View Full Version : Well I hate thieves

01-24-22, 20:10
Some asshole broke into my house I’m rehabbing and got 7k+ worth of tools. Kicked in my back door and were there for at least 30 minutes. Came back the following night to get the rest

01-24-22, 20:46
That's definitely a bummer. Do you have insurance?

01-24-22, 21:04
I friggin hate thieves too.

01-24-22, 21:05
Very sorry to hear this!
My house is rather remote and I wonder if my time will come.
I hate the idea of needing a security system because of all the cost and opportunity for hacking/sharing of info.

01-24-22, 21:32
That sucks. How well I know.

Welcome to the crime victim support group, unfortunately it's a big freaking club.

01-24-22, 23:08
You should change your screen name to Schleprock.

01-24-22, 23:39
I'm sure he's doing it to feed his family....

This crap is getting out of hand. Charles Bronson movies are going to have to be re-made and updated...

01-25-22, 00:13
Charles Bronson movies are going to have to be re-made and updated...

LOL, I was thinking about this the other day.

01-25-22, 00:36
Some asshole broke into my house I’m rehabbing and got 7k+ worth of tools. Kicked in my back door and were there for at least 30 minutes. Came back the following night to get the rest

Personally, I am not in the habit of leaving anything worth much on an unattended jobsite.

Getting things stolen is a warning sign that it is not 'safe' to leave stuff on the job when you are not around.

But you still did...

01-25-22, 05:27
Personally, I am not in the habit of leaving anything worth much on an unattended jobsite.

Getting things stolen is a warning sign that it is not 'safe' to leave stuff on the job when you are not around.

But you still did...

So lots of valid points, but at the end of the day let's not blame the victims.

I've seen people get told it's their fault their guns were stolen because they didn't have a safe, and if they did it was because they didn't have a top of the line safe.

But at the end of the day the OP had his shit locked up in a house he owned. He didn't leave it the tools on the lawn. If he locked them in a footlocker, I'm pretty sure they'd have still been stolen. You shouldn't have to have a AAA rated bank safe for your tools at your home renovation site.

The fault 100% is with the shitbags who probably need hundreds of dollars every day to get high enough to not go through withdrawal. They are opportunistic parasites who will try and steal everything all the time.

I was once painting my house in Ft. Lauderdale with a vintage 80s boombox on the front porch supplying the tunes. I was on a ladder on the side of the house. I saw a car slowing down on the street and I knew EXACTLY what was going on. I jumped off the ladder and intercepted "fat ass black bitch" half way up my lawn with a "Can I help you?" and she mumbo jumbo'd some shit asking about a person that NEVER lived in that house.

I pretended to walk back to my ladder and she pretended to walk back to the car and sure as shit when I doubled back she was half way up my front lawn again. So I literally have to bike lock my radio to the porch rail or I have to take it with me all around the house and risk dripping paint on it OR people will walk right up on my front yard and do a 4pm snatch and grab.

There is nothing a criminal won't do if they think they can get away with it.

So yeah, we can limit our exposure and we can accept a lot of extra work and expense to try and protect ourselves from these aholes, but at the end of the day, if we didn't live in a society that made criminal elements feel safe pulling the shit they do...it woudn't happen.

And we don't need to live in Saudi where they get there hands chopped off, there were plenty of places in 1970s US of A where if you got caught pulling this shit, you got your ass kicked hard. Then the cops often showed up and kicked your ass some more.

If it wasn't for a huge proliferation of CWPs in the last 20 years and the understanding that in most states homeowners can and will shoot you if you break into an occupied dwelling, things would be third world out of hand where if you went outside at night you'd EXPECT to get robbed.

01-25-22, 05:59
A liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet.

01-25-22, 08:19
A liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet.

And a progressive is a liberal that has been mugged and blames themselves…

Move teh stuff out out every night, and your truck gets broken into…

On the Boom Box, porch pirates are CRAZY here. I don’t get it, it’s like random shoplifting…

01-25-22, 10:19
A liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet.

I wish that were true. I've dealt with plenty of our more liberal minded friends who refuse to prosecute their mugger, attacker, etc because of their own political beliefs.

01-25-22, 10:20
Personally, I am not in the habit of leaving anything worth much on an unattended jobsite.

Getting things stolen is a warning sign that it is not 'safe' to leave stuff on the job when you are not around.

But you still did...

Gee, you must be fun at parties.

