View Full Version : Is Trudeau hiding inside the US?

02-03-22, 17:58
No kidding, I just heard he left Canada to hide in the U.S.
If so, Wow, just Wow.

02-03-22, 18:56

02-03-22, 19:38
Hopefully they find him in the White House giving Biden a lap dance.
Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

02-03-22, 19:40
He’s probably in Cuba


02-03-22, 20:12
He’s probably in Cuba


Given the current INSANITY we live in, it more than feasible.

02-03-22, 20:17
****ing disgrace. What a worthless ****ing pussy!

02-03-22, 21:27
His address/speech on the truckers was strange.

02-03-22, 22:41
His address/speech on the truckers was strange.

He's strange. Really, really strange...even for Canuks, really strange.

02-03-22, 23:24
He's strange. Really, really strange...even for Canuks, really strange.

What do you expect from a Commie POS spawned by a Kremlin asset? #AngletonWasRIGHT

02-04-22, 13:09
I'd sell him out to the highest bidder - or bind him hand & foot & leave him with some truckers at the border!

02-04-22, 15:06
Only in todays insane and upside down world, would this ASSCLOWN's words make any sense. https://www.bitchute.com/video/lI4Wdl6028Nm/

john armond
02-04-22, 15:32
The desire to be free from government overreach and restrictions is now considered threatening hate speech, however taking over and burning down whole swaths of cities through violence is considered peaceful protesting. Clown world.

02-04-22, 18:41
I've worked my way through YouTube looking for misbehavior, at the most, people are just sick of the noise.
One Lady was near hysterical, but She appeared rather suspect during the interview.
I have to say, it's been a great joy to watch and I hope they keep it up.

They've just pushed people too far, if Canada can figure that out hopefully others can too.

02-04-22, 19:12
The desire to be free from government overreach and restrictions is now considered threatening hate speech, however taking over and burning down whole swaths of cities through violence is considered peaceful protesting. Clown world.


Marco Mendicino is Canada's new minister of public safety and the one in charge of confiscating all the registered AR-15s, SBRs and handguns.

Here he is flat out lying by calling the protest racist and violent. There is no mass call for violence. Truckers and protesters have been stopping anyone that tries to cause any problems like that. The Liberals have no integrity and can lie with impunity because the media will back them up. Doesn't matter how bad or obvious the lie.

Justin Trudeau bragging about bribing the media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5pIIUf4fhY

What do you expect from a Commie POS spawned by a Kremlin asset? #AngletonWasRIGHT

Everything you need to know about the Trudeau family and what's happening to Canada:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's tribute complimenting Fidel Castro as "remarkable" and a "larger than life leader who served his people" drew criticism and derision.

Trudeau under fire for expressing admiration for China's 'basic dictatorship'

The Trudeau family's love of tyrants

The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

I’ve known since I was a teenager that some public school social studies teachers seem to lean toward Marxism. I came home one day from Grade 8 social studies class telling my parents that my teacher thought the Soviet Union was just terrific. My dad had a different view. He didn’t think much of the fact that Joseph Stalin had starved 10 million people, mostly Ukrainians

Communism still present on campuses 100 years after the Russian Revolution
A hundred years later, the communist thoughts that inspired Lenin to rebel against the Russian monarchs and aristocrats, still exist in Canadian universities.

Vandalism of sign commemorating victims of communism is 'deplorable', Ukrainian Canadian Congress states

Long Live may 1st, the day Trudeau banned guns.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers Day (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers%27_Day#:~:text=The%20first%2 0of%20May%20is%20a%20national%2C%20public,Labor%20 Day%20on%20the%20first%20Monday%20of%20September.)
the date was chosen in 1889 for political reasons by the Marxist International Socialist Congress


Exact same subversion you guys are dealing with:

Austin City Hall was vandalized



02-04-22, 19:41



gofundme is now compromised. A workaround/alternative will have to be found for future endeavors.

You don't have much time to ask for a refund.

02-04-22, 19:43
He’s probably in Cuba


The author's claim the media wouldn't be complicit in a cover up doesn't exactly help any other claim the author is making.

02-04-22, 19:53
gofundme is now compromised.

Apparently you don't have much time to ask for a refund.

They have been corrupted for a while now.

Time to start sending real checks instead of 'internet money'...

02-04-22, 20:32
If any workarounds are shut down too and mail is intercepted then you'll have to deliver cash donations and supplies.

A digital currency would put an end to well funded protests for freedom.

They'd even know if you were just buying and delivering supplies.


02-06-22, 15:20
Ottawa police begin increased enforcement, choking off protesters' fuel supplies, issuing tickets


It represents a significant change in the police response to the chaotic situation in Ottawa — where demonstrators have become entrenched in the city's downtown core, setting up structures and securing supplies of food and gas.