View Full Version : What/Where to stake (See Pic)

12-16-08, 06:31
I just picked up a Stag 1L last night, and I see that compared to the Charles Daly the two top bolts are not secured near as well. On the stag it looks like a straight chisel was set across the top of the bolt and it was struck and made a slight indention. On the Charles Daly there is a round conical punch set at the OD interface of the bolt and it is deeply punched and thus making the threads unable to move. I will re-create what Charles Daly did on these two bolts. My question is, what else am I needing to do? I have seen where the term "Side Staked" was used in talking about the Stag guns. Is this an area that I need to pay attention to? Feel free to reply with my picture edited....its much easier for us NOOB guys to understand a picture rather than words that have limited meaning to us!

I was very happy that during the current price gouging I was able to locate a dealer with 4 Stag Rifles on hand and he was selling at his normal price. Anyone else want a Stag near Western PA? I'll tell you where this dude is!

12-16-08, 06:46
Have you read:
Oh No! I bought a BM/RRA/Stag before I knew better! (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=7376)
Bolt Carrier Staking (http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=6993)
and Staking Bolt-Carrier Key Screws (http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=5063)?

They should answer all of your questions. If not, just click on them, they are links.
