View Full Version : Constitutional Convention

02-01-22, 09:31
If memory serves, this is the scenario that begins “Patriots” isn’t it? A CC gets hijacked by leftist activists and the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments get gutted. Maybe skip the CC while Joe is in office…


02-01-22, 09:35
If memory serves, this is the scenario that begins “Patriots” isn’t it? A CC gets hijacked by leftist activists and the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments get gutted. Maybe skip the CC while Joe is in office…


Hell NO for a CC

02-01-22, 09:46
No it’s not “Patriots” is it? I can’t remember the book.

02-01-22, 09:47
Call me out if I am mistaken, but my understanding is that whether it begins with a CC or in the US Congress it is still the same amendment process.

Any changes to the Constitution have to be voted on with 2/3rds majority approval in both houses of Congress AND ratified by 3/4ths of all state legislatures. A CC ain't any kind of shortcut as near as I can tell.

02-01-22, 10:47
Call me out if I am mistaken, but my understanding is that whether it begins with a CC or in the US Congress it is still the same amendment process.

Any changes to the Constitution have to be voted on with 2/3rds majority approval in both houses of Congress AND ratified by 3/4ths of all state legislatures. A CC ain't any kind of shortcut as near as I can tell.

I don't believe it would be possible to get a 2/3rds vote on ANYTHING consequential in this country anymore, much less 3/4ths.

02-01-22, 10:47
Call me out if I am mistaken, but my understanding is that whether it begins with a CC or in the US Congress it is still the same amendment process.

Any changes to the Constitution have to be voted on with 2/3rds majority approval in both houses of Congress AND ratified by 3/4ths of all state legislatures. A CC ain't any kind of shortcut as near as I can tell.

You're right. A CC isn't a shortcut to the Constitutional Amendment process and it isn't a ratification process for proposed amendments. It's the States using the power they have to do what the Congress refuses to do.

02-01-22, 10:52
I don't believe it would be possible to get a 2/3rds vote on ANYTHING consequential in this country anymore, much less 3/4ths.

See, this is why we need a "like" and "love" button....

02-01-22, 11:50
I’ll just leave this here:

Joe Biden is President.

02-01-22, 12:07
If you're talking about a convention of the states, it is nothing like a "constitutional convention" in the traditional sense. This is the second method spelled out in the constitution as a way to amend it. It cuts congress out of the process entirely. They have absolutely NOTHING to say about it, and gives the process to the states. It was specifically designed for the exact situation we're in. (Rogue congress, which refuses to answer to the people or the states.)

Any amendments proposed must still be approved by a super majority of states, which means the bill of rights (and the 2A) are perfectly safe.

But there are a lot of good ideas which do have popular support among the general population, which most politicians hate (i.e. congressional term limits) which we might get the blue states to go along with.

This is something we should all support!

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02-01-22, 13:10
There was something about it in the show Jericho where the new western government held one in Cheyenne. I remember the mayor(?) walking out swing something about just like that there goes the second amendment.

02-01-22, 14:15
If you're talking about a convention of the states, it is nothing like a "constitutional convention" in the traditional sense. This is the second method spelled out in the constitution as a way to amend it. It cuts congress out of the process entirely. They have absolutely NOTHING to say about it, and gives the process to the states. It was specifically designed for the exact situation we're in. (Rogue congress, which refuses to answer to the people or the states.)

Any amendments proposed must still be approved by a super majority of states, which means the bill of rights (and the 2A) are perfectly safe.

But there are a lot of good ideas which do have popular support among the general population, which most politicians hate (i.e. congressional term limits) which we might get the blue states to go along with.

This is something we should all support!

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And I'm gonna say again, unless you do something about the Capitol Staff Mafia who pull the legislative puppet strings and actually write the legislation all Term Limits are is masturbation at the ballot box because they'll just put new marionettes on the same strings.

02-01-22, 14:52
No telling what they would horse trade for to give away the 2A….

02-01-22, 15:05
No telling what they would horse trade for to give away the 2A….

An Article V can also have limits set by the states, like recalling and removing rogue delegates or rescinding their authorizing resolution.

