can seriously hurt anyone who challenges them.

There are places here that are fifty and over, it's really amazing to me that people hate kids that much.

01-22-22, 03:01
Hopefully by now we can all agree they have some ulterior motive behind pushing the jabs onto people. Even with all the information conclusively against their agenda, they're still pressing forward, and acting as if time is of the essence, like they're trying to hoodwink and or bully as many as possible into taking it before they wake up to the reality that they've been lied to.

But why?

Money? Could it really be that simple? The drug companies bribed our officials to put jabs in arms no matter what, just so they could sell some shots? Sounds more like a fringe benefit to me. To claim this is all about money seems tantamount to saying that the Holocaust was all about selling Zyklon B.

I think where a lot of conspiracy theorists get bogged down is confusing fringe benefits for primary motives.

What if this is in fact the largest human trial in history testing some new technology? And what if the size of the test group is key to the experiment's success? You really have to start thinking along those lines with all of the reports of exotic ingredients, and especially with the revelation from Germany that a significant percentage of the vials contain pure saline, confirming whistleblower testimony that they witnessed vials of saline in entire batches leaving the lab.

And of course that would also explain the wild range of adverse events reported across different batches, where one batch is associated with extremely high rates of injury, and the next has zero adverse events reported.

Which also jives with the anecdotal reports, where many, many people report side effects, whereas others report none.

Hate to say it, but this sounds an awful lot like the Tuskegee Experiment on a global scale.

01-22-22, 03:58
Hopefully by now we can all agree they have some ulterior motive behind pushing the jabs onto people. Even with all the information conclusively against their agenda, they're still pressing forward, and acting as if time is of the essence, like they're trying to hoodwink and or bully as many as possible into taking it before they wake up to the reality that they've been lied to.But why?

I think based on the facts, what they're most afraid of is the curtain coming back on all of this and how it relates to the agenda being advanced.
If we suddenly discover we're being BS'ed on such a grand scale, all trust is lost. They have force and I'm sure they're willing to use it, but if you don't have credibility you don't have willing compliance.

When we face these facts;
This escaped the Wu Han Lab.
Fauci financed the Wu Han Lab.
China knew before we did what had happened, a bioweapon had escaped one of their labs and they told NO ONE.
China since the Covid 19 pandemic has taken moves to advance their international position to include setting up the take over of Tiawan.
I dunno, but if the above is correct, we were hit with a Bioweapon and did nothing about it.

01-22-22, 06:33
I think based on the facts, what they're most afraid of is the curtain coming back on all of this and how it relates to the agenda being advanced.
If we suddenly discover we're being BS'ed on such a grand scale, all trust is lost. They have force and I'm sure they're willing to use it, but if you don't have credibility you don't have willing compliance.

When we face these facts;
This escaped the Wu Han Lab.
Fauci financed the Wu Han Lab.
China knew before we did what had happened, a bioweapon had escaped one of their labs and they told NO ONE.
China since the Covid 19 pandemic has taken moves to advance their international position to include setting up the take over of Tiawan.
I dunno, but if the above is correct, we were hit with a Bioweapon and did nothing about it.

"we" in any given area is at least 2 wholly different groups so "NO ONE" may not be a fact.


01-22-22, 06:54
DO NOT forget when this happened! The timing was no accident! This attack was to get rid of Donald Trump. Because he was disrupting their plans.

Its also critically important to understand who is this "they"? China did not act alone. The globalists/Davos group/world economic forum have conspired to bring down America. George Soros has been funding anti American candidates and District Attorneys for years. American politicians, corporate America, and MSM have sold out for wealth and power. Many more have succumb to the lies, propaganda, and mass formation psychosis.

To win this war you have to target the enemy. The ones orchestrating the madness.

Sadly all we get are excuses on why you can't do that. As long as that attitude prevails "they" win.

01-22-22, 07:38
I'm rereading Machiavelli's The Prince. It's Tim Park's translation, which is astoundingly good. Cross referencing that with personality psychology gives good insight into why a group or individual might want to do something like this. It really helps cut out all the silly things we all dream up when we're fearful and helps narrow your concerns to what is likely.

I highly recommend reading Tim Park's translation of Machiavelli's The Prince, Hartman's The People Code, and if you want to get into something more complex with scientifically significant data, the Five Factor personality analysis (the Big Five).

In Machiavelli's terms, I believe the virus could well be leveraged by the "princes" to try and change the West's "republics" back into something resembling "monarchies." Just reading through some of the rhetoric from rulers and people like Klaus Schwab is enough, I think, to convince any reasonable person that there seems to be a great desire to centralize power and this desire in common has the West's "princes" more focused on taking power from the common people than fighting with each other.

Machiavelli's opinion was that the only way to take control of a republic was to destroy it, otherwise the people would miss their freedoms too much and eventually rebel.

01-22-22, 08:34
They live in a retirement community… their time has passed …. No offense to all the old timers.

Don't underestimate the old guys, we might've already been there & done this once before!

John Burns – The old man at Gettysburg (https://cavemancircus.com/2021/08/11/john-burns-gettysburg/)

Most details of Burns early life are unknown, but we know that he was born in Burlington, New Jersey, 1793. He fought in the War of 1812, and was present at the Battle of Lundy’s Lane.

After the war, Burns lived and had several different occupations in Gettysburg. He lived a calm life until the Civil War broke out in 1861.

At the age of 70, Burns once again wanted to take up arms, he tried to enlist in the Union Army but was rejected combat duty due to his age. He was accepted to serve as a teamster for a short while until he was ordered home.

On July 1, 1863, Burns watched from his house as the Battle of Gettysburg began to unfold nearby. He knew exactly what he had to do.

Grabbing his old flintlock musket and powder horn in hand, Burns made his way to the Union lines.