01-25-22, 10:29
Must just be the crowd on this forum. Everybody else I know just loves having their shit ripped. ;)

01-25-22, 11:53
At the end of the day it is my fault for trusting humanity. I’m more pissed at my neighbors. The individual hit two nights in a row. One night he was there twice or for 5 hours

01-25-22, 12:18
I was once painting my house in Ft. Lauderdale with a vintage 80s boombox on the front porch supplying the tunes. I was on a ladder on the side of the house. I saw a car slowing down on the street and I knew EXACTLY what was going on. I jumped off the ladder and intercepted "fat ass black bitch" half way up my lawn with a "Can I help you?" and she mumbo jumbo'd some shit asking about a person that NEVER lived in that house.

I pretended to walk back to my ladder and she pretended to walk back to the car and sure as shit when I doubled back she was half way up my front lawn again. So I literally have to bike lock my radio to the porch rail or I have to take it with me all around the house and risk dripping paint on it OR people will walk right up on my front yard and do a 4pm snatch and grab.

Amazing. That you didn't commit homicide I mean.

01-25-22, 13:35
Buy some cheap cameras.
They are easy to install and remove.

We had a similar issue happen several years ago, so we put wireless cameras in houses we are getting ready, now. You get notified on your phone and can take appropriate actions from there.

01-25-22, 13:43
What we need are Nest cameras slaved to a remote control 240E pintle mount.

01-25-22, 14:21
What we need are Nest cameras slaved to a remote control 240E pintle mount.

There's a pretty funny video of motioned activated high volume water sprinklers floating around on the 'net. While not as effective as a 240, you also won't go to jail for it.

01-25-22, 15:31
I know I know, feeding the beast but a single ring camera is like $3 a month to have the video storage. It is free if you just want to look at it live or get a notification and look at it when action is happening and not have it stored on the cloud. Simply safe/arlo/ring take your pick….

With that said, ain’t a chance any of that crap is coming inside the house. Only outside flood lights and stick up cameras.

01-25-22, 17:31
Buy some cheap cameras.
They are easy to install and remove.

We had a similar issue happen several years ago, so we put wireless cameras in houses we are getting ready, now. You get notified on your phone and can take appropriate actions from there.

Had cameras. They smashed one. Cut another and the 3rd was out of position

01-25-22, 20:53
Had cameras. They smashed one. Cut another and the 3rd was out of position

Look into Simplisafe.

No wires, do drilling to run any wires because everything is wireless, No 'need' for internet or a phone line as it uses a sim card / cellular connection to contact you / police, Internal battery backup on the main part for if the power to it goes out (or gets disconnected somehow).

Monthly monitoring for me is just under 16 per month and there is no 'contract'. You can place the system anywhere (at any house) yourself in minutes with ease. If you want it monitored after you set it up just give them a call with the new address for where it is at (so they can properly notify police where to go if it is triggered.

IIRC my entire system cost about $250.00ish. Came with 1 camera + all the other sensors one would normally expect. Easy as pie to add or delete sensors whenever you wish and they have a wide variety to choose from. Smoke detectors, CO2 monitors, Water leak monitors, on and on...

Cheap insurance and for me a tax deduction to boot. :)

I called one time out of curiosity and asked them what would happen if I kicked the door in and instantly destroyed the base station (the part with the sim card). Lady said the alarm would not sound due to the base station being 'killed' but that me and the police would still be notified right away. As soon as any sensor 'trips' a signal is sent to their monitoring station. If they do not receive the 'disarmed' signal shortly thereafter they get to work making calls. That first signal is the important one and it gets sent before anyone could have a chance to get at the base station and shut it off / destroy it.

01-25-22, 22:00
I was once painting my house in Ft. Lauderdale with a vintage 80s boombox on the front porch supplying the tunes. I was on a ladder on the side of the house. I saw a car slowing down on the street and I knew EXACTLY what was going on. I jumped off the ladder and intercepted "fat ass black bitch" half way up my lawn with a "Can I help you?" and she mumbo jumbo'd some shit asking about a person that NEVER lived in that house.

I pretended to walk back to my ladder and she pretended to walk back to the car and sure as shit when I doubled back she was half way up my front lawn again. So I literally have to bike lock my radio to the porch rail or I have to take it with me all around the house and risk dripping paint on it OR people will walk right up on my front yard and do a 4pm snatch and grab.

There is nothing a criminal won't do if they think they can get away with it.

So yeah, we can limit our exposure and we can accept a lot of extra work and expense to try and protect ourselves from these aholes, but at the end of the day, if we didn't live in a society that made criminal elements feel safe pulling the shit they do...it woudn't happen.

And we don't need to live in Saudi where they get there hands chopped off, there were plenty of places in 1970s US of A where if you got caught pulling this shit, you got your ass kicked hard. Then the cops often showed up and kicked your ass some more.