02-01-22, 15:31
The Second Amendment is in absolutely no danger regarding a constitutional amendment to repeal it. It takes 38 States to ratify an Amendment to the Constitution, this has been taught in Civics and Government classes in high schools nationwide for quite some time. Even if it were to be proposed, how many States would vote in favor of repeal? 10? 15? There aren't enough deep blue states to repeal the Second Amendment, period.

If Congress alone could repeal the Second Amendment, they'd have done it by now. As has been mentioned, a convention of states specifies the purpose of the convention and can limit its scope and what is to be put on the table for discussion.

02-01-22, 18:23
The Constitution is not easy to amend. There is a reason for that.

02-01-22, 20:56
And I'm gonna say again, unless you do something about the Capitol Staff Mafia who pull the legislative puppet strings and actually write the legislation all Term Limits are is masturbation at the ballot box because they'll just put new marionettes on the same strings.

California has term limits for state office. Look how far that works for the people.

The end result is this, government is the symptom. The disease is the people themselves. We have a representative government and for the most part. People elect scum to represent them.

02-01-22, 21:21
California has term limits for state office. Look how far that works for the people.

The end result is this, government is the symptom. The disease is the people themselves. We have a representative government and for the most part. People elect scum to represent them.

Yup. A friend north of the order said it pretty well, re the Convoy Revolt up there (WARNING, LONG!):

"The "coward of the cottage" may be us... me. This is difficult to accept, but I find that when it comes to admitting the truth, a fellow is very apt to spin endlessly, rather than take responsibility for where we are - in hiding from the very truth that we claim to seek. When this coward nature controls us, we are quick to lash out at anything which even suggests that we are at fault. I am suspecting that the reason for so much disgust for such a coward is because the mirror shows more than we are willing to see. This evasive government of the mind which will not tell the truth, nor accept it, needs to be replaced - as painful as it may be.

Listen quietly now - we are all hunters here - we know enough to be quiet and watch for the commonly unseen signs - the tracks, the feed patterns of the quarry, the reproduction manner of the beasts. Look again and see where this government comes from - it comes from us - and fed on lies and reproduces as it argues against the truth - telling us things that we wanted to hear - spend - corrupt - be untrue - and shift the guilt to someone else - this beast is no friend - it has teeth and claws to defend its lair - and when you read that first line, it rose up high to rule your mind - ready to rip up an old man who dares to expose and oppose it. Just settle down and remember other times when the truth has made you furious - and the beast in you destroyed everything good - precious lives - maybe your own - maybe your children - maybe your home - be quiet and watch.

This rally against the corrupt government of our country, is really a rally against the very corrupt government of our minds - and if we think that it will let go without a struggle, we do not know our mind - it is angry - it is hurting - it is weak and knows it - but in the manner of the beast, it will not admit this, nor let truth in - to rule. Guilt and arrogance prevents the honesty that would open the doors of our heart to accept truth in to reign. The mind is not a democracy - we do not have the right to decide the truth, but we can be overwhelmed - conquered by it, and then we bow - subject to it. The Truth is really a Great King - that rules in love - feeding us and protecting us, and guiding us through our lives each day.

Honesty is good. Purity of heart - nobility is good. The willingness to ask... seek the thoughts of truth that they may rule - that is good. Humility before this new king is good. Love is good - it is the condition of the heart that unites in hope - and when we look around, even our enemies have no quarrel in our minds... peace - it is in the Kings good hand.

When we look back on these days, we will see that it was not we who removed the coward from the government of our hearts, but a greater power wielding the sword of Truth - which is raised by an arm much greater than our own - not to harm us, but to heal our land... in us. It was not only Canada who was ruled by a tyrant, but we...I - inside.

We will gather to honor not ourselves for our good deeds, but to bow - subject - to praise his Majesty and admit that God with love does rule.