As he drew near, Burns met two wounded Union soldiers and pretty much proceeded to give them shit for being out of the fight, saying “your guns are needed over yonder, but you are bleeding and too weak to carry them; give one to me.”

When asked what he’d do with the rifle, his reply was: “Shoot the damned rebels,” Burns said, according to Bates’ account.

Accounts mention that he dressed in clothing he’d worn 40 years ago: trousers and a blue “swallow tail” waistcoat with brass buttons and a tall black silk hat.

Maj. Thomas Chamberlin of the 150th Pennsylvania Infantry and his regimental commander Col. Langhorne Wister allowed Burns to join the fight near the McPherson farm as a sharpshooter.

The aging would-be warrior was sent to the woods where the trees and brush might give him some cover and keep the old man from getting killed.

As the Confederate forces moved on their position, Burns was hit multiple times, once in his arm, once in his leg, and sustained minor wounds to the rest of his body. As the enemy neared, the Union soldiers fell back, leaving Burns behind.

Knowing he’d be executed if he was captured — the penalty for being a bushwacker, aka a non-uniformed combatant, was severe — Burns ditched his borrowed rifle and quickly buried the last of his ammunition.

He managed to convince them he was trying to find help for his invalid wife.

Their doctor bandaged his wounds and Burns found shelter in the cellar of a nearby house, and later, at home.

After the battle, news of Burns’ actions spread, and he was hailed as a hero.

When President Abraham Lincoln arrived to deliver the Gettysburg address, he even met with the aging veteran.

And at the Gettysburg National Military Park is a statue to Burns, an old stubborn warrior, who saw a fight unfold from his porch and leapt into the fray.

01-22-22, 09:07
DO NOT forgot when this happened! The timing was no accident! This attack was to get rid of Donald Trump. Because he was disrupting their plans.

Not really sure on that one because the super new flu vaccine program(mentioned in this 2019 video) that was started by executive order seems somewhat suspect considering how things have played out.


01-22-22, 09:37
Don't underestimate the old guys, we might've already been there & done this once before!

I’d read that account before and enjoyed reading it again just now. You make a good point with a great reference.

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01-22-22, 09:42
What is your point of posting that again? It contains more useful actionable info on covid than any thread on this forum by a margin and I use it as source of studies for med pros and non who are interested in what's the latest data wise adjuvants to covid treatments. It also shows I put my $ and science training where my mouth is and have been researching the topic to assist in all this since day 1.

I failed to see where you ever cited your 'science training' or qualifications on this subject yet I regularly see you dismiss things Robert Malone says and he can go on for hours about HIS 'qualifications' as being an expert on the subject...

Sorry, Not buying anything you are selling.

01-22-22, 11:19
I would not want to be on the crews going around gathering up people in this country to put them in camps because they don’t trust a shady and forced government injection. Sounds like a suicide mission.

01-22-22, 11:41
I would not want to be on the crews going around gathering up people in this country to put them in camps because they don’t trust a shady and forced government injection. Sounds like a suicide mission.

The marxists have convinced themselves the January 6 protest was a violent insurrection and that fire extinguishers and bear spray are the limit of danger the "right wingers" present.


01-22-22, 12:08
The marxists have convinced themselves the January 6 protest was a violent insurrection and that fire extinguishers and bear spray are the limit of danger the "right wingers" present.


The ones at the top know 1/6 was BS. They are however trying to convince the weak minded sheep that it was something to be alarmed about and another reason to hide under their beds, as if the Kung Flu isn’t enough. If conservatives wanted to have an insurrection, it would have happened.

01-22-22, 12:44
Don't underestimate the old guys, we might've already been there & done this once before!

did not know this, thank you!!!!!

01-22-22, 13:53
Don't underestimate the old guys, we might've already been there & done this once before!

And years before that was Samuel Whittemore (https://blog.uspatriottactical.com/american-heroes-stone-cold-samuel-whittemore/)

I'll die in a pile of brass before they put my old ass in a Covid Internment Camp. Bring it on mother ****ers.

01-22-22, 16:18
2 years ago I said that the govt power is at its most powerful when it is local and in realm of fighting disease/pandemic. That’s as old or older than democracy. You have a disease going around, the govt has the authority and even the responsibility to stop it.

Now of course there are limits based on how transmissible and deadly the disease is. And I think that is were the left lost all perspective. For a disease killing 0.1-0.2 of the general population- they really shouldn’t have that much power. You have a small pox break out- they have a lot of power.

And when the threat goes away, the restrictions go away. The left failed on all these counts- proportionality to the threat and the length of implementation.

For some reason, the right never argued these points. It was all or nothing on either end. And worst of all, if we ever do have a real threat- like small pox or a virus that spreads like Omicron and kills 10%- we will all be fighting this last disease instead of the one in front of us. When we will have to really quarantine people, really have a vaccine that works, and have widespread PPE.

This was the Seinfeld version of the plague. Maybe next time it goes after people in the first 10 years of their life instead of the last 10.

Mild or severe, if I’m busy self-quarantined in my home and they come to throw me into a cage filled with the sick and dying? Then I’m within every natural right to kill every last one of them where they stand.

Hopefully that will remind them that they have more important things to worry about!

01-22-22, 17:03
Mild or severe, if I’m busy self-quarantined in my home and they come to throw me into a cage filled with the sick and dying? Then I’m within every natural right to kill every last one of them where they stand.

Hopefully that will remind them that they have more important things to worry about!

I’ve mentioned before that I have a good buddy that lives in northern Italy in the hottest of the hot zones. Add the beginning of this it was looking like a 5% kill rate and everyone was going to get it, soon. At that rate they’re not going to go around and collect people, they’re just going to drop off MREs and body bags at your front doorstep.