If it wasn't for a huge proliferation of CWPs in the last 20 years and the understanding that in most states homeowners can and will shoot you if you break into an occupied dwelling, things would be third world out of hand where if you went outside at night you'd EXPECT to get robbed.

There are lots of places like you describe right there. If they think they can - They will.

Having always had pairs of Dobermans for the last 20 years or so that go literally everywhere with me - If that bitch had walked up in my yard like that I would have kept right on painting until they were 'finished' chewing her a new asshole (or two). And then called 911 to have her carcass hauled off my lawn...

For some strange reason they just despise strangers. :)

A guy that I get a bunch of my work from recently had his truck broke into for the third time in the last year alone. Every single time at a Home Depot parking lot while he was inside for a few getting whatever. This last time they got him they got away with a pistol he had in his console and his business laptop. The pistol cost him little to nothing but the TIME he has to spend now to replace the work he had saved on that laptop is really going to be a hard ass hit for him to get over.

Not at all worried about someone breaking into my truck looking for something to steal if I need to go inside someplace real quick to do whatever. I could leave it unlocked and the doors wide open while I go do whatever and my stuff will STILL be there when I get back. :)




When not at home I have an alarm to let me and whoever else know if anything is going down. Cheap insurance for when criminals do feel brave and try to do their thing.

01-25-22, 22:56
Amazing. That you didn't commit homicide I mean.

Ultimately, it's why I moved. That was gonna come eventually.

01-26-22, 05:15
There are lots of places like you describe right there. If they think they can - They will.

Having always had pairs of Dobermans for the last 20 years or so that go literally everywhere with me - If that bitch had walked up in my yard like that I would have kept right on painting until they were 'finished' chewing her a new asshole (or two). And then called 911 to have her carcass hauled off my lawn...

For some strange reason they just despise strangers. :)

A guy that I get a bunch of my work from recently had his truck broke into for the third time in the last year alone. Every single time at a Home Depot parking lot while he was inside for a few getting whatever. This last time they got him they got away with a pistol he had in his console and his business laptop. The pistol cost him little to nothing but the TIME he has to spend now to replace the work he had saved on that laptop is really going to be a hard ass hit for him to get over.

Not at all worried about someone breaking into my truck looking for something to steal if I need to go inside someplace real quick to do whatever. I could leave it unlocked and the doors wide open while I go do whatever and my stuff will STILL be there when I get back. :)




When not at home I have an alarm to let me and whoever else know if anything is going down. Cheap insurance for when criminals do feel brave and try to do their thing.

That is some "Higgins" stuff right there!

01-26-22, 13:02
Had cameras. They smashed one. Cut another and the 3rd was out of positionSorry to hear that.

Would it help if they were mounted different, high enough that they can't smash and using wireless cameras so they can't cut anything?

Just a thought.

01-26-22, 13:04
There are lots of places like you describe right there. If they think they can - They will.

Having always had pairs of Dobermans for the last 20 years or so that go literally everywhere with me - If that bitch had walked up in my yard like that I would have kept right on painting until they were 'finished' chewing her a new asshole (or two). And then called 911 to have her carcass hauled off my lawn...

For some strange reason they just despise strangers. :)

A guy that I get a bunch of my work from recently had his truck broke into for the third time in the last year alone. Every single time at a Home Depot parking lot while he was inside for a few getting whatever. This last time they got him they got away with a pistol he had in his console and his business laptop. The pistol cost him little to nothing but the TIME he has to spend now to replace the work he had saved on that laptop is really going to be a hard ass hit for him to get over.

Not at all worried about someone breaking into my truck looking for something to steal if I need to go inside someplace real quick to do whatever. I could leave it unlocked and the doors wide open while I go do whatever and my stuff will STILL be there when I get back. :)




When not at home I have an alarm to let me and whoever else know if anything is going down. Cheap insurance for when criminals do feel brave and try to do their thing.Nice looking pups.

We lost our red female a few months ago to old age, still have a black male.

They are a great bread, and I agree they don't like strangers.

01-26-22, 13:13
Cameras can serve as a deterrent, an early warning, and an investigatory aid. However, they don't stop or prevent a whole lot of crime. The MAJORITY of thefts and robbery's I handle happen on tape. A mixture of hard security (replacing door hardware, locking doors and windows, 3M film on ground floor glass), cameras, and good lighting is always a really solid combination, but junkies honestly do not care. Make it so the majority of criminals think getting in is going to be lengthy, difficult, loud, and risky. Hope that the minority of criminals choose another location.