The lessons to be learned here are less logical tactical lessons, than personal motivation and personal-government-from-within lessons. Our response to injustice is one of two types - one is response in kind, where a person kicks in return - but the other is not retaliatory. If one of those trucks gets set on fire, what response is normal? - you can already feel the blood pressure go up - revenge! - but there is another. The trucker grabs his precious stuff and jumps out and does what he can to make sure that other trucks back away and fire trucks can get in to quench the fire so buildings are not damaged. When the culprit is brought to him in a headlock, he tells the boys to ease up and leave it to the cops and feels none of the fury that we would expect - why? There is something going on here - and it is not normal - there is a word going around that we men usually save for special occasions - love. The motive for trying to fix what is broken in Canada is not selfishness - it is love - love of country, love of family, love of Good. It is not indignation nor pride nor wages - it is love. When we rely on our countries laws to guide us, it is like relying on speed limit signs - it's all fine until it isn't. If you have love as your guide, you would drive at a safe speed, and the law becomes irrelevant - and if roads are bad, that law does not guide you well at all.

Trudeau has come to represent oppressive law - which we have all recognized as unjust nearly all the time - but we want to be regulated like we should be - by the heart. This transition is going to be difficult - notice how the truckers are not being headstrong in Ottawa - they are bowing to whatever will be. This is in resignation to some cause that is greater than themselves - which it seems that they really do not understand. Once a person breaks free of law, they are free - but in this case, they are even more constrained to good behavior by love. This is an amazing thing - truly amazing - miraculous even - because there is not one trucker there which is naturally apt to do what anyone tells him to do. There is a very old story - thousands of years old about an ass which had never been rode being the one to carry the new King into the city to be presented to the people as they rejoiced in their greeting of the coming King. This ain't normal - and this is beautiful - and this is happening as we watch.

When this happens in the US of A, it will be more amazing still, because when the deep differences in the Americans are healed, it will not be enforced with guns nor law nor constitution, but by the kind feelings of love when people bow to truth, rather than to law. Samuel Colt could only dream of such an equalizer as love.

Will there be opposition? - yes - and that is best, because when two types are brought up hard one against the other, it can be seen what they really are - as is seen in Trudeau and other things here - the opposition to truth reveals the truth as being the light that has absolute power over darkness. So there will be mockery and denial and sharp words to goad - do not despair - truth will out - and Truth will rule. Prepare your garlands.

As a little footnote, I might mention that if we begin to feel a full heart as we stand for our country, it is not really a pride in what we've done, but it is more a thankfulness for a great undeserved gift - our place in the service of the Giver."
--"anchor3593" at CGN

02-01-22, 23:53
If memory serves, this is the scenario that begins “Patriots” isn’t it? A CC gets hijacked by leftist activists and the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments get gutted. Maybe skip the CC while Joe is in office…


Agreed. There is already a “Constitution” written and waiting in the wings, btw.

Let’s just fix these issues at a local and state level then “starve the Dragon”.

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02-01-22, 23:54
You're right. A CC isn't a shortcut to the Constitutional Amendment process and it isn't a ratification process for proposed amendments. It's the States using the power they have to do what the Congress refuses to do.

Then they could refuse to collect taxes for the Fed if they are so inclined. The Governor and the Mayors can refuse to work with the Feds on certain cases, etc., etc.

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02-01-22, 23:55
If you're talking about a convention of the states, it is nothing like a "constitutional convention" in the traditional sense. This is the second method spelled out in the constitution as a way to amend it. It cuts congress out of the process entirely. They have absolutely NOTHING to say about it, and gives the process to the states. It was specifically designed for the exact situation we're in. (Rogue congress, which refuses to answer to the people or the states.)

Any amendments proposed must still be approved by a super majority of states, which means the bill of rights (and the 2A) are perfectly safe.

But there are a lot of good ideas which do have popular support among the general population, which most politicians hate (i.e. congressional term limits) which we might get the blue states to go along with.

This is something we should all support!

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NOTHING is ever “totally safe”…

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02-02-22, 05:36
NOTHING is ever “totally safe”…

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We just witnessed a rigged national election where Joe got the most votes ever cast. Let that sink in, a candidate that hid in his basement and was encouraged publicly not to run did that?

02-02-22, 08:56
There was something about it in the show Jericho where the new western government held one in Cheyenne. I remember the mayor(?) walking out swing something about just like that there goes the second amendment.

That's the one.

Jericho- where no one went hungry and the Maybelline factory never closed so the chicks always looked their best, but the S had HTF. Where a walkie talkie in hand spoke more than a weapon.