01-27-22, 19:10
Nice looking pups.

We lost our red female a few months ago to old age, still have a black male.

They are a great bread, and I agree they don't like strangers.

Get another before the one you have is too old to help you raise it up.

They really do learn a LOT from having others like them around...

01-27-22, 21:37
Get another before the one you have is too old to help you raise it up.

They really do learn a LOT from having others like them around...Our male is 9 and taking the loss of the female hard. I'm worried when he dies it will mess up the new one.

We were thinking of waiting until he is getting close then get two more so they have similar ages.

01-27-22, 23:02
Our male is 9 and taking the loss of the female hard. I'm worried when he dies it will mess up the new one.

We were thinking of waiting until he is getting close then get two more so they have similar ages.

A new puppy might give your male an extra year or two. If you introduced a new dog now, it would take the eventual loss in 2-4 years much better than your male is probably taking the current loss. Also simplifies who is the alpha.

01-27-22, 23:23
A new puppy might give your male an extra year or two. If you introduced a new dog now, it would take the eventual loss in 2-4 years much better than your male is probably taking the current loss. Also simplifies who is the alpha.

That is possible.
The female was the Alpha.


01-28-22, 19:04
That is possible.
The female was the Alpha.


Had one female left from last pair when I brought these pups home. That existing dog was fairly protective of the yard / property before they came along but once she realized they were here to stay she became really protective of them as well. Bitch would go to the edge of the property lines and be on constant watch for anything whenever I took them all out together. She was not about to tolerate any strange animals or people getting near those pups...

If I could go back in time I would have brought the new pups home a few years sooner so they could have had more time with the older dog and could have learned more from her. Lost the older dog due to DCM before the pups were 6mos old. That sucked big time, Both losing the one girl like that and losing all the training that she could have easily helped the pups learn a LOT faster than without her around.

'Monkey see - monkey do' learning is a real thing with dogs. If they see one dog respond to a command or signal and then perform a particular action to get a reward or praise they will want to do it too. Same thing even if no treats around.

Example: Current girls (back when they were pups) pups both busted their asses many of times when first learning how to jump into the one truck I had that was pretty well on up there in height. The one girl finally figured it out and was soon making the exact jump she wanted with ease each and every time. Her sister saw that and I honestly believe it made her jealous and want to TRY even harder until she could do the same thing just as well. Seemed as if her watching the one girl do it successfully every time gave her more confidence that she could do it also...

01-28-22, 19:16
If I could go back in time I would have brought the new pups home a few years sooner so they could have had more time with the older dog and could have learned more from her. Lost the older dog due to DCM before the pups were 6mos old. That sucked big time, Both losing the one girl like that and losing all the training that she could have easily helped the pups learn a LOT faster than without her around.

'Monkey see - monkey do' learning is a real thing with dogs. If they see one dog respond to a command or signal and then perform a particular action to get a reward or praise they will want to do it too. Same thing even if no treats around.

I've seen this work numerous times.

01-28-22, 19:27
Our male is 9 and taking the loss of the female hard. I'm worried when he dies it will mess up the new one.

We were thinking of waiting until he is getting close then get two more so they have similar ages.


You bring home a few pups now and it will get his mind off of that loss...

Years from now you will have two more 'of similar ages' that got to benefit some from having the older adult dog around to help you bring them up / help them learn all of the pack rules.

01-28-22, 19:31
Had one female left from last pair when I brought these pups home. That existing dog was fairly protective of the yard / property before they came along but once she realized they were here to stay she became really protective of them as well. Bitch would go to the edge of the property lines and be on constant watch for anything whenever I took them all out together. She was not about to tolerate any strange animals or people getting near those pups...

If I could go back in time I would have brought the new pups home a few years sooner so they could have had more time with the older dog and could have learned more from her. Lost the older dog due to DCM before the pups were 6mos old. That sucked big time, Both losing the one girl like that and losing all the training that she could have easily helped the pups learn a LOT faster than without her around.

'Monkey see - monkey do' learning is a real thing with dogs. If they see one dog respond to a command or signal and then perform a particular action to get a reward or praise they will want to do it too. Same thing even if no treats around.

Example: Current girls (back when they were pups) pups both busted their asses many of times when first learning how to jump into the one truck I had that was pretty well on up there in height. The one girl finally figured it out and was soon making the exact jump she wanted with ease each and every time. Her sister saw that and I honestly believe it made her jealous and want to TRY even harder until she could do the same thing just as well. Seemed as if her watching the one girl do it successfully every time gave her more confidence that she could do it also...


You bring home a few pups now and it will get his mind off of that loss...

Years from now you will have two more 'of similar ages' that got to benefit some from having the older adult dog around to help you bring them up / help them learn all of the pack rules.

Good information, thank you

Do you get two pups from the same litter or go to different breeders?

01-29-22, 09:01
Good information, thank you

Do you get two pups from the same litter or go to different breeders?

Same litter.

Last three pairs have all been from same litters. Different breeders each time but always littermates.

Something I have noticed with littermates -

Even though they come from the same parents they will NOT be carbon copies of the parents or each other. You should 'expect' differences in personalities between them as they mature as well as differences in health related matters.

You can raise them exactly the same, train them exactly the same, feed them exactly the same yet still have noticeable differences between them as they grow into adults.

01-29-22, 10:38
Same litter.

Last three pairs have all been from same litters. Different breeders each time but always littermates.

Something I have noticed with littermates -

Even though they come from the same parents they will NOT be carbon copies of the parents or each other. You should 'expect' differences in personalities between them as they mature as well as differences in health related matters.

You can raise them exactly the same, train them exactly the same, feed them exactly the same yet still have noticeable differences between them as they grow into adults.Great thanks.

You answered the next questions as well.
I guess we will start searching now.

Thanks for the help!

01-29-22, 13:38
Very sorry to hear this!
My house is rather remote and I wonder if my time will come.
I hate the idea of needing a security system because of all the cost and opportunity for hacking/sharing of info.

With the low cot of cameras these days, having cell uplink to call 9-1-1 is the only expensive part of it, unless you want the camera feed routed to your primary location (if your retreat is not your full-time home) & report it yourself. That's a pain, unless you work from home & can monitor the feed the whole time.

01-29-22, 16:12
So lots of valid points, but at the end of the day let's not blame the victims.

I've seen people get told it's their fault their guns were stolen because they didn't have a safe, and if they did it was because they didn't have a top of the line safe.

But at the end of the day the OP had his shit locked up in a house he owned. He didn't leave it the tools on the lawn. If he locked them in a footlocker, I'm pretty sure they'd have still been stolen. You shouldn't have to have a AAA rated bank safe for your tools at your home renovation site.

The fault 100% is with the shitbags who probably need hundreds of dollars every day to get high enough to not go through withdrawal. They are opportunistic parasites who will try and steal everything all the time.

I was once painting my house in Ft. Lauderdale with a vintage 80s boombox on the front porch supplying the tunes. I was on a ladder on the side of the house. I saw a car slowing down on the street and I knew EXACTLY what was going on. I jumped off the ladder and intercepted "fat ass black bitch" half way up my lawn with a "Can I help you?" and she mumbo jumbo'd some shit asking about a person that NEVER lived in that house.

I pretended to walk back to my ladder and she pretended to walk back to the car and sure as shit when I doubled back she was half way up my front lawn again. So I literally have to bike lock my radio to the porch rail or I have to take it with me all around the house and risk dripping paint on it OR people will walk right up on my front yard and do a 4pm snatch and grab.

There is nothing a criminal won't do if they think they can get away with it.

So yeah, we can limit our exposure and we can accept a lot of extra work and expense to try and protect ourselves from these aholes, but at the end of the day, if we didn't live in a society that made criminal elements feel safe pulling the shit they do...it woudn't happen.

And we don't need to live in Saudi where they get there hands chopped off, there were plenty of places in 1970s US of A where if you got caught pulling this shit, you got your ass kicked hard. Then the cops often showed up and kicked your ass some more.

If it wasn't for a huge proliferation of CWPs in the last 20 years and the understanding that in most states homeowners can and will shoot you if you break into an occupied dwelling, things would be third world out of hand where if you went outside at night you'd EXPECT to get robbed.

You failed. If you had cold cocked her ass she would have eventually come to her senses… after she crawled her ass off your property.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-29-22, 16:13
And a progressive is a liberal that has been mugged and blames themselves…

Move teh stuff out out every night, and your truck gets broken into…

On the Boom Box, porch pirates are CRAZY here. I don’t get it, it’s like random shoplifting…

A Dutchie or Malinois or even a Dogo Argentino would quell that shit toute d’suite. That, I guarantee!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-29-22, 22:30
You failed. If you had cold cocked her ass she would have eventually come to her senses… after she crawled her ass off your property.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

For walking half way up my yard? This was a predominantly black neighborhood, I don't think starting an assault was the way to begin. I interdicted her efforts, I don't think punching a large, black 20something female because "I knew" she was gonna steal something would hold up in court. You go ahead and manage things your way.